LAT: What’s hot in Japan right now? Los Angeles, circa 1976

Look at what we’ve lost…

Los Angeles Times:

What’s hot on newsstands in Tokyo this month? Believe it or not, a 200-page Japanese magazine about life in Los Angeles — reprinted from 1976.

Twenty-seven pages are devoted to life at UCLA during the Gerald Ford administration, including a campus map and photos of dorm life and Ackerman Student Union (complete with state-of-the-art amenities like pinball machines and a “ride-sharing bulletin board”). The Kareem Abdul-Jabbar-led Lakers (who played at the Forum, where pretzels were 30 cents) are featured on five pages.

Flip to Page 53 and you’ll find an illustrated spread headlined “How to Jog” (complete with helpful tips like keep an upright posture, and use a heel-to-toe stride).

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LAT: How misogyny impacted ‘Ghostbusters’ opening weekend — and its future

Maybe it is just a bad movie?

Rebecca Keegan writes: “It’s not clear the digital vitriol made a measurable impact on the box office…”

Not much of a payoff for the headline.

How come I rarely hear about the evils of misandry — dislike of men?

LAT: Leslie Jones says she’s in ‘personal hell’ after barrage of racist, abusive tweets

In the months leading up to the release of the “Ghostbusters” reboot, the film’s female stars have been the targets of criticism from online trolls who feel immense loyalty to the 1984 original.

Now that the movie has hit theaters — debuting with over $46 million in box-office receipts last weekend — the hatred hasn’t stopped. In fact, it has perhaps only gotten worse.

On Monday, actress and “Saturday Night Live” member Leslie Jones — who stars in the new “Ghostbusters” alongside Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Kristen Wiig — began retweeting disturbing personal attacks being sent her way on Twitter. The majority of the comments had to do with her race, referring to her as an “ape” and a “savage.”


They ain’t afraid of no ghosts, but they might just be afraid of Milo. The Breitbart Tech editor has been blocked and reported on Twitter by Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones.

Following Jones’ complaints about the messages she was receiving on Twitter and other social media platforms following the release of Ghostbusters, Milo had this to say:

Jones did not take kindly to this, tweeting that not only had she blocked Milo (despite tweeting a mere three hours earlier that she was no longer going to be blocking people) but she had also reported his account.

Jones went on to call one of Milo’s supporters a “racist b*tch* after he suggested that comedians shouldn’t try curtail free speech.

Milo, as usual, took this in his stride and retaliated with multiple tweets ridiculing Jones and her inability to accept criticism.

When asked for official comment on his blocking by Jones this is what Milo said: “She must have read my review! Honestly, this is why I say feminism is cancer. She used to be funny but being involved in a social justice dumpster fire like Ghostbusters has reduced her to the status of just another frothing loon on Twitter.”

Further ridiculing Jones, Milo said, “Imagine it: the star of a Hollywood blockbuster sitting at home reporting random people on social media for saying her movie sucked. Sad!”

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ESPN: Rooney Rule in reverse: Minority coaching hires have stalled

I don’t see many asians coaching in the NFL. How come nobody in the MSM is worried about that? I don’t see many Orthodox Jews coaching in the NFL. Is the reason anti-Semitism?

I don’t see many whites playing cornerback in the NFL. Is that racism? Blacks are a disproportionate number of the players in the NFL and the NBA. Is that racism? Generally speaking, it makes no more sense to select a black to coach your NFL team than it does to select a white to start at cornerback on your NFL team.

Different peoples have different gifts.


THE NFL HAS sponsored programs, implemented the Rooney Rule, counseled team owners and convened committees to address its diversity problem in the coaching ranks. None of it is working. Minority coaches are frustrated. The numbers explain why — emphatically.

Teams have taken a chance on 21 first-time white head coaches and only one first-time minority head coach, Todd Bowles, over the past five hiring cycles (2012-16). The gap was an identical 21-1 nearly two decades ago, when the New York Jets made Herm Edwards the only first-time minority hire from 1997 to 2001.

It’s as though team owners have reverted to previous form, undoing the historic gains driven by Tony Dungy and his coaching tree in the early 2000s.

“Remember the old thing [where they said] you can’t win with a black quarterback?” a minority assistant coach asked. “It is almost like that for the coaches.”

Various league initiatives — led by the Rooney Rule, which required teams to interview at least one minority candidate when searching for a new head coach — continue to address the symptoms, not the underlying issues:

80 of the NFL’s current 85 offensive coordinators, quarterbacks coaches and offensive quality control coaches are white, including all 37 with the word “quarterback” in their titles.

23 of 32 defensive coordinators are white.

Those are crushing numbers for minorities considering how the hiring game is played: 94 percent of head coaches hired over the past 20 years (133 of 141) had been NFL coordinators, pro head coaches (including interim) or college head coaches previously.

The path to becoming an NFL head coach is clear. It is also largely unavailable to minorities, especially with Dungy in retirement. Dungy and his former assistants accounted for 43 percent of minority head-coaching hires over the past two decades and 39 percent since the Rooney Rule took effect.

Do different peoples have different gifts? That seems obvious to me. It was obvious to black NFL star and Christian preacher Reggie White as well.

The New York Times reported in 1998:

White said that homosexuality is ”one of the biggest sins” in the Bible and said that he was ”offended” by gay and lesbian groups that compare their struggle for civil rights to the struggles of African-Americans.

”In the process of history, homosexuals have never been castrated,” as enslaved blacks were, he said. ”Millions of them never died. Homosexuality is a decision. It’s not a race.”

In his effort to promote racial harmony, the Packer player, who is black, said that each racial and ethnic group has its own ”gifts,” that, when taken together, form ”a complete image of God.”

But in describing those gifts, White said that blacks ”like to sing and dance,” while whites ”know how to tap into money.” He said that Hispanic people ”are gifted at family structure. You can see a Hispanic person and he can put 20 or 30 people in one home.”

Asians, he said, know how to ”turn a television into a watch.” American Indians, he said, ”have been very gifted” in ”spirituality.”

He also said that early Americans chose to enslave blacks, rather than Indians, ”because Indians knew the territory, and knew how to sneak up on people.”

Charley Rosen,, Aug. 6, 2004:

Darryl Dawkins has never worried about being politically correct. Ever since he made headlines in 1975 when he became the first schoolboy to be drafted into the NBA (Philadelphia—fifth pick overall), Dawkins was never shy about speaking his mind.

According to Dawkins, the outcome of the upcoming Olympic basketball tournament hinges on a subject no one else dares to fully address—the racial components that define basketball as we know it.

“The game is the same,” says Dawkins. “The object is for the good guys to score and to keep the bad guys from scoring. But there’s a big difference between black basketball and white basketball.”

Growing up poor (but happy) near Orlando, Fla., Dawkins learned the former before he learned the latter. “Black basketball is much more individualistic,” he says. “With so many other opportunities closed to young black kids, the basketball court in the playground or the schoolyard is one of the few places where they can assert themselves in a positive way. So if somebody makes you look bad with a shake-and-bake move, then you’ve got to come right back at him with something better, something more stylish. And if someone fouls you hard, you’ve got to foul him even harder. It’s all about honor, pride, and establishing yourself as a man.”

Once the black game moves indoors and becomes more organized, the pressure to establish bona fides increases. “Now you’re talking about high school hoops,” says Dawkins. “So if you’re not scoring beaucoup points, if your picture isn’t in the papers, if you don’t have a trophy, then you ain’t the man and you ain’t nothing. Being second-best is just as bad as being last. And if a teammate hits nine shots in a row, the black attitude is, ‘Screw him. Now it’s my turn to get it on.’“

If young black players usually cherish untrammeled creativity, white hooplings mostly value more team-oriented concepts. “White basketball means passing the hell out of the ball,” says Dawkins. “White guys are more willing to do something when somebody else has the ball—setting picks, boxing out, cutting just to clear a space for a teammate, making the pass that leads to an assist pass. In white basketball, there’s a more of a sense of discipline, of running set plays and only taking wide open shots. If a guy gets hot, he’ll get the ball until he cools off.”

Why is white basketball so structured and team-oriented?

“Because the white culture places more of a premium on winning,” Dawkins believes, “and less on self-indulgent preening and chest-beating. That’s because there are so many other situations in the white culture where a young kid can express himself.”

As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. When Dawkins and the Sixers squared off against the Portland Trail Blazers for the NBA championship in 1977, Philadelphia’s most dynamic players were Julius Erving, George McGinnis, World B. Free, and Dawkins.

“They beat us in six games,” Dawkins recalls, “and the series marked the most blatant example of the racial difference in NBA game plans. We were much more flamboyant than Portland, and certainly more talented. We had more individual moves, more off-balance shots, more fancy passes, more dunks, and more entertaining stuff. But everybody wanted to shoot and be a star (including me), and nobody was willing to do the behind-the-scenes dirty work.”

Meanwhile, the white players at the core of Portland’s eventual success were Dave Twardzik, Bobby Gross, Larry Steele and Bill Walton. Dawkins notes that “Even the black guys like Lionel Hollins, Mo Lucas, Johnny Davis, Lloyd Neal played disciplined, unselfish white basketball. Credit their coach, Jack Ramsay, for getting everybody on the same page.”

As much as Dawkins respected Portland’s game plan, however, he was never crazy about Walton. “The guy was a good player who could really pass and had a nice jump hook,” Dawkins opines. “What made Walton so effective was that he was surrounded by talented players who wanted to win and weren’t concerned with being stars. Personally, I think that Walton was, and still is, full of baloney. Back then, he had this mountain-man image, he smoked lots of pot, and I don’t think he bathed regularly. And the league let him play with a red bandana tied around his head. To say nothing of his involvement with Patty Hearst.

“If a black player ever tried any of that kind of stuff he would’ve been banished from the NBA in a heartbeat. Yet in spite of all the messed up things Walton did as a player, now that he’s a TV announcer all he does is tear down everybody else. The guy still ticks me off.”

During his 15-year tenure in the NBA, Dawkins’ signature move was bulldozing to the basket and smashing the Plexiglas backboard to smithereens. He was brash, outlandish, funny, and irresistible. He called himself “Chocolate Thunder,” claimed to be from the planet Lovetron, and devised names for his more awesome dunks—among the most noteworthy were In Your Face Disgrace, Cover Yo Damn Head, Sexophonic Turbo Delight, and his classic If You Ain’t Groovin’ Best Get Movin’-Chocolate Thunder Flyin’-Robinzine Cryin’-Teeth Shakin’-Glass Breakin’-Rump Roastin’-Bun Toastin’-Glass Still Flyin’ Wham-Bam-I-Am Jam!

For the past four years, the 6-foot-11, 285-pound Dawkins has been coaching the Pennsylvania Valley Dawgs in the summertime United States Basketball League. In so doing, he’s won two championships (2002 and 2004) and distinguished himself as a superior motivator and big man coach, as well as the kind of on- and off-court teacher who can help transform wild young hooplings into mature gamers. As a by-product of his own maturation, Dawkins can also see the pluses and minuses of both black and white basketball.

“The black game by itself,” he says, “is too chaotic and much too selfish. No one player is good enough to beat five opponents on a consistent basis. The black style also creates animosities among the players because everybody ends up arguing about who’s shooting too much and who’s not shooting enough.”

But the white game also has its drawbacks: “It can get too predictable and even too cautious because guys can be afraid to take risks and make mistakes.”

Dawkins believes that the best NBA teams combine the best of both. “In basketball and in civilian life,” Dawkins says, “freedom without structure winds up being chaotic and destructive. Only when it operates within a system can freedom create something worthwhile.”

And, according to Dawkins, this is the most difficult task at hand for Larry Brown. “Only Tim Duncan and Carlos Boozer are willing to play white basketball. All the other guys on Team USA really want to go off on their own.

“Unless Brown can bleach some of the selfish funk from their game, they’ll be lucky to win the bronze.”

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ESPN: Study: Minority coaches dominate positions less associated with advancement


A study of 2016 NFL coaching staffs shows that white coaches overwhelmingly fill the offensive positions associated with advancement to the head-coaching ranks, compromising the Rooney Rule’s efforts to reverse a recent trend.

Eighty of NFL’s current 85 offensive coordinators, quarterbacks coaches and offensive-quality-control coaches are white, including all 37 with the word “quarterback” in their job descriptions. Minorities comprise one-third of NFL coaches overall, but they dominate positions less associated with advancement. This revelation comes after NFL teams hired 21 first-time white head coaches and one first-time minority head coach (Todd Bowles by the Jets) since 2012, a period of five hiring cycles.

Gee, why would whites be over-represented in a profession about constructing something? Steve Sailer wrote last week:

blacks do best in sports roles that put a premium on disruption and destruction. In football, for example, players on defense are actually more on the offensive, extemporizing search-and-destroy missions against the nominal offense, which attempts to defend its preconceived plans.

Whites in the NFL are concentrated at the positions that specialize in executing preplanned routines, such as placekicker, punter, quarterback, and offensive lineman, especially center.

Not surprisingly, while professional football overall is 68 percent black, defensive platoons are even blacker than that. The position of cornerback, the pass defenders who must react with instant violence to the planned routes run by receivers, is extraordinarily racially segregated. No white man has played regularly at any of the 64 cornerback positions in the NFL since Jason Sehorn retired more than a dozen years ago.

As you might expect, NFL players tend to get arrested now and then. The San Diego Union-Tribune keeps an eye-opening database of NFL arrests.

And who knows how many football heroes skate out of trouble with the police?

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Jamiel Shaw, RIP

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I believe it was last August when Trump introduced the father of the slain youth, and he made a very moving speech outlining the facts of his talented son’s death and his endorsement of Donald Trump. Clips from that video were incorporated into a powerful TV ad of about 30 seconds to a minute. I expected to see it aired before the Florida primary, but I guess it was too difficult for blacks to change registrations in order to vote in the closed Republican primary so the ad did not make many appearances as far as I know. But, with the general election campaign about to start, I think that commercial will start seeing a lot of air time. IMO it is a very powerful TV ad and holds out the prospect of bringing upward of 20+% of the black vote to Trump.

* Blacks have been ethnically cleansed from south central, San Pedro, and Compton, to name a few areas. If the Rodney King beating happened today, there would be no mass riots in South Central because there aren’t enough blacks to do it. Violent crime has dropped significantly in the noted areas as a result. Crime drops where blacks aren’t.

In this instance, I can say “thanks Obama,” without a trace of irony. Without his immigration scheme, we’d have never cleansed Compton, and it would still be a fountain of black tears today. Compton has returned to being a city again, instead of a de facto low security prison yard for black losers.

* Ron Unz: I’d guess that the rate at which blacks kill totally innocent Hispanic immigrants is something like 10x, 20x, perhaps even 30x greater than the other way round.

Personally, I think that the Jamiel Shaw is basically the “Emmett Till” of silly rightwing anti-immigration activists. The main reason they’re still citing him eight years after the murder it that it’s so difficult for them to find another example of anything similar. C’mon, haven’t there been over 100,000 murders in America since 2008, and they’re *still* citing that same case?

From what I vaguely remember reading at the time, the blacks in South Central had been going around for quite a while robbing, beating, and even sometimes randomly killing lots of the local Hispanics, so some young Hispanics got angry and shot that young Jamiel in retaliation.

Citing poor, poor Jamiel Shaw from 2008 is also a way the quasi-WN types attempt to convince the MSM that they’re not really “raciss”…but it doesn’t work and they’re not fooling anyone…

Cupertino’s not too far away from me, and back in 2011 some black guy got agitated and shot ten of his Hispanic co-workers for no reason, killing three of them:

That’s one incident in one town near where I live, and my entire region is only 3% black. Personally, I’d bet you’d have a pretty hard time finding the names of even three innocent blacks killed by Hispanics across the entire country since 2008. I’m sure it’s possible, but it would probably take a good lot of effort.

After all, I read VDare pretty regularly, and I think the only black victim they’ve ever managed to locate was Jamiel Shaw, which is why they feature him so regularly.

* So, basically Multicultural or Multiracial societies will always have strife. This seems like a pretty good argument against admitting unlimited immigrants that can’t assimilate.

Sure plenty of Hispanics are great people. They deserve to have a great life in one of the many Latin American nations.

* Bob Dole reminds many older voters of a better time in US history, when there was more decency and less Narrative.

* You’re missing the point Ron. It is true that the media spend very, very scarce time on inter-racial violence, and even less time on Hispanic-on-Black crime. Yes, the rate of murder for blacks is far higher, but this just goes to the point of those “quasi-WN” types who are calling for less immigration. We don’t want inter-racial violence in the US. We don’t need it, and it costs our country money, lives, and police/court resources. Why should Americans have to foot the bill for mass gang wars between blacks and Hispanics? This isn’t the America the Founding Fathers envisioned, nor is it the America that working class people all over this country want to live in. Mass immigration restrictions and a focus on white American cultural values and traditions is the only way to save this country.

* Steve, you’ve got to check out Iowa Congressman Steve King’s comment on MSNBC today.

He got sick of Charles Pierce blathering about “angry white people” and asked him point blank: what subgroup of people have contributed more to civilization? It was stunning. Chris Hayes (or Rachel Maddow, I get them confused) started wowjustwowwing and quickly invoked Hitler. Some black woman of questionable credentials muttered something about Africa and Asia and “the history of this country.” They had to dump to commercial amid triggered laughter.

Later, on Periscope, Joy Ann Reid interviewed Chris and the black woman for 8 minutes. She got around to refuting Rep. King with:

1) uh… slavery!
2) have you even heard for the traffic light? and some types of whiskey?

It went downhill from there.

* According to stats in “The Color of Crime,” blacks and Hispanics were the victims of violent crime in about the same numbers — about a million victims per group.

Hispanics were responsible for about five percent of the black victims, or about 50,000 crimes.

Blacks committed about 20% percent of the violent crimes against Hispanics, or approximately 200,000 crimes.

These stats are from 2012-13.

Look for “Table 10.”

* Steve’s real point is to give those of his readers with actual influence on the public consciousness, like Trump campaign people and Breitbart writers, additional ammunition to support Trump’s use of the Shaw killing to drive a wedge between the blacks and their fans and the illegals and their descendants.

Not only was Shaw murdered in a racial cleansing, but illegals and their anchor babies were firebombing blacks as well!

Keep in mind that blacks’ grievances, resulting from their being kidnapped and brought here and enslaved, retain legitimacy despite blacks’ intrinsic violence and dimness. Illegals and anchor babies, who are only here because somebody wanted to usurp the awesomeness created by founding stock Americans, neither receive nor deserve the sympathy accorded American blacks.

* The issue is that Trump doesn’t have a campaign in the traditional sense. Does anyone think they have a high-paid professional speechwriter on staff?

My guess is that Melania’s speech was written by some 25 year old kid who googled “first lady speeches,” stitched something together, and hoped no one would notice.

90% of what political campaigns do is totally worthless and doesn’t sway any votes, and it’s sort of refreshing to see a candidate refuse to play that game, but Trump failing to have the basics of basics down is going to be a problem.

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