Nate Rape: “Black Men Rape White Woman, Minority Women Hardest Hit”

Steve Sailer writes: Presumably, Morgan Jerkins is a black woman, so she reasons, according to the theory of intersectionality, that she deserves more Diversity Pokemon Points than Nate Parker does. Why did he get $17.5 million for being oppressed by whites when she is oppressed by both whites and by patriarchy? Morgan is entitled to $35.0 million…

Hollywood has chosen Nate Parker to lecture white people on how their ancestors abused blacks, yet he and his writing partner personally abused a white woman.

The fundamental irony is that the most dramatic scene in the 1915 “Birth of a Nation” is one in which a white woman commits suicide to avoid being raped by a black man. It’s not as if Parker and Celestin aren’t aware of that and aren’t intentionally rubbing white people’s noses in it.


*According to popular American media, Black men are essentially animals. Black women are the same, with horrifically low self-esteem, so their being victimized by black men is far less abhorrent than if a white man does the same to a white woman–or if a white man does anything bad to anyone.

Example: Paul Reubens. Caught masturbating alone in a porn theatre. His show cancelled, his career never recovers. On the other hand…

Mike Tyson. Convicted of beating the hell out of a black woman, and raping a black woman. Physically chewing off the ear of an opponent on live television. Later, he’s the star of his own celebrated cartoon show. Currently, he makes more money than Paul Reubens.

Fox Searchlight, and Atlantic Monthly ensure raping black women is a reasonably negotiable enterprise.

According to them, if your big black buck is apologetic enough, you let him back in the cotton fields, because hell, he don’t know nuffin’ ’bout what he doin’.

He black.

* Fatty Arbuckle’s career was effectively destroyed over an allegation of rape though he was acquitted after 3 trials. Rape was a serious offense in those pre 1920 days even if no racial lines were crossed. Today it is almost expected that black celebrities will have white women make allegations of rape or sexual misconduct. Bill Cosby has them by the dozens.

* This is going to soon give us a chance to find out where women vs. blacks rank in the progressive hierarchy and I don’t think women are going to come out on top.

We already know that women are below Muslims (way below) because progressives have not only declined to criticize but lately have embraced burqas, niqabs, chadors, whatever, and have also decided to be completely silent on female genital mutilation.

But we haven’t yet had a clear cut cultural touchstone to definitively place women and blacks on the hierarchy. This may be it.

* It is interesting to note that Parker and Celestin used the completely false – didn’t happen – forced rape of Turner’s wife by five white men as the catalyst for the uprising. It’s designed to excite the audience as well, but early reviewers seem to let this atrocious falsification pass without remonstrance . In fact, you will note, the further away we get from the slavery years, the worse the treatment of the slaves becomes, especially when it’s thrown at us by blacks who were not even there – although I understand from reading the ‘woe is me’ black writing of contemporary Black writers – that they are born with the ‘I was a slave to the white man’ gene buried deep in their souls.

I do think slavery is and was a reprehensible practice, but my thinking is mollified by reading some of the slave narratives that were collected from former slaves living during the Great Depression years by state and federal agencies. Many of the former slaves had far less personal animosity toward the institution than non-slaves today.

The idea that white men were so enamored of black slave women that they would gang rape one is fanciful in the extreme. Despise common belief today, crossing the color line was not a prevalent practice during the slave era, least of all by owners of plantations – It was frowned upon by most respectable people, men and women alike. If you think white women during this time didn’t stand up for themselves within their own households, then you are foolishly falling in line with feminist propaganda, who preach the equally fanciful concept that white women were as much slaves as blacks.

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Anglo Facial Features

Ken* emails: I was looking at this movie called Four Feathers which is an old British movie and one of the actors has facial features similar to yours. There is a screen shot of it attached.

Screen Shot 2016-08-21 at 3.32.08 AM

It’s really sad what Britain has become, Its amazing how brainwashed the young people were to not want to be independent of Europe. Its hard to believe that the same people who went on adventures and wrote great stories and came up with great ideas during the 17, 18, and 19 hundreds are the people from which the current youth population is derived. Maybe it just goes to show you the power of the spoken word over the development of young people in terms of the education they recieve.

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How a casino tycoon is trying to combat an exploding pro-Palestinian movement on campuses

Different groups have different interests. I see nothing diabolical in being pro or anti-Israel, pro or anti Islam, pro or anti-Jewish, black, gay, etc.

American college campuses are not moral sewers because they are more anti-Israel than other parts of the country.

I would expect blacks on campus to be more anti-Jewish and anti-Israel than blacks in general because campuses are dominated by Jews and blacks will naturally side with people of color who are underdogs.

Los Angeles Times:

Robert Gardner rarely heard anything about Israel growing up in South Los Angeles. But at UCLA, he started learning about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — and seeing parallels with conflicts close to home.

The African American senior likened Israeli crackdowns on Palestinian protesters to police violence against black Americans. So he joined Students for Justice in Palestine and an international movement known as BDS, which advocates boycotts, divestment and sanctions against companies deemed players in Israeli human rights violations.

Earlier this year, though, he was shocked to see — on a poster outside a Westwood market — his name listed as one of 16 UCLA “Jew haters” and terrorist allies.

Since then, he says, “I’ve received death threats online, and people have followed me.”

The poster was part of a multimillion-dollar effort to combat the BDS movement, led by Las Vegas casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam. While this kind of attack campaign is one tactic, a key aim is to win back hearts and minds for Israel via social media pushes, cultural fairs and subsidized trips to the Jewish state.

The effort kicked off this last semester at six California campuses, including UCLA, UC Irvine and San Jose State University, and will expand to 20 more college campuses this fall.

The Adelsons and other supporters of Israel are alarmed by the precipitous growth in young Americans’ support for Palestinians. A Pew Research Center poll in May found that 27% of millennials now sympathize more with Palestinians, up from 9% in 2006 — while their generation’s support for Israel has declined in the same period from 51% to 43%.

A main cause, Israel supporters say, is the mushrooming BDS campus movement. In the last four years, student governments at eight of nine UC undergraduate campuses have voted to support the campaign.

BDS is a non-violent movement of opposition to the Jewish state.

No state, no people, have the right to exist. They must fight to establish and preserve themselves and if they are not fit enough to do that, they will get wiped out, along with other forms of life that don’t adapt.

“Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish state” is a powerful argument to some people just as “American has the right to exist as a white Christian state” is a powerful argument to other people.

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California Muslim Convert ‘misunderstands’ Islam, beheads his foster grandparents in the cause of jihad

Alene Tchekmedyian, LATimes:

A 35-year-old man accused of bludgeoning his foster grandparents to death last year in their Glendale home using an ax and a hammer was held to answer Tuesday to capital murder charges.

After a preliminary hearing that lasted under two hours, a judge ruled there was enough evidence to move forward with a trial against Nathaniel Scheiern, who police said was infatuated with and influenced by radical Islamists when he attacked his grandparents after attending church with them one weeknight in June of last year.

His public defender, Christina Behle, declined to comment on the case, but suggested during cross-examination of a detective that her client had been molested by his grandfather at a young age. Police called the allegations “unfounded.”

The homicide investigation began on the morning of June 28 of last year, when Scheiern’s sister called and asked Glendale police to check the well-being of her grandparents, who lived with Scheiern in a single-family home in the 600 block of Alexander Street.

When the first officer — one of four who testified Tuesday — arrived at the home, he found the front door ajar and several newspapers stacked on the porch. A foul order emanated from inside, where in a bedroom, the carpet and walls were covered in dried blood.

Investigators found two decomposing bodies under a blanket on a twin-sized bed in that room. They were later identified as William and Verna Scheiern, 77 and 82 years old, respectively.

On the floor a few feet away, police found a bloodied hammer. Against a wall in the living room, they found an ax, with dried blood on the head and handle.

That day, police tracked down Nathaniel Scheiern to the Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital emergency room, where he was being treated for injuries after a car crash on June 25, the day after the killings.

When he was released from the hospital a few days later, he was arrested on suspicion of murder.

During an interview with detectives at the Glendale police station that day, Nathaniel Scheiern confessed to killing his grandparents and trying to behead them after they’d attended an event at Calvary Bible Church, Glendale Police Det. Jeff Davis testified. The elderly couple frequented the church about twice a week.

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NYT: Affluent and Black, and Still Trapped by Segregation

New York Times: “Why well-off black families end up living in poorer areas than white families with similar or even lower incomes.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Why life is just so very hard for wealthy, upwardly mobile blacks. They are still victims!

* The terms “wealthy” and “affluent” are intentionally misleading so the writer can tell us about the screwed up finances of black professionals without worrying about a backlash. Nearly all of the families have housing issues with at least one having had a foreclosure.

The St. Louis Federal Reserve released a report showing that black and Hispanic college graduates have a high debt to income ratio, and have seen a negative change in net worth and income over a 20 year period. Home ownership has never been a source of wealth for blacks on average.

* That article was very biased, unbalanced and quite puerile. The NYT seems to be really poor journalism.

* I agree, it was a mess of a report. Much fluff and stuff pulled together that did not satisfy the supposed premise of the article. If the families profiled merited being part of some news report it would be a look at various housing issues in Milwaukee, in which race played perhaps some part.

The mention of car break-ins made me laugh. I live in a comfortable part of a major West Coast city and car break-ins in this neighborhood (and all over the city) are off the wall. Also too many street robberies with a gun in use, and too many home break-ins, “hot prowls” and too great an incidence of home invasion.

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