Jeffrey Toobin Reveals Patty Hearst’s Real Crime

“In the end, notwithstanding a surreal detour in the 1970s, Patricia led the life for which she was destined back in Hillsborough. The story of Patty Hearst, as extraordinary as it once was, had a familiar, even predictable ending. She did not turn into a revolutionary. She turned into her mother.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Toobin also cheated on his wife with the daughter of his CNN colleague and knocked her up. If I recall correctly he was not entirely chivalrous with regard to his bastard offspring either.

A defense of Clinton probably has a lot to do with a defense of himself.

* History, even recent history, is cyclical. 1975 was probably the height of both second-wave feminism and official sympathy for what was then called “black power”, effectively exculpating blacks from any agency in their low culture and high crime rate. Feminists did not want to admit the fragility of the female mind (particularly the young female mind), and the government/media did not want to admit the scope of the racial animus inherent to all black power movements, not just the SLA. So, Patty Hearst had to be guilty.

The tide turned with Reagan, and more so with Giuliani, and we have had a more or less three decade reprieve from this foolishness; but now we have come full circle with grrl-power media, Hillary (who is nothing if not a sclerotic 2nd-wave remnant), and Black Lives Matter, which might as well be the SLA, and probably soon will be (at least the parts that get frozen out of the Soros money).

* What a coincidence that I’m reading the book right now. About 3/4 the way through. It’s probably the best true-crime book I’ve ever read, right up there with In Cold Blood. Very difficult to put down.

The author says Hearst was 100 lbs when she was arrested. She was a voracious smoker and was thin before she was kidnapped.

The other living SLA members in jail said all the sex was consensual (and that DeFreeze never did it with her), and that specifically she was in love with one of her captors: Willy Wolfe. She had lost her virginity at 15 and had been living with her fiance, Steve Weed, when she was abducted at 19. She falls in love with Weed, then Wolfe, then after he’s dead, another guy named Steve Soliah. She sends him love letters while they’re both in jail. Then she gets close to one of her lawyers during the trial. Toobin doesn’t say they have a relationship, though.

Basically she’s a love-sick teen who falls for whatever guy can sweep her off her feet. Her revolutionary feminism just sounds like self-defense because she can’t stop falling in love. Who can blame her for that? But participating in so many violent felonies, according to the author, makes her sound like the fierce, revenge and hate-filled guerrilla that so many youngsters get sucked in to be. Apparently there were bombs going off all over California at that time. The term “boomers” is starting to make more sense for that generation.

* Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing but at some point Patty seemed to have become a real convert. After the bulk of the SLA including DeFreeze were killed in a shootout with the cops, she stayed with the remnant of the group for a year. By the end she was with only 1 – Wendy Yoshimura. She could have escaped many times. Even someone who is brainwashed must have moments of clarity where they remember their former selves. I’m not sure that it was really wrong to hold her accountable for her acts after her “conversion”. What if she had actually used the rifle she carried in the bank robbery and killed someone? Would she have had no responsibility for that?

During the course of one of the SLA bank robberies, Emily Harris murdered a customer who was waiting in line to make a deposit. Somehow, the state of California did not get around to prosecuting her until 2003 and then she got only 8 years. For killing someone during a bank robbery. Maybe there really is a double standard for SWPL type white people.

* New York Times:

MS. GREENFIELD’s time in those trenches began in 2008, when, as a first-year associate at Gibson Dunn, a strait-laced corporate law firm, she found herself single and pregnant at 35.

The presumptive father was Mr. Toobin, a senior political analyst for CNN, staff writer for The New Yorker, best-selling author, married father of two teenagers and a close friend of Justice Elena Kagan of the Supreme Court, a classmate of his from Harvard Law. Ms. Greenfield met Mr. Toobin in the Condé Nast cafeteria when, while taking a breather from law school in her mid-20s, she worked as a fact-checker for Glamour magazine. They fell into a secretive off-and-on relationship spanning nearly a decade.

When Ms. Greenfield first informed him of her pregnancy, she said, Mr. Toobin questioned the paternity, balked at submitting to a test and vowed to take no responsibility for a baby he wasn’t sure was his. Both hired lawyers. Inevitably, the tabloids and gossip sites took notice of the scandal, dropping increasingly detailed hints about the behind-the-scenes drama.

“The one time you really don’t want to get pregnant is when you’re single and the other person is married and you’re working as a first-year junior associate at a law firm in a hard-core phase of trying to prove yourself to them,” Ms. Greenfield recalled last week. She said she ruled out an abortion. She did not delude herself that the emotional nadir of her life would qualify for much external sympathy. “I had a job at a prestigious firm,” she said, “a law degree from Yale that was paid for, a wonderful support group of friends.” But when she informed her parents that she was pregnant, she did not say by whom.

In March 2009, Ms. Greenfield had a baby boy and named him Roderick Henry Greenfield: Roderick is Mr. Labby’s middle name, and Henry is her father’s actual first name. She went on maternity leave for four months and then returned to Gibson Dunn until January 2011. She also sued Mr. Toobin for child support and custody of the baby, while being officially represented by Heidi Harris of Aronson, Mayefsky & Sloan, a preeminent matrimonial firm, and unofficially assisted by Mr. Labby, whom she calls her “fixer.”

Mr. Toobin ultimately acquiesced to a paternity test that confirmed he was the father of the boy, who is nicknamed Rory. He contested portions of her suit. The tabloids zeroed back in. In February 2010, the custody case was heard in Manhattan Family Court. It was not resolved until late last year, with Ms. Greenfield receiving full custody of Rory, including the right to make all pivotal decisions in his upbringing and schooling. She briefly represented herself in the remaining phase of litigation, a dispute over the amount of child support to which she was entitled; barring an 11th-hour settlement, the case is scheduled to return to Manhattan Family Court next month, this time with Mr. Labby litigating.


FATHERS Jeffrey Toobin, left, and Jeff Greenfield in 2008.

* In the book, “Empire of the Summer Moon” the Comanches rarely kept infants, usually killing them. They may have kept the occasional pre-teen or boy, but these captives were often treated as slaves and abused. The rare adult woman that they kept was usually raped and tortured and treated with utter contempt. The book is historically factual and foot noted.

* There are quite a few captivity narratives from that era. Nine Years Among the Indians by Herman Lehman tells how he was captured by Apaches and became a warrior. There’s some cold-blooded stories of how Indian raids worked. The Captive Boys by Jeff and Clinton Smith is similar. Cynthia Ann Parker was captured as a child, married a chief, and was the mother of the Comanches’ greatest war chief, Quanah.

While children seemed to adapt, adult women were just plain brutalized. Matilda Lockhart was horribly abused. When she revealed that the Comanches had other captives, Texan leaders tried to hold Comanche chiefs in San Antonio for treaty negotiations until they released other captives and the Council House fight resulted.

Scott Zesch wrote a pretty decent account of child captives held by Texas Indians, going into detail about the difficulty of returning to white society. But he glosses over the brutality meted out to adult women. Jack Jackson wrote a very good graphic novel biography of Quanah Parker, not omitting the horrors.

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Esther Jungreis, Orthodox Jewish Outreach Pioneer, Dies at 80

She had a gift, she had passion, she was a mighty warrior for her people and she did all her campaigning within the strict confines of Orthodox Judaism. There can be a public role for women in Orthodox Judaism.

Esther Jungreis never claimed to be a rabbi. She believed in separate roles for men and women.

(JTA) — Esther Jungreis, a pioneer in the Jewish outreach movement and founder of the organization Hineni, died Tuesday. She was 80, according to the Vos Iz Neias blog.

An announcement published in October on the site Only Simchas indicated Jungreis was “in serious condition” and fighting an infection, but did not specify her ailment.

Jungreis was born in Szeged, Hungary, in 1936, where her father was chief rabbi. A child survivor of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, she and her family resettled in 1947 in Brooklyn, where she married her distant cousin, Rabbi Meshulem HaLevi Jungreis, according to the Yeshiva World. She and her husband, who died in 1996, founded the North Woodmere Jewish Center/Congregation Ohr Torah on Long Island in 1964.

Jungreis, known universally by the honorific rebbetzin, founded Hineni in 1973 in order to bring young Jews closer to Orthodox Judaism by offering Torah classes, singles events, and Shabbat and holiday services. She spoke to audiences across the United States, including at Madison Square Garden in 1973.

She was known for her work in outreach to young Jews, as well as for self-help books about a variety of topics, including marriage and relationship advice, as well as how to deal with challenges in life.

Jungreis drew inspiration from her experience as a Holocaust survivor to fight for Jewish continuity and against intermarriage. But her statements comparing assimilation to the Holocaust sometimes sparked controversy.

“To be a Jew is the greatest privilege,” she implored at a speech in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1999. “To be unaware of it is the greatest catastrophe — spiritual genocide.”

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What Orthodox Women Wear to the Beach Is No Different From a Burkini

The beach is a key part of Australian culture. If you won’t go to the beach and have a swim, you’re not a real Australian.

I guess the ancient Greeks said that anyone who does not compete in the nude is not a Greek.

So how much, if at all, should Jews and Muslims compromise their traditions to fit in with their gentile host countries?

Forward: Moshe Sebbag, the rabbi of the Grand Synagogue of Paris, announced this week that he supports the French ban on burkinis, the modest swimwear some Muslim women wear to cover up on the beach.

Wearing a burkini, he said, is not “innocent” and it sends a message.

But, we ask Sebbag, what difference exactly is there between the garb Orthodox Jewish women wear to the beach than the burkinis that some Muslim women wear?

And why should one religious group of women be allowed to follow their traditions over another?

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Op/Ed: Quit Your Liberal Condescension Toward Jews Who Love Trump As a Jewish immigrant from the Former Soviet Union whose family came to the United States in 1980, I’ve been dismayed to see so many liberals looking down their noses at Russian Jews who support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Writing in the Forward, Margarita Gokun Silver recently asked, “How Can Russian Jews Be So Naively in Love With Donald Trump?” She suggests that we’re naïve, but her own view is ill-informed. Worse, it’s condescending.

In her essay, Gokun Silver asks this question about Russian Jewish supporters of Trump: “How can people who left their homeland to escape anti-Semitism — and whose families include victims of both the Holocaust and the Gulag — not see the signs?”

Maybe I can provide some answers.

It was because my family stuck to our Jewish roots and followed our traditions while we lived in the FSU that, in 1949, my maternal grandfather was sentenced to 10 years of Gulag camps. Later, in the mid-1950s, he was released with “full rehabilitation.” But in the ’60’s and ’70s, my father received repeated rebukes for hiring Jewish professionals, my uncle received continuous pressure from the KGB (he was a computer scientist and they wanted him to become an informer), my sister received a rejection letter from university (despite stellar grades), and my cousins and I received several physical assaults over our ethnicity. All this prompted my family to seek a better life in the U.S.

And what happened when Jews from the Soviet Union arrived in the U.S.? They received an immense amount of invaluable help from the members of the American Jewish community — and faced a major cultural misunderstanding. The majority of immigrants from the FSU were not, as many American Jews expected, the simpleton Tevyes and backward Goldes who needed to be shown how to turn on the lights or how to use toilet paper. The people who immigrated were mostly professionals, with college degrees and good (although skewed) knowledge of history, arts, geography and politics. We were, and are, educated Jews.

Most important, we had — and have — enough reason and good sense to evaluate political options and make informed choices out of our own preferences. Expecting us to follow a liberal agenda that’s been highlighted for us is as absurd as expecting us to follow Lenin’s raised hand toward the glorious Communist future.

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Meet the Jewish ‘Paleoconservative’ Who Coined The Term ‘Alternative Right’

The Forward is doing more reporting and opining on the Alt Right than any other Jewish publication. Unfortunately, the quantity of their reports are rarely of quality.

What could make for some quality writing is comparing Jewish nationalist movements with gentile nationalist movements. Where are they similar? Where do they differ? The term “alt-right” is a hipper-sounding version of the original notion of the “alternative right,” which Paul Gottfried, a Jewish academic, coined in 2008.

In 2008, Paul Gottfried, a Jewish academic, created the term “alternative right.” Today his notion — of a new home for conservatives who saw themselves as too extreme for the mainstream movement — has become the “alt-right,” whose adherents include a range of racists, from white separatists to neo-Nazis. Here’s a few facts about the Jew behind the coinage so cherished by anti-Semites…

Gottfried did his undergraduate work at Yeshiva University, Modern Orthodoxy’s flagship institution, and received his doctorate from Yale, according to the website of Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, where he spent much of his career and is still listed as an emeritus professor.

He’s a political philosopher and intellectual historian who over the course of his academic career published prolifically with mainstream and elite presses: “The Strange Death of Marxism: The European Left in the New Millennium,” by University of Missouri Press, in 2005, for example, and in 1999, “After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State” by Princeton University Press.

He also devised the term “paleoconservative” for conservatives who value limited government, tradition and Western identity, according to the “Conservapedia,” a Wikipedia-type website. Gottfried and a colleague tacked the prefix “paleo” onto “conservative” specifically to contrast themselves with “neoconservatives” who emphasize an interventionist United States over most other policies. Paleoconservatives favor an isolationist foreign policy, restrictions on immigration and controls on free trade.

Indeed, Gottfried’s background comports with that of many neoconservatives in that he is Jewish and was born in the Northeast and educated in an Ivy League institution. He is, however, their sworn enemy, castigating them for being so insufficiently conservative as to defend the welfare state. He also called their movement out as a Jewish one, “closely identified with the personal and ethnic concerns of its Jewish celebrities.”

In 2008, he founded and still runs the H.L. Mencken Club, to create conferences that would provide a regular gathering place for conservatives like himself. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, these conferences have from their first meeting served to bring together racists and white nationalists.

In his speech at the Mencken Club’s inaugural meeting, Gottfried wrote approvingly of “sociobiology,”: the “cognitive, hereditary preconditions for intellectual and cultural achievements.” He reminded his listeners that “not everyone enjoys the same genetic precondition for learning.”

Jared Taylor, editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance, has addressed the Mencken Club. His magazine features stories about eugenics and the genetic roots of human inferiority and superiority. Taylor told the Forward that “White Jews are white.” Some Jews, he has written, “see themselves as men of the West who will fight to preserve European civilization.”


* Founded the H.L. Mencken Club? Mencken was a vicious anti-Semite and only a self-hating Jew could honor him. This one fact gives away the true character of Gottfreid. The sort of Jew we ought to shun and denounce.
Here is a quote from the LA Times:
The previously secret diary of writer and social critic H. L. Mencken discloses virulent anti-Semitism, racism and pro-Nazi leanings, shocking even the sympathetic Mencken scholar who edited it.

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