Google’s Anti-White Propaganda


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AP Pass Rate By Race

Comment: “Nationwide in 2015, the pass rate for blacks was 29.2%, Hispanics 40.4%, whites 62.4%, and Asians 67.3%. This is the same racial discrepancy seen on all standardized exams.”

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Why Are Women Reporting On Sports?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I have often wondered about the marketing research that says female sideline reporters at NFL games are a good idea. Michelle Tafoya could eat crackers in my bed but we wouldn’t be talking about football because she knows less than I do which is not much.

* Women broadcasting sports? Retarded. I’ll buy into women broadcasting sports when there’s an ugly, sweaty female representative from some woman’s sports category on EPSN/NFL broadcasts. Until then, the know-nothing but cute little cookies that shake their cakes for the camera while they tele-prompt their way through a broadcast only represent high-level retardation. The women pretend to know something and the men pretend to listen.

* The top Premier soccer club in my state fields boys’ and girls’ teams at a variety of age levels. A few years ago, the boys’ U-15 team and girls’ U-18 team both won state championships. Someone in the organization thought it would be a good idea for the two teams to play a “friendly”. Much to the shock of the SWPL parents in the stands, the boys won by the selfsame 7-0 score, with the boys’ coach forbidding them from shooting during the final 20 minutes, and directing them to simply play “keep-away” with the ball.

Plot twist: Every one of the girls’ starters went on to play college soccer on a full scholarship the next fall. The boys all went on to their freshman year of high school.

* The disparity is even bigger in ice hockey. Any decent boys high school team will demolish female world champions. But if you want to elicit maximum rage from feminists, ask why there is a need for women chess tournaments.

* Women should not be in military combat at all. Even if they somehow physically qualify. It impacts cohesion of the unit.

I’m watching the Olympic trials for the women’s steeplechase. This is what women’s sports should be – cute girls in skimpy outfits running around and staying in shape. But when the mentally ill men start fighting for Title IX scholarships, women’s sports advocates will have to decide between women and trannies. I look forward to their decision.

* Trannies, like homos, tend not to dwell in the palace of truth.

* I’m far more concerned about the failure to get a minimum cup size imposed in women’s beach volley ball.

* I want to add to the pile of “separate but equal” nonsense the contention I heard last night that WNBA women players should be paid the same as NBA male players. Bill O’Reilly devoted his full hour to showing hilarious interviews conducted by Jesse Watters of young people (men and women) on various beaches around the country. Apart from the standard questions of who the U.S. fought in various wars (France, for some reason, was a favorite response), one young woman contended that she thought WNBA players should be paid the same as NBA players. Leaving aside the fact that WNBA games do not draw anywhere near the crowds or TV viewing audience as NBA games, there is the issue of whether it would be equal pay for equal work. We have the great example of professional tennis where women were able to extract the guarantee of same prize money as the men despite the fact that women only play best 2 out of 3 matches while men are forced to play best 3 out of 5 matches. That leaves aside the fact that Serena and Venus Williams were not able to come close to beating the 203rd ranked men’s player in 1998, as another poster noted the other day. Time to abolish women’s sports as a separate category altogether now that sexual identity has entered the picture.

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Forward: ‘India’s Jewish ‘Lost Tribe’ Faces Hard Times in Israel’

It’s funny how all low-IQ groups have these problems.

Forward: The result so far has been a group plagued by absorption and integration difficulties as harrowing as those faced by many previous non-European immigrant groups in Israel — and maybe more so, thanks to their sheer distance from Jewish life until recently, and to the skepticism that still surrounds their claims of a past Jewish connection.
According to Malachi Levinger, the head of the local council of Kiryat Arba, a city in the West Bank where 700 Bnei Menashe have settled, including many placed there by Shavei Israel, at least 73% of the group’s youth are considered at risk.
With their parents mostly absent because of their need to work long hours at low-end jobs, teenagers from the community are prone to alcohol abuse, petty crimes and encounters with the police, said Yoni Nachum, coordinator of Bnei Menashe programs for the local council.

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Vox: ‘Ethnic nationalism is bad for the Jews’

What they mean to say is “Gentile ethnic nationalism is bad for the Jews.”

From Matthew Yglesias at VOX:

That Trump’s efforts to mobilize white nationalism as a force in American politics has inadvertently also mobilized anti-Semitism does not come as a surprise to either white nationalists or Jews.

Jews have historically fared very well in the United States versus in other Western countries, in part because the United States — for all its deeply troubled racial history — has generally not defined American identity in ethnic blood and soil terms.

Organizations like the Ku Klux Klan that have wanted to bring more of that spirit to American politics have not looked kindly on the Jewish presence in American life. At the same time, even though Jews have never been subject to formalized legal discrimination in America, Jewish people were massively overrepresented in the ranks of white supporters of the civil rights movement — recognizing a shared interest in promoting an American civic identity and strong culture of nondiscrimination.

The idea of an ethnically conscious political mobilization of white people that garners heavy Jewish support makes a certain amount of sense in the specific context of late-20th-century New York City where Trump comes from. David Dinkins, the city’s first (and so far only) African-American mayor, defeated the Jewish incumbent mayor in the 1989 primary. Dinkins’s Republican opponent, Rudy Giuliani, lost narrowly in 1989 and won narrowly in 1993, both times securing many Jewish votes. But these electoral dynamics are entirely disconnected from the larger logic of American politics in a way that Trump’s Jew-bashing supporters see quite clearly even if Trump himself does not.

Meanwhile, Trump has not acted to distance himself in any way from the anti-Semitic behavior of his followers. There’s been nothing remotely in the vicinity of Barack Obama’s famous race speech from the 2008 campaign, and Trump has consistently appeared angrier about being criticized for ties to anti-Semites than about the anti-Semitism expressed by many of his fans. His campaign is promoting ethnic nationalism in a way that hasn’t been seen in decades, and that mobilization of majoritarian ethnic identity is bad for the Jews, whether Trump likes it or not.

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