You Can’t Beat Nature

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* What happens when you have a showdown with nature, nature wins. Nature has been separating species by means of race as Darwin noticed with finches. All that is happening is nature is asserting her will.

* What you won’t hear, except from me, is that “Let the good times roll” is an especially risky message for African-Americans. The plain fact is that they tend to possess poorer native judgment than members of better-educated groups. Thus they need stricter moral guidance from society.

* Not long ago, Steve asked us what the Left’s next big concerted push would be, since their World War Gay & Tranny offensives succeeded.

I think that we are seeing the answer now. It’s not something new & exciting like normalizing pedophilia or incest or polygamy like many predicted.

Instead it looks like they are going back to their OG issue: White racism.

Maybe we are looking at a ratcheting cyclic pattern: Lead with race stuff to establish moral bona fides, follow that up with woman stuff & end with sexual preference stuff.

We’ve seen it before in the 60′s: Civil Rights –> Women’s Lib –> Stonewall. Then again in the 90′s: PC Culture –> Rape Culture hysteria –> ACT UP.

And someone could make the case that the recent World War T victory was the and of another cycle that started in the 2000′s with the launch of the White Privilege concept.

Each time, the Left pushes the envelope of anti straight white Christian male rhetoric & demands further & further.

The Civil Rights demands for treating blacks equally morphed into a demand for special perks & privileges through affirmative action & a refusal to notice black misbehavior through Political Correctness. Now Black Lives Matters is demanding that whites allow blacks to do & have whatever they want, without interference from white (or even black) authorities in any manner.

I can’t wait to see what other treats this next cycle has in store for me.

* One time I was at the White House Correspondents Dinner (when Colbert notoriously addressed W.) and was lucky to meet Justice Thomas. I mentioned we shared an intellectual hero in Thomas Sowell, and the immediate reaction from the judge was “Oh he’s a wiz at math!” A couple years later I read The Bell Curve and then The Bell Curve Wars and emailed John Derbyshire for his opinion of Sowell’s opinion included in the latter. His response was to the effect, Tom doesn’t know the math enough to know what follows what on the matter. From that I deduce that the black intellect is prone to oversights in subtle ways more complicated than brute IQ. On that note, consider this passage from Santayana’s Scepticism and Animal Faith I just recently enjoyed:

“Belief in experience is the beginning of that bold instinctive art, more plastic than the instinct of most animals, by which man has raised himself to his earthly eminence: it opens the gates of nature to him, both within him and without, and enables him to transmute his apprehension, at first merely AESTHETIC, into MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE. This is so great a step that most minds cannot take it. They stumble, and remain entangled in poetry and in gnomic wisdom. Science and reasonable virtue, which plunge their roots in the soil of nature, are to this day only partially welcome and understood. Although they bring freedom in the end, the approach to them seems sacrificial, and many prefer to live in the glamor of intuition, not having the courage to believe in experience.”

I think that passage is worth rereading, and hints at all sort of contexts we are currently living midst. Smartphone nation could be considered consonant with an evolution in criminal science, as Steve has said. But what we are seeing from blacks is more akin to an aesthetic intuition, in the sense that these murders and shootings would fit snug a dramatic script, and drama is not usually rational. This stuff is out of some apocalyptic movie. With the native judgment we know they enjoy, we should now know what such cinema as the two videos that sparked the latest incidents moves particulars of that certain population to do. It seems life can imitate art by anticipating it.

* A Democratic National Committee staffer was beaten and shot dead as he walked home. I’ll bet the guy who murdered him was a black man riled-up by all the recent scheming on the part of the Democratic National Committee. They seem to think they’re immune to the effects of their own machiavellianism.

* Sometimes when the police try to arrest someone who is armed and actively engaged in a crime, they shoot at the police in an attempt to get away. Shots were fired causing the call. It might have been gang related, a robbery gone wrong or an altercation that got out of hand.

I don’t like it when the President jumps to conclusions knowing little more than the parties involved.

* Restraint, whilst being the solution demanded by liberals, Leach and Obama, is not the answer for blacks. Blacks only respect strength and the threat of violence. Restraint is liable to increase violence. To understand black behavior in the US, you need to study it in Africa. Since blacks have been interacting with whites in South Africa for 350 years, it would be a suitable place to do this. Of course nobody wants to touch it, because invariably it would lead to Apartheid being rehabilitated. Many politicians and media elites know this.

Black on white interaction is culturally doomed. The best you can achieve is a form of implicit Apartheid, much like the way Israel deals with Palestinians within Israel. Most blacks need simple uncomplicated jobs. The black high-performers which the media like to rub in our faces, are mostly AA creations meant to shame and intimidate whites. They add no real value to black society. Most simple jobs have been offshored, so Trump’s ideas, if implemented, are likely to improve the wealth and self-esteem of ordinary blacks. Then in the black areas black police officers keep the peace, but the rules need to be different from white areas, much more in accordance with traditional African tribal law, since blacks psychologically cannot cope with the moral and legal demands of European and US law. This psychological overload is the source of much of the black violence against cops. That was the reason why white South Africa kept traditional tribal law in place in black areas. Everything else is a train wreck.

Obama and the Soros-elites are just creating an environment where blacks can live out their grievances, offences and hatreds against whites. This is what the mostly western revolutionary elite (run by the usual suspects) did in South Africa as well. The idea is to max. chaos and intimidate ordinary whites into relinquising power. Yet they have no solution for the incompatibility of blacks with white legal systems, because it is not what they are after.

* Black Panther leader urges creation of ‘black’ country: Alabama part of ‘nation-within-a-nation’

A leader in the People’s New Black Panther Party is urging the creation of a new country within in the U.S.

Babu Omowale, the national minister of defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party, told radio host Aaron Klein his group and others are working to establish a government in a nation within a nation. The five states that would make up the new nation would be Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina.

“We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country,” Omowale told Klein. The comments were first reported on Breitbart News, a conservative website.

Omowale later elaborated saying the short-term steps would be to work to control economies and politics in each of the areas.

Omowale’s comments came amid growing tensions over the police-involved shootings of two black men followed by the slaying of five Dallas policeman last week.

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One Law for Jews, Another Law for Gentiles

Most of the world is tribal and tribal morality is inevitably dual — there’s one morality for how you deal with members of the tribe and another morality for how you deal with outsiders.

Judaism is tribal morality (with the God of Judaism mandating differing codes, for instance, you do not lend to a Jew at interest but you can lend to a goy at interest). There’s one code for how you deal with your fellow Jews and a more relaxed code for how you deal with outsiders.

Westernized Jews tend to be the most polite and ethical Jews in their behavior towards non-Jews, depending upon how many generations they’ve been to the West, the more generations the more westernized, while Jews who come from parts of the world such as Eastern Europe and the Middle East which had terrible relations between Jew and goy may be more ruthless in their dealings.

The most prominent exception to tribal morality is WASP morality aka universal morality. When I was growing up a WASP, there was no notion that it was OK to treat outsiders any differently than your own group. This mono morality is why WASPs create the best countries (England, Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand) with high social trust while Israel is a low-trust society.

Marjorie Miller describes the Israeli concept of ‘freier’:

A freier, in Israeli eyes, is a shopper who waits in line to pay retail. It is a driver who searches for legal parking rather than pulling onto the sidewalk with the other cars. … The fear of being a sucker turns driving into a bumper-car competition and makes grocery shopping as trying as arm wrestling.

… ‘In London, the culture is to give way, be a gentleman, don’t compete,’ said Peri, the former editor. ‘But an Israeli is the opposite. If you are stronger, why should you give way to someone weaker? In a debate, the British will say, ‘You have a point.’ In a debate here, no Israeli will admit he has been persuaded to change his mind. That shows weakness.’

Americans often find the Israeli attitude intolerably rude. Israelis, meanwhile, find Americans to be the biggest freiers of all. They are naive idealists. … Americans are perceived as innocents who follow the rules and who believe a person will actually do what he promises to do. ‘An American is willing to trust until someone proves to be untrustworthy,’ Shahar said. ‘Israel is much more like the rest of the world, where the basic assumption is that people . . . should not be trusted until proven trustworthy.’

When compared to Greeks, Italians, Persians and Arabs, Jews are not noticeably less ethical in business.

When “white shoe” Wall Street firms did not want to hire Jews, it was because in large part they wanted to keep up their standards and this depended upon employing WASPs rather that tribesmen with dual moralities.

When you hear about a major scandal on Wall Street, it’s rarely Presbyterians and Anglicans getting in trouble.

Adam Kirsch writes in Tabletmag:

In this case, there is no avoiding the fact that the Talmud is heavily biased in favor of the Jew against the gentile. The mishna in Bava Kamma 37b says, “With regard to an ox of a Jew that gored the ox of a gentile, the owner of the belligerent ox is exempt from liability. But with regard to an ox of a gentile that gored the ox of a Jew, regardless of whether the goring ox was innocuous or forewarned, the owner of the ox pays the full cost of the damage.” In other words, a gentile doesn’t even benefit from the rule about an innocuous ox costing only half the damages; his ox is automatically considered forewarned and so responsible for full damages. But a Jew’s ox can hurt a gentile’s ox with impunity….

Rather than remedy this injustice, however, the Gemara attempts to justify it. According to Abbahu, God “arose and permitted their [the gentiles’] money to the Jewish people.” The reason for this, he explains, is that after the Flood, the sons of Noah received what are known as the Noahide commandments—seven laws that are binding on all human beings, including laws against theft and murder. Because the non-Jewish peoples did not obey these laws, God punished them by allowing Jews to take their property. (Although one might note that the Israelites notoriously failed to uphold their own laws on many occasions.) Rabbi Yochanan gives an alternate explanation, based on the legend that God offered the Torah to all the peoples of the Earth, but only the Jews accepted it. Thus the other nations deserve to have their goods taken by the Jews.

No matter how much they justify it, however, the rabbis can’t ignore the fact that this principle would make Judaism look pretty bad if it were widely known. That is the message of a story about a pair of Roman officials who were once ordered by their emperor to learn the Torah. When they had finished, they said, “We have examined the entire Torah and it is true, except for this matter that you state with regard to an ox of a Jew that gored the ox of a gentile.” “But,” they added, “we will not inform this matter to the kingdom”: These Romans realized what kind of an impression this favoritism would make on a non-Jewish audience, and agreed to keep it secret.

As the Koren Talmud shows in its always useful notes, later Jewish commentators were equally concerned to palliate this inequity. Many of them held that the law about Jewish and non-Jewish oxen was only promulgated because, in the ancient world, non-Jews were usually pagans with no sense of religion or morality. In later times, when the gentiles that Jews dealt with were mainly Christians and Muslims, who had their own monotheistic beliefs and upheld the Noahide commandments, this law did not apply. Alternatively, Maimonides suggested that since gentile laws did not punish the owner of a goring ox the way Jewish law did, gentiles were treated accordingly and not given compensation when one of their oxen was gored. Still, however you explain it, this is one of those moments when the Talmud reveals the limits of its ethical imagination—which is exactly why later Judaism recognized the need to go beyond it.

Tribal morality is how the world works.

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The Return Of Tribalism

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* So many decry tribalism today, but it’s just about all people have left, and that’s why it’s coming back with a vengeance.

* This is a key insight. The declining importance of religion means that people don’t really identify that way. High geographical mobility means, first, that your neighborhood is more like a hotel room than your home—Paul Kersey memorably called modern suburbs “drifter colonies.” But it also means that your contact with your family is dramatically curtailed. It also means that your contact with the people you grew up with is dramatically curtailed. The homogenizing influence of mass culture, imposed legal uniformity, and neighborhood disruption ensures that there is nothing for most to identify with at a sub-national level.

Because of they way we are wired, we are going to take sides and fight each other. Our elites think they can keep that urge channeled into sports, loyalty to your job and co-workers, and ridiculous, abstract ideological conflicts over “muh freedumbs” and “social justice.” The way to bet, however, is that they lose control and more normal genetic interests re-assert themselves. Or, maybe that’s what they want. They seem to be happy with the Nazi freak show in the Ukraine.

* Growing up I always heard through the media that blacks had been stereotyped as criminals by the movies and television. Is this really true? I know that in the past two decades, tv shows ignore reality and feature white criminals almost exclusively, e.g. CSINY, Law and Order, etc.

Additionally it even came out that the producers of COPs manipulated the content to ensure blacks are not over overrepresented. And we know feature films have turned to the blond, English-accented guy as the villain of choice.

I also know if you go back far enough in films, blacks are hardly in the movies at all. And if they were cast, it was usually as servants or maids. In fact blacks claimed that at a certain point in time, the media ignored them altogether and made it appear they didn’t even exist.

I now have been watching some classic over-the-air tv channels with reruns of Perry Mason and other shows from the 1950s-1960s. And from what I can tell most do not show blacks at all, let alone stereotype them as criminals. Heck, I even saw an early 1960s Twilight Zone were a town was going to hang a man and the preacher was trying to convince them to not hate. The preacher WAS black and guy about to be hung WAS white.

Of course the only exception I can think of is Birth of a Nation from 1915. But was that the lone exception?

So my question is this. Did blacks ever get stereotyped in the media as criminals, and if so, when? I sure can’t find it. Is this whole media-stereotyping-blacks just another myth like the blacks-are-overrepresented-in-the-infantry or the Tuskeegee-Airman-never-lost-a-bomber-they-escorted memes that get repeated until people take them to be true?

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Steve Sailer: Hillary Denounces Bill’s Golf Club as “a Case Study in Ripping Off the Little Guy”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I can’t figure out which would make a better skit. Hillary & Hussein steadfastly proclaiming how difficult it is to untangle the Dallas shooter’s motives, while in the background he tries every trick in the book to show them it was black racism (culminating with him scrawling out a black power message in his own blood with his dying breath), or Hillary’s underlings doing everything they can to hide the fact of Bill’s Westchester Club membership from her, while Bill ducks her and she loudly denounces the club.

* If foreign funding for mosques were outlawed we would have 15% of what we have now and they would not be as large and elaborate with schools and community centers. Charities and individuals in Saudi Arabia fund many of the toxic ones. They are magnets for Muslim migration into your neighborhood or town so get the hell out if you see one being built. Especially a large one. The Muslims aim to fill it up.
Obama’s ghouls at the Dept of Justice go after (lawsuits) communities that block them such as one in Tennessee. All part of the semi-Kenyan, crypto Muslim’s pro-Islamic agenda.

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‘Kill All The White Babies’

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