Fact-Checking Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The other day PBS ran a fact-check on Donald Trump’s acceptance speech.

TRUMP: “My opponent has called for a radical 550 percent increase in Syrian (refugees). … She proposes this despite the fact that there’s no way to screen these refugees in order to find out who they are or where they come from. I only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people.”

THE FACTS: Trump persists in making the bogus claim that the U.S. doesn’t screen refugees. The administration both screens them and knows where they are from. The Department of Homeland Security leads the process, which involves rigorous background checks. Processing of a refugee can take 18 months to two years, and usually longer for those coming from Syria. Refugees are also subject to in-person interviews and fingerprint and other biometric screening.

For all that caution, U.S. officials acknowledge that the Islamic State group could try to place operatives among refugees. Last year, FBI Director James Comey said data about people coming from Syria may be limited, adding, “If we don’t know much about somebody, there won’t be anything in our database.”

So what is it–paragraph 1 or paragraph 2? The former makes Trump sound like a paranoid xenophobe, alarming people over nothing. The latter makes him sound like a responsible statesman, concerned about preventable evils.

* The notion that our hyper-efficient government does rigorous ANYTHING is laughable. Is this like the “rigorous” testing that drivers undergo by our crack DMV agents (or is that agents ON crack?) before they are permitted to drive on the public highways? When Homeland Security transfers the AA clowns running airport security to immigrant screening do they suddenly lose 100 lbs. and gain 30 IQ points?

How do you do a “rigorous” screening on someone from Syria – do you call ISIS up and ask to search their databases? Do you send researchers to the Hall of Records in Homs (which is probably a pile of charred ashes at this point anyway)? A lot of the “Syrian” refugees in Europe aren’t even from Syria. You show up at a refugee camp and you give them some tale of woe – I fled for my life with only the clothes on my back and I have no documents whatsoever.

But the takeaway is supposed to be “Trump = bogus” – you really aren’t supposed to read past the 1st line.

* Remember, the Left is importing vermin for the dual purpose of 1) virtue signaling that they are morally superior to non-leftist whites because they embrace the Other and 2) humiliating non-leftist whites by forcing them to endure this infestation in their own homelands. It would be hard to virtue signal from a funk hole. I think the Left will hang in there as long as they can.

My own experiences with and observations of MENAs has been overwhelmingly negative. They are arrogant and ignorant in equal measure. I’m sure they have every intention of usurping their Leftist hosts. But they have two considerations with the white populace. Dhimmitude is best practiced on living infidels and they need white expertise to keep the lights on.

I think white Europeans’ s two enemies both have good reason to keep whites alive. Then again, the Left and their pet vermin seem almost entirely impervious to reason.

Interesting times may well be end times.

* First we hang the Pope, then we rally around the Church.

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Getting Ahead In The Democratic Party

Joe says: My Jewish Dem connect (average looking white male) said at DNC Hispanic girls throwing themselves at him because black heffers in power structure freezing them out. It’s like the old Hollywood casting couch. Black fat ladies are roadblocks for Hispanic young girls to get “in” to the system instead of just be protester/lower level flunkies. The Latinas are throwing themselves at him for power connections.

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Steve Sailer: Another Day in Europe: 84-year-old Priest Beheaded in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray Church

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Ironically, Pope Francis is the biggest cheerleader for massive, uncontrolled Muslim immigration into Europe.

* Muslim extremists love to bomb and attack the houses of worship of those they don’t like. It’s a worldwide pattern. I’m only surprised it hasn’t become a major sized event.

* I have read reports from the BBC, Le Monde, and another French newspaper. None talked about terrorists.

By the way, I have been wondering for some time how long it would be before some Muslims would attack Catholic Churches in France. Centres of a false religion and essentially defenceless.

* Published on Sep 12, 2015: Dr David Starkey is discussing the difference between Britishness and Englishness, when Feminist Laurie Penny interrupts him and tries to mock him.
The result? Dr David Starkey goes nuclear on her, debunking the lies and myth of social justice warriors and feminism’s egalitarian credentials.
You will notice she complains about the personal attack, after she personally attacked Starkey first!

* It’s not terrorism until the fat lady sings “Allah Akbar” and declares allegiance to ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh on Facebook … even if the perpetrators were first or second generation Islamic immigrants. It is always a relief to know it’s not terrorism but rather just a couple of run-of-the-mill murders by who knows and and we don’t know why. France and Germany have been getting a lot of those lately. Must be something in the water supply … or, perhaps global warming.

But maybe terrorism will go away if Frau Merkel and Herr Hollande direct proselytizing Islam to all school-age children in France and Germany. (I understand the Germans already have this in mind.) Perhaps the immigrants will then feel more at home and stop taking out their righteous anger on the natives, who do admittedly have an historical predilection toward racism, imperialism, white privilege, and (this is the worst) failure to submit to the will of Allah. Come on! These natives have been resisting the will of Allah (the most Compassionate, the most Merciful) for 1,300 years. What will it take?

* Bad choice of targets. The catholic and protestant churches of Europe are staunch supporters of the muslim influx. And their organizations and volunteers form the backbone of refugee resettlement.

ISIS still thinks Christianity is a crusader religion. Contemporary Christianity is quite the opposite. It fits the description of cuckoldry perfectly.

* I wonder if this is what the Pope envisioned when he said we should build bridges and not walls.

* “Look at it this way: other than the priest-beheading, it’s been all quiet on the Western front.”

Seriously. Almost a full 24 hours had passed since the last terror attack. I was beginning to worry the Mohammedans had given up.

* What is more French than violent anticlericalism? I’d say these guys have integrated well.

* It’s striking how deep the mental neutralizers of PC go, right down the news announcement: the hostage is “fighting for their life”.

If we’re too sensitive to say the hostage is “fighting for HIS life” or the hostage is “fighting for HER life”, I don’t think that will match up well to guys with bombs and axes.

With an attitude like that, we’re already slaves. We’re just waiting for the chain.

* Yes, fine men such as Dr. Nidal Hasan. BTW, Hasan telegraphed his hatred for America loudly and clearly many times but the more red flags he sent up, the more our PC military looked the other way.

For example, he signed his official work emails (in which he accused American soldiers of war crimes) “All praises and thanks go to Allah”.

* Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, et al, have all made a deal with the devil. They are all on the government tit. They do it for the money, not love, not religion.

I have no idea what the governments of Europe give the church groups but it is probably a similar amount, if not more.

* I wonder if the intentional lackluster and watered down response of the media to these attacks is actually emboldening “ISIS” to carry out more gruesome assaults as a way of saying “Hey, look at us”. Politicians have to do more than just call these incidents “cowardly”.

* It was the devout Christians who were the first to warn the West. Hilaire Belloc, Pat Buchanan, Jean Raspail, Enoch Powell.

* I tried your link at Christianity Today, only to be kept out by a paywall (who says walls don’t work?).

* Points for originality. Beheading a priest in church during a service is a spectacular one. Like something out of ‘The Omen’.

I do wonder when the professional apologiat will realise that their reflexive cries of ‘there is no evidence that this is terror/IS-related’ – even when it happens to be true – will become counterproductive – people would feel considerably more reassured if these attackers were agents sent into France/Germany/etc from ISIS HQ rather than any old Muslim from down the street. When that realisation fully sets in – that it is any and potentially every European Muslim, however well established on the continent – then things really will get interesting and forbidden political parties will start winning elections by landslides. I don’t think we have long to wait now.

* I wonder if there will be a hashtag campaign like ‘I am a Catholic’ or ‘I am a Christian’.

* The tactics for Muslims come mostly from the Koran and Hadiths. They are flexible as to the methods, but don’t much differentiate between infidel types. As a means to gain territory for its followers, it has its strengths and weaknesses. I am not aware of a similar religion of conquest that has had more success.

Christians have colonized lands but not so much because of Christianity, more because that’s what humans do who have military, technological and/or demographic advantages.

* What is unusual perhaps lies elsewhere. It has to do with the truly unheard-of stupor of the ethnic French population, the population that is the historic guardian of the identity of our nation. The fact that there was no popular reaction of any magnitude, no uprising, peaceful or not, demanding immediate accountability of this government of traitors, or invading any one of a number of ghettos known to be rotted to the core by salafism and drug mafias: monstrous breeding grounds that give birth to these displaced jihadis who attack us; the fact that there were no reprisals against those who promoted this situation: not from those in high positions, not from those below, is the calamitous symptom of a lack of life force, a torpid surrender to invasion, a consent – it must be said – to the disappearance of the French nation. In Nice, children were pulverized. Jihadism kills; so does politeness. And if the former is ignoble, the latter, submissive to the former, is shameful. As Renaud Camus recently noted, the terrible irony is that our era, incapable of producing a work of art, a thought, an authentic spirituality, something outstanding that gives value to peoples’ lives, has been able to preserve, from the rigorous demands of civilization, only that which, precisely, forbids us from protecting it. The final form taken by the European mind is, in a senseless turnabout, the very one that makes it impossible for it to defend itself against the forces seeking its annihilation.

What we have left from the Garden of Akademos, from the Cultura Animi of the Tusculanae Disputations, from De Trinitate, is the precious privilege of having ourselves massacred by the first salafist to come along, to whom we will have first granted permission to build his mosque, to have twelve children, to put his wife under a candle snuffer, to send all his money to a foreign country and to live on the back of our social welfare system. Jihadism is barbaric, we know that. A people that only salvages from its store of profound truth weapons to destroy itself, that utilizes the means of civilization against the ends of civilization, is no less so. Our xenophilia and our idolatry of the Other are but modulations of self-hatred and mirrors of the hatred the Islamists feel towards us.

If we cannot be surprised that after the massacre in Nice, our rulers continue to repeat mechanically the same self-justifying mantra, we can be surprised that the people did not have the resilience to trigger the slightest revolt, or even more modestly, to simply question the institutions that had made such a carnage possible.

At bottom, it’s the deconstructionist spirit of 1968 that won the day and the Enlightenment that continues to propagate to the final glimmer its contradictory madness: when entire peoples invade us and kill us, and we only see migrants and psychiatric cases (the media’s eternal label of “unbalanced” attests to it). As for our persecutors, everything is understood: they know they belong to religious, moral and ethnic communities that transcend their particularity, whereas we think that a community, whatever it may be, results from the sum of particularities. It is the very concept of “a people” as the determining condition for the emergence of persons that has become unintelligible to the majority.

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ESPN: Carmelo Anthony Bringing social discourse back into the conversation

Thank God for Carmelo Anthony bringing social discourse back into the conversation, whatever that means but I am sure it is good. More diversity right?

J.A. Adande writes:


For Anthony, there is no trace the steps of his journey, no indication of where he learned what, or when. He can’t even pinpoint what pressed him into action in the early hours of July 8, when he awoke from a fitful sleep and began composing an Instagram post. All he knows is that after the darkest side of America took the lives of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and five Dallas police officers, “It was too much.”

So Anthony posted a picture of the famous athletes’ summit featuring Jim Brown, Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and let his thoughts flow.

“I just started typing,” Anthony said.

He enlisted his fellow athletes to call for systemic changes, to apply pressure to politicians, to make demands. They were just words on a screen. But typing is an action. Self-expression is an action. We know this because the laws of physics saw actions bring about reactions, and look at the ripple effects since Anthony’s Instagram post hit.

Anthony, Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James led off the ESPY broadcast with another call to action. WNBA players wore protest warmup shirts, used their postgame interviews to address only Black Lives Matter-related topics, then held firm and forced the league to rescind its fines for their violations of uniform policies.

ESPN does not mention any of the following from Wikipedia:

In 2004, Anthony was cited for marijuana possession, after inspectors at Denver International Airport found marijuana in his backpack. Charges were later dropped after Anthony’s friend, James Cunningham, of St. Louis, signed an affidavit taking responsibility for the marijuana.[174] That same year, Anthony appeared in a video entitled, Stop Snitchin’, which warned that residents of Baltimore who collaborated with the police would face violence.[175][176] Anthony later distanced himself from this video.[177] In 2006, Anthony’s friend, Tyler Brandon Smith, was pulled over in Anthony’s vehicle and cited for marijuana possession and three traffic violations.[174] Later that year, he was involved in the infamous Knicks–Nuggets brawl during a game at Madison Square Garden.[178] He was suspended 15 games as a result.[59]

On April 14, 2008, Anthony was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, after being pulled over on southbound Interstate 25 at 20th Street in Denver for weaving through lanes and not dimming his lights.[179] Police spokesperson Detective Sharon Hahn said Anthony, who was alone in the car, failed a series of sobriety tests. He was ticketed and then released at police headquarters to a “sober responsible party.”[179] A court date was set for May 14. The Nuggets suspended Anthony for two games due to the arrest. On June 24, 2008, Anthony pleaded guilty to a charge of driving while ability-impaired. The original sentence of driving while under the influence was dropped, and he was subsequently sentenced to one year of probation, 24 hours of community service and US$1,000 in court costs and fines.

The NBA Star and the Drug Dealer “stop snitchin'”

From Wikipedia:

The Stop Snitchin’ campaign first gained national attention in late 2004 in Baltimore, Maryland, when a DVD released by Rodney Bethea[2] titled “Stop Snitching!” began to circulate. However, the slogan “Stop Snitchin’” and many other variations have existed in the United States long before the campaign became popular.

In some footage, a number of men claiming to be drug dealers address the camera, and threaten violence against anyone who reports what they know about their crimes to the authorities. This threat is directed especially towards those who inform on others to get a lighter sentence for their own crimes. NBA star Carmelo Anthony briefly appeared in the video.[3] In subsequent interviews, Anthony claimed that his appearance in the video was a joke, the product of his neighborhood friends making a home movie.[4] Anthony claims that the film’s message should not be taken seriously.[5]

As the DVD spread across the country, corresponding shirts became popular in urban youth fashion. The shirts typically show a stop sign emblazoned with the words “Stop Snitchin’.” Some shirts bear bullet holes, implying that snitches should (or will) be shot, thus referencing its associated catchphrase “snitches get stitches”. The shirts have been more widely circulated than the original DVD.[citation needed]

The Diplomats, a Harlem-based rap group, made their own version of the Stop Snitchin’ shirts, with their logo on the end of the short sleeves. Another such shirt says “I’ll never Tell”. A new breed of shirts appeared for sale in flea markets and bazaars in south Dallas, Texas, in mid-2010. The new shirts extolled the benefits of “keeping yo’ mouth shut” in regards to a trial involving one “Fifi/Lisa” and one “Baldy/Red”. Further details of the trial, including a list of various charges set forth on the couple, are listed on the back of the shirt.

The video’s creator, Rodney Thomas, a.k.a. “Skinny Suge”, pleaded guilty to first-degree assault on January 17, 2006, in Baltimore and was sentenced to 15 years in prison, with all but three years suspended.[2]

National examples of violence due to “snitching” include Angela Dawson of Baltimore, who was killed along with her five children and husband on October 16, 2002, when their house was firebombed after she alerted police to illegal activities in her neighborhood.[6] Another example is Michael Brewer of Deerfield Beach, Florida, a 15-year-old who, in October 2009, was doused in rubbing alcohol and set on fire after assailants yelled, “He’s a snitch, he’s a snitch.”

NEWS from 2004:

Carmelo Anthony Featured In Drug Video
Nuggets Star Says He Threw Olympic Medal In Lake

Denver Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony is featured in an underground DVD that is circulating in his home town of Baltimore, Md.
Carmelo Anthony appears in a DVD called “Stop Snitching” with a self-confessed drug dealer.

The DVD is called “Stop Snitching” and shows alleged drug dealers talking about what happens to people who cooperate with the police, and Anthony is standing next to one of them.

He is also seen on the DVD talking about his Olympic bronze medal and saying that he threw it in a lake. The man he stands next to later goes on to tell how he would take care of snitches by “putting a hole in their head.” However, Anthony does not appear to be taking part in that portion of the discussion.

The DVD showed up for sale for $10 within the last week on Baltimore’s streets. The production includes music, dancing and spoken messages, with clips showing men stuffing wads of cash into their pockets, driving in convertibles, smoking marijuana and flashing diamond-encrusted watches.

In one segment, Anthony stands on a street, wearing a red shirt and baseball hat and laughing while another man talks about life on the street, snitches and the NBA. Anthony, 20, doesn’t respond to any of the comments about violence, except to laugh. The credits of the DVD include a special thanks to “Melo,” Anthony’s nickname.

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NYT: TV Comedians Worried Nothing Amusing Will Happen at DNC

Steve Sailer writes: I suspect that the rise of Trump has something to do with the self-inflicted Humor Drought of the Obama Era.

I always come back to the test case that the President lives with his mother-in-law, and yet, last I checked a few years ago, I couldn’t find a single joke about that on Google.


* I love the “he’s too streamlined to mock” thing.


Has a wookie for a wife who is clearly angrier than he is
Has an imaginary son named Trayvon
Talks like Steve Urkel
Has jug ears and purple lips
Has made numerous racial blunders in his haste to overcompensate because not black enough
Got whupped in an election by some local Chicago black pol
Is the focus of hilarious levels of wishful thinking and worship from DWLs (preemptive Nobel Prize)
Has a habit of being unquotable
Clearly leans on teleprompters
Has been driven into fits of stuttering by Trump of late
Is the first black president, was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii by white people, and has no slave ancestors
Threw his granny under the bus
Actually said out loud that he’s always the smartest guy in the room, knows more about any given field than his experts in said field
Is “black” but hilariously un-athletic (baseball pitch, judo cringe)
Bows to every non-white head of state he possibly can

There you go “comedians,” no charge.

* The DNC might turn out to be a humorless affair, but Obama gave me a good chuckle when he ended a sentence with the opposite pronoun from what I was expecting: “I think the kinds of rhetoric that we’ve heard too often, from Mr. Trump and others, is ultimately helping do ISIL’s work for us”.

* One woman couldn’t go to the Democratic National Convention because after a long day of drinking she shot her husband in the neck. That’s a little strange. What’s really strange is, that woman is not Hillary Clinton.

Remember at the 2008 convention, Obama stood in front of all those fake columns that served no purpose besides making him look good? The email leak from the DNC shows that the papers have been full of the same thing ever since.

The DNC is claiming the leaked emails are proof there’s a sinister conspiracy between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Apparently from the DNC’s perspective, former KGB officers are “Right Wing”.

The DNC is suggesting Russia is an adversary of the United States. The 1980s tried to call and ask for their foreign policy back, but Hillary was extremely careless and wiped the message. Like with a cloth.

So far in the convention, delegates have booed Rep Marcia Fudge and Rev Cynthia Hale, practically driven Debbie Wasserman Schultz out of town, and demanded Hillary Clinton be locked up. Looks like the War on Women is over, and women lost.

In other Democratic news, Secretary of State John Kerry compared ISIS to air conditioners, in the sense that the Obama administration is committed to letting large numbers of each enter America.

And wouldn’t it be great if the terrorists had the same concept of what would hurt us as the Democrats? Then angry Muslims would do things like run into a shopping mall and adjust the thermostat down. Slightly. Or charge into a crowd of people and address the whole group as “you guys”. Or hang out by rest room doors and make sure men used the men’s room. Instead of _murdering lots of people_.

Interesting speakers at the DNC. Monday night, there’s a woman whose bio says both of her parents are in the country illegally and “live in fear of deportation”. I guess they’re what they call “in the shadows”, which isn’t surprising, because of all the lights focused on their daughter as she gives a speech in front of thousands of people that is broadcast nationally by all the tv networks.

That woman’s bio mentions her parents – specifically, it says “her parents, including her mother, Francesca”. I think it’s nice that there’s still a place in the Democratic Party for a person old-fashioned enough to have just the one mother.

It’s kind of strange that a woman speaking at the DNC will get up and say that both of her parents have been breaking federal law continuously for many years. What’s really strange is, that woman is not Chelsea Clinton.

Yeah, I don’t see any potential for humor here at all.

* “Hillary’s campaign is now accusing Vladimir Putin of trying to rig the election… by leaking that they rigged the election.”

Well put. If Trump were clever, he would steal that line and use it as his own. Not his style, however. He’s a very funny guy, but his humor does not rely on word play so much.

* They probably had a slew of these jokes in the can for safe keeping if Obama ever left the reservation and went centrist. I’m betting Jim Downey had a few sketches written for SNL by the end of the first hundred days.

But Obama has been a reliable totalitarian commie for eight years, ginning up racial violence, increasing crime, obliterating the entire mideast, rewriting the law with executive orders, blaming whitey, and imposing nationalized healthcare via fiat. Therefore, the Left had no reason to release the hounds.

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