Lightning Rod Pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC Is Mostly Backed by Jewish Donors

Forward, Feb. 12, 2016: The largest super PAC backing Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race is turning its fire on rival Bernie Sanders — and it’s doing it with Jewish money.
At least eight of the top 12 donors the pro-Clinton Priorities USA Action are Jewish — and one more is married to a Jew. Jews have contributed over half of the $41 million raised so far by the super PAC.
Though the group had planned to save its money for the general election, Priorities will now spend millions in upcoming primaries to promote early voting among groups likely to back Clinton, and to run pro-Clinton ads in South Carolina, according to a report in the Washington Post.

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Tablet: How the famed writer’s unrequited passion for Janet Sussman led to the era-defining best-seller, and how Segal, who died six years ago this week, never got over her.


The Evolution Of Corporate Names


1945: Pittsburgh Toilet Company, Pittsburgh PA

1955: The American Toilet Corporation

1965: Toiletdyne

1975: ICC (International Commode Corporation), a Gulf&Western Company

1985: Toiletron Technologies

1995: Toilessence

2005: Pittsburgh Toilet, a Division of Shengzhou heavy industries, Shengzhou China

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Signs & Portents

Comment: There is no “deep mainstream interest amongst Christians in Revelations”. Studying Revelations for signs and portents only interests maybe 1-2% of Christians.

As far as Christian millennialism is concerned, early Christian Zionists (100-150 years ago) revived and reinterpreted traditional Jewish millennialism, giving it a big boost among fringy Christians … and making more than a few Jews extremely uneasy.

The traditional Jewish narrative is that (1) God kicked Jews out of Israel because they screwed up, (2) the Messiah (Moshiach)–a human, not cosmic being–would arise in Israel, (3) he would do battle with the forces of evil, (4) Jews around the world would flock to his standard and move to Israel, and eventually (5) the whole world would accept him as King of their Kings.

The big point being that Jews were supposed to wait until Moshiach told them to come back. They were NOT supposed to jump the gun, move to Israel, and deliberately force God’s hand. Oh, sure, they could move back, onesies and twosies, to just LIVE there, but not to try and create some Jewish Kingdom. That was blasphemy.

The Christian Zionists are in favor of Jews jumping the gun and moving back to Israel, because more Jews in Israel meant that Jesus (Messiah) will come again, not that the Jewish human warrior Moshiach/King of Kings will come the for the first time.

Christian Zionists are the largest group of millenialists. However, their activities are pretty much limited to Israel tourism, political and military support of Israel and donating to Israeli charities. No “heavy lifting” is required: just visit Israel, vote Israel, donate to Israel, and that’s about it. This leads to weird situations. For example, galut Jews hate Jerry Farwell, John Hagee and their ilk, yet Israeli Jews honor them.

NB: Neturei Karta and mainstream Jews still fight over the legitimacy of a Jewish kingdom/state in Israel. NK is happy to live and be ruled by goyim (both in Israel and elsewhere) until Moshiach returns and sounds his trumpet. For regular Jews in Israel, this is close to treason, particularly when NK is caught consorting with goyim like Abbas and Arafat.

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Jim Brown On The Balcony

NEWS: The Hall of Famer has long been dogged by accusations that he physically abused women. Perhaps the most notorious charge came after his football career, in 1968, when police say Brown threw model Eva Bohn-Chin off the second-floor balcony of his Los Angeles home. Charges against Brown were dropped after Bohn-Chin, who was found on the ground below the balcony, insisted she slipped. Brown did pay a small fine for hitting a deputy sheriff investigating the incident.

Fewer people remember 18-year-old Brenda Ayres, a high-school dropout who in 1965 accused Brown of assaulting her in a Howard Johnson motel near Cleveland’s University Circle. Brown testified during his trial that he knew her and she visited his room. But he said he never assaulted her or had sex with her as she alleged. A jury acquitted Brown.

There have been more accusations that Brown demonstrated violent behavior off the field. has a timeline about Brown’s life that notes many of his troubles, including a 1999 domestic disturbance with his wife, which led to Brown’s arrest. He was accused of making threats toward her. On the 9-1-1 tape from the incident, his wife said Brown threatened to kill her, a claim she later recanted, according to the CNN timeline. A jury found Brown guilty of hitting his wife’s car with a shovel during the incident. He was fined $1,800 and sentenced to three years’ probation and one year of domestic violence counseling, according to CNN.

Over the years, Brown has dismissed the accusations as largely a creation of the media.

“I don’t always claim to be the person who’s done the right thing, but the media’s singled me out as the most brutal cat that ever lived,” Brown told People Magazine in 1991. “I try to treat women with respect. The ones that know me like me and trust me.”

In a 1994 interview, A Plain Dealer Publishing Co. reporter asked Brown about his treatment of women.

“I’m not going to go over all that dried-up s— about women I supposedly beat up. … Anything I did regarding the law is part of the record,” Brown responded.

Brown never had trouble getting past the accusations – a benefit of the era when football was still largely just a sport, not the family-friendly entertainment and cultural juggernaut it tries to be today. He also never faced social media, which could have exploited the accusations against him and forced the NFL’s reawakening sooner.

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