NYT: ‘While Twitter is trying to find a way to reconcile its free speech stance with how women and minorities can be targeted on the service, the company has been clearer about combating terrorism.’

I am confused. Can men not be targeted for abuse on Twitter? Or is it only the pain of women and minorities that counts? Is any criticism of women or minorities “abuse”?

New York Times:

While Twitter has long championed free speech on the web and said that it was a “global town square,” its positioning has drawn bullies, racists and extremist groups to the service to spread their messages. That has drawn criticism from government agencies and the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, among others.

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Khizr Khan Family AKA “Kinky Lick” On Ashley Madison, Using Dead Son’s Foundation Building As Fetish Sex Club?

Charles Johnson writes: The family of Khizr Khan, the anti-Trump Muslim who spoke at the DNC, was found using cheating site Ashley Madison, as well as found apparently using the building for Khan’s deceased son’s foundation as a private fetish sex club.

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Ben Shapiro, Andrew Breitbart & Steve Bannon

Charles Johnson writes:

I wasn’t going to weigh in on Donald Trump’s decision to shake up his campaign but now I see Ben Shapiro coming up short with the truth again and I had to respond. Shapiro was caught shilling for a Ted Cruz Super PAC so there goes shilling Shapiro once again. Is anyone surprised anymore?

You can pretty much always tell what Ben Shapiro is going to say based upon who cuts his checks.

Shapiro is a serial liar who never gets the story right — remember Friends of Hamas, anyone? — and something of a con artist with a slew of failed businesses and books. Worse yet he is giving aide and comfort to the enemy by talking about how he knows Bannon and that Bannon is a bad guy. Bannon is a complicated guy — we have had drag down disagreements mostly about research and framing — but he’s unquestionably a brawler.

Bannon’s move to Team Trump is the first indication I’ve seen that Daddy is home.

The Trump campaign’s decision to hire Steve Bannon is one of the smartest decisions Trump has yet made. It signals an understanding of the new media order, how meme magic is real, and how the comment section has taken over the election. To our enemies this is terrible; to us, Trumpians, inevitable.

Something has been broken in the media elite. Most in media hate it but I love every minute of it. Everything is possible. The beginning of the end of Gawker’s Nick Denton is upon us. Fox News will decline without Roger Ailes. Huffington Post is slowly descending into irrelevancy.

In this key appointment Trump seems to be understanding what Breitbart taught those of us who were his disciples: “media is everything.” Break the leftist media and you take the power.

The way to break the media was through the power of celebrity because once people like you you’re unstoppable.

Trump advisor Roger Ailes points out in You Are The Message, likeability matters most in matters of persuasion. “I call it the magic bullet because if your audience likes you, they’ll forgive you just about everything else you do wrong. If they don’t like you, you can hit every rule right on target and it doesn’t matter,” Ailes wrote in 1988.

Andrew understood this implicitly. Milo cultivates it. Mike Cernovich builds it. But Shapiro doesn’t get it.

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Ben Shapiro: ‘Transfer is not a dirty word’

I am sure he would have no problem if America decided to transfer out its undesirables.

Ben Shapiro wrote in 2003:

Raise your hand if you were shocked at the breakdown of the so-called Middle East “road map.” If you are raising your hand, give yourself a nice, hard slap across the chops. Maybe that will wake you up from your reverie of self-delusion.

The “road map” was doomed from the start. The Arab enmity for Jews and the state of Israel allows for no peace process.

The time for half measures has passed. Bulldozing houses of homicide bombers is useless. Instituting ongoing curfews in Arab-populated cities is useless. Roadblocks, touch fences, midnight negotiations and cease-fires are useless.

Some have rightly suggested that Israel be allowed to decapitate the terrorist leadership of the Palestinian Authority. But this too is only a half measure. The ideology of the Palestinian population is indistinguishable from that of the terrorist leadership.

Half measures merely postpone our realization that the Arabs dream of Israel’s destruction. Without drastic measures, the Arab dream will come true. In the short term, the establishment of a “Palestinian state” based in Judea, Samaria and Gaza cuts Israel to the bone. In some places, Israel would be an unthinkable 9 miles wide. In the long term, the growth of the hostile Israeli-Arab population within pre-1967 Israel bodes ill for the future of the Jewish state. As University of Haifa professor Arnon Soffer says, “The trends and indicators all point to an economic and ecological catastrophe waiting to happen and of the death knell of the ideological dream of a Jewish state.”

Here is the bottom line: If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution. And it is far less ugly than the prospect of bloody conflict ad infinitum. When two populations are constantly enmeshed in conflict, it is insane to suggest that somehow deep-seated ideological change will miraculously occur, allowing the two sides to live together.

Unfortunately, this insanity is generally accepted as “the only way forward.” President Bush accepts it because it is politically palatable. The Arabs accept it because for them, it is a Trojan horse. The Israelis accept it because they are afraid that if they expel the Arabs, they will be called Nazis.

For anyone who lived through the Holocaust, or who has relatives who died in it, being called a Nazi is unspeakably terrible. That is the secret weapon of the Arabs. Any time the Jews get wise and threaten mass expulsion of Arabs, the Arabs pull out their big stick, equating Nazism with Zionism. Their cartoons merge swastikas with stars of David. Their newspapers call Ariel Sharon another Adolf Hitler. Their spokespeople cry “Genocide!” And the Jews cower in fear that they could be equated with their parents’ murderers.

The Jews don’t realize that expelling a hostile population is a commonly used and generally effective way of preventing violent entanglements. There are no gas chambers here. It’s not genocide; it’s transfer. It’s not Hitler; it’s Churchill.

After World War II, Poland was recreated by the Allied Powers. In doing so, the Allies sliced off a chunk of Germany and extended Poland west to the Oder-Neisse line. Anywhere from 3.5 million to 9 million Germans were forcibly expelled from the new Polish territory and relocated in Germany.

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was pleased with the result. In 1944, he had explained to the House of Commons that “expulsion is the method which, so far as we have been able to see, will be the most satisfactory and lasting. There will be no mixture of populations to cause endless trouble … a clean sweep will be made. I am not alarmed by the prospect of the disentanglement of populations, nor even by these large transferences, which are more possible in modern conditions than they ever were before.” Churchill was right. The Germans accepted the new border, and decades of conflict between Poles and Germans ended.

Arab-Jewish conflict is exponentially more volatile than German-Polish conflict ever was. And the solution is far easier. If there was “room in Germany for the German populations of East Prussia and of the other territories,” as Churchill stated, there is certainly room in the spacious Muslim states of the Middle East for 5 million Palestinians and Israeli Arabs. If Germans, who had a centuries-old connection to the newly created Polish territory, could be expelled, then surely Palestinians, whose claim to Judea, Samaria and Gaza is dubious at best, can be expelled.

It’s time to stop being squeamish. Jews are not Nazis. Transfer is not genocide. And anything else isn’t a solution.

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Dilbert’s Scott Adams: Robert Cialdini Likely Advising Hillary Clinton

Joel Pollak writes:

Cartoonist-turned-pundit Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, told Breitbart News in an interview on Sunday that the mysterious “Godzilla” of persuasion, to whom he ascribes Hillary Clinton’s polling success, is behavioral psychologist Robert Cialdini.
Cialdini, who refers to himself as the “Godfather of Influence,” is a professor and bestselling author who specializes in the art — or, perhaps, the science — of persuasion. In 2012, he was part of a “dream team” of behavioral psychologists that advised President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, and helped propel that effort to victory despite slow economic growth, high unemployment, turmoil in world affairs, new terror attacks, and a motivated (though IRS-crippled) Tea Party opposition.

The New York Times reported in November 2012, after Obama’s victory — which stunned his rivals, who expected to win:

“This election season the Obama campaign won a reputation for drawing on the tools of social science …

Less well known is that the Obama campaign also had a panel of unpaid academic advisers. The group — which calls itself the “consortium of behavioral scientists,” or COBS — provided ideas on how to counter false rumors, like one that President Obama is a Muslim. It suggested how to characterize the Republican opponent, Mitt Romney, in advertisements. It also delivered research-based advice on how to mobilize voters.

In addition to Dr. [Craig] Fox, the consortium included Susan T. Fiske of Princeton University; Samuel L. Popkin of the University of California, San Diego; Robert Cialdini, a professor emeritus at Arizona State University; Richard H. Thaler, a professor of behavioral science and economics at the University of Chicago’s business school; and Michael Morris, a psychologist at Columbia.”

In recent blog posts on the election — followed increasingly closely by news junkies, and Trump supporters seeking consolation — Adams has referred to a “Godzilla” of persuasion who may have started working for the Clinton campaign.

That Godzilla, Adams says, is Cialdini.

Adams told Breitbart News that he believes that Cialdini may have sat out the Democratic Party primary — or perhaps worked for Sen. Bernie Sanders — then joined the Clinton effort once it became clear she would be the party’s nominee.

While Trump had been more effective at using persuasion techniques, he said, “the Clinton persuasion game went from non-existent, which I reported on for months, to solid-gold, weapons-grade, almost instantly, as soon as Bernie Sanders dropped out.”

Sanders had been outperforming expectations, and Clinton had been underperforming expectations. “Wherever you see somebody exceed expectations by that much, either they are a persuader, like Trump is, or they have somebody helping them,” Adams concluded.

That stopped, as soon as Sanders yielded to Clinton.

Adams explained: “Clinton stopped talking about her boring policies, and details, and her experience, and she went to pure persuasion. She went to the bigger scare,” which was the image of Donald Trump with his finger on the nuclear button.

From the Chateau:

FYI, this confirms my suspicion that Scott Adams is a reader of Game websites, and has probably stopped by the Chateau for a visit or ten. Robert Cialdini is an intellectual father of early Game principles that have withstood the test of time, (a substantial body of Mystery’s and Tyler Durden’s work and in-field experimentation exploited Cialdini’s knowledge from his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion).

I won’t put too fine a point on it: If Cialdini is now working for TheCunt, like he did for the Gay Mulatto, then The Trumpening is imperiled. Game is an awesomely powerful seduction tool, whether used to bed women or bed voters, and Cialdini would be a presumed master of the craft. I’ve no doubt that his input could very well have been responsible for recently shifting the polls so dramatically in TheCunt’s favor in such a short time. Game isn’t called accelerated seduction for nothing.

Trump is himself no slouch in the Game department, but he has a tendency to get mired in the thickets of interpersonal affront, and can be sloppy about message discipline. Trump needs to nail down his state control. These are the classic flaws of The Natural, btw, so I’m not surprised by their evidence in Trump whose biography provides ample evidence that he is a natural shitlord, aka the social hub alpha male who did well with the ladies from the get-go.

Trump’s strong character suits are an earthy humor and an honest, straight-shooting conversationalist style. These are big pluses that nonetheless can be easily twisted by the media hate machine into meanings completely at odds with what Trump intended to convey. We see that happening more now, as expert persuasion artists like Cialdini are beginning to inform the globalists how to effectively counter Trump’s strengths.

Trump has to know that the foes he is battling now are not trifling betas like ¡Jeb! or Rubio or spergy try-hards like Cruz or shell-shocked cuckservatives who just can’t even. He is up against the most lethal psy ops campaign I believe we will witness in our lifetimes. (Because if it gets any more lethal than it already is, the rhetoric will yield to hot lead).

Cialdini and the persuasion techniques that he and others have written extensively on may very well have been a lynchpin in the Gay Mulatto’s election wins. Game is all too powerful. It frightens manlet newbs, cucks, tradcons, and feminists for good reason: it’s a refutation of mortal MUH GENTEEL CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES and MUH SEX EQUALISM, replaced by the immortal God of Biomechanics.

If Cialdini has now brought the accumulated knowledge of the Game community to Hillary’s campaign operations, it bodes ominous for a smooth Trump Train ride to victory. Although it would serve as a jarring confirmation of Game principles and stroke my already tumescent ego to greater heights, it saddens me to think Game forefathers may have vaulted Obama (& perhaps TheCunt?) to the Presidency. Sadden, because those Game principles are rightly the property of the alt-right and the sundry shitlords who are currently engaged in a winning meme war against a century-old enemy drunk on entrenched power.

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