Conservatives Unhappy With Drudge’s Racial Edge

Matt Drudge used to be a conservative but he came to see that conservatism doesn’t conserve anything.

I think the re-election of Barack Obama was a turning point for people like Matt Drudge.

Washington Post:

Matt Drudge does not care.

That’s the clear message delivered on his website Monday morning, after a legion of fellow conservatives ripped him for putting an inflammatory “Black Lives Kill” banner atop his homepage last Friday.

While most news agencies have identified the gunman who killed five Dallas police officers last week as Micah Johnson or Micah Xavier Johnson (his full name), Drudge is calling him “Micah X,” a clear reference to the late civil rights leader Malcolm X. The lead photo on the Drudge Report featured African Americans raising their fists — flashing the black power salute popularized by the Black Panthers in the 1960s — and holding an image bearing the faces of President Obama and Martin Luther King Jr.

Headlines and links focused on a few themes: Black Lives Matter is a hate group full of troublemakers, black nationalists want to form their own country, and police — nay, people all over the world — don’t like Obama.


Philip Bump writes for the Washington Post:

A recurring theme of extreme criticism of President Obama over his two terms has been that he secretly harbors hostility toward things central to the American identity. He secretly hates Christianity. He secretly hates the Constitution. He secretly hates America itself…

In July 2009, historian Henry Louis Gates, who is black, was arrested while trying to force his way into his own home in Cambridge, Mass. (The door was jammed.) As the incident gained national attention, Obama weighed in, saying that the arresting officer had “acted stupidly” for handcuffing and booking Gates. Probably in large part thanks to the political value of defending police officers, the comments quickly metastasized, with former Michigan congressman Thaddeus McCotter introducing a resolution in the House demanding that Obama apologize for his comments. The National Republican Senate Committee used Obama’s remarks to mobilize its base, asking Americans to sign a petition if they thought it was inappropriate for “our nation’s Commander in Chief to stand before a national audience and criticize the men and women in law enforcement who put their lives on the line every day.” Obama defused the controversy in part by inviting Gates and the arresting officer to a “beer summit” at the White House.

The following April, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh suggested that perhaps a “tequila summit” was also in order, because of comments Obama made about Arizona’s just-passed law that cracked down on immigrants in the country illegally.

“Barack Obama, ladies and gentlemen, he’s got something in for the cops, there’s no question,” Limbaugh said. “You go back to Cambridge. This guy’s got some problem with police officers.” Why? Because Obama worried that Hispanic Americans in Arizona would be harassed “if you don’t have your papers, and you took your kid out to get ice cream.”


“So that’s his argument, to create a phony hypothetical where families getting ice cream are hassled by stupid, bigoted policemen. This is gonna require a massive tequila summit before this is all over. We had a beer summit up in Cambridge. So Obama’s now not satisfied with just attacking a state. He has to attack their police as well. I’ll tell you what’s poorly conceived here, is Obama’s views on the cops. He thinks all these cops are going to act stupidly. This is an outrageous answer, this is an outrageous thing.”

In 2011, the idea took another turn. Leveraging long-dormant worries about violent rap music, critics of the president decried his inviting the rapper Common to the White House as part of an event celebrating poets. Critics of Obama seized upon Common’s track “A Song for Assata,” dedicated to Assata Shakur, who was convicted of killing a police officer and who then fled to Cuba. It was a New Jersey police officer whom Shakur was convicted of killing, and a New Jersey State Police spokesman criticized Obama for extending an invitation to someone who defended “a fugitive who killed one of our own.”

The issue lay mostly fallow over the course of the 2012 election, subsumed by concerns over other things Obama “hates,” such as guns. But the idea that Obama hates law enforcement gained powerful new energy in 2013 and 2014.

In November 2013, Obama nominated Debo Adegbile to a position in the Department of Justice. Opponents of the move quickly seized upon Adegbile’s having signed a friend-of-the-court petition on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of the murder of a Philadelphia police officer in 1982. The Senate ultimately blocked that nomination, with opposition focused on the Abu-Jamal filing.

But it was the police-involved deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and Eric Garner on Staten Island in 2014 that kicked the Obama-hates-cops sentiment into overdrive. Brown’s death prompted Obama to release a statement offering his condolences to the family and calling for calm. The failure of grand juries to indict the officers involved in either man’s death gave rise to the politically contentious Black Lives Matter movement — which itself was blamed for the murders of two police officers in a patrol car in New York that December.

I’d say it was Trayvon Martin that was a turning point for many Americans. The president unnecessarily injected himself into the case and said that if he had a son, he’d probably look like Trayvon.

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Lawrence Summers: ‘How to embrace nationalism responsibly’

As soon as I read that headline in the Washington Post, I thought, Jews! Responsible nationalism from a Jewish perspective is nationalism that does not threaten Jews. In other words, neutered nationalism.

Jews tend to fear gentile nationalisms because by definition, gentile nationalisms exclude Jews. On the other hand, Jews like Jewish nationalism.

Lawrence Summers writes in the Washington Post: “What is needed is a responsible nationalism — an approach where it is understood that countries are expected to pursue their citizens’ economic welfare as a primary objective but where their ability to damage the interests of citizens of other countries is circumscribed. With such an approach, the content of international agreements would be judged not by how much is harmonized or by how many barriers to global commerce are torn down but by whether people as workers, consumers and voters are empowered.”

This is nonsense. Economic power translates into military power. If you can hurt your most dangerous neighbor, it is in your self-interest to do so. For instance, if the United States followed John Mearsheimer’s advice and kicked out all Chinese students and did everything it could to retard China’s growth, these policies would increase the length of time that America ruled as the world’s hegemon. By assisting China’s growth, America’ hastens the time that China becomes the most powerful nation on earth, taking over that position from the United States.

Life is war.

Different peoples, different nations, have different interests.

Another way of looking at Larry Summer’s article is to apply it to religion.

Then the paragraph above would read: “What is needed is a responsible religion — an approach where it is understood that religions are expected to pursue their goals as a primary objective but where their ability to damage the religions of others is circumscribed.”

That’s not religion. Once you start circumscribing religion to not hurt outsiders, you neuter it.

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Giuliani: Black kids killed by black kids in 99% of cases

News: Black children have a 99 percent chance of killing one whereas white cops pose a 1 percent risk, said former NYC Mayor Giuliani in a TV interview. He added that the slogan “Black Lives Matter” is “inherently racist and anti-American.”

Giuliani made the controversial comments during an interview on CBS show ‘Face the Nation’ amid an ongoing period of racially-loaded protest in the US, following several killings of black men by white police officers and a black gunman targeting white cops in Dallas.

“There is too much violence in the black community – so a black will die one percent or less at the hands of the police and 99 percent at the hands of a civilian, most often another black,” he said.

He used the number to argue that the colored community shares part of the blame for the racial tension in America and fails to see the problem of violence among them while putting a disproportionate focus on the killings of black people by white law enforcement officers.

Giuliani’s apparently rhetorical figure may be derived from the FBI’s 2014 homicide statistics which recorded that 90 percent of black people are killed by black people. For comparison white people are killed by white people 82 percent of time, the same statistic shown.

Interestingly, white men are more likely to shoot and kill a cop than black men, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, which tracks police fatalities. As of May, 71 percent of officers were killed by white people.

Giuliani’s advice to the black community is to teach respect for the police.

“You’ve got to teach your children to be respectful to the police and you’ve got to teach your children that the real danger to them is not the police, the real danger to them 99 of 100 times are other black kids who are going to kill them,” he said, while acknowledging that “some” police are a danger to black people.

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‘Swamped by Muslims’ Party Finds Supporters in Australian Vote

News: A closely-fought Australian election has brought with it the revival of a fringe party led by right-wing politician Pauline Hanson, showing the country is not immune to the anti-immigration mood sweeping parts of western Europe and the U.S.

While Hanson’s party secured only 4.2 percent of the primary vote in Australia’s upper house, that’s enough under the country’s preferential voting system to secure her a Senate spot and the chance to influence legislation. Another Hanson-led One Nation party candidate may win a Senate seat.

Hanson, who wants a Royal Commission into Islam and a ban on the wearing of the Burqa in public, benefited from a protest vote against the major parties. She was also helped by the implosion of another small, conservative group, the Palmer United Party, and needed only half the usual votes to win a seat due to the counting peculiarities created by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s decision to force an early election.

“We’re in danger of being swamped by Muslims,” Hanson, 62, told News Corp. in May, even as data show they represent just 2 percent of the population. “If you’re going to bury your head in the sand about it, you’re a fool.”

Senate Count

Hanson’s influence over the next government remains to be seen, and the Senate makeup is not yet finalized. During her brief stint in parliament 20 years ago, the Liberal-National coalition government of the time criticized her views on Asian immigration as misguided and dangerous, and she faded from view as her party imploded in infighting.

But as governments around the world battle concern about refugees and immigrants — U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump is threatening to build a wall to keep Mexicans out — fueled in part by rising income inequality and jobless rates, Hanson’s anti-Asian, anti-Muslim rhetoric may be harder to shut down.

“Disillusionment with the major parties is clearly a trend in Australia, as elsewhere,” said Anne Tiernan, a political scientist at Brisbane’s Griffith University. “They will have to be careful in the way they deal with Hanson and will need to walk a fine line between understanding, but not accepting, some of the more extreme views she represents.”

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What Really Happened


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