Jews, Judaism & Polygamy

Comment: Polygamy was tolerated, but in general the Old Testament appears to show it in a negative light. I can’t think offhand of any examples where polygamy did not result in major dysfunction.

(1) The first mention of polygamy is Lamech, last recorded member of the wicked line of Cain.

(2) Abraham’s relationship with Hagar created a race that has long been enemies of the Jewish people, and sending her out from his household does not imply “yeah, this worked out well.”

(3) Jacob marrying Leah and Rachel – yeah, Jacob’s brothers were real fond of him. Jacob’s favoritism toward Rachel caused no problems at all.

(4) Gideon had multiple wives. He had seventy sones, one of which killed the other sixty-nine.

(5) David had multiple wives. One of his sons raped his half-daughter, and his weak response resulted in his being overthrown temporarily.

(6) Solomon had hundreds of wives. He wound up setting the stage for Israel to be split in two, and began to bring idolatry back into Israel in order to please his wives.

(In the case of 5 and 6, kings wee expressly forbidden from “multiplying wives” (Deut. 17:17).)

And in any case, polygamy has not been accepted widely in Judaism for centuries, but I am fairly certain that the full-throated acceptance of homosexual behavior, premarital sex, etc. is a fairly recent innovation.

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Jews, Marxism And JewE

Comment: The problem comes down to the fact that there is a large Jewish element to Cultural Marxism, but I don’t think it is really the vast majority of Jews who are driving it.

I think the best way to look at Jews is that they are like the Republican Party in 2004 – the elites at the top pursuing their own agenda, a large segment of the rank-and-file who supports them because they think the elites are on their side, and a small number who are realizing that those at the top have their own agenda that does not really benefit them.

Essentially, the AJC, the ADL, the ACLU (to the extent it is Jewish) are what I would call JewE. The vast majority of the rank and file are blue-pill Jews, and there are a small number of “altJews” or red-pill Jews.

Some major issues here that I think can be used to explain why “JewE” is not “good for the Jews” in the sense that most people would think:

(1) Emphasis on revenge. People talk about how the neocons put “Israel first.” Actually, I think a fair number of neocons would be willing to sacrifice a large portion of Israeli security if it could advance the goal of getting revenge on Russia, both for historical wrongs, and for more recently overthrowing the plutocrats, of which I believe a majority were Jewish – the neocons are far more concerned about a small number of fatcats than about what would help the poor Jewish peasants that people are sending food boxes to.

This also manifests itself in the fact that many Jewish elite seem to define Judaism largely in opposition to Christianity rather than by its own doctrines – the liberal bent on sexual matters, for example, seems to be more about opposing traditional Christian teaching than about reaffirming traditional Jewish teaching.

(2) Defining “good for the Jews” in such a way that aggregate power rather than broad prosperity is the measure. Essentially, as long as Jews are overrepresented in the elite, whether or not middle-class or poorer Jews have safety, security, and a comfortable life are secondary concerns. Maybe there isn’t the same in-group hatred that many rich white Gentiles seem to have toward their lessers, but I don’t think that ethnic solidarity trumps class solidarity as much as one might think (unless of course it serves the “revenge” impulse).

I also think it is fair to call out “antijaphetism” in the Jewish community and to admit that it is a problem, but without blaming all Jews for it or associating it extricably with being Jewish – in many ways, many parts of the AltRight tend to use the term “Zionism” the same way that SJWs use “whiteness.” I think this is bad and dangerous, and risks making ethnic conflicts unresolvable – once you declare another group an implacable enemy with no hope of negotiation you give those in the other group who do not hate you no reason not to join those who do.

* Speaking of patterns – look at the search results for “Judeo Christian” with the Google ngram tool below. Does it fit Ellis Island immigration and influence patterns?

* There are problems with your analysis. Obviously not all American Jews are equally rich, but aside from the ultra-Orthodox who intentionally devote themselves to religious study and put themselves outside the mainstream, most American Jews are middle class or above. There is no Jewish “Fishtown”. The Jews that are classified as poor are mostly elderly or recent Russian immigrants. Mexican immigrants are not taking landscaping jobs away from Jews. So Jews don’t feel as if immigration promoted by the elite is really a threat to them. They may be wrong, but that’s how they feel.

2nd, what you call “antijaphetism” is not really racial in character. Most American Jews have nothing against their Belmont neighbors – they are marrying them like crazy. What you call antijaphetism, I would call anti-stupidism. American Jews are not prejudiced against non-Jews, they are prejudiced against what they perceive as stupid or low class people. If such a thing as Jewish trailer trash existed, they wouldn’t like them either. This is not much different than non-Jewish Americans dislike of blacks for what they perceive as stupid behavior. Any time you have a 1 SD IQ gap going, you are going to have these kind of tensions.

3rd your analysis of neocons as being motivated by revenge against Russia doesn’t make any more sense that Steve’s theory of the day. It’s true that many neocons don’t like Putin and his neo-Soviet ways, but revenge has nothing to do with it. They would be perfectly happy with a Russia that behaved . If there’s anyone deserving of revenge, it would be Germany whose crimes (against the Jews) were much greater but most neocons have no animosity at all toward modern Germany.

“the liberal bent on sexual matters, for example, seems to be more about opposing traditional Christian teaching than about reaffirming traditional Jewish teaching.”

That doesn’t make any sense because traditional Jewish teaching on sexual matters is more or less similar to Christian teaching (this is not a coincidence since Christian teaching on these matters was largely derived from Jewish biblical sources). (Cutural and plain old fashioned) Marxism (whether practiced by Jews or non-Jews) is anti-RELIGIOUS, not anti-Christian.

Maybe this is why (crytpo) Jews so often end up as the head of WN movements. Real WNs don’t seem capable of playing the chess game very far ahead. They keep falling into easy traps that they should see coming a mile away. They keep shooting themselves in the foot. They are their own worst enemy. Maybe hatred makes you stupid or maybe it is as leftists say, that only stupid people are attracted – “anti-Semitism is the socialism of fools”.

* I agree that the ‘Jewish Question’ is a hindrance to most normies – it was to me, I agree that it looks skinhead-tier – but if it helps, think of them as a normal outgroup who want to break into / break down the in-group so that there won’t be an in-group they’re not part of. Only, thanks to their brains => money => power they’re a super out-group, much more effective than normal. And of course, Not All Jews are Like That, /but there are enough that are/! I could dig through my ‘memes’ folder from /pol/ and show you quotes that would make the point more convincing, but here’s a starter:

* How the Lizard Queen and the MSM see ”the alt-right”:


* The basic gist is that Whites will wake up or not and deal with or fail to deal with the planned destruction of their civilization.

If Jews want to be part of that solution, fine. If Jewish “voices and leaders” continue to oppose white interests in Europe and America due to some morbid historical perspective of Hitler, the tsar, Ellis island schmaltz or whatever then they shouldn’t cry when awakened white gentiles start calling them the enemy again when they try and take their nations back. If innocent middle class Jews get caught in the crossfire well sorry, they should have done a better job leashing in their elites supposedly speaking on their behalf.

I’m only in my 20′s so I don’t have the attachment that older isteve readers have to the concept of the good old USA. Ammmuurrriiccaaa is a shopping mall on its way to closing in some form or another, and I just hope it won’t take white America with it.

* Look, the Algerians, in living memory fought a long brutal and bloody war with the French – horrific torture was used by both sides- in order to make Algeria Algerian. That is they wanted their French interlopers, conquerors and rulers out purely and simply because they were alien, and for no other reason, and they wished to have rule by Algerians for Algerians – whatever the price on bloodshed or economic loss.
Similar examples from the age of decolonization abound. Now, the anti immigration/nationalist sentiment currently rising in Europe is rooted in much the same instinct and general feeling of a slow-burn take over/ conquest of ancestral lands by self serving aliens.


American Jews are not prejudiced against non-Jews, they are prejudiced against what they perceive as stupid or low class people. If such a thing as Jewish trailer trash existed, they wouldn’t like them either. This is not much different than non-Jewish Americans dislike of blacks for what they perceive as stupid behavior. Any time you have a 1 SD IQ gap going, you are going to have these kind of tensions.

Excellent. No prejudice against non-Jews, only against stupidity. And given the reality of a 1-SD IQ gap, it’s not really prejudice if you think about it.

After all, who’s ever seen anything bad about country-club WASPs and the “white-bread” middle class in Jewish literature, journalism, and films over the years?

Oh, you have? Well, then, they’re obviously trash. Remember the 1-SD gap? The Jews have high standards, you know. Failing that, there’s always anti-semitism.

Meanwhile, ghetto Jews are celebrated because… chutzpah.

A lesser people would save themselves and flee from stupid, low-class, and black-like gentiles the way whites flee from blacks. After all, Jewish-Gentile tension is inevitable (did I mention the 1-SD IQ gap?), and an obvious, well-defended safe haven is not lacking for the Jews.

But no, they choose to continue to grace us with their presence, entirely out of altruism and at a great burden to themselves and their bloodline. Tikun olaming away until the gentiles see the error of our ways.

* I think it’s worth pointing out that neocons are a clear, and disliked, minority amongst American Jews.

From my conversations with the many Jewish people I interact with every day, their median viewpoint is New Republic-style liberalism, while the clear mode is simply taking the Democratic party line on everything including Israel.

Plus there are a good number of Sanders and Chomsky groupies to those guys’ left. Remember what school Ayaan Hirsi Ali was disinvited from.

The politically-conservative Jews I’ve met have more often been Chamber of Commerce types or anti-communist ex-Soviets than neocons.

Those Jewish people I know who still bear grudges toward Old World countries significant enough to bring them up in conversation are ill-disposed towards Germany and/or Poland far more often than towards Russia. Wagner and Goethe are verboten and forgotten, Tchaikovsky and Dostoevsky, anti-semites both, are revered.

American Jews whose families emigrated from places that are outside modern-day Russia’s borders will still usually describe their family background as Russian. The ex-Soviet Jews I’ve met universally call themselves, without hyphen or qualification, Russians; one has to infer their background when they mention in passing that they have family in Israel, for example.

Of all the claims you could make about American Jews, the idea that they’re all crazed anti-Russians makes just about the least sense.

For most of the 20th century, Jewish liberals were (on average) even more Soviet-sympathetic than liberals at large. They were, by leaps and miles, the ethnic group most overrepresented amongst the pro-Soviet far left and quasi-pro-Soviet pacifist granola enthusiasts. To this day, most Jews’ idea of a “renegade Jew” is Roy Cohn.

In fact, liberals from all backgrounds had plenty of residual affection for Russia all the way through the end of the first Obama administration. Remember the “reset?” Obama mocking Romney for saying Russia is an enemy?

* Jews would disown their kid if she married either WASP or Italian American. Or a Half-A-Greek like me. That was put to the test twice back in DC. The pressure these Jewish Mothers put on their daughters is unfucking-believable. “What would they say at the Synagogue? What do we tell them at Temple when they ask how we let you marry a Goyim name of Christian, divorced with a child from another woman NO LESS? How could you do this to your poor father? Why don’t you plunge a knife into your poor father’s heart and get it over with already?”

In the end, these broads wound up with the men they shoulda been with all along. Fat, short, wuss, Jewish Doctor on the one hand, a mortgage banker-crook money-lender on the other. But if I coulda hooked up with one of em? Monica Lewinski-style blow-jobs for life and me backing the Brink’s Truck up to the loading dock.

* Nobody on Stormfront and Vanguard News Network likes Jared Taylor precisely for the reason that he is not obsessed with Jews. They see Jared Taylor as a sellout. He is not White supremacist enough for them.

Jared Taylor also comes off as too white collar intellectual for them, while readers of Stormfront and Vanguard News Network are more American History X White trash nazi skinheads. They don’t wear no stinkin suits and try to look more mainstream presentable.

Even the Left gives credit where credit is due, they describe Jared Taylor as a higher IQ version of the fringe neo nazi far right.

Jared Taylor does not look scary to nice mainstream Whites, because he looks like Mr. Rogers. He does not fit the stereotype of what a “White supremacist” looks like.

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Who Is My Brother?

Emo Phillips: Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.” I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too! What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”

He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said, “Me, too!”

Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.” I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.

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The Alt-Right

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Here is the Alt-Right’s “big tent”, or “consensus”, as summarized by paworldandtimes. I numbered them for convenience.

1) Blacks. They require assistance in achieving and maintaining a level of civic and material comfort on par with that of other races. Quantity + Equality = Can’t Have Nice Things.

2) Christianity. It is not an internally settled matter. For some, Christian faith is a non-negotiable foundation of our identity with implications on the afterlife. Others see it as detrimental to our vitality.

3) Democracy. In its present form, it is the rule by those who control the formation of public opinion and whose interests are not aligned with the interests of the voters. The two-party system in the United States is real, just like pro wrestling.

4) Family. While the role of extended families varies by culture, the traditional patriarchal model is the only one that provides a healthy environment for raising children.

5) Immigration. It is harmful to Western nations at present levels, low-skill immigration in particular. Manifest incompatibility between host and guest populations belie the economic- or demography-based arguments in favor of mass immigration.

6) Institutions. Traditionally conservative or masculine institutions such as the Republican party, the military, large corporations, mainline churches, and professional sports have been coopted by liberalism.

7) Islam. Don’t let it in.

8) Jews. As self-identified minorities with an enduring identity, they have acquired — justly or not — a reputation for subverting their host nations. Israel is a model of practical nationalism.

9) Multiculturalism. Diversity is not our strength. The involuntary comingling of disparate peoples is not “enriching.”

10) Race. It is a fundamental element of a human being’s identity. The human biodiversity model is predictive on the macro scale.

11) Religion. A purely materialist philosophy is insufficient as a pillar of a culture or an ethical system. Nobody wants to die over a contract.

12) Russia. It is not a potential threat to any Western nation beyond her near-abroad European neighbors. An enemy-of-an-enemy is an ally, and our common adversary is U.S.-led globalism.

13) Sex. The female is attracted to male power, charm, and confidence. She has contempt for male weakness or supplication. The male is attracted to the female’s youth, beauty, and femininity and is repulsed by her physical or moral decay.

14) USA. Her foreign and domestic policy is controlled by interests whose ambitions are at odds with the welfare of her own citizens, the existential question of Western nations, and geopolitical stability.

15) Whites. Interracial obligations do not justify self-destructive sacrifice on the part of the White benefactor, nor are they mandated by any notion of historic debt. Charges of racism fail to explain the disparity between the achievements of Whites and others.

16) Women. They crave male leadership and go batshit without it. Given the power, they will destroy their world, especially from the voting booth. Don’t listen to what she says — watch what she does.

* What sort of society would you personally would want to live in, and what sort of society do you want your children to live in?

Do you want to live in the slums of Chicago, Miami, LA, New York, Cleveland, Baltimore, Newark, and a hundred other god-forsaken places, or rather would you live in Vermont, the small towns of the mid west, Oregon etc?

* What matters here is that different immigrants behave differently towards the people which is already present (in our case, the WASPs). I suppose that every immigrant tends to feel “underprivileged” and tends to have a chip on his shoulder, to a degree – but most of the immigrant tribes overcome this feelings and don’t indulge in them. Only very particular subcultures bathe in self-victimization und cultivate their hostility against the people already present.

That’s partly a matter of aggressive competitiveness (or rivalry). Neither the Germans nor the Irish had an urge to replace the WASPs. The Germans were content building breweries and the Irish were content becoming cops. But in order to really replace the WASPs in their banks and universities you must be much more aggressively competitive.

And as Sailer has explained elsewhere, very insightful: It’s not as if hostility is the motive for aggressive competitiveness. Hostility is rather something you cultivate IN ORDER to be aggressively competitive. It is not a causal connection, but a functional.

* Vox Day: The Alt Right is an ALTERNATIVE to the mainstream conservative movement in the USA that is nominally encapsulated by Russel Kirk’s 10 Conservative Principles, but in reality has devolved towards progressivism. It is also an alternative to libertarianism.
The Alt Right is not a defensive attitude and rejects the concept of noble and principled defeat. It is a forward-thinking philosophy of offense, in every sense of that term. The Alt Right believes in victory through persistence and remaining in harmony with science, reality, cultural tradition, and the lessons of history.
The Alt Right believes Western civilization is the pinnacle of human achievement and supports its three foundational pillars: Christianity, the European nations, and the Rule of Law.
The Alt Right is openly and avowedly nationalist. It supports all nationalisms and the right of all nations to exist, homogeneous and unadulterated by foreign invasion and immigration.
The Alt Right is anti-globalist. It opposes all groups who work for globalist ideals or globalist objectives.
The Alt Right is anti-equalitarian. It rejects the idea of equality for the same reason it rejects the ideas of unicorns and leprechauns, noting that human equality does not exist in any observable scientific, legal, material, intellectual, sexual, or spiritual form.
The Alt Right is scientodific. It presumptively accepts the current conclusions of the scientific method (scientody), while understanding a) these conclusions are liable to future revision, b) that scientistry is susceptible to corruption, and c) that the so-called scientific consensus is not based on scientody, but democracy, and is therefore intrinsically unscientific.
The Alt Right believes identity > culture > politics.
The Alt Right is opposed to the rule or domination of any native ethnic group by another, particularly in the sovereign homelands of the dominated peoples. The Alt Right is opposed to any non-native ethnic group obtaining excessive influence in any society through nepotism, tribalism, or any other means.
The Alt Right understands that diversity + proximity = war.
The Alt Right doesn’t care what you think of it.
The Alt Right rejects international free trade and the free movement of peoples that free trade requires. The benefits of intranational free trade is not evidence for the benefits of international free trade.
The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.
The Alt Right does not believe in the general supremacy of any race, nation, people, or sub-species. Every race, nation, people, and human sub-species has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to dwell unmolested in the native culture it prefers.
The Alt Right is a philosophy that values peace among the various nations of the world and opposes wars to impose the values of one nation upon another as well as efforts to exterminate individual nations through war, genocide, immigration.

* A quote I saw on Z Man’s site the other day: “When I was a conservative, they called me a racist. When I was a libertarian, they called me a racist. When I was a Tea Partier, they called me a racist. Now I’m Alt-Right, and I don’t care what they call me.”

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Steve Sailer: Who Were the Racist Tenants Who Insisted Fred Trump Not Rent to Blacks in Coney Island and Brighton Beach? Jews

Just as most landlords don’t want to rent to people with young children (because they raise havoc), so too most landlords don’t want to rent to groups with high crime rates, low credit scores, and anti-social behavior. Most landlords would rather rent to women than to men because women commit less crime and wreak less destruction.

Steve Sailer writes:

As part of the big push behind Hillary’s Alt-Right speech, the NYT is rolling out breaking news articles about how nearly a half century ago Trump’s dad, with the young Donald’s assistance, tried to prevent white flight from his apartment complexes in places like Coney Island, Brighton Beach, and Forest Hills. As Hillary said on Thursday:

When he was getting his start in business, he was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent apartments to black and Latino tenants. Their applications would be marked with a ‘C’ – ‘C’ for ‘colored’ – and then rejected. Three years later, the Justice Department took Trump back to court because he hadn’t changed.

This subject has been gone over repeatedly over the years, but one little explored question about this old story however is: Who exactly were these white racist tenants who were renting in Trump properties in Coney, Island, Brighton Beach, and Forest Hills but who would have white-flighted out to Long Island if too many blacks had flooded in to the Trump buildings? The young Jared Taylor? The unborn Richard Spencer? Haven Monahan’s grandpa?


* Another point here is that essentially Hillary is pointing out that Donald Trump’s actually done something *useful* with his life, building stuff. Engagement with reality and being successful\productive inevitably gets you into trouble with the rent-seekers (or you pay shake down money of some sort).

Hillary has never done anything useful in her entire life, so she doesn’t have this sort of thing on her resume. Yet somehow she nonetheless manages to have actually dubious and evil “discriminatory” behavior on her resume–basically going around to various women Bill molested and telling them to shut the f*** up or else.

* This is further proof that the Trumps have always been good to Jews. Unfortunately, we won’t hear about this in the NYT, since you’re not supposed to know that Jews are also guiltily of white flight and having bad thoughts about blacks.

* In a building my friend lives in, he said when he first moved there, it was at a fairly reasonable rent. Not cheap, but not outrageous. Somewhat upscale. The rents there, since 10 years ago, has almost tripled, owing to it’s location.

When he first moved there, there were a number of… “personalities.” Something silly went on there monthly. Usually a neurotic tenant angered by some perceived slight, that usually wasn’t, calling for a tenants meeting to organize strategies to annoy the landlord. Often times, it was trustifarians, but also a few black wannabe rappers who got an advance check from whomever. They were easily the most dysfunctional. Almost non-existent coping skills. The notion of consequences was like a silly rumor to them.

Since the rents went up, my friend says his building is like a library. No “personalities” spicing up the place. They had to move. Could no longer afford it. Even trustifarians are no longer landing there. The building used to have quite a few of the little shitheads.

It seems the higher the rent, the more tenants you have with better things to do. It seems the coping skills needed to keep a regular job needed to acquire the rent tends to be a big plus in being a functional tenant.

When you bring in a tenant on Section 8, it’s the same as bringing in a trustifarian. The reason both are thus classified is because both are de facto socially dysfunctional.

If you inject the socially dysfunctional in a community without governing the numbers, you blow up communities.

People who work in jobs that demand personal responsibility–yes, even middle-class Jews–don’t appreciate everything they’ve invested in as a community member blow up in their faces, thanks to somebody living miles away in a gated community decreeing that it should be so. Even if they mean well, they’re evil.

They are bad people.

They should be collectively shamed at every opportunity as such. If you hear anyone trying to make a case for Section 8 housing, such as it is, take off your gloves and tell him/her to go fuck themselves to his/her face. Cast aspersions on their ancestry. Take a shit in their soup. Whatever it takes to make them at least take pause.

* The cosmological constant of sociology is that blacks bring down property values, test scores and academic, social and economic attainment while increasing social pathology and the general decline of households, neighborhoods and communities.

Who knows why this is but the how of it, how it happens, is very well established.

If this offset is acceptable to you then the decline and fall of your civilization is inevitable since you accept its decline.

If it is not acceptable, and you are prepared to adopt policies that treat unacceptable people as unacceptable, you may retain your society–your civilization–but this will occur with a very large imposition of social disability upon those unacceptable persons–and you will not have an equal society.

Social equality is likely to destroy Western Civilization.

* Hillary’s attack and the NYT response is effective because it is not about logic, it is about raw emotion among Nice White Ladies and those supplicate them.

Blacks are sacred objects ala the late Lawrence Auster, because they are useful for Nice White Ladies to distinguish just WHO is truly Upper Class, “dahling,” and who is just White Trash.

Hillary and the NYT are effectively labeling Trump and his father as BadWhites who were Bad Thinkers and did not sufficiently pay obeisance to Sacred Blacks the way a TRUE Upper Class person would.

Most of America’s conflicts around race and everything else are centered on carefully sublimated Class conflicts, driven by its Nice White Ladies, the more powerful emotionally because it is not based on logic, reason, or anything but a raw and visceral resentment by the Nice White Ladies that they are Upper Class, but not running everything.

Think a wealthy, powerful writer/producer/show-runner railing against “the Man” when they are in fact, the Man. The real beef being they are not running a studio and making all their pet projects no one wants to see or fund.

* This Irish lad in the mid 1980s once drove home a young lady to her apartment in Trump Village after an evening of a Doors cover band and several adult beverages. She was Jewish.

In law school worked for an attorney that did many coop closings there. Even met Fred Trump. My boss and all his clients buying and selling there were Jewish.

Have since had occasion to represent a retired cop selling his Trump Village coop. He and the buyer were Jewish.

To their credit, the Trump Village buildings are spotless, clean and well-maintained, unlike the nearby NYCHA buildings, which are crime-infested shitholes.

Fred Trump only cared about making a buck. When the City of New York stopped subsidizing middle class housing, he and his son moved on to high end Manhattan.

* “On the other hand, judging from The Warriors, even the street gangs from Coney Island are delightfully multicultural.”

None of the street gangs in 1970s New York City were Multicultural. The Italians had The Golden Guineas, Puerto Ricans had The Savage Nomads, African Americans had The Black Disciples, etc. That’s the only unrealistic part about The Warriors.

* I am Jewish and grew up in a large co-op apartment complex in Queens. The percentage of blacks in our nearly all-Jewish development was considerably less than that of Chappaqua. It was decent, affordable housing for the lower-middle class, and surely blacks could have qualified, but the word was that the board of directors wouldn’t have it. This was the ’50s and ’60s, and, having grown up in a very liberal family, I was shocked at how many of my neighbors used racial slurs. There were a lonely few who suggested the discriminatory policy of our development was wrong, but I never heard of anyone bringing that to the next level, as it was clear that most of the neighbors were content with things as they were.

* Fred Trump was Woody Guthrie’s landlord. Woody wrote songs about Fred being a racist but of course Woody could have moved or could have lived in Harlem instead of Besch Haven. Woody’s dad supposedly took part in a lynching. So I guess Trump is guilty of inherited racism just like Woody.

* That sounds like a more entertaining version of “Inside Lewyn Davis:” Okie Communist folk singer moves to New York, gets cheap apartment, can’t understand why his Jewish neighbors are happy that Donald Trump’s dad keeps blacks out of their building.

* There are a number of towns in West/Central MA that have been torched (sometimes literally) by Section 8 Housing. Ware, MA, comes to mind. These were not upscale suburbs, mind you, but modest, mostly blue collar towns, where people kept up their property and cared about the value of their homes and the town. Not any more.

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