Who Were The People Who Pushed For Destabilizing Syria?

As the Twitter user #thelatempire notes: “Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11.”

So who pushed for this disaster?

9/5/13: US rabbis urge Congress to back Obama on Syria

Missive to lawmakers on Rosh Hashanah eve calls for military action to help save thousands of lives

Leading rabbis covering the religious and political spectrum urged lawmakers in Congress to support President Obama’s plans to strike Syria to stop its use of chemical weapons.

“We write you as descendants of Holocaust survivors and refugees, whose ancestors were gassed to death in concentration camps,” said the letter sent Wednesday, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah. “We write you as a people who have faced persecution for many centuries, and are glad to have found a safe refuge where we can thrive in the United States.”

The 17 signers included Rabbi Eric Yoffie, a past president of the Union for Reform Judaism; Rabbi Yosef Blau, the rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva University; leaders of the Conservative movement; and essayists such as Leon Wieseltier and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.

They called on Congress “with great urgency to authorize the President to use force in Syria ‘in connection with the use of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction,’ as outlined in his August 31st draft legislation.

“Through this act, Congress has the capacity to save thousands of lives,” the letter said.

The authors noted that the letter was timed for before the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

“May this coming year be one of life and creation the world over, in which we cease to witness the deaths of so many innocent human beings,” it said.

Comments posted at Times of Israel website:

* These few rabbis should be ashamed of themselves using the High Holy Days to promote a blatantly political agenda and in the process making a outrageous analogy of the Syrian rebels to the innocent and unarmed Jewish men, women and children who perished in the Holocaust. Thank G-d my rabbi was not among this lot because it would have been the last day in the synagogue for one of us.

* I wonder if these US rabbis understand the Biblical and prophetic ramifications of what US intervention might mean? Isaiah 17 tells of the total destruction of Damascus and also much damage and desolation occurring in Israel. For the US, it’s a lose-lose situation. These things in Isaiah will take place, but, ultimately, Israel will eventually be victorious and overcome because of God, while Israel’s enemies will be destroyed.

* These guys don’t represent me, nor do I believe, the majority of American Jews.

* US Rabbi’s are just as blind as obama’s followers. They have no Idea what they are asking for. Perhaps they should read the book of Isaiah and Daniel perhaps then they will “stand down”.

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@thelateempire: ‘Syria war has been the most globally destabilizing event since 9/11’

Who was behind the push to destabilize Syria? People like Yossi Klein Halevi who wrote in the Los Angeles Times April 15, 2003:

Next, Turn the Screws on Syria

The anti-terror effort must go on. Pressure all the jihadist regimes.

JERUSALEM — Though Syria was conspicuously omitted from President Bush’s “axis of evil,” the regime of Bashar Assad has now replaced Saddam Hussein as the Arab world’s leading supporter of terrorism and stockpiler of weapons of mass destruction.

Syria is the only Arab country that actively backed Hussein, reportedly encouraging suicide bombers to cross into Iraq, sheltering Iraqi war fugitives and possibly storing nonconventional weapons for Hussein.

By focusing on those provocations, the Bush administration is correcting a serious flaw in its war against terrorism. The region’s most vicious terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, maintain operational centers in Damascus. As one administration insider put it, any taxi driver in the Syrian capital knows the address of half a dozen terrorist groups.

Worse, Syria arms and protects the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah. Until Sept. 11, Hezbollah held the world record in the number of Americans killed through terrorism. In two suicide bombings in the 1980s, Hezbollah murdered 260 American soldiers stationed in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. No terror organization maintains greater global reach than Hezbollah, whose cells and fund-raising network extend to six continents. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage recently noted that Hezbollah “may be the [terrorists’] A-team, while Al Qaeda may be actually the B-team.”

Syria’s support for Hezbollah endangers the entire Middle East. Since Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000, Hezbollah has reportedly placed up to 10,000 Iranian-supplied missiles along the Israeli border. Those missiles, capable of reaching every town and industrial center in the Galilee, were delivered through the Syrian army, which controls Lebanon. If another regional Arab-Israeli war occurs, the probable trigger won’t be Palestinian terrorism but Hezbollah’s missiles.

It may well be in Israel’s interest to have a destabilized Syria and a destabilized Iraq, but it sure is not in America’s interests or Europe’s interests.

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What’s The Washington Post’s Attitude To Donald Trump?


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Olympus told U.S. executives no broad scope warning needed despite superbug outbreaks

I wonder if the Japanese company would have been as cavalier about Japanese lives? I wonder if an American company would have been so cavalier about American lives.

This is an argument against free trade. Multinationals might not be as concerned about the well-being of their customers, suppliers and workers.


Faced with superbug outbreaks in three countries by early 2013, Japanese device giant Olympus Corp. told U.S. executives not to issue a broad warning to American hospitals about potentially deadly infections from tainted medical scopes, internal emails show…

All told, at least 35 people at U.S. hospitals have died since 2013 – three of them at UCLA’s Ronald Reagan Medical Center – after suffering infections from contaminated gastrointestinal scopes manufactured by Olympus, according to hospitals and public health officials.

Olympus’ actions – and inaction – are being closely examined in lawsuits by American patients and their families who contend that the manufacturer was negligent and might have prevented the outbreaks and deaths had it been more forthcoming. In addition, federal prosecutors are investigating Olympus’ handling of the infections – and the emails could become crucial evidence in any future case.

The company’s internal emails reveal conflicts inside Olympus over how to respond to a growing threat to patient safety, pitting U.S. executives against their superiors in Japan who had the final say. The emails were filed in a Pennsylvania court this month as part of a patient lawsuit and obtained by Kaiser Health News working in collaboration with the Los Angeles Times.

Olympus, which controls 85% of the U.S. market for gastrointestinal scopes, declined to comment on the emails, citing the pending litigation. It also declined to discuss the ongoing investigation by the U.S. attorney’s office in New Jersey.

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Twitter accused of suppressing DNC Wikileaks story

REPORT: “Twitter lit up Friday night with allegations that it tried to suppress news that secret-leaking website Wikileaks exposed thousands of emails obtained from the servers of the Democratic National Committee.

Friday afternoon, users noted, “#DNCLeaks” was trending, with more than 250,000 tweets about it on the platform. By Friday evening, it vanished completely from the site’s “trending” bar for at least 20 minutes. It returned as “#DNCLeak” after users erupted, though it was too late to quell their rage.”

* Google tags Wikileaks as a dangerous site (google.com)

The takeaway I got from the NSA revelations was that it’s now completely reasonable to assume that Google/FB/Twitter/etc are working directly with the government or politicians.
Twitter removed #DNCLeaks right while it was the top trending topic today. Reddit paid staff has been suspending people who talk about Correct The Record or the DNC leaks. Facebook admitted to filtering certain topics due to political bias. Google just took down Wikileaks links. And while all of this is happening, there’s not a single mention of the DNC leaks on CNN, MSNBC, Politico, etc.
You’re right, this probably was just a mistake… but is it wrong to question it? Everything I’ve learned from the NSA leaks and the DNC leaks shows that the media, politicians, the intelligence community, banks, large tech companies, etc are all working together against the public.

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