Variety: Nickelodeon’s ‘Loud House’ to Feature Married Gay Couple

Arya Roshanian writes:

Nickelodeon is about to bring down the house — the “Loud House,” that is.

The children’s TV network will introduce a bi-racial gay couple on the animated show “The Loud House.” The series, which centers around the life of Lincoln Loud and his ten sisters, will be the first Nickelodeon show in history to feature a married same-sex couple.


* Just another part of America’s Goal & our Demise into Complete Moral Bankruptcy. Obviously it’s OK though since We the SHEEPle Just Don’t Care anymore!

* I have gay people in my family and I do really love them but this situation is not for kids it is an adult conversation. I will not let my kids watch this. This is too far. They are too young to understand they have other things to worry about growing up. sex topics are not to be introduced this early in the game.

* Aren’t the cartoons supposed to be for the kids??!! A kid shouldn’t have to see that shit! I have nothing against the LGBT community but this is insane.. cartoons used to be about kid stuff. Now it’s like the cartoons are for the adults! SpongeBob isn’t the same anymore he’s shown too much interest in squidward, the new Powerpuff girls series is terrible, they went from saving the world to shaking they ass like they’re grown! I’m a huge cartoon fan, as grown as I am, and I’ve watched alot of the new shit they have out. Teen Titans? No more action packed fights, all they wanna do is shake their ass too and talking about hooking up and all the shit that grown ups talk about.. smh I cried when I seen that episode of Loud House. I really thought that it was a good show until they put two men together to act as his parents. A little african american boy at that! Why couldn’t lincoln have two dads or two moms? Wtf is wrong with society?! Let the kids grow up first goddamn! Before you brainwash them thru their own cartoons.. Like I said nothing against LGBT but, i swear, anymore gay or lesbian couples on those innocent kids tv shows I will gladly sit them down in front of Netflix so they can watch real cartoons. No more cable for my family.

* I’m glad that you have your own beliefs, that’s great! Luckily, children are the fastest learners out there when it comes to digesting new “content” (as you put it) and comprehending the world around them, that’s why they can learn language at a breakneck pace and become functioning humans in such a short time (they progress from a single-cell organism to a breathing, speaking child that is able to read in 6 short years). On the other hand, it is adults that have trouble digesting new content. How many years do you think it would take you to learn Russian? A child can learn to speak it fluently in just a few years. I think you should be less worried about how the kids will react to the show and more concerned about how adults will react. No child is going to disagree with two guys being married until an adult tells him it’s wrong. Just like a child learns that letters and symbols carry meaning from the grownups around him, he also learns that homosexuality is wrong when adults tell him it is. Maybe you meant to say that you don’t want to expose children to the hardship and pain that homosexuals experience in the violent and intolerant world today because that is surely an adult conversation, but love between two guys is nothing to get your panties in a wad about!

* 50 million Americans voted to ban “gay marriage”, and the fact that seven unelected lawyers, including that unethical, senile old sot Ginsberg, illegally overruled them doesn’t mean those good people have changed their minds. Nick is a failing kids cartoon network desperate to get some press. Naturally weak-minded sycophantic Social Justice Warriors would applaud its pandering plea for attention.

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‘I can’t believe foreign countries are happy about Trump not wanting to start a war with them. This is an outrage.’

I guess Trump is irresponsible because he does not want to go to war with Russia.

Politico: Why Russia Is Rejoicing Over Trump

Dropping threatening language from the GOP platform is just the sort of bonus Moscow expects from its man Donald.

MOSCOW—Excited by Donald Trump’s pledge to promote “easing of tensions and improved relations with Russia,” the Kremlin establishment earlier this month invited Trump adviser Carter Page to speak before graduating students of the New Economic School. Page did not disappoint. In his remarks, Page condemned current American policy for its “often-hypocritical focus on democratization, inequality, corruption and regime change.” When a Russian student asked Page whether he really believed that American society was liberal and democratic, Trump’s adviser grinned and delivered a line that might have come from Vladimir Putin himself. “I surround the word ‘liberal’ with quotes,” he said. ”I tend to agree with you that it’s not always as liberal as it may seem,” he said. “I’m with you.”
It was thus perfectly in keeping with Trump campaign’s entente with the Kremlin that last week Trump aides reportedly watered down the new Republican platform on Russia, removing language that called for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces. Page, an energy expert, has close ties to Russian business and relationships with executives at Gazprom, the giant state-run gas company. Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort has worked as a lobbyist for former Ukraine’s former Russia-aligned president, Viktor Yanukovych.

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Overcoming Under-Earning

I’m listening to Peter give the latest share from the Underearners Anonymous beginners phone meeting on Sundays at 8am PDT:

For me not to under-earn today, I have to be bigger than I think I am.

My first recording was #148. It’s interesting to see how far I have come in the last year and a half.

I came to this program four and a half years ago. Before that, I spent about 12 years in Codependents Anonymous and about 11 years in Debtors Anonymous. Those programs were great but my work situation changed in 2009 and I went from prosperity to almost no income. Earning became a struggle. Old patterns of behavior came up. I was a mess. I was hiding out.

I relate to the symptoms in this program, about wanting to hide out in life. I have a thinking problem that leads to a shrinking problem, a desire to be as small as possible, so small that people leave me alone. That’s a problem when trying to create a happy and abundant life.

I have carried over tools from Debtors Anonymous. I keep a written record of how I spend my time.

I now work as a fine arts photographer. When I came into UA, it was difficult for me to show my work. Nobody saw my work. I had a lot of jealousy and envy of other photographers who were doing well, people who were out there and visible. That conspired to keep me small.

The difference between then and now is that I have had a dozen solo exhibitions of my photography and been in dozens of group exhibitions. I show new work daily on social media. I’ve gone from nobody seeing my work to hundreds of thousands of people seeing my work.

I’ve won 31 awards for my photography. Before UA, I never won anything because I never felt good enough to enter anything.

If I want success, it helps for me to help other people be successful. The more I foster success in other people, the more it is available to me.

I worked the 12 Steps initially with a step partner and then I found a sponsor and worked the 12 Steps with her. It is a gift to have someone I can check in with regularly for support and guidance.

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The Alt-Right At The RNC

Joan Walsh writes for The Nation:

An exhilarated Richard Spencer, a leading white nationalist who coined the term “alt-right,” introduced himself to me just as Milo began to speak. “This is the alt-right convention! We were really absent in 2012; we have a big presence here, in a way we never had before.” Spencer, 38, is witty and well-dressed and happy to politely spar with journalists of the left. He came to national attention last year when he pronounced Donald Trump as the candidate for white Americans in an interview with The Washington Post’s David Weigel. Almost exactly a year later, he’s even happier with the presumptive GOP nominee.

“I think with Trump, you shouldn’t look at his policies. His policies aren’t important. What’s most important about Trump is the emotion. He’s awakened a sense of ‘Us’ a sense of nationalism among white people. He’s done more to awaken that nationalism than anyone in my lifetime. I love the man.”

It was a very friendly crowd, many of whom seemed to recognize me as the author of a book that is not exactly the bible of the white-nationalist movement. One of the organizers, Chris Barron, the genial founder of GOProud, greeted me warmly, and several people went out of their way to say hello. “You blocked me on Twitter,” says a friendly Josh Smith, who used to run one of two parody accounts. Smith has turned out to see his hero Milo, but he’s impressed by the luminaries in the room. He points out to me the urbane, white-haired Peter Brimelow, the long-time, pro-white, anti-immigration writer and agitator who runs the similarly themed site “Isn’t he kind of a white nationalist, or white supremacist?” I ask Smith. He smiles. “What is white supremacy, really?”

…Richard Spencer told me he doesn’t know what Trump will do either, but he seems to trust him more. I ask him what his larger political goals are, beyond electing Trump, and he draws me into a friendly, if surreal, conversation about the future of white people. At first, he sounds pragmatic. “We are going to be a minority. If we ceased all immigration tomorrow, we’d still become a minority. So we need a radical reorientation, and we need a new consciousness, to determine what we want.”

OK, I’ll bite, I decide, and I ask him what he thinks “we” should want.

“What I care about is not just about being comfortable. It’s not just about safety, or national security. White people are unique in the sense that, we are the ones who are going to explore the world. We’ll need our own state eventually, for our Faustian destiny to explore the outer universe. That is what we were put on this earth to do. We weren’t put on this earth to be nice to minorities, or to be a multiculti fun nation. Why are we not exploring Jupiter at this moment? Why are we trying to equalize black and white test scores? I think our destiny is in the stars. Why aren’t we trying for the stars?”

When I try to argue that equality and pluralism are central to the nation’s founding documents, he looks disgusted. “When I look at Thomas Jefferson’s writings, the Declaration of Independence, it makes me want to vomit. The idea that a ‘creator’ made all human beings equal? That’s ridiculous. The idea that all human beings are equal is such an appalling sentiment. We’re here on this earth for such a short period of time. The idea that we would dedicate ourselves to something as stupid as ‘equality’ or ‘democracy’ is morally insulting to me.” Nearby I notice a man carrying a sign: “Income Inequality = I.Q. Inequality.”

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Better Know an RNC White Supremacist: Richard Spencer

Michelle Goldberg writes:

CLEVELAND—On Tuesday afternoon, the 38-year-old white nationalist Richard Spencer stood in Cleveland’s Public Square with a hand-lettered sign saying, “Wanna Talk to a ‘Racist’?” He wanted to demystify white separatism. “Because the society we live in, if you espouse our views you’re usually shouted down, so I think a lot of people want to remain anonymous,” he told me. “I’m one of the few people who will be open about stuff.”

Spencer, who divides his time between Virginia and Montana, is the president of the National Policy Institute, which bills itself as “an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world.” The founder of the website, he’s an important figure in the so-called alt-right movement. As he told one of his incredulous interlocutors in the Public Square, he believes that race “is the foundation of culture, society, politics, and identity.” He dreams of a white ethno-state, which will allow white people “to unlock our potential. And that is the exploration of the universe. That is the unlocking of our Faustian will.”

Spencer is excited by the way Trump is transforming the GOP into a party that’s explicitly about white identity politics. “Trump seems to be emotionally connected to us,” he told me. “Not really intellectually connected to us, but emotionally connected to millions of white people who think like I do. He’s brought this existential quality to politics. He’s asked questions of, Are we a nation? If we’re a nation, we have borders. Conservatives are usually wimps who want to talk about ‘laws’ and ‘the Constitution’ and blah blah blah. He’s talked about the real dope.”

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