Killing Drug Dealers Seems Like A Good Idea To Me

This leader of the Philippines sounds like Donald Trump.

REPORT: Nine more killed in Philippine ‘war on drugs’

MANILA: Nine people were killed overnight in the Philippines, authorities said Saturday, as police and suspected anti-drug vigilantes pushed ahead with President Rodrigo Duterte’s controversial war on crime.

Duterte won the May 9 election by a landslide, largely on a pledge to kill tens of thousands of drug dealers and other criminals, and has urged the police, civilians and even insurgents to help in the killings.

More than 100 suspects have been killed in the seven weeks since Duterte’s election.

One pre-dawn raid in the town of Matalam, about 900 kilometres south of Manila, left eight “drug personalities” dead on Saturday, including a woman, regional police spokesman Superintendent Romeo Galgo told reporters.

One other person was arrested on suspicion of drug offences, Galgo said, adding that three pistols and four grenades were found on the dead suspects.

In Manila, police said they found an unidentified dead man, his entire head wrapped in tape, on a poorly lit road late Friday. His torso was covered with a cardboard sign reading: “I am a Pusher”.

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USA Today: ‘Tech companies break silence on racial justice’

All of the major tech companies support the terror organization Black Lives Matter.

John Rivers tweets:

* If I was a White Googler, how could I feel safe when my company was openly supporting an Anti-White Terrorist Group like #BlackLivesMatter?

* If @google supported the KKK – every Black Employee would sue for a Hostile Work Environment. Whites can do the same for #BlackLivesMatter.

* I think @google supporting Anti-White Terrorists would create a Hostile Work Environment for their White Employees.

* Now that #BlackLivesMatter is murdering Whites in Racial Terror Attacks, why are @google, @twitter & @pandora supporting them?

* #BlackLivesMatter has killed more Whites in the past two years than the KKK has killed Blacks in the past twenty.

* The Left doesn’t argue White Racism. They just say – Everybody knows Whites are Racist. Now it’s your job to disprove it.

USA TODAY: SAN FRANCISCO — Silicon Valley leaders — who rarely speak out on racially charged issues — are breaking their silence. The question is: Will they do more than talk?

In a series of posts on social media that followed the shooting deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling — black men killed in separate police encounters in the course of one day — some of the nation’s most influential technology companies lined up in support of racial justice with the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag.

• “We stand in solidarity with the fight for racial justice,” Google tweeted.

• “These tragedies must lead to action. We join the voices demanding racial justice now,” tweeted Twitter.

• Dropbox CEO Drew Houston tweeted, “What a terrible time for this country. #BlackLivesMatter” Through a spokeswoman, Houston said he tweeted because he and Dropbox care about these issues deeply.

​• Apple CEO Tim Cook tweeted, “Senseless killings this week remind us that justice is still out of reach for many.”

• “We join the millions mourning in Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights and Dallas and we stand with those committed to change around the world,” tweeted Microsoft.

• “The images we’ve seen this week are graphic and heartbreaking, and they shine a light on the fear that millions of members of our community live with every day,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page.

But while tech leaders have been strong with their words, actions have been absent.

Save for Google, which has contributed more than $5 million in grants to racial justice organizations the past year, most tech companies have taken few tangible steps to address the issue. That’s in contrast to how they’ve used their clout as sought-after employers and cash-rich companies to influence other issues, from bills that impact LGBTQ people to immigration reform.

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Facebook Supports Terrorist Organization Black Lives Matter


Report: At Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, the social media company replaced its “Welcome to Facebook” signage with a “Black Lives Matter” solidarity message.


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James Woods: Do you stand for #LawEnforcementOfficers assassinated in the line of duty by #racists? #DallasPoliceShootings

All the corporations backing the terrorist organization Black Lives Matter must be made to feel the heat.



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Politico: An Unfair Tragedy for Unlucky Dallas

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Funny how the unfair or misleading characterizations, like City of Hate, always come from some abstract force and never an identifiable interested party.

* Systemic racism is apparently an insoluble issue according to the Left, considering we’ve been dealing with it for over 50 years, so the only logical conclusion is segregation right?

* Well I guess Dallas has had the bad luck of having nuts motivated by left-wing ideology commit atrocities there twice in 53 years.

* Never forget the 0.6%


* If you go back 20 plus years ago you had Patrick Buchanan preaching against free trade, unnecessary intervention and mass immigration. In other words he was against what would become the invade-the-world-invite-the-world-in-hock-to-the-world policy the RINOs and democrats have pushed.

The GOP base swallowed the bait and Buchanan was blasted in the media and shunned by the GOP. However, after 20 plus years the fruits of these policies have been shown to be quite sour. The GOP base has finally realized that the RINOs say one thing during a campaign, but once the election is over, govern differently.

So what has probably caused the powers that be to lose control over the past few years is that their base has come to realize that they will never do what they promise, and what they actually do is detrimental to their standard of living.

Unfortunately Buchanan was not able to convince people of this twenty years ago.

* How does a guy go bankrupt? Slowly at first and then all at once.

How does a paradigm change? Slowly at first and then all at once.

That’s why it took 20 years for the internet to finally begin breaking the PTB’s grip on the mic.

* I typically define “hate” (as popularly used) as “the act of whites attempting to defend themselves and their interests.”

* Dallas-Fort Worth is kind of, sort of the capital of Red State America.

* Twenty years ago, when I worked in advertising, I spent ten days in Dallas shooting some commercials. The copywriter (15 years my junior) and I visited the Book Depository Museum, which was interesting, but beyond that there didn’t seem to be much to do except go to restaurants and bars. Having noticed the high percentage of beautiful women everywhere we went, the writer turned to me and said, “Harry, you know a lot more about history than I do. Exactly when was it that the mayor of Dallas kicked out all the fat chicks?”

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