Hitler’s Press Criticism

Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf:

I gradually discovered that the Social Democratic Press was predominantly controlled by Jews. But I did not attach special importance to this circumstance, for the same state of affairs existed also in other newspapers. But there was one striking fact in this connection. It was that there was not a single newspaper with which Jews were connected that could be spoken of as National, in the meaning that my education and convictions attached to that word.

…One fact became quite evident to me. It was that this alien race held in its hands the leadership of that Social Democratic Party with whose minor representatives I had been disputing for months past. I was happy at last to know for certain that the Jew is not a German.

When the anti-semite and the philo-semite make the same point — that Jews are a distinctive people wherever they may claim citizenship — then you might be on to something real.

Traditional Eastern European Jews prior to the Holocaust would have told German Jews that they could never be German.

Jews tend not to be nationalists (except that many are Jewish nationalists). For a religious Jew, Torah must come first, not nationalism. However, in America, the gulden medina, many secular Jews are America-First, including leading immigration restrictionists such as Mickey Kaus, Stephen Steinlight, and Stephen Miller.

Isaiah 2:4: “And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”

Source: Why did Hitler hate the jews? By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi and Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat. 16 min:

We didn’t receive the curriculum. They didn’t teach them even in high education. I gave lectures in front of history professors. Why really (did) Hitler hate the Jews? What did he want from them? How did they bother him? But it’s all written here in Mein Kampf. This book was published only recently, it just got approved to be translated into Hebrew (my language). It was forbidden all these years. But there is an earlier translation made by Yad Vashem. Hitler claims in his book, that Jews are communists. They made the Russian Revolution. They killed there 30 million Russians (Alex. Solzhenitsyn claims 66 million.) All the intelligent ones, in a cruel and horrific way, and that’s their plan for the entire world. The next country in line is Germany. They founded the German communist and socialist parties, and that’s true. “If we don’t defeat them now, they will eliminate us, and they will slaughter another 20 million, all the intelligent people.” And that’s how they went from country to country. So eventually the only intelligent ones remaining would be the Jews. And he (Hitler) repeats it many times, make no mistake. And he is right.

The Russian Revolution was made by the Jews. The Russian Army was built by Trotsky, who was an incredible genius, an anti-semite like no other. He created the Jewish division of the (Russian) Communist Party, which members informed on their father, mother, brother and son, whoever owns a Siddur or even a Hebrew learning book, I’m not even talking about Tefilin and Mikveh. He (Trotsky) destroyed everything by the Jews, but for sure, by the Russians. In the first picture of the Russian government, out of 13 members, 6 were Jews. Who founded the KGB? Jews. So everything is clearly written. He (Hitler) didn’t hate the Jews because they had “Peos”, he didn’t hate them for observing Mitzvoth, (he hated them) because they are communists. He writes it clearly: “The Jews destroyed religion and faith.” They spread in Germany the heresy in G-d.” That’s how he writes… “I feel like the messenger of G-d to exterminate the Jews, because they don’t believe in Him.” (Hitler) writes this (in Mein Kampf).

Now you understand why they don’t teach (the book) in schools? Because who writes the curriculum?… those same Leftists. Of course they will not write that Hitler wanted to kill the Jews because they are the forefathers of the Left, and of Marxism, of Communism and Leninism. But that’s what Hitler writes. They (Jews) destroyed all the values (Weimar republic). Poisoned literature and theater. Who did that? Torah-obervant Jews poisoned the German theater?

Out of 9 large German newspapers 7 were owned by Jews. There was one of the great composers, Wagner, whose pieces are still forbidden to be played, up until now he is banned (in Israel). Because he was anti-semite, long before the NAZI era. I was very interested to know what (Wagner) really said. So the Hebrew University published his book translated to Hebrew. He writes this: “I don’t like the Jews. The religious ones, I don’t like them. But what do I care? The Jews who left the Torah and the Mitzvoth, and look like the gentiles, I hate. Because they merge into our society, and destroy our culture and poetry, and the German being. Those who converted to Christianity, I see them as 5th column. Traitors that are going to destroy the German nation, if we don’t defend ourselves of them from now, they will finish us. Because they are disguised to Germans, but they are not Germans, they are (still) Jews. (it happened in medieval Spain too)”

So do you understand why it is forbidden here (Israel) to teach about him (Hitler or Wagner) and what he says? Just how everyone here hates the Nuremberg Laws without even knowing them. (Rabbi makes derisive gesture.) Nuremberg said that a Jew can’t marry a gentile, so for sure the schools here call it racism. To say that a Jew is different than a gentile is racism, here in this state, unfortunately. Nuremberg just copied what’s written in the Torah. Wagner just said what’s written in the Torah. That a Jew is a Jew, even if he wears a mask, even if he converts to Christianity. “A Jew who sinned is still a Jew.” (Wagner) writes “You are merciful people. We are cruel people. You destroy our culture.” Yes, that’s how Wagner writes. Therefore his entire book is aimed against the Jewish composer (Felix) Mendelsohn, whose father converted to Christianity, and baptized him in church when he was 5 years old. He (Wagner) writes to him (Mendelsohn): “Listen, do you think that if you speak German, and converted to Christianity, you are German? No! Your poetry is of a crybaby, your music is not authentic, (not German) and you poison our culture, because people think that this is German music. German music is filled with pride, and you can’t do it. And therefore you are called the enemy of German culture.” So isn’t he (Wagner) right? Of course he is right! “You choose us from all the nations”, true, we (Jews) are humble, merciful, shy, indeed. This is our source of pride.

So understand that things didn’t just happen, not a coincidence, it didn’t happen without alerts. “Our sins sent us to exile, out of our land.” And thank G-d we returned (to Israel), and we have to be careful not to repeat the same mistakes, and re-assimilate right here, and give legitimacy to that low self-esteem in front of the gentiles, and the will to be like them. We came to this world to be different, we were created in this world to be Jewish, and our entire purpose is to be with G-d. Whoever really wants to be with G-d, G-d is with him. In any place. In good times and bad, here and also not here, and may it be G-d’s will that G-d will say to our troubles “Enough”. In any form, and in any situation, and in any place, may we have the merit for eternal redemption, and eternal happiness.

Hitler did not believe that diversity was a strength:

More than any other State, the existence of the old Austria depended on a strong and capable Government. The Habsburg Empire lacked ethnical uniformity, which constitutes the fundamental basis of a national State and will preserve the existence of such a State even though the ruling power should be grossly inefficient. When a State is composed of a homogeneous population, the natural inertia of such a population will hold the Stage together and maintain its existence through astonishingly long periods of misgovernment and maladministration. It may often seem as if the principle of life had died out in such a body-politic; but a time comes when the apparent corpse rises up and displays before the world an astonishing manifestation of its indestructible vitality.

But the situation is utterly different in a country where the population is not homogeneous, where there is no bond of common blood but only that of one ruling hand. Should the ruling hand show signs of weakness in such a State the result will not be to cause a kind of hibernation of the State but rather to awaken the individualist instincts which are slumbering in the ethnological groups. These instincts do not make themselves felt as long as these groups are dominated by a strong central will-to-govern. The danger which exists in these slumbering separatist instincts can be rendered more or less innocuous only through centuries of common education, common traditions and common interests. The younger such States are, the more their existence will depend on the ability and strength of the central government. If their foundation was due only to the work of a strong personality or a leader who is a man of genius, in many cases they will break up as soon as the founder disappears; because, though great, he stood alone. But even after centuries of a common education and experiences these separatist instincts I have spoken of are not always completely overcome. They may be only dormant and may suddenly awaken when the central government shows weakness and the force of a common education as well as the prestige of a common tradition prove unable to withstand the vital energies of separatist nationalities forging ahead towards the shaping of their own individual existence.

Torah also does not hold that diversity is a strength as it makes no allowance for non-Jewish citizenship in a Torah state.

Hitler was not a big fan of democracy: “Democracy, as practised in Western Europe to-day, is the fore-runner of Marxism. In fact, the latter would not be conceivable without the former. Democracy is the breeding-ground in which the bacilli of the Marxist world pest can grow and spread. By the introduction of parliamentarianism, democracy produced an abortion of filth and fire, the creative fire of which, however, seems to have died out.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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