Trump picks Pence as running mate

Washington Post: “The presumptive GOP nominee tweeted that he has chosen Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, a deeply conservative former congressman and talk-radio host whose gubernatorial tenure has been marked by controversy over a state law seen as discriminatory against gays.”

Yes, that’s the most important thing about Pence, that he discriminated against gays.

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After Nice attack, Gingrich urges expulsion of Sharia-abiding US Muslims

I wonder how many Americans would favor expulsion of halacha-abiding (Jewish law) Jews?

It is incumbent upon minorities that they comport themselves in a way that they are a blessing to the majority population, not a curse. It is reasonable that countries demand this of their minorities or expel them.

Stephen Steinlight writes: This proposal by former Speaker Gingrich, one made by many scholars and analysts of political Islam, is 100 percent on-target. It is impossible to be Sharia-compliant without being a subversive, and a subversive prone to unspeakable violence. Any Sharia-compliant Muslim believes the US Constitution and US statutory laws should be replaced by the barbaric code of Sharia. According to a mountain of reliable survey research, huge majorities of Muslims in Western countries, including Muslims in the US, believe Sharia should govern. The percentage is astronomical: most studies place support for the imposition of this inhuman “legal” system in the 90+ percentiles. The illusion that American Muslims are somehow “moderate” is refuted by the fact that every national Muslim organization is a legacy organization of the Muslim Brotherhood (a fascist movement that preaches hatred of Christians and Jews and seeks Islamic global supremacy). During the Holyland Foundation trial in Dallas in 2008, each and every Muslim organization — including the vile CAIR which pretends to be a “civil rights” organization — was named as an “unindicted co-conspirator.” We have already seen multiple acts of Islam-inspired terrorism in the US. The likely reason incidents here have not yet equaled those in Europe and in South Asia is that our Muslim population is relatively small and is not yet concentrated in urban areas that become breeding grounds for fanaticism and terror. But if numbers grow and we develop our own Muslim “no go” areas it is a certainty that the terrible violence we’ve already seen will grow exponentially. Now is the time to adopt the policy advocated by Speaker Gingrich. It won’t be easy. The terminally political correct and the convenient idiots will oppose it. They will cite the Constitution even as they promote the immigration of the very people who would replace it with the most monstrous “legal system” extant. Most scholars believe it was Abraham Lincoln who first used the phrase often cited by legal scholars: “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.” Today, the day after the mass murder carried out in Nice on Bastille day, is the day to begin pressing our members of Congress to take up this proposition and turn it into law. If we don’t it is not difficult to discern what our future will be. We must see that the US does not turn into Western Europe. There’s still time to stop it.
Please contact your Senators and your Congressperson and make this case.

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David Vance: ‘France has around 5m Muslims. Nice showed us what just one radical Islamist can do. Isn’t it time we asked if Islam is compatible with us?’

From David Vance’s Twitter:

* British Muslim Journalist Blames Islamophobia For Nice Terror Attack. The enemy within – we ignore at our peril.

* At least 10 babies and children killed, some in pushchairs. #NiceAttack The random sadistic evil of radical Islam. It must be expunged. Now.

* We are in the middle of a clash between civilisation and a dark ages ideology. I think we need to start fighting back – take the war to them.

* Nice attack: Lorry driver confirmed as Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel. That probably rules out the white supremacist line

* Why Islamic terrorism prevails and grows. A gutless and craven media in denial and wrapped in

* With hashtags such as #PrayForNice and the Eiffel Tower being lit up, surely radical Islam will cease to kill? #hopeless

* What is it about #Islam that creates #Savages? Could it be its Savagery?

* The only thing that “unites” Europe is a lamentable failure to confront defeat and remove radical Islamists. Open borders accentuates this.

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Ricky Vaughn: ‘FLASHBACK: Syria’s Bashar Assad warns terrorism will come back to West’

Los Angeles Times April 17, 2013:

Syria’s Bashar Assad warns ‘terrorism’ will come back to West

President Bashar Assad says the U.S. and Europe are supporting his Islamist opponents, which will come back to haunt them.

Los Angeles Times April 15, 2003:

Next, Turn the Screws on Syria

The anti-terror effort must go on. Pressure all the jihadist regimes.

By Yossi Klein Halevi

JERUSALEM — Though Syria was conspicuously omitted from President Bush’s “axis of evil,” the regime of Bashar Assad has now replaced Saddam Hussein as the Arab world’s leading supporter of terrorism and stockpiler of weapons of mass destruction.

Syria is the only Arab country that actively backed Hussein, reportedly encouraging suicide bombers to cross into Iraq, sheltering Iraqi war fugitives and possibly storing nonconventional weapons for Hussein.

By focusing on those provocations, the Bush administration is correcting a serious flaw in its war against terrorism. The region’s most vicious terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, maintain operational centers in Damascus. As one administration insider put it, any taxi driver in the Syrian capital knows the address of half a dozen terrorist groups.

A divided Syria might be good for Israel but it is horrible for the West.

Europe was better off when Qaddafi ruled Libya, Assad ruled Syria and Hussein ruled Iraq.

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Republicans, Democrats sharply divided over Muslims in America

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Many Americans view Islam unfavorably, and supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are more than twice as likely to view the religion negatively as those backing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to a Reuters/Ipsos online poll of more than 7,000 Americans.

It shows that 37 percent of American adults have a “somewhat unfavorable” or “very unfavorable” view of Islam. This includes 58 percent of Trump supporters and 24 percent of Clinton supporters, a contrast largely mirrored by the breakdown between Republicans and Democrats.

By comparison, respondents overall had an equally unfavorable view of atheism at 38 percent, compared with 21 percent for Hinduism, 16 percent for Judaism and 8 percent for Christianity.

Spokespeople for Trump and Clinton declined to comment.

The poll took place before an attacker on Thursday drove his truck into a holiday crowd in Nice, France, killing more than 80 people in what President Francois Hollande called a terrorist act. Police sources said the driver, while linked to common crimes, was not on a watch list of intelligence services and no Islamist militant group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

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