Real Talk About Race

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The problem is — and this is no great revelation — no public figure, whether they be a politician, “celebrity” or “journalist”– is allowed to point out these staggering differences in criminality among black people as compared to whites and Asians. Rudy Guiliani “went there” last week and the New York Times accused him of peddling “myths.” That’s the word they used: “Myths.” Meaning they felt he was making stuff up, not just being impolite.

Sure, one can point out high levels of crime in the “inner city,” but that’s about as far as one can go. And since we can’t blame the inhabitants of these “inner cities” we are left looking elsewhere, i.e. white people.

* Every religion has its myths, and for modern progressives the concept that white supremacy is all around constantly working against striving minorities who would otherwise be achieving (or overachieving) the same life outcomes as whites.

Thus the need for a powerful central government that stands ready to tilt the scales for favored classes.

* The general – and actually only real and meaningful – point to take from all this is that so-called ‘race relations’ between blacks and whites in the USA are no better, and likely even worse than they were 400 odd years ago (or thereabouts), when the very first cargo of ‘neger’ – that’s how they were described in the ship’s manifest – slaves was landed from that fateful Dutch ship at that fateful Virginia port.

If ‘race relations’ haven’t improved in 400 years they are unlikely *ever* to improve.

The lesson to those EU states yet to have mass immigration of black Africans imposed on them from ‘on high’ could not be starker.

But, alas, rest assured, the leaders of those states will prove, inevitably, deaf, dumb and blind to stark,staring, raw, concrete reality.

* Obama is careful not to directly address black violence or racism because he would be giving everyone else permission to openly discuss it and that would be the beginning of the end of white guilt reparations. If he cannot do it, Trump will. This could of been a unique opportunity for the first black President to go against his base to do something important for the country but he will go down instead of being nothing more than a partisan hack.

* Matt Drudge tweeted a link to your Nixon ad post. Have you seen an uptick in traffic?
Does this mean Drudge will start linking iSteve posts on his site?
This could be the big one folks.

* Scott Adams of Dilbert fame noted recently that the intimidation and violence around BLM has had the effect of cratering Trump’s support. Trump won the nomination by being the un-PC dominant male, and now Hillary! has unleashed BLM which trumps, well Trump. You will note he’s said just about nothing regarding BLM and Adams relates constant death threats, no more speaking engagements, and a decline of income of 40% for his Trump content.

Intimidation works as Third World Aristocrat Obama well knows. Obama grew up in a household run by a Suharto minor princeling, and Hawaii home of “Beat Up Haole Day” so he knows well the power of anti-White intimidation. It is natural to him as breathing and he can’t NOT do it. So BLM has been a godsend — intimidating and demoralizing Trump supporters and energizing the army of non-Whites that Hillary! depends upon.

Secondly, Rudy Guiliani was called “far-right” by NBC screencapped by Instapundit. So there is a general Intifada against Whites who notice anything by Blacks that is negative. SJW are at heart religiously attached to a doctrine of noble Black victims of ordinary Joe White racism, with noble White Guy/Gal leaders dancing with Wolves/Avatars/Blue Cats to save the natives. Or somesuch. Its deep WASP culture. [Jews don’t go in for that stuff.]

* During his speech at the memorial for the Dallas policemen, as well as in his famous 2008 speech on race, Obama always follows a certain pattern.

1. Says something unifying–race relations have improved in this country, most policemen are good people doing their best in a difficult job, etc.

2. There’s still a problem–whether they’re conscious of it or not, the racism of white people affects the way they treat blacks.

3. Blacks have legitimate grievances–slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, vague racist-ish things that still go on today (being mistaken for a valet, being followed around in a convenience store).

4. Those grievances make black people angry and white people have to understand that and work harder to expunge racism from their hearts.

What is always missing from the Obama’s analysis is that white people have legitimate grievances too–against black people. These include their neighborhoods being ruined by an influx of blacks; public school quality lowered by unruly black students; the financial burden of supporting a community relies so heavily on government services; losing out on a job or promotion due to affirmative action; having to avoid places because of the threat of black crime; experience of being robbed/raped/assaulted by blacks, or having family and friends who have been. These grievances are dismissed, even mocked, yet they are actually more legitimate, more relevant to the daily experience of whites, than the historical black grievances that Obama insists on rehashing.

As a teenager, my girlfriend (now wife) was raped at knife-point by a black man who followed her into her apartment building. She was still a virgin at that time. Honestly, it did not affect my general view of blacks, but by Obama’s standards, wouldn’t I be entitled to dislike blacks based on that incident?

* It’s worth pointing out that the one thing that white progressives, police unions, and black leaders agree on is disarming young black males. The only reason it doesn’t happen is conservative 2nd Amendment tribalism.

Insisting on the constitutional right for every young black male to own a handgun is one of the Republican party’s dumbest and most destructive stands. Thousands of people die every year because of it.

* Violence, even legitimate violence, is ugly and shocking to those not accustomed to it. This is not my own observation, but that of Rory Miller, retired corrections officer and Iraq war veteran, who has written several excellent books on the subject. (Start with Meditations on Violence.)

* The fixation here is with violent crime.

But, the rates of such criminality as embezzlement, corruption, fraud, abuse of public office etc, also follow the same generalized multiplier effect.

* It is a strange thing: for thousands of years–all of history until a generation ago–being a loser/victim in conflict was nothing to shout about, it was an embarrassment, a great shame, perhaps the greatest. Even after WWII, it took about a generation before the holocaust shibboleth-ism really kicked in, but when it did, did it ever!

Sometime around the 1970′s it seemed that suddenly being a victim was the highest thing anyone could aspire to. Prior to that, if one had suffered profoundly at the hands of another, one didn’t want it known, after about 1970, suddenly one wanted any injustice broadcast and acknowledged as widely as possible. It was a strange turnabout that we still live with yet I’ve hardly ever heard anyone remark on.

I can’t say whether Jews actually created this change as response to their WWII experience, or whether they were simply earlier and more effective users of this change in the zeitgeist.

* When the Holocaust became a PR event, that is the first time I can think of that a group’s injury became their claim to–not equality–but special treatment. This was so successful that now everyone with a grievance seeks to achieve a similar victim apotheosis. Claims for black reparations were scarce in the immediate aftermath of slavery even up to the “civil rights” era. It was only recently, since the success of “holocaust-ism” that the cries for black reparations have become so incessant.

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The Decline & Fall Of The WASPs

It’s good to know that such a radical is a reporter. I trust her to give us the news straight and without bias.

Pamela Constable writes in the Washington Post:

I grew up in Hamilton’s world, on a winding road in Connecticut near a country store and a rambling clapboard house that was the home of Sen. Prescott Bush. All the adults I knew were old-school WASP Republicans like the Bushes. I had a great-uncle who was an admiral and a godmother who was an Astor. They were gracious to everyone, self-reliant and discreet, and secure in their pedigree. There was no need to raise one’s voice or belittle those less fortunate. If one’s forebears had built empires in such grubbier pursuits as fur-trapping or rum-shipping, the taint had been washed away by generations of Ivy League respectability, good taste and noblesse oblige.

Priscilla and Cheston Constable seemed to fit the stereotype perfectly. My father, a communications executive at IBM, took the train to Manhattan every morning and mowed the lawn on weekends. My mother, a former fashion designer, volunteered at the library, arranged flowers and hosted lively dinner parties. Her philosophy of life was, “If you can’t find something nice to say about someone, don’t say anything.” I never once heard them argue….

The most convenient target I could afflict was my parents, who seemed more worried about their daughter turning into a hippie than about a world full of rampant wrongs. I wrote them earnest letters railing against capitalism, country clubs and colonial exploitation. I accused them of being snobs and racists and scoffed at their preoccupation with appearance. If they were hurt or offended, they never let it show, in part because I kept getting A’s and dutifully stood through numerous fittings for my debutante dress.

Still, it was only after witnessing the desperation and cruelty of life in much of the world that I began to reexamine my prejudices against the cloister I had fled. In some countries, I saw how powerful forces could keep people trapped in poverty for life; in others, how neighbors could slaughter each other in spasms of hate. I met child brides and torture victims, religious fanatics and armed rebels. I explored societies shattered by civil war, upended by revolution, and strangled by taboo and tradition.

Visiting home between assignments, I found myself noticing and appreciating things I had always taken for granted — the tamed greenery and smooth streets, the absence of fear and abundance of choice, the code of good manners and civilized discussion. I also began to learn things about my parents I had never known and to realize that I had judged them unfairly. I had confused their social discomfort with condescension and their conservatism with callousness.

Eventually, I saw how loss and sacrifice had shaped both my parents, creating lifelong habits of thrift, loyalty, perseverance and empathy for those who suffered, despite an unconscious unease with other races and classes that I’d always found hard to forgive.

After years of joking that we cancelled out each other’s votes, I realized that the values that mattered the most to me, especially a fundamental respect for the dignity of all people, were those I had learned from them…

In March 2013, Dad passed away at 96; my mother followed him at 97. I was relieved that they had not lived to see their party’s new standard-bearer hurling vulgar taunts and whipping up xenophobic crowds, or to witness the rout of the rational, civilized conservative norms that had defined their lives and guided public policy for a century.

Pamela Constable is a member of the Post’s foreign news staff. A former foreign correspondent based in New Delhi and Kabul, she reports periodically from Afghanistan and other trouble spots overseas.

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The New Europeans



From Twitter:

* Media narrative: “French truck rams into Muslim woman, killing her. Some others also died.” #NiceAttack

* The trucks. They keep attacking people. But not all trucks. Just a tiny minority. They’re not even real trucks.

* Allah cries every time a Western woman rejects Islam by working outside the home and dressing immodestly.



* Fear not: soon the enemy will be worn down by our candle-lit vigils, our tricolor light shows and our re-affirmations of solidarity.

* Awful truth: No matter the immigrant-integration model–French secularism, UK multiculturalism, Nordic social consensus–Islamism persists.

* This is a war.

And it will not stop until we close our borders for Islam and de-Islamize our societies.

No more terror.
No more Islam!

* #Nice BLM is protesting French police shot and killed another innocent person of color, just for driving his truck with a broken taillight.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* A black, a muslim, and a homosexual walk into a bar, and the bartender says: “The usual, Mr. President?”

* The Homosexual Shepard Smith said closing The U.S and Europe’s borders to Muslim refugees should not be the answer to stopping these terrorist attacks, that’s not who we are.

* Aristotle, the greatest Realist, says that a successful Polity has to be mono-ethnic. Why?
Because different ethnes have different religions.
Different religions have differing cultural teleologies.
If your teleology is different you cannot agree on the goal, the meaning of (communal) life that makes up Politics.
If the meaning of life is different the first principles are different.
The post-modern philosopher thinks that there is a common teleology: ignore your tribal religious difference because it hinders consumption and self-actualization through pleasure. It is also barbaric and irrational, so just stop already! Submit!
The first time I saw this articulated so clearly articulated was reading Leon Uris’s Trinity.
It was such crappy writing that his Ur ideology to transcend religious faction and become a universal secular consumer/worker/voter emerged clearly.
A secular Jew telling Irish Protestants and Catholics that their existential struggle was silly and superstitious.
The modern is a Platonist, assuming the ideal, the Form…
Human traditional wisdom: different ethne=different nation.

* Muslims turn the countries they invade / colonize into shitholes too. They bring with them, the very culture, mentality and religion that created the shitholes they tried to escape from. Truly a braindead bunch of cultists.

* I just got back to Taiwan from a nice 5-day vacation in Japan, where I was quite impressed with the Japanese people’s silent pride in their own ethnicity, society and cultural values. It should naturally follow that they want to retain, protect, and encourage their culture and society, as they (and I) surely see the diverse cultures and ethnicities among humans as part of the beauty of humanity. I admire the Japanese people’s refusal to accept “refugees” in their country. I can see their logical questions when faced with the prospect. “Can they speak our language?”, “Will they accept and become part of our culture?”, “Who will pay for their housing/food/health care while they learn to assimilate?” Of course the questions are answered with No / No and You! So I add a vote of agreement to Steve Sailer here. The idiots who shout out “Diversity is our strength!” are correct, but they fail to add the condition “as long as we are separate in our diversity.” When we put the cultures and ethnicities together, especially when some minority groups refuse to assimilate to the majority culture, we end up with a mess, like we have in the US and Western Europe.

* Lots of groups don’t fit well together. Blacks and whites probably wouldn’t fit together well, even without a history of slavery and Jim Crow. Anglos and Latinos don’t really go together well. Jews would probably be best dwelling alone. Catholics and Protestants don’t have such a great history together, either. The nation state was a really good idea, and even those are prone to civil wars.

* Genetic diversity. People don’t bother to consider that certain personality traits, the result of genes, create certain cultures. Because they don’t think about that, they fail to consider that cultures clash because biological differences exist between populations.

Nature over nurture, every time.

* Thanks to globalism, America has become one big Dollar Store.

* Hillary’s opinion on stuff like this is so canned and cliche that she could prerecord her speeches for the next ten terrorist attacks and just spend some more quality time with Huma. They could have a Hillary-bot read the canned responses and remind people that this latest heinous attack in [city, country] in which, sad to say, [number of victims] innocent victims lost their lives, should in no way change their view of Islam, which is a religion of peace, etc.

* Peter Bergen spewing forth disgusting pro-refugee propaganda on CNN right now. (Before him it was Hillary. One of her commercials also ran during the break). Bergen said all the terrorist attacks in the US since 9/11 were by people who are as American as anyone so if you care about the facts you shouldn’t worry about Syrian refugees. Between Dallas and Nice the media have had some week.

* I’m imagining an SNL skit with Hillary reading books to the kids, occasionally interrupted by bagmen carrying bribes, hit men taking orders, interns keeping a lid on Bill & the Energizer, text messages from Monica Lewinsky, etc.


* The (formerly) famous food writer M.F.K. Fisher wrote a book back in the 70′s based on the year (1972) she spent living in Marseilles with her children following her divorce. (She was a famous Francophile.) She remarked in her book unfavorably about the deleterious effect the Muslim immigrants from Algeria were having on her beloved Marseilles and destroying the French culture there. (Paperback combining two books under the title “Two Towns in Provence: Map of Another Town and A Considerable Town.” The former applied to Aix-en-Provence, and the latter applied to Marseilles.) So, to anyone of intelligence who was paying attention the problem has been there for nearly 50 years.

* Remember last year, how they decried the fact that people’s attention was diverted from the BLM protests to the massacres in Paris? No misfortune that might befall anyone anywhere in the world is as serious as whatever it is that black people are irate about today. After all, Not All Lives Matter, so why should anyone be exercised about Nice?

* Blacks just want to shake their booties and act funky. Going out on the street, yelling and hootin and hollerin, singin songs, chanting, dancing in public, it’s all too much fun to forego. Plus chance for payout/loot.

* If the highest office in the land stood against BLM, rather than aggressively speaking and litigating for it, police departments across the country might feel compelled to actually enforce the rule of law, crack some heads, and withhold the “room to destroy”.

BLM only exists because it is sanctioned by the powers that be.

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Haaretz Columnist David Rosenberg: ‘Ignore the Hysteria: Europe Can Live With Terror’

Shorter David Rosenberg: F*** the goyim.


From Haaretz March 24, 2016: Violence is mounting, but it is not nearly serious enough to push the economy over the edge. Europe should sit tight: Islamic State is past its peak…

The warnings of Europe going down in flames amid a Muslim onslaught are the kind of hysteria that follows any traumatic event. Ignore them. Like Israel, Europe can live with some terror and pay little or no economic cost, just like it lives with stock market downturns and coalition crises.

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Will we have a military coup in France?

The military can be good at governing otherwise ungovernable situations. Democracy cannot keep the French safe. Democracy is not working. France has had military coups before.


* Probably not the most effective ad today at the Nice airport.


* Do not tell me to stand united. Don’t preach ‘they’re trying to divide us’. We are divided. We are sitting ducks. Multiculturalism failed.

* When Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they imagined carriages, not modern vehicles of war. #TruckControlNow


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Reality is Islamophobic.

* I think we should join our liberal friends and #PrayForTheNarrative

* I’m getting terrorism news fatigue. But the more this keeps going, the more the establishment leaders (Hollande, Merkel, Obongo, Hillary, and I suppose Trudeau and Turnbull) are made to look like idiots. There are only so many arm-linked walks and candelit vigils the public can take before they want some effective action.

This is a great time for the events of the day to be imprinted in the mind of Theresa May, while she is at liberty to chart a fresh course. She should take heed and not be seen as yet another do-nothing member of the Axis of Open Borders.

* The BLMers are going to have terrorism envy. I expect them to escalate their ‘demonstrations’ tomorrow because they’ll be frantic to knock the French attacks off the front pages.

* That’s what happens when you live in a country where it’s easier to buy a truck than a book or a computer.

* I guess the “Imagine” piano guy is going to head over to Nice after his gig in Dallas.

If I were the entrepreneurial type, I’d print up some “World Tour” T-shirts:

San Bernardino
Coming soon to YOUR TOWN!

* No matter what outrage, atrocity, massacre, murder, kidnapping, rape, torture etc etc etc third world immigrants to the west perpetrate, the ‘power-people’ ie those who actually control the destiny of western societies – the political class, The Economist, the WSJ, the mass media, the NGOs, Amnesty International, the EU, the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, Goldman Sachs, the CBI, the TUC, the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the BBC, the NYT, the LA Times, Time magazine, Newsweek, the activist judiciary, the ‘christian’ churches, etc etc etc etc will all unite in one voice to * demand yet more third world immigration*.

* Sometimes members of our Muslim community go astray. That just means they need to be hugged extra hard.

* “A plane crash is a “tragedy”.”

No, MacBeth is a tragedy. Oedipus the King is a tragedy. An accident is an accident, a disaster, a calamity. And what happened in Nice was a crime, an atrocity.

* Left Wingers on MSNBC are saying the high unemployment rate among Muslims causes them to become terrorists.

Than why aren’t Native Americans and Gypsies for example becoming terrorists? After all their unemployment rate is also quite high. Jihadists don’t want jobs, they want a sequel to the Armenian genocide, except replace Armenians with Europeans and their diaspora descendents.

* First, death to these terrorists and their enablers. May the souls of the victims rest in peace.

Now, some OT items that may get buried due to the latest atrocity:

Forget new gun laws. Here’s what could really keep people from shooting each other.

Gun violence is most acute among young black men. The National Council on Crime and Delinquency says the homicide rate per 100,000 of white males between 15 and 19 years old is 1.8. For Hispanic males, it’s 14.6.

For African American males, it’s a staggering 50.6 per 100,000.

Let me repeat that: for white males 15-19, 1.8/100,000. For Hispanics, 14.6/100,000. For blacks, 50.6/100,000. 1.8 vs. 14.6 vs. 50.6. Hmmm, what (or who) could be the problem?

Next, the MSM’s rearguard action against UVA on the topic of sexual assault:

He said it was consensual. She was blacked out. U-Va. had to decide: Was it assault?

Apparently, the MSM is still trying to gin up a “controversy” at UVA, but let’s look at the facts of the case:

She unwrapped the condom and placed it on him, he said…

According to the U-Va. report, an older resident of the house became aware that Lind and the freshman athlete were inside the bathroom and angrily climbed out onto a second story roof to slam on the window and get their attention. He yelled at them to break it up.

Would you just give us a minute?” Lind said, the older resident told investigators…

Here, let’s make out and then let me invite you upstairs and put a condom on you… Rape! Rape! Rape! Hey, who’s banging on the window? In a minute – we’ll get out of your hair once my assailant is done raping me, all right?

The result of the university investigation:

Ultimately, the investigators concluded that the freshman athlete had no way to know that Lind had blacked out. Because he had just met her, and because she was capable of carrying on a conversation, walking upstairs and performing “fine motor tasks, such as unwrapping a condom,” he was unaware of her “possible incapacitation.”

In short, how was he supposed to know how drunk she was? The investigators determined that there was insufficient evidence to determine that the freshman was responsible for sexually assaulting Lind. [Boldfaces mine.]

And the actual criminal-legal angle:

Charlottesville Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Libby Killeen declined to comment on the possibility of charges against the freshman athlete. Charlottesville police Capt. Gary Pleasants said last week that the investigation into the matter has been “suspended,” effectively meaning that it is no longer active.

Hmmm, where did I hear of another “suspended” sexual assault investigation in Charlottesville?

And finally, this wonderful headline:

Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings

But when it comes to the most lethal form of force — police shootings — the study finds no racial bias.

Got that? Surprise! A black Harvard economist ran the numbers and there is no racial bias in police shootings. “No racial bias.” Now, let’s look at the actual finding regarding officer-involved shootings buried deeply in the article:

In shootings in these 10 cities involving officers, officers were more likely to fire their weapons without having first been attacked when the suspects were white. Black and white civilians involved in police shootings were equally likely to have been carrying a weapon. Both results undercut the idea of racial bias in police use of lethal force. [Boldfaces mine.]

I don’t know about the rest of you, but that strikes me as racial bias… against white suspects. So, if I got this line of reasoning correctly, if the result indicated that blacks were more likely to be shot, then there IS racial bias, but if it turned out – as is indicated by the actual data – that whites are more likely to be shot, then there is “no racial bias.”

* The surveillance state is politically correct.


It employs large numbers of affirmative-action bureaucrats (TSA).
It creates large government contracts for the connected (G4S).
It scratches the militaristic itch.
It is in theory, impossible for machines to discriminate

The solutions to the terrorism/black crime problem are quite obvious, racial profiling, civilian gun ownership and paternalistic shaming of black culture/banning Muslim immigration.

But those solutions would “allow our enemies to defeat us by causing us to abandon our (((liberal))) values.”

* I disagree with Ann Coulter and others’ view that Trump picking Pence is a mistake.

Trump simply cannot run without the support of the GOP establishment, which is basically divided three ways: Koch-plex wants Pence, The Jews want Newt, the SoCons want Cruz.

Looking at these three groups, the Koch-plex is the most important of the three groups by a large margin. It is also the least supportive of him right now.

The RCP poll average right now is Hillary 44.0 Trump 40.9. There are a ton of undecideds still, and some of them are conservatives.

Putting a Koch-loyalist as VP is a good move. It gets their network’s support, which is unrivaled in the GOP, and larger than the RNC and all 50 state parties combined.

Mitt Romney is a pretty smart guy, and he put a Koch-loyalist on his ticket.

Pence’s open boarders record is almost as bad as Ryan’s. But is the view of both of the Koch Brothers too, and they do not like dissent on this issue. I don’t like it, but Trump needs them to win.

* I’m an American and a member of the Front National. Just go to their website and provide them with the pertinent information. I think that they accept credit cards. You’ll get a nice membership card with Marine Le Pen (although I wanted one with Marion Marechal Le Pen) on it. So I’m now a “card-carrying” FN member. It makes me feel slightly better–at least I’m doing something.

* “The National Council on Crime and Delinquency says the homicide rate per 100,000 of white males between 15 and 19 years old is 1.8. For Hispanic males, it’s 14.6.”

* Of course, way way back in 1968, a highly significant year for the French for reasons which we can now see are totally irrelevant to the grand course and sweep of history, a pointless wrong course if there ever was one, Enoch Powell made his famous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech.
This, of course, prophesied the future dystopia of England, though France was ‘busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre’ too.
I’d hate to personally witness the carnage caused by a 10 ton truck ploughing into a parade of human flesh, but I’d imagine ‘rivers of blood’ would be an apt description.

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