Joe Biden Gets Covid, On Edge Of Dropping Out (7-17-24)

01:00 Women, true crime and the facts of life,
12:00 Eyewitness believes there was a ‘noticeable’ difference in security at Trump’s rally,
21:50 CNN: Secret Service director asked if Trump rally perimeter was too small. Hear her response,
23:40 WP: Secret Service was told police could not watch building used by Trump rally shooter,
30:00 DISTURBING: New Information About The Assassination Attempt Emerges (Ep. 2288) – 07/17/2024,
32:00 We usually don’t understand our own motives, so it is not surprising the FBI couldn’t figure out the shooter’s motives
41:00 Kip calls in about DEI
1:28:45 Why are so many acting like it’s so crazy and unthinkable or unspeakable to consider the possibility that Trump was intentionally put at risk?
1:48:00 3 paragraphs that should TERRIFY Democrats

Podnotes transcript:
Speaker 0: Good day. Mate 40 here, so I’m thinking about that rib. Firefighter who threw himself on his wife and on his family when shots rank ran out. Rang out at Donald Trump’s rally on Saturday evening, and he paid for it with his life, man, Right. He put it all on the line and he paid for it ultimately with with his life.

So I wonder if a man would be just as likely, to to do that. If his wife was a feminist. Right? I I wonder if a man would be just as likely to risk his life to protect his wife, his woman, if she denied him in bed, if she took light in humiliating him. If she dressed him down in public.

Alright? We all have the ability to bring out the best or the worst in others and Men has certain gifts, such as bravery, But they’re not going to give their lives. For shoes. Right? I I don’t think men would be nearly as likely to give their their life or an angry contempt feminist.

So You wanna bring out the best in men that that requires certain resetting of society. If if you wanna bring out the best in women, that requires a certain resetting of society, and it should begin with recognizing that the men women tend to have different gifts. And I… I’ve met people who just tend to bring out the best in people, and then a whole bunch of others who just continually bring out the worst. So I was listening to the New York Times audio app.

That was a story from Vanity Fair. It’s called suspicious minds. It’s about a true crime convention. And apparently, 80 percent of the people who go to the true crime convention are women. And the the outlook expressed by the Feminist rider.

I don’t think this is the outlook that is gonna to tend to bring out the the best in men.

Speaker 1: Stacy recounted how, as a kid, she used to drill pins for her dad outside the family’s construction company in a field surrounded by men. When her dad noticed his male employees staring at her budding breasts, he moved her to the front office, assigning her solitary administrative work instead.

Speaker 0: So, yeah, men are attracted to women. And when when women are at their height of sexual attractiveness. Right? It’s about if we go by the statistics for Rape, it’s about age 15. Now, that’s illegal.

It’s It’s not right that that’s that’s the prime age of attraction to men, but, unfortunately, that’s the una part of reality, and so down throughout history, women have tended to have men who’ve looked after them. Right Fathers who would watch out for them and brothers and and uncles. And so I think that’s a significant part of the reason with the Head of the Us secret service She is not rushing to take accountability because generally speaking women are less likely to take accountability for men because they haven’t had to for thousands of years, they’ve usually had a male mind who would take accountability for their choices. Okay. How on now.

Speaker 1: Pay attention to what’s going on around you. He warned. I thought I was being punished. Stacy admitted. Yet she recalled with a parent fondness how the same men who had googled her as a child, suddenly became protective of her when other men did the same.

Speaker 0: Yeah. It… It’s funny. Alright. Men who have a a sexual relationship with with 1 woman.

Alright. They then become protective of her, and they don’t want other men having a sexual relationship with her. Alright? A man is capable of many different things. Right?

Just og, not just lost, right not just a a predatory purely sexual approach to women, but He’s also capable of bravery and protection. And there are things that women can do to bring out the best in men. And there are things that women can do to bring out the worst. And so women have a profound effect on how men treat them. This has men have a profound effect on how women treat them.

Speaker 1: Driving the patriarchy split personality, which simultaneously sexual and infant women.

Speaker 0: That’s not the patriarchy. Alright. That’s just evolution that the patriarchy simultaneously sexual and infant women, but guess what. Men with few exceptions, don’t tend to sexual women over age 25. Right after about age 25, female sexual attraction tends to fall off a cliff.

For men. Right There there is a very tiny time limit in a female life where she’s likely to be sexual by men. Right? Basically from age 14 to 20. And certainly by the time she’s 25, most women will cease to be sexual by men.

As far as infant, it’s more of a matter if a man cares about the women in his life, whether his mother, his aunt his nieces. Right? He wants to keep them safe. And in exchange for a man caring about your safety and in exchange or a man putting himself out. Right going to effort being willing to sacrifice his life to protect yours.

Right. That requires a certain level of respect and appreciation, that you need to extend to him. Right? I suspect that Bennett at much less likely to sacrifice their lives for s, b feminists, a women filled with contempt Right? For for women who are unwilling to listen to what he says about things that are very important to him.

Alright. That’s not gonna bring out the best in men.

Speaker 1: I approach. When weighed against the alternative being killed, begins to feel surprisingly comforting.

Speaker 0: So men are just stronger than women. Right? 19 out of 20, couples. Alright, who are approximately of the same age. The man is going to be much physically stronger.

Women are more physically vulnerable. Women get injured much more easily. And so we’ve traditionally understood this and we’ve had separate standards for how men and women should behave, Now when women want complete equality, but they don’t wanna pay the price for complete equality. They don’t wanna go die for their country, for example. And so if you want men going out there and smoothing the way for the women in their life and keeping them safe and protected, right, that then require something from the women in their life.

It’s reciprocal. Just as if a man wants a a faithful devoted spouse Right, there there are standards of behavior that are required of him.

Speaker 1: That kind of sucks. She admitted. Like, yeah. Maybe I didn’t get strangled, but… Why do we have to wake up and think about that?

Speaker 0: Well, that that’s the nature of reality. Right? We walk past people all the time who went to certain circumstances… Kill us. Right?

Some of life is kill killed. So the world is a much more dangerous place, and we tend to think about consciously. So, yeah, you can look at reality and say, oh, reality just sucks. But there’s much beauty there. But you also wanna take appropriate precautions and you wanna have family and friends and community, and you want to sacrifice your own ego and you’re clinic.

Times to maintain your ties with the people who’ll keep you protected because we’re all locked in a iron cage. Right. We don’t get to escape the human condition.

Speaker 1: Like Stacy, Natalia worked in a male dominated industry, mixing in those circles had made her a little bit of a dick she admitted, just to prevent men from taking advantage.

Speaker 0: So sad truth is if you are an attractive, it’s sexually lu woman. Alright. It’s gonna be difficult for you to be particularly friendly with men because most men will interpret the smaller sign of friendliness as you wanna go to bed with him. So men have much high test testosterone levels than women. Right?

Men sexually visually driven. And if you’ve got that sexual all lure, right? It comes with a price. Right, every virtue, comes with a price. At every characteristic comes with a price.

Right, if if you are ugly, if you were fat, right, you wouldn’t have the problem of men og you. And, soon, you’ll hit a age where you’ll become invisible to man in the sexual arena.

Speaker 1: On her tone implied with which she had ample experience. I have understood your tribe. I hear your jokes. I smell your farts. She said of men whom Natalia had learned to live without.

Choosing instead to snuggle with her pet turtles, sexy rep.

Speaker 0: Yeah. She sounds like a bundle of joy. I don’t think that there gonna be a lot of men who are willing to die for her.

Speaker 1: See and ninja turtle, which Stacey later cited, joking, as 1 reason that she and Natalia had not simply married 1 another. Just then, Stacy husband ami admit who was sitting at the bar glued to a college football game, shouted at the Tv, drunk and happy, Shit. He’s running. Stacy recalled a joke. She’d recently made to him.

And this is a terrible thing to say, she said, but I joked 1 day, oh. Her voice turned sad, ting with theatrical realization. I’m not rap anymore. It was something she remembered hearing on a show where a woman,

Speaker 0: So that happens after about age 25 for the overwhelming majority of women. It’s it’s a fact of life. So you you become invisible to men in in that arena. So if if you wanna get married, right, best to do it in your late teens early twenties, when you have the most power.

Speaker 1: Running parking lot, and someone said you should be careful. Don’t worry. The character responded. I’m too old for anyone to rape me. A sentence that To Stacey perfectly distilled what is arguably the most fucked up layer of woman.

After a certain age, the constant threat of rape fades, leaving in its wake.

Speaker 0: Why these people are raging against reality. Right? They they think that’s incredibly messed up that at a certain age, most women cease to be sexually all. Well, there there are a lot of nasty facts of life men as well. I mean, when I came to Los Angeles at 27.

Alright? I, Was going get with women all the time. It my my my social life has slowed down a bit in my fifties.

Speaker 1: Silence. And hypothetically, it’s only then once the constant cat calling and threats of violence wan that the truly pathological parts sets in. Suddenly deprived of all the little ind that have soundtrack our lives. We missed them. The patriarchy leaves an ind mark on us and we hated for that.

Even as we…

Speaker 0: Yeah. So women tend to be unsatisfied an awful lot. Right? They they tend to be disappointed by the backs of life. Because they feel things more than men do.

They tend to be more emotional and so they have more highs and and they have more lows and the highest tend to be higher and the lowest tend to be lower. Men tend to be more stoic, not that 1 is a superior to the other in certain circumstance, 1 approach has superior to the other in another circumstance, a different approach rules.

Speaker 1: Or his attention. It gets harder and harder being a woman, Natalia agreed. And then they turned to me, demanding to know why I seem so interested in their pain and whether I had any of my own.

Speaker 0: Well, I would say that men ted to have a more difficult time with aging. Women tend to be more flexible and to be more socially connected. And men more likely to get isolated and and grumpy as they age. So that’s just my observation men tend to struggle more with aging than women.

Speaker 1: Of course, I related to them. The first time a stranger slapped my ass, I was 12 years old. Over the intervening years, strange men pulled me onto to their laps, called me a bitch and stood in my way when I wanted to leave. Among countless other formative experiences.

Speaker 0: And I’m sure there are a lot of manuals also Did a lot of nice things for her. So it’s… Very easy to just be completely enraged by the opposite sex. Alright. This is a telling story.

Eye witness believes there was a noticeable difference in security at Trump’s Rally, and I 100 percent believe this.

Speaker 2: Another guest. His name is Robert Phil Pot he’s from this community from Butler. Robert come come here and and talk to us if you, you can come a little closer. Sure. You you stopped us year.

We we’re… We’re here doing our show. And you stopped us and you wanted to talk to me. And you you wanted to tell me something. We just heard the mayor there of Slippery rock.

Talk about the other Butler rally that he had been to. You were talking to me about that rally as well. Tell me the message you wanted me to understand because there was something different about that rally versus this rally that you noticed.

Speaker 3: Yeah. My daughter and I went. I guess, was 4 years ago at the Butler airport, not even 5 mile miles from here. It was an awe inspiring event We we were just, like, wow. But the 1 thing we noticed we walked in there and her and I, , we’re we’re close.

And the 1 thing we noticed that the airport has a lot of hangers in buildings kinda like this, but they hold planes. Every rooftop of every hangar had 345 guys on top of it…

Speaker 2: When you say guys, snipers? Long enforcement with long guns on…

Speaker 3: Yes. And even some of them in in this diaper position, just scanning everywhere. And my daughter turned me.

Speaker 2: The point where you got there, you noticed them right away.

Speaker 3: Immediately. It was the first thing she said that she goes, oh my gosh, then. Look at this. She goes, I never felt so safe in my life. That those were her exact words.

Speaker 2: This is 4 years ago or the rally by the airport. Correct the other airport. Right right?

Speaker 3: So she’d had come me this time, because she’s 8 and 8 months pregnant. The heat and everything else but she really wanted to. So if that was so much on our minds there that we talked about it for… I don’t know. We just talked about it.

We were like, so all inspired by… Wow. First thing I didn’t when I got here yesterday? Was I did a complete… Look around at every roof time.

And I showed them myself. That’s strange. I don’t see 1 cop sniper, not nothing. I don’t see anything.

Speaker 2: And I just thought that was kinda weird. And at what time is this when you’re you’re sort of looking around trying to see what you saw 4 years ago?

Speaker 3: It’s probably about well, 4 years ago, Noticed Today,

Speaker 2: I mailed early of yesterday. What what time was at? When he started looked…

Speaker 3: Probably about 2 hours before you uk came on today. But I didn’t stop looking because It’s something that was in my mind because of… It was so noticeable back then, but it was also just as noticeable. Not being that way.

Speaker 2: And then did you notice… Because on that barn right there, that’s where the law enforcement snipers were that engaged with the alleged assassin. Did you notice them? I did not.

Speaker 3: I noticed nobody because I scanned every every roof. And I just thought it was strange because When they show the Google maps looking down, it really doesn’t give the entire picture of the area because right beyond that, there’s all kinds of bit buildings. And that’s why I looked around because

Speaker 2: you’re saying

Speaker 0: there’s a

Speaker 2: lot of high points if somebody was on another roof and wanted to firewall the right

Speaker 3: across 68 right here. Yeah. There’s a big sports complex has a high roof. I know I knew the Ag building because I know of it.

Speaker 2: That’s that’s where the at. And was plant on top.

Speaker 3: Correct I was gonna park them. Yeah. Because I know a lot of people coming for us. They don’t know the area, And I’m thinking that would be a great place. The park.

It’s close. It’s real close. I a park right there. I’d be out quick because it’s right off the main road. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So just Yeah. So We’re gonna

Speaker 2: park there and then you decided it

Speaker 3: but I signed out because there was so much traffic on this main road that I couldn’t get to it. I couldn’t.

Speaker 2: Did you even do you even drive by did you see it?

Speaker 3: I drive by it every day.

Speaker 2: It… It’s easy because I grove by as well. It’s easy to walk into sense. Like, if you were to drive over there, you could walk right into it.

Speaker 3: Well, that’s why I was going to park there because I knew that. But I decided not to only be close to traffic. Was so bad that it would take me an hour get to

Speaker 4: it. Yeah.

Speaker 3: So I just parked weight fur further down and walked in. Of but it was this that I I still can’t process. I think that’s why I came back here today because I wanted to look at the where I was at and say, how lucky are… I mean, somebody died. That’s that’s a shame.

But I still can’t… I mean, last time night I was up all night. I I don’t even think I slept well thinking. I was… I I just can’t believe it.

I just… I’m just

Speaker 2: you saw.

Speaker 3: I can’t believe why. I mean, I think the big thing is the why. What, I mean, have we really come to that point? I mean, I do remember when Reagan was shot. That was so that that was different, But that was the last that was basically the last time.

And I’m still… Like I called my daughter, I called my girlfriend, and we were in tears. We were in tears. Because as I’m walking away, I walked away.

Speaker 0: Okay. I posted on x. Yeah but a man be just as likely to take a bullet for his wife if she was a feminist, regularly denied him in bed, showed him contempt. Dressed him down in front of others. If we weren’t shi from a men, then men want some things in return, and academic Thomas Main, who specializes In…

Among other things writing about the old right, he says if you let your wife be shot because she’s a feminist, you’re no man. You’re a monster, but that had… Absolutely nothing to do with what I said. As would you be willing to take a bullet for your wife? Would you be just as willing?

So he just makes up a comment to show his moral superiority here that if you let your wife be shot, because she’s a feminist. You’re no man. You’re a monster. Why does it mean let your wife be shot? So if if you you are a hundred 50 miles away from your wife, and she is the victim of a home invasion?

Alright. I I have you let your wife get shot. But here I’ll give you something that are more thought provoking. Some men have wives who insist into getting into it with strangers, Some men have wives have girlfriends who insist on dressing down strangers. Some men have wives who insist on getting into a stranger face and letting them know that their behavior or their language is unacceptable Right?

And so I I know men who’ve said, Honey, that’s dangerous. Right? That’s really dangerous. You’re getting right into the face of men that you don’t know. You you have no idea how they’re gonna react and dressing down strangers is a dangerous activity.

But she doesn’t listen. She just keeps insisting on engaging in this risky behavior. I would say to that man that you should create space. Right? Walk away.

Right? If your wife insists on getting into arguments with strangers, dressing down strangers, confronting strangers and taking absolutely, no notice of cues as to which strangers might be more dangerous than other strangers. Right? If your wife is willing to not risk. Just her own life, but yours, then you should step away from her risky behavior.

And walk away, walk out hundred yards away, and if something bad happens to record 911. But no. I I don’t think you should stick around and try to protect her if she goes against your guidance. But if your wife insists on doing risky stupid things that plays her and you in great danger. Then I think you should physically separate yourself from your wife when she engages it in that behavior.

So, what the heck does that mean if you let your wife be shot because she’s a feminist. What are circumstances where you can prevent your wife getting shot. So what are the real life circumstances where an ordinary man can prevent his wife from being shot. So you wanna bring out the best in women, Right? That requires certain discipline on the part of men.

It requires that they give up all sorts of natural inclination. It means that they elevate their behavior to bring out the best in the women around them. So 2, if women want to bring out the best in the men in their life that requires a certain self navigation, certain discipline, certain living up to standards that are not always easy, and being filled with with contempt. For your man and how many happy feminists do ? I mean, I…

Not aware of any happy feminist? Probably theoretically, they exist out there? But being being married to a true, I don’t think that’s gonna bring out the best of men.

Speaker 5: By breaking just moments ago. We just learned that department of Homeland security inspector General has opened an investigation into how the secret service secured the campaign rally where there was an attempt done Donald Trump’s life. The Fbi also investigating the incident. Cnn also has an exclusive interview with the secret service director Cnn as Whitney Wilde been on top of all of this joins us. Now.

Good morning, Whitney.

Speaker 6: Good morning, john. This is a notable development in what will be a long list of investigations as a secret service answering more questions today. On When you said that local law enforcement was responsible for that building. What did you mean by that?

Speaker 7: So secret service respects law local law enforcement, and we could not do our job

Speaker 0: very different attitude than the secret service was taking recently when they were trying to blame local law enforcement. Right. Washington post just made clear that the local law enforcement made clear to the secret service that they did not have… The staff. Alright.

They did not have the manpower, right, to take care of this building, Right, Washington post.

Speaker 7: Either investigative or on our protective mission without them. In Pennsylvania, in fact, on that… Same day. They were also working, the first lady trip, an a vice presidential trip. So I understand the constraints that they’re under, and and as I said earlier, we couldn’t do our job about.

At that particular site, we divided up areas of responsibility, but this but the secret service is solely responsible for the design and the implementation and the execution of the site, and that’s what I was trying.

Speaker 0: Alright. That’s that’s a lie. Alright. Secret service is responsible for the overall security of whoever they’re looking after. Alright.

The local law enforcement help out at the direction of the secret service. The secret service is responsible for what the people underneath them do. This…

Speaker 8: This new story was written by Carol D leon, Isaac Stanley Becker, Maria Sa. Jacqueline John’s Local police alerted the secret service before former president Donald Trump’s rally Saturday, That they lacked the resources to station a patrol car outside a key building where a gunman later positioned himself and shot at Trump according to local and federal law enforcement. Richard Gold, the district attorney in Butler County, Pennsylvania where the Trump rally took place, said the secret service was informed that the local police department did not have manpower to assist with securing that building, Gold account was confirmed by secret service spokesman, Anthony Goo El. Goo El said the proposal to station a patrol car and office are outside the Jaeger International building complex had been part of the secret services advanced planning for securing the prominent structure which had an expansive roof with an uno unexpected view of the rally stage less than 150 yards away where Trump would later stand at all public events, The secret service works to guard against the risk that a shooter on high ground could have a clear line of sight on the president or other senior officials under the agency’s protection.

5 former agents with experience securing similar events told the post that a police officer stationed outside the building. Might have helped detect the gunman sooner. Gu said that about 20 to 30 minutes before the shooting. Local police assigned to the inside of the building warned the secret service security team by radio of a suspicious person with a golf range finder and backpack. Those officers also forwarded a photograph of the person, Goo gl said.

Authorities from a number of jurisdictions were on the scene Saturday. And officials are still determining how the building was guarded, and how the 20 year old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks reached the roof, but the twin warnings from lo.

Speaker 0: Okay. So secret service had abundant evidence that there was a suspicious character. Out there, and the secret service chose to just allow Donald Trump to go out there and to say his say his peace. And allowed the president to be shot at.

Speaker 7: Stress was that we just divided up areas of responsibility, and they provided… No.

Speaker 0: He didn’t divide up areas of responsibility, the whole event was secret service responsibility. Alright. This woman runs from responsibility because for thousands of years, her ancestors had men who would mind her ancestors and would take responsibility for their choices. Responsibility is foreign to this woman.

Speaker 7: The port to those areas of responsibility.

Speaker 6: And you mentioned the first ladies, also ben Pittsburgh. You guys have a lot of areas to cover were any assets diverted from the former president’s rally to her detail?

Speaker 7: No. There were no assets from the Secret service that were diverted at all.

Speaker 6: Okay. So no 1 swapped out anywhere.

Speaker 0: Okay. So do do you think that’s true? Because I I seen a lot of reports that the the Trump detail was severely under demand that they didn’t have many of their regular offices, that they had to bring in people who were temps. Right? They essentially had to go with temp security So I suspect we’re gonna find out that she’s lying here.

Speaker 6: I mean the post say. No. Okay. Cnn, of course, has reporting that the Secret service increased. Security for former President Trump because of credible threat from Iran.

, I’ve spoken with several people who look at the perimeter, hearing that news, look at the perimeter and say how knowing that there was a credible threat against the former president. How could that perimeter be so small that it excluded a building just a hundred 50 yards away from the podium.

Speaker 7: I can’t get into the specifics of of any threats, but obviously, with all of our protect, we’re constantly monitor train the threats that are out there.

Speaker 0: Oh, you weren’t constantly monitoring for Donald Trump. Right? I I guess you’d constantly monitor for people that you politically favor. But you had virtually no monitoring, for what was going on with Donald Trump.

Speaker 7: And we design our security plans based on that, also depending on.

Speaker 0: Security plan. Alright. The most obvious thing you you didn’t take care of.

Speaker 7: Venue and the environment that we’re in. And on that particular day. A full advance had been completed, but this is also why we are doing an internal review, and we look forward to the external review as well. And And obviously, if , there are things that we need to change about our policies or our procedures or our methods, we are certainly going to.

Speaker 0: This is just rep reproducible. Right. There’s just no sense of of taking ownership. And responsibility. Right?

The secret service is in charge of security for this Donald Trump event. Right? It’s not that the secret service is only in… Charge of security within a 100 yard perimeter. Right.

They’re in charge of directing and overseeing right, local law enforcement outside of the perimeter. Right? It makes… She is trying to say, The secret service only had responsibility within a 100 yard perimeter. But if you go out 200 yards from the perimeter, then it was this part of local law enforcement and if you go out to traffic, It was this part of local law enforcement.

And so she’s trying to argue that all these different law enforcement agencies, they all had their own areas of responsibility and secret service only had a particular… Circle of responsibility, but there was 1 agency that was in charge of security for Donald Trump. It was her agency, and she is running from responsibility.

Speaker 6: Do so. Was that perimeter too small?

Speaker 7: The perimeter encompassed the area… That we needed to secure or for the event that that that we had on that day. What happened is a terrible incident and should never happen, and we are obviously going to make sure

Speaker 0: 0II mean, the the way she speaks is just ugh, alright. Let’s get some analysis here from Dan Bong here.

Speaker 9: So we’re moving some stuff around, just be patient with us. In your show was actually supposed to be posted. By a local police department or non secret service counter sniper team. So we’re clear on the fact There were 2 counter sniper teams from the secret service, 2. Those 2 were assigned to the scene.

That roof… Up was obviously deemed the threat, it was a line of sight issue. So because they didn’t have the assets, and I’ll get to why in a few minutes, it involves doctor Jill Biden who has a Yeah.

Speaker 0: The head of Us secret service was in charge of Joe Biden security team during his vice presidency, so she is close to j Joe Biden personally. She is particularly close to Joe biden. She carries out the Biden wishes. And on the faces of it, It looks like she was carrying out the Biden wishes in ensuring there was no effective security for Donald Trump on Saturday.

Speaker 9: Extremely low threat level relative to Donald Trump. This is the breaking news. For some reason, that local police brought. This is not about Monday morning quarterback folks. Again, this is not a football game.

These are people’s lives. For some reason, that local tactical counter sniper team.

Speaker 0: Imagine you’re at work and your boss note. A a valid criticism of your performance, and you tell him, oh, that’s Monday morning quarterback. Right. That’s not how a man speaks. It’s say Right.

That should not be how any irresponsible adult speaks that when you are presented with valid criticism of your performers. Where you’re fallen down, where you’ve been careless where you

Speaker 9: made a mistake, and then you say, oh, that’s Monday morning in quarterback? That’s pathetic. Where team didn’t make it to the roof. What I’m hearing from sources is that that tactical team positioned it through a second floor window, which feeds the high ground. Now, I I wish I wasn’t breaking this on my show.

The fact that nobody is comfortable talking to the media because there’s such insider or hacks. They’re afraid they’re all gonna be exposed, and they all have to come to me. Candidly folks is a T. But think about what I just told you for a second, everybody take a pause and a time out. Think about the multiple security failures here and the lion.

There was supposed to be a tactical Cs team, on that roof. They didn’t make it to the roof. They chose a second floor window instead which feeds the high ground obviously, and nobody noticed Nobody noticed that that post.

Speaker 0: Okay. So the Fbi brief lawmakers today, and they said they’ve been viewed over 200 people. They’ve looked at over 10000 images. They still have absolutely no idea of the motive of the shooter. And I don’t find that terribly surprising, not for the nefarious reasons, but we often do not know our own motives.

We are frequently self seed. So my sense of things is he wanted to feel important. III don’t think that he was driven to commit this act by… Radical rhetoric on on the part of the left. I think he had a desire to feel significant and I’m not even sure how much he could have articulated what motivated him.

So this is a reason I don’t like assessing people’s motives in commentary or in debate because we frequently just have a very difficult time trying to figure out our own motives. So upon reflection, I realized, I’m I’m not shocked, and I don’t think it’s nefarious that they haven’t detected the shooter motive beyond killing Donald Trump. But given that my foundational outlook on life is that after we meet our immediate survival needs, our greatest desire is to feel important, This a someone with very few friends. And so he was looking for a particularly dramatic way to feel important. He he strikes me.

Is someone akin to a L harvey Oswald. At L harvey Oswald, know, desperately wanted to feel significant. And out of that came as radical politics. I remember my therapist said to me about 8 years ago. Do you think your politics are so radical because your life is so passive.

And this man was leading a fairly passive life. He came up with a radical plan because his life was so passive because he could found find no way in reality to feel important, so he had to step outside of reality and into the plane of the Grand.

Speaker 9: That Cs post was unmanned. Nobody had any idea. Now, this explains a lot. The I… I gotta I gotta control the ex.

So I it really. The bullshit here… I just said that. The bullshit you’re hearing coming out of secret service headquarters. Now does it make sense?

Did you see a few days ago? By the way, they’re watching right now. Make no mistake. Did you see a few days ago? I don’t know about 3 4 days ago?

The secret service came out with a statement through this P flag, Google and others who… And these guys should all resign immediately. And did you hear what they said? They they did it kind of in a wink nods s kind way where they tried to pawn this off on the locals Do you remember that? Folks in the chat.

You remember do we have a hundred 20000 people? We just started 6 minutes ago Is that even right? That’s just crazy. They tried to… Now does that make sense?

The local Cs team never made it to the roof, counter sniper team. So when the secret service got massive backlash, for appearing to pawn this off on the locals, even though what they were saying was true, even though it was the sick… With services responsibility to check that the post was manned. The secret service then dialed the story back and said, oh, we’re awkward try and to blame the locals. This is our responsibility.

And then when they got back…

Speaker 0: Okay. Looking at reporting from park, which is a… Lively Internet publication. Senate briefing on Trump rallied shooting just concluded top lines per 2 senators on the. The shooter visited the rally site if few days in advance to scope it out.

62 minutes it elapsed between the time the shooter was photographed as being suspicious when he fired the shots. But they knew 3 hours, few Right. 3 hours in advance of the shooting. Right? They already detected something suspicious by this guy.

He tried to smuggle in. A a range finder. Right? 20 minutes, he last me the time he was spotted by the counter snipers and when he fired the shop. So they had 20 minutes to take him out, and they don’t know his motive.

Alright. Back to Dan Bun.

Speaker 9: Last you’re saying, okay. Well, if it’s your responsibility, why was there no 1 on the freaking roof, mother the group why was there no 1 there? What did the secret service director say? She came out with this ludicrous chris absurdity. That, , I don’t know, man, the slope of the roof.

We shouldn’t be up there. It’s like an osha violation or something. What bro What is your Let me tell you all.

Speaker 0: Okay. Here’s another theme that I think bogus in the news media right now about the secret service, and that is they spread too thin. And and you hear this about government agencies all the time just spread too thin asked to do too much with too few resources or something times that’s a valid critique. But when an agency is fundamentally incompetent as displayed on Saturday night. Alright?

That time wasn’t primarily an issue of not enough resources. Yeah. They didn’t have a drone in the sky that they should have had a drones in in the sky but they they did a crap job with the resources they had. They didn’t use the resources they had. They didn’t deploy it properly.

They weren’t paying attention. They were out to lunch, and they effectively did nothing to keep Donald Trump safe. Aside from, you could argue the the counter sniper who who took out the shooter. So when you’ve got an agency that’s fundamentally incompetent, that is being driven by diversity equity in inclusion. Alright?

That sap morale. That discourage is competent people those who strive for for excellence for staying with or or joining the program. Right? When you are promoting people on matters other than excellence and merit, Right? You destroy Morale for those who strive for merit and excellence.

And the secret service just lies all the time. They say, same standards is for men and women, but dramatically different standards in physical strength between men and and women. And certain jobs, do require strength. Right? If you have 1 agent who has to carry the the president of the United States.

Right? That requires a certain level of strength, that very few women again a half. Doesn’t mean that women don’t consistently excel men in other areas of a secret service job

Speaker 9: Osha violation. There are things in the motor k, and other security mechanisms we use. I’m sure. Probably aren’t safe to be around. I’m…

You think I sat there when. Osha.

Speaker 0: So between men and women, who is more inclined to us. Assess over safety. Right. This is more a female issue. Think about women during Covid, Women were ecstatic during the early days of Covid because it played to their strengths, women consistently, it’s 1 of those few areas of life where women are consistently better informed than men, the area of health.

And it was dramatic. It was exciting. It it it created all sorts of, , exquisite emotional feelings. The women love that the drama, women love the challenge of keeping themselves at their loved one’s safe. Right?

Women are much more likely than men who abs obsessed about safety and men, who overly ob obsessed about safety. There’s usually something quite feminine about them.

Speaker 9: Can we get a ticket on this item here you do good job. You do your job.

Speaker 0: Right. Good commenting the chat. Hundreds of billions of dollars for Israel Ukraine, but not enough in the budget. For a couple of count sniper, additional kind of sniper teams.

Speaker 9: And you keep the president alive. That excuse about the slope of the roof is another lie. Are you getting now what’s going on? The secret service is lying so much and so often to try to cover up this total Charlie Fox chart. If what that means your military guys out there.

They’re lying so much that they’re forgetting their lies. And they’re not savvy enough like a Gen sa to lie effectively. They were supposed to be a local post. They never showed up and no 1 from the secret service checked. They never showed up on that roof.

Nobody checked. It also explains the possible hesitation, no by the other Cs teams, when the sky was encountered on the roof. Maybe they confused them for someone else think it was posted up by locals and it took maybe a couple of seconds to unscrew that. You’re not hearing this anywhere else. Think Folks, let your show prep begin now.

Had tipped the Great Rush limbaugh. We’re borrowing that line from the legend. Let your show prep begin now. This stuff should be coming out from whistleblower, but they don’t trust you in the media. They trust me because I was 1 of their brothers.

And let me tell you some to the men and women in the secret service I work with, this isn’t the secret service I knew. They are calling out to me, horrified did this happen. I don’t want you to think that the good men and women there because there are some. I don’t want you to think at all that anyone’s proud of this. They are horrified.

They are horrified. They are embarrassed. They are reaching out to me, go get them. Queue is true. You will see on the counters sniper survey, and you will see on the counter assault team tactical survey that that building was supposed to be posted on the roof.

It’ll say it in writing. It’ll have been emailed unless they’re deleting this stuff now, which a I mean, god helped them if they do. That post will be on the survey. I They’re lying. Here’s the other piece of news you’re gonna hear for the first time here.

I am hearing from very reputable, again, uni sources that the failed secret service director is being sought. Right now by the biden administration and Dhs secretary My. They are coming out to defend her public…

Speaker 0: Welcome back to the show. Surveillance What’s going on, man?

Speaker 10: Good afternoon, Luke. I was just wanting to check the temperature with you on this D stuff, sir, the way I see it. This D. Is discrimination against straight white man. Do you think the young man of America would agree with me?

And do you think most of them have picked up on it yet?

Speaker 0: I would say that men who are conservative would agree with you. But, for for people on the left, I would say they would not agree with you. They would say this is just giving giving disadvantaged people a hand up and that, , why people have so much privilege already, it’s un unseen to complain about this kind of discrimination.

Speaker 10: As a young man who attended Booker Washington school and was the only white fellow on the football team for 2 years we know that’s Bs. You and I. Right? Well,

Speaker 0: I I think different people have different ways of looking at the world. I I wouldn’t say it’s Bs. It’s just a a different perspective. It’s not mine. It’s it’s not something that I I resonate with but but IIII wouldn’t just say bs yes.

I just… I understand people look at the world differently. I Don’t beg gru the particular hero system. It’s not mine.

Speaker 10: , I don’t know about you, but I only had maybe just a couple of really good opportunities in life. And then when you compound that with your maybe readiness for the experience. That means they’re pretty rare. , maybe a guy like Trump, it happens a little bit more often. But I think that’s white black or brown.

I think that’s the same for everybody. , you just get very few opportunities and can you go out there and carp pay diem, , when you get that opportunity. What do you what do you what’s your opinion on that?

Speaker 0: Well, I think the most important choice you you’re make in life is who you marry. And so, That’s that’s the most important choice. And probably equal in choice is your choice of profession. And so for some professions, right, it will go a lot easier for you if you get into elite university, and, obviously, affirmative action will hold you back. If you want to get employed by a large corporation, it’s likely that they will be practicing affirmative action, so that will hold you back in those areas.

But I don’t think diversity equity inclusion is the primary problem for most white men in America. Is probably in the in the top 10. Right, might even be number 5, but I don’t think it’s number 1 or 2.

Speaker 10: Right. Well, I… The way, , you and Are close to the same age. So the way I see it, for the young people. Unless they’re okay with crawling under somebody’s house doing an hvac work or doing plumbing or doing the sweaty jobs, they’re basically gonna have sign allegiance to the Rainbow d joe d regime, and and, , do all those diversity statements and all that.

And, makes you wonder.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I I don’t agree, for for example, most most orthodox jews I know own their own businesses. So that they go into business for themselves. They they don’t have to worry about the diversity pledges, some of them go into the professions. And so if you’re going into academia, then you you may well have to sign a diversity pledge.

But you have to go along with all sorts of stupid things in life anyway, Even if there’s no such thing there’s diversity, equity and inclusion. Yeah 1, if you’re gonna be happily married, You’re gonna have to indulge your wife in all sorts of things that will strike you as stupid, If you’re gonna maintain friendships, you’ll have to indulge and put up with your your friends being stupid at at times. If you want to have good… Relations with your neighbors and with other people, you you constantly have to put up with things that are stupid. So I…

I’m not a fan of diversity pledges, I think it’s AAT, but I don’t think that this is a major fact. Keeping people from a satisfying life. I think it’s an excuse that people may use for being passive in their own choices. Right? There is so much opportunity in freedom living in the United States or Australia to go out there and and build a great life, diversity equity and inclusion, is is not number 1, number 2, number 3, number 4 thing, holding you back.

Speaker 10: No. That I can agree with, But if you remember Hillary and her pronounce that she was supposedly gonna bust through that glass ceiling, I believe there’s a glass ceiling for the straight white male in

Speaker 0: But there isn’t most… Corporations led by straight white men. A straight white straight white men still dominate the elites in the United States. Now Is it a little bit more difficult than if you have some diversity equity inclusion points? Yeah.

It’s a little bit more difficult, but that then just reveals that if you got a straight white male who is moving ahead and being successful, that he is better than average. So when when you had rampant semitism in in the country. Alright? When you saw a jew who was getting ahead, essay say as a dentist or a doctor as an accountant. that he was better than average because he had to overcome anti Jewish discrimination in universities and elsewhere in life.

So you knew he was better than average. Once you have affirmative action, and then you get someone who’s is a likely beneficiary of affirmative action, know, the odds are about 90 percent that they are below average in their excellence. And now if you encounter a straight white man, you who is moving ahead in their professions. Right, you have, , strong statistical basis to believe that they’re better than average and plenty of straight white men are moving ahead, and any straight white man who thinks that diversity equity and inclusion is the primary thing holding him back in life. He’s delusional.

He… He’s a loser. He’s just looking for a cop out. Yeah. There there are definitely some prices to be paid.

There are definitely some obstacles, but it it doesn’t stop you from from building an an honorable life just makes it a little bit more challenging.

Speaker 10: You may maybe, I I would probably agree with you for the spec spectacular a person that eventually makes their way to the C suite, but I’m I’m really talking about would say the the rank and file of the suits, , to just from… I’m I’m saying it more from a perspective, I’m, I’m glad it’s not me dr out there and having to compete against that because you’ve gotta be… You better have something extra. I don’t think just being as good as everybody else is gonna be good enough for the straight white mail. ?

Speaker 0: That that’s correct. But that should be a spur. Right. That should create a spread decor. Right.

That should create Hyatt at Morale. That should create a closer bond with your fellow straight straight white males because you all know what it’s like to be discriminated against, And so this should be a a spur and something that makes you stronger if this it at most, this is a moderate amount of adversity. And so if this moderate amount of adversity destroys you, then you are not made of a very strong stuff. I mean, you’re you’re you’re very weak, and you you go down with a little bit of adversity. That’s that’s not a winning formula in life.

So plenty of straight white males who are not brilliant, are still building excellent lives of themselves and so alright. Let’s say you don’t get into Harvard. You have to go to Cal state North rich. Right? That will…

Reduce your earnings by 10:20 percent. But you can still build a a good life having graduated from Cal state North.

Speaker 10: Right. Right. Now I understand. 1 of the great things about being in the marines is they taught to you a lot of great axiom. And 1 of the, things that we were…

1 of our cr was to improvise, adapt and overcome. And you’d be surprised Well, 1 of the 3 reasons when you and I talked before I told you that I think America headed for a fall. The lack of grit is a big problem. ? But I do think improvising adapting and overcome.

It’s it’s easy for Luke Ford. It’s easy for kip. We’re we’re a little bit further along on the bill curve. I’m talking about that guy that deserves a fair shot. , where I live, they have something…

Nearby called the Tennessee Aquarium. They had a, , come… They had a ad in the paper a few years back for a community, community liaison, , and it it said the, minorities oh. And they got they got sued for that and, of course, like a lot of stuff like that. It just works its way out of the court and it’s all hush touch, and you never know what that what the outcome was.

But I just thought there needed to be a big pushback on stuff like that. Or otherwise, there is gonna be an unfair create created, , the the the advantage is not gonna be square. And you say, well, that’s fine because you just need to be better than next guy. But the truth is not everybody is better than the next guy. So,

Speaker 0: say that’s fine. I I said it’s not catastrophic. Right? It… It shouldn’t be the number 1 issue in in in a person’s life.

Alright? There are more more important things for an individual striving to get ahead. So I don’t like it. I don’t like affirmative action. I I think it’s it’s bad for the country, But I I don’t think it’s it’s catastrophic, and I don’t buy people using it as an excuse or a failed life.

Now we’ll take that 95 iq white man. He… He’s going to he’s going to struggle. And so there there are things that we can do such as, severely limiting immigration, for example, construction wages in Southern California. Haven’t gone up in 50 years.

So there are all sorts of things that we can do. We can change our trade policies to create more manufacturing jobs, So I’m all for doing those things. I’m all for ending and scoring, diversity equity inclusion programs. I’m more for ending affirmative action. But I am not for.

It’s a problem. Right. But but with with, say, a 10 out of 10 problem is getting shot, I and a a… Let’s say, a 5 out of 10 problem is is getting fired from your job of 5 years, then I placed diversity equity inclusion programs for… Let’s say your 100 Iq mail, I didn’t know.

Is AA3 out of

Speaker 10: 10. Right. Right. 1 thing you can keep an eye on is… About a week, 2 weeks ago tractor supply seemed to be the first, major corporation.

Maybe there’s been more, but it’s the first 1 I noticed that pushed back and she all that Dea stuff. And I noticed within, like, 4 days, they got a Nasty gram from the Black Farmers association. As it brakes is expected. And then, here within maybe the past 72 hours, I I caught wind of Microsoft, maybe not shelving all the D stuff, but there is a pushback. So maybe what’s you’re focusing on on with the aftermath that assassination attempt, that might be planting a seed, in people’s head as they see these can have secret service scales doing their thing, that maybe it is time to roll it back.

May maybe the weather’s is good because I think a lot of times, a lot of this stuff here lately is done, like, like, when somebody like Jeff Bezos. Buys the Washington post. I think at the end of the day, he wants to make sure enough pop positive press is gonna be out there about Jeff Bezos and he’s gonna be in the warmer graces of a certain amount of people. Because I think there’s a… He probably thinks there’s a 40 or 50 percent chance of the shit hitting the fan too, ?

Speaker 0: I got a I got a question for you that’s that’s related, but a little bit off the the beaten path. So… That that man who died at the trump rally. He he died to save his his wife and his family and he took a bullet for them. So do you think a…

Husband would be as likely to take a bullet for his wife if she were a feminist. Because I I suspect not. Like, the the more honor that a wife shows her husband, the more honor. He is going to show her. And so if she is a traditional wife who doesn’t, , dress him down in front of other people, He doesn’t delight in humiliating him.

I think he’s gonna be much more likely to risk his life to save her.

Speaker 10: Right. Because 05:10 years ago, he learned that that gal didn’t appreciate him open the door for her. She she actually scorn it.

Speaker 0: Saying exactly. So he’s program.

Speaker 10: He’s been programmed for the last how many years.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Like, we all have a profound effect. And so I would like to rebalance society. To to honor and encourage traditional commitments of men to excellence and to chi and to bravery but you can’t have that when you’ve got you, angry feminist women who take delight in hating on men. Alright?

That’s not gonna bring out the best in men. The the to to bring out the best in men, it it requires it requires something from women just as to bring out the best in women requires something from men. And and so I like generally traditional arrangements, but whatever the arrangements are, because it will vary by by the the people, but I I would like to see a society that is more devoted to excellence, rather than diversity equity inclusion. I’d like to see a society with more respect for Chi re and for different roles for men and women and for a society that encourages women to develop their femininity and encourages men to develop their masculinity?

Speaker 10: Yes. Yes. We lost something if you if you’ll notice things really in in my mind, started getting sideways as the Victorian, the the oldest of the victorian were fading away. And if you think about those people, they had strict taboo and stuff, , and it had probably served them for a long time. And and it’s almost like a as the last of the Victorian faded faded to black.

We did, like, a 1 80 on everything they believed.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 10: You agree with that?

Speaker 0: Yeah. IIII believe with that. I was just thinking of of a more visceral question. Would a man be as likely… To throw himself in front of a bullet to save his wife if she denied sex for the previous 5 years.

Right? I I Don’t think that he would be as likely to do that. And so if you want excellence in chi and hero and bravery from men that that that also requires certain things from from women. And I just note way too many women who who delight in dressing down their husbands publicly who delight in refusing their their husband sex who who delight in expressing contempt for their for their husband and these kind of attitudes are not gonna bring out the best in men.

Speaker 10: Right. Right. I’d believe I believe the young people call cut. They have these terms, like, grip and and t and all these stuff… I don’t even know what they mean, but but I chuckle every time I hear a new 1.

Because they’ve taken the language to a whole different place.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I mean, I assume you’ve been married. You have children. Correct?

Speaker 10: Yeah. They’re grown now. They’re of 25 and 23 at this point. So, yes, And I told you, after my experience back in 2007, , their mother just saw me as a paycheck. So, she she went about her way.

But that’s okay. Asking. But

Speaker 0: That’s we’re gonna bring out the best in you. If her wife solely sees you as a paycheck that is not gonna encourage you to be excellent and partly as a result of this solely you went in the more solitary direction that you did as opposed to a wife who would have valued you for for more than just the paycheck it it very likely would have led you in a somewhat different direction.

Speaker 10: Yes. I would’ve have been there for her through thick thin. I exactly.

Speaker 0: Exactly what

Speaker 11: I’m saying.

Speaker 0: Exactly. Like, I’ve I’ve never been married, but I’ve had relationships, and I’ve had sometimes with relationships with women who treated me respectfully. And I always treated them respectfully. And on the other hand, I occasionally had the mis fortune of dating women who are filled with contempt and who would, , dress me down in front of others, And I immediately knew that this this relationship was on a clock that it wasn’t gonna last.

Speaker 10: Right? Yeah. No. No. You’re right.

In, in fact, Just specifically speaking with mine, with my with my relationship, I believe we got together like in 94. And it was fine until 99, and that was when we had our first child and when we had another child in 2001, and she had become like, she wasn’t. She she had changed roles. , I I guess, as we all do, but I was so far in the background. Like I say, just the paycheck, , just a paycheck at point.

So, it it all changed. Now when I say that, good lord, I think about what my kids might think if they hear that. That is not any kind of reflection on them. People. Changed.

That’s all that is it’s people change. ? And and, once I smelled, I don’t know, maybe 2004 2005. Is that… Is this the word contempt Us miss, , Yeah.

Huge. Yeah There was a contempt Us. She was contempt Us 2 And I was like, oh, my gosh. You can’t come back from that. what I mean?

So I can say at that point that maybe I’ve… Pulled away emotionally maybe from, like, 2005 to 2008, but that was not till I saw that, and I was like, man. That’s, , that’s like a… That’s too far. And, people changed, people had gone their own way.

We had kinda going in our own ways, and we were just kinda sharing a place at that point. So you put me in that situation, for the girls, if the girls are under that mother of theirs, I’m gonna… , I’m gonna plot my body on there. , but but you’re probably right if the girls aren’t in the picture, and it’s just her, , maybe we’ll just see how tough she is.

Speaker 0: Exactly. And here’s a related question. So this is something I know with some male friends of mine who are married. Their wives insist on rep recommending strangers, dressing down strangers, getting into it with strangers, arguing with strangers, not taking note of how likely the stranger is to be dangerous. And if if you can’t talk your wife into des desist from this, I I don’t believe that you should allow your wife to put your life at risk too if she insists on on this, , crazy, confrontation with with strangers.

I I said to 1 friend, just walk away. I mean, walk a hundred yards away? If if she gets shot, , call 911, if she gets laid out with someone’s punch, , call 911. But if she doesn’t follow your direction, For maintaining, , good sense and safety precautions, and she just insists on getting into arguments with strangers then, I I don’t think you should stand by, or, they’re putting your own life at risk. She is refusing to follow your lead, Alright, walk away.

And so many women, they haven’t had the experience of being punched in the face, and so they get awfully mouth, with people they should not be mouthing off to. Any thoughts?

Speaker 10: The generation now, women fight, ? In my time, I can remember seeing a fight maybe in high school in, like, 19 82, and it was a girl fight where they pulled hair or stuff like that. That was that was just not really a thing. , women at heart. Their job is not fighting.

It was manipulating men, know, that’s what they’re good at. So of, this is a new phenomenon. I I can just tell you personally in my relationship. I was the nice guy who would like, go the hundred percent hundred hundred and 10 percent Be mask guy, and it’s because I was a managerial guy from a young age. So I always had to take the high road.

So in my situation, my ex was the top that would dress somebody down and would say, this is what Kip would be telling you if he wasn’t such a nice guy. ? So she since she actually ran off people, that I that I wanted run ran off. what I mean? So we actually I had actually picked 1 that early on the relationship.

We… Our strengths and and and weaknesses. They they were a nice balance, , They were like opposite ends of a coin, , And sometimes you need that. Generally speaking, the thing I looked for besides double these and a size 5 waist was a a girl that was smart. And beyond being smart.

Boy she was funny. That was like, I like that. I like that because to me, 99 percent of the people. They just don’t have much to offer me. I noticed that in comparison with all my friends.

, my numbers was good as a young man. But I noticed my friends. They would step down there and get have a 5. Have a 4 hell if it was 3AM. They might have a a girl that was a 3.

, were me. I was pick. And I I used to think… Does that mean I’m half a ag or whatever because they really have to be… They have to be sexy for me.

I just can’t have. Just any old woman there won’t won’t do that that that she’s 98.6 degrees, Fahrenheit. That just not good enough. So, I felt like, I walked away, , from a lot, but I also felt like those those same. Man, that same animal urge that was in me just a just to wanna notch bed posts from the time.

I was, like, 18 to maybe other time I was 24. Good lawyers went… Once I lost count. I don’t know. I guess subconsciously I guess, ma’am, so constantly, they must have known.

The jeans are out there, And you can settle down now, ? So I wasn’t what you might call a horror dog or anything like, that. I had got it out of my system, and I had no problem with settling settling down and, , being that kinda of guy.

Speaker 0: Yeah. There’s a big difference initial back between men and women a man might have been with a hundred women prior to his wife, but he he can… He he’s no less likely to be a good husband and father. On the other hand, the more men that a woman has been with, at the less likely, statistically, she is to… To stick around as a way.

Alright. Sexual prom security in women tends to lead to mental illness and instability, and they simply don’t stick around to be good wives and and mothers. And it just doesn’t have the the same meaning for men. Also, the more intelligent someone is the few of the sex partners. I mean, that’s being pretty well established because it’s so unbearable to spend much time around people who are significantly less intelligent than 1, And so the the pain and awkward of, being where a bone head tends to leave more intelligent people, much less likely to be sexually prom.

Speaker 10: Right. Right. Yeah. , 1 of the 1 of the things I live by is Epic precarious. He said, way back, I guess, in 300 B, the only thing needed for happiness was friends, freedom, and constant reflection.

And somewhere along the way when I heard that decades ago. I added meaningful meaningful and measurable goals, ? But those 4 things distract me as all that it’s really about, ? And and that goes for women too, , not not just live, what you think about that as a opposed

Speaker 0: People are different. People are different. So the more intelligent you are the more comfortable you are living in and app abstract world and having goals and reflection. The the less intelligent you are, you’re gonna have other inclination, So some people are just more extroverted and they’re gonna need more social connection. Other people are more introverted.

So for me, I I really like the direction of my essays that I work on for my website and preparing for these shows. And so that gets a great deal of attention for me. So I’ll often, leave a social gathering so that I can… I can work out my ideas in an essay or I can finish a book. But I recognize recognized for 98 percent of people that would not be a similar source of happiness.

And so some people. , happiness is planting a garden, brother people, it’s looking after their kids and spending time with their wife, Brother people, it’s competing in a chest league, people are incredibly diverse. So I I don’t think the formula that you just is universal, It’s a good formula for certain people, other people need a different type of life.

Speaker 10: Yeah. , in 2000 and, , Youtube came out like 2006. About 2007 2008. I had a Youtube channel. And, Doug going.

I get those videos for therapy.

Speaker 0: But Yeah.

Speaker 10: I I would get what you might wanna call philosophical mid y. I would get pregnant with an idea, And I would just need to to get it out there into the ether. And, it’d be it’d be, like such a load off. I could move on. what I mean?

And and if somebody needs it. There it is. It’s out there in the universe and, wants it bed enough to find it. In in spite of what Youtube tries to do to have it. So, I don’t know if you…

Ever somebody get that similar feeling when you get something off the guess, I… Yes. Very they they ran me out of there. I don’t know 2008 2009, but I was sure trying to it out there to try let everybody know that they were being let around by the nose by unconscious desires that they could just sm down if they really thought about it, but I don’t know. Somewhere along the way.

I don’t know. Somewhere along the way, I I went a foul and I wouldn’t willing to play other rules or whatever. But… Yeah. Why why why I’ve got you talking?

Could you tell me some you seem to have a pleasant disposition. So whatever it… Whatever you doing is working, but what’s the general themes of your thinking? ? What what seems to consume your thoughts as far as when you’re when you’re having to rat something down or need to talk to people about stuff.

Don’t you find there’s, like, 3, 4 or 5 maybe main things that seemed to always come back to?

Speaker 0: Yeah. Probably, when I hear things that are taken for granted is is true when they’re just the socially acceptable thing to say, and I I think it’s bogus. Where where I think that things that, the conventional wisdom that I I don’t believe are are wise. I think that’s probably the act activate for me that makes me wanna go. Oh, I wanna d this and and get to the to the bottom of this, So I’ll I’ll just give you an example.

There’s a lot of rhetoric that this is a, , a whole different Republican party because Donald Trump doesn’t believe in in free trade. He’s more protection this is a different Republican party because Donald Trump doesn’t want to send American troops overseas. It doesn’t want to… Be as involved in our alliances such as data, but it’s still the same basic right wing impulses run through the Republican party. They’re just expressing themselves differently in different circumstances.

So the the right wing impulse is to have more skepticism of strangers, And in certain circumstances this might lead to armed intervention overseas And, in other, the circumstances, it leads to a more isolation perspective. The right wing perspective is is not generally towards redistribution of of the wealth. But there’s no , 1 set conservative approach to marginal tax rates. And so I think people often spend a lot of time talking about, a ep. The the shadows dancing on the cave in Plato metaphor when we should be really drilling down to these basic instincts that tend to mark people on the right from people on the left such as, punishing people who are violating the law, particularly severe laws against violent crime.

That is a right wing impulse. The left wing impulse is to minimize a punishment. The right wing impulse is the the traditional ways of organizing life, the more safe ones, the more time tested ones and we should stick with them. The left wing impulse is to experiment with how to create a family into organized communities. So there are these basic differences in tendencies between the right and the left, which will express themselves in completely different policies, but policies aren’t the the essence of of politics.

The essence of politics, is protecting your people trying to create a a safe space where your people can thrive and and be safe from contagion and disorder. And so that’s that’s just 1 example of where I see a lot of conventional wisdom that gets spout in the Washington post or on Fox News, and it makes me wanna sit down and write an essay.

Speaker 10: And and what you’re thinking, On say when a Jeff Bezos comes out and sentenced his condolences to Trump. Just not long after his paper, the Washington post put Trump on 1 side and Hitler on the other side, And I think the heading was yes, it’s okay to compare Trump to Hitler.

Speaker 0: Right. Jeff Bezos doesn’t run the Washington post. He owns the Washington post, but he gives his editors and his reporters. Infinite room. There…

We just don’t have any evidence of Jeff Bezos stepping in there and establishing editorial guidelines. So I believe Jeff Bezos when he says that he hires people and allows them to to do their work. And so the political orientation of the journalists and editors the Washington post is overwhelmingly on the left. And So. I don’t think Jeff Bezos is is the leftist.

I think he’s more of an eccentric centrist.

Speaker 10: Mh. I think… Yeah. I I think he was trying to buy weight when he bought a Washington Post that probably hadn’t been making money in a long time. , it’s probably been losing money.

And and much the same vein that, Twitter was bought by Elon Musk. III lost I I forgot to comment your first point that you talking about truth. Man. I’m glad you see truth with a capital t, ? But also it’s Nuance.

So sometimes it’s hard to get at it, but Can we agree? I did a piece a couple years ago on the the death of academia? Can we agree that cultural or re, since we’ve seen cultural or re, come on the scene. It’s really It’s it’s done a knock on truth. Would you agree with that?

Speaker 0: It in sideways it’s it’s It’s probably too huge. I do recognize that different people do have different hero systems and so different people do have different understanding of morality. But then there are things that are just objectively true such as physics or chemistry or mathematics. So the… But the social sciences tend to be much fl and not nearly as empirical as the as the hard sciences and so too with the humanity’s but if it…

Is it is it re ism that’s the primary problem in academia, I’m I’m not sure. I I haven’t… Haven’t it nailed down 1 thing that’s wrong with academia.

Speaker 10: Well, what the… What about the fe of the universities?

Speaker 0: You imagine. Yeah. I think that that is not good.

Speaker 10: , how when Oxford first started, it was , it was all male, and then they let some women in, And what they found is the academic rigor. Yeah. They weren’t watch for the academic rigor. The guys will sit around and call every them everything, but a son of a gun, but it’s trying to get to the bottom of the truth. And, apparently, after a time of having women in oxford, they had to back it down to a certain percentage because it was affecting that rigor.

And you can just see… I mean, you can just see the fe… Of our society with all the hand rails and safety nets and the redistribution and they’re thinking like a woman? But can we all just get along? They’re thinking like this Feces, that’s the smaller other to who wants to avoid conflict at any point, , at any costs so to speak.

Speaker 0: Feces Yeah. I largely agree with that that woken is is very much a a feminine. Pro chlamydia that when, departments, academic departments become dominated by women that they tend to be quite to work in their politics. III believe there are there are many great female scholars and that women have plenty of room for contributions to but they do tend to reduce the male drive towards excellence. And and you see men starting to cock.

And and starting to moderate the things they say as soon as women come around. So I’m I think it’s really important to have male only these spaces.

Speaker 10: Have you ever noticed a on on the on the conservative side you’ve got an Amy wax. You’ve got a Heather Mcdonald. They’re there. Know what I’m saying Even… But go to go to the, liberal side.

It’s not there. You

Speaker 0: Those those yeah I mean, I’m I’m sure there there are many brilliant left wing women in… Academia who have contributions to make. So… Yeah. I I don’t see left and right as inherently, 1 side’s good and 1 side’s bad.

I seen them both as evolutionary adaptations for changing circumstances. So I am genetically and perhaps by life experience on the right. But I I recognize that in certain circumstances, left wing approaches work more effectively than right wing approaches. Right? The reason, that we have so many people on the left is that this has proven to be an evolutionary adaptive approach to life that’s enabled tens of millions of our ancestors to reproduce and to survive, you, very challenging circumstances.

So they’re gonna be situations, where a communal approach works best, where an egalitarian approach works best where a more openness to strangers works best, and then there are gonna be other situations where xenophobic police state works best. So I don’t think the will of heaven is aligned with any type of particular politics. That even though I’m right wing and I probably can’t see the the many valuable contributions that the left makes I do recognize that it’s here for an evolutionary reason because it’s proved so often to be adaptive.

Speaker 10: It takes a smart man to admit his blind spot. what I mean? Luke

Speaker 0: Oh, thanks, Man.

Speaker 10: Thanks, and and and back to Amy Wax. If you saw the hell that they put her through at pin, you can see the death of the acted. Of academia. I mean, you could see it, even going back. I don’t know if you read Allen Blooms book back in the Andes east.


Speaker 0: I read a

Speaker 10: death, but the closing of the Pier mind, ? Yeah. Even at 80 some prescriptions that people short sold, like the rock music and and the television and the and the, all that kind of stuff. Their poo poo and stuff. That’s real.

, that stuff that stuff is real, but the… But somehow Liberals made peace with it It made a couple of ways, and they went back to business as usual about 19 90. It seemed like to me.

Speaker 0: Right. I I don’t, like narratives that are… Primarily good guys and bad guys. I I set my sights On just trying to understand where the different sides are coming from, Amy Wax played a huge role in creating her own problems. She was reckless with things that she said, unnecessarily reckless.

And so I think we all tend to play a really big role in our own problems. It’s not just… Amy Wax is a martha or who’s being set upon by, idiots and evil people. No. Amy Wax was sometimes reckless in her choice of words, and she’s paying a price for her reckless.

So even though my politics is pretty similar to hers, and even though I’m just emotionally in, completely on her side, I also recognize that she she would would speak with an overly broad brush, highly sensitive topics that you you don’t wanna just come out and say, , all sorts of derogatory things about, south Asians, etcetera. Where where there isn’t a strong empirical basis. Right? If you’re gonna speak out on race, you wanna be exceedingly careful, and and she was not careful, often. She was reckless.

And so I would say that Amy Wax is substantially responsible for her own misery.

Speaker 10: I would say the legs is about 1 of the sharpest women. I mean, 1 of the sharpest people. I think I’ve ever heard. what I mean as far as just… Because.

Speaker 0: Yeah. She’s

Speaker 10: really. She’s older than us. She should be slowing down. She’s still sharp. She’s still very sharp.

But, , you’re probably right there, culturally, that stuff in academia, I think of this stuff in culture flipping over more recent, but you’re probably right? That stuff was already there in academia. Since the nineties, , and probably before that. So, she probably shouldn’t known better. But I can I can guess from the same vein that you probably?

You would be like me and and being a fan of a guy like a Charles Murray, No. Yeah.

Speaker 0: I’m I’m a I’m a big fan of Amy Wax. I’m a big fan of Charles Murray, for example, he does not make the reckless. Statements that Amy wax has made. And so I… I’m big fans of both of them.

But I’m gonna I’m gonna move on, keep any final words for today?

Speaker 10: No. No. But maybe in the near future, you and I can talk about I don’t know. My fear for guys like me, Ray Dal and a lot of people, we think the that the end is not. So maybe and I can kinda delve that in a future discussion but I appreciate your time, Luke.

Speaker 0: Okay. Kip. Good to talk to you. So speaking about the marines helping to turn around a life, G Vance. But right, about this in his memoir.

And his memoir is he’ll hill billy Ella. And he talked about the Marine corps assumes maximum ignorance from its enlisted folks. It assumes no 1 taught you anything about physical fitness. Personal hygiene or personal finances. I took mandatory classes about balancing a checkbook saving and investing, and I came home from boot camp with my 1500 dollar earnings deposited in a mediocre regional bank.

A senior enlisted Marine drove me to Navy Federal respected credit union had me open an account. Dollar In the marines, my boss didn’t just make sure I did a good job, to made sure I kept my room clean, kept my haircut cut and I and my uniforms. It sent an older marine to supervise as I shopped for my first car so that I’d end up with a practical car, not the Bmw that I wanted. And I nearly agreed to finance that purchased directly through the car dealership with a 21 percent interest loan. My chaperone blew a gasket ordered me to corps Navy Fed, and get a second quote, turned out to be less than half the rate of interest.

Had no idea that people did these things compare banks. I thought they were all the same. Shop around for a loan I felt so lucky to even get a loan that I was ready to pull the trigger immediately, the Marine corps, demanded that I think strategically about these decisions and then taught me how to do so. So if you have people in your life who care about you, then they will do many of the things that the marines will do. Right?

If you’re part of… The orthodox Jewish community. Right? They will do many of the things that the rin do. But that then requires you to be humble enough to listen and to learn and to be a good soldier.

Alright? Part of the virtue of diversity statements, and I don’t like diversity statements, but I I recognize that there is a virtue in them. And that is they tend to weed out the weirdo. Right? Any normal person recognizes that you have to say a whole bunch of things in life that you don’t mean.

At anyone who maintains a marriage is constantly saying things that he doesn’t mean life Alright. If if you say employed. Right. You’re saying things that you don’t mean. Alright.

To just go along to get along, You have to say a lot of things that you don’t mean. And so having things like diversity statements, it helps to weed out the weirdo. Right? It it helps to… Narrow down applicants to those who have an interest in being pros social and getting along, and not taking, no, heroic stands that, destroy group unity.

Right, If you want to belong to a community. Right. You are going to have to go along with a bunch of things that you don’t agree with. Any community, a stamp club, a a Dallas Cowboys club, a theology club. A political club.

An Orthodox jewish Synagogue an evangelical Christian church a Rama catholic church, a buddhist temple, Alright. If you’re gonna be a member of good standing of any community, you again have to go along with a whole bunch of things that you believe are false bogus. Frivolous, stupid, irrational, right, if you were to maintain relationships, you’re gonna have to put up with a lot of stuff, And so the virtue of ridiculous things like diversity equity inclusion statements is that it winners out those who are anti social. Right, you have to go along to get along, much of life. Right?

If your wife asks you, do I look fat in this outfit. Right? Most husbands are gonna be better off giving a safe answer, rather than a true answer. And if you again to maintain friends, maintain a family, maintain a position in community. You’re gonna have to constantly say things that are not true.

Right, That… That’s the price of maintaining human connection, You’re gonna have to keep your mouth shut, when other people say things that are ridiculous. Right, That’s the price of maintaining human connections. And so let me play something from Cheryl Atkinson, what the heck Okay. Let me let me get to together here, place them.

Speaker 12: I… Of course, she would. Of course, your children would have a hard time. Of course you would have a hard time. Very understandable.

And then you… It’s preventable. The 11000000 un embedded Joe Biden illegal immigrants that are the the criminals that are amongst them, Those with terror that we have caught, coming from countries with terror, coming from top geopolitical foes, All preventable. The Biden economy didn’t have to be like this, Eric, energy.

Speaker 0: Okay. Cheryl Atkinson has a post. Why is so many people acting like it is so crazy and unthinkable or unspeakable to consider the possibility that Trump was intentionally put. At risk. That may not be the case, but the fact is publicly available evidence so far causes a rational logical at thinking person to consider the question.

And here, we’ve got video, Cnn host loses it after former Us Army Sniper Cory Mills suggest the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump could have been a setup.

Speaker 4: , I I look at all of these things and I look at different videos where, an assailant will pull a firearm on a law enforcement officer. The first thing they do is they immediately pull and draw and mitigate the threat and the risk. You, I ask why local the law enforcement officer did not do so. The other thing is that when you step in advanced, can I keep your pins about perimeter elements?

Speaker 13: Yeah.

Speaker 4: , the perimeter is actually established by your threats that are in the area. So if I don’t have any threats outside of a hundred yards. It’s okay, fine. I can cord on off a certain area. But if I have a building a hundred and 60 yards, perfectly adjacent to the stage, that’s an obvious threat especially in an elevated position that has overwatch.

That’s a Sniper paradise. And, , we talk about Eagles you also have, which no 1 talks about, but the water tower.

Speaker 13: So what I’m you is it’s not a failure on the ground for sure, but we’ll also a failure in advance.

Speaker 4: I think it’s some failure in advance. Think it’s a failure you have this… The counter snipers to be able to establish their range fan their sketch maps?

Speaker 13: I also heard they’re also… We also learned that local snipers were stationed inside. That building. At

Speaker 4: I I haven’t heard that piece of it yet, but that doesn’t necessarily since unless they were actually in a window which was backed off because a lot of times, you get yourself in there. Sometimes you expose your rifle in a way to try and do a force protection or a show of force that actually stops things. Others are actually more tactical where they’ll sit back a little bit, but a sniper for the law enforcement is only trained to shoot about 75 yards unlike your counter sniper teams that are on sunset. But but here’s my problem. And having done this for so long, and they always say the adage of big ignorance is bliss, and I think that’s true.

I’ve done thousands of advances. I’ve done thousands of of counter sniper preparation with our teams in or, , Iraq and a afghanistan etcetera. The amounts of negligence. The amount of mistakes that was made here. I have a very difficult full time, not leaning myself towards this was intentional as opposed to fe.

Speaker 13: Well, wait. Talk to me about that. I actually heard you say this right, the day after… Full which I wanted to ask you about what do you mean intentional?

Speaker 4: , I

Speaker 13: mean an intentional failure on the part of.

Speaker 4: No. I wouldn’t say an intentional failure on the part of, but I kinda just… , I sit it here and I scratch my head. You don’t wanna be the conspiracy. You don’t wanna be the…

Speaker 13: I’m telling because that’s what it And at with leaning

Speaker 0: No.

Speaker 4: I I know. And and and that’s the issues that you walk this fine balance of, you’re not trying to be, but you look as you can go how. Could this have gone so…

Speaker 13: But it’s 1 thing that someone on the streets says it. It’s not another… I mean, you, Core mills, member of Congress, former Sniper, you saying it. I mean, makes my… Eyebrows go up what when you say you’re walking the line on this intentional, what?

Speaker 4: , it almost seems to me, I think of investigation is necessary at this point within Congress, not just the Fbi, not just others. , I look back at, and I’m thinking, alright. , for an individual, if you look

Speaker 0: An intention of what? It looks like people in power set up Donald Trump to get assassinated. That’s what it looks like. That may not turn out to be true. But right now, just looking at it.

Right? Just looking at the in app, Performance of the secret service, this looks like it was a planned hit to take out Donald Trump by parties who have something to gain by the death of Donald Trump. That’s what it looks like right now. May not turn out to be that way, but that’s exactly what it looks like that the Biden administration deliberately gave Donald Trump, incompetent security. Right?

The secret service operates under the Department of Homeland Security. Alright, Joe Biden selects nominate the head of the Department of Homeland security. He nominated the head of the secret service. This woman is incredibly du and incompetent, And it looks like to me, right now, right? Allies of Joe Biden wanted Donald Trump dead.

And that’s what it looks like. Not saying that’s true. I’m saying that’s what it looks like because the level of incompetence. By the secret service was simply off the charts. And maybe we we’ll find out something different.

But right now, it looks like Donald Trump was set up by his enemies to be mud.

Speaker 4: Looked at the escalation and how they trying to approach them, let’s just say that it was, like, okay, first, we wanna censor her inside. Shoot, then we wanna indictment and imprison you. Now we’re attempting to kill you.

Speaker 13: Whoa. You let’s let’s slow

Speaker 4: down, please.

Speaker 13: I’m I’m hearing 2 things for me. I don’t wanna jump ahead of things, but I’m also hearing you jumping ahead of things.

Speaker 4: Well, actually, I’m just looking at all the different…

Speaker 0: Right. Why did… The Biden administration. Accord Donald Trump incompetent security when Joe Biden, right, mister diversity equity inclusion, but he seems to insist on overwhelmingly white male secret service protecting him, but Donald Trump, gets saddle with incompetent women, a a fat woman who is just completely lost, with the secret service detail that was completely useless. Right, Joe Biden it’s very important to him to have excellent secret service, and he completely waves considerations of diversity equity and inclusion when it comes to his secret service detail.

But the secret service detail, that his administration gives to Donald Trump is a piece of crap. Right? Is this just purely accidental that the Biden administration hands off to Donald Trump in app, diversity equity inclusion, secret service detail that is the equivalent of the Keystone cops.

Speaker 4: And possible capabilities. , 1 of the things as a military member. 1 of the things we’ll wait. But 1 of the things as a person who’s running special operations communities before. 1 of the people who’s actually done this is that you look at all potential analysis.


Speaker 13: That Donald trump and his team has said Juno that like… No.

Speaker 4: I agree.

Speaker 13: Dial it back. People do not blame this on Joe Biden.

Speaker 12: But, actually,

Speaker 4: I didn’t say joe Biden to be

Speaker 13: pleased the day then. Let’s be very specific.

Speaker 4: Well, that’s what the investigations do. Was it a local law enforcement that had made the mistakes. Or was there something to it was there, other types of things that we need to be analysis or looking at an providing analysis. My my point is that when something’s significance. You told something that hasn’t happened in decades.


Speaker 13: I totally I I…

Speaker 4: My point is this from a perspective of someone who’s actually conducted the These are not difficult advances. This is not like I’m putting together a staged placement in a tight shot.

Speaker 0: Right. If you… Have reached levels of incompetence that Donald Trump’s secret service detail reached. It it cease us to look like incompetence. If these are people who are at all security professionals, the only explanation that currently makes sense is that they were…

Trying to create a space for Donald Trump to get murdered.

Speaker 4: This is about looking at your surroundings. What is my green yellow and red route? Which is your routes out in case. What is my actual elements of that I need to be looking at as far as mitigating threats or risks or increased levels? Where’s is my range fan for the sn for that says, Here’s my 100, my 200, my sketch.

Here’s an area where someone could shoot here’s some. Because here’s my thing. So here’s my voice element.

Speaker 13: You were saying this is so basic. K. That how big the screw up was. That’s what’s leading your brain

Speaker 4: That’s exactly right in in a way. But but because you’re set of English.

Speaker 13: It was just on. My emma was just on with me. And he said very specifically to me. I wrote it down. He said very quick…

It is too early to be talking about who is at fault and who is responsible?

Speaker 4: On That’s why investigation.

Speaker 0: Well, it’s not too early to be talking… Alright. Even whoever Tom Ama, who who cares? It’s not too early to talk about who has at fault. The Biden administration’s at phone.

Right? They are in charge of a secret service that didn’t do its job.

Speaker 4: Alright necessary.

Speaker 13: Is it is it not dangerous? Is it not reckless?

Speaker 0: Is it not dangerous? Is it not reckless to face reality? Right. The reality is that the United States secret service is under the domain of the Biden administration that the Biden administration chooses its head and chooses who runs the Department of Homeland security and chooses many of the top officials, in the Department of Homeland security. And the Us secret service head wants to push a diversity equity inclusion agenda which undercut morale, which undercut excellence and almost resulted in Donald Trump getting murdered.

Right? These are the direct consequences of Biden administration choices. So was it simply incompetence on the part of the Biden administration? Or was this a deliberate plan to have Donald Trump murdered by parts of the Biden administration.

Speaker 13: To use to even be throwing around the word intentionally.

Speaker 4: So to to to questions…

Speaker 0: Well, the reckless The in is so staggering off the charts that the easiest way, the most obvious way to understand what happened on Saturday evening is it was part of a Biden administration plan to murder Donald Trump. May not be true, but that’s the way any normal mind operates.

Speaker 4: And things as we do an investigation as reckless because at that point, then should we never question anything. My point is this

Speaker 13: I’m not trying I’m not trying to believe I’m not Ian and I’m not trying to be Pc. My point is in the political environment that we were in.

Speaker 4: What would it have take? In. Right? Let’s just say that resources was limited? Let’s go with that as as a reasoning.

So how many times have you seen where they just put a poll

Speaker 0: so you’d see that news media doing the same thing with conservatives is who for the past 6 years It said, joe Biden is showing signs of civility. Jay Biden has been showing signs of melody since 20 18. So a conservative said Joe Biden, often demonstrate signs of civility is telling the truth even though they’re not quoting from a doctor’s report. It’s a common sense observation. So too a conservative who is familiar with a high powered rifle knew.

Within 5 seconds of the pop pop pops on Saturday night that this was an assassination attempt, and the complete lack of protection the Donald Trump, now prior to the shooting. The the fact that the law enforcement and secret service had 3 hours notice of the shooter dangerous behavior and still proceeded with the event. That the counter sniper teams had more than 20 minutes notice about this particular individual and we’re focusing in on him and chose to allow him to shoot at Donald Trump 8 times. Right? The most obvious explanation is that they were in on a plot to allow, facilitate the murder of Donald Trump.

Speaker 4: Police car inside of a parking lot with not an officer in it.

Speaker 0: And I’m not a guy who pushes conspiracies. Right? I… I’m a guy who derive conspiracy thinking. Right?

I I have absolutely… I’m not for 1 second thought. That 09:11 wasn’t an inside job. Right? I I think most conspiracy theories a pure bunk.

Speaker 4: And just leave delight on as deterrent. Why couldn’t that have been a simple thing that was placed in. Why couldn’t we have said to the owner of the actual Ag company? Hey, look, We don’t wanna to disrupt your business, but we also wanna sure you’re parking a lot is clear of people trying to park in there for the rally. Why don’t we place an officer through there.

My point is that this was too easy of a solution. And when I think about a hundred…

Speaker 13: I’m just so uncomfortable with even

Speaker 4: happy comfortable having to say it. Trust me, my whole point is is that I would like to look at this and say, where was the…

Speaker 0: So there are a lot of uncomfortable truths in life. Comfortable Do I rejoice that the average age of a female who gets raped is 15? No. That makes me highly uncomfortable to say that? Right.

That… That’s age discrimination. Right. Why is it that, females primarily get raped between the ages of the 12 and 18, from after age 25, the chances of getting rape fall off a cliff. That makes me uncomfortable to talk about.

But it’s a truth. I wish that blacks didn’t commit a majority of motors in the United States even though there only 13 percent of the population. Right? I wish that wasn’t true. It’s currently true.

A year from now. It may no longer be true. Right? It it may lock may completely turn around. Alright?

There are all sorts of inconvenient things in life. That make me uncomfortable to say out loud. But on what basis is comfort a measure for truth For this woman, the the esteem of her peers, the strength of her position as a beautiful woman on Tv. Right? Making lots of money and having lots of status and prestige.

Alright? Her comfort in her high status high paying profession. Right? Depends upon her inability to see basic truths. You can’t expect a woman like the Cnn host.

To understand anything. They will put her income and her status at risk just like you can’t expect me to understand anything that puts my status. Well, I didn’t have any status and income. I don’t have dramatic income at risk. Right?

You can never expect a man or a woman to understand anything If it will put their income and their status in their closest relationships at risk. People in professions such as journalism most want the esteem of other journalists, other members, their profession. So it will make her very uncomfortable to allow anything to be said on her show that damages the esteem, that she is held in by her peers. Anything that that stir up a Twitter mob Right? The number 1 fear of academics is that someone will send a damaging email to their dean.

Because I know academics we’ve had it. Someone sent a damaging email to their dean and then the academic got fired, but they’re in reckless online post. Right? They gave their enemies a sword. Alright?

They’re ultimately responsible. They’re the mess that they got themselves in. But, people who who’ve got a good thing going in life are again to avoid anything that puts their their good life at risk. On the other hand, if you have a huge commitment to truth, you’re gonna have to deal with a lot of uncomfortable feelings and a dramatic loss in social status. You’re not gonna have certain friendships.

You’re not gonna belong to certain communities, and you’re gonna lose out in income. For your own evolutionary advantages, it’s best not to say uncomfortable truths out loud. Right this republican who’s speaking on the Cnn show. He is not operating in his evolutionary advantage. Right?

Most people are gonna be better off, not saying uncomfortable truths out loud. But for those rare people who revere truth and are willing to pay the price of of telling the truth. Right? They are gonna make other people uncomfortable because they’re holding up a mirror, showing other people as liars and somewhere in the Rome between conscious and unconscious. Right, the this woman realizes that the Republican representative.

She’s speaking to is holding up a very un comfortable mirror that she doesn’t want to admit. As Steve Sailor says in his new book that he regrets writing under his own name, comfortable because life is long. And many different things come up. And when you ruffle feathers, right, people make you pay the price. Sale it.

The most esteem public intellectual today on the right, versus esteem columnist today on the right, the most influential columnist on the right. He regrets writing under his real name, Right even though is no 1 who has held in more esteem on the right among thinking people than Steve Sailor. And let’s… Say hello to Elliot B. Mister B, sir, what’s going on?

Hi, God, Elliot. Unmute man. Speak up. Speak up Elliott. Please.

The people need to hear from you.

Speaker 13: That no 1 else ever could when he stood up after being his hand in the air and reminded us just how tough house. Strong. How resilient. How courageous he is. How much are

Speaker 0: country needs man.

Speaker 12: How does it how is this the show enjoying it?

Speaker 13: I am. I love it. It’s an incredible job, a great opportunity

Speaker 0: and trying

Speaker 13: in the country. Best Stay

Speaker 4: in the country.

Speaker 9: This is my friend, ed. It’s it’s a guy in a white jacket. You can bring it me he’s a good friend. Sorry. Folks.

This guy. I love this guy. We used to work together in this secret service. Sheen assets. She know…

They know this is gonna come out in the wash. So they’re si her right now. I’m getting this from the highest levels. They told her shut up. Or your job is at stake.

Speaker 0: Elliot Black. What’s going on, Bro?

Speaker 3: I hope you are…

Speaker 0: Elliot man. I’m trying to run a show here. The people turning their lonely eyes to me to meet their inner psychological. Short, religious and moral needs. I’m trying to have in death social in intercourse with you, Elliott, and we can’t hear you, bro, I mean, you work in tech bro, you work in tech Elliot.

My god. My god. Well, this is a show of love and inclusion. So we look forward to you getting your act together.

Speaker 9: Well, caught my interview last night with Tucker and Don Junior. It was 1 of the most electric hours We’ve ever done on the Dan gin podcast. It’s out there now, getting We talked about some of this stuff. I strongly encourage you guys to walk fee was a huge success. Thank you all Up p ones for…

Speaker 14: Many of these politicians. They present a false the, a false binary vision of the world, as if you have to choose between patriotism and global between being loyal to your nation and being loyal to some kind of, I don’t know, global government or whatever.

Speaker 9: Folks we came within millimeters possibly less. Of losing our best hope of breaking up this this new flow of foe global. I safe pho because that they’re painting it out to be global as as if we’re all gonna sit around a camp with shared values roast and freaking Sc. Are you shitting me?

Speaker 0: So I’m surprised that Donald Trump’s polls on higher. I mean, there must be a lot of Americans who didn’t like Donald Trump if his his polls aren’t higher after the great 3 weeks that he’s had. Elliot B. Let’s try it again, man. Oh, Elliot.

Elliott. The But, I mean, what the heck is up with the Donald Trump? I mean, what why… It does he just have a ceiling? For 46 percent.

Right now, it sure looks like it. Right? He’s had amazing 3 weeks. He just survive getting shot by an Ar 15. And He’s still in a neck and neck race with someone who’s seen aisle.

So I would have expected by now that Donald Trump’s po numbers would be a lot higher. Elliot b doesn’t know what’s going on, and he’s a tech bro. This is sad, Man, this is what I talk about. The decline of excellence in America.

Speaker 9: Hey, when has that ever happened? The the entire history of humankind and Homo sapiens has been a battle for scarce resources and 1 tribe against the next are You freaking stupid? What are you rewriting the cosmos? That’s not how any of this shit works, We protect our nation first. I got nothing against other countries or other people.

I visited them. They’ve all been nice to me. But we take care of us. We don’t take care of other people first, and Donald Trump is the single biggest

Speaker 11: July seventeenth, I want to read to you quickly. 3 pair grass from a New York Times story that is headline, Biden Circle shrinks as Democrats free… Fear election wipe out. Not a great headline for Biden. This is the first 3 paragraph In the nearly for weeks since president Biden took the debate stage in Atlanta and plunged his reelection campaign in into chaos.

His closest consultations have not been have been not. His White House Chief of staff is how communication strategist or even the leader of his campaign. Instead, he he is relying on members of his family, a tight knit clan that includes his Sun hunter and the first lady Joe Biden with along with a tiny group of loyalists to steer him through a self created crisis en quell a rising rebellion against us kennedy from scan from within his own party 1 more paragraph. Mister Biden has not consulted directly with the polls on his 500 person campaign team about the state of the race against Donald J Trump, but is instead relied on Mike Don on a longtime time friend, former Polls Biden campaign messing Jin ga to summarize the numbers with regular memos and numerous daily phone calls. What?

If I’m a democrat and I read those 3 paragraphs, I would be terrified because here’s what that tells me. So Joe Biden is now thank you. Joe Biden is now not relying on the political professionals, who he hired to run his campaign. Instead he is lying on his wife, Jill. Okay?

And his son hunter, who I will know is a convicted felon with a series of struggles. Who it does not be Who, Joe Biden in any way shape or form to have close to the White House or close to him right now in the campaign. So he’s not listening to the people he pays for political advice in the midst of the most perilous moment, of his political career. The post to debate revolt among Democrats as they look to potentially get him out of the ballot. Okay.

That’s 0.1. 0.2 He has not directly looked at any polling done by his campaign in the 3 weeks since the debate, none, and instead, he’s relying on a friend, Mike Don a political pro, running on a guy who’s been with him forever to sort of summarize the numbers. Wouldn’t you wanna kinda dig in? If you’re the president of United States who’s in the midst of this again, incredibly perilous moment. Which wanna look at the numbers yourself, go through the daddy yourself.

Yes, you would. I’ll add. It’s not in this new york time story, but I will add. Joe Biden has said twice now, including with 10 Nbc earlier this week. He has not watched the debate from June 27.

He said he’s seen parts of it, but he was there. He does need to watch it. Yes, you do need to watch it Because you were terrible in that debate. And you may not be able to politically survive that debate, but even if you make it to the next debate on September tenth, you better be sure, you don’t repeat what you did in that debate. So, yes, Of course, you watch it.

You gain more from watching the film of a defeat than a victory. Right? We always say that in sports. So why wouldn’t you watch it? Why wouldn’t there be someone in the campaign?

And says, what, mister President? I know it was bad. I know you don’t wanna relive it, but we have to because we have to get better. All of these things would worry me terribly if I was a democrat. I would look at it and I would say, Joe Biden is not getting out of this race.

It’s gonna be hard to push him out of this race. The Democratic National committee appears to be trying to re, the virtual roll call to nominate him before the convention next month to try to make sure he’s the nominee. And yet, what he’s doing, shrinking the number of people he listens to to only his family, not looking at polling, not watching the debate. All of these things would really worry me as it relates to Can Joe Biden do better? Can he avoid what happened on June 20 seventh?

And I would say he hasn’t been as bad since then, but definitely had a few shaky performances, including a speech, on Tuesday night to the end of, and I would say including Monday when he sat for that interview with lester Holt on Nbc. So it’s not as though he’s been amazing. Definitely Like you gotta get better. You gotta show that you understand how bad it was, rare the state of the campaign is, which is not a good place. He’s behind in every swing state, and there’s a possibility that the electoral map is growing, do places like Virginia and Minnesota where Trump looks competitive in polling.

You’ve got to show that you can change this. And the way that you change it is acknowledge that, there’s a problem. Dig in. He’s not doing any of that. And that aside from the fact, he’s 81 years old, and we’ve seen lots and lots of reporting that he’s having more bad days, like he did on June 20 seventh in the debate, more bad days of late.

Even if that wasn’t true, a candidate who is only relying on his family thumbs up. A candidate who is not looking at polling and a candidate who is not willing to watch a debate where he was bad. Those are all bad signs. Democrats, this is not good. This is a red alert siren bla.

They may not pay attention to it, but they should. Okay. That’s all I got for today. As always, I ask you to do 4 things. I ask you to subscribe to this channel.

Speaker 0: Okay. I think that will do it, I guess, we’re not gonna have the the wet and wisdom of Elliot B. So sad, Please make notes elliot, Maybe we we’ll get your wit wisdom Another day. Talk to you blocks later. Bye bye.