‘Trump’s divergence from the conventional Republican platform is generating indignant punditry from neocons and neoliberals alike’

PERIES: So let’s take a look at this article by Paul Krugman. Where is he going with this analysis about the Siberian candidate?

HUDSON: Well, Krugman has joined the ranks of the neocons, as well as the neoliberals, and they’re terrified that they’re losing control of the Republican Party. For the last half-century the Republican Party has been pro-Cold War, corporatist. And Trump has actually, is reversing that. Reversing the whole traditional platform. And that really worries the neocons.

Until his speech, the whole Republican Convention, every speaker had avoided dealing with economic policy issues. No one referred to the party platform, which isn’t very good. And it was mostly an attack on Hillary. Chants of “lock her up.” And Trump children, aimed to try to humanize him and make him look like a loving man.

But finally came Trump’s speech, and this was for the first time, policy was there. And he’s making a left run around Hillary. He appealed twice to Bernie Sanders supporters, and the two major policies that he outlined in the speech broke radically from the Republican traditional right-wing stance. And that is called destroying the party by the right wing, and Trump said he’s not destroying the party, he’s building it up and appealing to labor, and appealing to the rational interest that otherwise had been backing Bernie Sanders.

So in terms of national security, he wanted to roll back NATO spending. And he made it clear, roll back military spending. We can spend it on infrastructure, we can spend it on employing American labor. And in the speech, he said, look, we don’t need foreign military bases and foreign spending to defend our allies. We can defend them from the United States, because in today’s world, the only kind of war we’re going to have is atomic war. Nobody’s going to invade another country. We’re not going to send American troops to invade Russia, if it were to attack. So nobody’s even talking about that. So let’s be realistic.

Well, being realistic has driven other people crazy. Not only did Krugman say that Trump would, quote, actually follow a pro-Putin foreign policy at the expense of America’s allies, and he’s referring to the Ukraine, basically, and it’s at–he’s become a lobbyist for the military-industrial complex. But also, at the Washington Post you had Anne Applebaum call him explicitly the Manchurian candidate, referring to the 1962 movie, and rejecting the neocon craziness. This has just driven them nutty because they’re worried of losing the Republican Party under Trump.

In economic policy, Trump also opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the TTIP trade and corporate power grab [inaud.] with Europe to block public regulation. And this was also a major plank of Bernie Sanders’ campaign against Hillary, which Trump knows. The corporatist wings of both the Republican and the Democratic Parties fear that Trump’s opposition to NAFTA and TPP will lead the Republicans not to push through in the lame duck session after November. The whole plan has been that once the election’s over, Obama will then get all the Republicans together and will pass the Republican platform that he’s been pushing for the last eight years. The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement with Europe, and the other neoliberal policies.

And now that Trump is trying to rebuild the Republican Party, all of that is threatened. And so on the Republican side of the New York Times page you had David Brooks writing “The death of the Republican Party.” So what Trump calls the rebirth of the Republican Party, it means the death of the reactionary, conservative, corporatist, anti-labor Republican Party.

And when he wrote this, quote, Trump is decimating the things Republicans stood for: NATO, entitlement reform, in other words winding back Social Security, and support of the corporatist Trans-Pacific Partnership. So it’s almost hilarious to see what happens. And Trump also has reversed the traditional Republican fiscal responsibility austerity policy, that not a word about balanced budgets anymore. And he said he was going to run at policy to employ American labor and put it back to work on infrastructure. Again, he’s made a left runaround Hillary. He says he wants to reinstate Glass-Steagall, whereas the Clintons were the people that got rid of it.

And this may be for show, simply to brand Hillary as Wall Street’s candidate. But it also seems to actually be an attack on Wall Street. And Trump’s genius was to turn around all the attacks on him as being a shady businessman. He said, look, nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it. Now, what that means, basically, as a businessman, he knows the fine print by which they’ve been screwing the people. So only someone like him knows how to fight against Wall Street. After all, he’s been screwing the Wall Street banks for years [inaud.]. And he can now fight for the population fighting against Wall Street, just as he’s been able to stiff the banks.

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‘J’ouvert, the annual all-night musical street party that precedes the Caribbean Day Parade, is going to be heavily policed’

Comment: —–Violence “has hijacked the celebration of the Caribbean culture,” Adams said. “We want to free the community and that culture from that violence.”—–

Take out the violence and what is left in Caribbean culture?

It’s funny. Blacks hate cops.
But more blacks at any social event means the need for more cops to maintain the peace among violent blacks.
But when cops do their job, blacks bitch ‘racism’.

If blacks acted peaceable, there would be less need for police presence.

But blacks act wild. Therefore, need for more police presence.
But then, blacks just blame the police for the violence.

And the affluent Libs rely on police for their own protection but then mouth proggy platitudes about BLM to seem righteous.

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The Rise of Racial Alchemy

Robert Weissberg writes:

Since the 1960s Washington has launched countless programs in what might be characterized as “racial alchemy” whose purpose is to make blacks nearly identical to whites in income, educational achievement, vocational status, being law abiding, eschewing welfare dependency and multiple other measures of equality. Despite all the billions, perhaps trillions, the results have been disappointing. But, almost invisibly, the enterprise has been transformed. It has evolved from one of seeking concrete results to one of manufacturing the illusion of equality. Success is now calibrated by cosmetic criteria–recall Oscar Wilde’s quip that only shallow people do not judge by appearances.

The racial Potemkin village is everywhere and let me depict only a few of the more obvious manifestations (I’ll skip TV sitcoms, the movies, video games, comics and book prizes). Consider the sudden appearance of well-spoken, well-dressed, “white speaking” blacks in TV commercials. A Martian who knew the US exclusively from watching TV would conclude that blacks comprised at least a third of the population and, without exception, lived as intact Ossie and Harriet-like families in bucolic suburban homes (the sole exception I’ve encountered is a State Farm commercial where the satisfied female customer is “ghetto” in speech and hairdo). One GMC truck commercial prominently features a black conducting a symphony orchestra. Add lots of good-looking typically young inter-racial couples and racially mixed groups of working class men quaffing a few beers together. Black actors also often portray doctors advising their white patients on the latest pharmaceutical products or explaining MRI’s to worried elderly white cancer patients. Highly presentable Ph.D’s of color likewise populate PBS-like scientific TV documentaries.

Today’s racial alchemy reaches industrial levels when it comes to black crime. Gruesome black-on-white murders only appear on the local news (if then) and would be almost non-existent save for politically incorrect websites that pass it along to wider audiences. And when black crime does escape containment, it is usually sanitized—accounts of black wildings at malls use terms like “youths’ or “teenagers” while black perpetrators are often race-less though crime details make it easy to identify the perpetrator as black. Meanwhile, those who somehow get on TV to challenge Black Lives Matter rhetoric with Department of Justice statistics on inter-racial violence get their ten seconds of fame before quickly being shouted down as racists. And let’s not forget rolling back broken windows policy as a way of “reducing” crime.”

A similar ubiquity infuses education. Difficult-to-boost test scores have been replaced by more malleable graduation statistics while performances on Advanced Placement exams (Chapter 5) are now often measured by the sheer number of “minorities” who take these exams. Similarly, large numbers of blacks are now pushed into gifted programs though they fail to meet the necessary academic criteria. Sustaining the charade are school officials who turn a blind eye to cheating on government mandated tests. Then there’s using grandiose names for disguising mediocre schools—only 14% of the graduates of the Bronx-based largely Hispanic and black Archimedes Academy for Math, Science and Technology Applications are academically ready for New York City’s flagship public college (as defined by not needing remedial classes) despite the school’s august sounding name. Further add Department of Justice consent decrees to close historic race-related gaps in school discipline. Nor is higher education immune to the construction of this racial fantasy land as even elite schools continue to embrace affirmative action and offer easy-to-pass majors such as Black Studies all the while hiring marginally qualified black academics to diversify once monochromatic departments.

Our public vocabulary has shifted to toward abstractions to absolve blacks from any personal responsibility for their plight. There are no lazy, intellectual inept black students; all want to learn but, sadly, have the misfortune to attend bad, often vandalized schools. Young blacks now, allegedly, commit crimes because they have the bad luck to live in a crime-ridden neighborhood and cannot find work because all the jobs have left town. And so many are in jail due to the government’s policy of mass incarceration. Read on.


* American TV also glamorizes miscegenation. This choice is generally not good advice however. Bi-racialism can alienate children from their parents as well as their community. A white female who chooses to bear a black child is putting her offspring in a disadvantaged position and in underachieving class. Race correlates strongly with IQ and any number of behavior traits. This should not be ignored. Yet it is.

When white females bear black children, they usually end up raising the child alone since black fathers often disappear. The white mother is then left particularly isolated since white males do not want to raise a black man’s baby. This causes further stress on mother and child alike.

The children of interracial romance also suffer from identity issues. This spreads hardship throughout the family and into the community.

Miscegenation is very risky. It should not be glamorized by TV/Hollywood. Yet it is.

* I like the one where the White couple are destroying their house to avoid having to call their insurance man while next door and the brilliant Blacks bought AllState (or whomever). Those folks are the epitome of the .0001% of Blacks pushed as the average. And, average Blacks would hate all the successful Blacks in ads because by being successful, they are “acting White”. There are a million of these examples now, of course.

Now what kind of street cred does a conventionally successful (degree and an honest profession, wife and family) Black have? Zero. The Blacks in the ghetto would hate those folks because that path is what White folks take to success. That of course is abhorrent to low-rent Blacks because that path means hard work, in spite of how easy it’s become for Blacks to take that path. And true to form, any Black kid with the instinct to learn and succeed is derided and beaten up at school (ghetto schools that is) for acting White. That one aspect is huge, I suspect, bigger than we know.

* How come black women don’t have curly hair anymore? Watching the convention I marveled at Michelle’s do.

Their hair straightening treatments are both a fiscal and ecological catastrophe. We are talking toxic chemicals flushed into the water supply and financed by the taxpayers.

* There’s a channel on YouTube run by a Japanese guy. Foreigners send him questions about Japan and he uses them to interview random Japanese people on the street. When asked, one Japanese girl thought the African American population was close to 50% of the US, no doubt because of media depictions.

* Let’s not forget Diverse Alchemy.

All those ‘refugees’ flooding into Europe will become doctors and engineers.

Let’s not forget homo alchemy and tranny alchemy. Bunghole is a sex organ and a penis can turn into a vagina.

And there is sexual alchemy. Women will save American business. There was Ellen Pao. Now this one [Marissa Mayer].

* When I ask my Taiwanese students about the demographics of the US, especially concerning blacks, these educated professionals routinely make guesses in the 35 – 45% range. The squeaky wheel gets the media coverage. Perhaps more surprising is the fact that US citizens also believe that blacks make up at least 25% of the population.

* My fave commercial is the Liberty Mutual one where the woman is mocking the man because she got a rebate check for “superior driving”.

Apparently for women, failing to have two accidents a year constitutes driving excellence.

* Racial alchemy indeed. Little green men watching American TV would get the impression that blacks are America’s leading citizens and represent an intellectual elite. It seems every police chief is black and most judges are black females. Only on TV are the criminals mostly white and the cops mostly black.

Blacks are never depicted as exclusively evil in movies. If an evil black or two is required then it will be balanced by equally evil whites and good blacks. After all, we don’t what those white people in flyover country getting the wrong ideas about race or looking askance at the black man.

The popular TV series The Walking Dead is a perfect example of this longstanding industry trend where goodwhites and blacks ban together against badwhites and blacks. But the really dastardly characters are almost always white like the governor.

And it’s Weissbergs co-racialists in the entertainment industry who are responsible for that which he laments. If his folk were true to their principles they would be churning out movies about Israeli women falling madly in love with Palestinian Muslims and depicting Muslims as leading members of Israeli society. They would include stories about the legendary size of the Palestinian Muslim man’s genitalia and his unmatched sexual prowess much like they promote the black man and sell him to brainless and naive white women in America which has produced legions of mulattoes.

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Dennis Prager: Trump’s Speech Wasn’t ‘Dark’ Enough

Dennis Prager writes: One of the many remarkable traits of the progressives is their lack of self-awareness.
This trait was on display last week in the media and Democratic Party’s characterization of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech — and the entire Republican National Convention — as “dark.”
For the left to dismiss other Americans as having a dark view of America is preposterous.
Because no one — not Trump, not the Republican Party, not any conservative — has nearly as dark a view of America as does the left.
Across the board — from the universities to the media to the Democratic Party — the left, around the world and in America, has an unremittingly dark view of the United States.
Here’s a brief glimpse.
–Racism “is part of our (American) DNA,” President Barack Obama said in 2015. Is there anything Trump said in his acceptance speech that is as dark about America as that?
–On July Fourth weekend, Vox published a long column arguing “3 reasons the American Revolution was a mistake.”
–The most widely read historian in American high schools and colleges, the late left-wing professor Howard Zinn, was asked (by me) whether he thought the United States had done more good or more bad in the world. “Probably more bad than good,” he answered.
–The left regularly characterizes the United States as a sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist and bigoted country.
–Our wars are wars for imperialist expansion, driven by material greed.
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–The top 1 percent relentlessly exploits the other 99 percent.
–America is rigged against blacks, Hispanics and the 99 percent.
–Cops kill unarmed blacks proportionately more than they kill unarmed whites because so many cops are racist.
–About 1 in 5 female college students are sexually assaulted on campus.
Is there anything in Trump’s speech that can match any of those left-wing views of the United States for “darkness”?
Moreover, every one of those leftist critiques of America is false.
Nevertheless, we are in a dark time in America. In fact, Trump didn’t make the case for America’s darkness nearly effectively enough.
–Our universities — outside of the natural sciences — are being destroyed as learning institutions. They close minds, censor speech and indoctrinate rather than educate.
–Blacks have more anger toward whites and America than at any time since the civil rights era.
–American students are learning less while being indoctrinated more. They graduate high school barely able to write a coherent essay with proper sentence structure, grammar and spelling. But they know all about the existential threat allegedly posed by fossil fuels.
–According to a recent Gallup Poll, fewer young Americans than at any time since polling began are proud to be Americans.
–A greater percentage of Americans are dependent upon government for their income and even for food than at any time in American history.
–The American national debt is the highest it has ever been. And it is increasing at a rate that can only lead to an economic implosion.
–A smaller percentage of Americans are married than at any time in American history.
–Americans are having fewer children than ever.
–Fewer businesses in proportion to the general population are being started than ever before.
–Sectors of major American cities are essentially killing zones.
–Fewer Americans than ever before believe in God, go to church or affirm Judeo-Christian values, the basic moral code of America’s founding and of Western civilization.
–Only 2 in 10 black children are born to a married mother.
Is that dark enough?
And the list is only a partial one.
Moreover, every one of those dark facts is the result of left-wing policies, left-wing politicians, left-wing writers, left-wing professors and the left-wing party, the Democratic Party.

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CNN: “Donald Trump Bounces Into the Lead”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Evidently, what Trump had to say in his big speech was pretty persuasive, if I say so myself.

* It is interesting watching all the framing and narrative wrangling going on.

Google news seems to be in the tank for Hillary.

* Mr. Trump’s speech nailed the root causes of our worst woes.

Singlehandedly, Mr. Trump obliterated the Overton Window. He’s the Father of “a new birth of freedom.”

Mr. Trump is the only public figure in the United States that has had and shown the testicular fortitude to say what must be said, and to propose to do what must be done to save our country – to save, indeed, Western Civilization.

With each passing day my admiration for Mr. Trump grows. In his own way he may well prove to be our Charles Martel.

Martel himself was not perfect, and neither is Trump. But in History they are both the right man at the right moment.

* Content matters and what Trump had to offer white blue collars and middle-class voters in his is quite substantial.

In fact it hasn’t been done by GOP politicos, well since ever. Previous GOP pols would simply tell the helots that we need to take it in the ass via austerity measures to help corporations globalize and send our jobs overseas in the name of progress and profit and that we could forget about retiring and have to work until we died. Of course they’d couch it in “fiscal conservative” talk that would go over like a lead balloon and have no real appeal.

Then the GOP bosses would whine why no one except the rich liked their agenda. Usually with reporters and journalists who themselves who were worth millions.

Funny thing, most of those issues Trump talked up used to be Democratic ones until the Clinton’s came along and kicked them out of the party in favor of K Street and globalist interests.

* Nate Silver’s model says Trump has a 40% chance of winning. His model adds a little to Trump’s polling to correct for Dem bias and subtracts temporarily a little more to account for convention bounce.

His “now-cast” says if the election were held today it would be a replay of 2000: Hillary narrowly wins the popular vote while Florida puts Trump over the top, both by less than 1%.

It isn’t a perfect replay of 2000 however. This looks like it will be the first election since the Nixon realignment almost 50 years ago in which Pennsylvania votes more Republican than Virginia. And this was before Tim Kaine was Veeped. Ohio is also moving to the right. It was the tipping point state in 2004 that put Bush over the top, and ultra-close in 2000 as well. Mitt Romney was a WWC disaster, so this delayed the shift. It looks like rather than a pure swing state, it is a slightly lean-Trump state. Colorado is going the other way, Trump is polling poorly there and its hispanic and SWPL population is growing fast.

Besides being the states shifting to the left the fastest, Virginia and Colorado share something else in common. In both states Democrats are overperforming in statewide races because they carefully select and unite behind candidates, the result of being the weaker party for so long. The GOP base in these states, by contrast, has not accepted the need to nominate less conservative candidates and avoid divisive primaries, resulting in Alabama-style Republican candidates like Ken Buck and the Ken Cuccinelli who keep losing winnable races

* Trump’s gains in the battleground counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania were especially impressive. I have noted before that, if Trump manages to win the same states Romney won in 2012 (total 206 EVs), all he needs to do is win Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan to get to 289 EVs, well above the 270 needed to win. Even without Michigan’s 16 EVs, he gets 273, enough to eke out a victory. So, despite what the MSM have been saying all along, it does not take much to make Trump President. That completely disregards many other states where Trump is likely to do well.

* Historically the GOP was the protectionist party, and the Democrats the opposite. That changed after 1932.

If I recall correctly, Romney ran many ads labeling China a currency manipulator in my home state of Ohio. The left-wing media claimed he was stoking a trade war.

In the aftermath, I remember reading that some observers thought Asian voters took criticism of China as racist, I quite vividly remember Indian writers assailing the GOP for mentioning Christianity in the most mundane context. (Ignoring the whole point of their homeland’s BJP)

Romney’s China schtick wore out after he lied over and over about the Toledo Jeep factory being shut down.

* I know about Schmidt’s work to get Obama reelected and have read about his involvent in the hillary campaign.

I also know that Google visited the white house more than any other company and was one of the top lobbyists.

I’m now wondering why I even thought they would pretend to hide their bias on their news site.

My own naivety amazes me sometimes.

* I can’t count the number of times over the past year that I’ve heard writers and online commentators say things like:

“Hip-hop artists from Killah D to the Smoove Dogs have name-checked Trump over 100 times!”


“NBA draft prospect Vontavious Buckthorn just tweeted out a pro-Trump message!”

Most of these people don’t even have a fixed address that won’t change between now and November, much less are actually registered to vote, much less intend to actually go vote for Trump.

The biggest single group of black voters is middle-aged and older church ladies. After them, you have groups such as welfare cases (low rates of voter registration, but they nake up for it with volume), lower-middle-class retail workers, and fake-revolutionary black college students. After all them, you have blacks who might consider voting Republican. And even they, as you’ve noted, aren’t the type to fall for Trump.

The average poor but “cool” black guy on the street corner, and the thugged out athletes and musicians he admires, are simply not a factor in national elections.

* First, he is not in the pocket of the Russians. Because of his self-financing campaign he isn’t in the pocket of anyone. Well, I take that back. It appears he now is in the pocket of one group based upon some of his recent statements. But I think he had to do it if he wanted a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

Second, many social conservatives seem to have a stuck vision of Russia as being one in the same with the old, atheistic USSR. If these folks saw that the Russian government was trying to reestablish Christianity and was building Churches, their opinions might change. Though they might fail in their attempt to reestablish the Church, I think most social conservatives would be floored that the Russian government is even trying it.

Most of us who lived through the Cold War believed that the USA was the leader of a moral, Christian West and the Soviets were the godless communists. To see how the USA is rapidly becoming anything but Christian, and how the Russians are trying to promote it is shocking. But the media won’t promote this view. As a result most Americans and social conservatives still probably believe the Russians are the godless commies of yore. It is similar to how most Americans were led to believe Saddam was behind 9-11 right up to the start of the Iraq War.

* One of the interesting things about the heroic figures in the Old and New Testament is how just about all of them were extremely flawed in one way or another – with one major exception, Christ, of course. Muslims, for instance, cannot comprehend that Noah was a drunk and was molested by his two nieces while he was passed out, david had another man killed in battle to take his wife he lusted after, Paul once gleefully sent christians to their death for fun, or Samson hung out with a prostitute who convinced him to do the main thing he was instructed to never do: cut off his hair and remove all of his power.

Christians understand that everyone is flawed, and often God has acted through some very flawed men to change the world for the better. We may be witnessing a modern day Samson with the way trump has come out of nowhere to champion causes that we all thought were doomed, has done it without fear or backing down, and has been slaying Goliaths left and right much to the shock of pretty much everyone.

* I’ve particularly enjoyed NPR coverage of the Democrat Convention where one reporter was nearly drowned out by catcalls coming from the floor as she suggested the Democrat Convention showed much less evidence of party divisions than the Republican.

* Bill Clinton was responsible for the drop in crime as much as the crowing rooster is responsible for the sun rising every day. It is well documented that the crime rate peaked and started declining dramatically in 1990 not only in NYC but across the country for reasons that are still inexplicable, although many explanations have been advanced. Clinton did not become President until January 20, 1993, and he had no responsibility for crime on the street. Clinton did propose his “Cops on the Street” legislation, which wasn’t enacted until 1994 and didn’t result in new cops on the street until 1995. The crime rate, in the meantime, continued to drop dramatically. I have debunked the same claim made by Rudy Giuliani, who didn’t become mayor until January 1994, but at least he set the tone for NYC by banning the squeegee guys and taking a tough attitude toward criminals and changing the methods of policing, thus changing the perception of the public. A good use of the bully pulpit, at the very least, so I am willing to give Giuliani some credit for the decline in crime. His policies were continued by Mayor Bloomberg during his three terms in office, and the crime rate continued to decline to the point where it is probably the lowest among big cities in the U.S. and historically low for NYC.

You allude to the “Clintons” reducing crime. Exactly what was Hillary’s contribution as First Lady to reducing crime in the 90′s? This is the same woman who couldn’t find billing records of the Rose Law Firm for two years, although they were found hiding in her bedroom at the White House. I wonder how they made their way from Little Rock to Washington.

BTW the formal name for the logical fallacy involving Bill Clinton and the reduction in crime is post hoc ergo propter hoc. The same fallacy applies to the claims that Bill Clinton was responsible for the economic recovery of the 90′s. That ignores the indisputable fact that the economy bottomed out in March 1991 (according to the NBER, official arbiter of business cycles), nearly two years before Clinton became President on January 20, 1993. The boom of the 90′s was largely attributable to the manipulations of the Federal Reserve, which is why the boom ended in 2000 with the bursting of the internet/telecom stock market bubble. Hillary’s silly notion that her decrepit husband, showing signs of early senility, can recreate the economic boom of the 90′s is based on the falsehood that he was responsible for the 90′s boom in the first place and that he is some kind of economic wizard, which is very far from the truth. Did he take even one economics course when he was in college?

P.S.–Your notion that nothing can be done about crime until the Democrats return to power seems to overlook the dramatic increase in crime over the last two years (as documented by the Washington Post) with a Democrat in the White House, who seems relatively clueless.

* “— The same people on the Clinton team who made enormous efforts to claim her private email server, which operated unencrypted over the Internet for three months including during trips to China and Russia and which contained Top Secret national security data, was not hacked by the Russians now are certain that the DNC server was hacked by the Russians.”

* I see no reason to disbelieve Wikileaks and Julian Assange when they take full credit for revealing the extent to which the Clintons have corrupted the political process. Neither Wikileaks nor Assange has yet been caught out in a lie.

* Homicides dropped considerably in the 1980s before crack came along late in the decade. Homicides were dropping among older offenders for a long time as more and more of them got locked up.

But crack was kind of a black swan disaster — the perfect drug — that suddenly recruited a whole bunch of new killers out of high schools. It burned out after a few years in any one city.

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