HBD NRX: Biology is, broadly speaking, the story of bits of DNA maximizing their survival and replication using various strategies.



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3 Cops Shot Dead In Baton Rouge

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Leftists stigmatize fear and hatred and expect Trump to fall in line to their bidding. That is like Nadal saying to Federer and Djokovic hard courts are no good and we should play all matches on clay. Who benefits?

* I’m reminded that 40% of black college students believe the US government created HIV to kill black people. It’s so common even Obama’s longtime pastor believes it. Unnamed sources for all that, of course. If you really believe that then aren’t you justified in killing the people who did that…and maybe even the people who vote for who did that. I mean why spare the rest of us when we’re the ones who keep voting for people when all the evidence our government created HIV is right in front of us.

* This reminds me a lot of what I’m reading about the Socialist government over in France at the moment. They too are trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. The Hollande gang have been running a ‘coalition of the fringes’, post-national regime eerily similar to Obama’s but in just the last day or so have been appealing to “patriotic French” to volunteer for a police auxiliary force. People online are saying this might be the first time the Interior Minister has used the word “patriotic” in his entire political life.

* Looks like the doer is a black sovereignist, aka sovereign citizen. In spite of the stereotype that SC is entirely a white hyperindividualist thing, in recent years, a lot of “problacktard” and “Hotep” and “Hebrew Israelite” sort of blacks have taken it up. Why, I don’t know, but they have.

This also means that we should be ready for the media, with assistance from the SPLC, to confuse and muddy the issue deliberately. They’ll highly censor his blackness and play up his SC, and they’ll make us think that SC instead of race was the straw that stirred the drink, all the while showing us video and stills of white SCs.


* He was the son Obama never had.

* It took about ten seconds for the lapdog media to announce that Obama “will address the nation today.”

Looks like the Alinskyite rabble-rousing is working exactly according to plan…

* If you squint hard and tilt your head, you can kind of make out the smoke from a train many miles away from the station.

* When will someone on Trump’s team lay out the case for Obama share of the responsibility for situation as it exists today? The facts are clear, going all the way back to his Philadelphia speech (when he threw his white grandmother under the bus), the Skip Gates fiasco run-in with model police officer Crowley, the Trayvon Martin affair, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Baltimore, etc., etc. He never took an evenhanded p.o.v., or even tried to.

* Anybody else notice that flying the flag at half mast seems quite a bit more common than it was some decades ago? Maybe I’m remembering inaccurately, but as I recall from my youth, flying the flag half mast in mourning was kind of extraordinary. Nowadays it seems like it’s half mast more days a month than it is not. It’d be really interesting to see a graph showing statistics for this over the past 60 – 70 years.

Tough to say what might be the reasons… more tragedies, more media consciousness or mere eager actionism attempting to make some little civic gesture that attempts to unite a diverse and divided populace otherwise united by so little.

* You have to figure that these attacks on cops will burn out fairly quickly. How many suicidal black guys are there out there, after all?

The media shove all of this down the memory hole as fast as possible so that no one remembers in November. However, the police won’t forget. If I was them, I’d say to the black community, “You’re on your own. We won’t patrol your areas. We’ll take a lot of time to answer calls. If a suspect runs, let him go.”

Black neighborhoods will get even worse. Of course, blacks will blame the police. But for the individual cop, would you rather have blacks complaining about the department in general or risk your individual life or career by dealing with blacks. The choice seems clear to me.

* How about an Oxford style debate on the proposition: Obama shares responsibility for the sad state of race relations in America today? Who could best argue the affirmative? The negative?

* The last time I had an extended conversation with my law enforcement relatives about their jobs was about a year ago. Back then, they were all grumbling with barely-suppressed anger at the Obama administration, whom they blamed for making their jobs more dangerous.

I imagine at this point they’re close to what leftists would call a “pre-revolutionary” state.

* Everyone ready for the Obama-’scuses?

– “was radicalized”

– “mentally ill”

– “aspiring loosies [or CD] salesman”

– “his mama say he be a good boy”

– “uniquely vulnerable”

– “understandable disconnect between communities and police”

– “senseless violence” (“unless, of course, you take my nonstop dog whistling into account”)

– “must build bridges”

– “not who we are”

– “fell in with the wrong crowd”

– “can’t untangle his motives”

– “easier to get a gun than a bus ticket back to Kansas City”

– “police acted stupidly”

Ten days: eight policemen murdered by two blacks. At this rate. . .no, I don’t want to think about that, but I expect that every policeman in the United States is thinking about nothing but that.

Yet, carried to year’s end, that rate works out to another 132 black assassinations of police officers; and that doesn’t take into account any further Islamic jihad eruptions.

And the Cleveland GOP convention is nigh. . . .

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Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel [VIDEO]

Daily Caller: A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning.

Videos on Long’s account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member. He also railed against “crackers” and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5.

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French Political Scientist Nona Mayer: They [National Front’ Are Unknitting The Social Fabric of Society’

Some people object to the phrase “America First.” So what country should Americans put first? Israel?

Perhaps America should put good values first. So whose values? Biblical values? So what would those Biblical values teach?

If you take your religion seriously, you have to put your religion before your nation, right? It helps when your religion and nation are inextricably tied together. I don’t know why any Protestant nation would let in anyone who wasn’t Protestant, why any Jewish nation would let in anyone who wasn’t Jewish, why any Catholic nation would let in anyone who wasn’t Catholic, and so forth. The more divided a country, the weaker.

Christianity is flexible. For hundreds of years, it was part of the rise of the white West. Over the past 100 years, it has been a major force for the destruction of the white race.

Judaism’s conception of the Jew is that he is to be a blessing wherever he goes in the world. Until recently, I took that for granted. I took it for granted that Jews are a blessing for every country that hosts them. Now I’m more open to different perspectives.

One thing that shook me up about 16 years ago was when an Orthodox Jewish therapist friend said that for a week in graduate school, they were required to read anti-Jewish writings and a few hours into the assignment, she became anti-Jewish, and was greatly relieved when the assignment ended.

The Jews I know are excellent doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, professors and writers. They’re making America a better country. They generate jobs. They pay taxes and raise responsible children.

The stronger the gentile’s racial, religious or national identity, the more likely he is to have negative views of aliens in his in country. Strong Americans, for instance, are not going to take kindly to their fellow citizens putting the welfare of another country ahead of America.

Until the 1960s, most American Jews, and most American minorities, felt strong social pressure to put America first publicly. Since the multicultural revolution of the 1960s, it has become more acceptable for minorities to put their own concerns first ahead of the country.

A healthy country requires its citizens to put the country first in their national identity.

So how will Jews respond to the growing nationalism around the West? By publicly putting their country of citizenship first. In their hearts and in their private deeds, they might still put Jews first, but in a healthy nationalistic country, there is strong social pressure for all citizens to put their country first in public.

In Pico-Robertson, I saw a home flying on its roof a tiny American flag and a giant Israel flag. In a healthy nationalistic America, it would be unacceptable to publicly put another country’s welfare ahead of America.

As long as America remains a dominantly Protestant country, Jews do not have to fear genocide as no Protestant country has slaughtered its Jews and Protestants tend to look at people as individuals rather than as representatives of groups. Every year, however, America becomes less Protestant, thus placing Jews in increasing danger.

For the past 500 years, the WASP has been the Jew’s best friend.

I just watched this New York Times documentary: “Aftershock: How Terrorism Sways Politics

In it, political scientist Nona Mayer says that the National Front unstitches France’s social fabric.

According to an English translation of her Wikipedia entry:

She is also interested in activism associations, the racism and the anti-Semitism.

Alongside its research activities, she participates in the network RAXEN (Racism and Xenophobia European Network) and comparative investigation “Group Focused Enmity” led by Professor Wilhelm Heitmeyer (Bielefeld)

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After a career of ups and downs, Joe Gutnick is once again a diamond in the rough

Sydney Morning Herald: Back in 2003, mining magnate Joseph Gutnick stared down a threat by his sister to refer their bitter legal dispute to a rabbinical court in Israel by invoking the famous Jewish teaching “dina demalchuta dina”, which means “the law of the land is the law”.

His sister Pnina Feldman and her husband, Rabbi Pinchus Feldman, had refused to accept a NSW court ruling in Gutnick’s favour over a $15 million loan. By invoking the Jewish halachic rule – one that considers law of a country binding, and, in certain cases, to be preferred over Jewish law – Rabbi Gutnick inflamed and divided his Hasidic community, which has long tried to keep disputes in house and outside of the court systems run by the state.

Now the same “law of the land” in which Gutnick has invested so much trust and money over the decades may just come back to bite him.

This week Fairfax Media revealed that “Diamond Joe” – a moniker earned through a series of investments in diamond and gold mines in the 1990s – had declared himself bankrupt, owing creditors $275 million. The bankruptcy came after the Supreme Court of Victoria upheld a ruling in Singapore that Mr Gutnick had made fraudulent misrepresentations in a deal with the Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative that went wrong.

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