The Wickedest Links

From the Chateau: 3. Compare and contrast: National Defense Ministers.

4. What’s up with Charles Murray? You’d think personal entanglement with the madding SJW crowd would broaden a man’s perspective.

5. CH, and others like the aforementioned PA, have contended that one huge and (unsurpisingly) under-investigated negative externality of women in the workforce is the marital market disruption it causes. Working women (with working hypergamous instincts) are in intimate proximity to higher status men who aren’t their husbands for eight or more hours of every day, and that is guaranteed to have a corrosive effect on their marriages. The “work spouse” isn’t a concept lightly dismissed, and now the Hivemind machinery is gearing up to push a positive spin on supposedly platonic work relationships between men and women. It’s all in a piece with the general slouch of Western society toward the sub-Saharan Africa norm of mating (where paternity assurance is low and polygyny is high).

6. As the airwaves are occupied by edited viral videos of cops dealing with belligerent black perps, another black-on-white hate murder goes unreported by the major Hivemind misinformation organs. Of note: A scowling uruk-hai did not target a “random” White man, as police reps explain. This White man was not randomly chosen; he was killed in cold blood because he was White, and the dindu, fueled to spectacularly impulsive violence by whatever pre-hominid affronts boil in his enriching mental landscape, hated that Whiteness. The innocent victim’s Whiteness was all the raison d’etre the black killer needed. And a horribly tragic coda punctuates this racist killing: the grief-stricken wife of the murdered White man committed suicide because she couldn’t bear to go on living without her husband.

Thank a dindu today for all they do to show their appreciation for White-created and White-maintained civilization. You can start by doing your part to protect the 2nd Amendment from the grasping paws and parchment shredders of president Nullity and his Anti-White minions. And while you’re at it, thank a Southroner’s ancestors today for pulling what has had to have been one of history’s biggest, Merkelian boners.

7. president butt naked’s election pollster is worried that the voters are dividing into “tribes”, and politics is becoming more “tribal”. Well, no fucking duh! CH has been prophesying this for years. Diversity + Proximity = War, where War encompasses the myriad ways different human tribes with different values and lifestyles and psychologies and genes clash. Is this what the ruling class wanted all along? Or is the ruling class just that stupid and didn’t foresee what their Diversity-mongering would unleash? Either way, if beliefs don’t change soon, America and Europe are FUBAR.

9. One more, again. The invasion of Europe, in boffo box office:

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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