NYT: What the Americans Drawn to ISIS Had in Common

Maybe they are all Muslims?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* What, oh, what could be the subtle factors driving residents of the U.S. to enlist in ISIS? The New York Times offers a study of the diverse factors behind would-be ISIS terrorists.

* There’s a wrong assumption in the title of the article. I wonder how many ‘Americans’ drawn to ISIS think of themselves as such?

* The islamic world and the Christian world have been in conflict for over one thousand years. Given that reality why would any sane Western leader allow for the mass immigration of muslims into their nations?

* Even without the terrorism issue, I can think of many reasons not to want Muslims in our country. As group, they’re unassimilable, backward, and difficult to get along with. Many European countries have learned that the hard way. I most certainly don’t want Muslims in my country.

However, our “War on Terror” seems to have indiscriminately slaughtered a huge number of Muslim civilians, for no particular reason. I think if China invaded America and accidentally killed 1 million Americans, Americans would be slightly annoyed. It wouldn’t surprise me if some American troops overseas journeyed back home to fight back against Chinese forces.

Fareed Zakaria had a special called “Why they hate us” on CNN. He seemed to be completely oblivious to all the Muslim deaths from post-2001 wars. He’s not alone. Most Americans, especially our leaders, seem totally oblivious to this.

One final point. You see a lot of people here (such as Peter Frost) talking about the atrocities of Muslim immigrants (crime, sexual violence, Rotherham grooming, terrorism). While I see those as legitimate issues, I noticed there’s little (if any) discussion here on those 1.3 million deaths. The average person here seems not to lose much sleep over the mass slaughter their government is committing overseas. I’ve actually seen more discussion here on Ta Nehisi Coates than this issue.

I think if there were a little more self-awareness on this topic, a lot of problems could’ve been avoided. If Muslim immigration were stopped (or even reversed), that would be very helpful too.

* Right! That explains the murderous rampages in France and Belgium too! And the rapes in Germany! And the terror attacks in Bali! And the Philippines and Malaysia and Nigeria and everywhere else the Islamic world is next to anything else.

* thankfully the original report from fordham law tells us how many of them were muslim: all but one:

Case by Case – ISIS Prosecutions in the United States

you really gotta wonder if that one is the guy named joshua goldberg (pg. 11 of report)!

* Let’s say the Chinese overthrew the American government due to its historical racism against blacks. Then installed black leaders into power and gave them lots of guns . Then those black leaders ethnically cleansed whites and killed lots of them. Then whites retaliates and killed huge numbers of blacks. As this was happening, Chinese soldiers also killed lots of whites. Some of those whites were fighters, but many were just random civilians.

The Chinese could respond to that by pointing out Americans are racist, gun-crazy, and bizarre. It’s not really their fault that any of that happened. If they had to kill Americans, Americans deserved it.

Then Chinese produced a film called “Chinese Sniper.” The film glorified a Chinese soldier who shot lots of white American resistance fighters. Would you like the film?

Arabs and Muslims may be backward, violent, and oppressive. It doesn’t change the fact that our government totally destroyed a functioning country and turned it into hell.

* No Sunni and Shia don’t get along and if forced to mix will kill each other. This is a historical fact. This is why Iraq is segregated along ethnic and religious lines. Saddam kept them from murdering each other with a brutal police force. Afghanistan is also broken up along ethnic and sectarian lines and killing one another is their favorite pastime. Syria was similarly segregated and run by a religious/secular minority.

The only reason why Iran hasn’t invaded Iraq is because they already made Southern Iraq a Persian province. Iraq now a is a rump state composed of a crippled Sunni middle.

And thanks for neglecting the religious aspect that drives it all. Heaven forbid we mention the Koran commands to wage jihad until the entire world is Islamic or how it’s a express train to heaven for believers or it’s viewing of unbelievers as so much worthless scum with no value whatsoever except as a natural resource.

I just wonder how this aspect can be so neglected when it so heavily factors into Islam terrorism.

* But buried in the report is the information that 75% were “second-generation Americans.” (This is ambiguous. The report doesn’t define “second-generation,” but I’m guessing that it means children of people who came here from foreign countries, not the children of people whose parents came here. It also doesn’t say whether this is 75% of citizens or 75% of the total.)

By counting the faces in the NYT article, I’d estimate that 20-30 were either black or non-ME/Asian white. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there is a much higher correlation between immigration and ME/Asian background than between immigration and African or white background. So, I’m guessing that almost all the Middle-Eastern/Asian ISIS supporters were either recent migrants or the children of recent immigrants.

Hey, that gives me a great idea! How about a moratorium on immigration from Muslim countries!!

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WP: How not to handle a Donald Trump controversy, in 5 easy steps

Aaron Blake writes for the Washington Post:

The problem with the original tweet wasn’t that the use of a six-pointed star is inherently anti-Semitic. The problem was what else was contained in the tweet with the six-pointed star — the words “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!” — and that the star was overlaid on top of a bunch of money. This brings to bear some of the most well-established stereotypes and racist beliefs about Jewish people and money.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, “One of the most damaging and lasting anti-Semitic myths involves the relationship between Jews and money. … Stereotypes about Jews hoarding money, rich media moguls exerting undue influence, and a disproportionate amount of wealth and control in the hands of the Jewish community are not only false, but are also dangerous.” The former head of the ADL, Abraham Foxman, even wrote a whole book about all this, called “Jews and Money: The Story of a Stereotype.”

Just how prevalent these stereotypes are can be hard to say with certainty, since people don’t like to admit their prejudices. But a 2011 poll conducted by the ADL showed 19 percent of Americans say it’s “probably true” that “Jews have too much control/influence on Wall Street.”

And the idea that Trump’s campaign is unfamiliar with this stereotype strains credulity. Even during the 2016 campaign, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump for rejecting money from the “Jewish community” — citing its “control” of politics in America.

And then there’s the fact that the Clinton six-pointed-star image originated on a racist forum. There is a reason for that. The Trump campaign might not have plucked it from this forum — it says it found it on Twitter — or realized that the image might be deemed offensive, but it’s reasonable to assume it was created with some form of anti-Semitism in mind, given the content of the forum. It would be far too big a coincidence otherwise.

The “Frozen” defense is strawman politics, plain and simple. And it looks like it.

2) You would not jump into a delayed double-down

This story broke on a Saturday of a holiday weekend and just as easily could have petered out before people got back to work three days later, on the Tuesday after the Fourth of July. The campaign quickly deleted the tweet and replaced the star with a red circle — apparently acknowledging its fault. Reporters seeking comment on the flap, as usual, came up empty.

Then came the morning of the Fourth of July, and Trump decided to finally respond — on his Twitter feed, naturally.

Suddenly, Trump’s campaign was no longer accepting that this was a mistake and moving on. It was doubling down. Conflicting Signal No. 1.

3) You would not dismiss the potential for offense (hey — they got one!)

At the center of this controversy is Trump’s social media director, Dan Scavino. After Trump re-ignited the controversy the morning of the Fourth, Scavino issued his own statement that night — which explained where it came from and appeared to acknowledge the potentially offensive nature of the image.

Fair enough. The campaign maintained that the tweet wasn’t meant to offend — but basically suggested that it might offend and acknowledged that it was a poor choice. Hence the deletion.

4) You would not say that this thing your campaign deleted to avoid offending people should never have been deleted

Or not. Trump on Wednesday night basically threw his social media director under the bus.

“I said: ‘You shouldn’t have taken it down.’ You know, they took the star down,” Trump said in Cincinnati, according to The Post’s Jenna Johnson. “I said: ‘Too bad. You should have left it up.’ I would have rather defended it — just leave it up and say: No, that’s not a Star of David. That’s just a star.”

Aaron Blake complains that Trump’s original tweet “most well-established stereotypes and racist beliefs about Jewish people and money.”

Stereotypes are generally true. Jews are disproportionately successful with money and with wielding influence, including in politics. So in one sentence, Aaron Blake is saying that yes, stereotypes about Jews and money are generally true, but it is racist to believe the truth. Yeah, got it.

How is calling a belief “racist” a powerful argument? There are only two honorable forms of argument — to contest facts or logic. Name-calling is not honorable argument.

Aaron Blake quotes the ADL: “One of the most damaging and lasting anti-Semitic myths involves the relationship between Jews and money.”

So there is no out of the normal relationship between Jews and money? Jews are not more economically successful and influential than other groups? The ADL calls the facts of life a “myth” and “damaging.” How can truth be damaging? Only if it gets in the way of a con job. Then the truth is damaging to con artists.

ADL: “Stereotypes about Jews hoarding money, rich media moguls exerting undue influence, and a disproportionate amount of wealth and control in the hands of the Jewish community are not only false, but are also dangerous.”

So one man’s hoarding is another man’s saving. Jews do tend to be better than non-Jews at managing money. I don’t see why pointing out this fact of life is dangerous. Compared to their share of the population, Jews do have a disproportionate amount of wealth and power.

The ADL stands for lying to the goyim. Apparently, in the view of the ADL, only by lying to the goyim can Jews be safe.

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Obama Administration Joint Effort With Corporations Can Resettle Refugees Limitlessly

Daily Caller: The White House announced last week that it is launching a “Call to Action” asking private businesses to help with the resettlement of refugees. This could be done without regard to the government cap of 85,000 total refugees, including 10,000 Syrian refugees, in 2016.

Fifteen founding corporations have teamed up with the Obama administration on the effort. These are: Accenture, Airbnb, Chobani, Coursera, Goldman Sachs, Google, HP, IBM, JPMorgan Chase & Co., LinkedIn, Microsoft, Mastercard, UPS, TripAdvisor, and Western Union. The Call to Action initiative is not only to help refugees in the United States, but all over the world.

In Europe for example, Mastercard “worked with Mercy Corps to distribute prepaid debit cards to eligible refugees traveling through Serbia. Approximately $75,000 was distributed to nearly 400 families and individuals.” The three main facets of this private partnership program are: “education,” “employment,” and “enablement.” Education includes “facilitating refugee children and young adults’ education by ensuring that refugee students can access schools of all levels.” The employment facet includes “increasing employment opportunities for refugees.”

Through those two parts of the initiative refugees can be settled in the United States without limit as they wouldn’t fall under the purview of the government cap on refugee resettlement. Through work and education visas refugees would not actually be considered as refugees for their immigration status. One of the companies already partnered with the Obama administration, Chobani, currently has a work force in the United States that is roughly 30 percent resettled refugees. A White House fact sheet states 66 percent of refugees are of working age.

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Is ‘Frozen’ Anti-Semitic?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Who cares? Frozen is one of the few movies for children that isn’t complete PC garbage or inappropriate.

Jews don’t sit around worrying if they are anti-white, anti-black, anti-Muslim or anything else. So what if some people don’t like Jews or Jewish culture, or oppose Jewish interests?

As far as I know, Frozen is a Disney movie, and Disney is very friendly to Jews. What’s next? Will we start calling food producers anti-semitic for plastering kosher symbols all over everything we eat?

* This Jewish paranoia, which makes them see Goebbels’ face in their rice crispies is the opposite side of the coin of their disdain for the outsider.

One thing Jews have in common with blacks in America is that both groups believe themselves to be unwarranted victims of special persecution. With the Negro, this takes the attitude of “dindu nuffins”, while with the Jew it takes the form of Charlie Brown’s lament in the 1950′s pop song “Why’s everybody always picking on me?”

To perceive oneself as the blameless victim of endless persecution requires that one suspend their belief in Newton’s Third Law which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Adults know that human relations are governed by laws of reciprocity–one generally gets what one gives. This fundamental truth lies not just at the root of European Science, but Christianity’s Golden Rule, the notion of Karma in Buddhism and the Yin and Yang of Lao Tzu as well. In short, virtually every spokesman for the great Civilizations believes that actions don’t happen in a vacuum.

Spokespersons for Jews, such as Elie Wiesel, part ways from this ancient wisdom and insist, against all evidence, that their people, uniquely, are not subject to the laws of the Universe. Alone among humanity, they are punished for that which they were not in any way responsible. And in their minds this blamelessness sets them apart. They must have been singled out by God to have to bear such iniquity at the hands of the hoi polloi. God has a special purpose for them. Acting upon the sanction of this special purpose they administer punishment to the Gentile. So, as Freud observed, masochism and sadism complement one another in the same personality.

If a group brings this attitude of blamelessness/righteous wrath to the table, then that is their Script in this life. How an individual member of that group deals with this Script is what creates Kharma, one’s personal moral debts and assets. Believing that one is outside the wheel of human causation casts one in a hellish, anxious otherworld. No wonder Jews are paranoid.

* What a ridiculous way to blow this. The peak time for the Republican nominee to come out swinging at Hillary for Benghazi and the emails and he just gives away this idiotic freebie to the press to lay into him. The antisemitic juxtaposition is blatant to any half-way intelligent person, which means the guy doesn’t even bother to hire half-way intelligent people to run his media operation. It all goes to show he’s not genuinely invested in the campaign itself, just the notoriety and attention it’s brought him.

Salute to Trump playing everyone. This whole campaign is about his own stupid ego. He was able to figure out the anti-immigration angle was untapped but he’s just tapped to run this ego campaign for himself and he’s going to end up setting the movement back when he loses in November.

* I am very impressed with Trump. Perhaps it is because I spent time in NY and so I think I have some kind of awareness of his background. It seems he is simply saying we ought to put America first and that makes sense to me. Also he is unlikely to enlarge NATO nor antagonize Russia. That also seems like a good thing because it is certain that the Democrats are very much in favor of NATO expansion and thus likely to start WWIII. So I think that Trump is good for everyone–including Jewish people.

* How anti-Semitic is Hillary? She grew up in Chicago, a town awash in anti-Semitic symbols, and not once has she denounced the sea of anti-Semitism that surrounded her for decades! In fact, she is proud of her hateful home town!

Here is her home town’s flag, which has not one, but four anti-Semitic symbols!



This horrible flag is displayed all over Chicago, and not once has Hillary called for the flag to be taken down!

She roots for a sports team whose fans proudly display this hateful symbol!



The mayor of Hillary’s home town proudly displays an anti-Semitic symbol on Hillary’s home town website even today!


At a news conference, the mayor of Hillary’s home town stands proudly before this hideous anti-Semitic symbol!


* Peter Bart (the longtime Variety editor-in-chief) wrote in one of his books (Boffo!):

Disney remained something of a hick from the Midwest who thought of Jews as accountants and merchants. I once made the mistake of asking Walt a question that had business implications (we were having lunch at the Disney commissary at the time) and he replied by saying, “Let me check that with my Jew.” He started to summon a financial aide nearby, but I quickly changed the subject.

* Abuse of anti-Semitism charges by Jewish groups against their enemies ends up the same place as overusing antibiotics against disease does, with the target population building up a resistance to anti-Semitism claims, so that even stronger and more hysterical anti-Semitic claims must be found to move the needle at all.

On the other hand, those of us who used to listen to Public Enemy know the word “Frozen” can be stretched and twisted into an anti-Semitic complot. Below are Public Enemy’s lyrics from their song “Welcome to the Terrordome” This song was in response to their “Minister of Information” Professor Griff, being forced to resign from the group for “anti-Semitic” comments back in the late 80′s:

Crucifixion ain’t no fiction
So-called chosen frozen
Apology made to whoever pleases
Still they got me like Jesus

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In Other News…

Steve Sailer writes: In other Justice Department news, Attorney General Lynch announced that Bill Clinton has asked her to stay on as Attorney General, while also being the next nominee for the Supreme Court, and that she signed a ten year contract with the Clinton Foundation with unspecified duties and an unlimited expense account. Her favorite niece will become ambassador to Monaco, her favorite nephew an astronaut, and Ms. Lynch will serve with Mrs. and Mr. Clinton on a new Semi-Unofficial Committee of Three that will oversee the FBI, NSA, and Navy Seals and choose targets of drone strikes (each member gets “one free one per year, no questions asked”). Also, the highest priority legislation of the New Clinton Administration will be “Shoulders & Up Only” hate crime legislation making it illegal to tweet a full body photo of a clothed female federal official.

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