Modofanil for Hillary

I’ve been taking modafinil since June of 2013. I love it.

Lew Rockwell writes:

Most likely, Mrs. Clinton’s interest in the drug, “modofanil” (provigil) was motivated by her concerns (or that of others) about ongoing and troubling issues of “fatigue” and “mental fog.” She is, after all, 68 years old, somewhat overweight, never much of an exercise enthusiast – as far as is known – hypothyroid, prone to clot formation, and a rather frequent sufferer of falls and various mishaps (“sniper fire,” and other threats to her well-being). This medication (modofanil, aka “provigil”) is known to be employed as a “brain-hack” among the Silicon Valley crowd, etc. It demonstrably “revs up” alertness, attention, talkativeness (“gabbiness”), and “mental energy.” It is thought to be relatively safe and without concerning side-effects (unlike amphetamines – think Jack Kennedy).

The “Bullett-proof Coffee” guy (quality coffee with grass-fed sourced cow butter) is a vocal proponent of this “brain hack,” as are others among the Silicon Valley crowd. It has some “legitimate” indications, and is easily obtained by prescription to treat “shift-work-related” fatigue, etc. I would guess that she uses it for appearances – think Jimmy Kimble show – and at times when she must be “on” and energetic for the public, etc. I don’t personally have a problem with her (possible) use of the medication, per se. Further, I do not think that she demonstrates signs or evidence of Parkinson’s disease, either.

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Forward: Israelis and Palestinians Could Make Peace Tomorrow If Not for This Misperception

J.J. Goldberg is my favorite writer on the Jewish Left. He writes today: “Given the level of mistrust between Israelis and Palestinians, the hurdle seems almost insurmountable. Fully 60% of Israeli Jews believe that the “long-term aspiration of the Palestinians” is to take over the entire State of Israel. Among Palestinians, 81% say the “long-term aspiration of Israel” is to rule the entire territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Fully 54% believe Israel intends to expel the Palestinians.”

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This Rabbi is Striking Back at Pedophiles — Using Twitter

Forward: Meet the rabbi who’s on a mission to educate the Orthodox community about sexual abuse—and publicly out pedophiles while he’s at it.

For the past 15 years, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz has been trying to break the cycle of silence associated with abuse in the Orthodox community. According to the Torah, Jews are forbidden to turn criminals over to non-Jewish authorities, and are expected to face shunning and bullying from their community if they do.

As such, sexual abuse often goes unreported.

“You have people who are [very close.] Reporting on somebody who you’re friendly with, or who is someone’s uncle is more challenging than reporting on somebody you don’t know,” Horowitz told Vocativ. “…I’ve been telling parents to go to police.”

The rabbi has turned his personal Twitter and Facebook accounts into a one man campaign against sexual abuse.

“Warning to Boro Park parents about released sex offender Dascalowitz.” Horowitz tweeted last month, linking to a Facebook post he had written that includes the current address of sex offender Meir Dascalowitz, who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy in 2013.

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Lee Zeldin: Trump’s Jewish mini-me

Douglas Bloomfield writes for the Jewish Journal:

At a time when most Congressional Republicans are trying to distance themselves from Donald Trump, one is behaving like a cheap clone of his party’s presidential candidate, complete with mind-numbing outrageous charges and incendiary rhetoric.
Rep. Lee Zeldin, the lone Jewish Republican in the 114th Congress, has called Barack Obama a “racist,” sounded like a Trump birther clone questioning the president’s heritage and loyalty and accused him of having “no idea what he is doing.”
Zeldin, a freshman representing New York’s first district at the eastern end of Long Island, likes to imitate his idol, Trump, by phrasing an accusation as if he’s not the one who actually made the charge.
He said the return of $400 million in frozen funds to Iran was a “cash ransom to the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism,” virtually accusing the president of treason by suggesting he “is playing for the other team.”
The charge of dual loyalty is particularly offensive coming from a Jewish congressman.
Speaker Paul Ryan’s called Trump’s attack on the Mexican heritage of Indiana-born Judge Gonzalo Curiel “the textbook definition of racist,” but Zeldin defended the mogul, telling CNN not Trump but “the president of the United States is a racist with his policies and his rhetoric.”

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Muslim charged with murder posted to Facebook moments before alleged stabbing

I wonder if shouting “Allahu Akbar” gives us a clue about the killer’s motivations?

For first world countries like Australia, Muslims are an invasive species just as for Palestinians, Israeli Jews are an invasive species.

NEWS: A 29-year-old French national charged with murder after allegedly stabbing a British woman to death posted a cryptic message shortly before the attack at a backpackers’ hostel in north Queensland.

Moments before allegedly killing 21-year-old Mia Ayliffe-Chung and attempting to stab two others, Smail Ayad allegedly wrote a message on his Facebook page which, when translated, said he “believed he was a victim of international organisations” and would “die soon”.

Mr Ayad has also been charged with two counts of attempted murder, serious animal cruelty, and 12 counts of assault after the attack at Shelley’s Backpackers in Home Hill on Monday, in which Ms Ayliffe-Chung died and British man Tom Jackson, 30, suffered critical head injuries while trying to save her…

Police allege Mr Ayad yelled “Allahu Akbar” – an Islamic phrase meaning “God is great” – during the attack and again during his arrest.

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