Who Is More Privileged: Trump, Stephens, or Zakaria?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Fareed Zakaria was the son of the number 2 person behind only Indira Gandhi in the ruling Congress Party of India. A friend who worked with Fareed recalls him as a Princeling of Privilege in personal behavior. But, Zakaria is officially Asian in the U.S., so the concept of privilege can’t possibly apply to him.

* Fareed Zakaria has repeatedly gotten away with plagiarism. Zakaria and Brett Stevens were also dead wrong about Iraq, but their careers were never impacted. Some would say that’s privilege.

* “It’s basically increasingly a vision of the privileges of a white ethnic bloc who he is speaking to,” Stephens said of the Trump campaign. “If the Republican party essentially becomes the white party, it is going to be the death of it.”

Sean Hannity Bludgeons Wall Street Journal Editor Bret Stephens As ‘Arrogant Elitist’

Sean Hannity is ripping into Wall Street Journal deputy editorial page editor Bret Stephens.

Iraq War artifact Stephens, who staunchly defends George W. Bush and Bill Kristol’s nation-building experiment, is a pillar of the exiled Republican Establishment.

“Fox News’ dumbest anchor had a message for y’all,” Stephens tweeted, slamming Hannity for saying he was “sick and tired” of Republicans for going on and on about how upset they are over Donald Trump’s feud with Saudi-connected DNC speaker Khizr Khan.

Hannity is punching back at Stephens and it’s one of his most scathing comebacks since he went after Alec Baldwin’s divorce on radio many years ago. But Hannity’s punches at Stephens are much more significant, because they represent something very real that is happening in the Republican Party right now.

“He is a typical arrogant elitist who is incapable of understanding the plight of millions upon millions of Americans in poverty, on food stamps and out of the labor force,” Hannity told Breitbart News, referring to Stephens.

“He is incapable of recognizing the danger of record debt and deficits and unfunded liabilities. He is incapable of recognizing the danger of open borders and refugees that are not properly vetted,” Hannity continued.

With Roger Ailes out at Fox News, and Megyn Kelly and the Murdoch kids still in, the situation over there kind of resembles the Battle of Gallipoli.

Hannity’s career transcended that of his onetime sparring partner Alan Colmes when he scored the 9 pm hour by himself in 2009. He was one of Ailes’ favorite dependable anchors. As Fox News went hard in the #NeverTrump direction this election cycle, Hannity kept the pro-Trump audience from completely abandoning Fox in primetime.

Now, Hannity is defining his place in the new Republican Party, where the Drudge Report, Breitbart News, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh were placed on Conservative Movement blacklists during the darkest days of the Great Trump-Cruz War.

Since Cleveland, where Trump supporters overthrew the corrupting forces of globalist special interests, the #NeverTrump operatives have been in retreat. Trump humiliated Cruz in Cleveland, prompting black merchants on Cleveland’s Fourth Avenue to start hawking “Ted Cruz Sucks…Hillary Swallows” T-shirts.

The new Republican style has been called “populism through vulgarity.” Maybe that’s fitting in some cases, like the term “cucking,” which is now used casually and publicly by the likes of Edward Snowden over in Russia. But the vulgarity, while fun, masks the deeper importance of this stage of the GOP Civil War.

Some like Bill Kristol are hoping for a Hillary win so that those globalist special interests can come back and re-corrupt the party after November. Bill, son of Irving, was caught leaning up against a wall at the Cleveland Ritz-Carlton pretending to talk on his cell phone so he could spy on Matthew Boyle, Patrick Howley, and Milo Yiannopoulos at our convention.

Hannity is making it known that he stands with the Populist Nationalist Champions of the New and Better Republican Party Borne in Cleveland That Will Reign Supreme For Years To Come.

“He is incapable of understanding the danger of electing a president who refuses to say the words ‘radical Islam,’ who supports the Iranian deal that gives the number one state sponsor of terrorism $150 billion and the right to move forward with its nuclear program,” Hannity pressed on in conversation with Breitbart News, referring to Stephens.

“He is an elitist who refuses to recognize that weak, spineless, feckless, visionless Republicans who abandoned every promise they ever made, and every principle they ever espoused, helped facilitate the entire Obama agenda,” Hannity stated for the record.

“He deserves Hillary’s Supreme Court selections. He deserves the unvetted refugees living next door to him. He deserves the economy in decline that will continue, and he deserves the consequences of a foreign policy predicated on appeasement.”

* I have it on reasonably good authority that Stephens was recently heard to boast of an income of $800,ooo/year. That’s not elite, no!

I would bet that no more–and possibly even less–than $200,000 of that comes from the Journal. The rest, according to Stephens’ boast, is steered to him by various neocon financiers in the form of speaking engagements and such.

Stephens’ claim that he wishes he had been born into Trump’s wealth is nonsense. To maintain that wealth and build it up, as Trump did, he would have had to learn a real business and work very hard. Instead, for $800K, he writes a once/week column and gives speeches. I’d rather have that than get rich working hard in real estate. And so would Stephens.

* Stephens has engaged in a twitter conflict with Sean Hannity for the last week. And it’s kind of typical of the split between goodwhites and badwhites; a rich Manhattan prep school elitist looking down his nose at a middle class Irish kid from Long Island.

* Stephens said he wished he was born into a rich family entrenched in New York real estate and the privileges that comes along with that. Instead, he said, he “started at the bottom” and any achievements he has made were based on merit.

* Anyone who has been in a large successful business knows this is a specious claim. I’m sure many readers know of someone who inherited money and/or a successful business, and promptly lost it all. If Walt Disney had handed the keys to Disney to his nephew Roy, Disney Enterprises would be gone by now.

I’m just as certain that readers know of someone who “started from nothing,” who made their fortune while functioning as a sociopath.

Simply because you made your fortune from nothing doesn’t imply you’re a good or stable person. Often that person will have a very narrow field of talents related to his business. Also, simply because you inherit money doesn’t follow that maintaining, much less growing that fortune isn’t a major existential challenge for the inheritor in itself.

Particularly, any reader here with significant real estate holdings knows that if you don’t have your act together, you can lose that real estate very quickly. Simply maintaining and managing a large holding in real estate would be an ass-kicker for most people.

Most people could not function as the leader of the Trump organization, if you handed it to them. They would be under their desks in a fetal position in a week.

So, let’s put this aspect of the “privilege” argument away for good. It’s just stupid, and the life of that argument depends on the ignorance of the audience.

* When was The Republican Party ever not the White party? Mitt Romney did not win a single Black vote in cities like Cleveland and Philadelphia.

Never Trumpers act like the GOP used to be as racially diverse as that 1970s “I’d Like To Buy The World A Coke” commercial.

* Far from the death of the Republican party, a move to garner 70% + of the white vote spells victory after victory. Once the demographics can be stabilized and enhanced, there will be no need for a white party and we can get back to a situation where ideology or issues rather than identity rules the ballot box.

By privilege, Stephens means identity. I wish whites had the privilege of secure borders and freedom from race replacement, taken for granted by the vast majority of non-white countries.

* Didn’t Bret Stephens attend an exclusive international school for rich expat kids in Mexico City?

Also, doesn’t he claim membership in an exclusive clan that was gifted a very valuable piece of real estate on the eastern Mediterranean–on the backs of working Americans and flyover country White soldiers?

You really can’t make this stuff up. The chutzpah…

* “The white party.” Is that anything like the Goy party?

* Stephens is listed with the tony Harry Walker Agency.

* When Stephens was editor of The Jerusalem Post, I wonder if he wrote editorials against Jewish privilege?

Actually, I don’t wonder. I know he didn’t.

* Stephens’ Wikipedia page says that “he was raised in Mexico City, where his father worked.” That, together with the fact that Stephens’ column (“Global View”) is so regularly focused on the national security of Israel, helps fill out the picture. Being raised among globetrotting elite in Mexico City, educated among the elite in New England, at U of C, at LSE, and working at Jerusalem Post and WSJ, all suggest a man who may be elite, but is certainly global in focus.

Stephens misleadingly implies that he came up hard, conveniently ducking the question of his real ‘global view’. He also changes the focus by implicitly accusing Trump supporters of class warfare and envy of Stephens’ hard-earned success.

Nonsense. Only Democrats care how much Bret Stephens makes; Trump voters are concerned with his vision for American citizens and government as expressed in his column and TV appearances, and the underlying reasons for that vision.

* I attended UofC at around the same time as Stephens and remember that he did a senior paper with historian Charles Gray, husband of UofC president Hanna Holborn Gray (I remember that because I was waiting in a hallway while Gray and Stephens were talking). Charles Gray, as far as I remember, probably had trouble getting five students to attend his courses, so he was not a natural choice of advisor. It occurred to me later that Hanna Gray had lots of connections (according to Wikipedia, she has been on the board of Harvard, Yale, the Smithsonian Institution, JP Morgan Chase, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Concord Coalition, the Mayo Clinic, and the Brookings Institution) and therefore was probably the most valuable contact he could have made in college. He was cultivating important connections from the beginning.

* How far into the elite bubble does one have to be to think one can be the son of a chemical company executive, and attend Middlesex School, and think it passes a laugh test to say that one isn’t an elite and has “started at the bottom”?

These people would die of shock if some force were to impose on them a single minute of genuine self awareness.

* I don’t necessarily begrudge wealthy and powerful people their wealth and power but I do get tired of them constantly publishing books and giving speeches about how they started from the bottom and worked hard(er than the rest of us) and deserve every penny of it. It reeks of insecurity when you aren’t content with your nice life but have to justify it to everyone.

At a lower level, I’ve noticed a Lake Woebegone effect among Silents/Boomers where almost all of them will claim that they grew up poor, but when you press them on what “poor” actually means, it turns out to be something like living on a tobacco farm with married parents, not being the bastard of a crack addicted single mother who can’t even hold down a job at the Taco Bell.

* Thing is, white trash–ie., lower-class whites if you want to be noninsulting–still has the right to representation in a democracy, and to having their interests represented in any case.

You have a situation where the left has completely turned its back on a group of poor people. And, well, what sort of left are they then?

* Giving speeches has become a very acceptable form of bribery.

It’s quite odd that no one seems to notice. Oh wait, it’s not that odd at all since anyone noticing would cut themselves off from the trough.

* They’re not so guilty as to invite anyone and everyone into their country. In Israel, there’s a limit to the stupidity. However, Jews are more than happy to give drinks to the drunk in the U.S. and Europe.

* Should white trash be allowed to vote?

Should any candidate be allowed to solicit their vote?

* But Stephen’s grandmother (or grandfather, I forget which) hung out with Leon Trotsky in Mexico. Why was I not surprised to read this?

* Considering that the first Trump to start piling up the cash was Frederick Trump the grandfather, it’s quite unusual for Donald to be much wealthier than his grandfather, much less his father. By the third generation, most dynasties have squandered their wealth unless the original cash generator was careful to tie it up inside trusts to prevent the capital from being spent.

Even with trusts, most descendants end up in philanthropist mode instead of wealth-generator mode, and trust payouts often end up supporting liberal political candidates like Hillary Clinton, or paying for the fat salaries of charity administrators who have to keep the priming the cash pump by hobnobbing, expensive dinners, and ego-massaging.

* The question is *WHY* is an explicitly White party bad? No one complains that say, Blacks are explicitly pro-Black, Hispanics pro-Hispanic, only, and that the Democratic Party is a “No White Men Allowed” party.

Heartiste noted that the Dems are Blacks pretty much, and the Republicans absent Trump are mostly weasely cucks like Paul Ryan who are not only anti-White but lacking any masculine presence. For better and worse, masculine White men like Ike, Reagan, LBJ, and Clinton are gone out of both parties.

IMHO the anti-White (male only, you don’t see it with anti-White women) attitude is deeply organic; and part and parcel of the elite class gender resentment, i.e. Upper Class White women deeply resent their male counterparts.

That’s why you see “White Privilege” stuff — it comes from Elite women those in Stephen’s life who bitterly resent the White lower classes and no doubt various men around them. The ugly thing of Affirmative Action is that it incentives Upper Class White women to defenestrate White men so they have a chance to move up.

* Any time you hear this word “privilege,” you should know that whoever is using it is appealing to the envy within human beings, ie the ugliest aspect of human nature, and they are therefore detestable slime. They get people all riled up, instead of inspiring them and uplifting them, they appeal to that little cretin inside them that says, “Why I don’t got what he got?” Grow the f*** up you little babies.

* Moribund Comedy Central has picked up a few skits by the infamous Sam Hyde, a decidedly un-PC/ unhinged comedian. He is the first HBD comedian.

Here is Sam Hyde’s stand-up in 2015 on the migrant crisis performed in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He ends on a funny Clock Boy bit.

* As a brown man, the only group I am allowed to make snarky comments about, insult and lampoon with no adverse consequences whatsoever is that of white men. I call that ‘brown privilege.’

* I support the man who won the primary for my party’s nomination – Donald Trump – regardless of what I think of him. Win or lose, I pledged to support the victor of the primary in the general election against the true political enemy, the Democrats. I am dismayed that many Republicans seem to be throwing a tantrum about Trump like little children who are miffed because their friend beat them at playing marbles or something. They are being petty, vindictive, and, worse, self-destructive.

* Reminds me of Gavin Newsome’s claim that he can relate to the peasantry because he too was raised by a single mother. He said this on the Adam Carolla show, but forgot to mention who his father was: Chief In-House Counsel for Getty Oil. These people are unbelievable.

* Fareed celebrates the death of “White Privileged” working class Americans.

Fareed passionately believes that the decline of working class Whites is inevitable and a result of their White Privilege. Furthermore, Fareed is certain that there is nothing that Trump can do to stop the decline. Nice message from our global overlords.

Why is this guy in our country again? Why is he featured on CNN? It certainly can’t be because of his looks. What is going on here?

One thing that Fareed is right about is that the decline of White Americans can only be compared to the demographic decline that occurred after the fall of the Soviet Union. Interesting that the social collapse of Russia after the passing of the USSR was overseen by the Council of Foreign Relations, and of course, Fareed is a CFR poster boy. It’s almost as if there is plan to these sorts of things.

Here is Putin discussing Trump with Fareed and putting the CFR lackey in his place.

Who will be America’s Putin?

* Last official count put Whites as 62% of the U.S. population. As Steve has mentioned, that number includes Middle Easterners and Indian/Pakis. Moreover, that number doesn’t take into account the vast number of illegal aliens that have slipped through the official cracks. We are lucky to be 55% of the U.S.A. God help us.

* Greg Cochran: I remember Bret Stephens and some friends explaining that “real Americans” were those that believed in the right propositions, and might come from anywhere – while if you had wrong thoughts, say not being enthusiastic about the Iraq War, coming from a family that had fought for this country for 200 years – in the Revolution, at Vicksburg, in Normandy, at Leyte Gulf – meant nothing, and less than nothing. Apparently he and his friends get to decide which propositions are currently mandatory.

I believe that he was mistaken, and would greatly enjoy having half an hour alone with him to to explain just why.

* CNN Host Slams America’s Greatest Olympian Ever For Not Being Black, Muslim Woman

Michael Phelps may be the greatest Olympian the world has ever known but for CNN host W. Kamau Bell, he is just a “tall, successful, rich white guy” who clearly didn’t “need the honor” of being chosen by his athlete peers as America’s flag-bearer. Instead, Bell exclaims, Ibtihaj Muhammad, a woman, an African-American and a Muslim to boot, should have been chosen because “right now America has enough tall, successful, rich white guys hogging the spotlight trying to make America great.”

* In Newspeak, “privilege” does not mean what it used to mean. “Privilege” is a negative label that you try to stick on your enemies, like racist. You would never claim privilege for yourself. Privilege is a hereditary status that your enemies receive at birth by virtue of being a white male. They can’t get rid of it unless they cut off their man parts or at least declare themselves openly gay. Goodwhites like Timmy Kaine, if they dedicate their life to the advancement of non-whites, may overcome privilege but will always remain suspect. Another way to overcome privilege is to compete for victim status – yes you were born in great wealth but you came from a broken home, are now a recovered drug addict, etc.

Non-white immigrants like Zakaria, even if they are born in great wealth and high status in their native society, are never privileged, just as they can never be racist, by definition. Likewise, women, even white women, are not privileged even if they are wives of Presidents who have been chauffeured from place to place for decades so that they never have to do anything dirty like drive a car. If a woman becomes a man, she is still transgendered and as an LGBT retains her non-privileged status.

Once you understand the new meaning and framework for “privilege”, answering questions about relative privilege become easy to analyze. In future America, any 4th grader will be able to tell you instantly, just as they can conjugate verbs in their native language without having received formal grammar instruction. Only clueless old people will be confused, just like you can never get videos to play on your smartphone.

This works exactly the same way as being from the “landlord class” worked in Maoist China. This is nothing new. The only new thing is that Maoism has come to America.

* Bret Stephens and his ilk just make me sick. Lecturing, hectoring, yap, yap, yap, but nothing but parasites on the body of the nation. The nation doesn’t need his type–he adds nothing. But he nonetheless lives high on the hog because this is a white built\run nation–well ordered, prosperous–while he scratches away at the nation’s fabric and makes is worse.

Furthermore his ideology–and i get that for him there a “what’s good for the Jews” component–makes no long run sense. What exactly is this “conservatism” that he’s upholding?

“Conservatism” is supposed to mean *conserving* something. That inherently means the culture, the ways of doing things, which inherently means the people. Sure, i’m for constitutional limited government. I want good roads and honest courts of law, but i’m *viscerally* hostile to the government sicking its nose into every aspect of my business. Much less having one *national* government doing it. Much less having a Protestant church lady from hell like harpy Hillary with state power to make me behave as she wants. (That’s some circle of hell.)

But those notions of republican “limited government” and “federalism” are Anglo-Saxon in derivation. That visceral feeling of being an independent free man and not looking at the state as a big patronage machine doling out gimme-dats is essentially a *white* thing. It doesn’t pop out of thin air, it comes from the white people who conquered and settled America. When Bret has finally consigned us evil white folks to being a minority in our nation, what’s the actual constituency for these “conservative” principles? Uh …

And that’s not even getting to the notion, that his new America with it’s rambunctious Muslim minority might not be as congenial a spot for old Bret–Bret’s children and grandchildren–as the old “racist”, white guys with pickups, America. But, of course, if it’s no longer so comfy and prosperous, Brett’s kin will just hop on to some other place to loot. It’s my descendants that will be stuck in a crappy Brazillified America.

* The entirety of Trump’s recent poor showing in the polls is due to his support dropping among whites, in particular white women.

Much is made of the changing ethnic demographics causing the country to lean left but the reality is the country started drifting left when women were given the right to vote. Come this November they look to finish the job.

* A friend of mine is very good friends with Hannity. They were best friends in High School (a Long Island Catholic seminary high school. Yes, Hannity went to a seminary.) After college Hannity was working in California, I believe, doing exactly what you describe, hanging dry-wall. He used to listen to these local talk-radio bull-shitters while working and said, “I can do that shit as well as they can…”. The rest, as is said, is history. He just went around sending letters knocking on doors, trying to reach programming managers at radio stations. I think he got his break at a station in Atlanta.

* Middlesex is actually a very interesting school: founded only in 1901, its origins are secular, at a time when to proclaim oneself such was a very definite statement of intent. From the beginning it attracted the sons of the best Wasp families, but only those who were lukewarm about religion. (Amusingly the Wasp to end all Wasps, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr, graduated from Middlesex, but only after having first attended St Albans in Washington DC, at the time perhaps the most firmly Episcopalian boarding school of them all).
It also attracted Jews, at a time when only a vanishingly small number of Jews were to be found at any of the other great boarding schools. The building housing its books is the Warburg Library, named for its donor, alumnus Edward Warburg of the great merchant banking family
This last point may have something to do with Stevens’ family choosing it for their little brat of a son.
Am I the only one to notice how very un-semitic Steven’s features are? I remain convinced that a lot of these “Jews” aren’t really, or at least not exclusively.
Jewishness is the real privilege with clout these days: is it surprising that the occasional sly non-Jew would try to take advantage of that?

* Brett’s kin will just hop on to some other place to loot

If this is the plan of the evil Joos (and it ain’t) then it’s a lousy one. Calling leaving the only country you have ever known (and probably leaving all your property and some of your blood behind) a “hop” is like calling the American Civil War the “Recent Unpleasantness”. American Jews are first and foremost Americans and have no desire to live anywhere else (INCLUDING Israel) because if they did, they would already be living there. Would some small lucky % of American Jews land on their feet? Sure, just like Judah Benjamin became an English barrister after his side lost the Civil War, but most would pay a high price. Ask any of the Syrian refugees what’s it’s like to “hop” to a new country where your degree is no good and you don’t speak the language, etc.

* The newest pro-open borders Never Trump shill is a Mormon from Utah named Evan McMullin.

He is running for POTUS even though it is already too late for him to get on the ballot in most states.

The Never Trump Movement among Republicans are disproportionately made up of Mormons.

It makes sense that most Mormons are pro-open borders, because their religion is small and they are trying to grow their religuous base.

Mormons are huge on trying to convert people to their religion and they are known for knocking on people’s doors just like Jehovah’s Witnesses.

WASP Mormons see Asians and Latinos as natural potential future Mormons. They see these people as being open to accepting Joseph Smith into their hearts.

Joseph Smith was a scam artist just like L. Ron Hubbard.

* …for some Jews their visceral impulses dominate serious logical thinking about their actual long term interests. No outgroup has *ever* been treated better than the Jews by American Protestants. Yet there are Jews who can find just amazing stuff to whine about–for example that Protestants didn’t *immediately* turn over the universities that they had built to the Jews, but slapped on a quota to keep them as Protestant institutions. The horror! Entirely normal and reasonable and Jews whine about it. (They could of course have built their own damn universities like the Catholics, but they’d rather bitch and moan about how unfair whitey is.) But i freely admit, i don’t have deep insight into the psychology of Jews here.

As a gentile i’m much more tuned in to the motivations behind the pathology of my fellow gentiles. For instance, from being scoutmaster of my son’s troop, i know a couple white Christian families raising black kids–when they could have spent the time\money raising more of their own. Biologically … it’s nuts! But i understand their motivations. They are sincere Christians, doing their Christian duty. The motivation is an over-the-top Christian universalism. But Jews are not, let’s admit, adopting a bunch of black kids or out running missions in Africa. Jews are *not* actual universalists. Their identity is tribal–their religion a tribal religion. Jewish immigration love does not come from some impulse that we’re all one big happy family … because they explicitly reject that notion. Rather it seems to come more from hostility to majority white gentile populations preserving themselves and a desire to have more balkanized environment to operate in.

But i leave parsing through precise Jewish psychological motivations in pushing destructive–long run self-destruction–immigration policies to Jews. Jack, an *honest* thorough grappling with this from a smart Jewish guy like yourself would be actually interesting.

* I don’t know anything really about this Stephens guy but since he apparently comes from an upper middle class background (but likes to deny this), his class interests would seem to lead him into the milquetoast political discourse he prefers.

He might like the intellectual stimulation of political debate and the status of being paid to write about it on the WSJ op-ed page, but does he really have any incentive to go all in and argue the hardball side of politics on the national stage like Ann Coulter or Pat Buchanan?

No matter how politics develops in the US over the next few decades, his family line is probably rather securely ensconced in the upper middle for at least two or three generations into the future.

Why would he choose to do the tightrope dance people like Coulter and Buchanan have to do 24/7 for flouting the PC rules and trying to describe the cut-throat tribal nature of politics that lurks just below the surface? Better to keep his easy friendly relations he no doubt has with various members of various groups who might be upset by any straying from PC politics and as for his deeper friendships which I’m sure overwhelmingly are with those who share his upper middle background, it isn’t like they’re going to give him any grief for keeping his politics well within the bland ranges.

* The dominant demographic in the Diaspora ,i.e. secular Ashkenazi New Class types, is just as Leftist in Israel.

You mean they welcome mass non-jewish immigration and are sanguine about–nay actively work toward–disintegrating Israel’s jewish majority?

* My impression from Yglesias’s twitter feed is that he’s pretty based these days, but, sensibly enough, isn’t going to risk his patriarchal obligations to make that explicit.

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Hillary Makes It To The Top Of The Stairs!

News: The questionable health condition of Hillary Clinton should be a major issue of the 2016 campaign.

The latest evidence comes in the form of Clinton being helped up a set of stairs by multiple individuals outside what appears to be a home.

The photos, published by Reuters and Getty, show the 68-year-old candidate with aides holding her arms as she ascends the stairs.


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Breathing Freely & Clarity Of Purpose

Alexander teacher Carolyn Nicholls tells Robert Rickover: “The more flexible an area, the easier it is to misuse it. I’ve had a lot of pupils who’ve had a sullen ribcage, where the ribcage stays the same shape with the in-breath and the out-breath. It moves up and down in a sullen lump. This movement is caused by an incredible shortening throughout the spine…. I’ve created a pressure down my spine and as a result, my ribs lock up.”

“If you don’t use your ribcage to breathe, the abdominal contents get increasingly squashed and it gets harder and harder for the ribs to move and then you are going to tend to mouth-breathe because it is easier to get air in through your mouth rather than your nose and that makes your whole respiratory system lazy.”

One thing cascades into another. When you are broken in one part of your life, the yearning that results from that failure to connect tends to get in the way of launching yourself into the rest of life.

It’s like attachment theory. If you grew up with secure attachment, you are likely to make friends and form secure relationships and to not seek more people and from work than what is available to you. People like me who grew up with insecure attachment don’t make and maintain friends as easily. As a result, we have to attach to something, so we tend to become addicts. We fail with people and so we attach to drugs or alcohol or sex or porn or some form of excitement.

If you don’t attach normally to people, you are going to walk around hungry for connection and you will likely misuse sex, love and work.

For instance, a normal person goes to work for the primary purpose of making money or living his vision, but a person with anxious or avoidant attachment will go to work to get attention, to attach to others, to find a substitute family, and to find lovers.

If you don’t bond normally with others, you’ll bond with something weird such as endlessly checking your phone.

The more freedom I’ve had over the years, the more likely I have been to abuse it. The more flexibility I’ve created in my schedule, the less I’ve achieved.

When I’ve gone to work and to school, I’ve felt myself chasing attention more than is healthy for me. I’ve sought a substitute family, I’ve looked for substitute father figures, substitute uncle and aunty figures. As a result, I have not been terribly successful at work and school as well as in my relationships.

I started working every day in sixth grade (as a gardener) but after a few months, I got fired. I was a lousy worker. I found other odd jobs over the years and I kept losing them (finally circa 1982 I began holding down jobs that didn’t end up firing me). I wasn’t much into work. What I really wanted was excitement, connection and attention.

In June of 1986, I took a job for $4 an hour in landscaping. The work was brutal. I did nothing but swing a pick and swing a shovel for the first three days. Then on the fourth day, I drove to the Roseville home of Dominion Enterprises owner Doug Hanzlick and he turned out to be a great guy. He correctly noted my accent to be Australian and he remembered my name. He also introduced me to his youngest daughter Becky, 16, who loved Australia.

Becky and I flirted most of the afternoon and that day became a turning point for my landscaping. For the first time I enjoyed my work. The Hanzlick family of parents Doug and Sharon, the two older daughters Cheryl and Shelly, and Becky praised me to my bosses Carl Elrod and Lee Gardner. They in turn promoted me to more important and better-paying work than swinging a pick.

Not only my muscles but also my ego swelled that summer. I logged over 400 hours landscaping some months, along with working 12-18 hours a week at the radio station.

My attitude to my work completely shifted from hating it to loving it all because I found a substitute family in the Hanzlicks. I wanted their love and admiration. I wanted to feel a part of their team.

A normal person would not have sought to get his needs for connection met primarily through low-paying manual labor. I had a good brain but I wasn’t using it right. I had earned more than $20 an hour in Australia a couple of years previous but now I was happy with $5 and $6 an hour because I loved the Hanzlick family. Being around them made me feel whole. I had this gaping psychic wound that was staunched by their presence.

In February of 1988, I came down with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and my life crashed. I had to give up work and school. I retreated to the sick bed for six years. In 1994, I made a two-thirds recovery and awkwardly made my way back into the world of work.

I could no longer show off and get attention because of my endurance. I was physically weak. An eight hour day would about do me.

Due to my illness, I had missed out on finishing my degree in Economics from UCLA, so while I tried to figure things out, I took temp jobs (background work in TV and film, secretarial, etc).

I lost several jobs in the mid 1990s for hitting on women at work. I was just so ravenous for affection that I just blew through normal boundaries and made an ass of myself.

I am not arguing that there is anything wrong with seeking more from work than a paycheck. I just know that in my experience, I’ve been too needy for attention, too chatty, and just generally too too much and this has proved a hassle for those around me. They’ve had to put limits on me and I did not respond well to that. I’ve sought excitement and admiration from my work, and failing to get that, I’ve lost interest and just done the minimal amount of labor to get by until I could find something more in tune with my vision of being a big shot.

Through 12-Step programs over the past five years, I am learning to be right-sized, to think of myself as neither less than nor more than the people around me. I’m taking note of my drives that are likely to rub others the wrong way and to write them out in my journal and to discuss them with my therapist and appropriate friends instead of acting them out. I am paying attention to my tendencies to recreate the destructive drama of my early years. I am talking to people I trust about ways I’m getting in my own way. I often lack commonsense. I need feedback from others. My mind is a dangerous part of town that I don’t want to travel to alone.

Work is not necessarily the best place for me to seek love and admiration and attention. That’s what friends and lovers are for.

I hate that feeling when I try to join a conversation or a group where I am not wanted. I hate rejection, hate knowing that I have over-stepped, hate displaying my neediness. I know many people I yearn to be close to but I try to never ask more from their friendship than they want to give.

When I drive these days, I no longer listen much to NPR but instead tune into 12-step phone meetings and listen to speakers from groups such as Debtors Anonymous, Underearners Anonymous, Al-Anon, ACOA, AA and the like. When I wake up in the morning, I like to tune into a meeting to get my head on straight before taking a shower and launching into action.

I love these time tool speakers at Underearners Anonymous (UA). I love these 200 plus beginner talks for UA.

Here are some things I’ve learned from UA:

* Take out a sheet of paper in the morning and write down what you want to accomplish that day. At the end of the day, write down what you accomplished.

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Olympics Open Thread

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The USA lost to Australia in the women’d 4×100 but hey, we are more diverse! I notice a HUGE push for ‘diversity’ (eg less whites ) in US Swimming:
a. they have a full time diversity officer- imagine how much that disrupts practice and focus for good white swimmer.
b. cullen jones got more funding than Phelps for most of phelps’ career -including sponsorship.
c. almost every USA swimmer that is sponsored by speedo is mixed race – whites are ignored.
d. we are literally willing to have a less effective swim team in the name of diversity.

* Barack Hussein Obama was bragging about how proud he is that a Muslim woman in a hijab is representing The U.S in the Olympics in Rio De Janeiro.

Not surprising, because he is the identity politics president first and the American president a distant last.

* I’m sure a flood of comments are about to start pouring in along the lines of this being a competition to see which Western nation has the best black people vs. which despotism has the best drugs. Again, whatever. Don’t care, although the doping thing, which is probably the most odious byproduct of the death of amateurism, really does annoy me. Russian-style state-sponsored doping for ideological reasons actually bothers me less than individual athletes choosing to cheat to secure more lucrative endorsements. Pure class warfare, I know, but again, I don’t care: at least I’m open about it! Frankly, I’m more fascinated by the way in which the entry of more and more women’s sports has become the West’s way of “rigging” the Games in its favour, not unlike the Winter Olympics (for the record, I prefer the Winter Olympics, and am happy about this rigging). In particular, it seems as though a country’s success in women’s team sports is directly correlated with how easy it is to be an out lesbian in said country. More power to them…and us!

* Brazilians regardless of race find European standards of beauty to be attractive. Most Brazilians would agree that Gisele Bundchen is far more attractive than the Sudanese Dinka Alek Wek for example.

Gisele Bundchen is very popular among the Brazilian masses. She is not hated by most of them.

* Black American women have a lot of hostility for White women (cf their frequent complaints about White women stealing successful Black men). And there’s a whole academic industry devoted to the psychic harm that “Eurocentic” standards of beauty inflict on Black women.

* The first gold medal goes to an American girl for shooting guns. Ain’t America great?

* One of the reasons to watch these things is when the American announcer is forced to describe a non-American black. They’ve been trained to say African-American, but that can’t work with a Canadian, but they are allergic to saying the word “black” in any context.

The New Religion may kill us all, but it will have its amusing bits.

* The real question is who will strike first: ISIS – after all, the American and Israeli delegations are in the city – or the drug dealers from the favelas. And this brings up two interesting questions: if ISIS and the “traficantes” strike at the same time, will they join forces or will they fight? And if they fight, who will win? ISIS wins when it comes to fanaticism and will to win. The traficantes have home turf advantage and probably numbers. In terms of savagery, it is tough to call. It is like trying to decide between Jack the Ripper or Jeffrey Dahmer. From playing soccer with human heads to burning entire families alive inside bus tiers and blowing kids to pieces by bombing pre-schools, there is no end to these guys’ creativity and resourcefulness in the art of being repulsive savages.

And I don’t understand why so many people are surprised that the “Girl from Ipanema” is blond with green eyes. The elite of Rio has always been of aristocratic Portuguese stock with a lot of French(because the territory Rio is on was owned by the French) and Dutch blood. The theme of the song revolves around the inability of a cowardly young man who is inept with girls making a move on a girl he fancies.

* I don’t want to see women boxing, playing Rugby, wrestling, Lifting enormous weights, throwing shot puts and hammers, or engaging in “combat” sports or feats of strength.

Besides being absurdly inferior to the men in these sports, most of women who participate seem to of dubious sexuality or incredibly unfeminine.

* Germany v. Mexico Olympic Soccer
Mexican free kick
Germany set up a wall
Wow. Just wow
I can’t even
Literally Hitler

* Concussions mostly come from getting hit “on the button”, a spot on chin about an inch in from the tip. The jaw works as a lever, spinning the cranium around on an axis.

Knockouts and concussions mostly happen when the brain touches the dura mater. Your brain floats in thick liquid called cerebral-spinal fluid. When hit on the button, your skull rotates fast, with a lag due to brain floating in fluid. Think ice in a glass. The dura mater is a layer between brain and skull.

So why no headgear? Headgear does not protect the jaw. It is a big pad on the front of your skull, which is the hardest bone in the body. It protects the eyes from cuts. Your peripheral vision stinks.

Also, boxing gloves do not protect people being hit, it protects your hands punching folks on the melon.

* Think Newton’s cradle: the force applied to the head in each case is the same, the overall head/gear combo moves less, the loose mobile absorbent of the energy is the brain.

* Explanations that I’ve read:

1. The headgear becomes an extension of your head and expands the area that your opponent can come into contact with and increases the likelihood of you getting hit.

2. Headgear blocks your peripheral vision and slides over your eyes.

3. Once your brain goes into motion headgear can’t stop it from crashing into your skull.

4. Headgear cushions blows, but you get hit more often.

The main benefit of headgear is to protect the eyes and reduce cuts and bruises during sparring.

* Brazil did go from the level of sub-Saharan Africa a mere 60 years ago to being one of the World’s 6 or 7 largest economies – depending on how you measure GDP. But the problem is Brazil reached a ceiling. Brazil has enough talent to create and manage First World industries, but not enough people to work at that level that would elevate the country to 1st World status. Thus, Brazil is an unique country that is an economic power with First World industries(nuclear reactors, super-computers, airplanes, sophisticated weaponry, etc), but is a Third World country with millions of people living in squalor.

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A Brief Survey of the Various Foreigners, Their Chief Characteristics, Customs, and Manners by P.J. O’Rourke

P.J. O’Rourke writes in National Lampoon in 1977:








Racial Characteristics:

Probably not people at all. Probably some kind of monkey. They eat each other and worship bundles of sticks and mud. You can never remember the names of their countries, which have a new Main Nigger every half hour and too many snakes and bugs anyway. They eat those, too. They put bones in their noses and wear plants for clothes.

Good Points:

Don’t feel pain the way we do.

Proper Forms of Address:

Jig, coon, fishmouth, soot-back, shitskin, boy.

Two Anecdotes Illustrating Something of the Negro Character:

A traveling cattle barterer asks to stay the night at a root gatherer’s hut. The root gatherer agrees but says the cattle barterer will have to sleep with the root gatherer’s daughter. The cattle barterer goes to get onto the mat with the root gatherer’s daughter and sees that she’s very dead, so he spends all night eating her. In the morning, the root gatherer asks the traveling cattle barterer how he liked sleeping with his daughter. “She was wonderful,” says the cattle barterer, especially those delicious maggots in her mouth.”

“Those weren’t maggots,” says the root gatherer, “those were just some grains of rice. She’s only been dead since yesterday.”

Then there was an African pervert who ate women before they were cooked.


Racial Characteristics:

Wear bed sheets and put bags over their women’s heads. They burp and fart during meals and wash themselves in sand. They bugger little boys and practice some stupid religion that they’re trying to get all our Negroes to believe in. Disorderly cowards when they have to fight anyone else, they nonetheless quite courageously murder each other and chop off people’s hands for littering. They plant bombs everywhere they go and own all the earth’s oil, which is why you can’t buy high-test if you’re wearing a yarmulke. They hate Jews because Jews are the only
people in the world with noses uglier than their own, and they’re cornering the Cadillac market so that the Hebes will have to drive Buicks.

Good Points:

If they had any country clubs, they wouldn’t let Jews in.

Proper Forms of Address:

Camel jockey, tent-head, soggy Arabian, desert Irish, gas-ass.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Arab Character:

During the Yom Kippur War, Syrian armored units were preparing to charge several fortified positions in the Golan Heights when the Israelis canceled their credit rating.


Racial Characteristics:

Violently loud alcoholic roughnecks whose idea of fun is to throw up on your car. The national sport is breaking furniture and the average daily consumption of beer in Sydney is ten and three quarters Imperial gallons for children under the age of nine. “Making a Shambles” is required study in the primary schools and all Australians are bilingual, speaking both English and Sheep. Possibly as a result of their country’s being upside down, the local dialect has over 400 terms for vomit. These include “technicolor yawn” “talking to the toilet,” “round-trip meal ticket,” and “singing lunch.” It is illegal to employ the aboriginal inhabitants as anything but toilets, and some of the peculiar forms of native wildlife have up to nine assholes. The recent destruction of Darwin by a hurricane was actually a cover story for the regrettable coincidence of paydays on three separate sheep stations.

Good Points:

Amusing zoos.

Proper Forms of Address:

Steady there, Cool off, For Christ’s sake-not in the sink, Stay back, I’ve got a gun!

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Australian Character:

An Australian fellow asks his girl friend to fight, but she says she doesn’t want to because she isn’t feeling well.

“Whatta ya mean, not feeling well?” he says.
“You know,” she says, “I’ve got my time of the month.”
“Whatta ya mean, time of the month?” he says.
“You know,” she says, “I’ve got my period.”
“Whatta ya mean, period?” he says.
“You know,” she says, “I’m bleeding down here.” And she opens up her pants to show him.
“Jesus,” he says, “no wonder you’re bleeding! They’ve gone and cut your cock off!”


Racial Characteristics:

Hard to tell a Canadian from an extremely boring regular white person unless he’s dressed to go outdoors. Very little is known of the Canadian country since it is rarely visited by anyone but the Queen and illiterate sport fishermen. It is thought to resemble a sort of arctic Nebraska. It’s reported that Canadians keep pet French people. If true, this is their only interesting trait. At any rate, they are apparently able to train Frenchmen to play hockey, which is more than any
European has ever been able to do.

Good Points:

Still have plenty of Indians to abuse.

Proper Forms of Address:

Bud, mac, mister, hey you.

Some Examples of Canadian Repartee:

Two Canadians are talking in a bar. One Canadian says, “Who was that lady I saw you with last night?”

“That was my wife.” replies the other.

A lady is shopping in a Toronto drugstore and accidentally leaves the bottle of aspirins that she bought on the counter. She gets on a bus and the minute the bus has pulled away from the curb remembers leaving her purchase behind. “My aspirins! My aspirins!” she yells. And the bus driver says, “Maybe you left them in the drugstore.”

A little Canadian boy named Johnny Fuckerfaster is screwing a little girl under the porch of his house. His mother comes out the door and yells for him, “Johnny! Johnny Fuckerfaster!”
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he says.


Racial Characteristics:

Hordes of incomprehensible rat-eaters with a peculiar political philosophy and a dangerous penchant for narcotic drugs. No one can possibly know what dark and grotesque things pass through the minds of this hydraheaded racial anomaly which is, after all, more like a monstrous colony of flesh-crazed carpenter ants than a nation of rational men. Only a fool would deal with two-legged insects ..such as these. Our only hope is that the farsighted leaders of our own land
Will join with those of at least nominally Caucasian Soviet Russia and that together they will treat us to the welcome spectacle of a thermonuclear obliteration of this yellow menace.

Good Points:

They’re almost as far away as it’s possible to be.

Proper Forms of Address:

Zipper head, Chink, slant, ching-chong Chinaman, yellow peril.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Chinese Character:

Nine hundred million Chinese walk into a bar. They order a beer, pay up, and then just sit there, sipping their drinks, not saying a word. Finally, the bartender can’t stand it anymore. “We don’t see many Chinese in here,” he says.

“And with this atmosphere of hedonistic individualism capitalistically exploiting the labor of the masses and wasting the people’s agricultural resources,” say the Chinese, “you won’t see many more.”


Racial Characteristics:

Cold-blooded queers with nasty complexions and terrible teeth who once conquered half the world but still haven’t figured out central heating. They warm their beers and chill their baths and boil all their food, including bread. An intensely snobbish group, but who exactly they’re
snubbing is an international mystery. Lately they’ve been getting their comeuppance world power-wise, as their shabby, antiquated, and bankrupt little back alley of a country slowly winds down like the ill-crafted clockwork playthings of which their undersized children are so fond. In fact, last year their entire government had to kiss the ass of the fat aboriginal nig-nog who runs Uganda to retrieve a single flit hack writer from the clutches of that august nation. They all have large collections of something useless like lamp finials or toad eggs, and they would have lost both world wars if it were not for us. They like to be spanked with canes and that’s just what they deserve.

Good Points:

It’s relatively easy to make yourself understood with them.

Proper Forms of Address:

Limey, lime-eater, pom, poof, sister-boy.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the English Character:

In his unpublished memoirs, Benjamin Disraeli tells the story of a political conference with then-Prime Minister William Gladstone, who habitually conducted such private discussions while being fellated by an able-bodied seaman of the Royal Navy. At one point during their
talk, the sailor suddenly looked up from Gladstone’s penis and said, “Excuse me, Sir, but you’ve come.”

“By Jove, so I have,” said Gladstone, and he gave the tar a sovereign.


Racial Characteristics:

Sawed-off sissies who eat snails and slugs and cheese that smells like people’s feet. They take filthy pictures of each other with cheap cameras, wash nothing but their cunts, fight with their feet, and perform sex acts with their faces. Utter cowards who force their own children to drink wine, they gibber like baboons even when you try to speak to them in their own wimpy language.

Good Points:

Invented the blowjob.

Proper Forms of Address:

Froggy, froggy-wog, frog-eater, French-lips, Franco fuck-face, clit-lick.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the French Character:

A Frenchman goes home with his best friend and they find the friend’s wife laying naked on the dining room table with her legs spread apart. The Frenchman takes a close look at her cunt and says, “Zees looks like zee menstrual blood!” Then he bends down, takes a deep whiff, and says,

“Zees smells like zee menstrual blood!” Finally he gets down on his knees, eats her out for about twenty minutes, and says, “Zees tastes like zee menstrual blood! Without a doubt, it eez zee menstrual blood! Mon dieu, I am glad zat we did not fuck her! !”


Racial Characteristics:

Piggish-looking, sadomasochistic automatons whose only known forms of relaxation are swilling watery beer from vast tubs and singing the idiotically repetitive verses of their porcine folk tune-both of which amusements probably hark back to a prehuman state. Germans have never been successfully Christianized. Their language lacks any semblance of civilized speech. Their usual diet consists almost wholly of old cabbage and sections of animal intestines filled with blood and gore. Once every two or three decades, they set forth, lemming-like, on
pointless military adventures during which great numbers of them are slaughtered-much to the improvement Of the world in general. Their lardy women have long, tangled masses of sticky hair under their arms, and the men shave the sides of their heads.

Good Points:

Kill a lot of French.

Proper Form of Address:

Kraut, Hun, Heiny, spike-head, sausage-breath.

A German Joke of the War Years Illustrating Something of the German Character:

If your sister married a Jew-that will make you sauerkraut.
If your son married a Jew-that will make you bratwurst.
If your mother married a Jew-that will make you soap.


Racial Characteristics:

Degenerate, dirty, and impoverished descendants of a bunch of la-de-da fruit salads who invented democracy and then forgot how to use it while walking around dressed up like girls. Today they bugger sheep and are engaged in an international campaign to take over all the world’s small, filthy grocery stores. They eat the insides out of goats with their fingers. Their toilets are mere holes in the floor And they cringe at the least threat from the imbecilic, taffy-yanking Turks next door.

Good Points:

Cute alphabet.

Proper Forms of Address:

Feda-face, sheep dip, dog fashion, GeekoEuropean, eek-a-Greek!

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Greek Character:

An ignorant peasant girl marries a man who’s been in the Greek navy for twenty years. After their third anniversary, her mother starts to worry because the girl still isn’t pregnant. “Why are you not with child, daughter?” she asks. “Does not your husband make the love to you?”
“Of course:’ says the girl, blushing deeply, “but … but … to tell the truth, Mother, I just can’t keep from shitting afterwards.”


Racial Characteristics:

Dismal, obsequious deminiggers whose gods have too many arms and legs and about whom entirely too many articles have appeared in the Sunday New York Times Magazine. They wrap their heads in towels and wipe their asses with their hands. They are unable to feed themselves and what food they do have tastes as if it was mixed with the offal from muskrat dens. Their culture is moribund, their politics dictatory, their economy stagnant, their skins sebaceous, and their social order loathsome to the minds of decent men everywhere. ‘Sub-‘ is no idle prefix in its application to this continent.

Good Points:

Dirty statues.

Proper Forms of Address:

Wog, towel head, curry-dipper, human refuse.

Three Important Questions Concerning the Future of India:

What do you feed 563,490,000 Indians when you only have 300 pounds of wheat?

What’s the difference between an Indian toddler and a regulation NFL football?

A football has to weigh at least fourteen ounces.

What’s the literal translation of the Hindi phrase for “take a shit”?

“Nothing to do. ”


Racial Characteristics:

Pie-faced, neckless, bandy-legged sots who almost never fuck. Ignorant and superstitious, they are in utter thrall to the vile, conniving priests of their dark and barbarous religion. Their women have their legs on upside down and no man in the country eats anything but potatoes, and only eats them when has out of strong drink. The principal delights of the Irish are in quarreling and fighting and killing each other with bombs. They can be trained to do nothing
useful that a dray horse can’t accomplish in half the time, and they spew out a continuous stream of mumbles and grunts which they fancy to be “poems.” They sell their children for whiskey.

Good Points:

Many Irish are dead.

Proper Forms of Address:

Bogmouth, peat-face, Mr. Potato Head, nun-buns, dumb Mick.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Irish Character:

There once was an Irishman who got so drunk while he was in Rome that he kissed his wife and beat the Pope’s foot to a pulp with a coal shovel.


Racial Characteristics:

Living proof that money can’t buy love, these greedy, usurious, scheming Christ-killers, who won’t eat pork because it reminds them of their parents, go around moving into other people’s countries and buying up all the pawnshops and delicatessens. They were personally responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire, the 1929 stock market crash, and the loss of World War II by a prominent European country. Now they’re ruining show business. Their fiendish heathen religious rituals include mutilating the penises of their own sons and drinking the blood of Christian babies during Lent. The world’s nations have historically competed with each other to see who could get rid of them fastest. They control the legal, medical, psychiatric, and accountancy professions, and are the force behind international communism, freemasonry, sex education, the media, and the catholic church.

Good Points:

Clean women.

Proper Forms of Address:

Yid, kike, sheeny, Hebe, nickel-nose, knife-nose, gabardine stroking mockey, clip-tip.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Israeli Character:

A pious rabbi in Tel Aviv had to give up adultery for business reasons. He kept losing interest on his wife.


Racial Characteristics:

This least appealing of the European peoples combines natural criminal propensities with an attitude of slavish idolatry toward that Whore of Rome, the Pope. When speaking, the Italians gesture frantically with their hands in an attempt to distract your gaze from their ugly
faces-upon which are clearly etched the marks of their moral and intellectual degeneracy.

They cannot stop stealing, and will sometimes go so far as to steal money that is rightfully theirs from the pockets of their own trousers even as they wear them. Worse yet, they rarely catch themselves doing so. (Not that it matters, since their currency is worth nothing.)
Otherwise, they amuse themselves by kidnapping the neighbor’s children, voting for Communists, and staying out on strike, where they’ve been since the 1940s. On the field of battle they are abject cowards, and in the kitchen they’re enthralled with bruised tomatoes and the noodle only.

Good Points:

Big tits.

Proper Forms of Address:

Ginzo, guinea, dago, spaghetti-bender, wop.

A German Joke of the War Years Illustrating Some Points Concerning the Italian Character:
During the campaign in North Africa, an Italian tank and a German tank accidentally collided and the two surprised drivers jumped out. The Italian yelled, “I surrender! I surrender!” The German shot him.


Racial Characteristics:

Resembling the Chinese in many respects but mercifully less numerous. Their idea of a good time is to torture people, preferably by inserting a glass rod in the penis, then doing the predictable thing. And this is only for captured business competitors. During time Of war, they
resort to more drastic measures entirely. They have no new ideas of their own or any native creativity, but they are able to copy everything we do quite nicely, considering the color of their skin. Their diet consists principally of fish, which they do not cook or even, in many cases, kill. It’s rumored that they know of sex acts peculiar unto themselves, and with any luck, so it will stay. The most frightening thing about the Japanese is that we’ve tried the atomic bomb on them twice and it doesn’t seem to have much effect.

Good Points:

Frequently commit suicide.

Proper Forms of Address:

Nip, Jap, dink, gook, yellow rat.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Japanese Character:

There was once a half-Japanese, half-Polish businessman in Tokyo who attempted to export miniaturized dildos.


Racial Characteristics:

Resembling the Spanish in all their more loathsome characteristics except lazier, dirtier, and more thieving. A large percentage of American Indian blood in the average Mexican deprives him of any natural human sympathies or moral sense and makes him a wholly unmanageable drunk. The principal industry of Mexico is the production of pornographic playing cards that depict their women corrupting the morals of donkeys. Completely untrustworthy, the Mexican will make food out of anything that will hold still, feed it to you, and charge you for it besides.

An attempt to conquer and hence eliminate this pesky breed of miscegenators was launched by our government during the last century, but wholesale nausea on the part of our troops, when they’d witnessed Mexican home life prevented our doing as thorough a job as we should have.

Good Points:

You can buy their twelve-year-old daughters.

Proper Forms of Address:

Wetback, beaner, chili-dipper, taco turd, flap hat.

Three Important Questions Concerning the Mexican Economy:

What do you call all thirty-eight members of a Mexican family packed into one Cadillac?
Grand theft auto.

How did they get all thirty-eight members of a Mexican family packed into one Cadillac?
They picked the lock.

What’s hot on the outside, brown on the inside, and stinks like hell all over?
All thirty-eight members of a Mexican family packed into one Cadillac.


Racial Characteristics:

A nation known as the Rudimental Reading Class of Europe. Its citizens are turkey-loaf look-alikes descended from a barbarian horde that took a wrong turn on its way to sack Rome. They spent the Middle Ages trying to fight Vikings on horseback and invented breech-loading artillery by pointing their cannons the wrong way around. They didn’t know about sexual intercourse until the tenth century, having previously reproduced by raiding warthog litters. In 1947, the Poles became a Communist country under the impression that it was a rite of the
Catholic church, and today thew principal exports are snow tires manufactured from their own native deposits of snow.

Good Points:

Easy to beat at contract bridge.

Proper Forms of Address:

Polack, dumbo, lug wrench, kielbasa brain.

An Anecdote Illustrating Some, thing of the Polish Character:

A Polish queer, was recently arrested in Warsaw for trying to blow his wife.


Racial Characteristics:

Brutish, dumpy, boorish lard-bags in cardboard double-breasted suits. Lickspittle slaveys to the maniacal schemes of their blood-lusting Red overlords. They make bicycles out of cement and can be sent to Siberia for listening to the wrong radio station. Their Communist party cuts the dicks off of high school boys to get women athletes, and shoots losing chess champions in the kneecaps. They shine their shoes with shit and spread Shinola on their wheat fields.

Good Points:

They aren’t allowed to leave their country.

Proper Forms of Address:

Redski, Russki, Commie scum, stinking Red slime, puke-gutted Bolshevik assholesucker.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Russian Character:

Three Russian kids were looking at a couple of pairs of blue jeans on a clothesline and discussing what they wanted most in the world. “I want a big box of turnips,” said the first kid, “so I could have enough black market rubles to buy a pair of blue jeans like those.”

“I want a big box of Shock- Worker’s Medals,” said the second kid, “so I could have enough People’s Hero privileges to buy a pair of blue jeans like those.”

“”I want a big box of parents,” said the third kid.

“A big box of parents?! Why do you want a big box of parents?!” said the other two. “Because” said the third kid, “I only have two parents and my sister turned them both in to the Secret Police and now she owns both those pairs of blue jeans!”


Racial Characteristics:

Sour, stingy, depressing beggars who parade around in schoolgirl skirts with nothing on underneath. Their fumbled attempt at speaking the English language has been a source of amusement for five centuries, and their idiot music has been dreaded by those not blessed with deafness for at least as long. The latter is produced on a device resembling five flutes that have grown a piss bladder. Formerly, the Scots painted themselves blue and ranged far and wide over the British Isles, but good fortune prevailed and they were conquered by their betters. What
passes for an alcoholic beverage in the dreary province to which the Scots have been driven has enjoyed a short vogue among fairies and advertising types, but this appears to be giving way to cocaine.

Good Points:

Attractive plaids.

Proper Forms of Address:

Scotty, Jock, legs, plaid ass.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Scots Character:

In recent years, the small Scottish Nationalist movement has become so desperate that it’s been kidnapping money and ransoming it for people.


Racial Characteristics:

Tedious, clean-living boy scout types, strangers to graffiti and littering, but who are possessed of an odd suicidal mania. Speculation is that they’re slowly boring themselves to death. This is certainly the case if their cars and movies are any indication. They eat a lot of fish, and perhaps this is more brain food than their modest cranial endowments can cope with. In other points they resemble Canadians, though better looking. Not that that’s saying much. Maybe they’re
depressed because they have the silliest sounding language west of the Urals. Or maybe it’s that they have the ugliest famous actress of any civilized nation. No use asking them; what with their silly sounding language and ugly actresses, it’s almost impossible for them to get anything across to anyone. Swedes fuck a lot, but only in the missionary position.

Good Points:

They’re white.

Proper Forms of Address:

Herring-choker, herring-knocker, squarehead, Swede.

An Anecdote Illustrating Something of the Swedish Character:

At a wedding party in Stockholm, the inebriated groom stumbles into a bedroom and finds his bride getting fucked by the best man. He laughs uproariously and calls all his friends over to the room. They tell him he’s drunk. “You think I’m drunk?” he yells. “Take a look at Sven! He’s so drunk, he thinks he’s me!”


Racial Characteristics:

Mountain Jews in whose icy clutches lay the fruits of grave misdeeds committed in every clime. Under cover of their sanctimonious Red Cross organization, they have penetrated all the governments on the planet and, concealed by a flutter of blood drives and nurses’ caps, lie
sucking like leeches at the marrow of the gold, chocolate, clock, and army knife industries of nations beyond number. Pathologically clean, they sterilize their children at birth, which accounts for their low rate of population growth and leaves them more room to hide heaps and
piles of money in their tiny, Alp-ringed repository of snow-covered sin.

Good Points:

They rarely yodel in the home.

Proper Forms of Address:

Butter balls, cheese knees, big fat Swiss.

An Important Question Concerning Switzerland’s Economy:

What do you call a Swiss banker who likes Italian lire better than Deutsche marks?

Posted in Africa, Arabs, Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Islam, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia | Comments Off on A Brief Survey of the Various Foreigners, Their Chief Characteristics, Customs, and Manners by P.J. O’Rourke