Anglo-Saxons vs Europeans


* You have to remember that concepts like the English common law, habeas corpus, trial by jury, the idea that you’re innocent until proven guilty, freedom of speech, and political freedom in general, are essentially Anglo-Saxon concepts.

Continental Europe has no such traditions. People from the Continent are accustomed to fairly authoritarian government. Having lived in the US or Australia for a couple of generations they may have absorbed these concepts to some extent. May have. Continental Europeans are also, to a degree, more used to very intrusive bureaucracies and even a certain tolerance for corruption and nepotism. There’s a reason why Britain is the only country so far to have rebelled against the EU.

The other problem is that whites no longer have a common religion. For the most part they have no religion at all. That’s an important ingredient of a common identity that has been lost.

* One usually feels, when walking or driving through a predominantly non-white area, a vibe so overwhelmingly “low class” it is threatening . One college student writing a review of a good Indian restaurant that happened to be in little El Salvador outside D.C. (used to be a lot east Indians there), remarked that he thought he had been brought to the parking lot to be killed. He was sort of joking, but that’s the vibe. Whatever nonsense they blather about safe spaces, non-whites don’t feel threatened in most white areas. Usually, as the terrain becomes whiter, the tone rises. A friend’s Mexican husband thought the grass was literally greener even in lower income white neighborhoods (compared to blacks ones.) He thought it was because blacks had too many kids and they were always running on the lawns. His Colombian friend was relieved to be living in a predominantly white neighborhood after being in a black neighborhood. There are of course, the truly indigent, impoverished Appalachians, drug addicts, unemployed, and general down and outs; but their behavior is similar to that of blacks and browns, only less extreme, and they just make up a smaller percentage of their race. When people talk of rights for whites, they automatically think you are referring to those whites whose behavior resembles a large percentage of blacks. What whites really mean when they refer to that, is the respectable working class that built and maintains the infrastructure of the modern world, and keeps it all running. Hispanics are good workers generally, but they are not perfectionists, to put it mildly, so no one should herald the decline of the white worker considering what they are trying to replace them with. Very, very foolish.

* The vast majority of half-blacks cannot pass as white.

Half-Jews on the other hand are almost impossible to tell apart from other whites. The only consistent “tell” I’ve found among halfies is very high frequencies of neotany, and in some cases a Jewfro as Sam Harris has.

The fact half-Jews are very difficult to tell apart from fully gentile whites is proof Ashkenazi are white because what other non-white group can consistently produce entirely white looking offspring with whites?

* What Spencer did years ago is moot. I too have dipped my brush in Oriental paint back when I was less woke. I currently believe that mixing between vastly different ethnic groups is generally bad, but I cannot take back the past and I have no regrets. A lot of huwyte men go for oriental women out of an atavistic desire for femininity and traditionalism that are generally perceived to be more common among oriental women. We must get our own women in line before we blame men for “straying.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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