Fake Coup In Turkey

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Who … whom? A false flag? Yes!

It wasn’t a successful coup. Indeed, it was the “keystone cops” at play. Consider:

1. Most coups (and certainly most Turkish coups) take place early in the morning when the plotters generally know the whereabouts of the leadership they are targeting (they are home in bed or having morning coffee), the TV stations and other communication nodes are minimally manned and protected, and opposition forces are not assembled much less deployed. THIS COUP occurred Friday evening when friendly police and military forces were on station and just in time for Erdogan to call his mobs into the streets to protest.

2. The senior leadership of the Turkish military were not involved in the coup. Historically, the senior leadership led the coups. Indeed, the coup leadership has historically vetted their actions with the CIA before acting to insure US support.

3. Erdogan says that the coup plotters missed him at his vacation resort by 30 minutes. In a decently lead coup, Erdogan would have been the first target.

4. Even with the alleged coup plotters having F-16 armed fighters airborne to attack the government, Erdogan arrogantly had his private jet fly him (with transponder on) to and land at Istanbul airport that was allegedly closed and under the control of the rebels. If he had not known the outcome beforehand, it would have been foolish for Erdogan to take to the skies, announce his route, and then land in rebel controlled territory. Or, this scenario might, from Erdogan’s perspective, have been calculated to enhance his image as the Big Man … brave and without fear. Indeed, two rebel F-16s were said to have shadowed Erdogan’s plane. Why didn’t they shoot? Who knows. In a real coup, they would have shot Erdogan’s plane down to secure the coup in this one action.

5. The failed coup was a pretext for Erdogan to purge all of his political opponents and their supporters. The purge is so massive that the lists and the purge had to have been preplanned. Erdogan and his supporters now have a free hand to loot Turkey in a massive transfer of wealth and power to Erdogan and his loyal cronies.

6. Erdogan has voiced that there can be no limits on his power nor any opposition to his regime because (his version of democracy) there is no such thing as a loyal opposition. Once the people have spoken, he is President for Life. Anyone opposing the will of the people or criticizing his sacred person are by definition against the people … traitors and terrorists … and they will be dealt with accordingly. Thousands upon thousands of traitors out there that have to be dealt with.

My take is that Erdogan is a narcissistic sociopath, but not a very bright one at that. He can’t even pull off a decent false flag operation because he cannot resist the temptation to have his fingerprints all over it. “See, I can run the country and launch a coup against myself … all at the same time. What power! I can save myself from myself and I hope everybody notices.”

* During that same silly FaceTime phone call with the TV reporter, however, he calmly told supporters to take to the streets and he would be landing shortly in either Ankara or Istanbul. Guess what? He did! That’s truly an accurate and bizarre call to make (pun intended) in the middle of a true coup. As a non-Turkish observer, that seemed off to me. Every action taken since Saturday further points to Erdogan staging the whole thing.

While he has gutted as much as possible Kemalists/secularists from the military, putting his people (and, yes, in the past some Gulenists as well) in higher-ranking positions, there are still a few secularists and perhaps they were sincerely following orders to go through with what they thought was a real coup. That’s the only part that looks real here.

If that whodunnit chart were to be broken up by who respondents politically support, we would likely see all that those blaming Gulen are Erdogan/AKP supporters, and those saying Erdogan staged the coup attempt are Kemalists/CHP supporters. The later have groaned about Gulen for years, but since the break with Erdogan, these CHP supporters are far more concerned with Erdogan.

Now it’s only Erdogan supporters who give a damn about Gulen, and how convenient now that with this “Gulen coup” they can remind John Kerry that Erdogan was, after all, democratically elected and hey since you like democracy so much and Gulen is undermining it, you’ll be contradicting yourself if you don’t hand him over…

I personally won’t lose much sleep over Gulen being wrongfully extradited, but it would be a clear injustice.

* The Turks are, of course, inherently prone to conspiracy theorising. My former girlfriend’s husband (both are Turks) believes that this was a conspiracy in which Erdogan, Gulen and the CIA were together!

On a more serious note, there are some serious problems with the Turkish Government’s version of events. Erdogan gave a TV interview in Istanbul about one hour before the coup’s soldiers started rappelling down their ropes into the Marmaris Hotel where he was supposedly staying. The fact that he wasn’t there was already public knowledge.

All I can say is that the law of unintended consequences applies here and that needs to be carefully considered. I personally doubt very much that Erdogan himself believes too deeply in the Islamist stuff. He is utterly corrupt as hell, loves money and his sons have pilfered billions from various sectors of the economy (including tourism). If Erdogan were to impose an Islamist state as one sees in other parts of the Middle East, the gravy train would come to a grinding halt and most of his property in Turkey will be of diminished value.

But here is the problem: Islam is like a genie in a bottle. There is a reason Ataturk created this secular regime and empowered the military to forcefully remove governments that did not adhere strictly to secular principles. Ataturk KNEW that the dangers of clerics is ever present in a society with a Muslim population exceeding 90 per cent. Once Erdogan has removed the Kemalist establishment and imprisoned/destroyed/executed it, the last effective checks on the more militant and “purist” Islamists will be removed. When some clerics start demanding imposition of Sharia law, how is he going to resist that? He might succeed in the short term but by waging a war on the secular establishment, he has already handed all the cards to the hard-core Islamists.

Where does this end? If you want to know, read about General Zia and Pakistan and see what it has become. I have never been to Pakistan but I have numerous friends who have. And I have spent plenty of time in Turkey. For all its faults, Turkey is a prosperous middle income country. if the clerics become ascendant, it is a matter of time before it turns into Pakistan.

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Silicon Valley: Smoking in ‘merica

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Google, under pressure for its low diversity numbers, addressed the issue by making groundskeepers and janitors employees instead of outsourcing the work.

Of course, Google is much more racially diverse than The New York Times, The Washington Post, Gawker and other media outlets complaining about the lack of diversity in the tech sector. This is because, for the media at least, Asians are no longer a minority because, well, because.

* Classic quote from Mason Harrison, the token Silicon Valley Republican whose strategy is to surrender: “… it almost seems like [Trump] has gone out of his way to smite Silicon Valley leaders on the issues they care about.”

No shit, Sherlock. Trump recognizes these Silicon Valley leaders are the enemy. He’s not going to pander to them, he’s going to attack them. That’s how politics works.

* More mass confusion on how the world works from the left. The same industry and area that they are constantly accusing of sexism, racism, and elitism is now the vanguard of leftist thought in business apparently. I have read other posts saying Trump opposing illegal immigration would kill high tech because forty percent of business in the Valley were founded by immigrants or the children of immigrants, despite the complete non-existence of Mexicans and Central Americans, much less illegal immigrant Mexicans and Central Americans in Silicon Valley. No one says that virtually all the people in the industry that come from abroad come from South Asia, East Asia, Europe, and even the white population of South Africa ( More on that later ) . There is also a strong libertarian contingent in the Valley and always has been and Thiel is part of that, just more outspoken politically about it ( He was a big backer of Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 ). Blacks and Latinos are practically non-existent in any leadership, technology, or founder capacity in the Valley at all ( I say practically because I don’t know for a fact that the number is zero, but I suspect it is, notwithstanding the fact the NYT found a black libertarian in the valley who founded a wait for it…. non-profit, a tech captain of industry indeed! ).

In fact you could argue there are more white South Africans contributing to tech in the valley and elsewhere than there are native born American blacks. Just off the top of my head there is PayPal alums David O. Sacks, Elon Musk, and Roelof Botha, all major movers and shakers in the valley as well as Mark Shuttleworth, who founded the Linux software giant Ubuntu in the UK. I saw recently a list of the top 100 VC’s in the US from Forbes magazine with photos, what was there was overwhelmingly white and Asian, overwhelmingly male, ( Among the roughly one third that were Asian, only two were women ) and a few white women, no Barry’s, Michelle’s, or Loretta’s to be found anywhere on the list. When the NYT and other SJW’s get riled up about the workforce demographics of tech giants like Apple and Facebook they count the numerous Asian tech guys working in the valley as white for purposes of moral condemnation, but now because the MSM wants to blackball Thiel, suddenly everyone is the valley is a closeted liberal. I also love them calling Trump a technological ignoramus? And Clinton is a masterful tech guru? Well we know both Obamas, Barry and Michelle, were instrumental founders of the PayPal Mafia, that group that went on to found dozens of startups in the Valley, No, oops, I’m sorry, that was Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, two stale pale males from Germany and South Africa that did that, so easy to get successful tech entrepreneurs and affirmative action driven community activists who never practice law confused with each other, they are so similar.

* I wonder what the Silicon Valley bigwigs really think about IQ. They seem to be hiring more or less on the basis of it (specifically, talent at STEM-type fields).

The resulting employees have the expected diversity: besides whites, there’s lot of Chinese and Indians. Women are underrepresented and so are blacks and Hispanics.

So they’re hypocrites.

I support their right to hire as they please, but they need to realize that they can’t pass for “progressives” unless change their hiring practices.

* Two men vie for the title of Father of Silicon Valley: William Shockley and Fred Terman. They were both friends and proponents of eugenics. Terman’s father created America’s first IQ test, the Stanford-Binet.

* Re: 1950s.

1) Ordinary Americans’ purchasing power was never higher, before or since: peak purchasing power

2) Wages continued to rise

3) Jobs were so plentiful that you could walk out of one, and the next day get a new job, and for most jobs you didn’t need a résumé; and you could house, feed, and educate a family on most jobs. Also, if you took a job you liked, you enjoyed every confidence you would work it until you’d retire comfortably on its pension and benefits. And millions of American teens and college students worked ample summer jobs, often menial jobs that taught solid virtues

4) Unprecedented numbers of ordinary Americans could and did afford one-family homes; and rents were also very affordable; and atop all that Americans socked away solid savings – the complete opposite of today’s spreading indebtedness, insolvency, and rash of bankruptcies. Up to about 1970, banks paid depositors 5% interest on deposits – try finding that rate today

5) College tuition was affordable – no one I’d heard of had taken out a loan to send their children to college

6) Pro sports were still a game. Yes, they were businesses, but no league would even think to hire criminals, or to pony up considerable sums to cover up players’ or coaches’ crimes or disgusting behavior. Even media of that time – as liberal as they were – maintained a probity that makes today’s media foulness and enforcement of p.c. (which has replaced genuine, cultivated virtue with a fascist code) look pretty awful

7) Movies and TV were not vehicles for smut or foul language

8) There was nothing of today’s burdensome, intrusive, obtrusive Anarcho-Tyranny

9) Everyone could and did speak freely, without fear of being penalized, because there were no Diversity Commissars or Social Media Shaming mobs. No one then was so “offended” by another’s speech that he telephone-summoned the entire neighborhood to mass en masse at the “offending” speaker’s home. And someone disciplined, punished, or fired for a speech “violation” was unheard of

10) The illegtimacy rates of Whites and blacks were much lower; and many more dads had jobs than dads have today

11) Schools (and media) had not yet become Indoctrination Gulags. Campuses were bucolic, safe whereon civilized and genuine free, open debate flourished. A well-rounded education in Western Civilization was the norm, and so was pride in America and in being American. Student misbehavior received well-deserved punishment – and the overwhelming majority of parents supported such condign punishment

12) Children – including high school students – were still regarded, rightly, as children, and not as “young people” with “something to say”; and no student of any race ever read aloud – or even in private silence – a pathetic ethnomasochist screed

13) The U.S. enjoyed massive positive balance of trade (a negative trade deficit would have had Americans up in arms), solid, steady economic growth, and widespread domestic prosperity; national debt was low, manageable, and still under control; and GDP per capita was (if I recall correctly) at an all-time high, as trade protectionism kept American industries humming and kept Americans employed

14) For all those liberal “The Sky Is Falling” books & films you listed, there were others that countered or refuted their doom-&-gloom: Strategic Air Command; A Gathering Of Eagles; The Great Escape; Ben-Hur; The Ten Commandments; The Alamo; The Robe; Mister Roberts; The Longest Day; & many more such

15) There was none of today’s nonstop saccharine worship, elevation, importation or imposition of inimical Third World “cultures”

16) Common courtesy was common; there was none of today’s knee-jerk indulgence in smearing, in contemptuous accusations of “hate” and “evil” and “Hitler”; and there was no such Orwellian thing as a “hate crime”

17) Americans enjoyed broad trust in one another, and Americans had faith in the future and faith in the affordability of attaining the American Dream through conscientious hard work: everything was Looking UP!

18) Standards held: there was no Affirmative Action absurdity or any other race-based set-asides or preferences – to get ahead one had to make the grade, had to show that one had the goods and could cut the mustard

19) Perpetual Adolescence was not the rule, but was the extreme exception. There were no Trekkies, no mohawks, no piercings or tattoos, no goth or zombie “lifestyles” – and, aside from some military men and veterans, anyone who wore a tatto or had any part of their bodies (except for women’s earlobes) pierced was rightly regarded as gutter trash to avoid, or as an oddball to be, at best, tolerantly humored

20) The overwhelming majority of adults didn’t enthuse about, or endlessly analyze, or even much discuss pop music, or follow the antics of pop group members, or jaw endlessly or ludicrously emulate pop stars or pop culture: adults had more important things to do with their minds and their time, and so did children. TV/mass media had yet to completely monopolize people’s attention, time, or energies

21) Appliances and other goods were often repaired or mended, often in the home (thrift was still a common virtue); or you took your shoes to the shoemaker, you took your radio or toaster to the appliance shop; much less was then disposable. Mending work employed millions, often in their own Mom & Pop shops

22) If you’d told someone in those days there’d be a multi-decades-long, multi-mega-billions of dollar taxpayer-funded War on Drugs because scores of millions of Americans would abuse God knows how many kinds of illegal and prescription substances, he’d have directed you to an asylum: “Why would Americans want to take illegal drugs?!”

23) Welfare was still an embarrassment; welfare rolls were much, much shorter; and the number of taxpayer-funded welfare programs you could count on the fingers of one hand

24) The middle class was large and growing; today’s rump middle class verges on extinction. The wealth inequality gap was much smaller than today’s vast wealth gulf – so too was the power gap smaller, and political power was far more balanced between the top and ordinary Americans. Our elites were note nearly so remote from or so alien to us as they now are, because they were still of us

25) Infrastructure was still growing: the Interstate Highway System became reality; the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge; the World Trade Center. Today infrastructure crumbles.

26) Last but not least: Americans were still 90% White and both Whites and blacks were overwhelmingly Christian – the Protestant Ethic held, but soon would perform its swan song. That much homogeneity was its own reward, its own most widely-ever shared blessing.

Compared to today, the 1950′s and early 1960′s were an American Paradise, a genuine Golden Age. By every measure of civilization – except those of improved appliances and today’s improved (though far more costly) medicine – for the largest proportion of Americans ever, those days had today beat by several parsecs.

* Life in America prior to 1965 was superior for 95% of the people who were here then, almost all whites except the hyper-wealthy, and most blacks, and most of the others. The only Muslims here were a few oil sheiks, but the kind of Muslims we have now would probably have found it somewhat less to their liking. Orientals in general and Chinese in specific might have been a little worse off because no AA and no government programs for blacks and mestizos they can occasionally exploit and get rich off.

Homosexuals-they did exist then-had to keep it “on the down low”, and opportunities for the most promiscuous sex for them were probably much less. They were probably better off healthwise for it, because even with no AIDS, they had syphilis, hepatitis, and of course mechanical damage to the anus and rectum, and the surgeries for that were far cruder. Most homosexuals accepted the fact they were a tiny minority and that the rest of us did not need to know how they were or what they did with equanimity. Those that didn’t, a minority of a minority, had to move to a place where that sort of thing could be done more or less openly. Lesbians were more open as lesbianism “wasn’t a thing” in people’s minds. If two women lived together, well, that just made them friends, not girl-girl friends. Women could dance with other women all the time and no one thought of it. Plausible deniability was incredibly simple-unless they went around telling everyone they were lesbians, or were munching each other out on the front porch, well, they were not lesbians as far as anyone but other lesbians or beatniks or male homoisexuals knew or cared.

Illegitimacy simply didn’t exist for middle class people. A girl who “got caught” married the guy, some cuck she could talk into it or put it up for adoption. It could be “taken care of” if the girl had no scruples and enough money, but it never entered most girls’ mind to do that. The very poor and the very rich, then as now, did just what they wanted. If you were rich you sham-married a guy and divorced him and kept custody if you wanted, and there were always men who’d go along: if they were gay they’d do it for cover (they didn’t actually have to, you know, consummate the marriage-bloody sheets off the balcony are not a White thing, and even if they were….) and otherwise if just poor would take a pay packet or two to do it.

Middle class people did not use illegal drugs. Period. There was alcohol, of course, and women especially could get doctors to prescribe barbiturates and amphetamines easier than now, but overall there was much less abuse.

Pornography and “filthy” music and comedy records did exist-but were kept under the counter at any establishment and even their existence was unknown to most underage people and most women. Most men had either nothing to do with them or they would watch a “smoker” (a 16mm film of, almost always, one man and one woman “doing it”) with a bunch of frat or lodge brothers, fully clothed and usually puffing frantically on cigars, or-a littlemore common in mixed party company-would play “party records” like Rusty Warren, risque but not over the top filthy. Black and hillbilly raunchy records somewhat more explicit did exist and again were vended discreetly. (The famous outro to the Rolling Stones’ “Start Me Up”-’you’d make a dead man come’- was pilfered from 1930s “hokum blues” records, that one by one Lucille Bogan ((Shave ‘Em Dry,1935)). YouTube features most of these raunchy blues records for those of a musico-sexological bent.)

Certainly, because so many women were full-time homemakers, and because of the lack of computer automation, jobs were plentiful. Any white male, almost, and also any white female who wasn’t married or whose kids were grown, and any black of any intelligence and determination could find a job. They all paid a lot more in relation to housing costs.

You repaired torn or frayed clothes, most appliances and electrical items, and so forth, instead of throwing them out. Furniture was a bigger investment than today, if bought new, but it was all solid wood and held up a lot better. If it broke, you repaired it. People ate at home a lot more and women were expected to cook and sew well. The prospect of steady home cooked meals rivalled even the prospect for legit sex in the minds of many men contemplating giving up on bachelorhood.

In all, if you were a person with an animus against the social mores of the time, or could exploit things like affirmative action and the welfare-warfare state, you might be better off now. And if you had a medical condition treatable now not treatable in 1965, you are better off now. But most normal people would have been much happier in 1965. I know I would.

* I too was born in the early ’50s. It makes me sad that my children will never understand how great things were in this country before 2000 and how everything was ruined. When I was a teenager, summer jobs were yours for the asking. In my 20s through 40s, there was plenty of high-paying work available in my field.

Young Americans face a very bleak future. Most of them have no idea what’s wrong because the propaganda is relentless and effective.

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Eric Holder Hired by Airbnb to Fight Discrimination


* Nice little company you got here. Sure would be a shame if the DoJ found evidence of discriminatory practices…

* We are all small-town Christian pizza makers now.

* Hotel lodging WILL be desegregated and diversified.

Excuse me sir, but two whites sharing a hotel room simply will not do.
This is 2016.

Madame, here is a gentleman of color ready to take the place of your white companion.
You may proceed to to your room and make yourselves comfortable, while the white gentleman remains here to arrange for payment.

* AirBnB is built on SWPL types. It is also very successful startup, with an imputed market cap of over $20 billion.

The renters have their social media persona, which include all sorts of stuff that would be totally illegal to ask. They just volunteer it. People are self profiling.

* I fail to see the novelty in Airbnb. People have been renting out their mountain cabins, beach homes, and other vacation properties for years. My family has used sites like “Big Bear Rentals Dot Com” since the early 2000s, and every time you rent, you have to satisfy the owners, in various ways, that you’re not going to trash their place. The things they ask or the sort of safety deposit they demand has always struck me as being blatantly discriminatory.

Yet vacation home owners have gotten away with it for many years. Why is Airbnb getting in trouble for facilitating the same sorts of transactions that have been going on for decades in places like Big Bear, Laguna Beach, the Maine coast, etc. . . .?

* I never seem to tire of posting the first two sentences from the CIA World Factbook page on the economy of Liberia, which has been independent since about 1850, and where Whites are not allowed to be citizens:

Liberia is a low income country that relies heavily on foreign assistance. It is richly endowed with water, mineral resources, forests, and a climate favorable to agriculture.

* My guess is that hiring Eric Holder is a way to give themselves some cover, while they try to craft some kind of policies that will let landlords keep deciding whom to let stay in their homes, while also taking cosmetic steps to reduce discrimination.

I think the best practical anti-discrimination step they could take would be some kind of background check available for would-be renters. If the landlord fears that a black renter will trash the place, demanding they stop fearing that or stop reacting to that fear is pretty useless. Addressing the fear (this guy has an excellent credit rating, no criminal record, and a solid job, and we’ll offer you $100K of insurance against him trashing the place for a small fee) might actually help.

* Too many property owners want the upside of using someone else to handle their property without realizing that their laziness costs them in the end. Nobody is going to treat your property as you would.

My Florida-dwelling mom wanted to spend some time on Cape Cod last summer “while I still can”, so she rented a beautiful place in Brewster from a private owner: 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, private beach, etc., all for $3,600 for 10 days. The leasing form was more involved and intrusive than my mortgage application. There was an additional $750 damage deposit.

We had a wonderful time. My mom, being my mom, spent her last day bossing us around in a top-to-bottom scrubdown of the place. I think it was cleaner than when we got there.

The kicker is that she got a note from the owner, along with the deposit refund, telling Mom that she was welcome to rent the place in the future with a 15% discount and the deposit waived, the discount essentially being what she’d have paid a property manager.

* YouTube hires British politician (and well-known fuckwit) as head of diversity.

Immigrants taking the jobs of AA extortionists!

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Jamie Kirchick Threatens a Military Coup Against a President Trump

Steve Sailer writes: Jamie Kirchick, one of Martin Peretz’s aging Bright Young Men (a skein that includes Andrew Sullivan and Al Gore), writes in the Los Angeles Times:

If Trump wins, a coup isn’t impossible here in the U.S.

… If this scenario sounds implausible, consider that Trump has normalized so many once-outrageous things — from open racism to blatant lying. Needless to say, such dystopian situations are unimaginable under a President Hillary Clinton, who, whatever her faults, would never contemplate ordering a bombing run or — heaven forbid — a nuclear strike on a country just because its leader slighted her small hands at a summit. …

Trump is not only patently unfit to be president, but a danger to America and the world. Voters must stop him before the military has to.


* A prominent French Socialist politician said the same thing, should Marine Le Pen win the elections next year.

On one hand, wishful thinking. In both countries officers and the military on average might actually support the nationalist candidates. On the other hand, frightening how our elites are openly advocating for a military coup and basically threatening voters with martial law unless voters comply and vote for the establishment candidates.

* The neocon geniuses let homosexuals and trannies infest the military, and now their only hope for stopping Trump is Seven Gays in May.

* Trump is possibly the one person in political life today who actually would be impeached if he got out of line and abused his authority.

The entire party establishment hates him. A lot of grassroots social conservatives would rather have Pence than Trump as president.

If there’s at least some semi-plausible reason to impeach Trump, he’s as good as gone.

* Trump is possibly the one person in political life today who actually would be impeached if he got out of line and abused his authority.

The entire party establishment hates him. A lot of grassroots social conservatives would rather have Pence than Trump as president.

If there’s at least some semi-plausible reason to impeach Trump, he’s as good as gone.

* I think this is projection on the part of Hillary supporters. A coup is more likely (although still very unlikely) in the event of a Hillary Clinton presidency gone disastrously awry (millions of refugees; possible losing wars against Russia; cities in flame and a crashing economy) than against a Trump Administration.

* “Barro’s “safe bet” candidate voted for the war in Iraq and then followed it up by engineering a “disastrous Libyan intervention,” as the left-of-center New Republic put it. Two years ago, the venerable liberal magazine The Nation warned, “The Left Ought to Worry About Hillary Clinton, Hawk and Militarist, in 2016.” In contrast, with the exception of Senator Rand Paul, Trump was the least-bellicose of the 17 candidates running for his party’s nomination. Maybe Barro spent too much time on his scary chart to Google this?”

You failed to mention two other Hillary initiatives. First, she has been advocating arming Ukraine, which Trump opposes. Secondly, she has been calling for “no-fly zones” over Syria, also opposed by Trump, which, apart from being illegal, threaten confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia, which just happens to be in Syria legally at the invitation of the legitimate government of Syria. I am, like you, astounded by the role reversal where the Hillary campaign is portraying Trump as the risky choice whereas she is the one going around proposing all these risky foreign ventures that carry heightened risk of nuclear war with Russia.

I also recall in that Republican debate back in January when Hugh Hewitt tried to trap Trump with his question about the “nuclear triad.” Later claiming that he didn’t hear the question, Trump answered the “question” by riffing on the horrors of nuclear war. That hardly sounded to me like a man anxious to get his finger on the nuclear trigger just so he could launch a nuclear war with Russia. Although I concede that Trump probably had no idea what the “nuclear triad” was, I found his answer rather reassuring, whereas I found no reassurance in Senator Rubio’s glib recital of what the nuclear triad was (I’m convinced that Hewitt, who was a Rubio supporter at one point, fed Rubio that question before the debate just so he would be ready to answer following the anticipated flub by Trump).

* I’ve been praying for a coup for the last 7 1/2 years, and it hasn’t happened, so I it think it’s just wishful thinking on his part.

Exactly who in hell is Jamie Kirchick, anyway?? Another Harvard-Yale demigod lowering himself from Olympus to tell us lowly worms what we ought to think? Gay, too. Well that obviously makes him superior to us hetero “breeder” scum.

* A Jewish passive homosexual who has never handled a weapon in his life is threatening a military coup?

* So considering that he supports the death penalty for traitors, just like Donald Trump, I take it then Kirchick won’t have any complaints when his coup fails and he is strapped onto the lethal injection gurney?

* The Creditor Class Oligarchs can not believe what is happening and they hate the fact that the dumb ass debtor low class no class creeps might vote Trump into office despite the Oligarchs warnings to everyone that bad whites electing Trump mean mayhem and madness will be set free by Charon.

O, and the guy who wrote this splenetic yelp? He prolly realises his job is also on the line if Trump wins for who needs him, or George Will, of Paul Krugman, or Bill Kristol, or Rich Lowrey, or any of the other cuck whores who have sold their souls to the Oligarchs?

* Kirchick was/is the detestable young neocon lickspittle who smeared Ron Paul as racist in the 2008 presidential race, mainly due to those oh so offensive newsletters (clutch pearls now).

* You have to read articles like this in the context of the Party Line that is coming from Hillary HQ. They are currently pushing the poll tested meme that Trump is totally unfit to be President. So you don’t have to choose between odious Trump and equally odious Hillary (as many voters now feel). Rather, odious Hillary is the only viable candidate so you have no real choice but to vote for her even though she is odious.

In the 2002 French election runoff, it was a choice between the corrupt Chirac and Le Pen. The leftists had been squeezed out in the 1st round. In order that Le Pen not win, the socialists came up with the slogan “vote for the crook, not the fascist”. This is where we are now.

This is a desperate strategy that has been forced on the campaign by Hillary’s dismal poll numbers. It is not a sign of strength. The problem with this kind of argument is that it lowers the bar on what the other candidate has to prove. He no longer has to prove that he is the better candidate with the better policies. All he has to do is show you that he is not clinically insane and Hillary’s portrayal of him is falsified. Trump certainly has enough military support that he can drag out a few retired generals to say that they trust him with the nuclear keys.

* I don’t trust anything written by someone named Jamie. It’s not a real name. Makes you sound like you are still in prep school. Even the stupid first name as initial middle name as first name (T. Edward Soandso) is better.

* Who leads le coup– Hillary? Aging whippersnapper Jamie? It is to laugh… A government-collapsing insurrection requires leadership from someone who compels the support — fervent, pragmatic, grudging, and otherwise — of affirmative-action low-level bureaucrats, police, semi-police, and a broad cross-section of the armed services (whose numbers are obviously dwarfed by the other groups). Ahmad Chalabi is dead so who are they supposed to install once they shell Triumph The Insult Candidate’s column? By the way, we are talking about someone who actually had planes & motorcades *before* he ever thought to run for prez. I don’t foresee Fieldmarschal Max Boot driving a tank up Capitol Hill any year soon unless it’s a miniature electric one in the Lockheed-General Dynamics Halloween parade.

* One good thing Trump is doing at this very moment — and has been doing for maybe a couple of weeks now — is nothing. He’s lying back, not intruding onto the scene to express his opinions, and generally looking measured and in control.

The good thing is, he can see that his poll numbers are rising while he keeps his own counsel. This will encourage him to think that he doesn’t have to act as he did in the Republican primaries in order to win, but can instead, finally, take on the mantle of being Presidential and succeed in the general.

This is the precise lesson he needs to learn, I think. More than anything else, it’s the wild man image that he must counteract. Hyperreactivity could be his fatal flaw.

* Isn’t it ironic that the war mongers who act like they are the final word on all things military attack the candidate whom the rank and file support the most. Even when Ron Paul ran four years ago, he was ridiculed for his defense positions. Yet he was receiving the most financial donations from active duty military members.

There definitely is a disconnect between America’s military and her armchair generals.

* From what I remember reading in Volokh’s First Amendment case law textbook, you’re probably in the clear if you call for the revolution to take place at some indefinite time in the future; it would not be protected speech, however, to plan a coup for the coming weekend.

* Kirchick and Kohn lead the Jewish/LGBT (JLGBT?) “pinkshirt” paramilitaries in a “March on DC.”

* A real coup would involve the elitists to actually mobilize and use weapons to oust President Trump. An army of Kagans, Kirchicks and Kristols is going to be sorely lacking in such people who have fired real weapons. Vaunted would be candidate David “JAG” French isn’t going to be much help unless they can moot court Trump out of the White House. But could have the makings of a great sitcom.

* You failed to mention that “conviction” in the Senate requires a 2/3 vote “of the members present.” If Trump is elected, I am sure the Republicans will retain control of the House and Senate. It is virtually unknown in the annals of the U.S. for a party controlling Congress to impeach and convict a President of its own party. Remember that the President who came closest to be convicted (spared by one vote in the Senate, earning the Senator from Kansas a chapter in JFK’s “Profiles in Courage”) was Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln following Lincoln’s assassination. Johnson had been a Democrat, chosen by Lincoln to replace his original Vice President in 1864.

Anyone who remembers the tortuous proceedings against Richard Nixon, when there were clear grounds to impeach, realizes what an exercise in fantasy all this talk is about impeaching Donald Trump even before he got elected. Donald Trump has shown himself to be a risk taker, but he doesn’t impress me as somebody who will risk taking a crazy action that might justify impeachment. He’s much too savvy for that.

* Good example of gaslighting/retconning in plain sight by Kirchik with the hands reference. Trump actually didn’t lose his cool at all when Rubio drew attention to Trump’s hands, but the media acted (in suspicious unison) as if Trump had. That Kirchik was able to tie the lie to a dishonest-hypothesized-suggestion that Trump would instigate a war over such a slight from a foreign dignatory shows Kirchik thought about how to use that lie most effectivley.

* I know it’s a bit fun to laugh at the wussy lefties of today trying to revolt against our he Republican-voting, battle-hardened, gun-toting, Christian troops….

But….a few points to raise our alarm:

(1) remember the Left has often successfully rebelled/fought a nation’s armies, and then overcame them. Militaries, for better or for worse, are willing to capitulate and become tools of TPTB, whomever that is. The Wehrmacht and the Red Army both quickly became tools of the Left. Professional military men are more obedient than the average dude.

(2) The military has already rolled over repeatedly for the Left. Open homosexuality, trannism, female “fighters”, gay “marriage”, etc. have all been embraced with nary a peep.

(3) The Left doesn’t need to beat the army in the field, it merely needs to seize power. A quick seizure followed by a mass media project of “legitimization” works wonders. Look how Comey’s abjuring of duty to recommend prosecute was quickly legitimized as “Comey saving the election for the voters.”

(4) Lefties have their own quiet paramilitary organizations. They have their own guerrilla tactics manuals. And they aren’t afraid of the kind of civilian/innocent slaughter many military men abhor. They are much closer in kind to ISIS and Al-Queda than a professional army.

(5) They already own the FBI. So they have enough manpower and information to make the seizure, and know that they will have no resistance (and, indeed, support from) from the nation’s largest armed domestic police force.

(6) remember that the left loves using unprofessional mobs to keep people from organizing against them. The Germans used the Ernie Rohm-gay gangs to assault opponents; today, the Left has the mindless, murderous black mobs/Panthers to do so.

(7) George Soros as a major funding source for the coup. Remember: so long as supplies are there, they can survive..

When a Lefty calls for a coup, try not to think of the cowards you know individually leading the way with an organized plan, but a mob of crazed lunatics armed with bombs released from the nuthouse holing up in government offices and gang-attacking innocents on the street to keep the populace in fear.

* Genius wunderkind Kirchick apparently failed to notice the Army Times polling showing the Armed Forces breaking to 2-1 for the Bad Boy. Apparently, someone wants to make America Great Again, even if its not Conservative, Inc.

* Hewitt’s “question” about the “nuclear triad” was not especially clearly stated. It was hard to figure out exactly what he was asking. I have known about the “nuclear triad” since I was in college 50 years ago, and I am ready to concede that Trump may not have been familiar with the term. But, in posing the “question” to Trump, Hewitt also announced that he was going to follow-up with the same question to Senator Rubio, which he did. (“Wake Up Call, Marco. Be ready to answer because you’re next.”) It was revealed on Meet the Press several weeks later when Hewitt was one of the guest panelists that he had endorsed Senator Rubio, something that wasn’t revealed before the Las Vegas debate in December. Nor was there any mention at a subsequent debate a few weeks later where Hewitt was again one of the questioners of any endorsement of Rubio by him. Rubio’s answer was so precise that I jumped to the conclusion that he must have been fed the question by Hewitt before the debate. The whole thing smelled like a prearranged plot to sabotage Trump’s candidacy. As I stated at the time, Trump’s lack of knowledge about the “nuclear triad” did not serve as a disqualification of his candidacy, nor did Rubio’s glib recital of the meaning of “nuclear triad” (which was absolutely accurate) make me any more comfortable with Rubio’s neoconnish foreign policy that I was familiar with (being a Florida resident) from the time he ran for the Senate in 2010.

* From time to time throughout history, instigating lil’ imps like Kirchick are slammed by severe blowback of the less than pleasurable variety. I’ve got a funny feeling we are on the threshold of one of those cycles.

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Jews Used To Drive Taxis

A clearly inebriated woman, stark naked, jumped into
a taxi in New York City and laid down on the back seat.
The cab driver, an old Jewish gentleman, opened his
eyes wide and stared at the woman. He made no attempt
to start the cab.
The woman glared back at him and said, “What’s wrong
with you, honey? – Haven’t you ever seen a naked
woman before?”
The old Jewish driver answered, “Let me tell you
sumsing, lady. I vasn’t staring at you like you
tink; det vould not be proper vair I come from.”
The drunk woman giggled and responded, “Well, if
you’re not staring at my naked body, sweetie, what
are you doing then?”
He paused a moment, then told her…”Vell, M’am,
I am looking and I am looking, and I am tinking
to myself,’Vair in da world is dis lady keeping
de money to pay for dis ride?

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