Secret Service Had Trump Assassin In Their Sights For Minutes Before Attack (7-16-24)

01:00 NYT: Videos show Secret Service snipers were focused toward the gunman before the shooting.
14:40 Secret Service Director Makes UNBELIEVABLE Excuse for Lack of Snipers on the Roof
16:20 How Leadership Failures Led to an Assassination Attempt on Trump
1:03:00 How Assassin Evaded Secret Service Security
1:18:45 Secret Service Breakdowns w/ Blackwater’s Erik Prince,
1:28:00 Why does Joe Biden not trust female Secret Service officers protecting him but his administration assigns incompetent female agents to look after Donald Trump?
1:30:00 Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle protects incompetent female agents to promote DEI
1:33:45 Is violent rhetoric to blame for the Trump assassination attempt?
1:38:00 Fundamental differences between left and right that go back thousands of years,
1:42:40 Elites catching up to the people in recognizing Joe Biden’s senility,
1:44:20 What has made Kamala Harris unpopular?
1:51:00 Dems GIVE UP On Dropping Biden After Trump Attempted Assassination,

Podnotes transcript:

Speaker 0: Day. Mate 40 here. So I’ve been railing for days now. Alright? Since Sunday, Alright Going on and on.

And here here was my contention. I I said, fuck, guys, it seems to me. That the video evidence is clear that the secret service chop shooter and by meaning, secret server shop shooter, either a literal member of the secret service or someone designated and under the direction and control of the secret service had Trump’s shooter in his sights for many many seconds prior to the assassin getting off 8 shots at Donald Trump. And so I contend to you repeatedly on Sunday and Monday that the United States, secret service deliberately allowed this man to get up 8 shots at Donald Trump before they then dane to shoot him. Alright?

Us secret service had the shooter in their sights. Their counted sniper teams were focused on this man. Not not just for seconds. For minutes prior to this man shooting Donald Trump, and the United States secret service decided to allowing him to shoot Donald Trump. They deliberately decided not to stop the assassin.

And the if the line is that we’re getting in the news media, that, oh, they needed to make sure he had a gun. Right? The shooter was about a hundred and 40 yards away from the counter sniper team who is locked in on him for many minutes prior to the shooting of Donald Trump, and the line that the media is giving us coming from the secret service is Oh, the the count swipe, but they just needed to make sure that you had a gun when they saw that they had a gun, then they immediately took action. Right? They immediately took action.

After the gate with the gun gets off 8 shots at Donald Trump. So the… The shooting of Donald Trump was deliberately considerably thought through, and the secret service had many minutes to decide and they chose to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. So is it tay for Donald Trump to rely instead on private security? Because the secret service made a deliberate decision to allow this man to Donald on Trump.

And it wasn’t just a matter of seconds. Right? They had minutes to decide deliberate whether or not to take the guy out. They chose to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. It was a conscious decision on the part of the United States secret service team, conscious, conscious bought through many minutes to decide.

We’re gonna allow this guy to shoot Donald Trump. And then we’re gonna respond. Alright. Here’s a video that shows 1 minute, 35 seconds before the shooting, and you see the snipers are focused in. Right?

This isn’t a 1 team re orient itself 1 minute 35 seconds prior to The assassination attempt. They’re re themselves directly towards the shooter. Right? So 3 videos posted on social media show that secret service snipers were orient themselves toward the gunman. At the rally.

Okay. Just under 2 minutes before shots were fired. Alright. They had 2 minutes to decide to take him out but note they decided they would let him shoot Donald Trump. They made a conscious decision to allow this man to shoot Donald Trump.

This is United States secret service took 2 minutes, consciously decided to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. Conscious decision, not some slam bam, split second decision. No. Minutes. That the United States secret service had minutes, and they decided that it was best to allow this man to shoot Donald Trump, and the kind sniper who finally took him out.

He’s a legend. Right? Absolute legend Right? Legendary decided to allow the man to shoot Donald Trump. Alright.

First of these videos take it by a rally Attendee. 6 minutes before the shots were fired at Donald Trump. Chose a secret service sniper and spotter behind the podium facing north in the direction of the shooter. Right? This it 6 minutes ahead of time.

They were aimed at the shooter, and they decided to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. Right. This is what the United States secret service adding do. Right? Here at 6 minutes 6 minutes before the shooting.

They oriented towards the shooter, but they decided We’re going to allow him to shoot. Another video starts 1 minute 58 seconds. Before the shots were fired, the secret service team looks in the direction of the government through bin and a sniper. The rally attendee taking the video with it’s saying, u, something’s going on. Alright.

So A rally attendee is presumably with no security experience. Knows 2 minutes before the shooting. Something like an assassination is going down. And the secret service allows the assassination attempt to go on. Right?

Deliberate conscious thought through, minutes going by… Right. They had all the time in the world in security terms, decided to allow the shooter. To get off some shots Donald Trump. Right conscious, deliberate, all the time in the world decision by United States secret service to allow he is assassin to shoot.

Alright. There he is. Right. The focused on the shooter, but they decide to allow him to get off 8 shots at Donald Trump. 1 minute, 35 seconds we for the shooting, while the secret service team attention still focus towards the Gunman at a second sniper team positioned filed south for turns facing south to north toward the gunman.

Right. 2, United States secret service, counter Sniper teams deliberately choose to allow. The sniper to take 8 shots at Donald Trump before they finally reluctant decide to terminate him. Short clip shows them turned with their weapons and cro than it ends. Later, as shots were fired, the second secret service team has seen another video in the same position facing the Gunman.

So in security terms, in assassination terms, they had all the time in the world to terminate this man. And they deliberately chose to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. Right? Conscious, deliberate decision by the United States secret service, we’re gonna allow this guy to

Speaker 1: shoot take

Speaker 0: crack the white it house. Right. There they are. They’re orient towards the shooter. We’re gonna make America the Right.

We you we have all rally attendees. Alright, pointing in the direction of the Gunman and not secret service. Alright? They can communicate with each other. People Alright.

They could have asked this is dangerous situation. Maybe we should get Donald Trump Ass. Not. They deliberately chose not to get Donald Trump. Out of the path of danger, they deliberately chose to allow the…

Would be assassin to get in 8 shots at Donald Trump even though they had minutes. Minutes to make a decision. They had minutes to make a decision, they deliberately chose to allow the assassin to get off 8 shots at Donald Trump. Like heck of a job, guys, I I can see why why you’re regarded as a legend this legendary work. Right, what would…

I… I’m not a security expert. I, I’ll be honest, I’ve walked in security for 10 years. I am not a security expert. Just looking at things on the face of it, you would think that Donald Trump would be much better off with a competent private security service such as perhaps, could be afforded to him by Eric Prince.

Speaker 2: Those numbers, so you have this G with and this G g, which is a grid reference guide that has you number all the buildings left to right 1 through 10. Right? So… Every single building on his whole entire, sector sketch is numbered. So he knows, let’s just say, not that I’ve already done this.

But from his position, that’s building number 3. That building from his position is a hundred and 51 yard. So he’s looking at building number 3 on his Jar, he’s talking to a sniper, his spotter. His spotter is getting giving him estimation. And, they also set up that they’re slightly offset, so he is a kind of different perspective, but they’re both looking in the same general area, and they’re supposed to be on different magnification areas.

So they’re able to see different things, but same the same thing kind of simultaneously. There’s a lot of science around, like, how the sniper and the spotter work together. And all the schools, ultimately holy crap.

Speaker 3: What?

Speaker 2: President Trump just picked Jd Vance for Vp.

Speaker 3: Oh, yeah. That’s been up a couple of hours. But, yes, That’ll be… I think that’s

Speaker 2: Sure. Been I’m been kinda you guys ability and the capability of that… 2 man sniper team is, yes, they can shoot something from a mile away, but they can also anticipate what is gonna be happening in a battle space, before anybody else on the planet can see it or understand it. And that is why they’re so crucial as a counter sniper element. And it’s a really difficult thing to, like, explain and put into words and unless you’ve you’ve either experienced it as the shooter or counter sniper, or you’ve been on the receiving end.

Speaker 0: Okay. I’d had buy them a hundred and 40 yards away from this man on the roof. Couldn’t figure out that he had a gun. Right? I I find that difficult to believe.

Speaker 2: Of that capability. Which is a pretty

Speaker 3: Talk me through directions. The flinch, the coming up off the glass, the standing up, the stance all that stuff.

Speaker 2: Okay. This is the worst case scenario. Of all of the things that we’ve been seeing over the past 3 years. And I’m just gonna hypothetically paint an opposite picture here. A young black kid in Butler climbs up on that roof to get a view of former president Trump.

Speaker 0: Okay. They could see that it clearly wasn’t a black, but I get the point that all the anti law enforcement. Rhetoric and elites moving against law enforcement, discouraging them from doing their jobs because when the law is enforced. It has differential impact. Right?

Some groups commit astronomical amounts of crime, other groups commit below average amounts of of crime. And and so If you enforce the law, you can have a differential impact, so our elites. Right? Spent tens of millions of dollars supporting black lives matter. To discourage the police from doing their jobs, and perhaps this filtered down to the counter sniper team made them more reluctant to do their jobs.

Alright? Total speculation.

Speaker 2: Dude all wants to see is the man that his grandpa’s has been talking about and he loves. The man that’s gonna, like, help them not be pouring anymore.

Speaker 0: Okay. We know it… It’s not a a black kids. So forgets that.

Speaker 2: That guy behind the gun, man, he does not have the confidence that he can pull that trigger. So And it’s not until those rounds start going that he actually…

Speaker 0: Steven Jj James said the sec… The closest team had an obstructed view by the 3 the second team were about 500 yards away. Well, as soon as they decide to kill him and they kill him like that. So mustn’t have been that obstructed. 3 But as soon as they squeeze the trigger, they kill him boom, right like that.

So that they clearly had a shot minutes before. The guy started shooting Donald Trump.

Speaker 2: Moves his finger to the trigger and moves into hunt mode.

Speaker 3: Is he got the clearance to be able to unload rounds without getting be okay from somebody on the radio? Yes.

Speaker 0: Right. And you you get a lot of talk that I started on Twitter by, , highly informed people with experience and said, no. Maybe they could only fire if the other party fires first. That’s nonsense right? That goes against all private security and law enforcement protocols.

Speaker 2: So key the create firm threat.

Speaker 3: What does that mean?

Speaker 2: Yep. That’s. That is intentionally vague and ambiguous thing. Show confirm threat, bad guy with a gun pointing a rifle at the former president, smoking him, eliminate that.

Speaker 0: Yeah. But they had admit and they chose not to, which strikes me as bizarre. Alright. Looking at the chart. Look.

Trump is going to the Bitcoin conference. There are rumors of a huge announcement if I heard anything on this No, but I know that Donald Trump’s getting increasing. Support from the tech community, including the crypto community. That’s Samuel, Steven j j says that’s why the sniper team were repositioning. Well, they were reposition towards the gunman, at least 2 minutes, possibly, 1 team at least 6 minutes.

Prior to the attack on Donald Trump, and the other team, at least 2 minutes before the attack on Donald Trump. Sam says in the chart, J Vance is pro crypto. So they’re calling the Bitcoin rally, the Trump pump. Alright. So this is…

Chris Williamson talking to Tim Kennedy.

Speaker 2: That threat. A ahead, crust the top of a rooftop? Nope. That’s a very fine line.

Speaker 3: This just the clarity, this is the call is made by the Sniper and spot team.

Speaker 2: That’s right.

Speaker 3: So they have, like, executive independent authority to be able to pull the trigger or not.

Speaker 2: On some things, on some things they don’t. On something

Speaker 3: that for me.

Speaker 2: Sure.

Speaker 0: Okay. We’re in the best of hands. This is the head of the United States secret service. Just absurd of the.

Speaker 4: 3 snipers were stationed inside the building, the shooter using.

Speaker 0: Right. That they had 3 3 snipers inside of the building that the sniper used

Speaker 4: in his attack. Now 1 of the snipers inside the building saw the gunman looking up at the roof. Observed it, and he disappeared then came back at which 0.1 of the snipers took a picture of the Gunman. By the time other officers came for backup, the gunman was already on top of the building according to Cbs. Bystanders who saw the gunman on the roof were calling out to police for nearly a minute and a half, before shots started firing.

It was ultimately a secret service.

Speaker 0: No. We have abundant evidence that, this guy was brought to the attention of law enforcement at least 26 minutes. Prior to the shooting.

Speaker 4: Tiger that killed the gunman. Now secret Service director Kim Gave Abc News a very curious explanation for why there was no sniper stationed on the roof itself. She she said, quote, that building in particular has a slope roof at its highest point. And so , there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a slope roof. Now the Fbi is continuing its investigation and has searched through the Gunman phone conducted over 100 interviews and searched through his home and vehicle where 2 explosive devices were found.

On the day of the shooting, Crooks told his father he wanted to go to a shooting range and asked to borrow, his father’s Ar 15 rifle according to Abc News. The father said it wasn’t an unusual ass.

Speaker 5: Homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mae was asked whether he believed that.

Speaker 0: Okay. That’s That’s nonsense. Alright. Let’s have a look at more from Here.

Speaker 2: There was a attempted assassination attempt on former president Trump. And there are 3 predominant theories about how and why this occurred. First being lone wolf second being an enemy of Trump, third being like an inside job deep state action. And I’m gonna talk about which of them it was. So on the left here, we…

As you look this a lot of stuff written on this board, explain a little bit. We’re gonna get a little philosophical. There there’s 3 kind of predominant razors that I want people, , rules of thumb that, a want to have in the forefront of your mind as we talk through this. Oc razor. Explain this in thing making no more assumptions than should be made that are necessary.

I just want to go off of the facts that we have and the evidence that we know to to to make the best kind of decision we have, we can with the information that we have. Another is Kitchens razor. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Is why I just wanna focus on the things that we know and the evidence that we have currently, and then, which the last, which I think is really important is hand launch razor. Never attribute to Malice, that which can be adequately explained explained by stupidity.

And that’s gonna lead us into this spectrum. This continuum right here. On the far left side, we have what we saw on Saturday. We saw ne, stupid and incompetent. We saw careless.

We we saw reckless. There there’s no doubt that you can look at that security detail in the plan and not be, like, that was the worst display of what should be the most elite security force on the planet, the best protection detail, , the leader of the free world, our president and now the nominee from the Republican party, president Trump, those are the 2 people, that 1 of those 2 people will be present in January. And that security detail could not have been more sloppy, could not have been less prepared more in ina and completely inadequate to do the job. And on the far right of the spectrum, you have if you have stupid and incompetent careless and slap, you have comp implicit in collusion involved in and skiing. Now, This seems to be like a very far apart thing.

But in in in law, legally, if you are so ne, if especially if you’re knowing the knowing, like ne. You’re supposed to be doing a job, but you aren’t doing the job or can’t do the job. You’re ill equipped to do the job, You are liable for the the actions that you should have taken, but didn’t take. And that’s where these things actually end up getting very, very close. Now let’s say, there are people that are incredibly competent that know better.

That know the job and know how to do it, but then it didn’t get done. If those people, like, a director of a department like homeland security or secret service, they they know how it’s supposed to be done. If you look at the security detail that just happened at the Republican National convention, you saw giants. You saw the most all the most capable people surrounding president Trump. I was just in France with president Biden, and his security team.

Man, I met these guys, and I was blown away by how professional they were, how well they knew their job and how the opposite of this that they were. So if these are kind of 3 options here, like Lone Wolf, any of Trump or an inside job, are these mutually exclusive things? Now when you look, let let’s let’s explain how this security team, this security detail? Was so pathetic in at. Obviously, the building that that shooter climbed up on.

He’s a 20 year old boy that this is this is a lot of questions around that. And I and I don’t know we don’t know the information yet. , there’s a a big… Space of time that we don’t know what about him from the time that he graduated high school until he climbed up on a roof and tried to assassinate a former president. During those 2 years, obviously, he was radical.

He was unstable. But we do know that he had a rifle,

Speaker 0: Okay. So from the reports we’re getting, we don’t have any evidence of mental illness on the part of the shooter. So is he s for Iran. Right? There’s increasing concern about Iran taking out a hit on Donald Trump.

Speaker 2: It was hit the backpack. He knew where to go. He had a he had a laser range finder. He shot well enough to shoot open sites. At a hundred and 51 meter or yards on a person that never holds still.

So you have a guy that’s kinda like, up on stage. Thank goodness. He didn’t hold still because had he not moved his head in the very last seconds, looking back at that diagram of, the illegal immigration problem of the border. He’d be dead. 1 centimeter and the whole entire thing, , we’re in civil war right now.

That young man knew he had no social media. He knew where he was going. He knew his range.

Speaker 0: Oh, 0, so 1 thing I was hearing in the mainstream media like Cbs news and and the like, after the after the election, the was after the assassination attempt was that, oh, my, the law enforcement still trying to find the name of the… The shooter. So hours are going by… Right, Nothing nothing is is shown to us about the the shooter. And it’s because law enforcement trying to track him down.

That that was bs yes. They knew who the shooter was now. We know within 30 minutes. So the mainstream media covering for law enforcement not releasing the name of the shooter for for 8 hours after the assassination. Right?

The law enforcement now we now know. Knew the name of the shooter, knew the identity of the shooter. They got it from the weapon. Right? Within 30 minutes, and then 7 and a half hours later, they choose to release that name to the public.

Speaker 2: He bought selection. And there’s a lot of very dangerous things about him as that lone wolf. , the the next is an enemy of Trump, whether that is , a deep state or, , a corporation or a group of people wanting to see him go away, and then last is like the inside job. So I’m gonna pose this question like, what if those 3 things are not mutually exclusive. What what myth what if all of them actually complement each other.

What if you have people inside the government that to test the former present so much. That they would allow incompetent and careless and sloppy people to be around. What if they’ve been hiring using D, hiring practices. If you look at the people that were around president Trump at Butler on Saturday compared to the people that are currently around him now that the national attention is focused on. They removed the permanent team away from Trump and put a temporary team of women that were overweight that couldn’t h their weapons.

And that when they’re on stage after the shooting. They’re like, what are we doing? What are we doing? They couldn’t even move the former president to get him safe.

Speaker 0: Right. So the women are hiding?

Speaker 2: Right The man are standing up. Right? The women are hiding. Like, the let’s not even talk about the counter sniper team. , that knew that a building that had a perfect line of sight.

To the form present at the podium, that they had… That they didn’t know if it was another officer climbing up on the hill, but or up on top of the roof, They Pid ed, a young man acting suspiciously, and it it appears to be the shooter taking out a laser range finder, and getting estimation of distance to the podium from that building, but they they never confronted him. They had a law enforcement officer climb up a ladder and confront the shooter, the shooter turns around, and then he descends back… The whole entire thing just stinks. And when you start going through all of the different, and there are count this.

I’m I’m talking, like, Ra countless, I was listening them yesterday. There is a hundred failures that almost this I was able to point to and en as a security deep…

Speaker 0: Okay. So the obese… Could not re host her her pistol is a Dea agent out of Pittsburgh. The the 1 who was hiding when other agents could were rushing to protect the president. Right?

And she was cro down and hiding. Apparently d age and at a Pittsburgh.

Speaker 2: Details failure failure to follow protocol, failure to file… Follow Sop p’s, failure to plan, failure to execute, failure to lead, failure to engage. I mean, there’s… Let’s just went on and on and on. But at what point, do hundreds of these start sliding that over here into comp implicit.

If we’re gonna do a venn diagram of the lone Wolf enemy a Trump inside job. Right? So we have this 1, this 1, and this 1, lone wolf then we have m of Trump, Then down here, we have the inside job. This right here, might be a combination of all of them. Where people inside the government we’re being so reckless and we’re being intentionally placing people that were ne allowing something like this.

And there’s no way you can look at this and be, like, this was not allowed to some degree. On the lone wolf side, if you have been radical and, , calling a person a fascist, calling a person an ado off Hitler, you’re s the flames and they have social media companies that take those crazy ideas and mag them even more. And then it takes just a few other things to to be the final catalyst to take a vulnerable young man and give him a couple of the tools that he needs or the little bit, but just slight push. Right? To do something so terrible as try to assassinate a political opponent, and then getting me a Trump where someone or a group of people.

Are going to benefit from his assassination. There in the middle is the spectrum where people Right

Speaker 0: did Mayor york, the Biden administration decide we’re gonna give Trump incompetent inadequate security. And mag the chances that he that he gets assassinated. We couldn’t defeat him with Law. We can’t defeat him at the ballot box. We can’t defeat him through traditional and socially acceptable means, so we will give him incompetent security and hope that someone gets rid of Donald Trump for.

Speaker 2: Or are inadvertently or not even inadvertently. They’re passive aggressively becoming implicit in the assassination attempt. And I I want people to…

Speaker 0: Yeah. Right now, On face value. I’m not saying this is true. I’m just saying… That a normal person paying attention to this story would think that the degree of negligence, stupidity, incompetence, careless.

The overall inadequate approach to Donald Trump’s trump security and the ignorant approach to Donald Trump’s security. It all blends together, so you The most obvious explanation is that this was deliberate incompetence on the part of the Biden administration to get donald on Trump kill. Right. That’s the first explanation that comes to my mind and don’t necessarily believe that’s true. Right I I don’t have any direct evidence that that’s true.

But that’s that’s the the narrative that says building in millions of Americans minds.

Speaker 2: Be Americans and do their civil duty of voting but exercise their freedoms in a safe American way. A clear threat to their principal. They have the authority to protect. Round started being sent towards the former president. Obviously, they have the authority without approval to pull that trigger.

Do they have the…

Speaker 0: Yeah. There are 8 shots fired Donald Trump before the secret service chooses to respond.

Speaker 2: Authority to

Speaker 0: since… Though, once they choose to respond, they kill him right away, indicating they already had the shot lined up, but they chose not to take it. Right? They choose to allow this man to shoot Donald Trump. Back conscious.

Secret service decision allow this man to shoot Donald Trump.

Speaker 2: Around towards a potential from. A potential… Like, find a potential threat And we’re putting in a timeline on a negative slope roof. , maybe they never saw a gun. They might not ask.

Speaker 3: Do you think that they had been warned… You said that they were already living over at that building?

Speaker 2: Yep.

Speaker 3: Does that suggest that maybe something had come through some of the Chinese West becomes and it was… There’s someone up there. We maybe need to look in that direction.

Speaker 2: Yeah. 1, they already knew that that building was a threat. 2, so they like, of that

Speaker 0: Okay. So Joe Biden. Alright. He he gets a secret service agent. I didn’t know why that’s that’s not showing up.

Alright. Joe Biden gets a secret service agent on a alert roof. Right? Joe Biden is deserving of competent security. Right?

There are competent secret service teams. Right? The Biden administration deliberately app portion and incompetent team to look after Donald Trump and kept them away from a very very gently sloping roof. Right? The most gently sloping roof that you could imagine.

Alright, like, a slope about less than 20 percent the slope of this roof. So Donald Trump is app portion and incompetent security team who’s kept away from a very gently slope roof, Well, Joe Biden gets a competent security team that even has to stand across a steep. Slope roof. So what the heck is is going on here. I mean, that that that roof roof at the White House.

Right? It looks pretty sleepy. Your mission should you choose to accept it? Excuse me, but did you say there’s a slip roof? But you noticed about Donald Trump’s new security team.

They’re all male and they look competent. Completely different from the team that the Biden administration gave Donald Trump on Saturday. Is now they’re in the public eye, and so now Donald Trump is given a competent team. Saturday, given the drags. Sorry, sir, I I would land on the beach at normandy, but there’s a bit of a slope here.

Right. The idea that a slope roof creates a prohibitive safety hazard for the secret service is enough to to span the entire organization and the higher individuals back on a case. By a case basis. Right? This is the secret service director who will not resign and Joe biden will not fire her.

That building in particular where the assassin took up. His place and shot donald Trump. That building particular has a slope roof, very gentle slope roof at its highest point. There’s a safety factor that would be considered there, so we wouldn’t want to put somebody at a slope roof. So the decision was made to secure the building from the inside.

Great job. Abc News. Alright? This is her comment to Abc News. Abc News did not think that this comment was news worthy.

They did not include it in their new story. Alright, they they keep a team… Off a slope roof. Right. We have a feeling this kid’s gonna be a perfect cypher.

Right. All we get at these meaningless snap it’s no manifesto, no social media, no distinguishing facts about his life or belief, just unclear motive. Alright, but why did the muslim terrorists, , start terror people. Just don’t know their motives. And Tmz just released a video of Thomas Cro being bullied.

How convenient. He… He’s laughing there. That that doesn’t look like a particularly severe bullying. Oh, and noting the incompetence of the female secret Us secret service agents Right?

These poor ideas, they are targets of miso backlash. It’s all part of the racism, age, ab, homophobia that dominates the Republican party. I found out in this financial times articles. So just call critics names so that you don’t have to deal with their criticisms. Yeah.

And we we have an article here in the financial times. Us itself could be the biggest loser in this election when it… But it’s with Donald Trump. Comparisons with the last days of the Soviet union are revealing. Yes, they are revealing of how much an idiot you are.

Yeah can be complete inability to weigh risk is exactly the type of cognitive flaw that is highly characteristic of some female decision making. The 02:12 slope is risky, not having a sniper on that roof is risky. Better take the safe or choice. Right? The director of the Us secret service deliberately allowed the former and future president in the United States to be shot in the face because she didn’t want a secret service agent.

To be on a roof with the most minimal slope possible. Everyone needs to see this photo. Right, to appreciate the tactic court negligence that occurred during the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Alright. This photo was taken just minutes before the first shot was taken, Donald Trump is oriented towards the shooter.

Okay. Look in the upper left. Of this photo. Right? This is this is the building.

There’s no excuse not to have someone on that roof None. Now the less stunning incompetence and negligence in a tactical situation. Simply incomprehensible how this happens. The anything that is more comp was how the director of the secret service still has a job. Why would you not have someone on that roof?

I I I’ve worked for security for for 10 years? Comp it it’s just incomprehensible that you not have someone on that roof. It’s infuriating, because it’s it’s such a level of negligence that the easiest explanation is that this was a deliberate attempt by the Biden administration to have Donald Trump assassinated.

Speaker 2: Pull entire area, they have the water tower slightly to their right, and they have that building slightly dead center.

Speaker 3: And this their area. This is the area that they have been given those 2 dudes.

Speaker 2: Yep. And that water tower and those that little cluster of buildings, those are by far the highest concerning things. So like in their mind, and there’s some subconscious. , yeah, They’re scanning. Yeah, They’re looking out into the crowd.

Yeah, They’re looking out into the parking lot, But they’re also… They keep going back to that 151 yard building with a line of sight to the podium.

Speaker 3: What about the order of shots? What do you think have you been able to reverse engineer. So, presumably, it looks like the shooter got at least 1 off? I think it’s…

Speaker 2: Yeah. I think he got, like 4 or 5 off.

Speaker 3: So what what happens? It gotta obviously the flinch where we see this… Okay. So talk me through.

Speaker 0: He got 8 shots at Donald Trump. Before they decide to take him out.

Speaker 3: That what’s going on?

Speaker 2: Yeah. The second part that question, your earlier question about, So they know that that building a threats, and I think judging by both of their body language that they’re processing, communication that’s coming in. About that specific thing. Because both of them weren’t just, like scanning. Both of them are zoned into that 1 building for about 40, 45 seconds.

And they’re coming off, and they’re looking specifically at that building. They’re looking down their optics. They’re looking down their bin. They’re looking over their bin, and this is what’s really sad is that… Guy was close enough that they didn’t need any magnification to see him.

That’s bad.

Speaker 3: Oh, because they can pop up and just look normally.

Speaker 2: Yeah. He’s a

Speaker 0: 150, like, He’s alright. So we have videos knowing that this… At least 1 of these teams was focused on the shooter for 6 minutes. Prior it to the shooter at taking a shot. So you’re gonna tell me over the course of that 6 minutes, they couldn’t determine whether or not he had a gun.

I I don’t buy it. It it it’s impossible to believe.

Speaker 2: 1 and a half football fields weigh. Doing how close that is. They’re literally just like, coming off their optic and, like, looking at the top of the building. And be like, yeah, That’s a dude alright? That’s a bummer.

Holy crappy. He’s shooting at us, and then he gets on the glass. So they’re observing. They’re processing all that com communication that’s coming in. Clearly, like, they’re working together trying to figure out what it is, then, whether the shooter had to rush his shots.

He comes up and over the top and you see him immediate the sniper, the counter sniper, immediately go down back onto his glass because I think he knew he had to shoot. But then the shots started coming in, then he jerk and had to get back on the gun.

Speaker 3: So what’s that? Is that just the response to fuck this bullets coming?

Speaker 2: I don’t think that he’d been a gun site. Yeah. Last night I was talking with. A Canadian special operations guy that has the current and longest confirmed kill or his team does. Which is that like, 2 miles And and then I talked with W Neil who is a Navy seal sniper, and the 3 of us were kinda, like, nerd about around, like, ballistic and wins and all those things.

And the 3 of us were in a grants and in pretty much everything. But the thing that we just were astounded by was the level of experience and combat experience, especially with those immediately around the former price events.

Speaker 3: Just before we go on to kind of the tight detail because there’s a lot to talk about that. It seems to me based on my total mug knowledge of how this works.

Speaker 0: So excellence is encouraged in certain structures. Right? Mail structures foster excellence. If you were to take the top 500 economist of all time. They would likely not be 1 single woman on that list.

If you were to take the top 500 mathematicians more time, there would not be 1 woman on that list. If you were to take the 100 most influential politicians of all time, could likely not have 1 woman on that list. If you were to take the top physicists, the top canvas, the top biologists. Right? You’d not have 1 woman.

Or maybe just 1 on that list. If you were to take the world’s 1000 most accomplished security experts. Right? You likely would not have 1 woman on that list. If you were to take the world’s top 100 snipers, you would not have 1 woman on that list.

You were to take the world’s top 100000 tennis players. You would not have 1 woman on that list. If you were to take the world’s top 100000 soccer players, you would not have 1 woman on that list. If you were to take the world’s, top 100 basketball plays. You would not have 1 woman on that list.

If you were to take the world’s 100000 strongest people. You would not have 1 woman on that list. Right? Excellence comes in part out of a masculine culture. Right.

Men respond differently to incentives to structures than than women. So The person who was murdered at Trump’s rally alright, He is a man who threw himself on his family to protect them. He got shot and he died. Now that is a male impulse. Right?

That you put yourself in harms way for your family and for women and for children. But that in turn depends upon a culture that respects that male, Willingness to sacrifice. Not all roofs are rated safe to walk on could some really dumb health and safety reason like this why they didn’t put someone up there. No. No.

No. No. You see, with with Joe Biden, be Right? You have someone’s on a very, , highly slope roof. There’s no health and safety reason.

That they didn’t put someone on there. Now, on the other hand, there there are many things that women do better than men But if masculinity is consistently trashed. Right? If as a result of the me too crisis. The me too movement, for which many of the targets were absolutely legitimate, and I’m glad that they got taken out, and then many of the targets of the me too movement, I don’t think believed to be publicly shamed and remove from from public life.

But if Part of the consequence of this is that we have reduced mail incentive to be excellent, then as a society, we’re gonna pay very stiff price. The number 1 reason that men will want to be excellent is to have sex with attractive young women or to have the respect and admiration of women and men. Right? People work hard, people strive to be excellent to receive respect, to receive appropriate amounts of defer if it’s an area where they have proven there their bona fide where they proven their excellence and a lot of men really want to use their excellence to develop a name for themselves so that they can go to bed with attractive women. And the 19 eighties economy boomed because this is before the me too movement is before sexual harassment, and we had, , a whole lot of sex going on in the workplace.

And III recognize there’s a very strong case to to try to remove as much as possible sexual tension from the workplace. Right? I’m… III respect that, but I’m just wondering as something of an unintended consequence of the me too movement, Have we made normal male female interactions that 95 percent of the time depend upon a man making the first move. Have we made them to cost prohibitive, so men have reduced incentive to be excellent because they are not going to…

You have to have access to the women that they would have had before the me too movement. Alright? So men strive. Right, men are willing to take care of women, men are willing to sacrifice men are willing to risk their lives. In exchange for living in a certain structure, a certain society, a certain community that respects that sacrifice.

And respects mail excellence and respects, in particular the male need to be with other men. It destroys cohesion, right, to have females on a secret service team that’s working very closely together. I I believe that there are roles in United States secret service that women can do superb. And… But what what drives me crazy is the lies.

That they put out the lie that men and women it held to the same standards as they’re not. Alright? Women Not what woman I would re I would wage her in the United States secret service is able to carry Donald Trump on her own. She just doesn’t have the strength. The reason that no women are playing in the National Football league or major League Baseball or the National Basketball Association is because none of them are are good enough.

Right? 19 times out of 20, men and women of the same age. Right? Who are otherwise similar to each other. The man is going to be stronger.

And so, yeah, if the if the women could meet the standards, the objective standards, then there’d be less of a backlash here against diversity equity in inclusion. But the secret service deliberately lowers strength standards fitness standards for women and then claims that men and women are held to the same standards. Right? So lies. Coming out of the Biden administration and the secret service and the Department of of Homeland security that Millions of Americans are en incandescent with rage.

Oh, shoot. Here we go.

Speaker 3: Mug China. No knowledge. It seems like a hundred and 50 yards ish. Hundred and 50 meters is kind of a bit of a unique distance that it’s very short for a sniper team, but it’s also sort of too long. It seems like based on what I’d seen that a lot of what the snipers were looking at is way out beyond.

That is is that hundred and 50 meter or is the fact that it’s such a an obvious potential assailant position that would have kind of over shadow the fact that it’s in this maybe Gold locks zone of too too long to be short too short to be long.

Speaker 0: Right. There’s another… Even if women are equally excellent, you’re going have higher comrade, higher social cohesion, higher social trust, if you only have… Men only details. Right?

Men tend to thrive in male only spaces. Right? Men sees to be Naturally, male and masculine once a woman enters the equation. And men in particular, are engaged in highly masculine professions, such as protecting a president or future president of the United States do not respond nearly as well to orders from women Right? Having a female head, of the United States secret service is incredibly demo.

Because there’s no way that she’s ever met the same standards that men have, right women physically biologically and not capable, of the feat of strength and physical fitness and endurance that men are. So it is incredibly demo to have a woman is not nearly as excellent or as fit as you are handing out instructions. And so you get her… Focused on a mildly gently sloping roof, and we’ll protect that building by having 3 snipers inside the building. By the assassins on top of the roof.

Speaker 2: It it is so close. In in scanning, besides being great Marks men Marks men and mean, masters a lethal mentality, snipers are observers first. They spend so much time. Like, some of them are must pass events in snipers…

Speaker 0: Alright. The type of men who are willing to risk their lives in these kind of details. Are men with high testosterone. Men who like to have sex with women. Right?

And the more difficult you make it for men in secret service or in high testosterone highly masculine, highly dangerous professions to have sex with women. Alright. That less inclined men are to pursue excellence, highly Right. Yeah. The the head of the secret service is a no obese woman.

Do how demo? It is. To be in a highly masculine, dangerous profession like secret service and head of your secret service is obese, and a woman who never met the same standards that you do. It it it just rubs you a strength. It’s humiliating, and she’s the 1 making decisions, and she’s the 1 giving the orders and she’s in her position because she’s friendly with Biden, Right?

If you wanna have male excellence in a dangerous profession like secret service, you have to allow men. Right? To have normal relationships with women to to get out there and take advantage of all that they are risking and to live it up a little bit, you can have much less excellence, the more you push, , the nonsensical side of me too. So I would say 50 percent of me too is doing good work. And it just strikes That’s my estimation.

Maybe it’s 40 percent, maybe it’s 30 sent maybe at 70 percent. But somewhere around 50 percent of the me too cases I’ve heard, I believe the Me too movement is doing good work and about 50 percent of the cases, I think it’s awful. Set So how much is the me to movement reduced mail excellence? How much was the 19 eighties? Prosperity, and America becoming great again due to a less constrained workplace, less constrained relationships, between men and women.

Now, I think there are valuable roles that women could play in the secret service. I would not be surprised if they’re different tasks in the secret service where women consistently perform at a higher level than men. Right? They may be good going through the crowd, They may be good in certain parts of their job where perhaps that they’re less ego driven or they have natural tendencies women tend to be have to read faces better than men, would not shock me if there are excellent examples of tasks for Us secret service agents where women consistently perform… Better than men if there are such tasks and they should be given such tasks.

Right? I I would not be surprised if there all sorts of valid left wing critiques coming out of their Donald Trump assassination attempt that I’m not seeing because I am right wing because I am partisan because I am blinded by my own allegiance agencies. So it’s not gonna be blow blowing me away. I’m not gonna be shocked if I’m just blind to a whole bunch of areas where where a left wing critique. Or or an element of a feminine critique pointing out that in certain tasks, associated with security that that women statistically tend to do better than men that absolutely.

Right? If you got a group that tends to do better, whether it’s iranians, Chinese, women, men, gay. Alright? Then they should be allowed to pursue excellence and to develop their their status in their position based, purely on merit school.

Speaker 2: They they take these men. They drop them into, know, I’m a middle of nowhere area. And out in front of them between 50 and a thousand meters, there’s a para of. There’s a scope. There’s a guy in a Gill suit.

And they have to, on their sector sketch, mark every single 1 of those things. And those are graded and must pass events. Like, if you can’t find those things, So you have, you have these swirl searches. You have these grid pattern searches. You have the book up to right or left to right top to bottom.

You’re using all of these search techniques. You’re changing focus from far away to up close in some of these static positions, you’re not seeing movement, which is like, 1 the easiest thing to see, but you’re looking for shapes. You’re looking for colors. You’re looking for non natural, , material, that’s not that’s reflecting and not, , most natural things kind of absorb flight not reflect like. And so there’s no way that both of those train snipers, a hundred and 50 yards, is outside of the realm.

It’s not too close. It’s not too long. Mh. It’s not too anything. They’re professionals.

Speaker 6: They’re perfect.

Speaker 3: Okay. Alright. So it looks like based on your… Assessment that, maybe they’ve been warned. For some reason they seem to have their attention very much on that, building, we’ll call it building 3.

And then They maybe see a guy. They come back up off glass. They go back down onto it. Then first shot hits, which is the 1 where Trump just turns his head a tiny little bit. Glance is here.

Then they flinch, come back up a second time, then go back down presumably because he gets hit very close between the eyes, I think based on the the photos I’ve seen, if you reckon to those guys that delivered that shot. There’s no 1 else.

Speaker 2: III don’t think that there’s no 1 else. We know that it was a secret service sniper that engaged him. The cap teams doing their work. So you see… Yeah.

That, within secret service, you have multiple teams from counter teams. You had re… Red cell teams that that are, like, reverse engineering and doing all the threats, like, lots of different really specialty teams. The guys that run up onto rooftops or ran up onto the stage wearing body armor with machine guns that they fall in that category. They’re rad.

And they’re, like, the direct action when you see the plain closed people wearing, like, Tacky, poorly cut suits with weird h. They… That’s that’s that’s They’re there to protect the form present, the people that rush out with long rifles, they’re there to kill people.

Speaker 3: And okay. Alright.

Speaker 7: You’re the hammers.

Speaker 3: Yes. Okay. So let’s talk about the, sort of what do you call it immediate detail? What’s what’s the thing that encircle the present, what is that called? How are they selected?

Where have they been drawn from what do you make of the performance on Saturday.

Speaker 2: Yeah. I mean, all the bad stuff. This might be the worst And there’s a lot… There’s a lot bad here, and we’re not even scratching the surface. And, listen, I’m not my…

I’m not, like, Monday morning quarterback in this. , if you everybody to include the guys on the ground who are gonna be way the guys in gals on the ground, are gonna be by far the worst critics of this whole entire situation. I’m I’m not saying anything that anyone else is is is gonna disagree with with maybe slight differences of perspectives or opinions, But generally, everybody in an Ar an after action review that does a sustain and improves of this operation is gonna come to the general… Generally the same conclusions. And and that’s what we do after every single mission that we ever do is an Ar an after action review.

And then we break these things down by phase… Just like we are Chris. And in these phases, we say, alright, This is what went right, and this is what went wrong and improves and sustain. So improves are things that went wrong. We have to fix and improve on, and then these are the things that went well, and let’s continue to do those.

I do not have everything things in that latter category. And under this face, which is shots have just skipped off the president’s ear,

Speaker 0: third Just wanted to note. Australia does not have these problems. Alright? Australia is fairly careful with the immigrants that it allows in, Australia is a overwhelmingly safe country has had very low levels of criminal violence for 200 years. Right, Australia is not racked by the culture wars to even 10 percent of the degree of the United States.

Right? So the mess that we’re in is not inevitable. Right It’s… It’s largely a resort of conscious decisions that we’ve made such as promoting diversity equity and inclusion over excellence by allowing in unchecked. Amounts of immigration by diminishing the role of the masculine in our society by incentivizing law enforcement to not do its job because it it creates negative results for certain groups who commit astronomical amounts of crime.

If if we simply imprison people who commit violent crime, to lengthy sentences. Right? We could cut our moderate to 10 percent of what it is currently.

Speaker 2: And, are you really understanding it, like, how 1 mile an hour wind difference, 1 degree head direction in either direction that bullet was already in the air when he turned his head to look at that graphic.

Speaker 3: No fucking way. Yes. I’ve seen the image where someone explained what a straight lined does to the human head.

Speaker 2: At a hundred and 51 yards, what that mo does? It what takes off the backside of the brain.

Speaker 3: What’s the caliber of round coming out of that do you think?

Speaker 2: I think it’s gonna be an Ar. I think it’s going to be 556223. So I think it’s gonna be a 55 grain to a 77 grain traveling the 9… 2900 feet per second.

Speaker 3: How close does that need to be to someone’s ear to draw blood? Because, presumably it could actually miss the ear and still just the the pace going past?

Speaker 2: Yeah. The those… So 55 grain to 77 grain, that 556 and 2 3. That is a very small projectile that is moving really, really fast. The the the danger of that bowl is the energy that it carries because of its speed.

Speaker 3: Mh. Mh.

Speaker 2: Yep, so unlike a 50 cow, where like, you, a 50 cow gets near somebody’s head, , it’s gonna, like, jumbled the brains

Speaker 3: are you gonna know about it.

Speaker 2: That’s right. , like you’re, if I… If the guy’s waving in in a 50 cal bullet goes through here, the air displacement an energy of that bullet going by my blow that dude’s arm off. That… That’s not the same with a, , 6 5…

Speaker 3: Small mass.

Speaker 2: Yeah. The god bless that family by the way. The so that detail, their job is to be looking out to anticipate to prevent and then in the worst case, respond and react by protecting and and cushioning the literally becoming a human shield around the principle. That’s that’s what they’re supposed to be doing. They failed.

Speaker 0: Some of them failed.

Speaker 2: Well, some of them failed for the whole entire time, but when you have a bullet that hits your principal, you have failed. Right. There’s there’s there’s no there’s no moment in all of this where you could be like…

Speaker 0: Right. The Biden administration decided who was guiding Donald Trump. Right. This was a decision made by the Joe Biden Administration is appoint the head of the Department of Home Security. Joe Biden decided on the head of the United States Secret service, and the United States Secret service accord Joe Biden competent security and decides to assign to Donald Trump incompetent security.

But these are deliberate decisions made by the Joe Biden administration when it becomes clear that they cannot win this coming election of the ballot box. Right? The democrats tried to take Trump down through law, They tried to take him down through impeachment. They tried to pass legislation to ensure that he could never run again. And when all these tactics fail the Biden administration deliberately employed incompetent.

Security to maximize the chance of an assassination of Donald Trump.

Speaker 2: They’re like, alright. Those guys did a great job there. So cyber… Go

Speaker 3: ahead. What do you make of the criticism around? Female secret service agents that aren’t tall enough for the principal that the head comes up to his chest line that is 1 that used him as a a shield as she cow behind.

Speaker 2: Yeah. I mean, just take Gender out of that… Take sex out of that conversation. I wanna talk about male or female. You’re either capable of doing the job or you’re not capable of doing the job.

You’re either strong enough to pick up your principal and move him off the ex. You’re either large enough to block that person that you’re trying to protect or you’re not. You’re either trained enough and equipped enough and prepared enough to do the job or you’re not. They’re not. The women that were there, they’re…

There’s not just a 1. So as as shots are be… It still being fired and Uc see bodies being flung on top of the former president As he’s down on the ground. What an amazing photo, blood dripping off in his face, and it’s there is a woman, secret service agent that is hiding behind the president. Not on top of, She’s hiding behind him cow, hoping to not get hurt when her 1 job.

Speaker 0: Right. This is the fat woman. Right? Who’s been assigned to Guard Donald Trump. She is hiding behind the president of the United States.

Right? The Biden administration chooses who runs the secret service who chooses to deliberately give Donald Trump inadequate incompetent, ignorant, idiotic. Security is

Speaker 2: to put herself on top of the present. Go forward 10 seconds. The hammer start coming out. You see guys in Body armor with helmets run out with guns. There’s another photo of a secret service agent.

That is… Here here we go. So here’s the guys running up. The other way. Running up the stairs 10 seconds later.

And this is 1 of the photos. I was trying to she’s 10 seconds later. She’s every 3 of these guys with their guns pointed out into the crowd. Guess where that girl is. That girl right there?

She’s still right there. She’s hiding behind the stage. These guys do they’re up, guns in the high ready. They’re on their optics. They are scanning.

They are hunting. I’m telling you if you fart weird. You’re…

Speaker 0: So there are all these New York times, financial times, all these elite media articles about why? Why for some mysterious reason is the right engaged in miso. Criticisms of the women and none of these complaints note how incompetent. These female agents were. Instead that they built up a superheroes is putting their lives on the line.

Right? None of the financial times New York Times, articles, , the miso on the part of Republicans deal with the criticism that is leveled at them for their incompetent coward behavior.

Speaker 2: You’re about to get around. And they were also positioning themselves to prepare for an ex fill. And while they’re doing that. There’s a secret service agent hiding behind her principal, and there’s another secret service agent that’s higher hiding at the base of the stage. Fired.

They’re fired. I like to say you’re fired because, you, it’s such a trump thing right now. But department of homeland Security, New York, you’re fired. Department of secret service, what’s your name, Kimberly.

Speaker 0: Yeah. In a masculine setting, these people would be fired. It it wouldn’t be even a question. They would just be fired. But instead in our current structure, almost all our institutions have dominated by the left, right dominated by feminism, undercut of masculinity, and the forces of incompetence are praised, Heck of a job, guys.

Speaker 2: You’re fired. Every single 1 of those D hires in the past 3 years, you’re fired. You don’t meet height weight. You’re fired. You can’t pass a shooting test.

You’re fired. You can’t do a site survey. You’re fired. You didn’t know that building 3 at a hundred feet…

Speaker 0: Right. Can you imagine how demo tomorrow it would be. To be working on their secret service detail with incompetent obese, , frightened, coward, women. And you have to, , work together.

Speaker 2: 51 yards wasn’t the highest risk possible. Allow to do to clam up and get on top and take a shot at your principal. You’re freaking fired, man. Everyone’s gone. Got that horn and then don’t get me started on an Fbi partner justice and who are currently doing the investigation around the opponent to the reigning…

The reigning government, the Fbi that just rated President Trump’s home armed, They’re the ones that are doing the investigation of the assassination of the organization under the. Yeah. How

Speaker 7: was a 20 year old able to defeat secret service security measures that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and get on to a rooftop within a hundred and 50 meters of Trump, then fire multiple shots. Are my tax is going straight into a dumpster fire. This isn’t a knock on the incredibly brave and fast response by many officers. This video is focused on 2 main prep plan operational failures and security based on new reports, eye accounts and statements from officials close to the rally security planning. The first security failure happened ending at 05:40PM.

About half an hour before the shooting when a local police officer spotted a suspicious looking man holding a range finder at the entrance to the round.

Speaker 0: Right. So right there. At Right, Donald Trump should never been allowed to go on stage once you encounter a man. This is 30 minutes ahead of time. 30 minutes before the shooting.

Right? Secret service was notified that you got a man with a range finder? Incredibly suspicious. If if the secret service wanted to keep Donald Trump safe they would never have allowed him to go on stage until they gotten to the bottom of this report.

Speaker 7: Fully. A range finder is a small device that you can look through like a scope or bin. You press a button on it and it digitally gives you the exact distance of a target that you’re aiming. At. The suspect was pacing around outside the metal detectors at the bag area check.

Officers thought, maybe the device was just to observe the speed in the rally better. The officer put out a message though, over the radio net to warn everyone of this su behavior, which was passed along to secret service and other agencies. Now Ap which in that police officers then lost sight of him in the crowd as they tried to follow him.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Why would it be important to try to track someone with a range finder?

Speaker 7: Ported According to John Miller, a former senior Fbi agent, people had his description and we’re looking around for him. Even when regular cars drive up to a typical Dui checkpoint, for instance, If they try to pull a u turn and avoid it, its standard operating procedure to have a second police officer in what’s called a Chase vehicle to stop them. So already, we’re off, to a rough start. And that’s why Americans are angry right now. We wanna know exactly who is in power?

Who’s responsible for this oversight, and we want them held accountable. To get there though, we have a lot of questions. And so far, the answers we’re getting to not look good. So what happened next is the shooter made is…

Speaker 0: Right. So all we’re getting our evasion, oh We got the secret service blaming, local law enforcement. You’ve got local law enforcement, blaming secret service. So Who who’s more likely to take accountability that is painful and embarrassing. Alright?

Typically, a man or a woman. Right. Typically, men are much more likely to take serious accountability. This doesn’t mean men are superior to women. Men and women have different gifts.

Right, There are all sorts of areas in life where women are superior to men. But as far as taking accountability, men are consistently much more impressive in this… Right area, that than women are. Right? Fostering a culture of excellence through competitiveness.

Right? And through the enforcement of laws and protocols, Alright, this is overwhelmingly a masculine thing. It’s not a overwhelmingly a feminine thing. Alright. Skyscrapers are designed by men.

They are built by men. When we have feminine designs of bridges? Right? They they fall apart. Right?

Would you step into a skyscraper that had been built solely by women? Of course not

Speaker 7: it’s away from the event security around the Ag building perimeter, and he was able to breach it without being apprehended. This is the second pre planning major security failure. Because beforehand, they’re supposed to lock all the doors and make sure there’s no way to gain roof access and post officers around the building and on top of it. Let’s take a closer look at the complex of 4 separate buildings at 06:15 Whites stone road where he fired from. Google Maps street view actually shows us the parking lot, and we can see there are multiple locations just in the 2 seconds of looking air where someone could jump up on top of that storage shared, for instance and get to…

Speaker 0: And look at this very gentle slope. Right? The the head of the United States secret service declares to us that this slope is too slow

Speaker 2: to

Speaker 0: have an agent up there. It just stagger belief.

Speaker 7: The rooftop, even without a ladder. This occurred on a Saturday after 6PM, so the building was likely closed, which means it should have been easy to spot anyone acting sauce around here walking around, because there shouldn’t have been employees over there. Secret service spokesperson, Anthony Gh el said that the agency had designated that specific rooftop to be under the jurisdiction of law enforcement. Director of secret service Kimberly C in charge of the whole secret service said, quote, there was local police in that building, there was local police in the area that was responsible for the outer perimeter of the building. Butler County district.

Speaker 0: No. The secret service is still responsible. Right? They… It’s in can use local law enforcement.

But they are still responsible for how the local law enforcement takes on their job But we don’t have a masculine culture of excellence and accountability here.

Speaker 7: Bernie Richard Gold told Nbc news though that his office deployed 4 response teams in 4 sniper teams at the rally on Saturday. He claimed that the secret service was responsible for security outside the Butler farm show and that they were the number 1 in the command hierarchy there. So where I’m standing? It appears like this

Speaker 0: The United States secret service was number 1 in the command hierarchy. They are responsible for what happened. And if they choose to say that this building a hundred 40 yards away from Donald Trump is outside of their perimeter, and therefore outside of their responsibility. That’s just a lie. That’s just a light from responsibility.

Speaker 7: This secret service looks like they’re casually shifting blame and suggesting that it was someone else’s fault for an operation that they were fully in charge up. Feel the only thing I would need to complete my Blame game bingo cars if someone comes out and says mistakes were.

Speaker 0: The United States secret service was responsible for this operation, and they had tried to shift the blame cars And now it’s getting fired. Now it’s being held accountable. Right? The by administration deliberately, it appears right now, just from the information we have deliberately, accord Donald Trump inadequate, incompetent, ridiculous, stupid ignorant security, So as I assume to simply maximize the chances that their opponent in November will be murdered. Right.

Right now, it looks like the Biden administration was an accessory to an attempted murder of Donald Trump.

Speaker 7: Me. What happened next is shocking to watch not because it’s graphic, but because it’s hard to imagine how this failure in perimeter security in advance could happen. Attending standing here noticed the shooter already on top of the roof. It was recorded on video and posted on x spine attendee in the crowd who spotted the shooter crawling on the Ag r Roof top. For about a full minute, the video plays and shows the shooter on the…

Speaker 0: Remember, we know that the Us secret service Cal snipers had this guy in their sights for at least 6 minutes, and they chose to allow him to shoot Donald Trump. They chose to allow him they had minutes. At 23456 minutes depending on the team, and they chose to allow him to get off the shots and then once they decided to take him out, it happened instantly. Right? So they didn’t have to change their site and look for him, and go through a whole bunch of motion for work.

Right? As soon as they decided to kill him, they kill him. Meaning they deliberately allowed him to shoot the president. Because as soon as they wanted to stop him, they stopped him, They deliberately chose over course of minutes to allow him to get into position and then shoot the president of the United States. Conscious, deliberate decision by the United States secret service to allow this man to shoot the president in the United States.

Because they had many minutes decide what to do with them.

Speaker 7: A roof while people are trying to warn authorities. Lined up video with the moment in the speech shows that the crowd had spotted and was warning police for about at least 2 minutes before the shots were fired. The attendees did the…

Speaker 0: The the Biden administration, though does that not sound ridiculous says the chat. Well, the Biden administration is in… Of the United States Secret service. Right? The Biden administration chooses the head of the United States Secret service.

Right? The head of the United States Secret service was chosen because Joe Biden likes sir. Which the head of the United States secret service. Thinks the mild of slopes is the reason why you could not have an agent. But when it comes to Joe Biden, Right.

He gets he gets an agent standing a very sharp slope. Right? Because Joe Biden deserves competent security. Right? The Biden administration deliberately accord Joe Biden competent security and deliberately accord Donald Trump incompetent security.

Right this is a choice by the Biden administration. Could be entirely accidental, and just saying normal more people would see this. And think it’s out outrageous.

Speaker 7: 1 year old able to defeat secret service security measures that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and get on to a roof top within a hundred and 50 meters of Trump, then fire multiple shots. Are my tax is going straight into a dumpster fire. This isn’t a knock on the Brave and fast response by many officers. This video is focused on 2 main pre planning operational failures and security based on new reports, I fitness accounts and statements from officials close to the rally security planning. The first security failure happened at 05:40PM.

About half an hour before the shooting when local police officer spotted a suspicious looking man holding a range finder at the entrance to the rally. A range finder is a a small device that you can look through, like,

Speaker 0: oh, what the heck did I do? I must have fast forward it to the wrong place. Okay. Let me see if I’m fine right with.

Speaker 7: Effectively engaged the shooter at this point. Another… By standing on his hands, so we could look out over the edge of the roof to get eyes on… Spotted of the shooter crawling on the Ag rooftop. For about a full minute, video plays and shows the shooter on the roof while people are trying to warn authorities.

Lined up video with the moment in the speech. Video shows that the crowd had spotted and was warning police for about at least 2 minutes before the shots were fired. The attendees did the right thing here trying to alert the police and listen to what this eye witness has this…

Speaker 0: Right, the police law enforcement didn’t wanna be alerted. Right. They the counter sniper teams had him in their sights. For at least 2 to 6 minutes prior to the shooting of Donald Trump and they chose to allow him to get off 8 shots at Donald Trump. Before once they decide they instantly kill him.

Instantly. Right? They they they’re not moving their gone. They’re not going through a bunch of trouble. They’re not having to recite their weapon.

They soon as they want him dead, They kill him. Meaning that they wanted him alive prior to that, wanted him to be after shoot, Donald Trump.

Speaker 7: Say about it.

Speaker 0: We I noticed… 2 officers that were looking for something or somebody, and went and told the officer that he was up there.

Speaker 7: Is a former secret service agent. And he gave some insight into what might have happened, that it might have been possible they couldn’t tell if the suspect had a rifle in hand and wanted to fire on them.

Speaker 0: But 2 to 6 minutes at least. They’re they’re just completely zoned in on this guy in 2 to 6 minutes just a hundred 40 or 5200 yards away wherever they are… They couldn’t tell with all their technology, whether or not he had a rifle. Hundred It beg.

Speaker 7: They might have dispatched officers on the ground to check and confirm. I’ve had some time to process what has happened And personally, I feel like if you’re on a a restricted rooftop within a hundred and 50 meters of the president, even if you’re just holding your dick in your hand, you’re asking to get brain. According to Butler County Sheriff, Michael S a This is what happened next. 2 local officers were already looking for the shooter due to what happened at the metal detectors. 1 officer was h up by his partner by standing on his hands, so he could look out over the edge of the roof to get eyes on the suspect.

The second officer on the roof had both of his hand holding himself up in like a pull up position to peer out onto the rooftop.

Speaker 0: There’s so much video of the incompetence of this response. So it’s once Trump was shot, and and you had dozens of law enforcement officers trying to rush to the scene, they were… They couldn’t break through a fence. Right? They they’d never even rehearsed what to do if they were needed.

And so they had to take time, figuring out how to get through 2 different fences. They never even considered that their services might ever be needed, And the reason that law enforcement officers probably stayed inside the building if they went deliberately in on a plot to assassinate the president. The fisher president, the former of president was that it was a hot day and they had air conditioning inside the building.

Speaker 7: So they encountered the shooter while he was on that roof. The gunman turned around and pointed his rifle directly at the officer, so the officer fell back down to avoid getting shot in the face. That’s when the shooter took aim and fired at Trump. A Fox news spoke with Bill Gauge. He’s a 13 year veteran the secret service, and Bill said, quote, just because someone’s on a roof doesn’t mean the counter sniper guys can just open fire.

They operate under graham the connor use of force rule. Someone’s So what that means is that legally they would have to have perceived a threat in order to pull triggers and not end up getting it thrown into jail potential essentially later. So people are gonna be asking questions about the rules of engagement use of force, should that change or should the essentially could service be given more resources. As more information is coming out, we’re learning that there may been total…

Speaker 0: Why give more resources Good to an organization that deliberately assigned you incompetent. Offices. Right? You can give more resources or day long to incompetent forms of government, it doesn’t make them competent. How about using those reef resources to allow Donald Trump to hire private security because the security afforded to him by Biden simply cannot be trusted.

Speaker 7: All of 4 counter sniper teams in place throughout the rally. Reports indicate that 1 team was located on the building behind Trump, another team was located closer to the crowd. It’s unclear which team effectively engaged the shooter at this point. Another team of police were said to have been actually located inside the building that the shooter on, which somehow makes all of this worse. I sound like a Monday morning quarterback backing here, but something we did in the army after every and I went on in a iraq.

And a lot of you will probably be familiar with is an after action report.

Speaker 0: Okay. So Steven James makes some good points and I’m a 6 foot kick boxer. I wouldn’t expect to get a job on his close protection detail. It should be 6 by 6 dudes. Right?

Each twice my weight. I’m Very least, they should have poured at Donald Trump off the stage, then they figured out what this guy was doing. This makes no sense. Right, the only way this makes sense, as if this was deliberate on the part of the Biden administration. I’m not saying that’s true.

I’m saying that’s the only way right now given what we know that we have an explanation that makes sense. Now we we very likely to find information that invalidate that hypothesis Right now though, it’s the 1 that makes the most sense.

Speaker 7: Aa ar. The point of an Aa ar is to look at yourself in the mirror, be self critical and look at what went wrong. What went right and how to improve. It’s the only way to honestly improve and move forward. And law enforcement it works on similar principles and values.

This is a developing story though, so follow me on Instagram at cap Army for more it

Speaker 0: Okay. Eric Prince has talked about what happened here to Donald Trump.

Speaker 6: Where Trump was speaking from and look around. And say where is the likely spot someone’s to shoot from? Yeah.

Speaker 0: Okay. So Eric Prince is the founder and head of Black Gonna

Speaker 6: be to the right where the shooter was on top of those industrial buildings, and the fact is they had no 1 watching over that is is truly mind boggling It was outside of their immediate perimeter. Yeah. That’s fine. Just because you want your perimeter to be a hundred yards. Doesn’t mean someone…

Speaker 0: Going on, especially show.

Speaker 6: With modern rifles. And that’s just for a gunshot. They also have to really contend with drones. The amount of weapon knowledge and lethal improvement coming out of the Ukraine fight from both sides is really scary, and the executive protection world hasn’t yet felt just how bad that’s going to hurt. But I mean, it supposedly, a 20 year old kid works through dead space, and dead space is the area that you can hide where the buildings are providing cover, blocking your…

Blocking the view of you from the people they’re looking for you. They used dead space. He crawled up to the far side of the roof, appeared and took a number of shots. It is disgusting. Now, even once the shots were going.

And, , this the secret service and say, well, they didn’t have enough manpower, and maybe it wasn’t better coordinated, but the immediate agents that were around Trump, K. The immediate close protection detail was also hugely in ep and that they left him on the x. The x is where the bad guy has decided to kill you that day. And the immediate mission of the protective team is to get the protect e off the x and protect him on the way off the x. And some of the agents were actually taking cover behind Trump from the gun gunfire, and it took them way too long, and you could even hear some of the radio chatter.

What are we doing? What are we doing? Where are we going? That is not…

Speaker 0: Okay. Some of the agents, meaning solely the female agents. Took cover behind Donald Trump. Alright? Male agents were not taking cover behind Donald Trump.

It was solely to the best way knowledge only the female agents who are crying out what are we doing? The best my knowledge, I’m not aware of any of the male agents saying what are we doing? But there were 3 historical female and agents crying out, what are we doing? While the male agent seemed to understand exactly what they were supposed to do?

Speaker 6: Not not our a professional team. Supposed to look and sound. It should be autonomic. It should be, it should be so drilled to them, they know exactly what to do if a, then b, if b then c and then c and then d is They know exactly what the perm mutations are and how to do it. And it they just missed on so many levels.

It’s really, really… It’s embarrassing. It is, like I like I open with that article. It is another example of an una, over funded bureaucracy embarrassing America. We’re are embarrassing in Afghanistan, We’re embarrassed with this nonsense of a peer in Gaza 230000000 dollars that doesn’t even do its job.

We’re embarrassed by the Navy that manages to lose control of the the Red Sea and 1 of the major waterways of the world, and now our own former president, soon to be future president. Also, embarrassing, it was not their skill that saved him. It was bad marks to and a win call and the fact that Trump turned his head to the last minute is the only thing that saved his life. The secret service didn’t save him life and that is pathetic. The reason the secret service When started of the first place was to provide executive protection.

Clearly they have failed a bi at the…

Speaker 0: The secret service did nothing. Right? The secret service did absolutely nothing to save his life. Right? They played a 0 role in Donald Trump being still being alive?

The. Only reason that Donald Trump is still alive because of bad marks and good luck. Right? The secret service played 0 role in him still being alive.

Speaker 6: That mission.

Speaker 8: Eric, I wanna… If you you… By the way, you said a few different. You said a lot of things here, Robert, if we can show the 1 clip about the secret service agent that’s duck behind. She’s afraid for her life instead of protecting the president’s life, which you showed that picture a minute ago, Rob, if you can pull it back up for the audience.

And I know eric recognizes the picture. Then there’s another 1 we’re all seeing a video of 1 of the agents trying to put the gun back into her, , real. Exactly. And so this is 1 that she’s hiding Like, my god Hope.

Speaker 0: The same woman. Is doing both. Here she’s hiding behind Donald Trump. And the other female agent is also crashing down when the shots ring out And then the 3 women agents are crying out. What are we doing?

What are we doing? Me, instead of trying

Speaker 8: to protect the present. But I’m don’t I’m gonna show you a clip because there’s a video that’s going viable right now. Where they’re showing 2 minutes prior of assuming me what happened, and I actually wanna get commentary of this from you while we’re watching it together with the audience. Rob, if you can get this ready the clip of all the different angles. And there’s audio saying, listen, there’s a man climb up on top top of that building What are we doing?

I wanna get your feedback on. There’s gonna play to click rob. Our point. Take a look

Speaker 0: at the…

Speaker 6: So that arrow is the low…

Speaker 8: Well, you can

Speaker 2: follow the.

Speaker 8: So Eric. What do you…

Speaker 2: Over 2 minutes? This?

Speaker 6: 2 minutes.

Speaker 8: 2 minutes. How do you process that? I mean first all, for somebody that’s watching the same Ap reports that slid 1 of the police officers went up there. The guy points the gun at him, and then the cop goes back down. So the cop knows someone’s up there according to Ap and he goes about his business, 2 minutes I sit and I think about it.

I said, okay. When something like this happens, and you’re watching a video like this, 1 it’s either lack of competency,

Speaker 6: for watching the the assassin on the roof, but they have a no shoot first rule. Again, I find that amazing and pathetic that you can lay down with a high powered rifle scope. I mean, look, the the the rifle scope that guy had is either has a 300 win meg or a 3 03:38 La is.

Speaker 0: So do you think they have a no shoot first rule with regard to protecting Donald Trump or any of their favored assets? What if they only have a no shoot first rule, right For people they’d be happy to be rid of.

Speaker 6: Got a 5 to probably 25 powers scope. So you could literally tell the freckles on the sniper face with that powers scope. So their ability to see that he actually had a weapon it had a magazine in the in the in the in the were in the gun, was significant, and they could certainly do that over that 2 minute period that and the fact that they didn’t shoot is highly concerning and again, over amortized and not…

Speaker 0: Right. They didn’t shoot because they deliberately allowed the… Would be assassin to shoot Donald Trump. Right? It’s a deliberate with abundant time choice by the United States secret service count Sniper team.

Who 1 has to assume were drilled to allow someone to assassinate Donald Trump to allow it. To sit back and do nothing, and then kill the guy immediately afterwards, and then say, oh, we just can’t figure out motive.

Speaker 6: Not trusting the people on the on the on the periphery. So it’s it’s a failure on all levels. You’re always gonna have problems with communications. So people observing things passing it to someone who pass it to someone else to pass them… There…

There’s always gonna be friction. I don’t see any conspiracy there. But what I do see is a failure of of the basics of training, and the basics of a plan in the first place that never ever sort of left

Speaker 0: Right. But we know that the team protects Biden is not this incompetent. We know that the team that protects Biden is not this in app. Right. We know that the team that protects Joe Biden is excellent.

But the people assigned to protect Donald Trump. Right, aside by the head of the secret service. Right? Who got her position because she’s friends with Joe Biden for the recommendation Jill Biden, Right? She deliberately assigns incompetent protection to Donald Trump.

Right? Deliberate choice by an important member of the Biden administration.

Speaker 6: If those areas un guard un watch. There’s a water tower nearby, that you’re gonna put 2 dudes up there with long guns and bin vernacular and owned all of that industrial space to the north. So it’s It’s disappointing it’s an embarrassment for America. Again, World war 1 started because of the assassination of Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the austro hungarian empire.

Speaker 8: Let me go back and ask you more.

Speaker 6: 1 off attacker, but a complex attack of 10:15 or 1500 attackers coming for a facility.

Speaker 8: We’re doing wait why are they gonna do this. You guys are this much out of here. In in this…

Speaker 6: Okay. This was bad and we really screwed up, and this is where we screwed up, and we’re not gonna do that again. I don’t think any of the federal agencies are capable of that discipline anymore, and that is really, really troubling because

Speaker 0: Right. Because that requires a a masculine attitude. Right. This is not a trade accountability. It’s not a trait that you tend to find as often among women as you do among.


Speaker 6: Ticket service was a great institution. It was seen as credible. I mean when we look at how quickly they got Ronald Reagan off the x when John Hi, we opened fire. Quick. Very quick.

They they left President Trump there on the x for almost a minute. Not knowing what to do? Or you hear the audio. What are we doing? What are we going?

It was…

Speaker 0: Yeah. But that’s early the female agents who are saying that.

Speaker 6: Keystone cups, not the highly proficient professional, not the premier protection organization of the world. It is another global embarrassment for America and our institutions, and we just… As taxpayers and as citizens, we deserve better.

Speaker 8: So on on the Ronald reagan clear, Rob, if you have it, just to show it, so it’s to reference exactly what he’s talking about. I’ve been into that hotel and

Speaker 2: go ahead, play clip. About Single

Speaker 8: female secret service agent, female. It’s all male everywhere. So on 1 end, why is it? That president Biden doesn’t trust women as secret service agents for himself, But why would he assign secret service agents that are women, so many of them to president Trump.

Speaker 6: Rules were they, but not for me. Look, the the the secret service doesn’t up their coverage on the presidential candidates until they actually receive the nomination. Now the fact is Trump’s been the nominee for months now. But he’s also been the former president. So he’s he’s certainly requiring that level of protection.

It’s maybe they have their their a team on the president. It’s also a fact that Jill Biden had some other event in the area and so she demanded other secret service resources recovering for her. I mean, look, you wonder why Joe biden is running president again. It is it’s his wife. She even got the marine band.

, because the marine band plays held to the chief on any kind of official walk on song, and Jill Biden had the marine band generate, a song for the first lady. Walk on music for her when she has an official event. So that’s a family that has the will to power, and

Speaker 0: So I would be surprised if social media starts cracking down on pointing out that the Biden administration. Right? Signs competent. Male agents to protect Jay Biden, but deliberately assigns incompetent female agents to comprise much of the team booking after Donald Trump. Right.

Soon is gonna be called conspiracy, theo authorizing disinformation, and people will start being kicked off social media. Or pointing out these obvious discrepancies.

Speaker 6: I guess, the rest of federal government is suffering from it.

Speaker 8: , another story we were looking at. And by the way, let me stay on this thing here just to kinda show you to get your thoughts on this. And I don’t know how much it is your following or now. So the first thing I did, I, I wanna know who are… , chief of, a, a secret service agent head is.

And you’ll see, she’ll come up here Kimberly C. Okay? So you can go look her up and what our background is, Kimberly G and American Law enforcement Officer who served as a 27 director to United States Service, secret service. Let me see how many of the past. We’ve had as female, Okay.

Boom boom boom boom boom.

Speaker 6: She’s the first female.

Speaker 8: Plus, Julie appears is the second 1 under Barack Obama, So it looks like we had 2 of them, 1 under Obama and 1 other Joe Biden. Okay? Is what we see here. And if I go back and I read her background, what she did. Joined secret service 19 95, Dick Cheney, Obama.

She did some other work budget wise. She served as a senior director of Global Security Pep Cola where she was responsible for directing and implementing security protocols for company’s facilities in North America of a role in involves development risk management. And then I saw, a, anne c, post this saying female secret service agent, fail situational judgment course, ability to separate gunmen from innocent civilians, Kimberly C authorized her graduation anyway, in order to fill the girl quota. I don’t know how much credibility is behind this or not, But when I went over here and I looked at some of this stuff. This becomes deeply concerning.

Do you think America and specifically, president Biden and maybe the, opposing side is sitting there saying, listen. Maybe this D stuff is a bad idea. Definitely when it comes out to secret service. Definitely when it comes out to protection, definitely when it comes out to certain things. For example, as a father.

I got 4 kids. I don’t want a babysitter to be a guy. I just don’t. I want a babysitter to be a woman because she’s more gentle loving. A different way of taking care of my kids, there’s certain jobs.

I don’t I don’t want a man to do the job. I want a woman to do the job. When it comes out to protecting the president, the potential president. This is not a place where D becomes an argument. Do you think this is gonna cause people on the opposing side to say, guys, this is a terrible idea.

We gotta get rid of this idea permanently moving forward, let’s have men protect our presidents in the future.

Speaker 6: I don’t think it’ll change the left opinion until it affects someone of the left cares about. If if… I mean, when you see some of the awful comments made by the left about encouraging people to aim better. It’s it’s ugly. I I don’t think the left will change their opinion until they’re made to suffer…

They’re made to live with the consequences of their social engineered, politically, incorrect, or politically correct, paradigm. Again, whether you’re the pilot of Air force 1, whether you’re protecting the president, whether you’re a submarine captain. I don’t care What gender they are, who they sleep with? I don’t care. I just want them to do the exact job that is necessary and have maximum have a well of capability.

To do that job. And when you inject race, and gender and sexual preference and whatever else into it, it is distracting from the mission. America was built as being a merit, and this is a fundamental difference, It’s it it’s a Soviet privatization of America, based on bay… So that all appointments are based on politics, not based on merit.

Speaker 8: Yeah. Because, , I was disappointed to see that Joe biden didn’t have any secret service members that were Gay or trans, and they were all white males, kinda little… , according to their own words. It’s a little this phone?

Speaker 0: Yeah. How how come Jay biden on it guest to have white male security?

Speaker 8: So you have white male protected you. Why don’t you trust, women or gays and lesbian to protect you a little bit contradictory. I was a little bit concerned that he wasn’t being in aligned with zone philosophies when I saw that.

Speaker 6: Listen, a word warning. I have 1 percent left on my phone. So I’m about to die here.

Speaker 8: And I’m gonna keep you this last 1 here. We saw the Rn c coordinator for secret service. She said the final 1 words here. I’ll show you to you. And I wanna get your thoughts on how…

You feel right now, being at the Rn and how safe you feel for the president. Here’s a clip of what to, she had to say. Rob, if you have it, Actually, I found it myself. So if you guys can approve it, I can play it, so we can get a reaction from him. Let me do it.

Speaker 0: Come on, guys. Get your act together here. Oh, man.

Speaker 6: You there better?

Speaker 0: Okay. Forget it. Bloody, Hell. Trying to run a show here. But, let’s get some Nicholas.

Speaker 9: Instances was to reassure at least Democrats because he’s obviously not reassuring anybody else. That he has at least some of his marvel, and he felt that that’s spectacularly what you can read through all of the coverage. But beyond that on a on a on a kind of meta substance level he could have explained that he was re… He he represented a return to normalcy. There are ways that he could pay a very positive picture about the past 4 years and that he came in at 1 of the most fucked up moments in American history, and actually, almost all major indicators are better now than than they were when he took office, and he was incapable of doing that.

Speaker 1: So I I think it’s worth going back right here. Know, we’re gonna talk about style to the point where Biden says, I think it was during 1 of the debates, as he was running. I am the Democratic party. Because what we’re actually seeing it here as the debate about Biden agent in remedy is going on is is the reverse is that it… Instead of the the democratic party being a kind of , body and he’s the head and just…

They’re just doing what he says, and the the party has become, , the the Biden, like, Biden wishes. It really seems like the revert, is happening. No. It’s not just that it seems like the reverse is happening. It’s that Biden staff is explicitly as far as I can tell at least through back channels, making the argument that Biden in front doesn’t matter that much because the staff Apparatus, the White house, all of the all of the Bureau, they can all…

They’re in charge and they can make the decisions and they can make all of this work and that’s not how it’s supposed to work. We didn’t elect those people, The… It is Biden who is who is president and who is running for president. And we have a situation in which, the the actual president. Like, they’re kinda making the argument that he’s…

It’s not quite that he’s an empty vessel. But the… That he just sort of does what, , that that the staff… Right, like, the decisions are and are are made by the staff, and he can just sort of come in and say, okay. No.

Maybe choice a rather than choice b, but it’s fundamentally a staff operation. And that is not how it’s supposed to work. And it is really strange to see that especially after Republicans made that argument during the initial Trump years, Democrats was like, that’s crazy. That’s bad. We shouldn’t have a president who can’t be president.

Speaker 9: I I think, , another way of was saying that Peter, that gets to… What is actually going on in terms of politics is said Trump is the Republican party at this point. Whatever he says, , we’re at these these 2 parties no longer have c… They don’t represent coherent, a a coherent group of interest groups. And…

But whatever Trump says becomes what Republicans believe and they fall into Locks Biden does not have the charisma or the power of the internet. Alright.

Speaker 0: This is 1 of the most stupid ignorant comments that I hear among pun all the time. I mean, Nicholas Gillespie. Right? I I believe he has a Phd, he should know better. Right?

If Donald Trump stepped outside of right wing tendencies. Right? He would no longer. Be dominant on the right. The idea that, conservatives or Republicans are simply locks with Donald Trump, is not true, Donald Trump has to fit in with right wing tendencies.

So let’s just talk about Derek between Democrats and Republicans. Right? Stereotypes about Democrats sweaty, disorderly off offhand imaginative tolerant, skill at give and take. I prioritized Reading here from a 20 24 book, the second edition, of pre Liberals conservatives and the biology of political differences. Right.

Stereotypes about Republicans. Respectable. Sober but purposeful. Self righteous cut dried boring. Right?

If Donald Trump does not appeal. To these tendencies on the right, he would not have the support of Republicans. Right? If you’re on the left or if you’re on the right That means you likely have different tastes, not just in politics, but in art, in humor, in food, life, acc in leisure. Right, Republicans democrats differ in how they collect information, how they think, how they view other people and events.

They have different neural architecture. They display distinct brain ways in certain circumstances. They have different personalities. They have different psychological tendencies. They pay attention to different stimuli.

They seem to have some different genetics. Right? People on the left and people on the right are emotionally, preferential, psychologically and biologically, distinct. Right? Down through history.

You’ve had a party of order and stability, and a party of progress and reform? You have parties of conservatism and that of innovation. Right? These are primal divides that go down through history. You have these predisposition.

So the reform party, the Democrats in this case is typically associated with support for equality, novel ways of doing things. The right? Is associated with support for authority, hierarchy order and traditional ways of doing things. Right? William Me Buckle, described a conservative of someone standing a thought history yelling stop.

But some people prefer hierarchical court decision making, People on the right, Others prefer egalitarian arrangements. Some people believe in share and share alike, people on the left, others believe everybody needs to take care of their own. Some people see out groups as threats, others see them as potential sources of friendship and knowledge. Alright? If you’re more likely to see strangers of threats, then you’re on the right.

If you see them as potential friends, you’re on the left. Some people are wedded to group’s traditional practices, That will place you on the political right. Other people can’t wait to try or endorse latest fad and lifestyles. At attitudes towards our groups, attitudes towards in group norm viola. Right?

Attitudes towards traditional as opposed to new lifestyles, attitudes towards strong assertive as opposed to gl and reflective leadership. Attitudes towards egalitarian as opposed to skewed distribution resources. Right. This distinguishes the right from the left. With the right, you have more of an aversion to our groups.

You have stricter punishment for people who violate norms. You have an eager to embrace traditional lifestyles. You have a desire for strong leaders, and you have a dislike of redistribution, particularly if it benefits outsiders. On the left, you have more of an openers openness to our groups. You have more support for lenient punishment of known viola.

You have more eager to embrace new lifestyles and you have suspicion strong leaders. And you have a desire for egalitarian redistribution. Alright? These are left right differences, that work back in history for thousands of years. Right Donald Trump is the Republican leader because he more effectively speaks to these right wing impulses than other people in the Republican party At there’s nothing inherently at right wing about supporting small government or free markets or free trade or low marginal tax rates.

Right? That is not something this distinctive right wing. It’s distinctive right wing at a certain time of place in American political history, but that does not echoed down through history. Right people, who have a high identification, and a sense of cohesion and trust with their own in group, right, people who have a high in group ethnic racial religious in group identity. Right, They don’t really care that much about marginal rates on capital gains.

Speaker 9: Energy to do that with the Democratic coalition, the Democratic coalition is not willing to fall in line, which is 1 of the reasons why, on things like Israel for instance in a variety of policies. He has spent more money. I mean, this is 1 of the things that his champions say, he has passed more major legislation in 4 years than lend Lyndon Johnson. … He’s like Fdr.

And it’s still not satisfying large parts of the Democratic coalition, he can’t pull off what Trump has pulled off.

Speaker 10: Building on Peter’s point, the couple of things that I found jarring about this sort of, like, the puppet president sense was that as literal first words of the press conferences that I got this list here that I’ve been given of all the people I’m going to call on. I didn’t like that too much. And, at some point, he was talking about how he was, like, talking about his staff and that they basically kind of leak. Too much information And then he… Then he, oh, I’m gonna get in trouble with Jill on that.

And he just kept be bizarre cutting off his, thoughts in mid sentence by saying anyway, Oh, which really gave the impression that he saw someone in the crowd making the finger against the throat. Like, a gesture when he was rambling on about, like, chip factories in South Korea or Hong kong or whatever that you’re talking about. So, all of that was kind of distressing on the on the actual, like, policy front, rather than some of his slogan such as we’re gonna end corporate grade. He really said end corporate grades Crazy. And also control guns not girls.

He just sort of screened out towards the end. But actual policy, he at some point said, we no longer live in a cold war university post war order is kind of, over. And so what’s gonna replace it. And I’m I was in their audience going, hey. I’m glad to hear that conversation.

Of course, he didn’t. Say anything about what’s gonna replace it He just says, I have an idea and then, , the opponents don’t have an idea.

Speaker 3: I

Speaker 6: don’t think

Speaker 10: I don’t say anyway. Oh, anyway, I think that that is, brilliant encapsulation or encapsulation encapsulation of what’s wrong with the kind of, fatigue lan. Who are trying, like, like, hell to fight against the that populace such as Donald Trump and and other people in in Europe, like Victor Or, they just say that we gotta keep doing this because it’s been what we’ve been doing forever, and they are not articulating, a, a new vision that has anything to do with reconnecting with a kind of democratic legitimacy that these institutions need or else they are going to with away 1 by 1. Alright. As previously, tease, what act

Speaker 0: Okay. This is Susan Glass, journalist from the New Yorker very much a woman of the last

Speaker 5: 2 that’s hardly aired at all, which is is Biden fit to govern for 4 more years. And I suspect that the voting public has a strong conclusion that the answer is know. And that actually far from elites being the 1 who are hound poor Joe Biden man of the people out, that it’s the elites who have in some ways, refused to look at the evidence in front of their eyes because it it didn’t suit the democratic party to have this being fight beforehand or because they were worried about Kamala Harris or whatever the reasons were. But I just feel like independent of the enormous threat that Trump posed the country, I would like to look some of those people in the eye and say, can you really tell me that you truly believe that Joe Biden is in a position, Not where he is today at a 81 for but that you think honestly looking at his trajectory the last few years that in age 85, he’s gonna be a good president of the United States. And I I just…

I’m not sure that anyone can honestly give me an answer of yes to that.

Speaker 11: Can I follow up with that and ask Mike the question?

Speaker 0: So this susan glass is really good in this. Chris she’s about air. And I mean, look, there’s nobody

Speaker 9: else in the party who has a better argument that they’re ready to be present on day 1. Okay? Then her, so that would be my feeling on it if he were to step aside.

Speaker 11: And, Susan, they’re trying to give her a sort of a second look what is it that has made her pretty unpopular in the country? And is it sort of soft factors that can be overcome? Or is the die kind of cast for Kamala Harris at this point?

Speaker 5: Well, that’s a great question. I think it depends on what your diagnosis is about… Her unpopular. Because if it is things about her political positioning or how she’s performed as vice president or the overall record of the administration, those things can probably be addressed politically. If there’s a certain bias factor against her because of how she presents and who she is.

That’s a lot harder to overcome. But to, Jason’s point, Biden problem is that his singular liability is his age. And not only is that a chronic condition for him, it is a chronically worsening condition, and we are all watching that play out. In real time. And I think that’s part of the reality of some of the political conversations that democrats are having at least in public around Biden is there sq ness at addressing this.

It’s not like other kinds of political handicap in the sense that it’s not a communications problem that Biden has primarily, although he does have 1, it is an age problem that he has. I think that it wouldn’t have become so salient and such a source of panic for Democrats, even had it manifested in the way that it’s manifested, which is that the president United States at the moment is essentially taken off the board as an effective… Communicator. And this goes to, I think these really fundamental questions that we’re having and at a shockingly late point of in a presidential election cycle. Right?

In July. We’re already in July and we’re having this debate about what’s the narrative. What’s the election about what’s it gonna be about? Well guess what. For all those people who are, I think very generously grading Biden on a curve about that press conference, last night, the bottom on is, what’s 1 of the key early questions that he fumble and stumbled over and had a hard time giving him a good answer to.

It’s the question of, essentially, why are you running against Donald Trump, and, he can’t answer that in a compelling way. And what’s really striking. Is that he couldn’t answer that in a compelling way more than a year ago when he announced his reelection campaign, and it didn’t probably get the attention that it should at the time. I went back this week and rewatch the press conference that he gave. The week that he announced his election bin.

And he was asked a question at that time. The same question that he was asked this week, he was asked by Abc abc’s Mary Bruce. Simple question softball question for a politician, why are you running again? And he gave a nearly 700 word answer that was word salad. It was like, Feel good.

Well, I wanna finish the job. What job. What this week when he was asked, what job are you on finish here, sir, He he started rambling on about trickle down economics and how when he was a senator, he really cared about this and stuff like that. That is not prose an effective case unfortunately, against Donald Trump. And so that’s kind of a circular way of just getting back to your Kamala Harris question, but I think it’s very relevant to Jason’s point, which is She’s got the liabilities of being in the Biden Harris administration and the record, but she’s not out there with the potential upside of being the candidate.

And that seems to be where the center of this conversation has landed that if it’s not gonna be Biden, it seems much more likely to me, that would be Harris, whereas in the immediate aftermath of debate, people were all sorts of scenarios were kind of out there. And I I now discount those scenarios, and I now think that if he steps aside is pushed out that she would be the nominee.

Speaker 9: I enter that and have voters. Including democratic delegates think that that was in any way acceptable for them to do that.

Speaker 11: Everyone’s nodding is it… That’s say we all. It sounds like yeah.

Speaker 12: I add another, like, at the risk of adding some optimism here. I do think that it’s worth remembering in early 20 20 after… Biden it performed poorly in the first couple of outing, and then was t by Sanders in the Nevada caucus, that the same set of quote democratic establishment of leads, managed almost overnight to get Bloomberg Warren and P, and basically, everybody out of the primary, and everybody agreeing that Biden was… Right.

Speaker 0: It was a collective democrat party decision. But to have a senior old man be the the president of the United States leads to the democratic nominee.

Speaker 12: Important that in trump. And in that moment, Biden didn’t become any better presidential candidate than he wants the day before. And, like, the reasons people had, reservations if they did, then I didn’t get cleared up by that. But the fact that all of those candidates said, nope. This more important role there.

Just, like changed it overnight.

Speaker 5: Yeah. But they’re doing what Biden doesn’t seem to have the willingness to do. I mean, he… Part of the issue that I’ve seen that’s made people so furious in the last few weeks again, I’m talking about Democrats, supporters of Biden is his perceived choice of himself at the, potential expense of not just the party, but the country. And that’s been reinforced, of course, by the insular nature of his decision making, the small inner circle.

Listening to Hunter Biden counsel bringing him to formal White House meetings. I have literally talked to people who are just incandescent with rage over the idea that hunter Biden is being involved in making this decision rather than people who have a long record of not only running and winning campaigns, but a service to the country. And that I think is really upsetting people verizon original failed efforts at damage control Were very revealing when he spoke, he spoke about himself, and that answer was it just incredible answer that he gave to George Stephan when he said that essentially, I’ll give it my all as opposed to thinking about…

Speaker 13: And you

Speaker 5: winning and losing in the existential terms. He’s framed bitch to the country. So I just think that’s important to point out, but I actually had a question thinking for Mike, that I’m very interested in.

Speaker 0: Okay. That was Susan Glass makes some good points. Right, His Bob break

Speaker 13: reports us. I’ve been speaking with some top democrats. They believe that those democrats who have the concerns about president Biden are now. Standing down politically will back president Biden because of its fragile political moment. All of that talk about the debate, evade almost instantly among my top democratic sources As this unfolded, it say it’s time for the country to stick together, and that means Democrats sticking together as well.

Faded almost instantly, and it appears now. The Biden campaign, it wants to use the current political moment actually to accent, Biden at least alleged, political strengths. We should not forget though that before that assassination. This was the big… Or attempted assassination.

It was the biggest story in the country, and it was a moment of genuine crisis. In fact, the very day of the attempted assassination. President Biden had an insane , interaction with members of the House Democrats. Just gonna put this up there on the screen, and I’ll read from this entire thing. So there’s this, , the new Democrats it’s a coalition on Capitol Hill.

They decide to have a Zoom call with President Biden. So Biden apparently showed up late to the meeting. He then referred to a congressman who has a bronze star quote, somewhat uni unintelligible and then pulled back before saying more. Sources were telling reporters that they were, quote, a gas, and they took it as deeply inappropriate. That was just the first of a crazy confrontation, basically insulting a congressman with a bronze star, who was confronting him on his ability to continue running.

Let’s go to the next part here to just continue to look down a little bit. There… This was also a crazy moment and similarly… Literally, out of something like V. During the Biden call, with the congressional progressive caucus the president said that his staff passed him a note, saying, stay positive.

You are sounding defensive. Biden then read the note aloud, according to the participants that were actually on the phone call. So literally, reading the note aloud, almost like some sort of ron Burgundy situation. And in every 1 of these congressional meetings, like, I’m pulling up the detail.

Speaker 0: Right. And this is the guy with the Nuclear could. Right. Looking at Ax axiom. Alright.

Motor photographers worry privately in conversations with Ax axiom that the viral images from the Trump rally, Trump assassination are could turn into a photo gander, propaganda with a Trump campaign using them to further their agenda despite the photographer intent of capturing a news event, so they’re very concerned that Donald Trump will get some benefit. Right. Photo editor and photographer from a immediate news outlets said the amount, The publications have been using Evans photo is kind of free p for Trump, and it’s dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is. Right. They don’t want good photos Donald Trump.

If you follow the New York tires as closely as I do, you’ll notice that they consistently use. The best vote as possible of the Democrats, and they tend to use the west as possible. For conservatives and Republicans. Okay. So carrying on on…

When I was talking about the fundamental differences between left and right, Here we got a former adviser to Rob Portman. Right? That amazing senator from Ohio who supports same sex marriage. Right? Brian Reed says the Republican party’s platform isn’t remotely conservative.

Right? He has absolutely no understanding of the traditional, inclination on the left and right that go back thousands of years. He thinks somehow being right wing and conservative and Republican has to do with free markets and small government and free trade. And none of these things are important to the right wing. And this is the Washington post here.

Bloody hell mate? Great. I I just turned to you and and you stop working. Thanks a lot. I’m I’m trying to run trying to run a show here.

You’re letting me down mate letting me down. Okay.

Speaker 13: Else , here in front of me. With moderate house Democrats, not only did that situation have, with Jason Crow. But you had 1 lawmaker who said on the call, quote, that was a complete disaster. We saw the same Joe Biden from the debate, Another lawmaker says it was awful. A third says members were not holding back.

It got tense with Crow for sure. Crowe was the person who told him that he should drop out of the race. At 1 point, they… 2 representatives grilled Biden on how he plans to turn his campaign around. In response, they asked Biden how you’re gonna win back disinfectant voters.


Speaker 0: Oh, okay. Big theme in the news media is how crazy it is that many people see the hand of God. In Donald Trump surviving being shot with an Ar 15. And I’m not going to decree whether it is crazy or not. I’m just gonna note the obvious that there are many advantages to seeing the hand of God in the world.

Right? It’s going to make the world more magical. It’s gonna to give life more meaning It should give you more strength. It should better connect you to your in group if you’re in group or a bunch of believers. Right there are many.

Profound atheist evolutionary reasons why is probably a good idea to see the hand of God. In Donald Trump, surviving being shot by an Ar 15.

Speaker 13: Said then, that part of his plan… Was that members need to do a better job advertising his administration’s accomplishments. So he told them, you’re the problem. Actually, you’re the ones who need to go out there and you need to show what I have done for you. As another congressman highlighted his distressing polling numbers, Biden quote, tried to interrupt adding in caveats.

We’re having… The congressman that having to interject to finish your question, Crowe question, the Bronze star recipient, prompted what 2 members were described as shouting from Biden who went off in a tangent, challenge that congressman to, quote, name me a foreign leader who thinks I’m not the most effective leader

Speaker 0: as if any of them

Speaker 13: are gonna talk to a random, house Democrat. He says tell me who the hell that is. Biden continued. He says that it was dead wrong that foreign leaders didn’t lack confidence him, in him, and he said, cool, I don’t wanna hear that crap. He then started continuing to shout at Jason Crow for no reason, another source told po…

Oh, ax axiom that Biden answers stress at the exchange ended then on a positive note, where Biden cut things off at the end, he said, if you’re really getting input then I’m not strong enough. And I’d like to know more detail because I want to deal with it. He then departed early from the call despite showing up late, He said, I need to go to mass. Then another 1 of the congressman who actually said who was up next for wanting to have a question. He was cut off.

His staff basically pulling Biden from the call, saying he has to go to mass. Before they got to another congressman who said that he thinks that Biden should drop out of the race. That guy apparently was very unhappy, that that happened. So look, I mean, this is all crazy. And it’s also very telling too that it…

This was part of the new Democratic coalition, the quote unquote, moderates, not really people we would agree with much. On this show. But to look to them and actually… See that they apparently had a lot more courage in their confrontation with President Biden as opposed to the so called congressional progressive caucus, which barely confronted him at all. That really does highlight kind of what the political dynamics here are.

Is that a lot of the people who have a lot on the line, maybe in terms of swing state Democrats and others. They are the ones who paying most attention to this, but this does appear to have smooth

Speaker 0: So having trouble with my host for my website had all these points that I wanted to share with you from my website, but my website’s has been down much of the last 12 hours. My god, the the hosting from name cheap is just pathetic. Okay. Oh, I’ll talk to you blogs later. Bye bye.