Why Did The Biden Administration Give Trump Incompetent Security? (7-14-24)

01:00 Media underplays stories that go against their narrative, https://www.mediaite.com/opinion/in-defense-of-a-cautious-media/
04:00 Veteran journalist David Samuels says the news media is the propaganda arm of the Democratic party, https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/portal-donald-trump-elon-musk-david-samuels
11:40 An Apocalyptic Security Failure (Ep. 2286) – 07/15/2024, https://rumble.com/v571hol-an-apocalyptic-security-failure-ep.-2286-07152024.html
17:00 Secret Service had abundant warning of Trump shooter
28:48 Larry C. Johnson & former FBI HRT Sniper Chris Whitcomb on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA3ueMsAcTM
32:00 Elliott Blatt calls in
54:00 Director of Secret Service is not resigning but the buck stops with her
1:06:45 Kip calls in about Jews and mysticism
1:42:00 Somebody who knows high powered rifles knew within five seconds of hearing the shots on Trump and seeing the blood on Trump, you knew it was an assassination attempt

Podnotes transcript:
Speaker 0: Good day, mate, party here. So sometimes you have an exciting news story such as the Trump fascination attempt on Saturday, Evening. And and you wonder why is the news media trying to make this story as boring as possible. Right? And so I recognize you want to get the facts right.

But as out, the hours go by after the assassination, I just kept wondering why are they trying to under play it and make it as boring as possible? And it’s still coming on today. Right? So and reacting to a column in media. And this it’s not the facts in and of themselves that particularly interests me is this overall philosophical pattern, whereby when you get stories that go against the narrative narrative of the Mainstream media.

Which is 90 percent on the left. Right, David Samuel wrote in Tablet magazine today that the news media operates the propaganda for the democratic party. That’s 1 of its functions. It’s not the only function. Right?

The news media is given Joe Biden was a tough time over the past 3 weeks. But fair observation from a centrist a esteem Journalist, David Samuel that the news media acts as the propaganda arm, of the democratic party. So we have a column here in Defense, a cautious media. So first, the sound of Muffled bangs ran out, pop pop pop. Donald Trump speaking to a crowd supporters grabbed his right ear in duck.

The crowd behind him froze. Right soon after the news would report that those sounds were gunshots. Alright. 1 bullet pierced Trump’s ear at leaving. Trump blood on stage.

Well, that’s just what interesting as, why was the news media so invested in pushing a narrative that it wasn’t a bullet, that hit Donald Trump. It was a piece of glass. Right. That was a fix… A 70 journalists and liberal comment They really needed to under play this as much as possible.

Alright. The drought of information present in early coverage of the shooting is sp, widespread condemnation of the press, much of the whining. So if you criticized the press, it’s whining. Fixated on a lack of causal language in the first past reporting. Right?

So the Washington posted said loud noises Trump falls popping noises. But I say to you did somebody who knows something about rifles could have told you within 5 seconds. Right? Within 5 seconds of the first audible shot, Donald Trump at that rally. If you are listening and watching.

Just listening but 5 seconds, hearing the sound quality of those pops, and something about rifles, you could have made with a great deal, 99 percent plus accuracy that this was an assassination attempt. Right? So anyone who knows anything about rifles, hear the pops And within 5 seconds, that this is an assassination attempt likely from someone up high from a distance away. Right? It takes.

5 seconds. If something about rifles. 5 seconds to know this is an assassination attempt. Right? When I looked at the New York times, 6 hours, after the assassination attempt, it didn’t talk about the assassination attempt.

It it came with the most lame headline, it just said Trump hood. But he’s fine. Alright, in a shooting at Rally. The most watered down language that you could… You could possibly find.

Is the is the New York Times story on this. It it was it was just a a potential… It was just a perpetual thread that the New York Todd just wanted to make it at as boring as possible. And the news speed… And they’re still doing it today.

And and I’ll just point out example, after example, of where they’re still trying to render this story as boring as possible. Right. Donald Trump just been shot Cbs news anchor Margaret Brennan attacks donald Trump for not urging calm after he was shot. When you when you look at… When you look at the the New york times per page, of their story that was prepared about 6 hours after the shooting?

You wonder… Like, where do they go with the most watered down boring headline that you can, possibly imagine. And they’re still still doing it. That… That’s the thing.

But let me set it up with this media column. Okay. Breaking news events are difficult to cover, Yeah. But someone who knows something about rifles could told you within 5 seconds this was an assassination attempt. Information is fluid and rumors spread.

Past, mistakes were made Saturday night. Pet mistakes were made. No. There is an overall trend throughout the news media, Are trying to play down and render as boring as possible, news stories that cut against the favored narrative. So any news story about black on non black crime gets played down and is presented as un automatic and uni interesting as possible.

Any story about media bias, furthering a left wing narrative gets laid down and is presented as boring as possible. Stories about crimes committed by legal and illegal immigrants get played down and presented as boring as possible. Media critics of limited imagination condemned the press for not reporting what they believe it should assume. While these news outlets at drew fury for that early reporting quickly updated their stories. There’s a reason that the press calls murder is suspected or alleged murderers before they’ve been tried and convicted.

Oh, critics are complained that some outlets refrain from immediately deem the shooting an ass assassination attempt, but as Nbc nbc’s is Kelly O’donnell, she’s the head of the White House Press corps. Our reporting guidelines require that we do not use that term until law enforcement describes it as an assassination attempt, If and when the investigation supports that designation, is a measured approach for accuracy. So if a bureaucracy declares it. Assassination attempt. Alright?

Law enforcement bureaucracy comes along and declares it assassination attempt. Right? Then Then we know it’s an assassination tip. Only then do we use that language? So Ben steve Sc.

Alright? Here’s the number 2 Republican and house of representatives, were shot up when Bernie sanders supporter came the number 2 to a republican softball game and tried to kill as many republicans as possible. How did the Fbi report on that? Alright? They said, oh, this was suicide by cop?

Right? They they did not want to mentioned that this was terrorism. They they wanted to render the the slaughter as boring as possible. Yeah. The passive voice is if not always frequently an attempt to evade responsibility.

So so fascinating things about the stories that just on face value, it looks like this was a sanctioned attempt to assassinate the president of the… Huge future president, Past President in the United States with the cooperation the Biden administration. Right? The Biden administration Alright. They are in charge with a secret service.

Right? The Biden administration assigned, particular secret service. Right? Secret service is under the department of Homeland security. Right?

The Biden administration points the top people to that position that Biden administration shows the head of the secret service, according to the New York Post because Joe Biden liked her. Now, there have been many reports that the competent secret service were at the Joe Biden rally, and Donald Trump was just given the dr. But the secret service says that was not true that, Donald Trump was provided with the full security. Now. Here’s is an example of how that news is deliberately trying to make this story as boring as possible as un as possible.

So here we’ve got a Washington post story, witnesses warned police of Trump shooter at least 86 seconds before gunfire Video shows. Oh, 86 seconds. Alright. Bystanders standards, New York Times. Bystanders sanders warn law enforcement with the government, 2 minutes before he began shooting.

Video shows. Alright. I suspect that what we gonna find that law enforcement was warned about this guy, more than 2 minutes, more than 5 minutes, more than 10 minutes, more than 12 minutes, more the 15 minutes, More than 20 minutes, more than 25 minutes before he began shooting. Alright? We we have enough reports, of seeming credibility that law enforcement was warned approximately 30 minutes before this guy began shooting, and they quite they lost him But we also know that the secret service sniper, whether he was a member of the secret service or he was under the direction of the secret service, we’d know that he had the Trump shooter in his sights prior to the Trump shooter opening fire.

And we know that the secret service sniper allowed the Trump shooter to get off 8 shots at Donald Trump. And then talk him out. Right. Where the secret service sniper team had the Trump shooter in their sights before the Trump shooter began shooting. And the secret service allowed this guy to get up 8 shots at Donald Trump?

And only then, do they respond? And so we’ve got New york times Washington to post pushing the angle they always keep trying to play down the story. Oh, 86 seconds. Before he began shooting, people were warning law enforcement. Oh, no.

Now it’s 2 minutes before he began shooting. Right? We have all these accounts that it was 30 minutes and that law enforcement lost him passed there. Alright. So secret service.

Right? Serves under the aegis of Joe Biden, the Biden administration. The Department of Homeland Security, which is ranked by the Biden administration and the secret service head is chosen by Joe Biden. And the Biden administration. So did they deliberately give Donald Trump incompetent security or was this part of an assassination plan.

Right. Those those are the 2, most obvious scenarios right now, either the biden administration deliberately provided Donald Trump with incompetent security to maximize the chances did he get slaughtered. Or they’re in on a plot to assassinate Donald Trump. So right now, based on the evidence we have, Those are the 2 most likely scenarios. Alright.

This is Dan Gin, former secret service

Speaker 1: it was.

Speaker 2: Number 1, I have from sources for that. Very few people who are at that event who are post standards who are were security personnel. Very few are actual secret service agents. This is just a really stunning. Thing the guy probably the highest threat level on planet.

Up there with the pope, obama, people with incredible name Id. Everybody’s gonna recognize you about big security footprints. We were out there with very, very few secret service post standards. Many of them what we used should call back in the day Ot, other treasury agents. They wound up being outsourced security personnel from other agencies.

Not that these aren’t good people. But folks. Are we serious? We don’t have secret service agents protecting the secret services, probably this point, most most threatened protect. That is absolutely insane.

I’m not sure you heard. I said anywhere else I I think I spoke about a little bit on Jesse Show last and I. But here’s another thing I’m hearing from sources. That this subject, They… They had been monitoring him.

Since he came in around and that that external perimeter area. This subject was the shooter. They lost track of them apparently, and he was hiding in a building about 300 yards away. Folks if they had this subject in their, on their, say their radar that you had a potential threat. I think the questions right now are fairly obvious, why was president Trump even on stage at that point?

He should have not been on stage. It’s ridiculous. I mean, if you’re in a situation with a potential threat out there, just delay the event for a little bit. I mean, listen, we’ve gotta talk candidly about this itself again. I don’t…

Speaker 0: Right. So law enforcement knew that we had a threat out there. And they were happy for Donald Trump to go on stage, secret service deliberately allowed a man to take 8 shots Donald Trump before firing back. Right? That was what the secret service did.

Now, why they did it with they they apparently from from what what I read on Twitter? That… That’s just… Secret service protocol. Right?

That is it’s only sporting to allow people to get off some shots before you at the person you’re supposed to protect it’s only sporting to allow them to get off shots before you fire back. Right? Now this isn’t help law enforcement acts in any other area. Right. No normal police officer or even no normal security private security guard, allow someone with a knife to get within 20.

Beat of him without shooting and killing him. And then as for having women be a a key part of the Donald Trump security team, would you want women as your balances at a nightclub. Right? Private events do not use women? In these capacities when they’re trying to keep keep someone safe when strength and and bulk is needed.

So we we know that the secret service under Biden prioritizes that diversity, Alright? And we know that they deliberately have much lower fitness standards for women than for men. So in the name of diversity, we know just just a clear fact that they’re willing to wave normal fitness standards. For women. Right?

Women don’t really have to do do that much compared to men. Right? Very very low standards compared to men. So why would you ever need strength? Right?

You saw 1 of the female agents helping to take Trump off stage, why would you want someone who has strength. Right? So the biden administration deliberately wants to make the secret service less competent. Right? Deliberately wants to make them less able to do their job.

That’s a key part of their policy. That’s why they chose the woman that they did. And she’s still in charge. Alright. No 1.

Right who… Facilitated or was just completely incompetent with regard to the Trump shooting is stepping down. Right? No 1 is admitting any mistakes Right? The head of the secret service is very proud of the job dump by the secret service in allowing a shooter hundred 40 yards away from Donald Trump to get off 8 shots at him.

Very proud for the jobs that they’ve done.

Speaker 2: When you hear about Monday morning quarterback anything. This isn’t a freaking football game, man. This is the life of the president of the United States. This is in a joke. I saw some guy online, talking about how, oh, people make mistakes.

We don’t get to make mistakes. What are you talking about make mistakes. This is a secret service. There’s no opportunity for mistakes. You remember what the Ira said?

The Irs Republican army when they said with the, Margaret tat when they missed her with the bomb plot? Should you guys gotta be lucky every day. We only have to be lucky once. We don’t have the opportunity to make mistakes. This is an absolutely apocalyptic security failure.

I warned you about exactly this. Need I remind many of you about episode 20 79. Which was back in August of 20 23 guy throw that up on the screen. This is look at. I want you to go back and do me a favor and listen to this episode, there it is.

Speeding towards assassination. Look at the date, folks, 08/31/2023. I mean, what I was told back then that the security around Donald Trump was not meeting the threat level. I warned back at me, but they couldn’t listen, this was public information. People were feeding this to me.

And then when we said it by the way, me and Tucker, these assholes in the media, like this Nbc guy, Dan Ark, wrote pieces like this an Nbc news, calling me in Tucker Conspiracy theorists. Put that headline up there. Conspiracy theorist saying that we were suggesting without evidence that there was a threat of a Trump assassination. what the evidence was? Asshole Dan Ark, what the evidence was, secret service personnel who wanted to blow the whistle on the fact that the security was not meeting the threat level Donald Trump.

That was the evidence. He coulda called

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s get a burst of Laura Laura Ingram here.

Speaker 3: Erica is listening.

Speaker 4: More we’re learning about the security lab. Is that preceded the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The worst it looks for the secret service.

Speaker 5: I looked they’re pointing. Yeah. Someone’s on top of the roof look. Gary is right there. Yeah Look, he

Speaker 0: because we officer dangerous people. Criminals have

Speaker 4: According to a local Pittsburgh

Speaker 6: station Wp p I 11.

Speaker 4: Sometime before 05:45PM. A law enforcement officer spotted a suspicious person. That was a Thomas Matthew Crooks on the ground. So he took a photo of them, and he called it in. Another officer checked the ground but didn’t find him.

Then someone…

Speaker 0: Okay. So 05:45PM, I think Trump was… Shot at 06:11. So the New York Times in Washington post I to tell you that it was 86 seconds or 2 minutes before Crooks started shooting Donald Trump. But we have abundant evidence that law enforcement was notified about 27 minutes before the shooting, Not 2 minutes.

Speaker 4: Went on Beaver County emergency services team for sauce suspicious man on the roof and took a photo of him. Well shockingly between the time the second photo was taken and when shots were fired from the roof. 26 minutes had elapsed. The 26 minutes. Joining me now.

Congressman Corey Mills of Florida. He was an army sniper also coordinated protective detail for numerous high profile Joining including court vice president Biden and first lady Laura Bush. Also with

Speaker 6: me congressman, Ronnie, Jackson of Texas, who spent a lot of time with president Trump

Speaker 4: since the attempted assassination. Congressman mills a reaction to what you just heard 26 minutes

Speaker 7: Well, look, I I wasn’t an actual army sniper What I did was is I ran counter sniper team from the state department, Ds and other agencies, and I can tell you 26 minutes is a lifetime when you’re talking a hundred and 60 yards, I wanna put this into understanding, I can keep the average american in 5 minutes how to make a hundred and 60 yard shot. With an m moa way of 1. Now when I say Moa of 1, what that means is that you basic production rifle that comes off the line, not a hand built sniper rifle pull holds a 1 inch grouping at 100. That means that at a hundred and 60 yards. You’re talking 1.6 inch inches grouping and a 3 to 6 round burst.

The fat that this is about milliseconds and millimeters that changes this from being an attempt and an assassination should really talk about the divine intervention that has occurred here. But I will be honest with you as I continue to learn more about the facts. The more I feel that this is intense, and the more that I think that a J 13 commission needs to go forward, we need to under… And the incite of violence if the J 6 committee was enough to have go home peaceful to be able to do it. We need to start looking at the rule, and I don’t trust you yet fbi beyond and others to this investigation, I think it needs to come to the house.

Speaker 4: Congressman Jackson there is a lot of pushing and pulling on Capitol Hill. This committee wants this piece of it. Another committee wants this piece of it. Do you not agree with me? There needs to be 1 Yes.

Overarching Ching special committee an outside counsel that is imp trustworthy to direct this investigation. Otherwise, it’s gonna be leaks and this thing is gonna go on for, in A a year.

Speaker 6: No. I agree a hundred percent. Maybe we should put select committee together. Pick the most powerful members from the other committees stick them on that committee. That’s it would be done…

We’ve done that in the past. I really think.

Speaker 4: What end. What have we got from all these investigations? I mean, great work has been done? Right. But to me, there has to be an outside counsel that because that does this all the time.

Yeah. And and to get to the bottom of it with congressional. Sleep input. But this thing has to be done and done expedition.

Speaker 6: Well, once you come up with, , what actually happened, you need an enforcement process to hold those accountable. And that’s what we’ve lacked at this point. So I think if we get president Trump back in, and he controls the executive branch that we will not only have oversight but accountability.

Speaker 4: I know you you have best spent a lot of time with president, Trump and you dressed his lawn. What can you tell us?

Speaker 6: What ? Doing great. I mean, he realizes how close he came to death. He’s told the story over and over about how… If he had not.

It’s , turned his head and drew back just a little bit to look at that chart, , and done it at the exact time that he did it that round would have entered his head. Was his hearing. His hearing fine. Mean, , he wasn’t close to where the shot was fired, and was far enough away from his head being his ear that, , it didn’t… There’s no con concur effects from the bullet or anything.

It just passed. Right over the top of year and took a little peep…

Speaker 0: And you still have very smart people, People were say, oh, trump wasn’t really shot with a bullet. It was a shadow of glass. Well, we had pictures of the bullet that the gray Donald Trump. Right? We we know Donald Trump survived being shot with an Ar 15.

We we have New York times photos of the the bullet that struck Donald Trump and yet, People who have sufficient emotional commitment to trying to downplay this assassination attempt will still tell you y’all I was a shot of glass.

Speaker 6: Piss off the top of his ears it came across. And, of course, the ear is pretty vascular so it bled aggressively, and that’s why it’s dressed up. It’s still bleeding a little bit.

Speaker 4: And he was still joking. With me

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 4: And I know you yesterday. Unbelievable congress… Congressman. Again, the director of the secret service has said with she’s staying in. But there’s gonna be an independent investigation.

The president Biden has demanded an independent investigation to get to the Bottom.

Speaker 0: Right. So the director of the secret service right, She’s the 1 responsible for deciding which agents go to this event. And sure, she can offload that responsibility, but she can also make sure to offload it to someone who’s going to follow the administration’s wishes. The the fact the matter is that the Biden administration gave Donald Trump incompetent security. So was this just incompetence on the part of the Biden administration or is this part of an assassination plot from the Biden administration.

Right? As 1 of those 2. Deliberately provided Donald Trump with incompetent and inadequate security, or were deliberately trying to murder him it doesn’t really matter that much. Right, The the effect is the same when you’re… This reckless.

Right? The effect is the same. You’re trying to get someone killed.

Speaker 4: By this. Is that okay with you?

Speaker 7: No It is not actually because I don’t trust that by president Biden would actually lead an independent investigation. We’ve seen what happened when the Jack council’s, , jack Smith Special Counsel. We’ve seen the continual offer. Look, the bottom line is this. First, they tried to…

Speaker 0: And of all the nausea things I’m seeing in here. In regard to this assassination attempt, having Joe Biden give 3 speeches calling for a calming of political rhetoric, Right. Biden and repeatedly caused Trump a threat to democracy a fascist. He says he he got into the race in the first place because Donald Trump said that there were many, , very fine nazis, essentially at Charlottesville that Donald Trump, that the Joe Biden, It is the 1 trying to leader a call for national healing when Joe Biden talked about Republicans wanna put you in black people in chains. Just does not ring true for me.

It’s loads them. Absolutely lost. And I am not someone who spent much time talking about Joe Biden over the past 3 years. I’ve probably said as many complimentary things about him as nick it to the extent. I I talked about him.

I I don’t really care that much about Joe Biden. I thought in some ways he did an adequate job. Negative And in other ways, with with foreign policy, just absolutely reckless just catastrophic foreign policy, getting us into unnecessary messes in in Europe in the Middle East. So this is not a show that focuses on partisan and ships, not a show that focuses on , how horrible the Democrats are not a show the focus on how horrible Joe Biden is I I’ve given, like, the athlete absolute minimum of attention to Joe Biden, you on this show over the the past 4 years.

Speaker 7: Censor and silent President Trump. Then they tried to die in president Trump. Now they tried to kill president Trump. I think that we have to have a true investigation in this, and I think that the more and more I look at it from my background and experience, the more and more this seems a bit. And I think that adjacent j 13 style committee needs to be happen.

Speaker 4: Alright. Congressman, Congressman Jackson, Congressman. Thank you so much. Alright. Let’s check in out with Fox news congressional correspondent and Aye ish Has down on the floor.

Asia. You.

Speaker 8: Hey, Laura. , I’m not usually an energy drink drinker, but I’m gonna have to drink 1 tonight because I can’t keep up With the crown here. There’s so much energy. It’s electro…

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s get back to this assassination attempt on Donald Trump. With and the deliberate provisioning of incompetent security. Right? Either deliberate provisioning of incompetent security or part of an assassination, plot coming from within the Biden administration.

Speaker 2: Then asked about that, but instead he had to write an asshole piece. Let’s go through all the bullshit now and walk through this frame by frame. And talk about what happened, And I promise you you’re not gonna get this perspective anyone else because no else I know Anyone else I know on the radio. Actually did this for a living. It’s not a knock on them.

It’s just true. Let’s go to this Nt d news. This is by the way, I believe the the definitive perspective of what happened. This past week, and we almost lost president Trump. Okay?

I’m gonna walk through it and I’m gonna stop this at various points guy. Put the Nt news video up on the screen. Let’s talk about questions first like, where was the perimeter surveillance? And let’s watch what happened. We’ll watch about a minute of it.

I know you may have seen this before, but I’m gonna reference it multiple times so check this out. So it’s like Okay. So just talking that there’s around. Thoughts how people cover.

Speaker 0: Alright. So anyone with a moderate knowledge of rifles. Right. Within within a second or 2 of hearing those shots. Alright.

You’re sitting at home. On the other side of the world, and you hear the sounds of those shots, Right? The sonic booms given off by those shots, that this is a high powered rifle from a distance away. It’s not up close. It’s a distance away.

it’s the high high powered rifle, most likely shooting down. it’s an assassination attempt. But media guidelines, oh, we don’t call it assassination attempt until some bureaucracy after an investigation, he declares it an assassination attempt. Well, I I don’t think they’d be so cautious if the person who the assassination attempt was directed at was 1 of the favorite characters.

Speaker 2: Maximum to the protect either following the rules here, maximum to the protect the minimum to the product. This is a different video you probably haven’t seen. But you’ll see there’s obviously some chaos people start to hear gunshots. To realize what’s going on right now. The secret service are covering the body just late to do.

You see these guys coming on stage

Speaker 0: Okay. I need to talk about the shot. Alright? So the media keeps stressing in their defense. Right.

We need a bureaucracy to declare this assassination attempt. Yes need to know something about rifles and how they work to be have to note that this is an obvious assassination attempt.

Speaker 3: He’s analysis. I I think both of us were the Dc sniper, but back in a day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was working Nbc so the today show.

So it’s not the first time we’ve got talk about this sort of… A tragedy. This sort of attack this sort of a crime. So where do you think we start? Well, let let’s start with.

I’ve come to the conclusion, and you can tell me where I’m in full crap, that there’s only only 2 choices. This is either utter incompetence by the secret service and or they were comp in this. There’s there’s no gray area.

Speaker 0: So 1 thing you’ll notice the people with competence with rifles are 80 percent, 90 percent on the right. So you hear very different analysis from people who have competency with rifles compared to what you get from the mainstream media.

Speaker 3: I would agree with you, I think it might be elements of both, but I think the reality is looking at what actually happened, and then and people can make their own choices. And I would say if you make choice… If you make decisions and choices and and gather opinions. Based on facts, I’m all with you. If you do it based on ridiculous information.

Right. Right. It’s a rabbit hole that goes nowhere.

Speaker 0: Right.

Speaker 3: So let’s look at what we’re dealing with first of all, which is a public event, the president of the United States, among other dig areas is protected by the secret service by mandate back to Lincoln. Right? Right. Right. The the secret service for a very long time was Department of Treasury, and a very small organization, meaning a couple thousand agents.

I think right now it’s probably 3000 agents. Those would dispersed between protective beauty. And treasury, meaning monetary… Money investigations. A lot of counterfeit.

Right. But but it was a financial crimes investigative unit for the treasury department, unlike the Fbi, which is the Justice department. So understanding this first is important. The secret service part of the secret services historic charter gives them responsibility to protect the president in States and other specified dig militaries, within the department of treasury out department of the whole.

Speaker 0: And the secret service never swept this building. Right? It just makes no sense that this is incompetence. Right? That it it only makes sense to the to the normal human mind that the secret service was in on an assassination of Donald Trump.

Now I don’t believe that. But I recognize the way the human mind works, given the information that we have right now, it makes absolutely no sense that Secret service didn’t sweep. Are building so close. It it’s such a staggering amount of incompetence that the human mind just reels and runs away from from that option. Right?

The the only thing that makes sense is that the secret service, was in on this assassination attempt. I’m not saying that that’s true. I’m saying that’s just how the mine works because it’s just so dog sparingly incomprehensible that they wouldn’t look at this building and have law enforcement up on top of the roof of this building. Alright. Let’s get

Speaker 2: and monitoring him, since he came in around and that that stern perimeter area. This subject was the shooter. They lost track of him apparently, and he was hiding in a building about 300 yards of a…

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s get flat until shows can hear me. Yes. I can loud and clear. And soon the people who did this gonna hear you.

Speaker 9: I hear you. Yes. Oh, hold on. Let me mute the other stream. 1 second, please.

Speaker 0: Okay. Bless. Alright. So you think. Yeah.

Speaker 9: Pretty eventful election season so far, would you say?

Speaker 0: Yeah. Little bit coming on right now.

Speaker 1: ,

Speaker 9: American politics, seldom them disappoint never.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Even more interesting than usual.

Speaker 9: Yeah. Like, III think it was a Saturday afternoon. I got home, and I was listening to Claire and Steven talking. Yeah. And and they just sort of made it so bleak reference to it and then sas And I was, like…

So not in the mood to process something with that magnitude. Like, it’s hard to explain, but

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 9: It was… It’s like exhausting. It’s it’s dramatic.

Speaker 0: Yes. Someone I wanna asked me what’s wrong with you? Like, yesterday, they afternoon. What what’s wrong with you? You seemed a little off.

I did wanna… Guy into that I was upset the Donald Trump cut shop.

Speaker 10: I know. Yeah, I mean, it… I mean, I’ve been, , the biden story

Speaker 9: has been grinding on for a couple of weeks. Or maybe longer. And I’ve sort of been really exhausted by the political process. It’s just… Yeah.

I I don’t wanna make this all about me enough, but it’s just emotionally draining after what. Yeah. And so suddenly, I I learned this. It’s and then I have to sort of re engage politically again, and then I learned how razor close this was to actually giving in. Which sort of set off another wave of, like, anxiety and terror and, , seriousness.

At a time when I was not really in the mood be serious.

Speaker 2: But… Yeah.

Speaker 9: It it’s… Okay. So sorry I I mentioned that. Right? Be See you’ve just been shot at.


Speaker 2: Hand hand. And hit.

Speaker 9: The bullet raises your ear Luke,

Speaker 2: and what do did

Speaker 3: you

Speaker 9: do the next day?

Speaker 0: And with an ar 15. Right. He was hit hit with an Ar 15.

Speaker 9: Yes. And so what do you do the next day?

Speaker 0: Yeah. Golfing thing.

Speaker 9: You go golfing Luke. What else? I mean, And have you ever had sort of a brush with definitely?

Speaker 0: Yeah. I’ve been… Yeah. It. It’s sobering.

Speaker 9: Good sobering. You just kinda wanna a pause and reflect. Right? I recall would be the last thing of my mind. I’m in obviously in that golfer, but So I thought that was amusing.

And then just how quickly the new cycle has basically… Past this story by for all intents and purposes.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 9: Now you come Monday morning, And we’re talking about the device presidential pick. Yeah. Is this… This is staggering to me. I I…

I’m just not… Ready for such a fast moving world. So not to make this all about me. But… So…

Speaker 0: Yeah. I mean, I didn’t sleep well Saturday night. Like, I was I was glad to finally get up and get going well before 3AM. Because I was just… I, I was not in a peaceful place.

Speaker 9: No. And now, 48 hours later. It seems that, I mean, the engaging from my Twitter feed and the people I listen to. Trump’s election? Is it called a reelection?

Or… Yeah. Oh, or was it an election

Speaker 0: either? Yeah.

Speaker 9: But it seems to be fair complete as far as everybody I’ve been listening to. Yeah. I mean, I think any Trump supporters with sports now galvanized. I think even some of my more liberal friends, I think are just a bit put off. , some of the…

I got, a, a liberal friend of mine who sent me a link about Biden t response , inappropriate. I mean, yeah. That to me was, like, the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard, a 1 of on top Yeah. I mean, the… I don’t know.

I grew up in an air where there was this sort of notion of, , D democrat, Republican, chocolate vanilla, there was a sort of overarching sense of American. But now, that doesn’t seem to exist. Just seem to be too tribes. And this particular tribe is… I I think they feel like they’re losing and they’re sort of in a siege mentality.

Speaker 0: Well, I I didn’t know. I mean, Trump had a a great run of… Great round of lock the last 3 ways. Negative

Speaker 9: No. I mean, that what a term life. I mean, people are, like saying this is like divine intervention. Or divine providence.

Speaker 0: Right.

Speaker 9: I don’t. I’m still processing, , I didn’t call him yesterday because I didn’t really have any clear thoughts to or

Speaker 0: Yeah. I liked… I liked I like Steven J James as honesty. How, oh, , I wanna be how wanna be part of this story. How can I get in on this?

He’s so honest sometimes. Yeah.

Speaker 9: Yeah. No. He said he’s in he’s an not coming star. I don’t know. I think I I don’t have…

, I I almost in collin I

Speaker 11: didn’t think I have that much clear say.

Speaker 9: I was just like, the only story I have is how do I process all of this stuff? And , I just… I’m just kind of raw reacting here, but I felt like I had to say something.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And what happens the the more you find out about the degree of staggering hard to fathom incompetence by the secret service, which is under the direction of the Biden administration. Like, that’s How do how do you deal with that?

Speaker 9: Okay. So are you still on the incompetent side of the coin here? Not not… Intentional.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. Rationally, I am. I mean, but I’ll admit the way that my mind works when I just look at the evidence, I think The Right. You you were directed towards biden an administration was trying to assassinate Donald Trump.

Because the amount of incompetence. It’s so off the charts that it… It’s hard to fathom that it it could be real. But I recognize that underneath that, usually, it’s incompetence rather than than Malice. So, yeah, I’m still very much on the incompetence side of the bandwagon.

Speaker 9: I mean, , I tried to… I tried to put myself in the shoes of the players off. Right? I mean, I can’t even imagine being able to, like… See a shooter, have a gun and then place it to perfect shot.

Enough Yeah. This is like, so way outside of my, like, capability. It’s not even funny. It’s not the same Zip code. ?

And so I wanna give people… I wanna give so you service law enforcement credit, , Ultimately, I mean, by the thin of margins, it was a successful outcome, , yeah respect to the deceased. Yeah. I I don’t know. If somebody is looking for conspiracy for some facts to lead them in a cons direction, they’re certainly present.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I mean, the secret service, we don’t. We have it on video. They they… Stood down in the sense they they definitely had the shooter in their sides before the shooter started shooting at Donald Trump and they let him get off 8 shots before they decide to take him out.

And now this guy… He’s a big mystery. Right? We don’t know anything about it. We’re like, what could possibly motivate him?

He’s he’s a cipher. He’s just a a blank slate.

Speaker 9: They seem to do that a lot now. If the assailant is against the dominant narrative against the elite narrative. So if he’s a tran. They’re a tran or I mean, a… What’s the proper word transactional.

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 9: It seems like their social media accounts are scrubbed immediately.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 9: But we’re… But this is a weird case where he is actually white. And Oh,

Speaker 0: 0, and the idea they took… They took 8 hours to release the name officially. The New York Post got the story 2 hours before the official release. And the media is telling us oh, that they’re still trying to, , hunt down and verify his identity. No.

They they knew his identity for hours before they gave it up. So what exactly were they doing during those hours that they had his identity and no 1 else did.

Speaker 9: Well, it just makes you think that calls were made to , Biden staff or Democrat party staff to come up with a plan about how to spend , how how do we believe this? I I think everyone was sort of d, not knowing apart from the post, but, , elite media, respectable media, liberal media is, , there’s… I’m sure this this is dominant feeling that , we don’t act until we know how to act to told how to act. Until we know what the official line is, because There’s a… There seems to be like this overriding objective to be on message we present a…

Because I mean, it was so clear that they were trying to soft pedal this as as much as possibly clear. Yeah. Again, another black eye for the media, you have to admit.

Speaker 0: Yeah. And I I don’t run to that. Like, I I go the opposite direction, Like, I tried to… I try to understand it. Like, I I…

I’m not 1 who who rushes to to to to a judgment that, obviously, the the news media is trying to doubt. Like, I did not wanna go to that story. Alright. I I tried to do everything I could to avoid that story. And and I couldn’t.

Speaker 9: , friend of mine once said way back 20 years ago. He said, conservatives when they say they’re gonna pick you up. They pick you up, and they’re not late, and they arrive when they say they’re gonna arrive us. ? This is certain baseline commitment they have to integrity.

And there’s just liberals are, like, oh, dude, I… Spaced it. , they’re all all too ready to make an excuse, , and I think there’s just some of that at play here. This this… III don’t know what’s happened in near york times.

I mean, it used to be… When I was young, my mother was , helping with grammar.

Speaker 2: Mh.

Speaker 9: , teaching me how proper grammar. And she’d always say if I made a single miss spelling, she’d say you’d be fired at New york Times.

Speaker 2: If you were and

Speaker 9: this was like, , this was part of, , this this… It silly it sounds. This 1 sentence really made me focus and try to be accurate. My grammar and my spelling and stuff like that. So…

And I don’t think that’s the same you new york times that we had today, Everything’s below size. Literally, everything’s below size. I think, , once upon that was the media, then there was a sort of the opinion media on cable. And you could read the New York Times. You could read the Washington post and you would send to a real journalism, and then you’d have the parsons, , yank it out on cable.

But now it does seem as though the New York Times walking post have really crossed over into bars in Germany.

Speaker 0: Yeah. But I I recognize when something’s too easy, like, when something feels too good. I I, , get up by… III tried to, like, put a break on those impulses, try to spend more time understanding things from the… From a different perspective, but, yeah.

Right now, it’s quite.

Speaker 9: And I can understand that impulse because you wanna be taken seriously, you wanna be thought of as being objective. You don’t wanna be thought of being a part hacked. Yeah. So your default center of gravity is the dominant narrative. Right?

Speaker 0: No. No. No. I’m have different. No.

I definitely… No. No. No. No.

I I definitely don’t have a default elite narrative, but I don’t have a default, the elite narrative is wrong either. Right? So I I have my own narratives. I believe that different people have different gifts, for example. Right.

So III try not to default to either anti or pro.

Speaker 2: No. But I I said

Speaker 9: just well center of gravity. It’s so it’s sort of like, all things being equal you’re going to gravitate towards the rehab. I might say you’re gonna reflex believe it can we at it, but you’re going to… You’re gonna try and stay within the center of the herd bro. Which is the near terms.

Speaker 0: Well, I’m gonna… I’m I’m gonna try to understand certainly what what are officially acceptable opinions and I’m gonna… Think long and hard before I oppose them. Yeah. Like, particularly it’s certain certain circumstances.

Speaker 9: Okay. Alright. So now we have a such what what happens next?

Speaker 0: Well, I think we’re gonna find out more. And we’re we’re gonna find out… Yeah. We’re just gonna find out more information is good. You’re not gonna be up to hire…

Hide this. If this was a a conspiracy, I I believe we’ll find out. III don’t believe that you could you get a hide a conspiracy like this.

Speaker 9: But do you think that those investigating the conspiracy are going to be objective players?

Speaker 0: Well, I think the the Trump minute the the Republicans have sufficient power that that they are going to be up to… Get to to the bottom of this. I don’t think I I reject the Republicans hopeless and helpless. Yeah. I think we’ve got more than enough power on outside.

Get to the bottom of this.

Speaker 9: I hope you’re right. I’d be right. Because my… I’m so, like, , I’m a bit fatal.

Speaker 0: Yes. Yes. That there is… Like not… I was

Speaker 9: saying that either.

Speaker 0: I know. I know… But it’s so widespread in distant circles. There’s a radical in politics accompanied by a fatal. Accompanied by a pacific in real life that they all seem to run together.

Speaker 9: Alright. So just chasing point, personal story. So remember my previous story of

Speaker 0: Yeah. Joe, and what what name did we give the lady?

Speaker 9: I. We haven’t given her name yet. I think we called her the 10.

Speaker 0: The 10. Okay.

Speaker 9: Here 10. So the tens mother called me text me yesterday invite me over to dinner. , So we’re talking about 2 blocks away here. We’re talking about a local thing here. And so I was a bit low to accept.

But I felt trapped in a way because…

Speaker 0: Yeah. You fell trapped because you’ve you’ve had a connection and that if you turn it down, that you you’re pretty much burning the the bridge is not just to the bum, but to the daughter.

Speaker 9: Right. Right. And So I was really kinda to go but I decided to go just see and long story, I’m gonna submit a lot of details that are certain not German main. I’m gonna stick him the Trump.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. Just just spoiler down.

Speaker 9: And so so so having dinner, and I forgot her exact words, but her words were, like, basically, they should have got him. ?

Speaker 0: Yeah. They they should have killed Donald Trump.

Speaker 9: Yeah. Yeah. And, , this that struck me is so cold and, like… I was… I didn’t know what to do that point.

I I’d sort of… I didn’t affirm or deny. I just kind of punt because I I didn’t want… I mean, she made this nice dinner and so forth. And at the same time, I was really disgusted by that comment?

? Yeah. And said, what do I? Do I get up and storm out, to I nod my head as if I’m a agreeing or, , it was so awkward. It’s so hard to explain, but Yeah.

I really lost a lot of respect for her at that point.

Speaker 0: Yeah you’re not gonna be sleeping with it after.

Speaker 9: Don’t think so. It’s not in the car

Speaker 0: Sorry. Bro.

Speaker 9: How it goes, bro. She’s not among the elite, , life, You gotta You gotta deal with the crumbs that fall from the table, bro.

Speaker 0: Okay, Bro. I gotta move later

Speaker 2: gotta… Alright.

Speaker 9: Just good

Speaker 0: to talk to you. Okay. Alright. So Here we go. Does he…

Speaker 12: Been lost track of the shooter before he shot the president. How would he out overrun police carrying a ladder in a rifle anyway? And if he placed a ladder down against the building and then got, Why didn’t cops seize the ladder so we couldn’t climb back up? We asked the secret service if the shooter was chased by law enforcement. And they told us they, quote, believe local police had interactions with the subject.

But local police are pushing back. They say their job was just traffic duty. Pennsylvania state police telling us they weren’t responsible for securing the building or property. So the secret service pointing their fingers at the locals, and the locals are pointing their fingers back. You have a loose coupe with an ar, a hundred and 30 yards from a former president.

Cat and mouse and cops while Trump was allowed to remain on stage? Why was Trump still allowed on stage if there was an active man underway for an armed threat? Abc b reports that police were looking up at the roof of the building, a full minute before shots rang out. But just breaking tonight, A local Pennsylvania station is reporting that local law enforcement spotted crooks on the ground, acting suspicious nearly a half an hour before the shooting. And they called it in.

And another office spotted him nearly a half an hour before the shooting shooting took a picture of them and also called it in. Why wasn’t any action taken? And later, people at the rally flag crooks on the roof watch.

Speaker 5: I look they’re pointing. Yeah. Someone’s on top of the roof look. Gary is like there.

Speaker 8: Yeah.

Speaker 1: What’s happening?

Speaker 0: Look. Because officer

Speaker 12: This was such a colossal security failure that many people are wondering if this was sabotage. Somebody on the inside compromised. There’s no evidence of that, but the way the agencies are handling this investigation is unacceptable. With We’re learning more details about the shooter. Reports say he had a transmitter strapped to his body and a receiver hooked up to explosives in the trunk of his car.

He was trying to trigger an explosion as a distraction maybe before taking his shot. He purchased 50 rounds of ammo just before opening fire. Just hours. And lied to his dad that he was going to the gun range that day. Finally, the Fbi gained access to his phone, they say?

But the bureau says they don’t have a motive, which doesn’t track. Every 1 of these assassins or mass shooters have ideologies. They have digital footprints. And they wanna be infamous. How is crooks a ghost?

The Fbi couldn’t find the motive of the Vega shooter the deadliest shooting in Us history never zeroed in on the Gen 6 pipe bomber, manufactured the Russia hopes even doctor a warrant to spy on trump. This is the same Fbi who cooked up the Gretchen W kidnapping plot and had inform involved with the Pulse Night nightclub shooting. The Pittsburgh Fbi Field office is running point on this investigation. Just happens to be the same field office that buried the Biden bribery tip in Ukraine. Fbi director, Chris Ray won’t resign, but Trump will probably fire him when he’s reelected.

But will Biden Fire secret service director Kim C.

Speaker 2: Yes, I do.

Speaker 12: Yes. I do. Biden hasn’t fired anybody. Why would he start now. But Sc says the buck stops with her.

Speaker 13: What was your react and when you saw the events unfold on Saturday.

Speaker 14: Shock, and then concern, obviously, for the former president, this is an event that should have never happened.

Speaker 13: Who is most responsible for this happening?

Speaker 14: What I would say is that the secret service is responsible for the protection of the former president.

Speaker 13: So the buck stops with you?

Speaker 14: The buck stops with me. I am the director of the secret service. It was unacceptable, and it’s something that shouldn’t happen again.

Speaker 12: Oh, so She’ll resign. Right?

Speaker 13: The president and homeland security secretary said today they had 100 percent confidence in you. But there are some numbers of Congress calling on you to resign.

Speaker 14: I appreciate the secretary comments, and we’re gonna continue to be transparent and communicate with people.

Speaker 13: Because you plan to stay on, absolutely.

Speaker 14: I do plan to stay on.

Speaker 12: That’s Washington. You say the right things, but you don’t do the right thing. We were second away from a live execution of a presidential front runner, and the secret service director isn’t being fired, isn’t resigning and promises that won’t happen again.

Speaker 7: How do we know

Speaker 12: her internal investigation isn’t gonna be a cover up? This woman destroyed her text from Jan 6 and blew up the White House cocaine? Congressional Republicans are calling for a house…

Speaker 0: Right. The the Fbi couldn’t get to the the bottom of who’s cocaine that was in the White House.

Speaker 12: That committee on the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. Take this out of the hands of the Feds and conduct hearings under oath on live television. Bring in the counter snipers, bring in c. Bring in crooks is pop. Prime time promise you, we will never let them cover this up.

Speaker 0: Right. Why did the secret service have crooks the shooter in their sides for many, many seconds. Prior to Crooks opening fire. So why didn’t they take him out then? In normal police work.

Right? If someone’s got a gun? Oh, if the… If crooks was aimed at them, then they would fired and killed him. But because he was only aimed at Donald Trump that just like, go ahead, take 8 free shots.

Right? That was how the secret service acted. Alright. I can’t get into their motives, but I’m sure if someone had had a gun pointed at them. Right.

They would have taken him out. But when Crooks had a gun pointed to Donald Trump is like, go ahead, take your 8 shots. And then we’ll kill you and we’ll say we don’t know anything about you. We’ll do an investigation, and you’re just you’re just a cypher. We just can’t figure.

Out why you do such a thing. And it normal more security work. Normal more police work. Several points are gun at, you you kill them. You shoot them right down and there.

You don’t shoot to wound. You shoot to kill. Someone’s got a knife and they within 20 feet of you. You shoot to kill them right away. You don’t wait till there.

Within 15 feet or 10 feet or 8 feet. You don’t give them 8 free stab. Right? The Us secret service deliberately allowed cro 8 free shots at Donald Trump. Right.

This is not normal police work. Right? Normal police, normal law enforcement, normal private security, do not allow someone to take 8 free shots at you or whoever you’re supposed to protect. Before you then decide, oh, maybe I should take this guy out. Right Normal policing, normal private security as someone…

Raises a gun at you. You take them out right then. You don’t wait. You don’t give them some free shots at you, but apparently, according to secret service, X secret service on Twitter that this is secret service protocol. You allow…

Someone I to start taking shots. Whoever it is, you’re supposed to protect and only then do you respond with deadly force. Right? Completely different than the protocol in private security. Or in the rest of law enforcement.

Right. Mayor york is the head of the Department of Homeland Security. He’s in charge of the secret service? How is the direction of

Speaker 3: 1 another?

Speaker 0: Great. On that, does…

Speaker 12: G does the president have confidence? In the Secret service director after Saturdays failures?

Speaker 15: I have 100 percent confidence in the director of the United States State Secret serve.

Speaker 0: How how on earth, Could you have 100 percent confidence. Right. Either he’s lying. Right. There there are any 2 choices.

Right. Either he’s lying or he’s in on the plot to assassinate Donald Trump. Right? There there are no other choices. Right?

Given the gross level of incompetence, either that assassination plot was something that he approves of and was in on, or he’s lying. That’s all it is. Does your any choices.

Speaker 15: Service. I 100 percent confidence. In the United States secret service and what you saw?

Speaker 0: Well, he must have confidence that they were in on the plot. That he was in on the plot to assassinate Donald Trump. Because no normal person could look at the performance of the secret service here and have confidence. Right? It is just impossible.

Right? It it is not even a possibility, look at the performance of the secret service and have confidence in them. So he’s either clearly lying or he’s in on the plot to assassinate donald on trump.

Speaker 15: All on stage on Saturday with respect to individuals, putting their own lives at risk for the protection of another, is exactly what the American public should see every single day. It is what I indeed do.

Speaker 0: Okay. So he thinks it’s great. He thinks the assassination great and great job, but that’s his attitude. So we know that the Fbi will get inform to go out on rampage. So we had the the Fbi setting up a Muslim inform and encourage him to go on a rampage at a free speech event in Texas.

Right? Just go go tear up Texas. He was taught. And so the Fbi has often done this with their inform. So what what the heck is going on here.

Right. Anyone who knows anything about rifles knows within. 234 at the most 5 seconds of hearing those shots at Donald Trump, but this is a high powered rifle from an elevated position, trying to kill Donald Trump, But the news media position is until a law enforcement bureaucracy tells you this is an assassination attempt. He can’t say assassination. Anyone who knows anything about high powered rifles could tell you within 5 seconds of hearing the sounds of those pops.

Right? That this was an assassination attempt. But this is an obvious truth like Joe Biden and, but the news video only gets dragged to kicking and screaming.

Speaker 3: Security. Right. Within that within that responsibility, agents would rotate through protective elements, right, you would you would travel for a period of time on a protective duty, and then you might go back to working investigations at a at at a field office. Once an attack is made on a pro protect t. In this case the president in the United States, it becomes a department of Justice investigation, and the wing, the investigative wing of the Justice department in this case is the Fbi.

Right. You have 2 things. You have a protective duty, from the secret service, once an attack is made, it becomes the purview, the investigative responsibility of the Fbi that’s where we are right now. Once you saw this plate on Tv. Once the attack was made on President Trump, then it became an Fbi investigation, and that’s what you’re seeing now.

Right. Let’s the investigative responsibility, and you talk about the screw up. The protocols are defined, they’re effective, and we have not seen and a successful attack on a president in the United States since 19 81. Ronald Gray. Right.

Right. And well, just describe… Describe what it’s like because people don’t understand that when you go out to do, let’s call it the site survey beforehand because you gotta you gotta check both the venue, the access points to that as well as a perimeter, like, I would say at least out to 500 yards, a around that. Exactly. You got…

I I would say I am not a secret… I I’ve never worked as a secret service agent. I have worked with all elements of secret service on protective details including presidents. I… I’ve worked on those details, and I have trained with them and with their with their protocols.

I’m not saying I’m an expert. I’m saying I have experience hands on doing what they do. Right. Right. And and…

And have an understanding of how it goes. And it goes like this. Anytime you have… You see an event on Tv. You see the secret service agents with the the earpiece.

And the the suits and the sunglasses those are the close perimeter the the the body people, the body guys, and they are often described as window dressing that they are the forward face.

Speaker 0: So Elon Musk plans to give 45000000 dollars a month for the next few months. To help elect Donald Trump president.

Speaker 3: So the secret service, that’s not fair because they… As we saw in this instance, are incredibly brave to well trained professionals. And in this case, they they acted very, very ad in my point. Then you have the outer perimeter which is protected by 2 elements. The counter of assault team, which the guys you saw coming in in tactical gear, and they are just that.

They counter an assault, something like you’ve seen, in other in other countries. Like the famous 1 with Omar said. Remember where they would try to attack the stands, would be something along those lines. Then you have the counter Sniper team which is where we’re going with this discussion. Those are the guys that we saw behind president Trump on the peak of that roof, 2 of them in black uniforms behind long guns.

Right? 3 at. You’ve got the kind of salt scene, which cover the outer perimeter, the further perimeter, and let’s say with the rifle we’re talking 500 yards. As you just said, you have an inner perimeter, which is protected by magnet, by a different level of, preparation and with uniform, not uniform with secret service agents in suits that you might refer to as uniform. But other elements of that as well, people on the crowd.

And, in oftentimes uniformed personnel who run the magnet, and screwing everybody coming in and up. It is a very successful, very time proven, very carefully delineate series of protocols that has worked since 19 81, in some very, very difficult situations. 09:11, so many so many different. There’s no point going into it. So here’s where it it comes back to what you were saying.

For for people what that don’t do this for a living, an advanced team comes in to every single Ideally, it comes into every single venue prior to the event. There’s a a long term thing. Many of them work with local state and Federal law enforcement agencies. So the secret service has liaison in many, many venues have security protocols for obvious reasons you go… It’s a it’s a very elaborate schedule of things the secret service checks down.

There could be anything. I mean, president Biden fell on stage. He could’ve have broken his leg and need to go for medical care. President Trump, yesterday, they got shot in the head. With a high powered rifle, and he needs a different level of care.

That’s all delineate in this. What what we’re talking about specifically is the firearms related to assault on the president. In this case, we saw play out to the casual observer, the president feels something go by his head, grab his ear. He goes to the ground, because he’s already been president for 4 years and he understands what he’s supposed to do and how he’s not how it does it. When he realizes that he’s being shot at, he by protocol goes to the ground.

And you saw by the time Donald Trump hit the ground, you saw a suited secret service body man. In a close perimeter, shield his body with his life. That response was immediate. It was by the book. It was extraordinary.

Yeah. I agree. I every 1 of those guys could take the next round in the back of their head. Right?

Speaker 0: Yeah Yeah.

Speaker 3: No. Exactly right. Whoever says anything about politics doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Secret service agents could be Democrat republican or. I don’t give a shit.

They’re still gonna dive in front of a bullet, and that says a lot about what they do right. Right. And that’s why I’ve drawn… I’ve drawn the distinction between the guys and gals on the inside, Afghanistan or whatever somebody shooting. You wanna figure out the way they’re coming from.

Right? That’s the first mechanism. You hear the pop pop pop, what with number of rounds. And my first thinking is this right. Many viewers won’t know that gunshots do very…

Speaker 0: Right. So people who know something about gunshots. People who know something about rifles, would have been now to detect within a few seconds that this was an assassination attempt.

Speaker 3: We odd things. First of all, you have the primary per cushion of the round going off at the at the platform itself. In this case, an Ar 15. Right? Yeah.

That round is moving super hello the.

Speaker 0: Yeah. What’s going on?

Speaker 1: Hello. You’re doing.

Speaker 0: Good, man.

Speaker 1: I don’t know. We had a lot in. And I just wanna tell you first and foremost. I appreciate what you do. I know sometimes it probably feels like a a fart in a whirlwind, but

Speaker 0: thanks man.

Speaker 1: what I mean I can tell I can tell your aim towards the truth. And unfortunately, you and I are a dine breed, sir.

Speaker 0: Oh, well, thank you. Yes. I I do try to end was the truth.

Speaker 1: , and sometimes that doesn’t go into great places. How myself, sort of stepped out of society back in, say, 2007, , when, I guess on a mystical level with when the truth was just so shocking. I couldn’t take part, , anymore of at the time, I’ve been in in banking in finance for 15 years. So you had to Yeah. I had to recon a home in life, , based solely on truth, and they’re few and far between.

You would think that truth matters, but unfortunately, sir, 98, 99 percent of the people go along to get along. And worse than that, probably 85 percent of them out there just what you might call H not, Luke. what Mean? Yeah. Yeah.

And and you get in there and digest that media, and I don’t know how it doesn’t… Get to you because on 1 level it’s theater, , it’s propaganda on the highest level, and and they’ve got you at the moment they get you sucked into it. But on the other level, , that’s where it does matter because the government sucks up 4900000000000.0 dollars this year, and and it’s gonna go somewhere. They’re gonna spend out 6900000000000.0 and they’re gonna run the desk deficit up another 2000000000000. And so, , we’re we’re getting ready to go off of financial cliff.

So when Trump says this is the most important election ever, it might be the last election ever, Luke.

Speaker 0: Yeah. You you feel like the Republic is at risk.

Speaker 1: Oh, definitely, definitely, and I I just believe that truth used to have… Some foothold, I guess, in the media or whatever, but you could tell me when you when you saw it going off the rails, I saw it soon back in 2007 as as Ron Paul was like speaking truth to power about how America was getting ready to go off of financial cliff. They gave him they gave him not something as bad as the trump treatment But it was it was, , it was 1 level lower than that. At first, they tried to dismiss him, and they basically said, if you want… Some attention.

We’ll give you some attention, buddy… And it was horrible. . Yeah. That he was a racist.

They started brandon him, , the way they do some And that’s where I come back to the fact that so many people are H onyx. They they… That stuff works, , and and 20 15, Trump was a novelty, but in 20 16 when they saw him as a problem, they… You saw the real face of the media. 20 and they tried to destroy them everywhere they could.

They tried to take him off the ballot. They tried to take all his money. They started hauling them in the court with… , 94 Yeah.

Speaker 0: All the felony convictions, all the different, Yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah. It it it comes off at it at some point, it becomes messi. what I mean, Luke? Yeah. I didn’t even care for the guy.

I thought he and Hillary was kinda like a… When I saw He and Hillary facing off in 20 15. I… Was like, oh, my god. We get the leaders we deserve.

? And I was like, this is gonna be awful. But then I started seeing that something that that I this guy. They find him repulsive. And, of course, with everything they piled on him, you you gotta…

You had to say courage or the perseverance, the ind spirit. , we all have our character flaws Luke, , Yeah. Those sc, I learned the most in life through pulling off those Sc sometimes. what I mean, sir? Yeah.

But In the moment. How you gonna script something in the moment where the man has been taken down. He he wasn’t shot at? He was shot, Luke. He was shut a huddle down behind those flags or whatever it was.

And 10 seconds later, put the fist up fight fight fight. Cut. You can picked that up in Hollywood. Yeah. Once side, I guess you would say the gyms are thinking he’s something along the lines of AT1 thousand, some ind thing that they gotta get rid of.

But on the other side, you gotta be gotta get. That’s Neo, That’s the over the damn matrix Loop. Dive and bulletin yet. It’s crazy. I don’t have a lot of cultural references because I admitted I stepped out of the culture in 2007.

It’s just horrible. Oh, But I don’t know. You touched upon something the thing that made me call. I don’t know which 1 of the names you mentioned. But Man, you’re a Jew, not only you Jew, you’re converted Jew.

Yes. I’m mystic. I’m a mystic, and I’m and I’m a mystic to the point to where… I studied comparative religion from a lot of angles, and a lot of that stuff leads back towards, , Ka cabal, ?

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 1: So so, there’s something there. I mean, went that’s some of the most intelligent stuff out there. And when I try to I know this might not be fit for Youtube. But when I try to run up… A rabbit hole of the J q just trying to understand the truth of the matter.

, the truth of things. That’s all I care about the nothing adds up. , nothing nothing seems to add up I on 1 level, even I find myself getting mad at them. But the reasons I come back to all come back to mystical things like Abraham. He had a, , there was a mandate there.

That was a job to do back in Babylon. Well, fast forward, what have they done? What if that power? Whether that power was just intellectual or whatever? What have they done?

What are they focus on? The shining stuff, the jewels, the gold, the slavery. Well what happened to the mystical mandate of of showing people the light? This this is what I found back into thousand and 7 is is I was grabbed. I was grabbed by the universe loop on July the fifth 2007, And really has

Speaker 0: how did you how did you reconcile this spiritual revelation with your commitments in this world? I don’t know if… You’ve got a family or a spouse or friends or community or work? I mean, how did you how did you manage to juggle these spiritual revelations? With Or your or other commitments in the real world.

Speaker 1: I was unable to recon, sir. Yeah. That was congruent. That’s all I can say about it. I love my children.

They love me. They understand 99 percent about me. But, , that kind of stuff, it’s… It’s out of this world as far as this culture goes. There there’s there’s a truth strangely enough.

It happened 1 night. When my dog was laying, but was behind me, and something came across, I was a full fledged atheist so rational that nothing could come through. In fact, I had ran up the flagpole with everybody that I thought was religious and had went to a lot of churches when I was young, and I realized everybody was just following their parents or their grandparents or whatever. They had never kicked the tires on what they were dealing with there. So so I had already dismissed that.

So imagine imagine my thought on July fifteenth due to 2007, my own unconscious is, go tell Digger he can go now. With dick my 11 year old dal mission that’s sitting behind me and he’s fine. And I leaned behind me and I say son If if something’s is wrong now. If you’re hurting, , I’d rather have you going and not hurting and hearing, than here in Hurting. So if you gotta go, I understand.

I love you. That dog took 1 breath and faded out on me. And at first, he shoot me up for about 2 weeks because I left the dogs so much, he had a lot of personality, but then I came back a couple of weeks later and said, how did I know? I mean, I’m the kinda of guy that said that must have been a coincidence, but I was like, it can’t be. It can’t be.

And and, that same piece part of my unconscious that you really wanna know? And it was sort of telling me, , you gotta want this like a man with his hair on fires once a pond. ? You gotta want this like anything else. And I was like, I want.

I want it. And I mean, for 5 months. I had 1 part of my brain telling me I’d gone crazy because it was a the total rational part of my brain. And the other side of my brain was teaching me concepts about cosmic and things that I’d never even heard of in my mind. And then when it was a concept, I couldn’t understand my own unconscious would say, we’ll forget about it today.

Just don’t eat… We’ll pick it up tomorrow. , so concepts like fasting. Stuff I I’ve never even be considered in my life were would just brought forward. Anyway, long story short, all ended in about December, were just going down the road going to pick up my kids for Christmas, and then S, I had been pondering over.

I had been pondering over, , that the ego and the and the fact that , that’s just the concept that had just been built up, and and it really wasn’t me that that that had just been something that had been brewing in all my life. And and, boy, once I once I really doing that that’s not me. That’s not me, and I didn’t identify with it anymore. I mean, doing that sea and the light, whatever they wanna see. The whole…

Everything around me just lit up like a Christmas tree. It was the craziest thing I never seen, but everything had changed. It was like a straight deli before and after on 1 hand, I was like, man. Did you go crazy? But then everybody from Joseph Campbell to, , going back through times, anybody who’s whose thoughts you might appreciate in this line of thinking they were talking they were talking about the same thing, It’s just out there.

It’s just the fact that mystical thinking is so inc inconsistent with the, , the west, which is basically based on buying things that, it can’t work. , You could you couldn’t have a great awakening of people like me showing up on the scene in the west. It wouldn’t work. The whole damn thing would collapse. ?

Speaker 0: So was this was this isolating or… Of Were you able to find a a community of seekers or did other people think you’re gone insane? Did you have to, , spend more time on your own because other people couldn’t deal with this? What what were the social repercussions?

Speaker 1: Was it isolated? It was probably sell… I probably self isolated. Luke, I ended up, building a house. Just just you…

As you would think, just as you would think, a hermit would do. I built the house up on a mountain. I live up here on the edge of a bluff, between Chattanooga and Nashville, Tennessee, and I just walked away from the other life, I couldn’t put participate like a material or anything else. But but I’m gonna be completely honest with you by I tried to, like, face the universe the same way like the buddha wood after he got up from that body tree.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 1: And people don’t give a shit. They don’t they don’t give a damn. And you better have some she to come around and deal in this world. ?

Speaker 0: Yeah. So did you keep a job? Or did you… Were you already just able to live Want way modest.

Speaker 1: I walked away from 15 years in banking and finance.

Speaker 0: Okay.

Speaker 1: At a at a real young age when it… When when… I think you’re you’re close… You’re almost 60. Is that…

Speaker 0: Yeah correct? 50 58.

Speaker 1: Okay. Well, I’m almost 56, but I at at a real young age right after I’d come out of the marines, I had… Start my business. Did that for a couple of years and had and had became a representative for the for the better business bureau, And after that, and got into finance. And for some reason, I had a somehow, I had acquired, what you might wanna call the dark art of some people might call it salesman shift or whatever, but it was the kind of thing to where you can you can tilt…

I would go around and teach people the way you can kinda tilt the you can tilt the game in your in your favor. So I worked in banking and and they would send me like in New York City or Washington Dc or down to Florida. And I would talk to people and basically the dark arts of how to create an unfair playing advantage when you’re sitting in somebody’s living room or when you’re at the comfort room table or whatever. And, so I I walked to wait from all that. But it wasn’t the worst time to walk away from all that because it was finance sector that imp in 2007.

Right. That led Right when get go prices. So I don’t go on your kids on

Speaker 0: Yeah. What about your kids, your family, the people who care about you, your friends, but they all think you’ve gone mad?

Speaker 1: No. No. I don’t know what they thought I went mad. I mean at the end of the day, Like, take for example when my father, he knows that not just anybody that joins the marines is gonna be put on a Saf machine. Doing, , that top level stuff, because he 6…

He 25 years before me within the army, and they gave him a battery a test and put him on a software machine too. And if what saf machine is that’s like the machines. The Germans had the en machine… Yeah. Yeah.

So so I mean, to do that kind of stuff. I mean, just to give you an idea, I remember when they when they put out those scatter shots of of what your iq points was arithmetic reasoning was something like 01:33. But on the other end of the spectrum, some of them was only like, 01:18, ? So So I’m totally rational. , that’s why I was an atheist from an early age because I had already looked at all sides of the coin basically said this challenged version of things that they’re selling at these churches is not believable.

It’s not comp porting with even as an 11 or 12 year old kid, it was not comp competing with anything I was reading in my Alma acts and my atlas. In my encyclopedia. , this is a whole different region. So imagine my surprise at 38 years old to find my out. I was wrong about everything.

So, I don’t know. I’ve kinda kinda got off base, but I really wanna tell you how much I appreciated your work, and I started digging to myself. But but you hold the key is something that I wish you and I could tackle in the near future. If not today, I would like to know what’s at the bottom of all this because you and I have seen what they did to Trump… Free years you and I have seen I’ve a turned on by in Unison, on a dime.

On a dime. The same guy that has been cognitive declining for 3 or 4 years. They turned on him 10 days ago. Yeah, that’s the same force. Okay, You and I also know that these, , the people in the Ami, happen to be the most billionaire, the biggest billionaire class in America.

, We’re just we’re stating facts here. ? So So somebody at controlled in in control of. So I don’t care about how the people in Hollywood forced to run those , studios or whatever because they didn’t get in any other areas we’re past all that. I’m wondering like, how we got here right now and they’re pulling the strings and is it me or, , the people that you converted to may be involved somehow?

And if so, how can we speak intelligently without going towards the conspiracy end?

Speaker 0: Okay. So I’ll I’ll give you I’ll give you an answer. It’s not terribly satisfying. But if if 1 was to look for a magic key in life. It’s that people are overwhelmingly 95 percent plus self interested.

So the reason that the news media protected Joe Biden prior to the debate, is that they believe that he was the best choice to be present in the United States when compared to Donald Trump. They they… News media overwhelmingly sees Donald Trump as a threat to all that they hold sacred and deer. And he is a threat to much of what they hold sacred and deer. And so that’s that’s 1 foundational principle about how how the world works, why people love you 1 day and hate you the next day.

Because 1 day, they see you as being aligned with their best interests. And the next day, they don’t see you aligned with their best interest. So women, for example are incredibly changeable 1 day they will tell you I love you. And then the next day, they will tell you I hate you. And what’s happened is that 1 day, they see you as aligned with their best interest.

The next day, they’re feeling and seeing different things, and they think that you’re you’re opposed to their best interest. And so people a selfish. So that’s my my first answer, then my second answer is that different people of different gifts. But, for example, Os Jews, have some extraordinary gifts in areas of verbal Iq also mathematical Iq, with figuring out systems with being willing to do innovative things that conventional society may turn their nose up coming up with adventurous financial instruments coming up with adventurous, adventurous storytelling techniques. So Ash Jews come with certain amazing gifts And with every gift there’s a docks and a downside.

And African Americans, in particular, they have warming come from West Africa, they too have some amazing gifts, and they’re incredibly skilled at improvisation, and those gifts also come with a docks side. They haven’t… Astronomical crime rate. So, yeah, Different groups have different gifts, but different groups also pursue their interest astronomical individuals pursue their interest. So those are my 2 fundamental answers to way is the world the way it is, why do the news media support by 1 day and then try to tear him down the next day?

Why isn’t it that Jews enjoy disproportionate success in certain fields, but on the other hand, not a lot of vas Jews are playing in the national… Paul the go the National Basketball Association. So, yeah, Different groups have different in interest, but what what unites everybody is that we’re on average 95 percent plus selfish.

Speaker 1: Right. Well, well, when you… When you talk about those interests, I’m sure You’ve noticed that, Ash Jews, their interests are intellectual, ?

Speaker 0: Yeah. In intellectual financial. But they’re the type of interest you’d expect from a group with an average iq of 01:15, meaning that, , probably 20 percent of them have Iq above 01:40. We’re talking like genius level, or 10 percent of them. So I I know a lot of Jews and I don’t I probably 10 percent of them have Iq in the in the genius level.

And so geniuses live in an abstract world, and they they have different interests than… People with, like, at 01:15 not.

Speaker 1: K can you tell me what what maybe it could be about judaism. , in the torah, the Tal mud, the mission that makes them naturally look for 12 ways to a solution. , look for, , there’s… You can think of things this way, but you can also define something this way. And they’re both the same, whichever everyone works for you best.

The the way they the way they divert the laws for… Know, we’re not supposed to be using this type of a collects on the stage there. ?

Speaker 0: Yeah. You Yeah. But there are ways to get around it. So, 1 is that it it’s a tribe… It’s a legal system, but it’s an incredibly flexible legal system.

So outsiders to judaism, think of Jewish law as incredibly inflexible, the people who actually live it is incredibly flexible, you just have to know how to work within it. So there are all sorts of things that you can do in society, and there all sorts of things that you can’t do. And so you have to understand the implications of what you do and you have to understand how you come across. So within Jewish life within orthodox Jewish life, in particular, there are laws that there are customs and there are certain ways of of dealing with things and approaching things that are acceptable and and praise, then there are other ways that aren’t. And so the the more intelligent you are, the more ability you have to pick up on what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable But if you’re living as a minority as Jews have until the establishment of the Man state of Israel, right, if you’re a tiny minority, living amidst a majority, right, and the natural human inclination is to hate strangers.

And so you’re you’re a stranger to the majority, you have to become very good at detecting, , different ways of doing things or you’re gotta die. Right? You’re not gonna be out to earn enough money to support having kids and your genes are gonna die out. So middle man minorities, not just jews, but other middle man minorities learn to adapt to changing circumstances, learn to work within different legal systems and learn to do a lot of society’s dirty work that society, like, polite society wants to avoid such as money lending. Right, apply people through most of Christian history didn’t wanna lend money.

But Jews were willing to do something that polite people weren’t willing to do. But, of course, it’s very dangerous to lend money because you… Once you start letting money, people feel like they own you, people don’t wanna pay you back. So to survive, I need the smart ones survived. Right?

The dumb ones either converted to Christianity or they weren’t able to propagate their genes. So in in that sort of contest Give a smart survived.

Speaker 1: You’re sure of giving me, A hypothesis hypothesis for maybe how those aussie jews got that iq so high. You’re saying, just sort of selective pressure.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Evolutionary march. The the…

Speaker 6: The word it said

Speaker 1: that the rad. The Rabbi were always encouraged to have big families. And and you can see how that is a 1 80 from the fact that the best and brightest among the Christians we’re encouraged encouraged not pro. ? Whereas the rabbi we’re encouraged to have large families.

So, you got 1 squash their high people pool, and the other is getting out there and spreading its wings.

Speaker 0: Yeah. But until about a thousand years ago, Jews were not known for being dick smart. So that is a relatively recent invention. So something happened. Some selection pressure occurred.

Approximately a thousand years ago, so that by the fourteenth century, the majority of Ash Jewish men who are adults earned their living through White collar means, which was just unprecedented. No no no other group was primarily earning. It’s its income through White collar means in the fourteenth century. So some explosion happened with the development of Ash nazi Jews in Europe that occurred approximately a thousand years ago. There were particular selection pressures that unleashed something that was here to 4 unknown and that was Jews were particularly smart.

So prior to a thousand years ago, there was no widespread thinking or description of Jews as being of above average intelligence. So that’s something that just happened with Ash nazi Jews and there was an explosion in Europe approximately a thousand years ago.

Speaker 1: That’s right. The Maserati Jews, the Safari Jews. Yeah. To say that not to say that someone like Moses Isn’t maybe the most celebrated you. I think he was…

The party. Right? But

Speaker 0: yes That… That’s correct.

Speaker 1: You’re saying something came along 10 centuries ago, the

Speaker 0: Yeah. There were particular selection pressures. So Jews moved out of the Middle East to to Italy. They frequently married non jews. And then they got into Europe, and in some numbers beginning in about the twelfth of the thirteenth century, and only the smart ones survived in Europe.

And so there were particular selection pressure so that within, 203 hundred years of the Ash the development of the Ash. There were no ash 1400 years ago. Right. Ash or a development that started about 1100 years ago. And within about 200 years of this new group of jews substantially inter married with non jews, creates a realm of people with way above average intelligence, and that’s not showing up in the historical record, but there are certain selection pressures.

So for example, if god forbid, children who had Iq lower than 01:15, were were not allowed to live. , I I don’t support this. But if God forbid that became government policy, you would have a dramatic transformation of the average Iq of a particular people who implemented such a policy. And the selection pressures were for Us Jews as minorities that they either had to be very smart or the less intelligent ones dropped out of the culture became Christians or they weren’t able to reproduce. So These smart ones were able to reproduce a lot of kids because they could financially support a lot of children.

While the less intelligent ones weren’t able to reproduce or they left the tribe. And so in a very short time, 234 hundred years, you suddenly for the first time in history had this widely observed phenomenon. Of unusually high jewish intelligence.

Speaker 1: Mh. And then… But when you think about it, with… When you factor in genetics, the the regression to the mean, how smart must these son of a guns must have been in?

Speaker 0: Well, what happened was that they… The smart ones they were incentivized to then… Only marry within and reproduce within their their culture. So you have sorta meeting so that the smartest most, , affluent Ash nazi Jewish men were marrying and and pairing up with the the most attractive and smartest Ash nazi women, and so they they kept things within the tribe because for for a part of the reason that the majority didn’t want to integrate them. So now…

Ash Jews are marrying out. So that’s going to take a significant toll on the average Ash Iq. But prior to 50 years ago, Ash jews primarily married other jews.

Speaker 1: Okay. So you’re saying the marrying… Away from the drive is more of a recent phenomenon last 2 generations is what you’re saying.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. And and so you… Now gonna see a a steady decline in Ash nazi Iq. Except that when they marry away from the tribe, they’re gonna marry the most intelligent non jews.

Right? So a jew with a 140 iq is not gonna marry. The the most amazing chic non jewish girl, the Ash, if she’s got 01:20 Iq because it’s just verge on the impossible to successfully communicate when you’re more than 1 or 2A1I, , Iq standard deviations from from each other. So so Jews where they marry out. They marry non jews of equal intelligence.

So I I’ve seen this, I know 1 guy has 3 degrees, Each highly elite university. He earns over a million dollars a year. And he married a non jewish woman who was equally intelligent to him. So genius level Iq. So geniuses don’t tend to marry people of mediocre use.

Speaker 1: Generally speaking, are the Ash, what people call our managerial elite because I noticed in, bottoms cabinet, , he’s got Blinking, secretary state. He’s got, Rochelle W was the 1 making us put on the mask. Yes. Janet yell it is the 1 def wear currency and and just doing away with our purchasing power along with your jerome powell. And of course, she got Merrick Garland.

He’s the 1 that won’t close the border, And then of course, you mentioned earlier, at Mayor, he… He’s done… He ultimately, you said was in charge of the secret service people. So Mh. Tell me a gentle.

What am I supposed to make a a admin.

Speaker 0: Well, news

Speaker 1: not full, but, you

Speaker 2: know. No.

Speaker 0: Reported well

Speaker 1: way be beyond their way, whether do you wanna say 2 percent of America or 2 tenths of a percent of of the world. what I mean?

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. Well, On the other hand, a majority of Americans with an Nike iq of a over 01:45 or a juice, Russian Jews. So… Yeah, They’re only…

They’re less than 2 percent of the American population, but when it comes to genius, they are more than 50 percent of the population. So you would expect geniuses to exercise disproportionate influence and have disproportionate levels of success. So if half of your geniuses in your country a Jews, then you would expect half of people in professions or required genius to be jews.

Speaker 1: , , another thing I would say… Say 1 thing that when I was in banking, it was… , really, I was teaching the art of persuasion on some level, That was that was able. Jewish people are open. I noticed those people in New York.

Those jewish people. They’re more open. We’re Christian people. They’re they’re There’s gi in their thinking that they’re not allowed to go beyond. Does that make sense?

Speaker 0: Yeah. So that… There’s socially effective personality. And there’s considerable evidence that Jews in addition to have above average Iq. They also tend to have more socially effective personalities, meaning all things being equal, If you are higher in openness than the average, you will be more successful in life.

All things being equal, if you’re more extroverted than introverted, you will be more successful in life. If all things being equal, you are more conscientious than the average, you will be more successful in life. If all things being equal, you have below average levels of neuro, right, you will be more successful in life, and so there’s considerable evidence that in addition to the Iq, Jews have more socially effective personalities.

Speaker 1: That makes sense. That makes sense. I I noticed that they seem to punch above their weight. In the good categories and the bad categories. what I mean as far as decade as well.

? Yeah.

Speaker 0: Yeah. So they do punch above the way. Yeah. I mean, agreeable. If you’re above average in agreeable, you’ll be more socially effective.

Than if you’re are below average in a agreeable of owners. So the big fire personality trades, right? Many of them correlate with more success in life. Alright. Verbal like you.

Right? You will make a lot more money. You’ll be a lot more successful. You’ll have much more prestige if you’re higher in verbal Iq as pit opposed to if you’re just higher in mathematical Iq. Right?

Having a high mathematical iq won’t do nearly as much for your income and your status and your prestige and your success in life, and having a high verbal iq. So Jews tend to be high in verbal iq, Northeast Asians tend to be higher in mathematical Iq. Mh.

Speaker 1: And the thing I mentioned 2 2 you earlier about the whole mystical experience thing. I know You ever heard such a thing is that just that kinda out there No.

Speaker 0: It it it happens. I mean, there’s a great book of about it by William James. It’s called the the varieties of the religious experience. And so U. What you experienced, right?

Tens of thousands of people who’ve have experienced down through history. Now, Kip. I I gotta it run off. So any any final words or any final question for today?

Speaker 1: No. I think I think though maybe we should dive in in the future because I… This is a great open, but there’s there’s just a few things, but I think we’ve said enough to get started. And I I appreciate your time, Luca. I appreciate what you new, buddy.

Speaker 0: Thanks, Bro. Talk to you later, man.

Speaker 2: Alright. Okay. Bye.

Speaker 0: Take care. Bye bye.

Speaker 3: Paul, travels, past your head. It makes because of the speed of the bullet is traveling your supersonic greatest speed. It makes a supersonic crack that sounds like another gunshot. Yeah. So if if if you’re in in combat, many people will tell you this, that you can tell how far away the shooter is by the sounds…

The 2 different sounds. You hear the round going by your head, which for a 300 win mag or something like that, sounds like a gunshot. It is that loud.

Speaker 2: Into extreme.

Speaker 3: A223 round because of the mass of the bullet and the feet of the round, in my experience is is a different sound signature.

Speaker 0: Right. You don’t need a bureaucratic organization stating, this is an assassination. If you simply know but a high powered rifle sounds like just… So watching on the Internet or watching on your Tv or just listening to the sound of those pop pop pops that this was an assassination, and it takes 235 seconds at most to know that an assassination attempt is going on. It then have to wait 7 hours for a bureaucratic pronounce.

Speaker 3: Sure. But I heard that snap through the microphone, which was about 3 feet from the president’s Ted. At the le turn. And my first reaction was, it’s a high powered rifle that is not the gunshot. That is the sound of the bullet.

The projectile itself going past the president’s head.

Speaker 2: Mh.

Speaker 3: So now into myself. This is not a handgun in the crowd. Right. Right. Is somebody else shooting in, and that was apparent to me within the first couple seconds, 3 or 4 seconds.

The signature and of the rounds that you can hear on Cnn or Fox or whatever whatever you’re listening to. You’ve seen video Yeah. Yeah. So now I know we’ve got high powered right. We know the president’s movement suggests it’s coming from his right across the stage.

And now online, you can see the actual bullet, the the the contra of the bullet moving through the the humidity in air, you can actually see the round I’m thinking in the shooter is off to the president’s. Right? It’s a high powered bullet. It’s outside the stands. Those rounds are gonna land some place or you’re gonna have other casualties.

Because those bullets go someplace. Yeah. Yeah. They gotta stop somewhere. Gotta stop somewhere.

And the president turns his head and his side of his head is covered in blood. So I go, the president has been shot at The president has been hit. He has gone to the ground. He’s covered with the secret service. Where’s the shooter, how many rounds are gonna come through, and that’s where we go next.

I say this because that is precisely what the secret service agents are doing. The guy’s on the ground. Looking for the threat, so they can neutralize the threat because of high powered rifle with a 30 round magazine, you got a lot of potential the dead people. Right. Ryan, and and it happens very quickly.

So I don’t know anything about the area. I haven’t seen any pictures of it, but I assume 2 things. 1, the The rifle is some distance outside the original… The the inner perimeter, and it has to be elevated.

Speaker 0: Right. He knows this just from the sounds. Right. Anyone who knows high powered rifles knows these things just from the sound of the pops and you can just pick it up listening on the Internet.

Speaker 3: Because it’s shot into the protected inner perimeter. So it has to be an elevated sniper. That elevated sniper is probably on a rooftop, and now my immediate thinking is we’re not dealing with the counter assault team who would handed a ground salt. We’re talking about a counter sniper team engagement because they would be responsible for an elevated long rifle shot, aimed fire probably with Optics. Somebody knows what they’re doing because they hit a human being in that, And in this case, thank God, it it missed by a quarter of an inch from cr his skull sniper.

So, typically, you would expect someone, local state, federal police or the secret service to have people on those rooftops? Exactly right. Why didn’t they happen there?

Speaker 10: K. We’re gonna get there? We’re gonna need there.

Speaker 3: Because we’re we’re still going back to your original question, but you got all the facts So you gotta know what dealing in order to address those. Just the conspiracy theories right now are we’re off the charts. Yeah. And some rightly, some of them makes sense, but just trying to give the the basic information. So now you go, okay, You have a very finite number of promo, the rooftops of those buildings where a where an assassin could elevate their shot, their line of sight, talk but not much later in time.

Speaker 0: Alright. Now he’s talking about the counter sniper team.

Speaker 3: The sniper on the left has a tripod at about waste level with a rifle, a long gun scope long gun, on a tripod, his partner is lying on the deck on a at the peak of the roof which is the position you want. You wanna be stable as possible, that means lying down. If you if you if I or any professional sniper, I believe, maybe somebody’s argue this, but I believe I would never take an unstable position on 1 knee from a tripod unless I had no other choice. I wanna be on the I wanna be, based with with a position that provides the most stability. The only reason I would go to a tribe.

Odd with an elevated rifle. On 1 knee is because That’s the only way I could see my target. Right? He clearly made that choice for a reason. That yes.

Speaker 0: He had the shooter in his sights long before the shooter took any shots at Donald Trump. Right? The the the secret service count at Sniper team had crooks in their sights long before cro side is shooting it down on trump. So they deliberately chose to allow cro to shoot at Donald Trump. Right?

This was a deliberate decision by the secret service to allow Cro to start shooting Donald Trump.

Speaker 3: We see in the follow video, we see the, the president Donald Trump or vice President or the former president, Donald Trump. Reacts to the shot. You hits these… You can see him grab his ear and go to the deck. We know at that point that the shots have been fired, obviously.

And we hear very quickly after that that the the sniper, the law enforcement sniper takes a shot, 1 or more shots because you can hear a different sound signature. Right if you time it, It’s a very, very brief period of time. It’s just a few seconds. Yeah. A total by 4 seconds total from beginning to end.

If they that. Effect. So common common sense tells you is that if you have a 360 degree perimeter, and you hear a gunshot, it’s gonna take you more than 4 seconds to acquire the target and shoot and kill the bad guy. Right? Right.

Which seems absolutely apparent The 1 of those 2 snipers, the 1 on his knee at the at the tripod part or the 1 on the deck behind the rifle, they’re both pointing in the same direction The partners are working together on the same information. They must have known where the target was in order to acquire it within that period of time and shoot. Yeah. Not. A hundred a hundred…

Let’s say, hundred and 37, a and 47 yards. I don’t know what it. Let let’s just say a hundred and 40… A hundred and 50 yard shot. Right.

With with a 300 win mag with, today’s optics, is… I mean, it’s nothing. Right? I mean, used to… We used to shoot…

We’d practice shooting Aspirin at 200 meters. So that’s been nothing But help help people understand that, even though, , you’re in a stable platform, you’re you’re prone. You got all your bodies in contact with the ground. You’re trying to hold that thing steady. There’s still this thing called the natural arc of movement.

Where even as you’re looking through that scope, that’s why you’ve gotta learn to control your breath. Right. So you’ve got the average law enforcement through a rifle scope on a on a military or a civilian issued. Long gun, and you’re looking at a hundred and 40 yards, a hundred and 50 yards. The world is this big.

Right. I mean, you shipped what you’re looking for. Right? Right? Because there’s world outside that tube and that tube, because of the magnification is very small.

So when you watch the video, you will see the sniper on 1 knee looking through a scope and He lifts his head up, and he looks over his scope. I don’t know why he did it. But I know if if I were on that scope, I would be trying to figure out what I was looking at. Yeah. Because you could see a hundred and 40 yards, you can see with a naked eye better than you can through the tiny tiny tunnel of that scope.

Right? And I… And and if it were me, at I’m not speaking for sql service if it was secret. I’m not I’m not speaking to the law enforcement Sniper. If that were me, I would have done that because I was trying to find…

And the bad guy with my naked eye. I find a visual feature that I could hone in with my scope. That… That’s what I think happened. It just so happened that when he lifted his eye, and you can watch the video, you can hear the shots, you can see the president former president Donald Trump, go to his ear go to the ground.

So what I think is you’re gonna find out. And we’re gonna come back to why. What I think you’re gonna find out is the men on the peak. We’re looking through bin vernacular. Video shows, they moved from bin to 2 rifle positions.


Speaker 0: Right. They were tracking. They were tracking the shooter. Right, for a considerable time before they got around to actually shooting it. Right?

They were trained in and tracking the shooter. And they deliberately chose to allow the guy to get up 8 shots at Donald Trump. Right? This was a secret service decision, Right? To allow the guy to shoot Donald Trump.

Speaker 3: Thrown on the the peak of the roof, very flat roof, 1 on a tripod. Standing on 1 knee, which is less than ideal in every circumstance.

Speaker 9: Right.

Speaker 3: Lot is 1 down and 1 up, probably because they want a better. Then you see the sniper on 1 knee looking over his scope, the rounds come in, those incoming rounds, try kill that 1 john on I camera. Fire is the firefighter or fire Right. Killed him, engine 2 other people, it’s on. There’s this incoming fire.

In that micro second, the sniper on his knee and the sniper on the deck, engage the target. Shoot the target, kill the target and it’s old. Right? Yeah Then you then you see the evacuation of the present. So no.

People have said on camera, conte with the event. There’s a guy on the roof he’s got gotten. They’re yelling it. Yeah. There’s of a highly circulated video night.

Speaker 0: We we know that law enforcement knew for 26 minutes that you had a highly suspicious character. Who was a a threat to Donald Trump, and they deliberately chose not to… Not to do anything. Right? They Secret service operation.

Secret service was in charge. So they are responsible for all the decisions made by the people underneath them. Secret service knew. There was a highly suspicious character who’s very likely posed a threat to Donald Trump. They knew this for at least 26 minutes, and they chose to allow the guy to shoot Donald Trump.

Right? Secret service made a deliberate decision to allow the guy to shoot Donald Trump with 26 minutes of knowledge. So either the only explanation that makes sense is they were deliberately part of an assassination plot, or it’s just mind boggling levels of incompetence, which then makes you think like who picked these people who oversaw these people and who facilitated these mind boggling levels of incompetence. Right? Who deliberately set up an incompetent secret service to protect Donald Trump.

Speaker 3: Albert Saying, look, I told the cops. We saw him I’m climbing up the roof. That’s another guy because we saw a man walking across the field. Another video report of somebody saying this guy was identified at a magnet that that somebody that he stood out of Magna. You remember the secret service.

Has identification protocols for everything you can imagine. I mean… , they have a threat mitigation center where they look at identifying people that write bad emails and social media posts, and then a guy shows up…

Speaker 0: So it’s not like the secret service is just helpless when dealing with suspicious characters who look like they’re they’re trying to assassinate a target. Alright? So normally, they would deal with a situation like this. But this time around, they deliberately chose to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. So why?

And upon whose orders?

Speaker 3: We’re in a trench coat in July, with Sunglasses. K ak 47. , he’s thread as well. Right? Right.

Exactly. Right. In fact, let me just… That was 1 of the things initially that I’m meaning people saying I saw on my video camera. Yeah They’re saying saw this guy with the gun.

So Climbing out the roof of the gun, obviously we’re telling the police. If these spectators, and there a lot of them. If these spectators are looking up on a roof and seeing a guy crawling around on a roof with a gun. Why are local and state partners who are clearly there? Why are they not seeing this guy?

Yeah. And they do get reports.

Speaker 0: Well, you don’t see things that you don’t wanna see. Right? You don’t see things that you don’t wanna see. So if it’s in your interest not to see an assassin of Donald Trump, You don’t see him. And you don’t report him and you pretend that you don’t see them.

Speaker 3: Reports from civilians why they’re not acting on those reports. And I’ve got an opinion on that. So now we’ve identified that during the advance, something changed. During the advance, the the site are…

Speaker 0: Right. We know the counter were zeroed in. Way before this guy started of shooting, they zeroed in on this particular threat, but by crooks. Right? For a long time before they finally take him out.

So they saw him. They were zeroed in on him, and they deliberately chose to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. So on whose orders. Did they allow the assassination attempt at Donald Trump?

Speaker 3: Perfect. The recon, the the protocols that would normally go in place, we dictate those sniper positions, and this was in fact, a sniper position. Would paid the coverage. Yeah. I mean, it happened.

At least occupied Park somebody’s ass up there. Park somebody’s ass up there, certainly cover it for by the the guys on the peak, on the roof behind Donald Trump because there were no other primaries. If you look at the photograph, were very, very, very you places, in a 360 degree range of view that you could take a shot from, and that was pretty much the only 1. So something went terribly wrong securing the sniper positions.

Speaker 0: Okay. So either something went terribly wrong or something went terribly right for the people who were… Trying to assassinate Donald Trump,

Speaker 3: that turned out to be the reality of this attack. That’s the first thing. The second is How could this many people see? How many could… How could this many civilians see a man?

I believe he’s wearing camouflage pants based on photographs. Yep. Right. Right. Carrying a long gun during, an event at a at a fair.

Speaker 0: Right. It just beg the mind. It… It’s so… In congress that law enforcement would not notice and deal with a character like this that you the my naturally clients do.

Okay. The law enforcement role in honor plot to assassinate the future president in the United States. That’s how the mind naturally works. Not saying that’s true. It’s just the buying has an impossible time taking in this staggering level of incompetence.

Speaker 3: Pound, walking across the field. From his van to the building, and nobody interacted with that person. That’s almost impossible to believe. But yeah. That also happened.

Now there’s video of a ladder. How did that ladder get there? Was it a ladder the maintenance for the building was used to work on the air conditioning systems? Was it a ladder that was placed there ahead of time? These are the the elements that lead to so many theories because every if you did go to magnet, why wasn’t he stopped.

If he did have a van, full Ie and that speculation at this point, but that’s certainly been mentioned. And he parked in rifle and walked across an open field, and that’s a big open field. From where his van was. And this is all now online. From where his van was to that building.

That’s a big wide open walk. Yeah. Who put them out of there. He didn’t write. Carried he in at the time.

He might have pre staged it or maybe it was a maintenance ladder. But how did he know what was there? Even if it was a pre staged ladder for maintenance and air conditioning unit or whatever how did he know was there? Right. Then he get up on the roof.

How did he get up on the roof. And crawl by all reports he was low crawling, up the roof. How did he crawl up the roof with civilian spotting him, telling local law enforcement state law enforcement, federal law enforcement, which was designed… They have radios. They have cell phones.

They have marching orders to pay to pass on any kind of a threat How did that not get to the tax operations center to where the secret service could act on those threats, prevent the president from going out? So those things will find out in hearings, Department of the Treasury department. They under… They work under rules of engagements that say, you may not use Deadly force, except under the threat of death, or serious bodily harm. Right.

The room of engagement. Right? Right. In this particular case, let’s look at it. You’ve bet snipers on the roof who going back what I said before, bin ocular.

You have information passed from civilians to law enforcement officers, it is possible. If not likely, those law enforcement… There’s passed that information to the command element at a tactical operation center. Right? It’s all about communications.

Right. Right. Right. Let’s just say hypothetically, that information was in fact. So just passed to a tactical cooperation center.

And they did in fact know about a potential threat of somebody coming in, and we’re talking that within, like, 5 minutes maybe, 5 7 something like that prior of the the shooting. Yeah. Yeah. That information is making the rounds. That information has to go from a tackle from a civilian to a law enforcement, non secret service law enforcement officer.

To the secret service.

Speaker 0: So if Joe Biden didn’t order this assassination, then who who did it on behalf of Joe Biden. Right, who would so corrupt the secret service. And so arrange things to facilitate this assassination.

Speaker 3: Which is which is giving out the information to different agencies, most specifically the guys on the roof because they have eyes on the entire scene. And they’ll say, they’ll vector, they being attack, the talk. The tech operations center. Well vector those snipers into the area where this guy was seen. Let’s just say this has happened.

Okay? Right.

Speaker 0: Right. The the Joe Biden administration is responsible for the security here, Donald Trump. Right. So whatever happens happens on their watch. So if it’s staggering levels of inc, they’re showing that the mind just naturally understands that as malice.

Right? That they want Donald Trump dead, and this is, , just 1 method that they were used to erase Donald Trump.

Speaker 3: The failure is not having everybody on the roof. Let’s just say best case scenario area this information is being past those snipers. That’s what…

Speaker 0: Right. So when they thought they had a chance of defeating Donald Trump at the the battle box as Jay Biden calls it the ballot box. Alright? They didn’t need to assassinate. Once it became overwhelmingly clear that they we had to lose to Donald Trump at the ballot box.

Did they then activate a a plot that was… That being held in the background to take care of Donald Trump given that they’re losing through the law. They’re losing ahead at the ballot, and so did they then, this is the last option.

Speaker 3: Where we see them? I speculate. That’s where we see him with bin vernacular. K? Within a short period of time, if you saw a threat through bin, you would move to the meek to the to the vehicle to resolve that threat, which would be a rifle if you’re a sniper on law enforcement.

And you see 1 go to the right on deck, and you see 1 on the roof flat relatively. And you see the other sn sniper get behind a tripod on 1 knee from elevated position. They’re looking at the same thing they were looking at through the bin, and they’re both looking in the exact same direction, and they’re both fully engaged through the scope. So Yeah.

Speaker 2: It were me,

Speaker 3: and I’m am trying to explain my own behavior why I would go from bin vernacular to rifle positions, It means that I’ve identified a threat. Yeah. And we see just before the shots fired it foreign president Trump. We see the Sniper on 1 knee look above his optic with his naked eye at something. And by the time he gets back to his scope, the shots ring out, and then we have a resolution very quickly after that.

Yeah. So here’s what I… If this were me, this is what I would speculate. And and please. It’s it’s speculation.

So we’re we’re but we’re offering informed speculate. Law enforcement snipers on the peak of the roof. Identified the threat. Acquired the threat through Optics and have rules of engagement. And and I know this because I’ve been in major crises with rules engagement.

Yes. Yes. And some very famous things. And the rules of engagement were, you cannot use deadly force thus you see a, , in his… Or death…

A threat of of death or serious bodily harm. Now let’s put yourself in the in the eyes of the secret service sniper. Many people listening to this now I would say, shoot a son of a bitch. Right? But if you are a professional, and you are in that…

Sniper position.

Speaker 0: If you are a professional in any other area of law enforcement or even private security, you would shoot the guy. So the secret service has a protocol to allow what you want us to believe. This is what the x secret service tell us the Secret service has a protocol that people get a a free shot or 8 free shots in this case before you terminate them.

Speaker 3: What is to say that the local sheriff’s office didn’t have somebody up on that?

Speaker 0: Because he’s not in uniform? Right? If the local sheriff has someone up on that roof, he would be in uniform. If he’s not in uniform and he’s pointing a gun at Donald Trump. You take him out.

Doesn’t seem terribly complicated to me. But

Speaker 3: roof trying to cover that rooftop, which is what you would see every time. Right. Right. Right. You want to make a mistake and shoot a sheriff’s deputy, do…

Speaker 0: Yeah. If he’s not in uniform, if it’s not already… Cleared with you prior that he’s not gonna be in uniform. Right? And he’s pointing a gun at Donald Trump.

You take him out. Unless you are facilitating, an assassination, unless you’re a part of assassination. Right. You take the guy out.

Speaker 3: His job, covering a roof that should have been covered anyway. Right? So you can, at least understand the possibility.

Speaker 0: No. No. You can’t understand the shooter was lying down. Right, you would not have a law enforcement agent, like, lying down out of uniform with a gun pointing at Donald Trump. Right.

That wouldn’t happen. Let’s you part of the assassination plot.

Speaker 3: The that the secret service sniper on the roof saw the threat could not identify it as a threat of death a seriously bodily serious bodily harm because it’s conceivable you’d have a miscommunication, which happens all the time in military enforcement situations. And the guys were in Camouflage pants. He’s got an Ar which would have been carried by anybody that’s there. And you’ve got uniforms everywhere. You got local sheriff’s department?

Speaker 0: Yes. You’ve got uniforms everywhere. This guy was not in uniform. It doesn’t seem terribly complicated to me. We got a guy.

Lying down pointing a gun at Donald Trump, not in uniform. You take him out.

Speaker 3: Police department, at least some federal law enforcement…

Speaker 0: Now if I was working in private security and I was in that position, I would take the guy out.

Speaker 3: I believe other than secret service they are. So the first reaction is, who’s that guy on the roof Is he 1 of ours or is he a bad guy? Yeah. In In almost every instance, it’s probably a good guy?

Speaker 0: Oh, not if he’s not in uniform and he’s aiming his gun at Donald Trump. Just doesn’t it seem so terribly complicated, so he’s coming out with all these reasons for why the secret service wouldn’t terminate the assassin. Would just allow the assassin to get off 8 shots. But These explanations don’t really hold up to me. What about for you?

Do do these explanations hold up for you? Yet trying to wonder if this is a good guy who’s not in uniform, He’s lying down, got a gun aimed at Donald Trump. And you’re thinking, oh, is this a good guy? He’s aiming at Donald Trump and he’s not in uniform. G.

Maybe this is a good guy. I I haven’t been, shown anything that we’re gonna have law enforcement, on that roof aiming a gun at Donald Trump, not in uniform laying down. It doesn’t seem so complicated to me. On

Speaker 3: because every roof is covered 1 way or another in most of these events. So I’m not saying this what happened, but this… This the first thing that that came to my mind is they probably acquired the target probably scoped the target.

Speaker 0: Yeah. That they had the the target many seconds ahead of the target shooting Donald Trump. Right. So they deliberately chose to allow him to shoot, Donald Trump. Right?

Secret service deliberately chose to allow the assassin. A shot at Donald Trump. Right? This was a secret service decision. It was calculated that a long time to think about it.

I didn’t know if it was 30 seconds or 3 minutes, Right? Had plenty of time to decide whether or not someone pointing a gun, a Donald Trump was a threat. Someone not in uniform.

Speaker 3: Probably read into the talk? We’re communicating and saying, what do we do with this thing? Do we shoot? Do we not shoot? It’s above their pay grade?

Speaker 0: Yeah. Incredibly complicated. Okay. Not in uniform lying down pointing a gun at Donald Trump. G, what do I do?

Gosh. I don’t know. Maybe we’ll let him get off some shots.

Speaker 3: If the guy was standing up cranking round, it’s obvious. Soon as you pull. They shot it. Right? Yeah.

So I I think as we look for Blame, and as we assess confidence, you got the e survey and the response to that survey in terms of securing and out of perimeter.

Speaker 0: Great job.

Speaker 2: Those are additional shifting you’re also gonna see 2 guys in black uniforms. They got the black bd union ninja suits on. Okay? Want you to listen to what’s happening here. And And you see them on stage covering, looking for additional threats because remember they don’t know the threats been withdrawn.

There may be more. Okay? So that’s the count that Kathy I can’t assaulted. So you see them up on stage. Now you get that as not 1 of our guys.

That’s a local swap out. The cat team, the counter salty has A29. So that’s a third guy. Why are their volumes balloons understand. What, because now they’re keep picking them up.

It’s not like I even get ready to evacuate them, and now the iconic image, President Trump, who’s had enough for his polls bullshit. These people messing necessary try and kill him and blow his head off. Gonna see for. Let’s stop here. Okay?

I’m gonna refer back to that video often. So a couple of things right there. The mission of the shift around the president. The shift around the president, you have you have 2 different sets of security personnel from the secret service. Okay?

You have a a shift. Consider the shift the body guys. Okay? I’m gonna say how many there are, You can probably count do the math yourself, but I feel no need to put that out there. The people who responded to the president of the body people, they’re the ones who cover them.

They did what they were supposed to do, cover and evacuate the rule, cover the president evacuate They were putting them behind that bun on the stage, which appears to be armor, making sure that there was no threat right in front of them. They waited for the Cat team, you’ll hear them say, if you listen that video very closely. Hawk guys on the stage or hawk guys here hawk guys, you… , it’s out there that’s their code.

Speaker 0: Right. If you listen to the video alone. Right. You wouldn’t know within… A minute that this was an assassination attempt.

And yet the mainstream media thought was highly irresponsible to label it as such they needed a bureau to tell them is an assassination attempt after a bureaucratic investigation. While anyone with , above room temperature Iq who is listing and has some familiarity with the terminology or some the familiarity with high powered weapons near within a few seconds that this was an assassination attempt. Just like an ordinary person with a 100 iq, knew that Joe Biden was seen back in 20 18, 20 19, 20 20. And conservative media overwhelmingly pointed this out and the mainstream media denied it overwhelmingly until Jay Biden disastrous debate June 27.

Speaker 2: Name. So they were up there air. It’s not like classified or anything like that. You can hear it, But… That’s who they’re talking about right there they’re up on the stage.

Okay? So they’re waiting for that team. They’re then looking to see if there’s any other the threats he gets up and Ae vacuum them. Let’s talk about some though that happened and went lit up to this and we’ll reference that often. Okay?

Where was the perimeter surveillance? Folks, we have a white building in the middle of the day? We have sniper on the building at a hundred and 30 yards. A hundred and 30 yards is a rookie shot, a, 9 year old kid from Missouri with a 22 could take out a squirrel that distance, probably no problem. Probably without a scope.

There is absolutely no way that the secret service should be putting out public statements indicating right now that that wasn’t their responsibility. Brother, everything is your responsibility. Okay? Keeping the president alive is your responsibility. If a rookie sniper at a hundred 30 yards can come within a

Speaker 0: Okay. So taking responsibility earning up to your mistakes, that’s usually a reflection of the structure that you’re operating in. So if you’re operating within a structure that does not prize excellence, that does not prize telling the truth that does not price accountability, Right? If that’s the structure of the secret service under Joe Biden, then you would behave as a secret service is behaving.

Speaker 2: Millimeter of taking out the potential future president of the United States? Then let me tell you something. That’s your freaking responsibility? Where was the perimeter surveillance team and how did they miss this thing? How did they miss it?

He was on a white roof in the middle of the day? There’s abs…

Speaker 0: So how do we have a structure in the secret service that to leads the secret service to run run run away as far as they can from responsibility. Right? There is a culture in the secret service comes from the top who is in charge of Secret service, the Biden administration. So they have developed a culture that makes it second nature for people within that culture to flee from responsibility. Right?

This is on, Joe Biden.

Speaker 2: Absolutely no excuse for them to have missed this thing. None 0. I told you in the beginning, they had been in the beginning of the show. I think it’s breaking here from a source. They had been tracking this guy from the minute he approached the event.

They lost him.

Speaker 0: Right. The New York Times Washington post big stories today. Video evidence. That the the shooter was known 86 seconds before he started shooting, according the Washington to post New York Times, 2 minutes before he started shooting, Alright. We’ve got huge evidence that he was known to law enforcement at least 26 minutes before the shooting.

Speaker 2: Why is president Trump even on the stage? Does anybody have an explanation for that? Here’s Tmz video from Tmz long I just a tmz video. I want you to listen to the response of the crowd. How did security personnel on the ground?

How is it that the crowd was acting as a surveillance team and picked out the threat they missed it? Can anybody explain this? These aren’t even trade? Security personnel. They’re just rally goers.

They’re the ones telling you got a guy on a roof and ready to kill someone check this out. Hope he’s turning this.

Speaker 0: So these screams didn’t by the law enforcement. I guess, I guess they they knew in assassination was going down, and they were all in. They thought it was great. They weren’t gonna be bothered. By these screams.

Speaker 2: Yes. Dude. That’s exactly why we need fucking trump Guys. We have specific secret service. Security personnel and law enforcement personnel who were dedicated to a surveillance function to people?

How is it that this was missed? I don’t understand the guys on the roof. We got the crowd call in this guy out? Where was the aerial surveillance? Where were the drones?

Where was this forward looking infrared? Where was the thermal imagery? Are you really suggesting to me the secret service and their spokesman this guy Goo Emmy that this is the best technology you have where a guy can creep up on the president from a hundred 30 yards away and get within a millimeter of… Pop his head open like a freaking watermelon. You kidding me Is this a joke.

It gets even worse. The Bbc interviewed this guy, and this guy saying and it was pointed out to multiple people on the ground. How did this not make it back to the secret service that makes an executive decision to say, Hey. We’re gonna keep him off stage for a few minutes while we mitigate this potential thread? How was he allowed on stage?

Why is no 1 asking this question? Why was he allowed on stage with a potential deadly threat sitting out there just outside the perimeter, but within this zone, we should have been secure. Listen to Pb interview against about 30 seconds of it. And this guy clearly says multiple people saw this guy. Where…

Speaker 0: Okay. Yeah Cbs news reports. 1 are the snipers. Saw what Thomas Matthew Cro outside looking up at the roof observing the building and disappearing, Crooks came back, sat down, looked at his phone. 1 the snipers took a picture of him.

Crooks took out a range fighter, binder and the sniper radio to the command post. Crooks disappeared again. Then came back at third time with the backpack. The snipers caught in with information that he had a backpack, said he was walking towards the back of the building. Others believe the cro might have used an air conditioning unit to get on top of the roof.

By the time other officers came for backup, he climbed on top the building, he was positioned above and behind the snipers inside the building. To other offices… Who heard the sniper court try to get onto the roof. State police started rushing to the scene, but by that time, a secret service sniper had already killed cro.

Speaker 2: Here was. So question number 1, so Keep everybody focused. I’m sorry. I’m… I’m been so excited to do the show for all the wrong reasons.

Wish I didn’t have. Where was the perimeter surveillance team? How did they miss this check this out?

Speaker 16: Someone who was here. You went inside the event?

Speaker 17: Nope, But you were just outside tell us what yes saw I’m. So so we had a party here all day. You… You can see behind us. At the Brink Farming Greenhouse here.

We had a party. And we all decided hey.

Speaker 0: Okay. So this is Cbs news. 3 snipers were stationed inside the building used in Trump assassination attempt. Right. The operations plan had them stationed inside the building, looking out windows toward the Trump rally.

That 1 of the snipers inside saw Thomas Matthew Cro outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing. Great job, guys. 3 s is inside the building.

Speaker 17: , when when we hear Trump up there, we’re gonna walk up through the field. Stand by the trees up there under the shade. And watch rain and listen to the rally. Right? We couldn’t see them, but we could hear him.

So we walked up in probably 5 to 7 minutes of Trump speaking, Estimating here. I no idea, , But we noticed the guy crawling arm, , bear falling and up the roof of the building beside us. 50 50 feet away from us.

Speaker 0: A, yes. Good point, Elliott. So probably the Secret service saying that there was a guy with a gun looking to kill Donald Trump. They were radio for what a social worker. Right?

Let’s get some social workers and therapists out here to see what’s really going on with this guy. We don’t wanna jump to any He conclusions, he’s only lying on the roof in camouflage pants with a gun pointing at Donald Trump But the new secret service thinks, we need to get a social worker here, find out what the assassin is feeling.

Speaker 17: So we’re standing there. , we’re pointing we’re pointing that the guy, crawling up the roof,

Speaker 6: and he

Speaker 16: had a gun. Right?

Speaker 17: He had a rifle. Right. We could clearly see him with the rifle. Absolutely. We’re pointing at him.

The police are down there running around on the ground. We’re like, hey, man. There’s guy on the roof for the rifle. And the police were like, oh, what? , like, like, I didn’t know what’s going on.

We’re like, hey, Right here on the roof. We can see him from right here. We see him no he’s he’s crawling.

Speaker 2: Where is the perimeter surveillance team? Here.

Speaker 0: Looking at Cbs news. Trump rarely shoot mode is still unclear. Gosh. I think I know his motive. He wanted to kill Donald Trump.

What’s so complicated. That you need to know the ideology behind why he wanted to kill Donald Trump? Right. Better headlines throughout the mainstream media. Over the past 24 hours, motive and unclear.

The motive seems crystal clear to me. What’s You have to have a narrative and and an ideology to the motive?

Speaker 2: Hear me, I… Yeah. I’m getting feedback in my ear. There we go. Where’s a perimeter surveillance team?

How do they miss that? Folks, we shouldn’t be relying on people in the crowd who are there for an event to act as a perimeter surveillance. I want Everyone to stay focused because there’s gonna… And I don’t mean that in a kind of a way. Please.

. I’m not trying to be an asshole, but we have congressional hearings coming up on this, and this is a huge deal. Okay? We have to stay focused with the questions, not just out rage about what happened. I’m outraged.

Your outraged We almost lost our guy. Okay? I get it. But outrage isn’t gonna solve the problem. I’m not suggesting you don’t get pissed off I’m just suggesting me channel at some productive.

Rage If we don’t have questions that can get answered, then I’ve got news for you. This is gonna happen again. Where is the perimeter surveillance team. Second, I wanna see the aerial surveillance plan. Why was there no surveillance from the sky?

Are you telling me you couldn’t went to Amazon and got a 200 dollar drone off Amazon and

Speaker 0: maybe the resources were looking after Joe Biden, and they just couldn’t spare any for Donald Trump.

Speaker 2: Figured out that there was a guy on the roof he How did we miss a guy on the freaking roof in the middle of the day? He wasn’t in a skin gi suit hiding in the woods folks? He wasn’t sitting there in a ninja suit at night. Covered up with dirt. He was in broad daylight.

Where was the aerial surveillance plan? Drones, Spotter. How did the spotter miss the Guy? Where was the helicopter their assets? Where was the forward looking infrared?

Where were the thermals? Folks this stuff works during the day? You ever see that movie predator where they fake all the thermal imagery? Where the thermal imagery? This is the best technology you have a guy can walk up onto the roof with a freaking ladder?

I wanna you listen to this Fbi press conference. Listen. I have 0 faith in the management of the Fbi? Or is Okay? But it’s in the Fbi’s best interest to conduct a thorough investigation and get to the bottom of because it doesn’t reflect poorly on them.

It’s gonna reflect poorly on them if they screw it up. This reflects poorly on the secret service. Watch this reporter ask the Fbi, representative as spokesman? The exact same question? Hey.

How do how this guy get roof? Where was the aerial surveillance plan? You better not tell me you didn’t have 1. Someone better get on the oath and explain what the hell aerial surveillance plan along with the perimeter surveillance, which we addressed first was, Check this Out.

Speaker 10: Check So that that is the assessment at this time that…

Speaker 18: Are you surprised this sniper was able to fire off. Payable shots and 4 present. I mean…

Speaker 10: Again, we’re still still working through the security apparatus that the secret had in place, what potentially happened that there’s gonna be long investigation into exactly what to place and how the individuals is able to get access to the location.

Speaker 18: From what you’ve been. Sounds like enforcement place

Speaker 2: Nobody has any answers. Listen, I I don’t wanna call into account this guy’s integrity from the Fbi responsible. I don’t know him I’ve never met him. I will call into account Christopher ray and others for screwing us over. But I’m telling you they have 0 interest right now in making the secret service look good the Fbi.

I’m not suggesting they’re doing this for any other reason. I’m not imp anyone’s motives. I don’t wanna be an asshole for stuff, , we don’t even know what happened. The investigation just started. So until the guy proves me wrong, I’m gonna assume he’s gonna try to do the right thing and find out what happened.

But he seems genuinely perplexed like you and I do, How to how this guy get on a damn roof. He’s not even a security guy. He’s a, he’s an investigator. It’s a different function. Where was the aerial surveillance plan?

Question 1, where was the perimeter surveillance plan? Question 2, where is the aerial surveillance plan? Gonna take a quick break. My last 1, I’m gonna get back to the third question? Do what protective intelligence is?

Well, bold coffee taste never bitter. Apps. Should be an excuse to spy on Americans. I hope you understand that. I’m saying, I’m saying actually quite the opposite.

I’m saying we shouldn’t be spying on Americans because even though we do and we shouldn’t we still never those guys were secret service are local. Regardless, regardless, the rules of engagement are the same, and there is a lot of nonsense going on right now about what the rules of engagement are. Some people put out online that the secret service counter snipers are not allowed to shoot until the sniper shoots first, ladies and gentlemen that is total bullshit. Let me explain to you from the inside the rules of engagement. That the rules of engagement for a secret service uniformed division officer, because agents.

I don’t know if this, but there are no agents on a counter sniper team. It’s uniformed division. Okay? The rules of engagement are the exact same for any other police officer in the secret servicer agent. If you see the risk of a serious physical injury or death, you can take action to stop the threat with your firearm.

Does everybody understand that. So if you’re sitting on a roof, and we know you’re not a police asset, and you have a gun and you’re scoped in on the president or future president in the United States Donald Trump, Is it not reasonably assumed at that point that you’re intending to cause death of a serious physical injury. Yes. The sniper did not need permission to shoot. Now, some of you may ask fairly enough.

Why was the delay? Why was there a delay in taking this shot? All I can tell you is what I’m hearing from sources? This is… Oh, I’m just putting it out there for you because this information needs to get out there from whistleblower type sources?

Okay? I’m hearing that the crest of the roof was blocking the line of sight, and they couldn’t get a clear shot. It which is may… If you look at the scene, kind of maybe makes sense. However, the guy shouldn’t have been up there in the first place number 1, and he had to also get his barrel over the crest of the roof to make sure that the round made it past the roof and made it to the made to the president Trump.

That’s what I’m hearing from my sources. I want you to see this view from behind the stage though, and you can see and hear how long it took to engage this this attacker once he started shooting, check this out.

Speaker 16: Country, probably million people. And , that’s a little bit all that that ago Le mans hold. And if you wanna really see something that’s said. Take a look what happened.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let me rewind that.

Speaker 16: That john, that charge a couple of months hold. And if you wanna really see something to said. Take a look what happened.

Speaker 0: Maybe it’s a really bad idea having a old man running things. Because the… If if the Biden administration was not deliberately attempting to assassinate Donald Trump then the levels of incompetence that is being shown by Joe Biden and his administration is just as such a catastrophic level that I’m starting the question, whether or not, it’s a good idea to have a sen, Joe Biden is the only guy with access to the nuclear.

Speaker 2: So I don’t know if you saw that view before, but you see, there’s a latency period between when the attacker engages and the counters team takes him out. Folks, there’s no time for that. The guy was on a white roof. Again, I don’t think you’ve heard this anywhere else. I’m hearing from sources that the reason there was a delay, there was a line of sight issue from the counter sniper team back to.

They didn’t think they’d be able to hit him until he showed his face again. So you take it for what it’s worth? I’m here to give you information so we can make an informed decision. But question 4, why did the Congress sniper team fail to spot the the shooter. That question stands no matter what?

Forget forgive leaving the latency period behind is why it took so long to engage him. Why was he there in the first place? The Cs team’s job is to counter snipers? There’s a spotter there. It’s supposed to spot these threats.

Now when he got on the roof, people were pointing him out. And what we would call a counters sniper response team was responding to the threat. Because remember, the counters sniper guy on the roof. You may go up there, and you may have a painter up there, paint roof You don’t wanna shoot a guy and kill them. So what they’ll do typically, Not I this guy had a gun.

It’s different, but say it was a threat. It was ambiguous. And we didn’t know what the guy was doing on the roof Okay stays up there with a paintbrush. Okay? They have a response team to go up and investigate.

Hey, bro. What are you doing up here? I’m hearing that this counter sniper response team actually was making their way, Up onto the roof. When the guy was shot and the counter sniper response team may have been f too. We’ll see if that , if if if that’s confirmed, but these are pretty reliable sources.

This is what’s even more bothers him. Gee guy skip to the, he’s got a gun He’s very chaotic scene. There were multiple people out there who pointed out. Advance that this guy had a gun was on the roof. Here is another piece of video.

Listen is very chaotic. Check it out. You hear it? In Listen. Wait.

Stop you. Can you restart that? Good. Listen. Now listen for the gunshot?

Folks. This isn’t even close. The sky should have been. Did the crowd saw them before the counter sniper response. Response team and the spotter.

Why did the counters sniper team fail to spot the threat? But isn’t time for Monday morning quarterback, and I can’t say him it’s not a damn football game, brothers and sisters, the freaking life of the country and the future president. Now I want you to watch the video and the sniper team engaging. Now we’re gonna address the rules of engagement again because again, the ton of misinformation out there is really starting to poll the dialogue going on. They don’t need permission to take out a threat.

what? What… When you’re watching this, I’ll put it up in a second. I’m gonna give you a very easy example. Most of a police officer in know.

I’ve ask him a simple question. They roll up on A911 call. There’s a guy got his girlfriend, he’s got a 38 and a gun to our head with his finger on the trigger. Does the guy need to shoot the girlfriend before the police officer can engage. No.

Why? Because there’s a threat of serious physical injury or death, that the police officer is legally entitled to stop giving use of force guidelines that are pretty consistent around the country and enforce cross federal law enforcement. Because he’s a counter sniper on a protective detail means it doesn’t mean anything. He’s the same rules of engagement apply. Watch the video now, and you’ll see the latency period for him respond and check this out.

that? This is for the shot. George a couple of months

Speaker 16: old and if you wanna really see something that said, Take a look at what happens. And Said take a look what happens.

Speaker 2: Folks, you see what happened there. Now, I think I’ve explained to you and you haven’t heard this anywhere else. And, , it’s probably at this point until we can confirm everything, but I’m pretty confident my sources. The reason that latency period happened was again a line of sight issue. They couldn’t get a clear shot on.

So you’re hearing a lot of stuff out there, but I’m pretty confident that’s the truth. This is important though. He should not have been up there in the first place. I’m not making excuses for anybody. I’m not interested in, , sitting here and providing air cover for anyone.

I’m only here interested in telling you the truth. That is probably the explanation for what happened. Folks, I wanna get to a couple of these too because the media has been absolutely be disgusting. Keep your eyes on the Fbi investigation going forward. I don’t trust the management, but I trusted the guys on the ground, are gonna try to do the right thing.

Be But listen, To media coverage of this has been a important. However much you can’t stand these people. You don’t… You you it’s and I promise you, it’s not enough. You probably shouldn’t be able to stand them even more.

Here’s the first 1. Here’s Martha Rad on Abc b. Magically, trying to blame don’t Trump trying to turn this around and make this an Anti Trump story. Check this out. President supporters have have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well.

Speaker 11: Well, absolutely George Right. We were just looking back this morning and some of the things that former president Trump has said. He warned last March of potential death and… Destruction if he were charged by the Manhattan district attorney. Our country is being destroyed as they tell us to be peaceful.

Trump january warned a bed him in the country if the criminal charges against him succeeded. And, of course, in March, he said, now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole. That’s going to be the least of it, it’s going to be a blood bath for the country. That will be the least of it. He said he was partly joking and that that was taken out of context, but those are indeed his words.

And you have heard it from supporters as well. And supporters are certainly in some parts angry, and and let’s remember January sixth. In so many ways for the campaign, January sixth will probably be in the background after yesterday’s event. This is a very difficult time for this campaign. I’m sure this week in Milwaukee, the president Trump will highlight this and President Biden is gonna have to figure out how to go forward listed campaign and what exactly they say.

Speaker 2: Folks, however much, you can’t stand these people it’s not enough. President Trump came within a millimeter of having his head explode like a watermelon on national television by some Luna who tried to shoot him with a rifle from a hundred 30 yards away. During a massive government security failure and a Warfare operation against them. And this is the past these garbage filled people in the media can do trying to turn it around and spin it to blame Donald Trump and mentioned in January sixth. Where by the way, he said to go march peacefully and patriotic.

Are you on Meth? Was Did you did did you do a couple lines before you went on the air? You freaking people crazy? Folks, please. I’m asking you, power through, ignore these people move forward.

Get this guy elected. We’re gonna clean this mess up. And fortunately, it gets even worse. It’s Ski, Let’s skip to both blitz sir. Here’s Wolf blitz are on Cnn doing what he pretends his journalism.

Really questioning, , was Donald Trump like a shot in the ear here, like, how… This is your journalism. Not maybe getting to the bottom of why you calling him a fascist and a Nazi M and spot may. Have inspired some looting because I actually wait for facts, to fly on Donald Trump potentially kill them. You’re not worried about that.

You’re worried about other stuff, Check this out.

Speaker 19: Now if someone is shot with a bullet that pierce is the upper part of your right ear. Wouldn’t that bullet also continue on to someone’s skull and create much more day… A much more dangerous situation.

Speaker 1: So that’s a great question, Ro, and, , what the intent of a shooter with a rifle and an attempted assassination is to get that bullet to go into the head and across.

Speaker 0: Really? I mean, we’re… What what are

Speaker 2: we questioning the vera audacity of Donald Trump statements gonna be shot in yet. Does it really matter if he was shot, a piece of his year was shot off? Or it hit a tele prompt and a piece of glass shard it is off. Does it really matter? The glass shard sharp…

, hit his ear. Does it really make a difference? Is this just what call a journalism or is this dip jittery? Folks, these people are enemies of the truth. They always have been.

They’re not even remotely interested in getting to the bottom of what’s going on here. Okay? I’m telling you ignore them power through. We’ve got a Vp coming later today. Folks this is an important day We have Judge Ai Cannon just scrap this disastrous Jackson smith Tier.

We’ve got too much to worry about the these idiots. I’m only putting this out there. To just again, make the point to some people who are still on the fence that if you’re watching this show, the…

Speaker 0: Okay. So let’s take a look at… To Martha Rad starts crying on 20 16 election night when go.

Speaker 11: And they don’t trust the… Mandarin in chief. They the people in the military defend the constitution. What.

Speaker 0: Mandarin Yeah. She got or or Terry when Her gal, Hillary Clinton didn’t didn’t win. I think when a soon again.

Speaker 11: If you have a son in the Marine corps and that you don’t trust the commander in chief. They the people in the military defend, the kind of

Speaker 0: Yeah. Crying for Hillary Clinton Martha. Rad… How was she still on Abc b news? Okay.

Talk to you guys later. Bye bye.