The President’s Prejudices

Steve Sailer writes:

Why do the human sciences record pervasive behavioral differences among racial groups, such as in violent-crime rates?

One explanation is that these disparities originate in complex interactions between nature and nurture.

But, of course, only dangerous extremists hold that theory.

The much more respectable sentiment is that statistical differences among the races are the fault of bad white people, such as George Zimmerman and Minnesota policeman Jeronimo Yanez.

Last week, on his way to Warsaw on Air Force One, President Barack Obama was looking at social media. According to The New York Times, he alerted his press secretary that:

He had decided to make a statement himself as soon as they landed, and had told his aides to collect statistics demonstrating racial bias in the criminal justice system.

Now, you might think that’s putting the cart before the horse. Perhaps the administration should objectively evaluate the evidence first, rather than order its media flacks to dredge up some data justifying the president’s prejudices?

But that would be wrong. Everybody knows that culture or evolution can’t have anything to do with hereditary racial differences in performance. If you even consider those possibilities, you must be one of the bad white people you’ve been warned about.

Instead, we know that science has proved that statistical differences among the races are all due to a vast conspiracy to plunder blacks. Nothing makes 21st-century people who think they are white richer than having a lot of black bodies around. Just ask MacArthur genius Ta-Nehisi Coates. He’ll tell you.

“Why are there all these puzzling statistics that don’t agree with the stereotypes promoted by our national leaders?”

And yet, here’s a statistic published in 2011 that doesn’t support the Coates-Obama orthodoxy:

While young black males have accounted for about 1% of the population from 1980 to 2008…(b)y 2008, young black males made up about a quarter of all homicide offenders (27%)…

In other words, young black males are about 27 times more likely to kill somebody than the average American.

Interestingly, that datum comes from the Obama administration’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, which published a report entitled Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980–2008.

One reason young black males are disproportionately homicidal is that they are young (homicide rates are highest among 18- to 24-year-olds). Another factor is that they are male (according to the BJS, “Males were 7 times more likely than females to commit murder in 2008”).

That the police keep a warier eye on men than women and the young than the old is never seen as offensive. It’s just common sense.

…Perhaps blacks get in trouble with the law more than do whites (much less East Asians) for reasons similar to why they do so well in sports and entertainment?

For instance, blacks tend more to live in the moment. Spontaneity and improvisation are great assets for jazz soloists and running backs, but they can be detriments in obeying the law. (Or, in the case of Cleveland Browns running back Isaiah Crowell, who recently tweeted an indiscreet illustration of a white cop getting his throat slashed, merely managing one’s social-media presence.)

Similarly, blacks do best in sports roles that put a premium on disruption and destruction. In football, for example, players on defense are actually more on the offensive, extemporizing search-and-destroy missions against the nominal offense, which attempts to defend its preconceived plans.

Whites in the NFL are concentrated at the positions that specialize in executing preplanned routines, such as placekicker, punter, quarterback, and offensive lineman, especially center.

Not surprisingly, while professional football overall is 68 percent black, defensive platoons are even blacker than that. The position of cornerback, the pass defenders who must react with instant violence to the planned routes run by receivers, is extraordinarily racially segregated. No white man has played regularly at any of the 64 cornerback positions in the NFL since Jason Sehorn retired more than a dozen years ago. Read on.

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‘A discreet orgy’: A timely TV series focuses on women’s treatment in 1960s newsrooms


Margaret Sullivan writes for the Washington Post:

When Harry Waters came to Newsweek magazine in 1962, “it was a discreet orgy,” he later told journalist Lynn Povich. When he interviewed, his editor described the perks: “The best part of the job is that you get to screw the researchers.”

The researchers, of course, were young women. The reporters and editors were men.

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NYT: For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance


In making the explicit assertion of white identity and grievance more widespread, Mr. Trump has galvanized the otherwise marginal world of avowed white nationalists and self-described “race realists.” They hail him as a fellow traveler who has driven millions of white Americans toward an intuitive embrace of their ideals: that race should matter as much to white people as it does to everyone else. He has freed Americans, those activists say, to say what they really believe.

“The discussion that white Americans never want to have is this question of identity — who are we?” said Richard Spencer, 38, a writer and activist whose Montana-based nonprofit is dedicated to “the heritage, identity and future of people of European descent” in the United States. “He is bringing identity politics for white people into the public sphere in a way no one has.”

…Mr. Buchanan’s 1992 and 1996 campaigns were dismissed as a political and intellectual dead end for Republicans.

“I said, ‘Look, we’re the white party,’” Mr. Buchanan said in an interview from his Virginia home, recalling his attacks on multiculturalism and non-European immigration. “‘If this continues, we’re going the way of the Whigs.’ Everyone said, ‘That’s a terrible thing to say.’”

Mr. Buchanan was campaigning against a backdrop of overwhelming white political and cultural dominance in America. But in the years that followed, the number of immigrants living in the United States illegally would double and then triple, before leveling off under the Obama administration around 11 million. Deindustrialization, driven in part by global trade, would devastate the economic fortunes of white men accustomed to making a decent living without a college degree…

Mr. Spencer, a popular figure in the white nationalist world, said he did not believe that Mr. Trump subscribed to his entire worldview. But he was struck that Mr. Trump seemed to understand and echo many of his group’s ideas intuitively, and take them to a broader audience.

“I don’t think he has thought through this issue in a way that I and a number of people have,” Mr. Spencer said. “I think he is reacting to the feeling that he has lost his country.”

…Mr. Taylor, who has written that blacks “left entirely to their own devices” are incapable of civilization, and whose magazine, American Renaissance, once published an essay arguing that blacks were genetically more prone to crime, wrote on his blog that Mr. Trump had handled the attacks on him “in the nicest way.”

Like others in his world, Mr. Taylor does not know if Mr. Trump agrees with him on everything. In an interview, he suggested that it did not really matter, and that Mr. Trump was expressing the discomfort many white people felt about other races.

“Ordinary white people don’t want the neighborhood to turn Mexican,” Mr. Taylor said, adding, “They just realize that large numbers of Mexicans will change the neighborhood in ways they don’t like.”

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‘Bernie isn’t looking on disapprovingly – he’s just standing in line…’


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Black Lives Matter: ‘We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family’


* This Black Lives Matter stuff is so completely over the top ridiculous. The counter points are so calm, logical, and obvious. I’m actually sick of hearing them.

I love this quote straight from the Black Lives Matter main values web page:

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family”

That is just so nuts, it would horrify even the hard core leftists that I know.

Even some lifelong Democrats I know in NYC are absolutely horrified by de Blasio.

* Because the disruption of the “Western-prescribed nuclear family” has worked out so well for black people.

Then again, “disrupting” the “Western-prescribed nuclear family” would be an electoral benefit to the blue team, because, as we all know, from reading Steve Sailer all these years, the white cishet nuclear family and the ability to form them is directly and almost perfectly correlated with red team political success. I suspect Democrat partisan loyalty rather than black racial concern is the prime reason BLM lists that as a “value.”

* I’ve never met a black NYer who actually liked Giuliani. He was despised by black NYers long before 9/11. Any efforts of his administration to make black neighborhoods safer bore him zero goodwill.

* I looked at that webpage and was also surprised to learn that BLM was founded by three women: A daughter of Nigerian immigrants who grew up in Arizona, a black lesbian from LA who has a biracial transgender spouse, and another queer-identified black woman from LA with a strong interest in West African divination as practiced in Vodou and Santería.

With roots so far outside the traditional black American mainstream, it’s really surprising how much encouragement BLM has received from the media and establishment, especially considering that there’s been a national surge in black on black violence since it was handed the megaphone a couple of years ago. If the BLM leadership is as savvy and self-interested as they appear to be, I wouldn’t be surprised if they secretly plan on voting for Trump just to prolong their careers…

It’s especially ironic that one of the BLM founders is the child of Nigerian immigrants. Their black lives mattered… and that’s why they left Nigeria to come to the US where they knew they’d be safe! Does she miss the tribal violence? Is that what this is about?

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