Steve Sailer: Black Lady Sprinters Are Really Black


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Edwin Moses was a physics and engineering major at Morehouse. Morehouse had a track team but no track. Moses had to use the track at public high schools and pretty much coached himself. He ran the 120-yard and 440-yard hurdles, switching to just the 400m hurdles a few months before the 1976 Olympic trials. The Montreal Olympics was his first international event, where he won gold and set a world record.

After graduation he worked for General Dynamics. Soon after Moses was instrumental in changing eligibility rules, allowing athletes to receive funding.

Moses’ son (white mother) plays Division II college volleyball at Lewis University and is a physics major. Moses’ father played football at Kentucky State, taught math and science and was an elementary school principal. His mother was supervisor of instruction for the Dayton, OH public school system.

* Edwin Moses was also touted as an example of the benefits of Alexander Technique training by teachers of the Alexander Technique.

* “Individual athletes with perception and insight, like the great Ed Moses or Joan Benoit, who have added the Alexander Technique to their training routines are rewarded with a sense of mastery over their own bodies, and faster more flowing action.” (Petersen, Vicki, The Strategies of the Champions, Pan Books, Sydney:1988)

* Edwin Moses was also an example of who or what we thought we were agreeing to when we decided to lower the barriers that kept the black race from advancing in our Great Society.

We were victims of the old bait and switch.

* The biggest factor hindering the running speed in women is the width of their child bearing hips. So the best female runners will come from the populations with the narrowest hipped women presumably from populations that give birth to the smallest headed babies.

* White men, David Bowie and Robert De Niro to the contrary, don’t seem to find Black women even the Beyonce types that attractive. What seems to sell is the pretty, paler, more White or Asian women: hurdler Michelle Jeneke, the pole vaulters (all women’s pole vault medalists were very pretty and very White), women’s beach bikini volleyball.

Its interesting to see how that sorts out — tall athletic (often lesbian) Black women go into Basketball, and those straight, relatively pretty, and tall and athletic go into beach bikini volleyball; where careers seem longer and money/endorsements more lucrative.

For some bizarre reason sponsors when they come down to it, are not all that eager to to associate female-oriented consumer products with taciturn Black lesbians. Can’t figure why!

* The exception are Muslims who are so toxic that they still commit terrorist attacks even when they make up less than 1 percent of the host nation that they have immigrated to like The U.S.

With all of the Jihad that they have committed on our soil, you would think Muslims made up way more than 0.9 percent of The U.S population.

For such a small demographic, Muslims with U.S citizenship punch way above their weight when it comes to homegrown terrorism.

Homegrown terrorism is to Muslims in The U.S like what law enforcement is to Irish & Italian Americans and Silicon Valley is to Chinese, Indian, and Jewish Americans.

* Korean face: Flatter, rounder, more porcelain, with a narrower mouth. There is a self-composed delicacy about it. It reminds you of an owl or a dove.

Japanese face: Fleshier, cuter, somewhat suggestive of fatigue. There is a melancholic inwardness within the gaze of the moist eye.

Chinese face: Fiercer, angular, more simian. The broad lips and flared nostrils suggest a whetted appetite. A purposeful, practical, hungry face.

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Doping accusations rock Alberto Salazar, Galen Rupp and the Nike Oregon Project

I didn’t hear any mention of this on NBC’s Olympics coverage.

From Oregon Live, June 3, 2015:

The Portland-based Nike Oregon Project, world-renowned coach Alberto Salazar and Olympic silver medalist Galen Rupp were hit with doping allegations Wednesday.

Perhaps the most serious allegation is that Rupp, a graduate of Portland’s Central Catholic High School and the University of Oregon, and the U.S. record-holder in the 10,000 meters, has taken the banned drug testosterone since high school.

The allegations, largely circumstantial and anecdotal, are contained in stories by investigative reporters David Epstein for the website ProPublica and Mark Daly for the BBC.

The BBC also aired a documentary containing the allegations Wednesday in Britain.

Both stories include blanket denials from Rupp, Salazar and Mo Farah, a member of the Oregon Project and the 2012 Olympic gold medalist in the 5,000 and 10,000 meters.

Salazar and Rupp each issued a statement on Wednesday night in response to the stories.

Salazar’s statement reads, in part: ‘I am very disappointed that the BBC and ProPublica and their ‘reporters’ have allowed themselves to be used by individuals with agendas and have engaged in such inaccurate and unfounded journalism.  Rather than present the facts, they opted for sensationalism and innuendo.”

Rupp’s statement, in part, reads: ‘I expressly told these reporters that these allegations were not true and their sources admit they have no evidence, yet they print ‘suspicions’ attacking me and sullying my reputation.”

The stories allege at least seven athletes or staff members who have been part of the Oregon Project have gone to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency with concerns.

The four who went on the record are former Oregon Project assistant Steve Magness, husband-and-wife distance runners Adam Goucher and Kara Goucher, and massage therapist John Stiner.

Magness worked for the Oregon Project for about 18 months. He left prior to the 2012 Olympics. Both he and Salazar said at the time that his departure was a mutual decision.

The Gouchers trained as part of the Oregon Project between 2004 and 2011. They enjoyed some of their best professional seasons under Salazar’s tutelage. Kara Goucher won the bronze medal in the 10,000 meters at the 2007 World Outdoor Championships.

Magness said that while working for the Oregon Project he came across records that documented Rupp’s use of testosterone medication and prednisone that dated to Rupp’s time at Central Catholic. Prednisone is sometimes used to treat asthma.

Stiner alleged that he found testosterone medication in Salazar’s condo in Park City, Utah, several years ago while the Oregon Project was training at altitude. The massage therapist said Salazar told him the medication was for his personal use because of a heart problem.

Neither Rupp, one of the most drug-tested athletes in track & field, nor any member of the Oregon Project ever has tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. Neither story alleges otherwise.

The stories contain allegations that Salazar encouraged the use of thyroid and asthma medications to enhance performance. They also contain allegations that Salazar manipulated therapeutic use exemptions, which allow use of banned substances under medical supervision to treat specific health problems.

Rupp has asthma, and has run parts of some races at Hayward Field in Eugene wearing a surgical mask when grass pollen counts have been high.

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Steve Sailer: Does Mo Farah’s 10000m Gold Medal for Britain Prove America Needs Open Borders?

Steve Sailer blogs:

What goes unmentioned is that Mo Farah has two immigrant brothers in Britain as well, Omar and Ahmed. I had never heard of them, but commenter Alastair J. Roberts points us toward coverage of them from the Daily Mail:

Mo Farah’s brother is released early from prison and could be deported from Britain after his part in knife raid

Ahmed Farah, 25, is facing being deported from Britain back to Somalia
Was jailed in 2010 for his part in a knife raid in Southall, west London in 2010
Reported that he is being held at Dungavel Detention Centre in Lanarkshire
Is now awaiting an immigration tribunal after an earlier case collapsed
Moved to Britain from Somalia 23 years ago with his older brother Mo


Mo Farah’s brother jailed again after he tried to break into an elderly couple’s home – his 20th offence in a string of convictions
Omar Farah admitted one count of attempted burglary with intent to steal
The younger brother of Olympic hero Mo left his fingerprints at the scene
Farah, 21, tried to break into a west London house in March 2013
He was jailed for 15 months at Kingston Crown Court by Judge Jones
Judge Jones described Farah’s 15 previous convictions as ‘unimpressive’

So, you win one, you lose two, I guess …


* Like many people, I believe that Farah is just another product of the Alberto Salazar Doping School. The Wada report was v beneficial for him as it derailed the investigation into his links with Salazar. Suspiciously beneficial.

* Mohamed Muktar Jama “Mo” Farah

It looks like the politically correct style-book demands that Muslim names be obscured if possible with anglicized names to keep sheep asleep.

Just like Munich gunman David Sonboly turned out to be named Ali.

This reminds me of the many years that major media managed to keep BHO’s middle name taboo and unspoken on major news outlets.

I recall it wasn’t until Anne Coulter referred to him as Barack Hussein Obama on Fox News sometime early in 2008 campaign (perhaps late 2007) that I had ever heard it uttered.

A truly remarkable feat considering that he had been in the Senate for years and had been mentioned as presidential candidate since winning his seat in 2004.

* Britain has millions of Indians, Pakis, and Banglas. They’re about 5% of the UK’s population.

How many medals have they won?

* I believe a casual look at Somalia will dispense with the notion that a genetic advantage in long distance running relates to our modern concept of a nation’s “greatness” in any significant way.

These imports will never outrun… a car, a jet, a guided missile. You can put these athletes on a running machine, and it will never power… an Apple computer factory.

* What I hate about the immigration debate is that the open borders side gets to point to a gold medal winning immigrant and proclaim he is representative of immigration, and thus we need more.

When the restrictionists produce many more examples of immigrants gone bad, such as those who’ve committed murder, rape and terror, they are told those are statistically insignificant, and thus are not to be factored into the debate.

If you are going to dismiss murderers, rapists and terrorists as insignificant to any discussion on immigration, then you cannot consider gold medal winners or founders of companies. They are orders of magnitude fewer compared to the former. That this is allowed to take place is proof of who controls the microphone.

* Not only is Barack Hussein Obama America’s first Negro president, he is the first U.S president who does not have a European name. His first, middle, and last name are all of Non European origin. His name does not exist in the WASP, French, or Iberian Conquistador world which is where New World Blacks got their names from.

Will America one day ever elect a Negro president with a European name?

Or will our second future Black U.S president also have an exotic sounding Arabic or African name?

* What I cannot understand is why isn’t Mo Farah happy to represent the land of his fathers, his ancestors, his own flesh and blood, culture, history – everything – Somalia is a unique and special nation, its people being a rare fusion of Arab and African blood, something Mo Farah should be intensely proud of, and instead represent a nation of which he has no connection of blood, soil, birth, history, culture, only happening to alight on that nation as part of generalized scam to increase his material standard of living.

In a way, Mo Farah is spitting on his ancestors.

* Roger Pielke Jr., whose work on climate stuff I very much like, should stick to climate issues. Is Roger going to give up his sweet gig at CU-Boulder and be replaced by an immigrant? Why not? He isn’t a racist is he? Don’t immigrants make our country great? Doesn’t Roger want to make our country great? What kind of American is he, anyway? Roger tell me you aren’t some kind of crazy anti-Trumper? Roger isn’t both anti-immigrant and anti-American, I hope! Why are there so many white guys, and so few immigrants, teaching in academia? It isn’t a big anti-immigrant conspiracy, is it? I am sick of hearing how immigration “makes us great.” This is BS happy PC talk. I’m not an immigrant, my parents and grandparents were not immigrants, my family is not immigrants, I did not go to school with immigrants, and through my career I have worked with just a handful of immigrants. It is decidedly NOT immigrants that make our country great. I believe if you look at the stats (Roger), they mainly impose huge costs on welfare systems, increases in crime, increases in congestion, lowered school scores, lowered wages. There are 50 others that readers of this site are familiar with and that I don’t need to list. WRT the “medal count,” I cannot tell you how inconsequential I view that particular stat. I care as much about that as I care about the current air temperature in Tierra del Fuego. Go back to climate Roger, see what you’ve done!

* So now it’s the Olympic medal count that makes America great? Friends, this is 4th-grade mentality. I am surprised that someone as smart as Roger P J and who should know better, gushes like this. It is embarrassing. The “medal count” is essentially meaningless, I mean, who really cares? It does not a damned thing for jobs, wages, foreign diplomacy, quality of life, blah blah blah blah. It means not one damned thing other than a ‘medal count.’ Hell if it means we imported a zillion east Africans so that we could win an extra medal in the 10,000m run, it probably is a bad thing for most everyone except the east Africans who moved here. These medal count people sound like elementary school children. They seem to think it would be totally cool to have the entire world move here, and then we will win every Olympic medal and show those Russians whose country is Top Dog? This stupidity and childishness boggles my mind, but then again it is connected with our mainstream media types, who generally have a 12-year old girl mentality and are not the sharpest knives in the shed (humor).

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Seinfeld & Secure Attachment

I’ve started watching this old TV show (I’m nearly through season three). I identify more with George Costanza than Jerry Seinfeld.

Seinfeld in the show exhibits secure attachment.

According to Wikipedia:

Secure attachment is classified by children who show some distress when their caregiver leaves but are able to compose themselves and do something knowing that their caregiver will return. Children with secure attachment feel protected by their caregivers, and they know that they can depend on them to return. John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth developed a theory known as attachment theory after inadvertently studying children who were patients in a hospital at which they were working. Attachment theory explains how the parent-child relationship emerges and provides influence on subsequent behaviors and relationships. Stemming from this theory, there are four main types of attachment: secure attachment, ambivalent attachment, avoidant attachment and disoriented attachment.[1]

Ambivalent attachment is defined by children who become very distressed when their caregiver leaves, and they are not able to soothe or compose themselves. These children cannot depend on their caregiver(s) to be there for them. This is a relatively infrequent case with only a small percentage of children in the United States affected.[2] Avoidant attachment is represented by children who avoid their caregiver, showing no distress when the caregiver leaves. These children react similarly to a stranger as do they with their caregiver. This attachment is often associated with abusive situations. Children who are reprimanded for going to their caregiver will stop seeking help in the future. Disoriented attachment is defined by children who have no consistent way to manage their separation from and reunion with the attachment figure. Sometimes these children appear to be clinically depressed. These children are often present in studies of high-risk samples of severely maltreated babies, but they also appear in other samples.[3]

Children who have a secure attachment to their primary caregiver will grow to have higher self-esteem as well as better self-reliance. Additionally, these children tend to be more independent and have lower reported instances of anxiety and depression. These children are also able to form better social relationships.

Because Jerry is OK with himself, he more easily forms bonds with others. Because George is not OK with himself and terribly anxious about his attachments, he drives people away.

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Caster Semenya wins 800m: beaten GB finalist Lynsey Sharp criticises rule changes over ‘obvious’ hyperandrogenous women

REPORT: Britain’s Lynsey Sharp has commented on reports of multiple intersex athletes in the Olympic women’s 800m final, saying there were “obvious” rivals who made competing “difficult”.

Caster Semenya – who has sparked controversy over her hyperandrogenism, meaning her testosterone levels are higher than most women and more similar to men’s – won gold last night amid criticisms over the fairness of the race.

Sharp spoke out about the “difficulty” of competing with “the obvious” athletes in what she has previously called “two separate races”.

South African Caster, 25, was followed by Francine Niyonsaba of Burundi and Kenya’s Margaret Wambui – with Sharp finishing sixth, in a personal best of one minute 57.69 seconds.

Before the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Sharp told The Daily Telegraph, there were “obvious” athletes with heightened testosterone amid rumours that there were two more hyperandrogenous competitors running in last night’s final.

“Everyone can see it’s two separate races so there’s nothing I can do,” she said earlier this summer.

“If you take away the obvious ones it’s actually really competitive,” she added. “For me, it’s not a new thing running against those girls. I’ve competed against Caster since 2008 so it’s nothing new for me.”


Caster Semenya of South Africa celebrates after she won in the women's 800 metres final during the world athletics championships at the Olympic stadium in Berlin, August 19, 2009. REUTERS/Michael Dalder (GERMANY SPORT ATHLETICS)   BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE

Caster Semenya of South Africa celebrates after she won in the women’s 800 metres final during the world athletics championships at the Olympic stadium in Berlin, August 19, 2009. REUTERS/Michael Dalder (GERMANY SPORT ATHLETICS) BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE

THE GUARDIAN: Indignation was swelling in Semenya’s breast. And when she let it rise, what poured forth was more than extraordinary. Asked how, exactly, she felt she had made a difference to her sport she replied: “I think it is all about loving one another. It’s not about discriminating against people. It is not about looking at how people look, how they speak, how they run, it is not about being muscular. It is all about sport. When you walk out of your apartment you think about performing, you do not think about how your opponent looks. So I think the advice from me to everybody is just to go out there and have fun.”

So many South Africans have united behind Semenya, using the twitter hashtag #handsoffcaster. Listening to her talk it was clear they are motivated by much more than chauvinism.

Inspiring as Semenya’s words were, the truth is that her competitors don’t all think like she does. Britain’s Lynsey Sharp, who finished sixth, was congratulated on Twitter by her team-mate, Nigel Levine, who wrote “Happy for Lynsey Sharp for coming 3rd in women 800m”.

Sharp, who wrote a paper on Semenya while she was studying at law school, has seemed to struggle to contain her emotions this week. On the BBC, Paula Radcliffe explained why she felt Sharp was so upset. “However hard she goes away and trains, however hard Jenny Meadows goes and trains, they are never going to be able to compete with that level of strength and recovery that those levels of elevated testosterone brings.”

Radcliffe said that Semenya and the other hyperandrogenic women should either “take the medication to suppress the levels, or they choose to have an operation or they choose not to compete”. Incredible as this sounds, Radcliffe is right that several hyperandrogenic athletes have undergone major surgery at the behest of athletics officials.

In 2013 it was revealed that four young female athletes from developing countries, all with atypically high but entirely natural levels of testosterone, were sent to a clinic in France where doctors proposed removing their gonads and partially removing their clitorises. All four agreed, and a year later they returned to competition.

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