Alt-Right Or Alt-White?

Comments at Vox Day:

* We’re indelibly tied to our phenotypic/ethnic/cultural identity by nature of our genetics, our inherited social legacy and the perceptions of others.

Realizing this is it really “selfish” or deplorable to wonder how a new school of political thought would affect those of your group identity?

We can work towards the preservation and revitalization of the West but the reality is that as long as various groups under the banner of ‘Alt-Right’ are vying for ideological and policy supremacy it would be foolish to not consider the consequences of their respective proposals.

Some like Jared Taylor, at least initially, would advocate for the cessation of reverse-discrimination laws and voluntary association enclaves.

Some like Steven Sailor would advocate for a return to meritocracy through a hyperactive civic nationalism where those who don’t perform to standard are rightfully sloughed off benefit from the whole.

Some like Brett Stevens would advocate exiling anyone who isn’t of particular North-Western European ethnicities — not just minorities, but those of Irish lineage and mixed-white backgrounds.

Some still farther to the periphery of the ‘Big Tent’ would advocate for more immediate and violent action as a necessary stopgap to what they see as the immenitized destruction of Western Civilization.

For some there are not enemies to the Right, but there are overt ambiguities that if ignored will coalesce into debilitating problems as this great drama unfolds.

* The various strands of the Alt Right need to talk with one another and focus on what they have in common to work as allies in the fight for the survival of the White race and Western Civilization.

* The issue of Race/Ethnicity may be of less concern to the Alt-West corner of the Alt-Right ‘Big Tent’ but the stark reality is that it is one of the prime issues if not THE defining issue of the Alt-Right as it currently stands.

Brett Stevens often states that any multi-ethnic society is doomed to internal conflict and eventual dissolution.

History bears this to be true but there are outliers — Most notably in the modern world, Singapore, which under a benign dictatorship with a free market is relatively stable for a multi-ethnic society with a sizable Muslim population to boot.

Since any effort to make the United States 90% white again within this century would would most likely include highly unsavory methods under both expanses of the current Overton Window, one wonders if there are any other methods to achieve the preservation of both the Occidental World and the White Race without leaving both in a scenario far worse as a result?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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