People Often Base Their Lives On Nonsense

Virtual Pilgrim posts on YT:

* What liberals and conservatives get wrong is that they don’t understand that the intention of the founding of the United States was to have a liberal democracy within the bounds of a white racial Christian homogeneous nation. Conservatives and liberals want to expand their shibboleth to all the nations in the world through foreign policy and mass immigration. This is a recipe for destruction. My political position is a hybrid of the right and the left preserving the racial, ethnic, and religious identity of America. This was articulated in 1787 by John Jay, who wrote: “Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the SAME ancestors, speaking the SAME language, professing the SAME religion, attached to the SAME principles of government, very SIMILAR in their manners and customs.” Jay also said that this was a Christian nation, and we should prefer to elect Christians to public office.

I read Jonah Goldberg’s book, Liberal Fascism. I also read a book by Charles Krauthammer, Mark Levin, Michael Medved, Andrew Breitbart, Ann Coulter, 10 years ago. Then, I became Red Pilled by Paul Gottfried. Along with reading these books, I listened for 30 years to Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michael Medved, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larson, Sean Hannity, and a dozen preachers on the radio. Never once did any of these people mention that I would become a minority in my own country by 2040. Once I learned this statistic, I knew that all these people are the most despicable human beings that ever existed on the face of the Earth. Gatekeepers and traitors of the Communist Marxist Globalist Pretending to be on my side why all the while never once telling me anything at all that is true about anything.

John J. Miller writes in the Wall Street Journal, Feb. 5, 2021:

Remember the “coalition of the ascendant”? National Journal’s Ronald Brownstein invented the phrase in 2008 to describe the “growing elements of American society” that had elected Barack Obama and given Democrats commanding majorities in both congressional houses: “young people, Hispanics and other minorities, and white upper-middle-class professionals.”

Republican successes in 2010, 2014 and 2016 called the coalition’s durability into question. But the 2020 election— Joe Biden’s victory notwithstanding—may provide the greatest reason to doubt it. Compared with 2016, President Trump and congressional Republicans improved their standing significantly among Hispanic voters and made smaller strides among other groups, such as Asian-Americans, blacks and Muslims.

“The majority minority narrative is wrong,” says sociologist Richard Alba, referring to the idea that nonwhite Americans will outnumber whites by 2050 or so. In his recent book, “The Great Demographic Illusion,” Mr. Alba, 78, shows that many “nonwhites” are assimilating into an American mainstream, much as white ethnic groups did before them. Government statistics have failed to account for this complex reality, partly for political reasons, and in doing so they’ve encouraged sloppy thinking about the country’s future…

The difficulty started as the federal government prepared for the 2000 census and sought to recognize the small but growing number of multiracial Americans. The Census Bureau decided to let people like Mr. Woods check off more than one racial box on their forms. Leaders of liberal civil-rights groups lobbied against the change. They feared a recognition of multiracialism would dilute the numerical strength of minorities and make it harder to enforce antidiscrimination laws.

The Office of Management and Budget devised an ironic solution to the dilemma. The OMB, whose responsibilities include maintaining the consistency of data across federal departments and agencies, revived a version of the old “one drop” rule from the Jim Crow era, according to which a single African ancestor made a person entirely black. The OMB decided that Americans who designated themselves as white and something else on their Census forms would be classified as nonwhite.

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The Atlantic: The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church

From The Atlantic:

Nearly everyone I grew up with in my childhood church in Lincoln, Nebraska, is no longer Christian. That’s not unusual. Forty million Americans have stopped attending church in the past 25 years. That’s something like 12 percent of the population, and it represents the largest concentrated change in church attendance in American history. As a Christian, I feel this shift acutely. My wife and I wonder whether the institutions and communities that have helped preserve us in our own faith will still exist for our four children, let alone whatever grandkids we might one day have.

This change is also bad news for America as a whole: Participation in a religious community generally correlates with better health outcomes and longer life, higher financial generosity, and more stable families—all of which are desperately needed in a nation with rising rates of loneliness, mental illness, and alcohol and drug dependency…

The Great Dechurching finds that religious abuse and more general moral corruption in churches have driven people away. This is, of course, an indictment of the failures of many leaders who did not address abuse in their church. But Davis and Graham also find that a much larger share of those who have left church have done so for more banal reasons. The book suggests that the defining problem driving out most people who leave is … just how American life works in the 21st century. Contemporary America simply isn’t set up to promote mutuality, care, or common life. Rather, it is designed to maximize individual accomplishment as defined by professional and financial success. Such a system leaves precious little time or energy for forms of community that don’t contribute to one’s own professional life or, as one ages, the professional prospects of one’s children. Workism reigns in America, and because of it, community in America, religious community included, is a math problem that doesn’t add up.

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Decoding Liberal Fascism (7-30-23)

01:00 NYT: Man Fatally Stabbed in Confrontation as He Danced at a Gas Station,
06:00 Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg

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The Claremont Review Of Books

March 28, 2023, I subscribed for a year.

Today, I get this email:


Thank you for reading the Claremont Review of Books.We hope you have enjoyed a shrewd analysis of politics and other issues at the forefront of American conservatism. We are truly grateful for your readership.

According to our records, however, your subscription to the Claremont Review of Books is about to expire.

To continue your subscription, please renew by clicking here. If you have any questions, please contact 833-964-0076 or email

So I email and my message bounces back because there is no such email address.

Great job of alienating a customer, guys. You’re really on the ball.

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Decoding Masculinity (7-30-23)

01:00 Don Geronimo fired after disparaging on-air comments at Commanders camp,
04:30 Dr. David Nylund – “Queertopia”
06:00 Beer, Babes, and Balls: Masculinity and Sports Talk Radio,
11:00 What Does It Mean To Be A Man in 2023?,
25:40 Gad Saad: Oh my Gad, it’s the Saadfather!,
35:00 The Dennis Prager & Gad Saad bromance
1:17:00 Ron DeSantis far right memes,
1:20:00 Your brain on love,
1:35:20 Gavin Cumia and Anthony McInnes on Being Naked,
1:40:00 Dooovid joins
1:55:00 Quantum Jenn
1:57:00 Charles Moscowitz
2:03:30 Dooovid on masculinity
2:06:00 Jacob v Esau
2:08:20 Andrew Tate as a modern Esau & Fresh & Fit
2:24:00 Fighting words
2:32:00 Dooovid on the mind-brain body-spirit dualism
2:48:00 Dooovid on AI
2:57:00 I never showered at school

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