Dennis Prager: Moral people cannot support the Palestinians

Palestinians, like other Arabs, have an average group IQ no higher than 85. Their behavior is pretty normal for Arabs, for Muslims, and for that low level of average IQ. You can only have prosperity when you have an average IQ higher than 97.

If low IQ people didn’t believe in conspiracies, they’d feel crushed.

The battle between Arabs and Jews is similar to other battles between the R-selected (a large number of offspring with little parental investment aka blacks and low-IQ latinos) and the K-selected (few offspring and high parental investment aka the Japanese and other East Asians).

From Wikipedia:

Rushton’s book Race, Evolution, and Behavior (1995) uses r/K selection theory to explain how East Asians consistently average high, blacks low, and whites in the middle on an evolutionary scale of characteristics indicative of nurturing behavior. He first published this theory in 1984. Rushton argues that East Asians and their descendants average a larger brain size, greater intelligence, more sexual restraint, slower rates of maturation, and greater law abidingness and social organization than do Europeans and their descendants, who average higher scores on these dimensions than Africans and their descendants. He theorizes that r/K selection theory explains these differences.

Rushton’s application of r/K selection theory to explain differences among racial groups has been widely criticised. One of his many critics is the evolutionary biologist Joseph L. Graves, who has done extensive testing of the r/K selection theory with species of Drosophila flies. Graves argues that not only is r/K selection theory considered to be virtually useless when applied to human life history evolution, but Rushton does not apply the theory correctly, and displays a lack of understanding of evolutionary theory in general.[30] Graves also says that Rushton misrepresented the sources for the biological data he gathered in support of his hypothesis, and that much of his social science data was collected by dubious means. Other scholars have argued against Rushton’s hypothesis on the basis that the concept of race is not supported by genetic evidence about the diversity of human populations, and that his research was based on folk taxonomies.[31] A number of later studies by Rushton and other researchers have argued that there is empirical support for the theory.

Dennis Prager writes:

Palestinians spread lies about Israel on a regular basis. Lying is a Palestinian art form.
• In what many consider the finest history of the 20th century, “Modern Times: The World From the Twenties to the Nineties,” English historian Paul Johnson wrote this about the African dictator Idi Amin, the cannibal-murderer of hundreds of thousands of his fellow Ugandans:
“Idi Amin’s terror was a Muslim-Arab phenomenon … run by Nubians, Palestinians and Libyans.”
• And, of course, there is the record of Palestinian suicide bombings, the form of mass murder of the innocent that violent Muslims have now spread around the world. The Palestinians did not invent it, but they can look with pride upon a practice that they made popular and respectable.
Despite all this, left-wing Jews and non-Jews speak about the Palestinians as if they are a moral people oppressed by an immoral one.
They should be ashamed of themselves.

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‘Violent cop shooting happening at a #BLM protest in Dallas, let’s see what breaking news is trending on Facebook’


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‘The shooter’s home. #blackprivilege’


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The Dallas Shooter — Micah Xavier Johnson



“Micah Xavier Johnson (right). Professor Griff from Public Enemy (left). Source: Facebook…”


From Twitter:

* Micah Xavier Johnson looks like black female #WestPoint cadets @WestPoint_USMA Why were these cadets not expelled?









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Massacre In Dallas

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Paul Joseph Watson did a very good vlog about “Black Lives matter” posted before the events in Dallas.

Mike Smith posted about the police brutality in South Africa in post-apartheid era.

I guess it help the “media-entertainment industrial complex” to rub Hillary’s “emailgate” under the carpet or some conspiracy theorists might think of a big diversion to hide other plans.

And here some rants on Zerohedge, SHTFplan and Breitbart.

As Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot said it’s a “Black day in July”.

* A black Naval deserter killed 9, including 5 cops, and wounded 13 mostly by using sniper tactics during two days of attacks in New Orleans in 1973.

* The Minnesota shooting may be another Ferguson redux

Police radio traffic before the stop:

The backstory on the convenience store robbery that Castile may have been involved in

Archived facebook photos of Castile

Castile and Reynolds smoking dope with the child in the backseat

* The major cause of all this is that no one is allowed to point out the obvious: that blacks commit violent crimes at exponentially higher rates than non-blacks.

No one is allowed to say the emperor has no clothes.

The PC culture and the court system have removed this defense. So when blacks continuously get locked up and killed from altercations with the police, neither the police or their defenders can say the obvious: the deaths of blacks is exactly keeping with their statistical average for their violent crimes.

We can’t say race exists. And we can’t say that blacks are more violent and less civilized than non-blacks.

As a result, when things like this happen, the best defenses are removed. Imagine if every time a person was accused of a crime, self-defense was not allowed to be heard in court.

So without this defense, cops get an unfair share of heat for dealings with blacks. The media makes the blacks sainted. The cops, instead of pushing back on PC culture, merely get rougher and more militaristic with everyone else—better to live and be thought of as an asshole than die being a nice guy.

And the media plays up the “woe is me” BLM nonsense so blacks feel more entitled to violent behavior—and reprisals. And the corporate media never points out that Trayvon and Michael Brown were the aggressors who got what they deserved, or that Freddie Gray’s treatment was done by other blacks.

People who feel they are the righteous victims feel justified in righteous vengeance; people who feel guilty and responsible for bad actions against them do not act in righteous vengeance. It’s also why the corporate media works overtime in making whites appear as bad guys—to lessen any righteous rage they may feel at the developing caste system around them.

It’s high time we had leaders return to the abandoned arguments of the 1950s and 1960s: race exists, and blacks as a race are more violent than other races. Such arguments save lives–including black lives—by making cops unafraid of defending themselves and acting more cautious amongst blacks, and by making blacks less filled with self-righteous rage and feel responsibility/guilt for the suspicion and nervousness that non-blacks feel about them.

* The Conservative Treehouse seems to be getting at the background of the shooting of Philando Castile in Minnesota. This was the incident where the girlfriend made a video as he was dying in the car.

The police officer stopped the car because Castile matched the description of a Black who was filmed robbing a store three days earlier.

* When I saw the video my sympathies were all with the young couple and child brutalized by this homicidally out of control cop. Then I listened to NPR.

First, they gave extended coverage to the idiot in the White House and his usual low-keyed race-baiting, inserting himself unnecessarily into an already tense situation and making it worse. Then NPR chose to interview some rabble rousing Negro “minister” whose chief claim to fame seems to be having done time for a cop shooting before he “found Jesus”. This clown claimed to have personally known the victim but it was obvious to anyone with a brain he was doing an ex tempore sort-of-eulogy just to get air time and his fifteen minutes of fame. (I hope some one fact checks this and nails NPR to the wall on it.)

The bottom line is that lefties were tripping over themselves to turn an already horrific situation as much worse as they could make it. The payoff is Dallas and what will follow.

* NPR interviewed a Dallas area detective and author about an hour ago, and his advice on how to handle police contact when you’re armed was almost exactly what I advised in the other thread. One addition was that as soon as he comes to a stop, he turns off his engine and turns on his dome light. I’d add, turn off your radio and extinguish any cigarettes.

1. Keep your hands on the wheel until instructed to do otherwise.
2. Keep your wallet and your paperwork as far from your firearm as possible.
3. When the cop asks for your license, hand over your CCW permit, then say something like “officer, that’s my CCW permit, and I have a gun on my [location]. How would you like to proceed?”
4. Take it one step at a time from there, stay calm, keep it slow and steady, follow the cop’s instructions, and make an effort to keep your hands visible. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you need it.

Do these things, and don’t be an ass, and you have a greatly improved chance of surviving police contact, even if the cop is a nervous, trigger-happy wreck, like the cop in Minnesota.

Just going by his baby mama’s story, the dead man handled the situation very poorly. It’s really not hard to know how to handle police stops, armed or not, if you just give a bit of thought to the cop’s POV.

A mendacious, pseudo-intellectual black woman was interviewed on NPR, right after the Dallas cop I mentioned (who was pretty good, btw, fair-minded, informative, and articulate). Lies just poured out of her mouth. She said the guy in Minnesota “did everything right,” etc. The NPR toe-cheese said the same thing he’d said to the cop, that “for blacks, the procedure isn’t working,” and of course she agreed. Wrong, the guy in Minnesota acted like a bonehead, assuming his baby mama’s story is true. Simply slowing his roll would almost certainly have kept him alive. The black pseudo-intellectual actually brought up how the cops who brought Dylan Roof in supposedly took him to Burger King, because he was hungry. Made it sound like they were fellow white supremacists and best buddies or something, when it was probably detectives who were trying to keep rapport with a cooperative suspect until they got him to the station and got his confession on record. See, when you turn yourself in and pose no threat to cops, they take you in alive; what you did previously to get yourself arrested is not the issue. It’s amazing how many liars and idiots they put on the radio.

* Who could have seen this coming? The black President of the United States portrays the situation as a race war between the police and black Americans and certain black Americans take it to heart and decide to fight a race war.

* After the South Carolina shooting last year, the Confederate flag was deemed offensive and brought down nationwide. Sales of it in major stores ceased.

Will something similar occur with BLM now? Wouldn’t BLM at least become toxic enough that a major party presidential candidate will no longer seek its approval?

Yes, I know the answer in advance.

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