‘Trump leads the 1st InfantREEEEEE in storming the beaches of California.’


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Obama’s Orientation

Tweet: > 3-seat couch
> 2 grown men sit practically on top of each other
Sexual orientation confirmed.


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Washington Post: “Dallas Had Finally Shaken the Nickname ‘City of Hate'”

Who came up with the idea that Dallas is the city of hate?

Why does having a black police chief automatically make a city less hateful? Are black men the ultimate cleanser of hatred?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* If I were going to nickname a city “The City of Hate” I’d probably select the city with the highest violent crime rate. As it is, I’m quite certain that city would be firmly controlled by the Democratic Party, and we all know what the city’s demographics would look like.

* The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is more or less the biggest Red State metropolitan area, so its existence chafes.

* It says something about the the DC elite that the shooting of 5 cops by a deranged black man instantly reminds them of the JFK assassination.

Oswald – not only was a communist – but he lived in 22 different locations during his short life. He lived in Dallas but he wasn’t in any way a Texan.

* If I recall correctly, Dallas in 1963 was a major area for the John Birch Society, and the left blamed them and the MIC for the JFK assassination. Oliver Stone’s film alleges something like this.

The preferences of NYC media liberals influence a large amount of our written history, the 60s Dallas was much more Middle America than the 2016 Dallas is, and worse it was Southern.

* It is amazing that, assuming Oswald was the killer, Dallas has been blamed by the media for all these years. It would be one thing if someone believed that Oswald was a patsy and that the Dallas Birchers and racists actually killed Kennedy. But most of these media outlets state that Oswald was the killer. Well if Oswald was the killer, then the assassination had nothing to do with the Birchers and other reactionaries that apparently resided in Dallas in 1963.

Right now I am watching the media seemingly run interference for BLM to exonerate them for this massacre. If they can make right-wing republicans in Dallas guilty of the JFK assassination which was committed by their polar opposite, then I suppose BLM is going to end up OK. I would hope that in 2016 the media would not be able to control the narrative like they did in 1963.

BTW, just think if this massacre had happened at a Tea Party or Trump event. The fact that BLM hasn’t been broken up and banned is testament to how hard the media is pulling for them.

* Obama supporters were very militant in 2012, in case you have forgotten. All the Obama presidency has accomplished is that it has made black people more militant in their attitudes, as though every POTUS from now on should be black.

* I’ve never heard anyone call Dallas the “City of Hate” before. The city itself has been highly minority for decades, though. Whites moved to the suburbs, you know the drill.

* When I was a little kid I used to think Dallas was a blondetopia because of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. But as I got older I found out Dallas is just another typical big American city.

* If any American city deserves the title “City of Hate,” it would be Washington, D.C. It was there in 1865 that President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth, resulting in his death, and where President Garfield was shot and killed in 1881 and where an assassination attempt was made on President Truman in 1950 and where President Reagan was shot by John Hinckley in 1981. A distant runnerup would be Buffalo, NY where President McKinley was assassinated. An even more distant runnerup would be Miami, Florida where an assassination attempt was made on President-elect Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. Even more distant in the standings would be Milwaukee, Wisconsin where former President Theodore Roosevelt was shot while running again in 1912. Clearly, Washington, D.C. stands head and shoulders above other American cities in the category of hate: two successful assassinations and two unsuccessful attempted assassinations. D.C. has Dallas beat by a mile.

* A lot of important limousine Liberals reside in Washington DC, so it can’t be and never will be the city of hate. Not a lot of important limousine Liberals reside in Dallas. Most Liberals in Dallas are working class NAMs.

* I’m 48 years old, lived in Texas for 8 years, and I also am unaware that Dallas was nicknamed the “city of hate.” Closest I’ve come to hearing this was Chris Matthews a few years ago blaming JFK’s assassination by “marxist-leninist” Lee Harvey Oswald on the right-wing environment in TX at that time.

* I guess Los Angeles is a “City of Hate” too, as Bobby Kennedy was assassinated there, likewise New York (Malcolm X). Oakland (Marcus Foster) and San Francisco (Harvey Milk) too.

So many Cities of Hate.

* Google Ngram of “dallas” and “city of hate”

The term “city of hate” is basically a flatline at zero.

NY Times Ngram (Chronicle) of “city of hate”

Basically, seven or eight one-time mentions, only one of which was after the Kennedy assassination, sometime in the mid-1970s, so unlikely to be correlated with the assassination.

Shorter version: Wesley Lowery and the Washington Post are lying through their teeth.

Or, in other words, situation normal.

* Stock market bottomed out in March 2009 when the Obama Administration signaled they would not nationalize the US banking system. Most of the crash of 2008-2009 resulted from investor apprehension regarding how Obama would respond to the recession.

* Bond prices don’t lie. Check out current prices, they’re lower than when the market was tanking during the last crisis. We just need a catalyst. I’m betting on Deutsche Bank failure. They’re up to around 30 trillion in shitty derivative exposure. That can’t continue.
That’s the lede that’s being buried right now. Can’t understand why, since it’s a massive economic bomb like no other about to plaster the EU, that will reverberate throughout the world, but I guess that’s showbiz. Surprise and dread creates more clicks.

* What’s amazing to me is that they haven’t tried to connect this to Trump (yet). If you use enough crazy logic (and that’s the only kind they know) then Trump creates climate of hate which spreads to Dallas which causes police shootings.

The other interesting thing is that unlike Orlando, this has not lead to more “ban guns” talk. I guess disarming black people is not a big seller on the left. Also the fact that the guy used something that looked sort of like an old fashioned hunting rifle (although in fact an old Soviet military design) made it harder to call it an “assault rifle”.

* The Texas beauty ideal is the “beauty queen” look where it is expected that you put some effort into your looks and you are not required to make the fakery look “natural” – the fact that your appearance obviously took some work to achieve is considered a plus – you are willing to put in the work that is needed to succeed. Any cowboy would know that to win a blue ribbon at the fair, you can’t just pick a muddy steer up off the range and haul it directly to the show, you’ve got to put a lot of effort into making it look good first.

* Conspiracy theorists like to make a big deal of the word “allegedly” on the plaque. It’s also good for business – the rumor is that the street vendors on the plaza are the ones who keep scratching around the word to highlight it. All it means is that Oswald was never tried and convicted in a court of law.

I didn’t get the vibe from the Book Depository Museum that they were pushing the conspiracy theory. In fact, once you see the setup, it seems like Oswald had an easy shot and didn’t need co-conspirators, any more than Micah needed help to shoot a full dozen cops with a similar weapon. In my mind’s eye, “Dealey Plaza” was a vast plain like Tiananmen Square and the Grassy Knoll was like the Sheep Meadow of Central Park. But when you see it in real life, the whole thing is a slightly glorified highway off ramp, the Grassy Knoll is the size of a road shoulder and Oswald was 80 yards away from Kennedy, whose car was moving at a crawl because it had just made a sharp turn at a street intersection. The plaza is right at the edge of the downtown grid and the whole thing is on a small urban scale (like the small city that Dallas was in 1963).

* I just noticed the top-rated comment under Ross Douthat’s column at the NYT says that. It essentially screams “it’s because of you, and people like you, we’re in this mess!”. I think the the crisis of faith and desperation has hit everyone: from the NYT subscribers having trouble enjoying their birdwatching and biscotti, to the Black Lives Matter foot soldier enraged that he didn’t get his share during the Obama years.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The Mocha Messiah was going to make it all okay. It isn’t okay at all and that means someone around here prevented the magic from happening.

* Where is this mythical place where they have “good government” in a large, highly diverse and racially polarized country? You can have “good government” to some extent in a small place like Denmark with a homogenous population that is constrained by shared societal norms, but the US is nothing like Denmark. Rather we are increasingly like Venezuela – that’s what big government would end up looking like here.

* Blacks are loyal Democrats but were not super excited by Hillary who is after all an old cracker lady who ran against Obama – she doesn’t even have Bill’s “honorary black” status. So it was important to do something to stir up the black base and get the high turnout that is key to swinging states like PA. In a good year (in which 110% of black voters vote) Philadelphia puts the Democrats hundreds of thousands of votes ahead before the first white vote is counted (not in sequence – Philadelphia comes in late, depending on how many votes are needed to turn the election – there’s no point in committing more crimes than are absolutely necessary). This makes winning the whole state a LOT easier – it’s like playing golf with a handicap or the ability to take lots of mulligans (Bill’s favorite way of playing golf).

The media machine has so far done a good job of putting just the right spin on the Texas shootings, which as Obama told us have NOTHING to do with BLM or what he and Hillary have been preaching. But it may be a long hot summer and these things have a way of spinning out of control – you may want to provoke a “peaceful demonstration” (one in which only a couple of 7-11s get looted) but end up with a large riot. In Philadelphia and many other big cities there has been an urban renaissance where parts of the city have been won back from black criminality, but a few riots could make those areas off limits to whites once more. This would have to have an impact on nice white ladies whose kids have purchased a condo downtown or maybe she is an empty nester/divorced and has moved back downtown herself. Instead of some abstract “Isn’t that awful what the police are doing to innocent blacks”, you are now speaking directly to her bank account.

* The WaPo article, and one earlier by a different author, prove your point, that the Dallas PD went all soft and all social justicey under its black police chief (cops killed his own son back in 2010 when he was in a shootout with cops), and the local undertow therefore took the Dallas cops for easy marks.

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What kills me is that I can’t find one critical news story about this atrocity. All of the top 20 Google results were similarly positive.

Comment: Here is an official video release from the Orlando Police Department 2 weeks after the “Most deadliest, single-shooter terrorist incident in the history of the U.S.” I want to warn you now, the tone is somewhat somber and depressing, most depressing is the choice of music, and it’s lyrics that they selected to go with a gay, nightclub shooting.”

Again, this is an official video, two weeks after the incident, as confirmed by the youtube channel, not a hoax.

Published on Jul 1, 2016: Sheriff Demings and the Men and Women of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office hope your enjoy this video.
Recently, we were invited to participate in the #KeepDancingOrlando challenge, which came about as a way to channel positive energy and honor the 49 Victims of the Pulse tragedy by dancing in tribute to their memories.
The response for dancers was overwhelming.
We remain Orlando United; Keep Dancing Orlando!!


* wow! who knew treason could be so fun

* Know this, you will be judged by God for your actions on this earth. Nobody will escape. So repent now while you still have breath, or keep Dancing and laughing and mocking, it’s your choice.

* What a bunch of deceiving, fraudulent, lying, corny pansies

* What on earth did I just watch ?????? Is this the ‘new normal’ ????

* is this why police recruits are required to have a low IQ score?

* I suppose this ought to feel like an affront to those who died in Orlando, but because gay culture often seems to revel in the trivial and the trashy it can’t help but feel like this response is not all that inappropriate.

In any case a culture that promotes the idea of equality and equivalence between heterosexual and homosexual relationships is fundamentally unserious, so even if gays are offended they should probably just accept that the kind of country that will legalise gay marriage is also the kind of country that will respond to massacres with Whitney Houston tunes. Overall it’s still a pretty big win for them.

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White Death enabling Oxycontin ring set up by Hispanic, Armenian immigrants in Los Angeles

Lot comments:

What makes this story special is some of the details:

They set up a waiting room, hired an elderly physician and gave the place a name that sounded like an ordinary clinic: Lake Medical.

The doctor began prescribing the opioid painkiller OxyContin – in extraordinary quantities. In a single week in September, she issued orders for 1,500 pills, more than entire pharmacies sold in a month. In October, it was 11,000 pills. By December, she had prescribed more than 73,000, with a street value of nearly $6 million

You might thing that someone would notice that a single doctor was writing prescriptions for millions of dollars of Oxy per month. And Big Pharma did notice, and was pleased!

A sales manager went to check out the clinic and the company launched an investigation, concluding that Lake Medical was working with a corrupt pharmacy in Huntington Park to obtain large quantities of OxyContin.

“Shouldn’t the DEA be contacted about this?” the sales manager, Michele Ringler, told company officials in a 2009 email. Later that evening, she added, “I feel very certain this is an organized drug ring…”

Hahaha, contacting the DEA about this physician? Really? Normally they have to hire a bunch of sexy sales reps to get a doctor to write $20,000 of Oxy scripts a month. But this vibrant doctora did so all on her own!

Purdue did not shut off the supply of highly addictive OxyContin and did not tell authorities what it knew about Lake Medical until several years later when the clinic was out of business and its leaders indicted.

By that time, 1.1 million pills had spilled into the hands of Armenian mobsters, the Crips gang and other criminals.

Don’t worry, no rich Pharma execs will even face a wrist-slapping:

The federal government has not accused Purdue of any wrongdoing in the case of Lake Medical or other suspected drug operations.

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