The U.S. Secret Service Will Never Stop A Real Attack (7-21-24)

01:00 WP: Secret Service said to have denied requests for more security at Trump events,
02:00 The Biden Administration Denied Requested Security To Donald Trump,
03:00 Larry C. Johnson & fmr. Secret Service Larry Cunningham on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump,
09:00 I Didn’t See One Good Faith MSM Article Describing Failures By Trump’s Female Agents Last Saturday,
12:00 Trump’s Assassination Attempt and Preparing for the Worst with Clint Emerson,
20:00 Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service,
Is Honor A Virtue In Liberalism?,
27:00 Donald Trump Shooting Analysis: Gunman Outsmarted Secret Service,
29:25 The MSM & the assassination
33:00 The seasons in a man’s life
38:00 Inside Information on What Actually Happened,
40:45 This is the first time this time round that Donald Trump had two counter-sniper teams
47:00 What were the security gaps? Secret Service in ‘shock’ about assassination attempt,
53:00 Debunking Second Shooter theories,
57:00 Bongino POINTS OUT something everyone missed | New Trump Shooting Facts!,
1:00:40 Conspiracy about FBI agent woman behind Trump,
1:01:50 Secret Service Counter Sniper Interview – What Went Wrong and Why! Part II,
1:21:00 Trump didn’t improve the Secret Service when he was president,
1:26:00 The Secret Service began in 1865,
1:27:30 Secret Service Counter Sniper Interview – What Went Wrong and Why!,
1:35:10 7 Bizarre Details of Donald Trump’s Assassination Attempt,
1:49:00 Is Honor A Virtue In Liberalism?,
1:56:00 Elliott Blatt joins
1:57:00 Luke is comfortable with the uncomfortable
1:58:00 The essence of what I like to talk about is the uncomfortable – race, sex, Jews, interest groups…
2:01:00 Joe Biden & The New Class,
2:18:50 Self Forgiveness … to Release and to be Released,
2:21:00 Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes,
2:28:00 So how did the three books on the Biden administration deal with his decline?,
2:29:00 I Wish The News Media Had Given Joe Biden As Much Scrutiny As An NFL Coach,
2:33:00 Martin Gurri: Joe Biden and a Tear in the Fabric of Things,
2:41:50 Secret Service Under Fire for Security Lapses,
2:44:00 Stephen J. James joins: Women don’t belong on a security detail
2:46:00 Conspiracy theories to prop up self-esteem
2:58:30 We give our opinions and burn bridges
3:16:00 MSM condemned Trump in 2016 for retaining private security,
3:12:20 Kip joins to talk about performance anxiety
3:13:00 My mind said bang this slut but my body wouldn’t comply
3:21:00 Joe Biden drops out
3:31: 30 Joe Biden Must Go Because Our Desperate Situation Should Prevail Over Precedent (7-2-24),
3:36:20 Brit Hume on Joe Biden dropping out

Speaker 0: Good day, Mate 40 here Just read 1 book about the United States secret service, read this book by a veteran, Washington post reporter who also wrote a 2 books critical of Donald Trump. It’s called Zero Fail, the rise and fall of the secret service. And this book begins with a chilling anecdote by a better member of the United States secret service. Who had wanted to serve the secret service since he was a young glad about 6 years of age when he saw the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 19 81. And he’s talking at a bar with an someone from Delta Force, and he pushes the guy in Delta give me your your honest opinion about the secret service.

And finally, the sergeant says, well, I feel sorry if for you guys, the service has really let you down was you’ll never be able to stop a real attack. Right? So the shooting of Donald Trump last Saturday, it’s just 1 symptom of myriad deep and wide problems in the United States Secret service. And so this 1 particular seat secret service agent, he knew how ill equipped, out a date the secret service was. But he knew how many problems the secret service had.

How underfunded it was that it was fulfilling its 0 fail mission based not on its skills people training our technology, but on dumb lock and how long would it be before that lock ran out? The United States secret service for 3 years running recently had the lowest morale of any department. In the federal government. Right? It has a rigid management structure that inspires discipline while also inc resentment and rebellion It has high performance standard and also lower morale and lower personal conduct standards than any other federal agency.

Alright. So it has many leaders who look after themselves first and fail to make the necessary choices that could help. Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the secret service. Alright. It’s got a billion…

A budget over 2200000000.0 How do the secret service go from an elite hardworking working band to patriot patriots it’s vowing to do? Whatever it takes to protect future presidents in the wake of Jfk assassination to a threat? Or a culture of in fighting indulge and obsolescence. For 3 years running. The United States Secret service had been ranked as the most hated place to work in the federal government.

And now we recognize recognized from the same reporter a news story in the Washington post secret service said to a I request a more security at Trump events. Right. We don’t have any evidence that the Trump team requested more secret service at… And the event where he was shot last Saturday yet. But the United States Secret service has just continually lied to us on this score.

The over and over and over again is past week from the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayor york to the head secret service to the secret service. P spokesman. They said, oh, no. We’ve we’ve never had a request for resources that we’ve turned down. Alright?

But the secret service has repeatedly rejected request from Trump’s security detail for more manpower. More gear at events before the attempted assassination. Right? This has been going on for the past 2 years. Right?

Agents charged with protecting Donald Trump requested mag magnet magnet thermometers, more agents to screen attendees at sporting events though the large public gatherings that Trump attended, additional snipers, specialty teams and other outdoor events, and these requests were frequently turned out by the secret service. Alright? They were lying to us all weak. And not not exactly the impressive performance so far by my kimberly c. And lined up a lot of videos.

Speaker 1: Start with the fact that every vulnerability within physical parameter reason. What I mean by that. I mean, it’d be difficult calling and I’m not being here, it’d be difficult to identify all threats from Mars or or the moon. Forever, However, to say that, for example, an out of perimeter post or not of perimeter building, a hundred 50 the yards away is not the purview Sure. There’s nothing short Ludicrous Chris and insane.

Speaker 0: Right. And that’s what the head of the Us secrets hosted did. I mean, I… I’m an Amateur, but it makes no sense to say the secret service only has responsibility. For within 100 yards of the president, and then you have a different local law enforcement agency who’s responsible for this building and another law enforcement agency responsible for that building and another law enforcement agency is responsible for for this field, but, that makes no sense.

Of course, the Us secret service will depend on cooperation from local law enforcement, but in the end, it’s the United States secret service. But has to oversee and make these decisions. And so the head of the Us secret service Kim Kimchi has just been absolute disgrace.

Speaker 1: I’ll give you an example. A lot of people don’t realize that, there are many elements of the perimeter, not only in a stationary sense, but when modi is moving or the protect he is moving. That perimeter is very dynamic. It’s not a nice neat 360 degree rings are protection inner middle out of printer. It’s what’s above What’s below.

And the whole premise of that is to… Rate as much time and distance where it would be assessment or someone intended intending to do harm to extend that as much as possible. We need a much time to react. The best way to do that is to do a proper advance. For example, when the moto arrives at a, for example, when an airplane Raja, therefore for and the moto k parts.

Prior the the plane landing, there are elements of surveillance. Immediate to make sure there’s nothing unto board. There’s resources in the sky, they do that. When you protect your lands on the ground and gets into the motor, that basically begins to cascade of other security elements, a very proactive level under normal circumstances. For example, there’s a helicopter, and that pre sees the motor by significant distances.

There are supposedly… I mean, it should be a drone. It does the same thing as especially you the site. Well, that helicopter element or the pilot car for example in a in the post. Developments have done a lot of work the day before.

The day of, hours before, 20 minutes before, and their whole purpose in life is to look and see, are there any vulnerabilities have developed in the last 10 hours. Yeah. 5 hours over the last 10 minutes. The point of that is, it’s not restricted to a hundred and 50 yards I point. It could be months.

And and to say that we’re are all our only responsible areas we’ve been a permit that we defined. It is is simply wrong, Simply wrong. Secret service is supposed to be responsible for any threat within reason to be able to the invisible reason and capacity, to be able to identify and neutralize. So that particular response is is completely responsible and devoid of any understanding of physics and statute.

Speaker 2: Now it’s part of the advanced work. They also once they determine, hey. We got this building got line of sight if sun Sniper was up there. The secret service would necessarily place themselves. Or place state or local police up there with with a particular mission, you keep your ass up here until the events over, and you’re gonna be in radio communication with us in the event you see anything.

With. So that would be the the Sop for this. Correct?

Speaker 1: Yes. And I can yes, Absolutely. And I can tell you from my experience. And I’ve had small, medium and large venues with as many as 80000 example, at the and the advantage I did for the pope and stuff.

Speaker 0: Right. Just Ludicrous, the secret service agent head. For saying that we’re we’re not responsible for outside our particular chosen and primitive for Donald Trump security completely in nonsense But Donald Trump, once again has brought many of these problems on himself. Or at. He abused the United States secret service when he was in office, he didn’t leave the United States secret service in better shape than when he found it.

Right? So right Donald Trump used about 6 times the resources of the Us secret service. Alright? He would… Insists that they protect Trump tower when neither Trump nor any of his family was staying there or alright, Trump was just using Us secret service often for his own.

Alright? He overwhelmed the secret service resources taking care of, , such a large number of of people. Alright, Far more than than what Obama did. Donald Trump did not like overweight agents. Right?

He he wanna get overweight agents removed from their pose. I want these fat guys off my detail. Trump toured advisors. How are they going to protect me and my family, if they can’t run down the streets. So I among the better spelled, right, more articulate left wing responses I get to many of my recent videos.

I I see this argument world, Donald Trump’s team, they they got to choose choose their secret service detail. Well, that’s not always true. Alright? I I guarantee you. That Donald Trump did not choose this bat woman who did not exactly cover herself with glory.

Right? When she’s hiding behind Donald Trump, when the shots ring out. Right? There’s absolutely no security need for her to be hiding behind Donald Trump. And when you try to look this up on Google image search or just any Google search.

Right? Try to look for pictures of Female agents hiding. And duck. So you’ll see the female agents often hiding and duck when the shots are ringing out and afterward While you see the male agents standing up. So this is classic.

Alright. The female agent here is duck, the male agents are standing up. So there’s ind video and in pictures of the sometimes poor performers put in by some of the female agents. At Trump’s shooting, but Google seems to be suppressing these photos a female agent commoners. I couldn’t find them via a Google.

Right? He put in female agents duck during Trump shooting or any similar search and you won’t find any relevant. Image results in in the first 100 pictures. Well, if you put that into x, alright? It comes up right away.

So I noticed that there was not 1 good faith mainstream media article. Describing failures by Trump’s female agents last Saturday. Right? Instead You have all these articles destroying sexism and racism, but none of the articles will present the exact representatives of bad in app secret service behavior. They they don’t show the pictures of the female agents cow and hiding and duck while the male agents stand up.

And so this typical Washington post report. Right wing influences use Trump assassination attempt to attack D, diversity equity inclusion. Right? And I don’t think anyone intelligent on the right is claiming that Trump was injured because of female secret service agents. Right?

They they noted that some of the work of some of the female agents around Trump after the shooting looked s. Right? There was no good reason for that fat woman to hide behind Donald Trump. And Trump clearly does not want obese agents. Right.

So you have all these photos of the female agents duck. And you see the male agents after Reagan shooting in 19 81. Right? They they look much more efficient and effective and quick. Than many of the female agents during Trump’s shooting.

So here’s New York times. After Trump assassination attempt right, points finger at female agents. The rush and Soviets to p pin blame for the shooting on women in the protective detail. Reflects a broader opposition among Republicans to diversity efforts in hiring. I don’t think any intelligent right winger.

Is trying to pin the blame for the shooting on female agents. It’s just that the in innate response by female agents is really hard to deny. If you’re just an honor a secret of truth.

Speaker 3: You need pipe headers that can flip the switch to violence in a heartbeat, pipe hit, tend to being males, not females, and that’s what you need around your president. Could do your capabilities, match your courage, Right? Because if you don’t have the courage that matches, that both of those things aren’t equal, then you’ll you’ll find yourself in a world of hesitation. And get yourself killed or get other people killed. Right?

Speaker 0: So so this guy, Clint Amazon also makes a lot of ridiculous points. I think he just made a good point there. But he wants our tax system change so that you can direct your your taxes just to those areas of the federal government that you wanna support. So like all of us. Right?

He has some good ideas and a lot of really stupid ideas.

Speaker 3: Hundred percent defects. Right? I mean, everything they do is defensive. And that’s just how it is in the Ps world. Right?

You wait for something to happen, and then you respond as quickly and as methodically as cost well based on your protocols. And so at the end of the day, they are always at the disadvantage and it’s on them, plus technology, and then they have this whole department called glass and steel. Right? They’re glass and steel folks are the ones for putting up, , both through glass on a podium, for example, steel would be the the the vehicles, and then they’ve got they’ve got a lot of other tools and the arsenal that they can bring to bear, but the candidates don’t typically get that. That’s usually a reserved for the president, so I think there’s a lot of…

Speaker 4: I think

Speaker 3: they’re gonna end up, , with this investigation when you go in. Go through and assess everything. There’s probably gonna be some changes. And the big piece for me was where were the drones that day? The Sea service drones, the law enforcement drones, the hired security force drone…

Where is the drones? Like, they’re not, , you and I can buy a drone and check out the area and ensure that there’s nothing going on. That’s, , suspicious or some guys creeping up to a building and then climbing up the side of it, and then crawling across the top of it, all of that, , a drone would have detected at a heartbeat. But going back to the female leadership and, , increasing secret service, female employment by 30 percent so that we’ve seen it. I think that’s…

I mean, I I just feel like you need pipe headers around the leader of the free world.

Speaker 5: I agree. I think too many people tend to believe and this is a this is a direct result of the feminist movement that that just because a woman can’t necessarily do the same job a man can do that she’s inferior. And I don’t believe that As far as as far as human worth goes, women brings so much to the table so much to the equation. We need women in society and culture, but we don’t need them in these roles. That’s the reality of it.

And I I would even suggest and made you disagree with me. We don’t need them in combat roles Supportive roles? Sure. Absolutely. I think there’s incredible women who are incredibly nurturing incredibly talented, incredibly intelligent.

Do I need them breaking down doors in some foreign conflict? Of course, not. Yeah. I think it only a only a degenerate week. Pac society would even argue that case.

Speaker 3: Yeah. I’m with, man. I think women have a place and everything in our lives, obviously. It’s nothing against women. It’s bringing the best possible performing highest quality.

Person for the job. Right? And if your job is to drag a 200 pound plus man to safety

Speaker 0: Right. So social or cohesion and social trust should also play a role here above and beyond strictly efficiency. Right? So liberal ism has a very individual of perspective. So what is beth with the individual, but post liberal as embodied passed by Jd Vance.

Is more focused on what’s in the interests of the nation and the community. Right? We need to be have to build up our trust and our cohesion and now effectiveness with each other And so a security team that’s all male, right? Is it’s more likely to be cohesive. Right?

Because you’re not gonna be trying to score or to be distracted. Right. By, you, female, sexual tension or just the different ways that you have to speak when females are around. So the more you have in common with a tight in group. Alright The more likely you are to have high social trust and high social cohesion.

So even if female agents were every bit as effective as male agents, there are still strong arguments for all male teams. Because you’ll have less tension. Right, you’ll be after to communicate more effectively. People will be more at ease with each other.

Speaker 3: It probably is gonna take another man of that size and strength to do it. ? So the standards of what the best is. What is the best for the president and then hire based on that. Not higher because we need to fit a certain percentage of different people and demographics into an an agency.

It’s hey, it’s the president of United States. Now, what does it take to protect him the best we can. Right? And there’s variables, then you make sure all those variables are matched by the people in the technology put around him And I think if you worked backwards.

Speaker 0: So, unfortunately, Donald Trump did not have a proud record when he was president the United States and how he treated the secret… Service I’m reading from the book 0 fail, which came out in 20 21. The level of protection provided for Trump tower when either Donald Trump or his family were there. At wasted millions millions of dollars and manpower that the secret service could ill afford Right the burden of shielding a skyscraper where the president almost never stayed. Only compounded as the bills kept rolling in for the gl places that Trump was frequently visiting instead, Donald Trump through the campaign criticized Barack Obama for playing so much golf, but Trump played far more golf, and then that would get called out by the media and the amount of money that there would cost for the secret service to protect Trump’s sc out outing when then the Trump administration tried to lie and deceive and to arrange the appearance of meetings at these various golf courses so that they sounded so, Trump was doing work.

We we… On the right laugh at Joe Biden for andy working from 10 to 4. But that was approximately Donald Trump’s… Work schedule as well. Right?

He had enormous amount of time blocked off his executive time just so he could, watch Tv or or go go golfing. Right. Democrats in Congress began at demanding investigations of Trump’s travel costs, the burden it placed on the secret service. Trump had a close relationship with agents in his detail, But he, like, other presidents wanted to choose people to run the secret service that he had a personal relationship with and and look good. Right.

Biden did this Trump did this, Obama did this. Right? Trump’s chief of staff, General Kelly tried to recommend fewer trips explaining to Trump… This travel was forcing the secret service. Cut back on other parts of its work.

Trump’s early response was just work out okay. A camp David was a 40 minute helicopter ride. A away it would eliminate the need most the secret service officers and agents to fly in and stand Guard, but Trump found camp David boring. So Democrats pointed out to the head of secret service all the ways that president Trump was short changing his agents and their 0 fail mission. Alright, Trump did nothing or very little effectively to whip the secret service into shape.

Right? The the degree of burnout from Trump’s travels, Right, caused the secret service to lose employees faster than it could hire them. Right? The United States secret service spent about 30000000 dollars to protect Trump tower where neither the president nor family lived. Right?

The secret service was going broke protecting Donald Trump. Right? It… Its financial problems could be attributed directly to the Trump administration, specifically to President Trump who made decisions without the secret service without any concern for cost or consequences. Right, in his 8 months his first 8 months as present, Donald Trump forced the secret service to shepherd him on his trips to his resorts for gulf trips on 26 out of 30 weekends.

His family members made 650 out of town trips. Right? So the United States secret service worked 12 times as many trips with Trump and his family. As they had with Obama and his family. Alright.

Trump never took any notice of alarming bipartisan reports warning that Secret service was an agency in crisis In desperate need of new blood to replace. Ship that had grown stall. He didn’t stale. He didn’t heed the warnings that the secret service would continue to suffer and fa That’s the next administration pony up hundreds of millions of additional dollars every year to add 280 more agents replace its outdated technology and to revive its more. Training programs.

So if Trump’s rally had inadequate security on Saturday, right, Part of that could be blamed on decisions made in the Trump administration. For the final year of his presidency Donald Trump requested a less than 1 percent increase in funds for the service, The secret service promotion system was corrupt. It was basically, based upon who who liked you, rather than how good you are. There were few incentives for bosses to make tough choices or long term planning. There’s rapid turnover as people just burned out is often named the worst place in the federal government to work.

Alright. Trump saw the largest secret service as he did any other federal agency, another tool at his disposal, 1 that could help him achieve his personal and political goals Trump was never much interested in the boring work of government. He didn’t do anything to ensure the agency’s long term health. Instead the employees of the secret service took a major hit for Trump, rather than get the boost of money that the previous administration, the Obama administration members of congress had pledged in secret service was stuck on the same hamster to wheel at staff racing to keep up with Trump’s joints. Its agents waiting months to get paid for their over overtime.

Its essential security repairs delayed yet again. Trump is dragging the secret service back and forth with his properties for his rounds of golf. There were points in a larger pattern with a lucrative payoff for Donald Trump. His travel force the secret service the defense department and other federal agencies to take money out out of their pockets. To support the president’s trips, and they handed over a significant portion of that to the Trump organization.

Alright. Trump is vacuuming up the money not just with the secret service and other federal agencies that secured his trips, but for scores of Republican politicians, corporate Vip. Vip special interest lobby far foreign delegation, all of whom flock to following him, taking an audience to carry his favor. Now on the other hand, I think this book by a Washington post reporter makes some questionable criticisms of Donald Trump. So apparently, many of the black officers were angered by a suggestion by a white officer that the secret service used fire hoses to keep protesters away from.

The White House and introduce the risk of a breach. And the black employees painted that idea and said this no legal justification for forever using high pressure hoses on American civilians exercising their first amendment right to protest. Right? This idea, Alright? That invading the White House is just part of your first amendment right to protest is absurd.

History informs us that such tactics were used during the civil rights movement to terror abuse and intimidate African Americans. Right. Does it sound here like Racial Diversity is a strength of the secret service. Right? There’s there’s no first amendment right to invade the White House.

And if using water hoses keeps invaders at bay, that might be a good idea. Even if water hoses at some previous point in time, we’re not used correctly. Is there any security method to deter criminal behavior that at some time has not being used incorrectly. So we should stop using valid methods of crowd control if they hurt the the feelings of certain segments, certain grieve parts of the secret service. So many black staffers would accuse the agency of racism.

Right? The more races you have the more likely you might have accusations of racism. And of course, the whole, what constitutes racism is entirely subjective So where do we encourage in vacations of a non existent moral category. And the idea that the job of the secret service is to protect the civil rights. So our protesters is absurd.

Right? That’s another criticism that, I think this book gets wrong. So talks about a a black woman who is interrupting when of donald trump’s speeches. And so various members of the crowd, yank out of there. Right?

You don’t have a first amendment right to interrupt someone else’s speech. Right? And and this book says, oh my god. The… Why weren’t there any secret service agents trying to protect this woman’s first amendment rights to interrupt Donald Trump’s speech?

Well, there Isn’t it a first amendment at right to protect speech, and that’s the not a job of the secret service. Right? The job of the secret service is to protect the president.

Speaker 3: 1, that’s not discrimination. Right? That’s just facts that you’re adhering to and requirements that you’re adhering to. And the odds are it’s gonna be a bunch of line backers that can carry a 200 mount man to the safety of a vehicle or wherever. Whatever the incident is, , it’s it’s not rocket science and it used to be the standard.

It used to be okay. But as we’ve seen in the last couple of years, it’s become strange that different minorities of our population at the biggest bull. And the majority I have to sit here and go, wow.

Speaker 6: I guess we gotta well, We gotta

Speaker 3: go with us. We just have to roll with this?

Speaker 7: Like,

Speaker 3: what happened to majority rules. It just doesn’t exist, which is the foundation of democracy. So if the majority doesn’t rule, then up where’s the democracy yet?

Speaker 5: Yeah. I mean, I, the only issue I take with what you said is, I think it is discrimination. ? And I’m not… I only actually think discrimination is a bad thing.

Inherently, there’s nothing wrong with, discriminating. Excuse me. , when when I have a job that needs to be be completed. I’m going to exercise some level of discrimination, to find the best person possible. Now I’m not going to discriminate on immutable characteristics, like skin color, hair color, sexual orientation, female, I’m going to discriminate based on to your point, what is required of the job, people have a negative connotation of discrimination, and also the word judgment, which is another 1 especially in Christian circles.

We shouldn’t jump.

Speaker 0: Okay. Here, overall is the best single video. That our

Speaker 8: seen that happened during the Donald Trump attempted assassination shooting that all of us for now have seen, and we’re going to look at it and… Study all of the videos, we’re gonna show you videos that you’ve seen.

Speaker 9: Take a look at what happened.

Speaker 8: During our analysis, we’re going to study the events that led up to the machine. And what happened before and then during. And then what happened afterwards and assess what possibly went wrong and we could have been done better and what do we think that they’ll be making improvements later in the future? So 5 days before the secret service scope

Speaker 0: Right. This is by Jeff Os, Os STR0FF. The best single video I’ve seen to date. This of his kinds.

Speaker 8: Out the empty butler farms site. So here is that area in question right here of the fair grounds. And what they did was the secret service was gonna fence in this entire area here and make this, the enclosed area under security. Where your they have full control. They identified this building as a threat and had asked the local police give some sort of protection over here And now they’re pointing figures at each other, but the local police were saying, hey, we didn’t have any manpower other than basic traffic control.

Speaker 10: They were looking at assignments or ready to give you up assignments, and our police department indicated that the manpower that they had necessary was not adequate for any assignment other than the traffic assignment that they intended to do.

Speaker 8: So when you zoom into it here, this is where the stage was and Trump was speaking probably somewhere right around here. And the gunman was going to be right over here on this part of the roof right where the arrow is was approximately in that spot. And believe it or not folks, we’re… As we’re going to find out later, believe it or not folks right here on the second floor of this building as we’re there were snipers. The police had snipers in there and how nobody saw him crawling up on this roof.

He probably called up from the back right up here. But how nobody saw him shi when people on the ground saw him is going to be the subject of much debate. Now, 20 year old thomas Matthew Crooks, learns of this Trump rally that’s taking place on July thirteenth. He learns about it on

Speaker 0: Alright. Let’s get an overview on the assassination and the media a from out cuts.

Speaker 11: There was a moment when the shock of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump 48 hours earlier had not worn off. When the calls for national Unity clash with the finger pointing over inflammatory rhetoric when we got our first glimpse, of the former president of the United States, his ear bandage where the gunman bullet came within millimeters of taking his life.

Speaker 12: It will be

Speaker 4: the next president of the United States.

Speaker 11: It was an electric scene at the Republican convention in the Milwaukee, which was also excited over Trump’s Vp pick Jd Vance, who was battling largely negative commentary from the press. Journalists constantly recycled the Ohio senators blistering criticism from 20 16 when he Trump and vance hit back at the media establishment.

Speaker 13: You text their friend that Trump is a cynical A hall, like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad and might even prove useful and that he’s America’s Hitler. I bought into

Speaker 14: the media lies and distortion. I bought into this idea that somehow. He was gonna be so different a terrible threat to democracy.

Speaker 11: It was a joke. President Biden who called Trump the night of the shooting used a rare oval office address, to appeal for a lowering of the temperature.

Speaker 15: There’s no place in America of this kind of violence for any violence ever. Period. Or exceptions. We can’t allow this violence to be normalized.

Speaker 11: On that Even media partisan can agree, but Biden wall Battling Covid, is also trying to beat back an increasingly loud campaign of leaks as top democrats, Chuck Schumer, H Jeff. Nancy Pelosi, let it be know that trying to pressure him out of the race. All this, while the convention spotlight a Republican party more unified than ever, behind Donald Trump. I’m Howard Kurt this is media Buzz.

Speaker 9: I started to like this, turned to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further, turn, which I’m very lucky I didn’t do. When I heard a loud whiz sound and felt something hit me really, really hard. On my right ear, there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way I felt very safe because I had god on my side.

Speaker 16: But the real thing was the emotion. What it showed was that this man. This extraordinary man after those extraordinary events on Saturday has got the Republican party, 100 percent behind

Speaker 10: this was about to lull you into thinking that somehow this man has changed. She has not. He still wants to be a dictator on day 1.

Speaker 17: Not only did eat your body an attempt on his life. Not only to put his fist up, get to milwaukee in give a 90 minute speech as long as that he displayed a side of grace of

Speaker 16: Oh my.

Speaker 15: God. It was fl and windy and flat. 92 minutes, somewhere in hell for el castro was jealous.

Speaker 18: I think President Trump has seen more emotional than we’ve ever seen him years and covering him this week certainly. But from there, he quickly went off script.

Speaker 11: Joining us now to analyze the coverage, Robbie Swab. You see your editor speech, which ended after midnight.

Speaker 19: Right. Which isn’t surprising because the media is often very critical of the remarks that Donald Trump’s makes. I found it to be… Yes. Like you said, gripping the first part of it.

We were all paying very close attention, often then it was much like he is at his rallies going off the script, talking about, the issues that are poured to him that he thinks are important to the base. How Democrats have ruined the country in his view. And his audience, his supporters love that kind of performance. So I was not surprised that he did it. I I think It’s clear that he’s trying to make a contrast between Joe Biden who can’t be even expected to get through, like, a single sentence at this point.

He wanted to show that he can talk. For 90 minutes and

Speaker 17: did show that.

Speaker 19: And his supporters love it. So like, the did the media wanna go to bed or something Like, it’s it’s his big moment. I mean, I’m… I wanna to go bed, but that was the left what he was gonna. So I found the criticism very strange.

Speaker 11: Moly you were in…

Speaker 0: Okay. That was so much to so much to talk about. But 1 thing is there are seasons in a man’s life. So if successful man, in their seventies and their eighties. You’ll recognize many Trump and and and Biden like qualities.

Right? They don’t tend to have a a terrible open mind to other people’s suggestions, the loan criticisms. They tend to 1 at ba in… Praise. Right?

That they see him much more needy of admiration than when they were younger and building something. So That… That’s my experience of most men in the their seventies and eighties who are highly accomplished. Alright? They generally don’t like to be questioned.

They wanna be praised, they… If they have an en track record, then they expect a great deal of defer. As opposed to say men between 22 and 40 who are almost single minded focused on building their kingdom, then after about age 40. They start creating more more space in their life for other people for their family, usually to begin with, and then to communal or concerns or maybe national concerns or to doing charity, The the natural male inclination, particularly for the first 40 or 50 years of your life is to only pay attention to those people are above you in social status. Right?

As you’re striving to build your own kingdom, but when you’re talk about Donald Trump or a Joe Biden. Right? These are men who feel like they’ve already built their kingdom that they have an incredible track record. And so the the demand essentially a great deal of defer, and they’re not particularly open to listening to criticism. And they have what what seems like it’s just an inordinate need for praise.

Speaker 8: July third, so he’s get about 10 days to plan for it. While still in high school, he appeared in this black rock video as an advertisement. Slowed down for you on July seventeenth in front of Congress, Fbi deputy director, Paula Bay was giving an update And he told them that on July sixth, the shooter did a Google search for where will Trump speak from on Saturday the thirteenth. He shows up at the Cla Sports club on July twelfth, the day before the shooting to do some practice shooting. He had actually tried to join the rifle club in high school, but Apparently, his classmates said he was a terrible shot.

So he must have gotten a little bit better since then. So now it is July thirteenth, the day the shooting… And the shooter… First thing he does is he goes to a home depot early in the morning to buy a 5 foot ladder. And I believe it was the Home Depot that wasn’t far away.

And me folks, I know my home.

Speaker 0: So the mainstream media is issuing a lot of critiques of social media in particular acts. For publishing disinformation. But when I was covering… When I was trying to get up to speed over the past week on the Trump assassination. I found x particularly useful, and I love it.

The social media companies are not cracking down on conspiracy theories. So if you’re getting a lot of crap in your feed, that’s because of the people you follow. So there were probably half a dozen people that I stop following. Due to the ridiculous nature of their ex expo in the wake of the Trump shooting. But, overall, I think I got pretty high quality content from both X and the New York Times and the mainstream media.

I I like being after hear the different conspiracy theories. Alright? There is a place for careful considered your score such as what you get in the New York ties, but there’s also an important place for the the visceral reactions. And I think most of the conspiracy theories are absolute bunk. And, , I don’t buy into a single major conspiracy theory, but I I am open to the idea.

That the biden administration’s, reduced allocation of resources for Trump’s security may not have just been purely incompetence there may be persons somewhere in the biden administration chain who are happy to see Trump get get butted. So that’s the most obvious explanation least for my mind. I I don’t hold that that’s how it’s gonna turn out once we get more information. But right now, the level of incompetence on the part of the United States Secret service is at such a g test level. That the mind just bog.

And and you start thinking my god, it’s it’s more likely male malevolent rather than just incompetence.

Speaker 7: Way super clear. You’re actually being shot at for 1. It’s also definitely not very clear where you’re being shot at from. And most people’s reaction that are not used to being shot at is like, hey. What’s going on?

What is that noise? Right? And then sometimes it’s too late. Whereas trained personnel who are… Have been actively shot out who have been in gun fights who have been in shootings, they will respond a little bit differently.

You’ll see secret service rush up on a stage. Alright? Trump goes down behind the podium, secret service goes… Rushes up onto the stage, and I’ll say this whenever you’re running a security detail. Right?

The first thing that we start with, Is what we call protective intelligence. And that’s before the mission even starts. And you’re building protective intelligence of the area of potential threatening person people personnel in the area targets that are being investigated watched by Fbi or whatever other organization. You build protective intelligence for potential advantage points, attack sites, etcetera, and then you go and do an advance, generally speaking. Now I will tell you right now, inside information, there was not an advance done on those outer buildings.

Due to personnel, financial and time constraints. The agency… And and this is where fault takes. Look, people, actions have consequences. And when you start dumb down our military, dumb down our law enforcement, creating what’s the diversity hiring standards, pulling funding cutting budgets.

These all have consequences. And the fact of the matter is, the Trump detail didn’t

Speaker 0: And, Trump, bears a great deal responsibility, the lack of adequate funding and adequate leadership on the part of the Us secret service. Right, Trump was not… Above average with regard to improving the secret service compared to his predecessor, Obama and George W Bush and Bill Clinton.

Speaker 7: It request additional help. Not missing even for this event but have been. And they were denied. Not out of spite, not out of, we wanna see Trump go down out of financial and personnel restrictions, Alright? Unfortunately, Trump is not in the line of succession right now.

So the majority of the resources of secret service go to those who are in the succession of the presidency. The current president, the vice president, etcetera, etcetera. Now people are saying, oh, they they didn’t have enough support and they denied support for this event. Actually, They requested additional support and they were given that by the cedar service. This is the first time.

And again, this is inside information. This is the first time that the trunk detail actually had 2. Counter sniper teams. Because they knew his his movement, his visibility, his profile has been increasing. And this is the first time they actually supported with 2, not just 1 counters sniper team.

And I will tell you this with what we’re about to get into, it it paid off and probably saved his life. The other thing was some of the agents that you see responding to the event, not necessarily as initial, the protective circle that they form around him immediately to body bunk. Right. They’re all wearing bought it arm they’re gonna jump on his body to potentially take rounds if there’s another shooter or if that guy follows up. But everyone’s hammering this woman.

The who does not look like the pinnacle of fitness and in the best shape. Does not look the most trainer squared away is a secret service agent and, what? Not shame on her, but Shame on the agency for the hiring standards and the fitness standards and the training standards, but she was not part of Trump’s detail. She was actually in t being supported. So they were giving extra support for this visit.

So they body bunker around Trump, We’re hun down right now. More agents are coming up.

Speaker 0: So I don’t know if you watch the file of euro 20 24. But you had a contrast between Spain and England. Spain played like a team. Right? Spain dominated possession, they were familiar with each other.

They they played together, that amazing chemistry comrade, their their passes were shop. And England. Right? Played like they just map that day. And so too with the United States secret service reaction and operation at this Trump rally.

Right? They operated as though they just met that day. They didn’t seem to have much training together. Palms,

Speaker 7: people screaming the freaking out. People are looking around. It is kind of a slow and I’ll say this. , it’s a little bit of a slow evacuation, but they’re also hun down right now. To get off the stage they would have to stand up and expose Trump.

So right now, they’ve gone him down on the ground. They’re hun around him. They’re waiting for comm. There are From what I was told, again, inside source, there are only 2 secret service cat team members there, counter assault team. So the 2 guys you see that run up in stage in black full kit out.

Those are secret service counter salty team members. They’re not usually assigned, but they were assigned for this. And again, not more due to financial and manpower issues. And then you’ll see some guys in multi cam kit. And from what I was told, that is the Pennsylvania.

State police swat team, which, as I know is a full time team and quite squared away. And I’ll tell you this, the secret service folks that I’ve worked with are very squared away. The uniformed division of the secret service. That’s that’s the guys you see kid out in tactical gear uniform division. That’s their dog handlers, their counter assault team members.

Their emergency response team members and their counter. I’ve worked with all of those guys fairly closely. They are squared away. They are hit. Just like if you go to a police department, you see all these overweight out of shape patrol officers.

But you go to the swat team, those guys are the cream of that crop. Right? These are guys. That hold their standard, hold their themselves to a higher standard, both in fitness, and you can hear Lily Pat underneath me scratching or Nick. So you’ll see the detail number

Speaker 0: Right, You can sense when someone holds himself to a higher standard, Usually most successful people in life, more conscientious people in life or heroic people in life. Those exhibiting obvious leader tendencies simply hold themselves to a higher state.

Speaker 7: Bruce hun down creating that protective circle. Body bunker, trunk.

Speaker 14: Hold ready on you.

Speaker 7: Hold hold hold when you’re ready on you, up, move, state police. I know when I was a… When I was a swat guy, no less than 7 months ago because I just left and just retired, we could pick the channel and be on the same comm as we had it called state inter opera. And we could be on comm with state police, and we… Could be on comm with any other federal agencies that were coming down to support us or what We were supporting.

So there was a breakdown in cons for sure, but what really led up to this? What really led up to this is years of our culture of law enforcement. Just getting dumb down and dumb down and dumb down, poor hiring practices to make it.

Speaker 0: Right. Different organizations have have different culture. And it’s the culture that creates a passion for excellence or a descent into mediocrity. Alright right, the the natural tendency for organizations and communities is to descend into chaos to entropy. So you need excellence and to achieve excellence, you need usually a masculine culture that rewards excellence and gets rid of mediocrity.

And a diversity equity inclusion culture is not 1 that’s gonna produce excellence. A a highly nurturing feminine culture. It’s not going to produce excellence in the United States secret service or in the armed forces.

Speaker 7: Equal, rather than finding the best candidate for the job. Financial and budgetary cuts, so these guys don’t have the proper training. Manpower personnel, equipment, etcetera.

Speaker 0: Alright. If if agents have to wait 3 months, 6 months to get paid over time. Right? Some of them have to work hundred hours a week, that’s damaging to morale, and and Trump did nothing to remedy this problem when he was enough.

Speaker 7: If there were more manpower, they should have come out and done in advance on this and all of those buildings. Way in advance, they should have had, at at least a Liaison with secret service, uniform division with those swat eyes.

Speaker 0: But it’s not just budget. Alright. It it’s culture. Because even if they were under demand, right, a a competent team were to put someone on the roof where crooks bunch to shots

Speaker 7: in and around that building. When they say, hey, that building was not in the secret services purview. What they mean by that is that area, any personnel in the area, Even all those people that were on the news, watching him climb onto the building that were over there, that was outside where the magnet is used for secret service to get people inside the venue. So that was up to local law enforcement, to patrol and secure. If me if you watch any of my stuff, I am, I can be the biggest supporter of law enforcement.

Speaker 0: I Great. Good to know.

Speaker 20: And secretary Mayor is demanding now within… With a separate investigation that the president called for he is going to be drilling down into how did this happen? What were the gaps? Why was such an obvious risk? 1 we’ve known about for more than half a century, not addressed.

Speaker 21: Yeah. And in fact, of the secretary is going to be at the White House in the briefing room a little later on. So maybe we’ll get some more details from him, but Carol, I wanna play for you. We did…

Speaker 0: Right. So she’s the author of the best single book on the secret service. Some 0 fail, and she’s been an impressive reporter on the topic for more than a decade for the Washington post.

Speaker 21: Obviously, a lot of reporting there on scene, just 1 interview with someone who was outside that perimeter near the building where the shooter fired from. Take a listen. Oh, there was no security on the side at all.

Speaker 15: Are you shocked or this close to the president that there was no security?

Speaker 21: I kept asking

Speaker 18: thinking about it now. Yes.

Speaker 21: So we know that the secret service works with. State officials, local authorities to fill in some of those gaps that you talk about, but ultimately However, many other lawn.

Speaker 0: Steven J James says we’re lucky that the tinker service team was all white. On none of this criticism would even be possible. Fat white women within the overt window. Good point, Stephen James.

Speaker 21: Enforcement members are on the scene, whatever they’re tasked with, does the buck carol always stop with the secret service for their protect ease.

Speaker 20: Absolutely. It stops with the secret service. They craft for every event, they craft a game day plan for the entire site And also the outer perimeter, they do that in coordination with the local police. And, , it’s 1 thing… And It’s 1 thing for local police maybe to not have been well trained for a very specific tactical mission, like being counter snipers.

There were local police who were doing some of the counter sniper work here, ultimately, a secret service agent who is an ex. Expert Marks is the person who took out the shooter, and the suspected gunman. But It is a it is very normal for local police to be the entity that is protecting the outer perimeter. Looking for trouble, looking for suspicious behavior, trying to spot anything that looks like a potential breed in the making or even something as dramatic as an attack. And there is a way that they are instructed to communicate with the secret service about what they spot But in this case, it doesn’t appear that those communications happened quickly enough, and we don’t know all the answers, but the secret service,

Speaker 0: Right. Here’s an excellent thread debunk. Most of the bizarre. And un factual conspiracy theories regarding the shooting, including Bill Ak, the the billionaire was was promoting 1 ridiculous conspiracy theories. So This is Oliver Alexander.

Analysis of footage from the Trump assassination attempt shows that Trump and David Dutch were hit in Cro initial 3 shot Volley. Corey Comp and James copenhagen were struck by Crook follow volley a few seconds later. So Crooks got off, between 5 and 8 shots. Alright. The the wide angle recorded by the right side broadcasting news shows the entire event, unfold shows all 3 bystanders get struck by a crooks, initial ball.

Rally. That’s let’s get this.

Speaker 9: Then if you wanna really see something to said, Take a look at what happened.

Speaker 0: Right. The first round fired by cro. Hits the reeling visible in the video que here, causing a puff of smoke after grazing Donald Trump. So here we go.

Speaker 9: And I really see something to said, Take a look what happened?

Speaker 0: Immediately after this, crooks supplies 2 additional rounds, which narrowly missed Donald Trump strike David Dutch. He’s seen reacting to being hit by turning and falling to the ground. After short pause, crooks fires off a second longer more uncontrollable volley of rounds. He’s rounds a further off target first of them strikes. Corey Comp and James Copenhagen h.

Corey Comp was struck in the head by the first round of this volley. He can be seen in the video below standing up against the railing prior to being hit as he is hit, it also appears that the cap he was wearing flies off. Immediately, following this James, Copenhagen was also here who reacts to being shot by grabbing the rear. Railing and falling to his needs. As a bonus, this angle also shows there was no 1 in the water tower during the shooting shows that the Red hat guy who is instrumental to the second shooter theory picks up un after the first volley before duck once again The second volley starts.

Speaker 9: Hold that chart. That charge a couple of months old and If you wanna really see something that said, take a look at what happened.

Speaker 6: If

Speaker 9: Hold that chart. That charts a couple of months old and if you wanna really see something that said, take a look at what happened.

Speaker 0: Okay. Want shots but take it from the same. Location consistent with Cro known location. In the video, we also hear the first and second counter sniper shots. The first right at the end of Cro second volley in bringing it to an end in the second few seconds later, had the counter snipers not fired when they did.

Brooks a second volley would have likely continued for a longer potentially injuring and killing even more people. So zoomed in video shows each of the 3 bystanders get hooked hit by cro rounds. The water tower can also be further dismissed as the large screen on the northern grand stand. Completely blocks the line of sight between the water tower and Donald Trump. Top railing of the southern bleach is directly in light with a shot coming from Crook location and grazing Trump’s ear as he stood on stage.

More detailed view from the water tower with the bleach added in as a visualization, and I’ve modeled the bleach beaches and stage here’s is a view from Crooks location shows that the fire… Shots fired at Trump’s head in the first volley. Are in line with Dutch abdomen in the second Volley comp and Copenhagen harbour were in line. Rounds hit the bleach and the 1 that hit David Dutch struck at approximately 10 feet 6 inches off the ground. Trump on the stage would have his head around 11 feet off the ground giving the height of the stage.

This matches with the trajectory from Cro location. The roof the cro was on was 16 feet the 5 inches tall, around hitting the railing at approximately 10 feet, 6 inches at the height of at a distance of 540 feet from Crooks firing location. That puts the angle at around negative point 637 degrees or 1.11 slope almost a flat shot with a very slight downward angle. That’s for the ph d in neuro toxicology audio analysis, it is heavily flawed as it relies on recordings from the moving microphones, the white angle video. Shows it all initial gunshots prior to the counter snipers sound exactly the same.

As the war tau theory still somehow exists, it was not possible to fire at Donald Trump while he was on stage from the water tower without having to shoot through the large screen present behind the Northern bleach. Many people have mentioned the second story window is a potential shooter location the second shooter of theory does not make sense. Any of the rounds under of the 3 initial shots would be possible from here given their impact location proximity to Trump. And the to the shooting happened from this location, it would also require what maybe the worst shooter in history is we looking at an approximate 350 Moa spread on the rounds fired at Trump. I don’t know what that means.

We know the location of 3 counter sniper teams, there are reports of a fourth inside the building that cro was. On the roof of. I believe the first law enforcement shot was from the Us secret service counter sniper team on the southern barn, 6 seconds after Crook first shot at the end of his second volley. Second law enforcement shot came approximately 16, Seconds after crooks open fire, can be heard coming from a great distance. Props 1000 feet from Crooks location.

Okay. Let’s see, pretty darn good overview. Alright. Just ridiculous conspiracy, theories, including one’s pushed out here by Stephen Gardner. I think you can just look at this guy and see that he’s

Speaker 14: the people just chanting. We love you Trump. Like, they were so concerned for their president. They were so concerned for the person that they’re hanging their hope on that he’s going to… Make America great again.

And, so, anyway, I wanted to show that also, you see people. They’re running in the direction of the warehouse. They’re also running in the direction of a water tower, keep that in mind. The last thing I wanted to point out is, did you see how panicked some of the secret service people were? Well, that might all be because they were unprepared.

I wanna show something here, Senator Josh Holly of Missouri has been meeting with whistleblower that are telling him, behind closed doors and confidence that president Trump was purposely given inexperienced and inadequate coverage on the day of the Butler Pennsylvania rally. Here’s what was said. Senator Josh Holly says whistleblower have come forward alleging the Biden D dhs assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel to Trump, who weren’t even secret service. Whistleblower who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations that July 13 thirteenth.

Speaker 0: Okay. So this guy mixes in some accurate stuff with some absurd stuff.

Speaker 14: Pete Rally was considered to be a loose security event. Paul said in a letter to Alejandro Mi. For example, detection canine were not used, to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designation were able to gain access to state

Speaker 0: Okay. So everything he said so far sounds reasonable.

Speaker 14: Which areas. Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium. And we’re also not stationed at regular intervals around the events security perimeter. In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest, the majority of Dhs officials were not in fact, United States secret service agents. But instead, were from the Department of Homeland security investigation.

This is especially concerning given that Hs agents we’re unfamiliar with with standard protocol typically used at these type of events according to these allegations. So what these whistleblower are saying is that they purposely left Donald Trump insecure and inadequate protected. That they re uniformed people that were homeland security agents as if they were secret service It it’s no wonder. They’re they’re running around. They don’t know what to do.

They don’t know where to stand. They don’t know to dive on the president’s body. So on the 1 hand, it now makes sense why some of these people were so panicked. On the other hand…

Speaker 0: Okay. So I wasn’t sure what Moa meant. It means minute of angle. It’s a way of understanding angle on a shore.

Speaker 14: Why is Oli Alejandro Mi, who hates Donald Trump? I purposely giving him inadequate coverage. Right? It it’s pretty crazy. It it’s it’s very, very concerning.

Alright. Also, there was a woman behind president Trump in a black mega hat.

Speaker 0: Alright. This is ridiculous. Right? Just total. Nonsense.

Speaker 14: Just before the shooting, she looks in the direction of the shooter and the snipers. She then covers her mouth with a Trump sign But in reality, she was getting her cell phone ready so that she could film. As bullets start flying at Trump. She already has her cell phone recording. She remains very calm and focused during the shooting.

She’s now been identified as a top leader with it.

Speaker 0: Alright. So this guy has some good points and then just mixes in a bunch of nonsense.

Speaker 22: Sent by 20 30, she would like for the secret service to have as as females. And I’ve seen, , a lot of press actually about that, not just , as she said at once, but it’s multiple times, so , she got programs designed to help help that in place everything else. Here’s the problem I see with that. , as I mentioned before, the super service has authorities, responsibilities and duties specifically outlined in Us c tit 18, section 30 56. Now, if you go in there, and you actually read all the duties and responsibilities, not a single 1 of them has anything to do with gender or, , inclusion D or hiring specifically 30 percent women, none of those things.

And while I do believe that she should absolutely lose her job. It’s actually not for the things that people think. Like, I… Do I think that she should lose her job… Over what happened on Saturday.

No I think she should lose her job because she wasn’t good at it from day 1. And and I say that because I’ve seen true vision come into the secret service and in a visionary is somebody who not only is qualified to do the job. I mean, she’s qualified to be the director. Yeah. But is that what you want actually to to direct the secret service in its future.

Speaker 6: And the real question is is she the most qualified was… Because there are reports coming out that Jill Biden herself had a role in getting her appointed. , it appears that she was D hire hired to begin. When we have an agency that has a a role is critical as a secret service. , performance to be the number 1 number 1 objective in determining whether or not we are.

We want the absolute best most capable person, a leading that organization. And quite frankly, those same standards should be applied as far as who fills the roles within that agency agents.

Speaker 22: So I I do think that , I know there’s a lot of people Have heard a lot of statements about, , that that she was a D hire. I mean, there’s no way you could actually know whether she’s a D hire, of course, ? But the fact the matter is, let’s look at, , how did she become?

Speaker 0: So this is an interview with a secret service counter sniper who’s off screen. But you can hear him obviously

Speaker 22: and the director of the secret service. She did know Jill Biden, and she did know people on Jill Biden the staff actually that recommended, hey. Somebody and her staff actually, hey, we should just… We she she should be the director, , I think she’d be a good candidate for that. And, of course she was considered and then she was nominated made and brought up and, , put in the position.

So somebody So looking looking at that process, , where they’re more highly qualified candidates. I I mean, honestly, a hundred percent, I I could say in my opinion. There were absolutely better candidates than her. I think that she’s qualified, but was definitely not the most highly qualified individual that you would want in that position.

Speaker 6: Yeah. Again, going back to the the critical role of whether secret service was other departments, law enforcement agencies, the military, special operations , we’ve seen this time and time again where this push to lower the standards to ensure that we can…

Speaker 0: Right. And this is just devastating for Morale. Right. When less competent people get advanced, it it destroys morale for those who are focused on competence and efficiency and excellence.

Speaker 6: Get females in there. , 1 of things… I’m really sick of, and I’m tired of playing the game of is that, look, all women and men are are equal. Their capabilities, however or not. And let’s stop pretending that they are.

, when you look at the secret service, we look at the military even like physical fitness standards and things like that. They’re on a sliding scale. There’s 1 standard for physical fitness from women, and there’s a whole another 1 for men. , if we serious about wanting the best of the best in these roles, there should be no difference. Either you…

There’s 1 standard. Everybody is held to that standard You can meet that standard and if you can’t, then go on. If you wanna be, if you’re a female, and you wanna be a special operator or whatever. Well, let’s special operate. what?

You need to be able to meet the exact same standards for men when it comes to, what are the physical fitness standards are, and I’m talking about not lowering those standards so they’re more easily attained, which is what we see… Time and time again, But making sure that we have a very high, hard standard, tough standard to meet and that everybody meets those, whether it’s the amount of weight that you carry the the how fast you can run, push off sit ups, pull ups whatever it is. And, , we’ve seen the degradation of American capabilities time and time again because of these silly, stupid policies being pushed upon us that are nothing other than, , political activism. And we’ve seen political activists being put in place where we need leadership. Not activism.

And it does appear that that’s has been the focus of director she. , I think anybody, anybody in charge, of an organization like secret service. When you have a a failure as massive in what we saw. The embarrassment upon our country that that the agency has brought upon us as as a nation as as citizens, , I… Somebody that has some honor would just resign.

I mean, no matter what, if the bucks stops with you, you clearly did not… Set the tone, set the standard to where success was insured. So it’s time to move on and find another job. And and quite frankly, you, if there’s… If it is determined that there are men and women on the ground, that failed.

And these are… And look, these can be great people like, I don’t care how good you are anything. We have lapses and judgment. We have , maybe we’re tired, maybe whatever it is. , there are are lots of incidents and examples where the highest performing people in a moment,

Speaker 0: there are persistent problems we’re drinking on Jfk of k assassination, more than half of his secret service protection detail was out drinking late. And getting drunk. This is an ongoing problem in the secret service and people who are caught with with, en inviting alcohol, during times when they’re not permitted to drink alcohol. Alright, the the rest of the secret service usually bends around to protect them.

Speaker 6: Fail. During And, , sometimes that’s a matter of, , holding them accountable. They should be held accountable 1 way or the other. It could be, , some remedial training, maybe some sort of like… Letter in the record, whatever it is.

Or, hey, ? This is such a big deal that… Yeah, you’re a great asset to this organization, but this was a big deal, and it’s time for you to go find them another the place starting a paycheck. Alright. So if you like content like this, make sure you like subscribe for a comment down below, , share this.

Speaker 22: You don’t, play football as a matter of fact I sometimes on sunday afternoon, and I’m watching a football game or something like that. , I think in myself. Man, I could be running back. I could do that. Right?

And then I get up off the couch I actually get get myself some chips or some soda or something like that. And then I realized when I feel my joints moving, maybe… Maybe I’m not at the level the Nfl would really like me to to be. Right? So, , that’s where the big difference is, Do you want somebody who’s qualified?

Am I qualified to play football Sure I could play football? I…

Speaker 0: Yeah. I I still occasionally have dreams because I used to cover this San Francisco 49 as Training camp at Sierra Community College in Rock. And I would have dreams that Bill Walsh, the head coach the 49 during the 19 eighties. I I still get these dreams that he he calls me to come in and to… Carry carry the ball for a few place.

Speaker 22: Can do it. Right? But am I at the level that you really want. And you don’t see the Nfl going. You’re qualified.

You could play football will take you.

Speaker 6: Well, more importantly, that doesn’t make you less of a human being. It make you less valuable because you can’t meet the physical standards.

Speaker 0: Oh Yeah. You should not be operating as a secret service agent when you have alcohol in your bloodstream. Alright? There there are rules in the secret service, no alcohol within 10 hours of going on duty. I think that’s a solid rule.

And I just re rewatch in the line of fire, Clint East as a secret service agent to, fail during the Kennedy assassination, and now He’s in a cat mouse game with Someone bent on and killing the the current president terrific movie, a lot of fun to watch, and it’s… Does an excellent job of presenting the Assassin point of view, not just the conventional perspective?

Speaker 6: That are required to play that sport. And so that is 1 of the things that gets… , continues to be con inflated. Like, there are certain roles that men are gonna be the best at period. Like men are stronger.

Like, , they they they they… There’s so many things.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Men and women have different gifts. Right? Different people have different gifts. Os Jews and West Africans.

And Northeast Asians, and indigenous people from Central America all have different gifts.

Speaker 6: Does it men do better than women. But, ? There’s a lot lots of things that women do better than men. Doesn’t… Just because you’re a female and you can’t meet these standards.

Doesn’t make you lesser of a person or lesser, , less valuable in any way. It just means you can’t do these things. It and you shouldn’t be doing these things, and we shouldn’t force you into this role, force you upon other people that are that are trying to do this job at the highest level possible, just because we’re meeting some sort of quota.

Speaker 22: So, know, a really good example of some of the things that you’re talking about here is some years ago, actually, I was on a detail and… And this was actually in Russia. And there was, 2 agents that were standing in a hallway. They were protecting, , the president at the time, and and they were preventing people. Their post to prevent people from coming down this hallway towards his room in his hotel room.

And , couple of F guys where the large guys, , came up. And and here’s the.

Speaker 6: People don’t know F guys are Russian intelligence agents.

Speaker 0: Right. If when do you tell them to hold? And then if they get within… 15 yards of you. You you’ve gotta open fire if people refuse to hold and and you’re on a protection detail.

Speaker 22: So the… These guys were coming down the hallway, and the 1 of the the female agent that was there, , I I think she she was a great agent, really good person. Physically fit. , she could pass fitness just as fine colors, everything else. But she was also, , fairly sure.

I think if she was, like, maybe 5354 or something like that, , 5 5 top topping out there. Right? Right. And and probably about a hundred and 20 pounds, , but She could do the job. She was really good at it.

, She knew what she was doing.

Speaker 6: So she could meet the standards that the the secret service required and and did at a high level. The current female standards that Secret service acquired over.

Speaker 22: Absolutely. And she… She was very sharp, , smart everything. Now the… 1 of F agents actually when she stepped in front of them, actually reached out grabbed by throat, throws her and pins against the wall, and she’s not able to really do anything against that.

Now the other creature that was there with her in the hallway, actually, a rather large guy. Excellent agent again, comes over very sharp. He comes over, and he resolves the situation. Let’s put it like that. But, I know that that incident was so trauma to her.

Actually, when when she got back into her credit, and I have mad respect for her still even today. She left the agency. She put in a resignation and said, , this isn’t for me. And and I think that’s a real wake up call for some people because , I see a lot of things where people have the, a lot of opinions where people have the idea that being more diverse makes us better. Well, let’s just say that that’s true.

Right? But everybody who is diverse, who’s in that job. Should be equal equally as good and capable. Yeah. , as to do that job.

If if you’re provided protection and, , to protect your life, do you want somebody who is, , you fit the bill. , you…

Speaker 0: Okay. Get all commentary or,

Speaker 23: , sheriff’s office, whatever. If they work with them, they are going to appoint those divisions and Pd to say, hey, we need you to cover this building. We’re gonna cover this building. They should be talking to homeowners in here. If you look from a bird’s eye view, there’s actually homeowners that were never even approached by anybody from secret service, prior to this event.

Speaker 24: But 1 of the most interesting things is she tells me that her lot is right next to where Trump was speaking, and the secret service never came to talk to her pre rallied They never asked her about anything they never were set up in her area. And then I asked her afterwards for words of the secret service or the Fbi has spoken to her. They still have not spoken to her.

Speaker 23: These people could absolutely hated Trump and been set up ready to go, and they have no idea. Now obviously, the building that is in question, was supposed to be watched by local law enforcement. And from what I understand now, there was 2 individuals from a swat team on the inside of the building. And apparently, they were watching out the windows. Some would call these spectators.

Because on a building that’s small, I can’t I can’t possibly see a reason why you would need to be on the inside of the building. The perimeter to me would be on…

Speaker 0: It was a 90 degree day. So they wanted to stay in the air conditioning, and there was a secret services responsibility to make sure that these local law enforcement were where they should be.

Speaker 23: Top of the building. That’s where you’re gonna have your best vantage point. But they said that there was a safety concern because of the slope roof. Now there’s been a very popular meme that’s kind of been chair around over with the past few days of a literal cow on a roof that has a bigger slope than what we’ve seen in that video, like, seriously a cow. Walking on the roof.

No fear, just up there tell him. And so this slope on the roof, not only could crooks get up there, and he’s seemed pretty comfortable with it, but also slope on the roof that the secret service were actually already on, had a deeper and more steep slope than the building that the police officers were in. And and by the way, roof do this all the time when pitches that are way more intense of this. I know I know any roof that watch this are… It’s probably madden to them.

To look at the pitch of this roof and, , tell them that, , there’s no way that you can figure that out, Come on, man. The other issue is how Crooks was able to get up on top of this building. In the first place. Now from the original shots. It looks like there was AAAA really long…

Probably an 08:10, maybe even 12 foot ladder that was on the outside. So people are thinking how did this guy get this ladder and an r, and a backpack, carrying a backpack, all this stuff up to this building without anybody. Notice. Come to find out he actually had a 5 foot ladder that he had bought either early in the day or the the previous day. And he was able to get on top of the building from Ac unit, and then I guess, climb his way the rest of it with that lap, But how was he able to get to the building in the first place?

Well, part of that is answered because now we know that there was no law local law enforcement, or secret service on top of that route. Now local law enforcement is pointing fingers that sacred service. Secret service is pointing fingers that everybody else trying to deflect. But when it comes down to it, it is the job of the secret service. To now not only set the perimeter, but also go down a checklist and make sure everything is done.

All of these threats are are handled and people are in position before President Trump even comes out. So let’s just go ahead and make that clear. But local law enforcement said, hey, we have enough guys that we can provide traffic control for the event. Now here’s where it gets really sketchy because local police said they sent…

Speaker 0: Right. This is just so madden. This is 1 of those rare new stories that is negatively affected by happiness. Alright. It’s diminish my sleep.

Alright. Just maybe a little jittery ed upset.

Speaker 23: An email to secret service. A couple of days before saying that they would not be able to secure that building. That that building was already known to secret services being a potential. Brett, they’re saying they pass it off the local Pd. Local Pd is saying they sent an email a couple days before, they never got a response.

Speaker 10: Several buildings were identified as errors of a concern, of which it did include the Ag ehr building. Indicated we did not. Have the manpower to, , bait that task on as well based on our number of officers on duty.

Speaker 21: Butler Township manager, Tom Knights, confirms that message was sent to the secret service. 2 days before the Trump rally.

Speaker 23: So while we have 2 or 3 guys inside that building, nobody was on the outside, and of course, nobody was on the roof. My thing is how does crooks even know that building’s is gonna…

Speaker 0: Alright. Excellence is not normal. Alright. I think we’ve… All had jobs, and we’ve all had jobs where we resent the boss for being too critical or to blunt or not caring or considerate or too much of a hard ass, but then sometimes you get a boss.

He’s just not up to the job. Who’s not critical enough. It doesn’t hold you accountable. Like excellence is unnatural. It it requires people, , holding everyone below them to account holding themselves to account instill an unnatural culture, that the v aids excellence, showing up on time, like, getting the work done, the communication, Alright.

All these things require extraordinary people, creating an extraordinary culture, usually a masculine culture. To create this level of excellence in a field like law enforcement. And so if we went to den integrate masculinity Right? If if we want to make law enforcement and military culture, more feminine and more gay friendly. Right?

This is gonna come at the cost of excellence. Right? The type of excellence that you need in the secret service is overwhelmingly a masculine quality.

Speaker 23: Gonna be accessible. Well an hour before they spotted crooks and said he was a suspicious person. So secret service knew about him an hour before Trump spoke, 20 minutes before, people see him on the roof. They also saw him with a range finder. So now he’s getting the distance from where he is to where president Trump is going to be speaking.

In the next 20 minutes, not only will a police officer?

Speaker 0: Think about how infuriating the law enforcement response was on 09:11. Rudy, Giuliani, The mayor of New York at the time gets a lot of praise. But New York was really ill equipped to deal with a situation like this. The firefighters and the police. And other law enforcement agencies were on completely different radio frequencies and and couldn’t talk to each other.

There there was just really pathetic planning down for for this type of event. It it requires extraordinarily strong people who price excellence more than other people’s feelings. Who are willing to put themselves out on the line. And Donald Trump didn’t promote these type of people to run the secret service. Alright, Joe Biden hasn’t promoted these type of excellent people to run the secret service, Barack obama didn’t do it.

George w Bush didn’t do it. So we don’t have secret service leaders who are excellent. And as a result, we’ve got this incredibly mediocre agency that that has the worst morale and the least job satisfaction, of any agency in the federal government,

Speaker 23: be walking around the building, but also make contact with them that secret service at this point knows that they have a suspicious person.

Speaker 0: So Right. If you want a husband like Corey comp. Right? You want men to emulate corey comp and throw his body. Between harm and his family.

Right? You have to encourage a culture of honor and a culture of masculinity And please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m not particularly aware of any culture of honor within liberal. Yeah. Trump didn’t do much to fix the secret service. He could degraded the secret service.

He did as much harm to the secret service as he did benefit and he made so V requests of the secret service that is understandable the Biden administration, reacted to his team’s requests for resources with a a skeptical eye, Right? Donald Trump, he’d much to encourage skepticism of his claims for secret service protection. When Joe Biden clearly won the election by I think November 7 of 20 20, Donald Trump’s administration denied Joe Biden adequate security. And general Kelly was Donald Trump’s chief of staff at at 1 point. And he he was just horrified by what he saw going on with the secret service.

Right? He saw this security breach. And he took a long walk around what was supposed to be the most secure 18 acre property in the world of the White House, and what he saw was S security. Right? The so called cutting edge technology, the secret services had deployed to prevent any intrusion, but nearly every piece of it had failed.

A crucial sensor that normally detects movement coming over the fence line was on the fritz, then it never sounded alarm to the joint operations center, 1 of the motion activated lights that were supposed to flash when someone crossed the White House grounds didn’t work a camera in the eastern portion of the grounds where the intruder entered wasn’t functioning. An officer spotted the intruder 17 minutes later, the radio on his shoulder wasn’t working, never relayed his location to his fellow officers, when he banged the radio switch to report he at a possible suspect, they didn’t know he had found someone or where he was, so they couldn’t rush to him and they could not provide backup. The how did all these systems fail? Because the secret service was consistently out of money? Alright.

They were trying to get funds to get their technology repaired or replaced. And and he just had a culture that was not conducive to excellence. Don Junior, and his wife for Nasa divorce during 20 18, and Vanessa Trump then started dating 1 of the agents who’d been assigned to a family, and the agent didn’t face any repercussions. At Tiffany Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter, broke out with her boyfriend from college started spending an unusual amount of time alone with her tall dark Handsome. Secret service agent.

Right? The level of protection provided a Trump tower, and for all the people that Donald Trump weren’t personally protected waste, , tens of millions of dollars of secret service funding that could have been more effectively deployed elsewhere. Right, Donald Trump, consistently short change his agents in the 0 fail mission. He created a new degree of burnout from people who was serving for him, that the secret service went broke protecting all of Trump’s V Whim. Right?

Much of the financial problem was the secret service are directly attributable, to the decisions of the Trump administration. Alright. Trump took no notice of alarming bipartisan reports of the secret service was an agency in crisis. When Joe Biden emerged a clear victim by November 7, the secret service declined Authorize Jay Biden full protection detail that had always been provided to president’s elect, the level of security approaching that of the president himself. Right?

The director of the secret service and his team took their lead from the White House where Trump blocked the normal peaceful transition of power. Because of Donald Trump’s insistence that he was the victim of some inexplicable Fraud, Joe Biden did not receive the protection that he deserved. Alright. The decision to withhold this security compounded the Biden camps fears that Donald Trump had corrupted the secret service. Right?

Many of the agents on Trump’s detail were openly publicly reading for Donald Trump on Facebook and other forums. Right? You you shouldn’t have secret service agents making political statements publicly. After January 6, many secret service agents talk to social media to empathize with and defend the armed writers who breached the capital. Though all the ways that the secret service enabled Donald Trump’s worst instincts in his final year, that created great skepticism with regard to the secret service on the part of the Biden administration.

Right? Was the agency entrusted with Jay Biden life, fully committed to that assignment. Right? The biden administration initially wanted to swap out all members. Right of the Trump presidential detail because they seem to be so corrupted And this is the conclusion of the terrific 0 fail, which was published in 20 21.

Secret service remains spread dangerously thin, and probably the only way we’ll get real reform in the secret service is if we have some kind of horrific incident, like what we had 8 is…

Speaker 23: They are all the aware of what’s going on as far as there being somebody that they really need to watch. A couple minutes before, people see him on top of the roof. Once again with a gun, and then, of course, he starts opening fire right before people start running away once they realized that he’s got a gun. Now, the snipers that were on the roof, if President Trump is looking out of the crowd, they would have been behind them into the right. If you’re looking at the stage, they would have been off to the left.

Apparently, there was a tree that was actually blocking their vision from that roof, Now the snipers that were to the right of president Trump if you’re looking at the stage, they did have a line of sight to the shooter. But at this point, It’s too late, and of course, he fires off 3 initial rounds. The first 1 hitting Trump, and then he fires off 5 additional rounds. And, of course, we know that, , he he actually killed Corey Kept. Hope I’m saying that correctly who was a retired firefighter, , and injured 2 additional people as well.

So it’s it’s… I hope it’s incredibly sad, and it is it’s quite honestly a miracle Trump thing to kill it It’s honestly a miracle that he turned his head divine intervention. It it it really is just crazy because some of these graphics that are being shown, now they’re just even more intense when you see exactly the way Trump was looking and the line of sight and the travel of that bullet. He was basically right on. He was spot on Trump has turned his head just enough.

So it says, the whole situation is, for 8 shots. At least 3 pretty well

Speaker 0: Alright. The secret service of the United States was set up 07/05/1865 initially to deal with counterfeit fitting.

Speaker 23: No, please shots. And you had you had all those people there I mean, there was 15000 people I think they were scanned. Man. Holy crap. This…

It could’ve have been a really a… Could’ve have been a… A heck of a lot worse of course, but it’s still just a complete failure on the secret service all the way around. And the fact that they don’t wanna take any real responsibility for that is even more troubling. Right?

When you see, , there was a phone call with Kimberly C that, , 30 minutes in, the phone call just hangs up. Their senators on the on the line and they’re trying to get answers and, just hangs up. And then they confront her at the Rn c, and she has nothing. She won’t give them the time of day. No no no time to answer any kind of questions.

She says she also won’t resign, which is it’s this this whole this whole thing is really, really troubling. And here’s the other thing. How did Crooks even know this building was gonna be available, How did he… I mean, if I’m going to an event like this unless you’re scoping it out or you have some kind of inside information, how would you ever know that a building that is… That basically has the perfect line of sight to the president will be that wide open.

Now is it possible that he saw them scoping this out? Maybe. I mean, he did have some research in some of the things that they’re finding of when the Trump rally was, so maybe had an idea of when Secret service would be out there scoping it. I have no idea. It’s just…

It gets more sketchy. The waters are more muddy now than they were a few days ago, and With more information makes this thing look so much more suspicious. And I’m not…

Speaker 0: Yeah. It just keeps getting worse.

Speaker 22: Them. And that was his instinct to do that. If that’s not your instinct, you don’t belong. That’s the bottom line. , and and I gotta be honest with you, I it it I feel ashamed when I see things like that.

Speaker 6: Well, Like I said, is there anything that justifies what’s happening in this picture? Like, I I have a… Like, I don’t know. Maybe she’s… Maybe there’s some sort of tag tactic and technique that, , once we body bunker around the president, we need to have 1 person standing back?

I I don’t know. Is there anything that justifies what is happening right here?

Speaker 22: There is nothing that I can think of. That justifies that in particular. You see

Speaker 16: that looks like…

Speaker 6: Look what that looks like is a… Instinct of self prop.

Speaker 0: Right. And if you look for a Google search on female agents duck, diving, hiding behind Donald Trump during the shooting. Right? You won’t find any of these images coming up. It just looks like Google is actively trying to suppress photos.

Showing the incompetence on the part of some of the female agents around Donald Trump.

Speaker 6: Preservation. That looks like an instinct of… Fear. And I I have a… I wanna…

I always wanna give… I wasn’t there I know what happened. I wanna give everybody the benefit of the doubt there’s nothing that I could come up with, and I just wanted to hear your insight to explain what is happening right here because this is this embarrassing to me if it is what it looks like on the surface.

Speaker 22: And you’re absolutely right. If this is what it looks like on the surface, it’s it’s incredibly embarrassing. Right? For for this agent as well as for the entire secret service. And and for all those, that did the right thing.

, all those secret service agents, males and females that ran to their protect and covered them the best that they could. I give every last 1 of those III give them an a here just simply because, hey, within seconds. Now understand, , people can criticize, hey they should have been there faster. They have been close to and things like that. But the bottom line is within seconds of when a shot was taken.

They were

Speaker 0: So, apparently, there were 22 secret service agents at this, Donald Trump event. And about another 80 members of local law enforcement.

Speaker 22: They were running at him, and they had pig pile him within seconds covering them with their own bodies pulled out. The best they could even lifting your arms trying to cover every part of him. That was humanly possible, Willing to sacrifice themselves for, honestly, for America, for Freedom for… And and those… I see some tiktok.

I’m sorry Gary. I I’m like fired up about this. I see some Tiktok. I see some people out there. , they put these things on there?

Hey, why did you why did you miss hitting, Trump, what is wrong with you? Like, that’s such a narrow view? I mean, he represents a free election system. And if we can’t do that as a country if we can’t protect that, it goes well beyond our borders.

Speaker 6: Well, what I think some of the vi is even come from.

Speaker 0: Okay. My my theory right now, is incompetence on the part of the secret service and the Biden administration. And right now, I suspect that there was an element of malicious ness in the deliberate withholding of adequate security from Donald Trump.

Speaker 6: From sitting, congress men and women toward the president. Whether they say it out loud or not. We definitely have had, , congressional aids, , tweet, things like that as well. It’s not just, , some random teenage tiktok. We’ve seen this level of vi victory, And I and I do believe that behind the scenes, we have some elected politicians expressing those same views.

But 1 of the things that Constantly has come up Think it’s of a super legitimate question is we have females on president Trump’s detail that are, like 2 feet shorter than president Trump. Is the height… , you talk a little bit about the. Hey, Gonna get on the stool Gonna look at it from. I wanna be able to see from the the protect these perspective.

1 of the things that would just be a natural calculation of my mind is like hey, I wanna have protect these that have the ability to actually put their body between the president and a possible threat. And if you are assigning… Protect that are 2 feet shorter than the president himself. What is that about? Is that is that is that normal?

Is the height of the president from the inner circle? Is that normally part of the calculation of who is assigned to him because that seems very odd. It should be, but it’s not. Okay. And

Speaker 0: and you saw the secret service team that Donald Trump up was with at the Republican National convention. Alright? It was all male. Right? It there was not 1 female agent.

And when you look at secret service for for Joe Biden or or the pictures that come up are white men.

Speaker 22: And I think I think there’s a lot of… Reasons that could fall into play. It’s very unfortunate, but let’s be perfectly honest, , the the leadership of the secret services is going to be in some way, politically tied. Right? We…

Speaker 6: So, , in a perfect… Like, because I’m assuming, given the type of, , employees to secret what service would, attract. In that job would attract. I mean, it’s fair to say that there there’s there’s a large… There’s some options when it comes to taller agents within the service.

Right? We could have had We could have had regards to the reason we didn’t. We could have had agents that were capable that were at least as tall as a president so that we can provide him as much coverage as we possibly can.

Speaker 22: I I would like to say, yes, if there’s some females probably

Speaker 6: females. I’m just saying

Speaker 15: just period

Speaker 5: that that

Speaker 6: should even be, , whether they’re female or not. That should not be part of the calculation in my opinion. And I think that’s part the. And we’ll get into some of D stuff Right. On that.

But, , to me, that’s there’s just an obvious glaring example of what went wrong. And maybe something that needs to be addressed at the congressional level. Problem, hey, what? You’re your 5 foot call, you shouldn’t be.

Speaker 0: So I suspect the diversity equity and inclusion is less popular today. Than it was 10 days ago. I think some people are getting a lesson. I mean do we have to have an airplane crash because we’ve used affirmative action to promote pilots or air traffic controllers who are not up to the job. I mean, how many people have to die from incompetence, before diversity equity and inclusion becomes increasingly unpopular.

Speaker 6: You shouldn’t you shouldn’t be assigned to a protect you at 6 foot 4. Mean that just seems obvious to me.

Speaker 22: It it seems pretty obvious. I I will be fair though, there are times when you wanna look at, hey, Do we have males and females? And sometimes, you’re pool of, and I hate saying this, but, I mean let’s be honest, I mean, look at the average height of males and the average height of females. So it’s not… I’m not saying that women can’t do the job.

But what I’m saying is typically females are going to be smaller. There are some that are larger. I would love to see more of them actually in the secret service. But

Speaker 4: but some

Speaker 6: some of the females that were on the protected detail. They were both short and…

Speaker 0: Right. I I guarantee out of Us secret service agents, 19 times out of 20. Right? The the male… Secret service agent is gonna be stronger than the female.

Just as when I’ve dated, III don’t think I’ve ever dated a woman who is more physically stronger than I am. Large.

Speaker 22: So that’s an equation. Yes. So you do want some females because they can go places where the males can. Alright?

Speaker 0: Right And you would get fired, you would get disciplined. Right. If you publicly came out as a secret service agent and just share these, , elementary truths that you want, know, tall secret service agents that there’s Man are usually gonna to be stronger and more physically brave than women.

Speaker 22: Oh, and that’s… You really do 1 day capability because you’re not only talking. A lot of times you’re talking about protecting. Easily a lot of times that they might be traveling with a spouse, a child or something like that. You want, , which they have their own details for them.

Speaker 25: Yeah.

Speaker 22: And if you have a, like, a

Speaker 26: Multiple packages in the months leading up to the shooting, including those mark as possibly containing hazardous materials. So first, let’s start off with a major strange aspect. Big question. How is this suspected shooter even able to get into position? When reporting indicates that both spectators and law enforcement at the event, were aware of him.

Let me expand upon that. There were reports. That people saw this shooter beforehand. There’s even video that is circulated online of him seemingly checking out the roof scoping out the area. There are those who say they saw him with a duff bag and range finder.

Then there are reportedly people who saw him climbing the roof, For example, Ben Mace told Kd K that he saw the guy move from roof to roof and told an officer that this shooter was on the roof. When I turned around to go back to where I was, it was when the gunshots started, and then it was just chaos, and we all came running away, and that was that. Now, apparently, investigators believe that Crooks had also used a bike to check out the Butler site and according to the New York post. A witness saw that bike around 40 minutes before the shooting. It’s being reported that senators held the briefing with top secret.

Service officials, including the director of the secret service Kim C, who will talk a lot about. And 1 senator John Bar of Wyoming reported that more than an hour before the shooting occurred, the secret service had identified crooks as a character of suspicion because they saw him with that range finder in that bag. And then, according to Fox News, sources say 10 minutes before Trump walked on that stage The secret service supposedly changed their assessment instead of considering crooks suspicious. They’d apparently.

Speaker 0: Right. So I’m sure there are many tasks that. Female agents are going to consistently be superior to male agents. Alright, women from my experience, often know what I’m thinking. Much more quickly and accurately than do men.

So women have special gifts, men have special gifts, female, special gifts don’t tend to be in the realm of physical strength.

Speaker 26: He upgraded his status to a threat and yet, despite all that the ex president was still allowed to step onto to that stage. Why? That’s a big question. Right? According to another Fox report, The secret service agent in charge was act?

Actually on the phone with local and state police about this threat about this guy, while the shooting was taking place, actually There were also reports that a sniper from a local tactical team had snapped a photograph of the gunman saw him looking through a range finder. Again, this is before the shooting. And then radio that information in to a command post. Abc News reported that the shooter was spotted by secret service counter sniper teams 20 minutes before the gunshots rang out. And then there’s reporting that a butler township police officer actually confronted the shooter.

Apparently, was h up to that roof Crooks apparently spots him points the weapon at the officer who then let’s go of his grip and drops 8 feet to the ground. Now, Butler County Sheriff Michael S defended this officer’s action saying, he probably saved Donald Trump’s life by delaying what could have been a fatal shot. Quote, can you imagine 10 seconds before that that the president was looking straight ahead and where that bullet could have potentially landed? So in total, the reporting indicates that Crooks first came on law enforcement radar about and this is approximation, but…

Speaker 0: That the first thing that… Outraged me when I started looking video the assassination. Tyler it appeared that the counter snipers had crooks in their sights. Minutes prior to Cro opening fire, and I just don’t understand. This is the 1 thing that bugs me the most.

I don’t understand where the Counter snip didn’t take out crooks before he started firing on the president.

Speaker 26: But seems to be about 3 hours before the shooting. He was apparently walking by the magnet carrying a range finder at 1 point. The bottom line, how come authorities didn’t stop crooks? And more importantly, didn’t stop Donald Trump from getting on that stage. And what complicates this, of course is that This secret service director kim Kim cheated who I mentioned.

Seemed to at first say it was the responsibility of local law enforcement to sweep and secure the building that the shooter was perched on top of, although she has since backtrack from those comments. There’s also reporting that police were inside the building, but not on the roof, And she also told Abc News that there may have been a danger to post a sniper team on the roof where the gun because from starting your claim to uploading documents. To talking to your legal team, it can all area. The apparent motive in this case or what could be the motive. There is 1 more detail I have to get into.

The why didn’t the sniper team immediately take the shooter out? I mentioned all the different aspects that how they might have seen them beforehand? Was there an opportunity to take him out? So I wanna play you some of my conversation this past week with former sheriff’s deputy and swat member. Chad airs, and also former Fbi agent, Bobby Cha.

Speaker 0: So I noticed in many of the interviews with former present secret service agents. They say don’t listen to anyone who hasn’t been in the secret service. But I don’t think that’s right. Alright. Often outside criticism is important.

If it’s if it’s accurate, we we should welcome information, truth or criticism from any source.

Speaker 27: Stuff circling learn around the Internet that that they… Ask for permission to take the shot. That that is absolutely false. Date in this type of situation, they did not have to ask for any type of, , authority to take a shot or or utilize deadly forcing this type of situation. When when you were assigned, and you’ve got a former president on there, and someone is laying on the roof with the long gun, if first opportunity they have.

They’re going to take that. So, again, I don’t wanna money more a quarterback or second these the this counter sniper unit. If There’s a possibility that maybe the the angle and the sla of the roof, they couldn’t get a visual on him until he got to a certain position.

Speaker 17: Now, I think that when you look at the video of the counter sniper, the who took the shot, they’re looking in the direction of that building, And I’m pretty sure that’s because they hearing radio traffic saying, somebody’s on the roof because there was some chaotic, The situation over there. You saw the video of people saying. Saying, he’s

Speaker 28: on the roof.

Speaker 17: It’s got a gun. I’m sure that was put over overcome. You look at that roof, it slowed away. And I don’t think the counter counter sniper guys could actually see the shooter yet. He was falling.

He was on his belly. And he… And and then what happened was an officer confronted him and they were treated, he shook… He turned out with his rifle towards the officer, that did was make the guy move quicker, And then he popped up really fast over that peak and started shooting that’s

Speaker 16: when the

Speaker 17: I understand this person. Because you see them looking there and they’re probably saying I see the roof. I don’t see anybody. I see the roof I don’t see anybody. That’s because he’s behind that slight and then he pops up, and then he starts firing,

Speaker 22: and

Speaker 17: then they fire back.

Speaker 26: Couple things to note about that. So it seems that the counter sniper team that we had seen pictures of that were circulated in the media. These this was the team that we had thought. Had neutralized the suspected shooter. It turns out they weren’t the ones who took the actual shot that killed the gunman, This was apparently a different counter sniper team.

But again, Bobby could be a hundred percent right that there wasn’t…

Speaker 0: So I… Notice that different groups have different gifts, different sexes have different gifts, and probably, different political orientation have different gifts. So I would suspect for law enforcement and for military, a a more traditional perspective is going to be most advantageous. Alright. For for those who put their lives on the line for protection or for service of the country.

These are people who going to… Put a great premium on honor. And I don’t think there is a concept of honor. And I don’t think there’s a v generation of honor in liberal. And please correct me if I’m wrong.

What are the fundamental liberal tax that put a premium on honor. So I was looking back through Ronnie Goodman work in progress conservative claims of cultural oppression, and he talks about Sergeant Berg doll. Remember Sergeant Berg doll wandered off his base in Afghanistan, and the Biden administration was blindsided, Right, by the outrage provoked by his decision to release 5 terrorist prisoners in exchange for the return of Sergeant Berg. Who deserted his post in Afghanistan before being captured by Taliban, and the administration surprise reflected a fundamental culture clash Right? Administration had contempt for americans who’d be so dumb to join the military rather than going to Harvard.

And Obama’s National Security adviser Susan Rice Praise Sergeant Berg for serving with honor and distinction. Right? She failed to appreciate the desert devotion is among the very worse, a soldier can commit against his comrades. Comrades. It’s not like sleeping in on a Monday morning and duck gender studies 01:01 class.

Right? Bit The problem wasn’t just the strategic wisdom of the prisoner exchange, or it’s the cultural values, which it ratified. It was the imposition of liberal values to the detriment of military virtue and honor to say that Sergeant Berg who wandered off his assignment served with honor and distinction is obscene for anyone with a traditional conception of honor. There was a United States Supreme Court ruling on United States versus Virginia, which held that is unconstitutional for the Virginia military Institute to have a policy of excluding women. And justice engine in Sc wrote in the minority opinion is precisely Bmi, Virginia Military Institutes attachment to old fashioned concepts such as man Honor that has made it.

The targets of those who want to abolish public single sex education. So the liberal justices and the majority justices just assumed the techno democrat position, just sc recognizing the facts. , how much evidence is required to prove that women cannot adapt to a virginia military Institute Education. But the the true stakes, right, for those who aren’t liberal. Alright?

Refer to concepts such as honor. Right? It’s not about uproot irrational pre conception about women’s capabilities, it’s not about advancing. It is about advancing an agenda of social engineering to discredit ideals, such as honor, that the dominant liberal left elite, regard as Ak okay can be united, man honor, is incompatible with the liberal left H conception of life. On the other hand, for public health and probably for a lot of medicine, a liberal left conception of life is a great idea.

Right? Liberals dismiss man l, They think it’s sexist and and racist and contributes to gender inequality. Right? But it’s it’s male individuality. Is male exuberance, male aggressive as, male concepts of honor.

That from the less perspective must be stringent curb and disciplined to meet the requirements of bureaucratic success So if you wanna succeed in most democracies, it strongly helps to have a liberal left h conception of life. So bureaucracy tend to enable the comfort of the defeat and the Endogenous male. Who fits the feminist model of Manhood. But Liberals tend to oppose man honor, not so much to promote gender equality, But just as part of their p attraction to the disciplined conform of an institutional bureaucratic ethos. Right?

The h conception of life, cannot tolerate male individual, exuberance, and aggressive. Right? These are all primitive virtue virtue that threaten our rational social order. So equal protection review, it’s merely the italy facade behind which liberal targets these traditional virtue. So conservative claimants cultural oppression see the political is emerging out of the ostensibly ap political.

So the elites contra equality to inequality, but cons conservatives see a contest between the elites supposedly higher civilization, in the half savage relics past times themselves, people who value gon religion and honor. So feminist principles are applied highly selectively. Right? You can get a global rap superstar can wrap about, , raping women. And if someone was a an American soldier or someone was conservative saying the same things, it would…

It would be sad as inc inc evidence of, a miso culture. So people on the right tend to have a more traditional… More medieval world, than people on the left. Right? People on the right in having a medieval worldview believe that Honor, order, morality, meaning exist outside of 1.

And that the meaning in your life is shaped and constrained by your ability to fit into this objective order of things. It’s the back ground against which you make sense of your life. Right? Living a full life from this traditional medieval perspective means recognizing your place within ground a wider order. And acknowledging your dependence on a greater order.

But the modern liberal left perspective on life, we have a Buffet identity where you’re every individual on his own is able to create meaning purpose and in order just with the power of his own reason. Right. So from the pre modern medieval traditional right way and conservative perspective, Right? Honor. Is part of the universe and we can reject it or embrace it, but it’s there.

Right? There’s always the possibility of sin and dishonored. Now, Liberals see commercial prosperity as an antidote to the culture of honor. Right. So liberal isn’t wants to harness the ego to commercial expansion.

Rather than creating a world where there’s this under underlying, , moral honor code, where you have the glory of the king, the honor of the nobles. Right. Maybe Republican virtue of pagan antiquity. The modern liberal dismiss, these concepts of honors is intangible goods, just me vain glory. Part and parcel of the rep remediation of centric.

Right? The rise of the disengaged subject who can step back from inherited traditional religious world views. So honor and glory, pre a thicker cosmology. Right? And an intuitive sense of things, an intuitive significance that is regarded as irr subjective and primitive from the modern natural liberal dominant elite worldview.

So liberals tend to be ex ex with conservative preoccupation with guns and religion with intangible and merely symbolic goods like honor, the flag, moral fiber of society. So Liberals c a sharp distinction between the symbolic and the substantive. Right conservatives are governed by their primal passions, liberals are governed by their interests. So the target of the deliberately elite ordering impulses are to bring into control notions of honor. Right you you want to tame the honor ethic.

You wanna tame these Bank lori impulses, which are incompatible from a liberal perspective with the smooth functioning of a h commercial society. So lament the gender integration of the Virginia Military Institute ordered by the Supreme Court in the Us Versus Virginia, Justice as Sc said, there’s powerfully impressive that a public institution would require all first year students to keep Bmi code of the gentleman. Right. In this code, is an honor code. And without strict ob servants of this honor code, no man no matter how polish can be considered a gentleman.

Right? The honor of a gentleman demands in viability of his word inc interrupt ability of his principles. He is a descendant of the night, the Crusader. He is the defender of the defenseless the champion of justice or he is not a gentleman. But honor gets little respect in contemporary, culture, particularly among intellectual, gets as little respect as chastity.

Right? So from a martin liberal left, secular human view, honor and chastity are both gets know, primitive atom in a modern society, there ideological leftovers in the consciousness of obsolete classes, such as military officers or grandmothers. So once an insult to Once honor was deemed a serious social and possibly legal offense, someone who now fights to defend his honor will be seen as neuro, normally sensitive or hopeless provincial. Right? And these judgments are the received wisdom.

Honor cannot be translated into non ant centric terms. So this enables liberals to dismiss, Traditional values like honor is just so much empty blu. Right, symptoms of emotional conflict in intellectual confusion rather than something real. So in a world of honor, the individual discovers his true identity in his role, fitting into a pre existing order. And to turn away from your duty and from your role is to turn away from reality.

In world of dignity and honor, individual discovers his true identity. By by reconciling itself to the existing order. So the conservative much more likely to still cling to a world of honor where he’ll throw himself over his wife and children to protect them. Right, this is the code of the gentleman. This is the clean cut lock of conservative think tank enters.

This is the patriotism of Sarah, Pal rally attendees. And this is the source of liberal an. So the conservatives original sin is not his or his class. But his low level of consciousness that facilitates ideas about honor. His inability to be so disengaged and reflex and buffer, that he still sees the world through his sense of honor.

Speaker 26: A visual obstruction in their way, and that’s why they didn’t act quicker. And by the way, we are not putting blame on them. Whatsoever, they were able to neutralize this target immediately. There is 1 more thing I have to mention as well. According to Brian From News nation, and this is on Twitter or x.

Quote, sources within the secret service say, the working theory right now is the secret service sniper did not initially shoot crooks because, The sniper thought Crooks was a police officer on the roof. Okay. So another possible explanation for what happened here. Now, I wanna talk about 1 of the strangest aspects of all this motive. Right?

Why would Crooks supposedly do this? And that is where we get into this whole other territory because it’s so weird. It’s so weird. The Fbi is pouring over his cell phone history, his online search history digital footprint and there appears to be at the time of this recording, no clear motive. No apparent political or religious ideology or motivation.

And as far as we know from reporting, there’s no manifesto. There’s no note. There’s no writings. There’s no social media posts that outline a motive or plan here. And that includes interviews, by the way, because apparently the Fbi conducted over 200 interviews with family, neighbors, coworkers workers, they can’t find anything.

Now there is reporting that Crooks did conduct searches online about major depression disorder. According to Abc News, Crooks had been… Registered as Republican voter, but a 15 dollar donation to this progressive group was also labeled and recorded under… H clip.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s back to the show. Elliot. What’s going on, man?

Speaker 16: Hallelujah, Luke, can you hear me?

Speaker 0: I can. Loud and clear. Yeah.

Speaker 16: Alright. I don’t know what happened last time. So, just an amusing story while you were sort of talking about, , gender… Gender law enforcement issues. I’m sitting here.

I’m in Marin County right by the Marin County jail. And just as I’m listening, this pair of walks by. 1 is like this 6 6, , Chad. Man and walking next to his like this 5 6 super wide woman, with, like, with a giant police, , vest wrapped around her torso, ? It was just, like, buck at the themes, ?

And I just thought it was pretty confusing little sync there. Yeah. I get I guess you had to be there.

Speaker 0: No, I can see it in my mind.

Speaker 16: So this story has really captivated you.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I I mean, my views are of, like, 6 times. My views over the previous 2 months.

Speaker 16: Yeah. And, , I was thinking about this, why do I kind of shook from this? Story. And why does Luke just walk into the fire? Because I…

I’ve been really trying to not think about this story? And I realized why Luke is Luke, what the essence of Loop put is. Do you wanna hear it?

Speaker 0: Mh. Mh.

Speaker 16: Luke is comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Speaker 0: Yes.

Speaker 16: And that’s why he streams. He he he’s willing to discuss uncomfortable topics, and not shirt from them. And that strike use… Yeah. That’s it.

Is that’s the essence?

Speaker 0: That that’s the essence of me. Yeah.

Speaker 16: Because I think, , what has Luke talked about? Everything… , it’s everything we like to bury, , racism, sexism, pornography? Sex. Is anti.

It’s only we thing we don’t wanna talk about. And you’re right there in the in the thick of it. So I don’t know, it’s was somewhat of an epiphany. I mean, I’ve always gonna note it, but I, , I I was able to finally sort of summarize it in 1 quick sentence. So have you always been this way?

Speaker 0: Probably some predisposition because I I’ve always said, I I’ve always wanted to… Yeah, dive into uncomfortable topics. But there there are times where my life has been say more successful or more connected where I have temp down that desire to maintain my… My social standing and my friendships.

Speaker 16: Yeah. But you keep being drawn back into the fire. It’s not like… Yes. So you’re you’re you’re, like, you suppress this urge for you to be, , socially incorporated.

you have to basically disguise who you are.

Speaker 0: Or or just it doesn’t have to come out. Right? There are times where it’s inappropriate to bring out the uncomfortable And there are times. I didn’t wanna talk about the uncomfortable. So it’s not so much disguise.

I I think it’s more about knowing the time and place. Right? It’s it’s much more appropriate for me to do it on a live stream than to in intro it into a conversation where it’s not wanted.

Speaker 16: Yeah. And that’s why you stream because yes. It’s like, you need that outlet because it’s just so much part of your identities, and, , you… This is the your art form, and you need to… You need to express it.

So Yeah. Anyway, are you gonna cover Biden today? So

Speaker 0: here maybe, what what… Any thoughts?

Speaker 16: Well, I’ve been listening to a lot of Mark Hal

Speaker 0: and Yes.

Speaker 16: And, , the consensus coming into this weekend was that… This was the weekend where , Joe makes a decision to step aside. And then suddenly, , he starts talking about biden digging his heels in and maybe not dropping up. And so this is kind of a cliff, kind of a nail bite. And then it’s basically, Nancy Pelosi is just has to basically ramp up the heat on Joe Biden.

Until he finally screams uncle and drops out. But have you been, is that you… What is the current state of play?

Speaker 0: I haven’t I haven’t followed it much in the last 48 hours. So Mark Hal on Friday. Said that, Joe Biden, Net Pelosi is gonna keep upping the pain on Joe Biden until he drops out. And every day is gonna bring more pain until perhaps eventually, you’ll get a movement for the 20 fifth amendment where majority of the cabinet. Declares him unfit.

Speaker 16: And okay. Yeah. So that’s I mean, a it’s super interesting that that’s how the Gill world works. Right? Nancy Pelosi is friends with Joe Biden.

Until he becomes inconvenient for. And our Democrats broadly speaking. Yeah. And this is how the world know, since how the real real world looks. That works.

I, I just got up on Badly.

Speaker 0: That’s how the world works. They had do this to me.

Speaker 16: You Yeah. So I’m gonna give me to get, like a spencer ask speech from biden. ? So anyway, interesting kinds. May you live in interest times?

Speaker 0: Yeah. So right. Go ahead.

Speaker 16: No, I don’t have much more to say.

Speaker 0: I… Oh, okay. Let me jump in there. So I I reached out to run a Goodman over the past 2 weeks, saying, how do you explain conservatives seeing Joe Biden clear civility for the past 4 years and liberals in the establishment, elite media only coming around to it June 20 seventh after the debate. And, like, what’s the n of of your critique, and he says it’s the the new class.

Right? The the culture of the new class, the new elite, exact cost. So its discourse emphasizes the importance of carefully edited speech, but this has the vice of its virtue. In its vi aspect self editing, implies a commendable circumvent inspection, careful self discipline and seriousness. However, right?

This careful discourse… Right? It also creates something that is sounds retarded. Right? It it also creates discourse that sounds s where you don’t You don’t talk about what’s clearly in front of you.

Speaker 16: Yeah. What I think of is… I don’t know if you’ve been with the group of women. Right? And then some controversial topic shows up in the conversation.

And what they immediately do is they start looking around the room. And met monitoring the facial expressions of other women before they know whether or not to agree or disagree. Right? There’s a certain side gl that goes on. And then if the answer is yes, everyone’s enthusiastically, yes.

If the answer is no, everyone’s enthusiastically no. ? I I’ve seen this dynamic played it out. I told you this story wants about I brought up the issue of , that that schools should be gender segregated. And, , then there was a bunch of side gl, and it was determined by the group that that was, a no no.

Not good. I got so serious appropriate. So anyway, I think that’s what’s going on. Like, nobody knows what to do and because they’re so group oriented. That they just go with a consensus, and it finally takes…

It just finally takes somebody to stand up and catalyze. What the decision is, but then they follow.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. So this is what Ronnie Goldman says in his email to me. So he he says, people have strong career interest in a second Biden term, and they were not sacrifice their own interest for the greater good. So the the the new class of elites is no gathering of benign Techno selfless promoting the public good.

Is a morally ambiguous. Flawed, universal class that is elitist and self seeking uses its. Special knowledge to advance its own interests and power, And em the collective interests only partially and transient when compared to their own interest.

Speaker 16: Yes. Yes. They they’re very bashed by their own self seeking, and they like to vote… They like to… Wrap it in a…

They like to wrap it in a cloak of communal interest. Yeah. Right? It’s… I’m doing this for the poor.

I’m doing this for the down for the immigrants. … But they’ll sell them out in the instant. If it like if it advances their careers on an individual basis. Very fun to watch.

Speaker 0: And Ronnie Ronnie Goodman manhattan. When you contrast Jay Biden cognitive decline in the denial about it with Trump’s triumph fist raising defiance of death this weekend in Pennsylvania, it’s You have the perfect symbolic embodiment of conservatives believe that a decadent liberal is sap the vitality of the country, with Trump carrying the flame of that endangered vitality.

Speaker 16: Yes. Now he’s got away with words? Does that ron coleman?

Speaker 0: Yes.

Speaker 16: Anyway, hey, listen. I’m at the farmer’s market, I gotta get myself some vegetables.

Speaker 2: But I’ll be

Speaker 16: listening. Alright.

Speaker 0: Okay.

Speaker 27: Blessings. But let’s… Okay.

Speaker 0: Take care of.

Speaker 26: And but apparently, a member of local law enforcement. Had also engaged the shooter seeming to me that this local marks had fired a shot. So with that, here once again his former swat team member Chad Airs talking about this concept of was crooks acting alone.

Speaker 27: Yeah. I can understand where where where people are coming from on this. But obviously, the audio acoustics… It can do strange things. We’ve all been in in baseball stadiums when fireworks go off.

Or, , obviously, I’ve been involved in deadly forcing encounters and shootings multiple times in my career. The echo, the Rico shay. Now keep in mind a lot of what we are hearing as outsiders, there’s microphones involved all over that stage. So we’re hearing different delays and things like that. As I have watched this video, I mean, jesse seems like a thousand times by now.

Yes. It… I feel like it’s consistent with the initial fire from the shooter. Taking his his rounds followed by the counter sniper teams, rifles. And then likely that last 1 they are hearing is the locals counter sniper taking that shot.

The D reported that gentleman been placed on leave. Also, the the sound aspect Right? You you might have a mixture of these counter sniper guys who have suppressor on their rifles, which I would assume many of them do. , your local counter sniper may not have had a suppressor on his rifle. So you’re gonna get different audio through that feed, but again, at the end of the day, I’d I am confident.

We are still working with 1…

Speaker 0: Right. So I, at this point, I reject all the conspiracy theories about the shooting of Donald Trump except. I am open to there may be in the choice to provide Donald Trump. Inadequate security. Not just incompetence, I’m am open to deliberate.

Somewhere in the Biden administration.

Speaker 27: Shooter. And multiple launch enforcement shooters.

Speaker 26: But it’s not just that because there was reporting from a former class made of crooks that he had failed to make this… School’s rifle team back in the day because he was such a bad shot? So does it make sense that Crooks was able to take that shot? Wouldn’t that be really difficult Also, I mentioned all of the explosives in the bomb making materials. A 20 year old guy.


Speaker 0: Okay. I went through Ronnie Goldman book on conservative claims a cultural oppression for every reference to this new ruling class of elites and Alvin Gardner wrote wrote the seminal book on this topic back in 19 79. And he says, higher education is the institution through which the new class ready for contest against the old class, universities the finishing school of the new classes resistance to the old class. So conservative claimants of cultural… Oppression believe that the elite universities from which the liberal elites tail more akin to social f, than to plato aca.

So much of education is getting educated about the process of education and fitting in with it. So things like diversity equity inclusion statements. They have a positive value in weeding out, weeding out weirdo, who are unwilling to do things that they don’t believe in simply for the sake of getting along. Right? To get along with people from a spouse to a cousin to people at your church or Synagogue or workplace, right, you have to go along with the bunch of nonsense.

And if you’re unwilling to put out with Nonsense, You can have a real hard time maintaining any relationships. So mission to an Elite University is usually seen as a marker of the intellectual merit. And it helps if your profile fits the school’s image of itself that you fit in with the right people. Right, that you make the right signals about mercy equity and inclusion that you’re on the right side and that you despise the t. So academic merit is in part, not just objective excellence, it’s a circle, Social construction of the ruling liberal elites.

It’s an institutional filter designed to weed our conservatives and set the stage for widespread liberal domination. And this is first in the university and these elite taste and habits are later enforced with the threat of social os system. Simply assumed on Manhattan upper west side or in the Cbs newsroom that 1 has the correct liberal opinions and those who do not will simply stop receiving dinner invitations. Right? The os of conservatives is an essential part of progressive behavior.

So the Elite universities have replaced the old Wasp regime of social virtue, revolving around utility and honor and moral character. Now we have a new regime of intellectual virtue revolving around raw mental firepower. Now conservative payments of social virtue, cultural oppression says that these are social virtue in disguise. At in the elite universities, the symbol of the new American elite, the new establishment. It is no longer just a way of thinking it is built in mind furniture you take for granted without needing to think.

So our nation is filled in with air heads, nominally educated, formally educated yet ignorant, trained and groom like prize puppies used to be good liberals and Classic example of that is the Trump shooting? Anyone familiar with high powered rifles. You saw what happened and heard what happened. But have known within 10 seconds that this was an assassination attempt, but the dominant liberal media followed the protocol, you don’t call something in assassination, until a law enforcement, bureaucracy has conducted an investigation and declared it an assassination. So if you follow conservative common sense, right, you’d have known It was an assassination within 10 seconds, just like you would have known in 20 20 that Joe Biden had issues.

So just as the classic finishing schools strive to a certain physical posture So now the elite universities inc a certain moral and spiritual posture, through which to announce yourself as curious and broad minded. That you’re given to scientific detachment and dispatch analysis that you’re a member of the anointed in good standing. Right. So your self esteem becomes t to liberal. You become prize puppy liberals.

You do not see their intellectual as an exercise in social signaling. So the student radicals the 19 sixties were later attracted to Korea through which they could influence opinions and attitudes. But not everyone shares their passion. And so the radical expressive individual that liberal celebrates will only resonate for those who share, this pot powerful need for symbolic manipulation and the social privilege that permits it. The 19 sixties were a revolution of the privilege by the privilege and fought the privilege.

It was a revolution not of individual against collect, but have 1 collective against another, but the people of fashion against the common people. This cause is now being taken out by a conservative. Conservative it. So the new class of professional knowledge workers tends to be on the left. Right?

It doesn’t believe in traditional hi doesn’t leave in all the privileges of the old class of Bourgeois Capitalists. This new class promotes a linguistic culture. A culture of careful and critical court discourse Ccd. And because no doctor had come out. No qualified doctor, no doctor that the new class would respect it come out, With a diagnosis of Joe Biden being insignificant cognitive decline.

Therefore, that was not even considered a possibility until it became blinding obvious after the June 27 debate. So we we have a culture of careful and critical discourse, which discourage visceral language. Right, and it removes authority from all speech grounded in traditional authority. Alright. The news class is hostile to tradition, clinging to guns and religion.

Right. It’s a new class who wants to maintain its dominance. It may be egalitarian, when attacking the privileges of the old class, but it also seeks to maintain its own special advantages, when it attempts to control the supply and limit the production of his culture, proposed any group that restricts its control over the culture and to remove legal and moral restrictions on the dominance of his culture. Right? The new class opposes formal censorship, but it has its own interest to protect.

So when the new class was rising to power, it was particularly opposed to censorship, but now that it’s in power, Right? It no longer is nearly as opposed to censorship. Right? It practices unofficial censorship by limiting discussion to members of its own elite. So you have to swear that you won’t use certain genetic studies to make anyone feel marginalized or disadvantaged.

So without that, you don’t get access to a lot of important data. Right? So the new class, tries to limit discussion to members of its own lead and dismiss those who have not been properly credential. Alright? So the new class develops a new hierarchy of knowledge.

So what Liberal c is… Conservative, p anti intellectual, really a specific reaction to this new class and to its cognitive, privileges. Alright. The the new class claims its cultural capital on the basis of its culture of careful and critical disk course. But its careful and critical discourse takes on a life of its own to fulfill its need for privilege and status, it wishes to be recognized as the most reflective and insightful way of being.

Right. They engage in serious speech. So they claims the superior intellect and morality. Alright. So careful, critical discourse by dominant elite treats the relationship between those who speak their discourse.

And others about whom they speak as a relationship between judges and the judge. There is an established social hierarchy, between those who speak, their particular discourse and understand it and those who do not. And to participate in elite culture, Right? You have to be ema anticipated from conventional and traditional hi. So this is a hierarchy between those who stand above, normal human emotions and traditional attachments and those who do not.

Between those who are capable of dis engagement and reflex and the Buffett identity and those who sensibilities are medieval and and pre modern. Alright. The new class don’t feel disgust toward homosexuality. They don’t shame unread mothers. They they feel themselves ema from these primitive moral standards.

Right? There, Loa of conservatives is simply a corollary of their ethos of disengaged self control and self reflex. Right? They’re living conservatives. Always couch in a utilitarian facade is wanting to minimize harm.

It’s a response to the per of conservative ideas. That it’s really a claim to maintain their power. Per Right. This is not an eli of wealth, but of a particular morality. That they have the ability to sub to intellectual and to ether life So conservative sense that liberal equality taken to its logical conclusion would down to the cause of conservatives.

So Let me put myself together here. Come on 40. Get it together, man. Alright. We need to learn to forget for

Speaker 12: word is. I liked the fact that I I resonate. With what Herb says. There’s a, like, in a, like, a reality that, you don’t wanna be delusional about. And and that’s not exactly what he said, but I know we share a A firm belief that part of our job is human beings, is to make peace with the way it is.

And as a psychologist, Much of my training was in, like, cognitive approaches to psychology. And and the part… The cognitive approaches to psychology are all about the ways we in our minds, fantasize, about things that don’t exist and then make believe that our fantasies should become reality And then when the world doesn’t agree to allow our fantasies to become reality we don’t forgive it. And that’s the whole issue in a nutshell. And I I wish you wasn’t that simple, and I wish it wasn’t not simple, easy, not easy, obvious that this is a world of incredible beauty and incredible ugliness, a world of incredible kindness and incredible selfish.

And so it’s this multi simplicity of everything. , the diversity in this world is shocking that there’s flavors and shape and sizes and of everything through every dimension. And so we we decide that we only wanna to experience certain parts of this normandy. So we choose a partner, and we decide that we don’t wanna experience betrayal, even though that’s a normal aspect of this human life, We just don’t want it. So we fan size that because we don’t want it, it won’t happen.

Or we fantasize that we can say to our partner you can cheat on me. And and the partner says, yeah. Well, , basically, if I still like you, I’ll be faithful or unless I’m a, , a cereal cheat, I’ll be faithful or

Speaker 0: Alright. This is Fred Lou, author of the book for gift for good. He is a professor at Stanford University Head of the… Be stan of the forgiveness project.

Speaker 12: Be all fall out a love with you, but we don’t wanna go there. We we want our fantasies. The and we maintain these fantasies with what, , I call uni rules. That these are demands or expectations or , should or must or have twos or odds or whatever you wanna call it, they’re saying to life I’m only gonna be okay with you life. If you give me what I want.

And if you don’t give me what I want, then because I have this rule and you’ve broken the rule, that I’m gonna give myself full permission to be piss as esl. And that’s the deal we make within our own heads.

Speaker 0: Okay. Some great points there from Fred Lu. Alright. Finishing up about the new… Plus, and it’s careful critical discourse.

Right? It comes with some downsides. Right? This careful critical dis, these dispose toward an unhealthy self consciousness towards distorted convoluted speech, inhibition of play imagination and passion and contingent pressure for expressive discipline. And this is why the dominant liberal elite media was so late to the game of recognizing that present Joe Biden Sin.

Alright. For all, it’s watchful and self discipline, the culture of critical discourse Creates a loss of warmth and sp 80. Alright. This is not a a visceral. Discourse.

Right? It’s very reflex, meaning constantly monitoring itself means constantly adjusting what you’re saying to patterns of propriety, Right. There’s a structured in flexibility when facing changing situations such as when it is blinding obvious. That Jay Biden is not up to the job. And sometimes there will be a disregard of the difference in situations and in the insistence on healing to the required rule.

And so that’s why the news media looked so ridiculous for years. Claiming that conservatives were just actually wrong when when they noted that, Jay Biden had severe, , cognitive impairments. And let’s get a birthday from Fox.

Speaker 29: Genesis latest reporting that secret service did not attend day meeting 9AM of the day of the rally with local law enforcement in that local law enforcement was not on the same communication channel with the secret service, your thoughts.

Speaker 17: Well, the secret service has taken ownership of the security failure, the massive security failure that led to the attempted assassination of the former president and rightfully so. They are responsible for not only creating the overall security plan, including the request and direction to resources from state and local law enforcement, but also to ensure the effective implementation of that plans So there’s gonna be a lot that they have to explain and the director gets that opportunity tomorrow in in front of Congress. But what I can tell you is this is going to lead to a larger discussion. 1 about overall resources and capabilities. Of the secret service.

And if the questions go that way, which I recommend they do, then the secretary of Homeland Security, Ali My is is gonna have some explaining to do The secret service has his historically been asked to do more with less, and that’s unacceptable. So if these resources based on request or threat level are not being provided because they’re just not there to give. Then that’s a huge problem and not something that should hang entirely on the agency itself. Dhs now 22 years after existence, It’s time to ask hard questions. They did not get the creation of Dhs right the very first time.

It should be reevaluate, and we… Look and see if the secret service actually belongs within Dhs?

Speaker 29: To your point, house speaker mike Johnson today said the buck stops with… Secretary of My. Let’s play that.

Speaker 30: We have added additional resources even in the in the most recent appropriation to the Department of Homeland security, but the buck stops there. So secretary Is in charge of that agency if he needed to allocate more resources to the secret service, then that should have been done,

Speaker 29: So it sounds like not only will the secret service director be on the Hot seat tomorrow, but my orc is at some point, maybe 2.

Speaker 17: And I think that’s fair gain. Look, the past 3 and a half years, the Department of Homeland security has been in crisis noted has become the Department of Immigration and borders. So how much attention has the secret service been given by this administration the past 3 and 3 and a half years to make sure that they have the capability to do their jobs. They’ve got an important mission, and it’s important that the secret service comes out of this stronger and are given the tools. To be effective in what the American people are tasking them with doing.

Speaker 29: I know the men and women who protect former presidents current presidents having a very difficult job. So I wanna be sensitive to that. Their leadership may have messed up, but they’re… They’re putting their

Speaker 17: coach to the men and women of the secret service. We saw that unfold as there screaming directions at the former president to get down to the ground, and then

Speaker 0: Okay. So we have 3 books on the history of the Biden administration. And may be curious how do they deal with Joe Biden obvious cognitive decline? Right. We got the last politician inside Joe Biden White House and you The struggle for America’s future by Franklin Foyer.

We have the fight of his life inside Joe Biden White House by Chris Whip. We have the international, the fight to restore American foreign policy after Trump by Alexander Warned. How do they deal with Biden obvious cognitive decline? They ignore it. How much attention do they give to how active a role the president has played in governing the country?

They ignore it. When I go to Google scholar, right? How many articles do I find by academics? By experts on Jay Biden obvious cognitive decline. Right?

None. Right? All the articles that exist. Say that Joe Biden is just fine. Right?

That he does not demonstrate cognitive decline. On the other hand, it… It’s obvious that Donald Trump is unfit for office. So couldn’t find any academic articles noting that Joe Biden lacked the cognitive fitness for office office Right? This topic just completely ignored by our academic elites.

Okay. Here’s the the best single video Recreation of the sugar.

Speaker 8: Depot. If anybody knows, I know my home Depot. And so here is the Home Depot right up here in Butler, and the Lo is even right next to it also. And this is the site right down here where everything took place. Was right in here.

So it’s barely a mile away, and also could have been another Home Depot closer to Bethel Park lived because he went to this gun shop here, the All arms and gun war and he picked up 15 rounds of ammunition on his way up to butler Pennsylvania. Now it’s 3PM, 3 hours before the shooting. And the shooter tries to get him through security, but the magnet pick up his digital rage finder, which is used to give you distances. They allowed him in surprisingly. But they kept an eye on him, and then he left the area.

Speaker 0: Why on earth would they allow him in with with a ray?

Speaker 8: K. So now I made up this diagram here from an overhead photo of what was going on. Now the shooter would have been way over here off to the lower left. On top of the roof of 1 of those other buildings, which is about the same height as these over here. You can see here these red barns and he probably would have been at about this height here, pretty much eye to eye with the secret service counter snipers.

So remember this is North, This is pointing north here, and then this is pointing south. So the bullets would have come from this direction from the shooter and would have to come this way towards Trump and gone over here. So that’s why you see. This is the locations of our victims. This 1 here died.

He’s the red dot and the 2 yellow dots are the ones that were injured, and we know 1 of them was sitting right directly in the corner of the back of the bleach here. Will be showing you later what happened here to this boom lift, but remember, we had 2 sets of snipers for the secret service. 1 was right here. Covering the north side, and another set was right here, covering the south side. Now the secret servers counter team starts setting up.

So this is the north team and they’re sitting up on their barn, which is going to be on the left side of the stage if you’re facing the stage. And this is the south side team here. So they are over bar number 14, which is on the right side of the stage if you’re facing the stage. So these guys are getting us set up with your gear. And then at 05:06PM WTAE got this video.

From a guy who was just shooting there with his cell phone, and you can see the shooter walking outside the secure area. He’s outside the fence area, and he’s scoping out that building, and the guy pans around a little bit comes back again, and now he’s just steaming their outside the fence area, kind of eerie And then at 05:14PM, a police sniper captured this photo of the shooter. He was apparently using a range finder in his cell phone and at this point. Became a person of interest. And after this, they lost sight of him.

Then at 05:28PM, he took a picture of this bicycle and a backpack. Don’t know what the significance is of these. Meanwhile, the crowd is enjoying a really great time in the afternoon. They have no idea what’s about to go down there are just blissful unaware at this point. At 05:33PM, former president Trump’s motor rides at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally.

Speaker 18: President his aid 1 of those people? There he is. We don’t know which 1, but we know he’s there. Look,

Speaker 8: now Here’s… Where things really start to get dicey in the timeline because check out this headline from Abc b news. This was a couple of days ago, and this

Speaker 0: Okay, Martin Gu wrote a terrific essay on the Joe Biden debate, Joe Biden and a tear. In the fabric of things. So remember, the the biggest difference between conservative media mainstream media in the United States over the past 4 years is over Joe Biden cognitive health or On the conservative side, it was taken for granted that Joe Biden chose significant signs of cognitive decline. It’s usually described in the visceral word sen aisle, and the mainstream media said there was just a lack of evidence for this. Mountain Guru says last month’s debate destroyed the carefully crafted myth of Joe Biden as an empathetic intelligent and resolute leader for the establishment that per this hoax.

What comes next won’t be pretty. Right? So Joe Biden was essentially prop up, by the establishment, and then along comes the debate. Right? So in an effort, Unparalleled in our history, every American institution from the prestige press to the digital platforms from academia to the entertainment world and the federal bureaucracy, was recruited to portray president Biden as the second coming of Abraham Lincoln.

He was said to be caring empathetic, a totally normal everyday Joe who bonded easily with racial minorities. He was also serious about his duties the dignified adult in the room. Reliable ally ally who would never be manipulated by Vladimir Putin. His administration defeated the Covid pandemic saved the Economy embraced migrants of all races ended their forever 1 in Afghanistan, and protected Ukraine Israel and Hamas. Right?

As to the president’s age, he was owed, but wise. He was shop in private that was stu in public, he was surrounded by the best and the brightest in any case. Nothing like this has been seen before for the Democrats in power to spend the truth was predictable. The institutions of information and knowledge. To d base themselves so completely on behalf of a political non entity.

Joe Biden added to their crisis of authority by pre a depressing meltdown of integrity, Right? Establishment, he leads move their minds permanently to Joe Biden. Where this Jay Biden was an energetic leader in these policies were always successful. Right? We were told to ignore the evidence of our eyes and to salute.

Jay Biden actual appearances generated uncertainty and unease ease, but these were carefully staged and kept to a minimum. He was the truth of the matter. Biden World functioned better without Joe Biden. He was in fact, its greatest obstacle. And this fantastic universe erected around Joe Biden.

Wasn’t focused on the president, but fiercest antagonist, Donald Trump, was the pre of Biden world. It’s reason for existence. So as a moral and political abomination, Trump provided the rationale for establishment rule in perpetuity. Loa of Trump in the highest places is no doubt sincere. That’s not the point.

If the former president had never existed, someone else would have been found to occupy the super villain slot, so this few months in 20 23 where Ron santos was put in this slot. Though we had this imminent threat to democracy, and it required justification of extraordinary measures. The prime directive of Bind has always been anything is listed if it helps the defeat trump, could that include opening up space for assassination attempts on Donald Trump, possibly. So we had protection against reality, that was the highest priority of Biden world. Whatever whisper of truth.

Here’s the Wall of fictions was ruthless attacked as the product of crazed and bigoted minds. So a special prosecutor Robert Hu. Who had the assignment of looking into Joe Biden misha a classified documents if he reports that he won’t move forward with the case because Joe Biden is an elderly man with a poor memory Then Robert Hu must be a Trump tour. The video shows Jay biden wandering after nowhere, then the video alive or malicious disinformation is Cheap fakes. It’s…

Just to arrange conspiracy theories. Right? And to strengthen the faith of Biden world, punishment had to be metered out to heretics, Mag, supporters were treated like domestic terrorists, political opponents were prosecuted like criminals. An elaborate censorship apparatus was constructed to protect against defending opinions and factual discrepancies. Anything is listed if it helps to defeat Donald Trump, Right?

That has been the perspective of our dominant elite and our dominant institutions. Now why did the people around Biden changed their minds and challenge Donald Trump to a debate. Right? They had migrated to a fantasy universe. They had come to believe in their own comforting lot eyes.

Truth had become the habit enemy something to shu in horror. So they dreamed that they could preserve Biden world by producing the real Joe Biden. Now this debate, June 27 was a trend san dental event. It was far more significant than anything that was setting in it. So while Joe Biden ga and mum board.

A ripping noise could be heard by those who listen closely it sound like the renting of avail, as the whole gothic fortress of fantasies disintegrate, replica vanish like a ghost and 100000000 Americans could suddenly be behold the cruel struggles of a man tormented by a dying, body and a dying mind. A shock of what we saw still lingers, Not because it was surprising, but rather because it was so predictable and consistent with what we already knew. It was truth. We have grown used to lies. We witnessed in real time the unraveling of a colossal fraud in the end of Joe Biden political life.

There is no way forward for Joe Biden. Although he is a vain and stubborn man may take outside intervention to persuade him of this. Media that went shoulder him is now competing to expose its frail, Prime directive remains Supreme start donald Trump, but Joe biden now finds himself at the pointy end of that argument. He has fallen behind Trump and in consequence he has lost the New York times. No democratic politician can take that hit, remain a competitive candidate times What happens next is uncertain.

Yeah establishment however it may not survive the public un masking of his p fantasies. The magic has been lost with the authority to an point the next chief. Democratic party lung held together by his collective world to power. May shatter from a clash of personal ambitions. I see no reason to pity Joe Biden.

He per a hoax on the American people, and he had the mis fortune of being found out the punishment will fit the crime, humiliation for heed vanity. He is forced to withdraw from the president your contest that will be all the world remembers of his brief tenure at the top. If Donald Trump regain the presidency in 20 24, and you’ll Joe Biden will end up d tested by the very elites whose good opinion he has g all of his life to obtain. Failure this diet will be fixed and final like Destiny itself. He will not bear the blows stoic.

He’ll spend whatever time remains to him as a 20 first century of King Lea. Fallen baffled victim of his fatal mis judgments, node man lost on the heath, and railing. At the storm.

Speaker 8: Now, I should point out something here. There’s a slight discrepancy even though all of the news outlets are reporting about the same here, the security room dis info to the counter response team, and the addition this is where the gunman was. He was positioned right here If you saw the photos of him lying on the roof, he was right by this little connection right here between the 2 buildings. So he was sitting right here and Trump was on the stage way over here. So they’re saying that they saw him at 6 0…

Speaker 0: Okay. And let’s get some more commentary.

Speaker 15: Cs team took the shot and all that kind of stuff. We had a very, very good good coverage station. And I said, is there anything else that you think would influence, , the delayed. And he goes, absolutely. Def define the police every police officer.

Speaker 0: Right. Why did the Count snipers delay in taking out The… Would be asses of Donald Trump. Right. That’s my number 1 question.

Speaker 15: Across the country is hesitant to use force now. And that… Could be a major factor in this 1. I don’t know. I’m just suggesting that that’s endemic.

, if if if you sow into the police community, this this message, that, , you’re over bearing, you obviously overused force, then they’re gonna be hesitant to use it. We’ve already seen clear examples of officers dying because they didn’t use the force that they were lawful allowed to use. So this is gonna be another issue that comes up, who are we hiring? And I wanna say it Clear, Chuck, you don’t Have had this conversation I was a marine. I was a police officer, and I was a secret service agent and a homeland security age.

During all those 10 years, I worked next to females that were incredible. They were gifted. They were strong. They were fit. And I’m not saying that women shouldn’t be on the job.

I’m saying that qualified people. Should be on the job. We should never say, oh, well, only, this third is reserved for only these people. And I think across the agencies, we’re seeing this compromise mission because we’re not necessarily hiring the right people.

Speaker 13: Yeah. That’s. So you talk about def fund the police, but also this D initiative where Kimberly C is saying, I will only hire women for 1 third of the force, and that might very necessarily mean that There’s a 6 foot 5 300 pound line guy out there who got passed over, even though he was eminent more qualified just because he didn’t have the right plumbing. And, this is a a huge problem. Huge problem.

I mean, there’s been a tremendous amount of talk on social media about some of those female Secret service agents that were… Well, let’s just say, not really up to the task. What I was watching another

Speaker 0: Look, the differences between men and women don’t come down to me plumbing just like the differences between various racial groups don’t come down. To skin skin pigmentation. The plumbing and the skin pigmentation are clues to broader, wider and more significant differences. Alright. Let’s welcome Stephen James to the show, Steven.

What’s going on, man?

Speaker 28: Y. I was I was just writing I’m backstage. I didn’t know if you’d see, luke. How are you doing today?

Speaker 0: I am blessed. How are you?

Speaker 28: Not bad. I don’t have long. Don’t long, but I thought I just hop on. I just listening to the guy speaking there. 1 of the points I wanted to make when I came on is I’m very frustrated by this, line that people are taking, which is, I’m not saying that women can’t do the job frustrated Okay.

Because I think that this just feeds feeds the problem even more. Okay. Yes, you can have some ladies. Doing like, regular secret service jobs but not the close protection team. I just don’t buy it.

Okay. I just don’t know. There’s no for instance, boxing regulator in in the world who would sanction a fight. Between a man and a woman of the same weight. So who are we kidding when this close protection like whatever it is a 6 man team who, , walks with Trump, wherever he goes, who are who are who are responsible for him on the podium who responsible for him as his walking him amongst crowds, This team who has to disarm people.

In most circumstances, it’s probably going to be physical disarm and grabbing them by by the throat or something like this, , drown them by the arms, taking them to the ground. This should be big, strong men without a doubt. So…

Speaker 0: Yes. Yes. Without a doubt, but the reason that we are so free to state this obvious truth. Is that we have nothing to lose. Alright.

We’re we’re not gonna we’re not gonna give out our prestigious positions. We’re not gonna give up wealth and honor we’re not gonna give up , beautiful, you, sexual relationships by stating the obvious truth. Everyone that I was playing who was much more convoluted in their approach they more to blues than we did. So 1 of the virtue of our lack of success in life is that we can be free to say the plant truth.

Speaker 28: I yes. I get the point. It just really frustrate strikes me. As I hear them out there. Attempting to give this like a this truth about the fact

Speaker 22: that it has to be somebody

Speaker 28: competent and but yet they’re still walking, the fence line real really, really careful. Anyway, that frustrated me. The other thing I wanted to mention Luke, I

Speaker 31: I didn’t tell

Speaker 28: you actually the whole truth when I spoke to you before in the immediate aftermath. Of the the Trump the Trump assassination attempt because 1 of the things right that happened is… I I wanted to say that I was watching it live. You remember I told you,

Speaker 4: I had it

Speaker 28: I had it paused in a tab or my instinct. Right, my instinct was to lie and say that I had been watching it

Speaker 4: live. Mh.

Speaker 28: And I and I had to stop myself from doing it. Because I I and I don’t know why. I don’t know why, but I wanted, like, feed. I wanted to be part of it. I I remember telling you this.

And so I was gonna say I was watching it live in the tweet that I made, and I I like, stopped myself at the last moment for making this. Fundamental, like incorrect on the record thing on, , and and what he made me think about is like the nature of where like conspiracy theories develop from, and I imagine lots of it is like, from false witness accounts of people who are just wanting to be part of the moment, like get carried away in the excitement of something in a weird like narcissistic way wanting to share in it. Because from what I understand, there’s lots of people like, for instance, who excitement when 09:11 happened, claimed to have seen the first plane at the tower, either on Tv or in real life and then, like, it comes out after the fact, well, the first nobody saw the first plane hitting the hitting the tower on the Tv. So all these witness accounts off. , people who who declared this either lying or mistake.

And and so I imagine that this is, like, it’s people’s it’s not it’s not lying, what it is lying, but it’s people’s and a miss mis of, of something that it’s like you want to give, like, the essence of the truth, but you also want to be part of it more

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. I I think you’re absolutely touching on something and it’s a it’s a Ro rochelle test. It’s a giveaway. When you encounter someone who exaggerate.

Their own significance. that you’re dealing with a fragile person who finds the reality of his own significance unbearable. And therefore, is trying to create a scaffold of significance where there is no viable foundation for that significant. So Taiwan earning a million dollars a year has no need to make up a story of his own significance, generally speaking. Alright?

Someone is a professional athlete, someone who’s dating , having sex regularly with a gorgeous woman, someone who has an esteem position in his community has much less need, to EAA false sense of significance because they have a real significance. But those of us who don’t have that real significance that comes with being a star. We much more keenly feel that need to to create a significance because the unbearable nature of our own significance is just so painful.

Speaker 28: Yeah. No. I agree with you entirely about that. Yeah. Yeah.

It’s like, I wanted to report on it. Whilst being part of the story and I had to pull myself back at the last mode. And you can claim people have now been reporting on it in the aftermath, and each of them are wanting to give, like their own, like like, it’s super insightful thing on it. And so this is even now breeding. Like, you you are identifying you’re watching.

Oh, this guy’s giving some important information here and some, , and some rubbish. He’s talking rubbish as well. And it’s quite obvious that many of these people I just like want they’re very excited about it and wanted to get the next angle and we live in then get the age of, like, engagement and impressions on Twitter and on social media. And so I don’t think that there’s this thing about whether is it , are these real, really bad lies? Do these people believe them or not?

Or do they think like that… They’re living in the spirit of the truth. They’re looking for the truth? Even if they’re telling some por pies along the way.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I I mean, when I was from… I don’t know about age 14 to 22. I exaggerated my sexual prowess. Because because I thought it

Speaker 28: more than that luke to be fair.

Speaker 0: I didn’t have any. And and and then I finally at age 22, I least started having regular sex. And A few weeks in, my girlfriend said, , I feel so insecure because you’ve been with so many girls before me. And I said, I was lying. You you’re my first.

Speaker 28: Oh, and how did she tie How do did she…

Speaker 0: Oh, she she found that adorable, and she she treasure. But like like, I remember in eighth grade, I had a a class who was already having sexual interactions with high school goals. He didn’t need to exaggerate his Sexual prowess because he was having the real thing. So people who have the real thing. I think they just have much less of a need to exaggerate their own accomplishments.

Like, it’s it’s a real giveaway of someone finding the reality of their life unbearable.

Speaker 28: Yeah. This is true. When people are speaking about it. How they’re not doing it. Are they really?

Yeah. It’s projection. But what it… Was the phrase bullshit walks? And awesome, some…

Money talks bullshit walks I… I’m… What, people who are speaking about something. They’re not doing it. Yeah.

You’re right about that.

Speaker 0: I remember when I interviewed Andy Na, and it was about about 3 4 years ago. Yeah. It his… He’d come out with a novel… Is kind of inspired by the the Covid pandemic.

And and it… The interview didn’t go so well. Andy and I started flashing And and then Afterwards, I I just was seized with what I think is an inside. That for people who are losing it life, 1 of the principal ways that they comfort themselves in in else fear, is that they are convinced at least they see through the bullshit. Right?

They’re failing at life, but at least they see through the bullshit while their peers who may will be less intelligent than them, but who have marriages who have children who have mortgages who have better the… I have a 6 figure income. Well, these guys are just car. Right? They don’t have the strength that I have to see through the bullshit.

Like we always. I just noticed in myself this constant need to manufacture an angle by which I am an awesome man.

Speaker 28: Yeah. Yeah. I do think that there is this. Character that you say that the that, when you find it… Certainly when you get into distant politics and you start getting Red pill, you do really like pat yourself on the back as like a truth discover, and she and and and you may be discovering these things whether they’re true or not, you’re discovering them on the internet, and you’re spending all your time doing it.

That… But what you’re not doing is built, maybe building the most successful life around yourself, but you look at you look at other people who are norm is, and we come up with these derogatory terms for them Npc, norm, blue pill, people, and we say… We’re not like them, and we don’t say we’re not like them because we’re poor. And we are dis franchise. We say we’re not like them because they are they’re closed minded.

We we we figured it all out. Yeah. You’re you really outright about that. Now.

Speaker 0: I mean, a lot of my friends have have Phds and say, a friend who who… Specializes in genocide. Right? They are particularly eager to apply the label genocide to all sorts of things going on around them, because they’re they’re trying to manufacture jobs income and prestige for themselves, and their other friends in mental health. They’re eager to promote an expansion of definitions of mental health, so that they can have more clients and power and prestige.

I mean, we’re we’re an incredibly, know, self interested self diluted bunch. I mean, even even fairly successful people. I mean, even Joe Biden, president of the United States, but he is burning with anger that Barack obama told him to not run for president in 20 16 and to allow, , Hillary Clinton to run instead. So he’s burning with anger and resentment about that. So he’s not gonna listen to the Biden team about how he should drop out now.

So… And, of course, Donald Trump just to a ludicrous extent. Takes things personally.

Speaker 28: Yeah. It it is nuanced though isn’t it? Like, like like I said at the start there because we also can see. How people hold I more confess of this. So there is something to becoming, whatever it is, Red pill, more aware about politics more aware about these things.

Us who see through the bullshit loop. I mean, there is some… There is some actuality, Some some real to what we see in other people who do maintain prestige who do tread the social graces carefully, and make and managed to maintain their positions of of authority and power who don’t get canceled. There’s some… We’re we’re right to notice it

Speaker 0: because. But it seems to always… It seems 99 percent of the time that I encountered that attitude is accompanied by a social dysfunction. So you would think that someone who really does see through the Bs. Right?

Common sense would suggest that that person would be more adept at navigating reality. And yet it almost always seems to be accompanied by below average ability to navigate reality. So that then makes me question whether people really are through the bullshit when it almost always is… Part parcel of a dysfunctional, unhappy, unsuccessful isolated life.

Speaker 28: Yeah. Well, well, there’s 1 thing that there’s no there’s definitely no like a pot… There’s no positive benefit. To alive. There’s no obvious gain from from learning any of this stuff anyway.

It certainly doesn’t propel you like from mediocrity into a life of success. Does it… Have you have you have you ever ever ever found anyone who became red pill and wealthy?

Speaker 0: No. No. Not even lowe’s. It’s it’s bizarre. They all set tell it tell me that they create a hundred and 50000 a year.

Jobs because they read Kevin Mcdonald’s culture of critique. And and and now, , they’ve lost their wife. They’ve lost their family, They’ve lost their connections with friends. They are, , exile from everything that they once valued. And then now surrounded by people who deny that the holocaust happened, it it just seems just to a shocking degree that I did not expect in 20 13, 20 14, 20 15.

It seems to always be accompanied by a dysfunctional life. And and that is not what I anticipated.

Speaker 28: No. You onto something there. Look, the last thing I want to mention. Was Elliott to dinner date. I heard him talking about this when when it doesn’t show the other day.

And I get… It wasn’t… It the the the 1 who he wants. He wants the younger version. Yes.

But, it’s interesting. He said, There was a moment during that dinner where I forget exactly what it was, but she said something like it’s a shame that they missed Trump. Or something like that, and he was a gas. He was… From that moment on, he couldn’t look to the same way, and he wanted to leave and he lost all respect for him And it made me realize that how many occasions look must we make the same mistake going around.

And where we give our opinions and Yes. People who are who are liberal, like, we we we we give opinions like, like, I’ve just given you How. Yes. A man should be doing the job or Yes. All that , men.

Men don’t have men have penis and women don’t or things like this and other people silently, dismiss us because of their, like liberal prior. And how many opportunities we have force say you can, like, through doing this and not realized it because our normality is also what we, like just assumed the other person also turned.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. I I remember this I, I’m a breast man. So it was this bust porn star who wanted to seduce me. And she we were get it and end the evening in in her jacuzzi.

And she began our evening by us going out to dinner, and she ordered a ham salad. And even though she, , had had big breasts, and she was beautiful and she had a… A college degree in English literature. From that point on, I could not do anything with her. And so we had dinner her.

We went back to the jacuzzi, a like, everything was set for her to seduce me, and I could not go through with it because, I didn’t want to be rendered, imp by her eating ham, but it just happened to me. It just happened to me. I couldn’t go through with the deed, simply because she’d had eaten ham.

Speaker 28: Wow. Yeah. And this… This was aft after your conversion, I’m assuming.

Speaker 0: Yeah Yeah.

Speaker 28: Tearing all your life anyway aren’t. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 0: Yeah. It just… It’s so like, it just took away. I mean, there were just numerous times that times when when women would try to seduce me and there would be something that would just put me off, and I just couldn’t go through with it. I it was just physically not capable of of doing the deed.

Because of, like, some some expression, something they… Just 1 thing would just burned that bridge to intimacy.

Speaker 28: Yeah. That’s interesting. I often think though there’s women often like, try to mirror what particular like in, when when they’re into somebody. So if they’re like looking for romance. If they’re interested in you, they attempt to mirror what they think you might…

Actually approve of or what might actually like. And I was thinking about, like, this situation again with Elliott. In many ways, I wonder if Elliott gives off like the typical liberal, san franciscan, hip or whatever type vibe. And if this lady, was like, doing that, she could’ve have been doing that to impress Elliott, , coming out with this, like, outrageous statement at the dinner table and she thought that, like, Elliot would have been, like, turned on by it or something, what a what a what a thing to say, , about about Trump because the discourse is, of course, , we all hate Trump, but we all, , what would have been. And and she could have been doing that to get in Elliot pants and instead, it drove him out the door.

Speaker 0: 0II remember another. Woman she was a respectable woman. She was a good woman I met her in Synagogue, but it was during a time when I was very much following Dennis P. And Dennis P would just pour out his contempt at people who watch a lot of Tv. And so I asked this this beautiful woman who was great fit for me physically, and she had a wonderful sarcastic sense of humor, and I asked her how much Tv she watched and she said, oh, about 8 hours a day.

And and I only realized in retrospect that she was just pulling my leg and and being sarcastic. But I could not date her because she said, She watched 8 hours a Tv a day. But she was just playing around, but because I was so focused on the the Dennis P hero system. That she was immediately rendered, , a member of the a group for me even though she was a a beautiful persian Us, simply because she said something sarcastic, and I didn’t get it.

Speaker 28: Yeah. You missed out, Luke. You missed out. Probably low level asp fe really that isn’t it?

Speaker 0: I, I mean just… Oh, well, it’s the insane generation of a particular. Here system, that I was using to provide myself a foundation because I didn’t have a real foundation, of normal sense of ease with myself and with other people and so I was trying to construct a a foundation for a good life, and I built upon bits and pieces that I took from Dennis Sp. I was trying to I was trying to build myself up by by holding to this elevated morality system. I was trying to hold on to myself even though at the time, I was just immersed in reporting on the point industry.

And so yeah I I felt myself hurt downhill, , in very dangerous ways. And so I was trying to clasp on to something to retain my sanity.

Speaker 28: Yeah. Hey, how many people would you say that, put on this exterior of , walking all the correct opinions. How many people would you say that like, behind behind closed doors, you you’ve realized actually don’t, , hold to all the heirs and graces of societies? Is it

Speaker 0: Yeah. Got a great deal. I mean as much as any other hypocrisy. So many liberal intellectual, I know. , say, highly dis discouraging things about, black people in private.

Mh. Like they’ll talk about their frustration with teaching some, , an intelligent to black students.

Speaker 28: So I guess the lesson would be then, like, for instance, when I’m watching these guys that you’re playing who us. Who are walking up to the line and saying, look, , they’re walking up to that line and saying the truth that is acceptable, I shouldn’t take away. I’m frustrated with you, you liberal cook. I should take away from that. Your you’re dog w to me what you actually think should know.

Speaker 0: But, I think you

Speaker 16: should support

Speaker 0: take away that they’re doing the best they can in particular circumstance. So the more more prestigious your position. The more you have to adhere to careful critical discourse. Sir. Alright?

The the quicker, you’ll be removed from your position. And so the more they have to lose, the more careful, they have to be. And so 1 has to recognize their their position and how they’re doing the best they can in in a challenging position, And if we were in their position, we would not be more frank than they are. Like, we wouldn’t throw away our marriage and our job and our career and our social standing. Just to give blunt truth about Pm secret service agents.

Speaker 28: No. No. No we want. Interesting about the about Trump security as well just before I go. I was looking up.

I I had this vague memory from 2016 about Trump Trump’s own private security that this was a clash. You may even have been talking about it way back. Like I know, just have Trump was later that. Can’t remember. But So I I was looking up.

There’s lots of articles about Trump’s private security that he he obviously had. , being, like a billionaire and, , New York real estate. And, apparently, when he got into… When he became president elect, there was this clash, he wanted to keep his private security team, and and it was run by a guy called Keith Sc.

Speaker 0: Yes. And well service hates that. They hated that. They always resent that.

Speaker 28: Yet. So there’s dozens of articles online from 20 16 saying what it terrible idea this was for Trump How he was end, the president, , was end his life. It was a reckless decision, and everything and I’m thinking now. , Trump should have that private security. Yeah that, , that he’d built over decades through loyalty and service, and he could I I imagine it was ruthless as a, , as an employer, just, , probably a bit like he was on the apprentice in real life, but I I know that was a media image, but this team that he built up, he could have that now on the ground with him at these events and, , not not by the looks of it, they’d be much more.

Probably reliable in the secret service in many ways.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And the secret service made a convincing point that Keith Sc would often get in the way when they’re trying to accomplished things and he was actually end Trump security and and given the complicated nature of reality, I’m sure that was that times true. So at times, having your private security would be to your advantage and other times it would be to you a disadvantage. It’s not like there’s 1 definitive answer to this.

Speaker 28: No. No. It’s true. And I think you’ve probably hit on something the. The other person I’ve heard talking about about it, reporting on that Trump probably played into this somewhat.

So his, like, reckless use of secret service or something?

Speaker 0: Yes.

Speaker 28: His own decisions, probably foolish, , he’s over overused, so, , to protect like his own assets and stuff. I imagine this is, probably the case and he’s probably reaping the… He’s probably sowing what he’s reap. Early on and

Speaker 0: reaping what his soon. Yeah. Yeah. He’s he’s reaping the whirlwind from his own selfish, and he’s just not very good at running things and he didn’t do much to improve the secret service when he had power, and he was he denied… Proper security to Joe Biden.

When when Trump had the power to do that. So so now, , the Biden not that Joe Biden deliberately ordered this, but it wouldn’t be surprising if a Joe Biden team, , thinks turnaround around fair play.

Speaker 28: Yeah. It’s interesting that they’re all white.

Speaker 31: As. I mentioned earlier.

Speaker 28: Not just not not just Biden, but also Trump. So if yes Trump’s got some of the fat girls, but they’re all white, still. So that is interesting. Yeah Yeah.

Speaker 0: Tried does not like the Obese.

Speaker 28: No. No. It I mean, it should just have tall man around his close protection team. This really frustrate me. Why this?

, it’s it’s so obvious. Yeah. And anyway, I’ve got to run Luke.

Speaker 0: Okay. Take care, man. Bro. Take care. Bye.

Speaker 28: Okay. Okay.

Speaker 0: So… Yeah. I I know a lot of people in my life, who tried to follow Dennis P advice because Dennis sp is incredibly charismatic. It. Like, if you walk into a room and Dennis P is there, you will feel drawn to him when you’re in a room and Dennis P walks in, the the air seems to change.

At for every year, Dennis P went to grade school. He was elected class president. Right? There there was just an aura about him. And so he makes you feel important.

He makes you feel like he’s giving you something important. Right. He he’s the the definition of Charisma, and so many people are emotionally moved by Dennis P, and then they try to translate. Laid his advice into their life. And often is just absolutely disastrous.

Such as you should laid communicate the tough things that you can’t say to your partner do it in writing. Well, sometimes that’s a good idea, but sometimes that’s a terrible idea. And and also, your own degree of ease with yourself and ease with other people. Will enable you or dis empower you from appropriately integrating data sp advice. Like, whatever anyone gives advice, Obviously, there will be circumstances where it will be useful and other circumstances where it will be a detrimental

Speaker 13: angle that somebody filmed from this the… Bleach behind the president as he was speaking. And and when the shooting started, 1 of the female secret service agents actually tossed her gun right off the stage. Her her firearm went flying right off the stage, and she lost control of it, and had to run back down the stairs and pick it up as they were bringing trump down another angle, the that famous photograph now showing Trump with his fist race, he’s visible in the photo because the secret service agent, and the female in that’s that’s trying to, , block him with her body only comes up about to hear on him and and isn’t actually covering his head.

Speaker 0: Let’s she was kip back to the show. Kip. What’s going on, man.

Speaker 31: And well, man, Just checking in with you. I was wanting offer something to you for your consideration. When you said you were having some performance issues there. Yeah. With with women.

Yeah. , , performance I found along the way that… That’s a that’s a… The image of a perfect woman is something I constructed. ?

That poor girl didn’t have anything to do with it. , it was something that was solely with me and something that was built up inside of me. But what I would think is maybe just all of a sudden, subconsciously, you realize this isn’t it. She’s she’s not it. , I had this thing.

This image in my mind, and she’s not living up to it. And, in the same way that you go out there and pro create a younger man, as a young man and and you subconsciously don’t realize you’re just trying to have a fun time, But there’s a job to do your genes are trying to get out there end of the world. And you don’t even realize what’s going on. Now, that could have been the same thing going on with that performance anxiety, where you’re… Where you’re man who is going nope.

Nope. You you you did the interview process, but it was wrong. You were wrong about this 1, and I’m gonna… I’m gonna make a call for you and save the day here.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I think up our intuition, the… The the body reacts in ways completely differently from how our mind reacts are, , my mind said, , bang this slot. But my body just couldn’t go through with it. I mean, and that’s happened to me, how did, probably 50 50 different women.

Like, my my mind said, I should go bang this slot, but my body couldn’t.

Speaker 31: Right. I… Like myself, I was gifted in the art. Persuasion when I was younger, ma’am, but at the same time, a problem would would arrive or arise whenever I would speak a to a group that was above say, 20 people. I remember I have went to a company called T, Thomas field furniture industries out in High Point North Carolina.

And was given a talk to them, and I broke out in, like, a full body sweat. And the only thing I could say is I could… Their eyeballs were, like laser beams on me. what I mean? And and I felt that that seemed to happen whenever it was above, like a a group that you could manage.

Any anytime it was got to the mob size or larger. I just couldn’t do it without breaking out and in flop sweat. Just refuse flop sweat. So you could see on, 1 level that could be something that separates the men from the boys, , Yeah. There may there may be I may be 1 in a 1 in a thousand as far as being able to teach people persuasion.

But some you gotta… When it comes to a a large group. Maybe you gotta be the 1 in a hundred thousand, , to be able to get that done.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And if you don’t have an internal image of what you’re deserving. So I know I’ve had many significant. Opportunities in my life, and I simply didn’t feel deserving, and so I sabotage them.

Speaker 31: Mh. Also in persuasion. I used to tell people people could smell that desperation on you. That’s the same with the with the battle of the sexes too. People can smell that desperation.

? Oh. It’s interesting how that stuff goes goes because you would think you would think, someone get get sharper, , as as he got more desperate or more desperate, but no. Get more clumsy. It’s actually the opposite.

It seem to get more clumsy. As the as the cold street goes on and on.

Speaker 0: Yeah. That that’s that’s why the most important reputation you can have is with yourself. Right? You will not allow yourself to achieve more success than you you believe you deserve. And so until you’re at ease with yourself.

Gonna be severely limited no matter what happens to you?

Speaker 31: Right. I’m… Also, I wanted to push back a little bit. From, the earlier conversation we’re having with V where you talked about , navigating a reality, and from the people who claim to say they know truth through the capital t seem to be the king of social dysfunction. ?

Speaker 6: That sort of

Speaker 31: and I don’t know. I can always speak for myself, ? So a Anecdote Anecdotal of 1 person, but what is Sanity in an insane society? , I’m I’m more from the school of Terrence Community. Mckenna who said that culture is not your friend, ?

So if you’ve seen it for the horror that it is or whatever, you can just do the best you can. , because in my mind, let’s say the people that are playing along, I guess that’s an arc. I guess that’s an ability. So, , work could be something as simple as they say ignorance is bliss. But I can’t play along.

Just in just in the way, I have to really watch myself when I’m socializing out here, walking my dogs at this liberal liberal arts, college because sometimes they get into subjects that I really wanna fire back, but I don’t, , because I kinda look at them as neighbors, , because I gotta walk my dogs up here the next day or whatever. So, it’s I do a lot of agreeing to disagree, but but but

Speaker 0: I I think you… I think you’ll… I I could be wrong, but III honestly think you’re lying to yourself. I think you found yourself in a certain spiral, and then you’re coming up with intellectual reasons why it’s it’s virtuous. I I don’t believe that you would wish the current state of your life on anyone that you cared about.

I don’t believe that you would wish this on your kids.

Speaker 31: What when you… Can you be a little bit more specific this, you’re talking about maybe social isolation?

Speaker 0: Yeah. I I… It it sounds to me, like… You are socially isolated, and I don’t believe that you would genuinely wish this for your own children. I don’t believe that you genuinely wish this, for anyone that you loved that you found yourself socially isolated and then you constructed intellectual reasons for why that was virtuous.

Speaker 31: Right. Right. Right. Well, well, that’s why that’s why a smart person can’t come off of it sometimes. what I mean?

Because they can build themselves up something internally that makes sense. But, I I guess, for me, I’ve only felt lonely 1 time of my life. I remember it was my nineteenth birthday. I was out in 29 palms, California, and all a sudden, I just… I just missed people.

, all the people that I loved were 25, 2600 miles away from me, and it had a profound effect on me. That 1 day, that 1 evening, ? But

Speaker 0: I. So give me give me a major way that you spend your time. And then I’ll ask your a question based on that.

Speaker 31: My daily routine is very boring. I get up. Go to the gym, usually just consists of swimming a mile, get done swimming a mile, come home, get the dogs, walk them for about 45 minutes. Usually, it’s around lunch lunchtime after that. And then, , somewhere along the way I might listen to you.

I’ll do some study and read a book, whatever. But that’s about it. , beyond that, it’s going out and yeah dying or or. Yeah Yeah Yeah Me isn’t transactions.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let let me let me focus here. So let’s let’s just take 1 part of your routine there that I can particularly relate to reading a book. So I get the the strength, the power and the desire to read a book substantially from my ability then to share it with people I I care about. Meaning, I get to talk about it on a show, where I get to write an essay on it or a get to talk about it with with certain friends.

It’s those connections that make that create much of the meaning that that goes with reading a book. And if I if I say go visit Australia, and and I go for a beautiful walk on the beach it is my ability to share or to describe that walk on the beach that gives it heightened meaning. If it’s just for myself, all these activities have considerably drained meaning. But when I can share them with people I care about, then then the meeting develops much more intensity. That’s how I experience these activities.

When you engage in the activities you described is the meaning that you get problem just for yourself? It is that is that filling you up? Or do you… Think about your ability to share whatever’s is going on with someone who you care about, and that’s where the meeting comes from.

Speaker 31: I’m I believe we we bring meaning to life. , that’s what I broke I believe.

Speaker 0: So you get you get your own meaning. You don’t need anyone else to back it up?

Speaker 31: No, sir.

Speaker 0: Okay. So I’m skeptical, but you you may be right. So Joe Biden has stepped down. That’s he’s just made a statement.

Speaker 31: I hate to hear that. I. Yeah. I thought I I thought he would be an easy mark, and this this gives the machine, the state department and all the apparatus. A chance to go ahead and crank up and do a new sales job with somebody else, , and and the And if they didn’t…

If they didn’t catch on to the big picture with the way Trump was treated, , from 20 15 to now. They’re never gonna catch on. That’s where I went back to you before and and told you that the, I just felt like the world is full of H onyx. Unfortunately. And and and that’s not gonna change.

But for some reason, the the amount of hypocrisy that went on with Trump. It kinda took the mask off, but everybody’s… They’re just gonna think, , that’s just Trump. That’s just this 1 thing. That’s just isolated.

Nobody will ever consider the scope, , of it all. Just

Speaker 0: Yeah. So what what makes you happy? Where do you get your happiness?

Speaker 31: Like I told you before, I really care a lot about truth. Now the unfortunate thing is I gotta reach out and talk to you. I don’t know if you’re in California today or or also Yeah. But I don’t have access to a lot of high queue folks, , here locally or but that wouldn’t have changed whether I lived here on this lone mountain or where I was before. , if some people are just trapped in the culture, and you sound like an alien if you talk to them anything different, ?

And and people don’t need to be… Unless they’re willing to go all the way, you really don’t wanna shake them out of it a little bit because, like you say, a lot of people that are let’s just… For lack of a better word in the matrix. If they’re in that, and it’s working for maybe it’s best that they need to stay in it. , maybe…

But because maybe you maybe you talk to him them a little bit, but you see that they’re really they’re really attached to this. , they’re really attached to all this. Well, okay. , you you can’t really do much at that point. So in our earlier discussion, I had told you just kinda hit it to you that I thought sort of the the end is nigh for America, and I don’t mess Necessarily think that’s gonna be global thermo nuclear disruption with with Russia.

I would think that it’s more of a financial cliff more than anything else. Or some sort of a, national divorce because I think it’s been too long, the whatever you wanna call it neural and linguistic programming or linguistic framing techniques techniques or persuasion it’s deep. And I think we’ve reached the point where people in Tennessee, they would just assume not live. Under the same top laws as the people in California or Illinois or New York State. You…

Get what I’m saying? I think there’s that much of a divide but I really think the biggest problem is more the the financial cliff. So, , I, unfortunately, I do spend, part of my time, like, having to be drawn back into the world and think about money. If you’ll think about when Alexandria, Oc Cortez and a few other democratic socialist, 1 election back in November 20 18. That worried me.

, I went out and bought 80 ounces ago. That was just under a hundred thousand dollars, and , that gold was 1200 dollars an ounce in, and I think it’s close to 2500 dollars an ounce now. It ain’t the gold that’s more valuable. It’s the Us dollars in my pocket. That’s less valuable, and that’s just been the case ever since you have been…

You were born, Luke. Here in America, we’ve lost like 97 98 percent of the purchasing power of our dollar, and guys like me, who are natural hustle we’re able to overcome that, but I think that’s just gonna be too much for the average guy. And I think I think that’s the main reason why a billionaires are building bunker all over America. What…

Speaker 0: I I say that that provides that that perspective provides excitement for you from a life that’s otherwise largely devoid of excitement? I I could be wrong. Do you get excited by the prospect of apocalypse and do you get sustenance from your ability to see through the bullshit

Speaker 31: No. I mean, do I think I’m gonna come in and pick through the bones and make a in. No. I’m not even motivated by that. I’m trying to just preserve what I…

What I had already made in previous life. what I mean? So, I’m not the apocalyptic aspect of it. No. No.

I’m not. I I don’t like it at all. I don’t think I’m necessarily smarter than anybody else. I think maybe… People just have other things on their mind or maybe they don’t want dwell on such things.

But hell, you saw yourself with Trump, for example, what the what the state department is capable of? And, , you probably thought in 20 16, 20 17, 20 18 when he and his people are being screwed with on social media or whatever you think is just some blue haired person out in Silicon Valley. This just got a political acts to grind and her a little cubicle. Nobody considers. Just until maybe 20 19, 20 20 when he starts getting kicked all off of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter Even then, I think people think nobody’s telling them to do that.

They they would have no idea that their own state department has a hand in that. They think that’s just some jack off over Twitter and Facebook. So, I don’t know. I don’t think it necessarily gives me more meaning. I just think that truth is important.

, much the same way that truth was important to a guy like, Andrew Wright, and it was important to David Irving, and it was important to a guy like Jared Taylor, and it’s important to a guy like Charles Murray, and you’re right. But take Charles Murray. He he’s he’s already said. He’s the only Phd he and his wife for the only Phd living in his town. , does…

Does that make him some sort of a social dysfunctional person? You see the way the world treats him. You see the way the world reflects on him. He goes to a college. They shot him down, they call him everything, but a son of a gun.

And always doing this is going out there trying to tell the truth. So so what should I do? Should I get out and do a podcast that that nobody is gonna watch? Don’t know. Should I read a book that nobody’s gonna read?

I don’t know. I’ve got probably something to say on that, but at this… I At this point, it’s okay for me to just talk to the few people to maybe fluid it in on stuff like this. And… But that doesn’t make me.

I don’t know. You just have to explain social dysfunction because now you’re getting down to stuff or are you living to work or working and live? Know, now you get down and stuff like that to where… What’s all.

Speaker 0: Okay. I I gonna I gotta a run for today, so we’ll definitely continue this camp, but I would explain… You a person who’s socially dysfunctional if he he doesn’t look forward to his life. Right? I I…

To me it’s equivalent to being unhappy, But if you look forward to the day ahead, the the week ahead, the the month ahead, then I think you’re functional. Right? A a form of life that doesn’t wanna live. Is not functional. So as long as you look forward to living, as long as you look forward to what’s on your plate for today and tomorrow and the rest of the week, then my perspective is that you’re functional.

But time.

Speaker 31: I’ll tell you that. I would call myself, what you’re describing. I do feel that way, from time to time from maybe the… 3 to 4 weeks around the winter sol. I do find myself getting down during the times when we have the least amount of sunlight, ?

But other than that,

Speaker 0: no. Okay. Okay. Let’s let’s continue this another time, Kip. Why wait.

Okay. Take care, man.

Speaker 31: Luke. Bye bye.

Speaker 0: Okay. Bye bye. Okay. So I I think I was 1 of the first people to predict that Joe Biden would drop out. And I used a particular set of tools.

Alright. I I used 1 1 tool in particular 2. To get to this perspective, and it was a der deviation of something that I learned from philosophy professor John M norris how often the situation will have more effect on our behavior than any innate personality characteristics, and I then translated trans muted that perspective our moral character to the political, and I saw that the power of the situation, would often in politics, outweigh all other considerations, such as tradition such as law, such as legal legality, such as, by law such as, , ways of of doing things. Right? What what Biden is doing is completely unprecedented has no precedent But I saw that the situation he was in was absolutely un antenna.

And so that’s why I announced July second. Right, that, Joe Biden was going to drop out because the desperate nature of his situation, would prevail overall precedent. So this is what I stated July second, and it’s now coming true

Speaker 4: did I make 40 here? Tell 1 of the least attractive traits is helpless unnecessary mind helpful just kind a very unattractive. And it seems to be dominating in a majority already opinion in American politics right now that it’s just inevitable to Joe biden that’s will become nominee the democratic party for president of the united States. And Joe Biden is manifest unfit to be present in the United States made that clear. Us the guys in his disastrous performance had a debate with Donald Trump.

I think that kills me about majority pun reaction is that biden is perfectly capable? Of operating as president the United States. He’s just not capable of campaigning the president of the united States. So and apparently as a high time, going before 10AM, and he had a hard time operating after 4PM. So he has about 6 hours a day.

Where he can do what I been and this is acceptable the president of the United States. Right? If we get into nuclear crisis, and only the president of the United States can make the call, but or not be launched nuclear weapons. But that that can’t be dev bolt onto a staff. So right here from Biden team.

Is he as a party competent staff and when you have voting for Joe biden, you’re also innovating for his had economy stuff. But this is the same side. Who’s been making the argument of the past 5 years, democracies on the ballot. And the biden both democracy, but people didn’t vote so joe Biden stuff. I he clearly he’s not being up, the office the president in the United States since he took office, right?

He was saved from having a campaign campaigning by Covid. They a frail, old man who had that vacant… Checked out there, back in 20 18. And now the cognitive declines will apparently become particularly pre prohibitive over the past few months in 20 24. And then he is other element of the learn helpless.

But seems to dominate much of American political disco among elites right now and that as well. By all the roles or the heat procedures by all the precedence according to the by laws. Jay Biden is going become the democratic nominee president because the laws say that because he won the delegates And if he’s determines were run at his democratic president, no 1 can stop him. And so this is the legal. Perspective.

So what’s more powerful? Right? Is it the situation? Or it the law? At I into you that the situation has more power than the law.

But the dominant this goes money leads about to Biden right now is that the law says that Joe biden gonna be the democratic on resin. But when following the law, episodes in a suicidal choice. Right? Running Joe biden the president of United States is a suicide choice of this 1. The Democrats also central of the country.

At the United States of America is in peril right now because Sin Old man who has checked out much of the time mentally. And just cognitive not…

Speaker 0: So I don’t believe it’s possible for. Joe Biden to stay on as president of the United States. Right? He is also going to have to resign from that position.

Speaker 4: There is in the office of president of United states. So I. The disrespect of law and order, but without the law. But there things are more important all such as a survival in the health and detection of your people, And so America’s incredibly individual country and as a result in individual countries. That’s probably the most individual country.

Everything has to negotiate. Right? You have to negotiate more things. In more depth in the United States, any other country of which I’m aware. Because it’s so individual and therefore, there’s a a little common feeling.

Like you definitely have to negotiate far more of life in United States compared the years ago. At the point that you need to fight to survive. Finish as gonna be fight. So you can’t just check out from your responsibilities like said has to find support for his that if he can find any support for narrative.

Speaker 0: Right. Talking about Joe Biden, but it’s true for all of us. We have to find support for our own narrative about our life and about the world If we can’t find any support from other people for our narrative, we’re gonna be lost.

Speaker 4: When the people that your respects. Alright. Then it will be increasingly difficult to hang on through. Narrative. I’ll give you an example, I am to orthodox If when I encountered orthodox jews went to And You won’t count a million.

It would be difficult if not impossible for me to maintain the narrative but I’m having an

Speaker 0: old pressed you.

Speaker 4: Right? My narrative depend upon getting sense support other people. We all depend on other people for over americas. It requires increasing amounts of strength to maintain your narrative in opposition to people’s narratives. Joe Biden depends upon heritage support.

Yeah. Okay. Let’s

Speaker 0: time to Fox.

Speaker 29: Keep is bridge you, Somebody who’s covered Washington for decades, reacting to this earthquake in American politics. Brit your thoughts?

Speaker 25: Well, I think this is the case of the president making peace with the reality that he couldn’t win the support was hit away from him the donations to Brad baird just pointed out, we’re beginning to dry up, support for him among major leaders within his own party having has slipped away from him and obviously in addition to that the polling was negative, very bad. His pride, I think is what kept this decision open for as long as it did. But I think when we look back on the history this time, Mike, it will be believed by nearly everybody that this outcome would became inevitable once that debate happened, and he did so poorly in it.

Speaker 29: Does it sting even more brit when you consider that pelosi? Schumer, people he served with for decades, were kinda leading the charge against him.

Speaker 25: I’m sure it does and sure it has. He’s a proud man, and and in at times a stubborn man. And these people had been his allies and no doubt as Kevin Cor was suggesting he’d done things for them and they actually for him as well. And for him to be abandoned as he was by them must have stung him very much and perhaps caused him to dig in his heels for as long as he did. But this result, I think in the fullness of time will be seen as inevitable.

He couldn’t eat really couldn’t go on. Now the question will arise, I guess, Brett suggested that as to whether people start saying, well, look if he’s not well enough. To campaign for reelection? How is it that he’s well enough to serve out his term. And that’s an interesting question.

And then maybe hard and also of course, we have this messy looking process that the democrats are trying to walk up kind of on this on short notice to create something that will look like a legitimate no process. It is the case that if there’s no nominee or the nominee drops out, the delegates, are treated to vote their conscience under the rules of democratic party. But, remember, these are Biden delegates. They were chosen and elected to run to be to be to be delegates for the purpose of supporting Joe Biden. So where their support will goes is anybody’s guess, I guess, it’s…

Now it could be why don’t We could have… We could actually have Mike for the first time in many, many cycles and open convention. Imagine that.

Speaker 29: If Democrats try to go around the sitting vice president, does that create a massive fracture in their party?

Speaker 0: So I also remember it was conventional wisdom that only Kamala Harris will get the Democrat nomination if Joe Biden drops out. And again, I use that that same analysis, the power of the situation. Right? If Kamala Harris is over… Seen as unable to defeat Donald Trump.

Then even though all president by laws will suggest it’s gotta become a Harris, commonly No. I I believe I suggested back July second that you’ll have, in all likelihood and open convention because effectively, the situation demands at reality demands it where you go up against reality, reality always wins. So when you see law against morality reality, When you see morality against reality, when you see precedent against reality, right? Reality always wins.

Speaker 25: Well, I think it would depend on who ends up winning to some extent, but I think she looks like the obvious choices vice President. She is someone who was chosen by him and there and also speaking, I think, Mike, , when the Delegates vote voted, they were voting for a ticket. Mh. And it would… And it was Biden Harris.

So she would be 1 would imagine the odds on favorite… Technically to be the nominee, and it would be hard. I think for these delegates to turn it back on a on a on a on a woman color, and I think that’s a choice of party we have to make. The problem for them, of course is that she has shown great weakness in the polling and might not give us of Democrats much of a better chance than they’d have had with Biden all Biden fidelity was so criminal obvious that it seems to me that he was basically crippled as tenant date.

Speaker 29: We’ve heard talk in recent days brad about the possibility of a mini primary. It is July 20 first of an election year. Is there any time for that?

Speaker 25: Well there’s some time if they’re and presumably, , if if people step forward and run, it has to be some kind of competition, it wouldn’t actually be a primary because it wouldn’t have voters voting. We would have people that have been voted for as delegates being the audience for this for this little mini campaign done on a very on a very fore short schedule.

Speaker 29: Final thoughts, Britain in terms of what this means and to American politics. Usually, these conventions are kind of pageant if you will, for a particular party. It sounds like this may have some real practical politics taking place on the floor.

Speaker 25: This will be a convention more like the old ones when delegate showed up and they were heavily, , party regular Is it… And you wouldn’t know for sure who the nominee was going to be until the boats were taken conventions, I guess back in 19, 20. It was when went to something like a hundred ballots that kind has happened in the past. We haven’t seen anything like that in many, many years. And Mike, where you’re sitting in anchoring this broadcast right now, so your a witness to history buddy.

What we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks is like something we didn’t expect. We live in turbulent times and now we are living in really turbulent time.

Speaker 29: Amazing. B hu, grateful to have your analysis, your decades of experience during the…

Speaker 0: And got a great comment on Twitter by, Stephen Miller, every single important job Kamala ever had has been handed to her.

Speaker 29: This breaking news historic breaking news on the Sunday. Thank you so much for your time. Appreciate the analysis.

Speaker 25: Thank you, Mike.

Speaker 29: Let’s go back to my colleague, Kevin Cork Beach Delaware, Kevin, your thoughts as president…

Speaker 32: Happens or some people will probably push for the convention. The other thing that I noticed here is that very quickly, we were starting to get statements, Mike from vulnerable Democrat Kim Fry, who’s a democrat from Washington State, Tammy Baldwin who’s a Democratic center in Wisconsin. That’s a a battleground state there and immediately. Endorsing what President Biden has done here because things we’re not going to look good for people who represent districts and states like that down ballot, Now you have what’s going on on the Republican side of the aisle, and this is really significant here where you’re starting to have people like Least, the, Republican conference chair. Richard Hudson, the chair of the Nrc from North Carolina.

Immediately, and we knew this is going happen. They’re starting to say, look, if the president cannot run for reelection then he ought to step down. How is he fit to serve. Right. And you, we’re going gonna have inquiries this week, Mike into the the shooting former President Trump, there might be inquiries into this as to what the health of the president it might be?

Speaker 29: Chad, I covered former house speaker Nancy Pelosi day in a debt… Day out with you for a decade? You’ve covered her for several decades. What about her role in terms of trying to convince president Biden. It was time for a change, and basically trying to protect her democratic members.

Speaker 32: Yeah. That was something that she was really worried about. And it was… Obvious just not from Pelosi, but others who had a hand in this that they had to address what was going to happen down ballot. And the idea was to start with a gentle push, and then it started to be more of a wave and then it started to be a tidal wave and then it was getting to maybe a tsunami.

In fact, I think that we were probably going to have some of this last week had not been for the shooting a week ago. You, it was, a week ago Saturday that Chuck Schumer went to ra h, , did not announce this and that with President Biden. And that statement that just the fact that he had met it came out, seconds before the shoot. And so any conversation about this was kind of of put off for about a week. And we’ve just gotten a statement, Mike.

From the majority leader in the Senate Chuck schumer where he says Joe Biden has not only been a great president, and a great legislative leader, but a truly amazing human being Joe today shows you are great patriot and a great American. And Democrats just saw no upside. And again, this was the amazing thing for weeks now in Capitol Hill since that debate, there was that meeting over at the Democratic Senator editorial campaign committee, a week could go Thursday where all the democrats I talked to, nobody really wanted to say much. And they was like, well, , it’s his decision and things like this. But we didn’t get to central to anybody that they were I shouldn’t say anybody, but very very that they were really full bore behind Joe biden or they were doing it with a county and that’s where 2 weeks ago, we had this conference call among house Democrats, where many of them were starting to say very frank things and throw him under the bus.

Mh. And say, , the words are don, buyer. He was feeble and they liked him, but he couldn’t put 2 sentences together information from that leaked out and then members had to dial it back because it was obviously is wasn’t going as quickly as they thought it could go like.

Speaker 29: Chad, understandably, there’s intense focus on the race for the White House. But the building you cover day in and day out, a third of the senate is up for reelection with a tough map for Democrats the entire house of representatives is on the ballot. So what about the balance of power if we’re looking at former president Trump returning to the White House potentially, we’ll see what the voters decide and But what about perhaps the argument from senior Democrats, which I’ve heard about being a check on a Trump presidency. What about that?

Speaker 32: Yeah. That… That’s something that they were very concerned about? Losing all 3 the house the senate in the white house Holding the senate is a tough battle to start with. That’s gonna be very challenging for the democrats no matter.

And why you had people like shared ground and John Tester coming out to Brown Friday, but test for a little bit earlier saying, look, it’s time for you to step aside Mr. President. The house, they always thought that was within range. Certainly because it was a narrow majority, but also because you had, , they didn’t think that the Republicans in the house, were in other turmoil at times. So they had trouble passing defense bills.

They burned through 2 speakers, couldn’t elect multiple people to speaker, , trying all sorts of resolutions all the time. Democrats have always points to the loudest people in the room, marjorie taylor green and Lauren V, you get the idea here. And so they’re like, we, , if we can’t beat that, then, , we’re not doing anything right at all. And so that’s where I think that this was kind of a sal process here. Now does this salvage thing?

That’s the question. That people just don’t know. Mh. Does it help? And, , keep in mind that democrats have been tar by this for a while now that you’ve had Republicans I remember this early on when they started to talk about the border crisis They said they had appointed Vice President and Harris so the borders are, and they had criticized and they had developed a library of information against her saying she’s not doing very good with the border.

That is 1 of the primary 4 to 5 issues on the ballot this fall. And if Republicans can turn that around and said, well you thought it was bad was biden. It’s really not gonna be much better with the borders are, vice president and Harris. That’s something that Democrats are very vulnerable on Republicans can use against them And 1 of the things that’s going to be very, very important here Mike. Is who is she going to pick?

And she’s in fact the 1? Mh. As her running mate? Is it going to be a moderate? Is it gonna be somebody like Andy Bash shea.

Someone had put to me earlier today? Maybe someone like Tim Ryan, the former congressman who lost to Jd Vance from Northeast Ohio, and would match up very well with him on the stage there. Is that where maybe this is where maybe Hal and Senate democrats weigh in more. If the torch in fact passed fairly seamlessly Vice president Harris. And I was saying that that’s going to it’ll it’ll be a done deal either here.

That’s something to look for if they have more of a say in who that person is. Is a gretchen W. They want somebody from the Midwest. If it’s going to be a woman do they have to have a man and they wanna have 2 minorities on the. , there’s there’s a million different ways to spend this right now.

Speaker 0: We will… So Fox news… Some great reporters and Chad Pergram is 1 of them. I’ll talk to you later. Bye bye.