Decoding The Brawl Outside Adas Torah Synagogue (6-24-24)

A friend says:

Luke, your Samuel Pepys like reports Decoding The Brawl were excellent. It’s fascinating to see the differences in New York and LA. There is a small group of Israelis in New York who push back, but it’s very different than what it was like when I grew up.
In the late 60’s and 70’s there was still a connection between the past (Holocaust) and the future (decaying neighborhoods being overrun by blacks) and that created a class of tough and physical Jews. Torah Dojo was a Karate school all around the New York Area. We weren’t Bugsy Seigel, but we did want to learn to defend ourselves. And the people in Tora DoJo were primarily over-educated high IQ Ashkenasim.
When my kids were younger I got them into Jiu Jitsu just so they would have a taste of the world outside their Jewish day schools.

Podnotes AI transcript:

Speaker 0: 40 here there’s a big crawl quiet. Yesterday outside dos torres Synagogue in Pi robinson, So Dos To is the most religiously right wing Synagogue probably in Los Angeles. Dos and they were holding in a event there poor by in Israel and there was fairly strong Pro Palestine, protests that showed up, and so 1 of the big differences between the way the Pro Palestine and crowd protests. In the way that Jews protests is that the the Jews tend to be more hyper verbal in the pro Palestine in the crowd tends to get more physical. So the pro palestine crowd in this event, they they formed a line and tried to prevent people from getting into Synagogue.

So Jews certainly know how to protest, But I I just can’t imagine jews forming a line to prevent people from going. Into a church or a mask or or anywhere. It’s just not a tactic that I ever aware of Jews using but I also saw this at Ucla when they were cooling protests at Ucla just before, I think the start of passover the pro palestine for a big line to prevent the the jews from entering their pro Israel protest. And Billy you important distinction because often the jews are hyper verbal, and the Jews will often say things that that take my breath away that I go, 0II think that’s it import taste. But los Angeles Jews are not like other Jews.

Alright? They are far more willing to fight back, Right? Than any other Jewish City at which I’m aware. Right? The the most visceral most violent Jewish counter protests.

To this wave of pro Palestine protest has come in Los Angeles in West Los Angeles at Ucla now 5 miles away in Pi Robertson. So Jews of Los Angeles are willing to fight for their rights. Alright. They’re not gonna just take things to the matter of public relations and lawsuits and lobbying. Right?

That they’re going to fight back. Alright. So lot of news coverage. Right? Might have been about the number 1 story in Los Angeles.

Speaker 1: Mayor and police chief will be meeting today to

Speaker 2: talk about safety following this weekend’s violent clashes outside of a pico Robertson Synagogue.

Speaker 3: I witnessed news support mon accident. Is live this morning with the latest monica. Well, Good morning. And John and Rachel that violence broke here outside of this it’s Synagogue off of Bi Boulevard between Pro Palestinian protesters and counter protests.

Speaker 0: And so I think when when non jews hear about the term Synagogue, they think of it in terms so they understand such as a church. And so all these political statements about the brawl from president Joe Biden to governor Gavin News to the mayor of Los Angeles Karen Bass all refer to a Synagogue as a house of worship. A Synagogue is not a house of worship. A Synagogue is a place of meeting It’s called a beat canes? The the hebrew reward for a Synagogue is bacon and, means a place of meeting.

It it’s not primarily a house of prayer. It’s not primarily a house of worship. Right is primarily a place of meeting. And this event was about buying land in Israel It it wasn’t about jews trying to pray.

Speaker 3: Sir, and there were some heated moments watch. Stop That was just 1 of the sc that unfolded yesterday, but there were also other heated verbal confrontations, some escalating to physical fighting. At some point, Ballet pulls showed up in riot gear trying to restore order here. Please say 1 person was arrested for possession of a prohibited item, a spiked flight lag.

Speaker 4: I just wanted to see what happened here. And I wanna see what’s going on. As soon as I came, so I give me a straight to the house. I no problem Kept them there for, like, a minute. Because I I fell straight to the ground, and now the culture…

I know, like, hold them and over here. Just to kinda like get a

Speaker 3: Governor news some issued a statement to calling the violent clash outside the To a Synagogue appalling, adding there is no excuse for targeting a house of worship. Mayor Karen Bass is calling on Lapd to provide additional patrols in the Pico Robertson community, as well as other house of worship throughout the city, saying a, quote, Los Angeles will not be a harbor anti semitism and violence. Those responsible for either will be found as held accountable. Now today’s meeting between the mayor and Chief Troy, will focus on safety for all Angel and we’re told the mayor also plans to meet with the Jewish fed creation of Los Angeles Rabbi to talk about how they can take steps move forward together.

Speaker 5: Hello, I Mark Brown.

Speaker 4: Get I

Speaker 0: made boring news reporting. I mean, this was a a visceral event, but but the news reporting is pious because the news still seems to approach events it still seems to approach its task like at nineteenth century, Victorian gentleman. And and they just want to sanitize events and and make the much more pious, like, oh, , how can we reduce the threat

Speaker 1: of police mayor and police chief will be meeting today to

Speaker 2: talk about safety following this weekend’s violent clashes outside.

Speaker 0: Did I did I already play that? Okay. Let’s get something else here K Cow news at a different perspective.

Speaker 6: Breaking news now at 5 Pro Palestinian and pro Israeli protesters clashing and people Robertson, fighting in the streets of the Heavily Jewish neighborhood, Lapd officers responding in Riot gear. So all started this afternoon and pro Palestinian supporters gathered outside of the Abbas tourist Synagogue, were told they tried to block the entrance and were met by the Pro Israel demonstrators.

Speaker 7: And just about a half hour ago, Sky Cal was over, what looked like an unruly crowd. You can see some people getting into a situation. The air. It was pushing shoving things getting out of hand between the dueling protesters police struggling to contain that crowd. And another

Speaker 0: thanksgiving getting out of hand. This is exactly why a lot of people showed up to this clash, of both sides. Alright? We live in intense time. Of of war between Israel and its enemies and people on both sides of the conflict what’s some kind of physical outlet for their rage

Speaker 7: Tense moment today when police officers rushed in guns drawn, you see it here to break up a confrontation between protesters at a gas station, 2 people were yelling from a range they were detained, at police then pulled a toddler out of a car seat in the back of that car. Earlier…

Speaker 0: What’s interesting on x is how bird both sides are portraying it Though their side is just purely innocent. And the other side is just hunting people down for sport.

Speaker 7: Here we spoke to a rabbi about the violence.

Speaker 8: This doesn’t belong here. I don’t think the Jewish people will go in front of a mosque on or Christian people. Going in front of a mosque can do such a think. Nobody will accept this. But here.

Speaker 0: That’s true. That this is not… A Jewish type of protest. Right? Jews don’t tend to form lines to prevent people from going to a a church, or a mask.

Speaker 8: When it comes to Jews and Israel, everything is kosher. Everything is okay.

Speaker 6: Tonight, the total number of people arrested or detained is such

Speaker 0: So Rabbi Hurts. Alright, Rabbi to the stars. He’s also hilarious. Alright? The the vet has the, like, cutting thanks to say they would just crack you up.

Speaker 6: Still unclear. And with that, are Laurie, Perez is live in Pi Robertson tonight with the latest Laura what’s going on from your vantage. Point.

Speaker 9: Well, it’s still a very intense situation here though, I will tell you that just moments ago, the crowd that had been here at pico and Crest move down crest headed toward Wi, still, though, here outside of the Synagogue that you mentioned, a line of police cars a big crowd of police officers are now stationed at the entrance of the Synagogue across the street. I’ll tell you. I knew about this, protest plans for days now. Since I think Tuesday, which means Lap lapd knew about it as well, which means anybody who knew about it, About a protest, the pro Palestinian protest happening here. And a predominantly Jewish neighborhood knew that there were going to be issues and indeed there have been as you said, since about 12:00 this afternoon, things have just been intense emotions very high on the streets as pro Palestinian protesters have clashed with Jewish locals here, in Pe Robertson, has gotten very ugly.

We were here. We witnessed several

Speaker 0: Well, whether it’s ugly that or it depends upon your your point of view for a lot of people at this protest. This was beautiful. Alright? It it was an opportunity. To make what they’re feeling inside an opportunity to take others those awkward and uncomfortable, , filled with rage feelings inside and physically express them.

Speaker 9: People getting arrested and we know that several people were arrested before that, as well. Again, the crowd had has moved away from here, but people…

Speaker 0: Right. If if you’ve been to a synagogue. Right. Tell me if you think house of Worship is the most appropriate title for des descriptive for a synagogue. It’s absurd.

Alright? I… I’m sure that there are synagogue that primarily about Worshiping God. But that’s very much the exception. Right?

Synagogue are overwhelmingly places of meeting, of which there will be some worship, some some prayers, some studies, some social, at many different components.

Speaker 9: People who are here on the streets are not letting their guard down they think that… Going to be another, confrontation, which people are trying to avoid. We did see…

Speaker 0: People in avoid. Some people to try to avoid confrontation, but a ton of people are dying for confrontation up both sides. Right? The the Los Angeles Jewish community is very different from pretty much every other Jewish community in the Dia. So Steve Sailor wrote about this.

05/15/2024 Attackers mag in the most final episode so far in the vastly public publicized campus protests against Israel’s War on Gaza, the end of April Lagoon Squad of Nationalist Whites, attack the en enactment of diverse Uc while police stood back, let the militia whale on the pro Palestinian demonstrators for a few hours. Finally the cops got between the protesters and the attacking counter protesters, then let the ins indicators go. The next night, the police dismantled the en and arrested over 200 anti Israel activist. So in an era when the establishment ob obsessive over right wing violence, I remember last year, president Biden declared, why it’s a supremacy. This is a single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland, I might think that the brawl at Ucla would by now be obviously exhaustive reported as January sixth or Charlottesville.

But instead, have to read news accounts closely to even guess who the hard man at Ucla were. But the hard man at Ucla in that counter s word jews. Right? So Ucla receives more undergraduate applications than any other college. Right?

It’s already pulled ahead of Uc Berkeley in the in the metrics. In the the rankings. And Has been. It was not particularly vicious. Right?

Nobody died it. Don’t think anyone got any permanent injuries, just some punching and and kicking. But he had a right wing mob. And if they’ve been wearing make America great again Baseball caps or shouting Christ is king, or singing Russian songs about crushing Ukraine. Right?

The struggle on the Ucla quad would be the biggest news story of the year. And it said the New york tides, the Washington post. And all these news stories about the brawl at Industrial. They all try to make it. As boring as possible.

Right? And so the New York tires watch post reporting are the Ucla counterpart apparatus published lengthy investigative piece demonstrating conclusive, the outside ag educators ins indicated the night of violence in front of Ucla Royce Hall to but who were these right wing thugs, both newspapers are extremely re about that key question. Like, who were the thugs. So you to read closely, get to the 20 eighth paragraph in the Washington post report. You finally given a few tu clues by evening.

Large crowd had gathered outside the protest came mu, My man was dressed in Israeli flag, wore hoodies with slogan demanding the return of Israeli hostages, kidnapped by hamas. At 10:48PM counter, protesters bla, Abu Dhabi in Israeli Wartime Anthem, calling for retribution for October 7, Suddenly, they rushed forward side point metal fences away from security guards stationed at the perimeter of the en. So these counter protesters were wearing pro Israel’s Slogan, learning music, the Israeli National Anthem, the Hebrew, children’s song, and a song about the Id forces in Gaza. So Hub dhabi was a Rap song in Hebrew written in the wake of October 7 that number 1 on the Israeli charts. It is a rough translation of it.

A bunch of fuck rat getting out of the Tunnels acting like bugs, you idiots I swear there will be no forgiveness. Who do you think you’re coming here to yell. Palestine for free out. Use sons of Am, hot bomb squad left right left, or how the whole country in uniform from the Galilee to a lot fighters. We brought the whole army I swear there will be no forgiveness.

The song ends with what sounds like a call for the Israeli defense forces system to murder several pretty female celebrities in the West, outspoken pro Palestinian such as but Bella Had Du a lip and Mia Khalifa. Every dog gets what he deserves in the end, all Id units are coming to do Abu Da on their head. So who were the Ucla attackers, they went largely Israelis, Israeli Americans and other jews. Right. Not Ash.


Speaker 9: People from both sides trying to talk to 1 another, the kind of calmly but it did not seem to be going anywhere. And, for right now,

Speaker 0: Yeah. Where are the politicians? Say there are good people on both sides.

Speaker 9: Things have calmed down at this location where we are, but we are gonna try and see if we can… Follow the protesters to ensure that nothing else happens.

Speaker 0: Oh, you’re gonna follow them to ensure nothing else happens because you would really be able to, stop anything else happening. Alright. So let’s see

Speaker 10: Violent clashes broke out in. Los Angeles Eric Synagogue.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Now I got killed. Now it got permanently injured a few people got bloody.

Speaker 10: Called yesterday morning. After pro Palestinian protesters sc with counter protesters. Police in Riot gear showed up to try to restore order. And as you can see, video online shows punches being thrown and keeping vessel to the ground. Abc abc’s Alex Stone is in Los Angeles following the latest developments?

Alex, how did these violent clashes begin? And what do we know about who was involved?

Speaker 11: Well, Like, it blew up very quickly yesterday that this was an event that…

Speaker 0: Like, we got sc. I mean can’t really call this violent.

Speaker 11: Pro Palestinian protesters they had organized, around a real estate event that was gonna be going on at the Synagogue, a large synagogue in the Pico Robertson neighborhood of La. That is a predominantly Jewish neighborhood of La, probably the most prominent Jewish neighborhood here in Los Angeles. And as this was going on outside the Synagogue, it went from a relatively small crowd to then quite a large crowd about a hundred 50 protesters.

Speaker 0: Yeah. So people are on both sides. Had known about this for days. Weeks in advance. The news media knew about this for days in advance.

Lapd knew about this for days and advance.

Speaker 11: And we’re outside. Trapping those who are trying to get into the synagogue, they were not able to to get in, and we heard from a rabbi saying that members or

Speaker 0: so those those yellow flags that you just saw. That’s for Re king Machine celebrating. The late re of K Above Men Sc.

Speaker 11: The Synagogue had to sneak their way in. They had to be shuttle in. Secretly getting into there, but then there were the clashes that went on, and it got quite violent the Lapd.

Speaker 0: So who participated it these clashes? Do you think it was doctors? Lawyers, dentists accountant s. It was generally lower Iq people on both sides who had less to lose. Right, you think married men with children were mixing it up.

I didn’t think so.

Speaker 11: Saying 1 arrest was made. Incredibly nobody was injured when you look at these images of how violent had god. That that nobody was injured in the end, but there were a lot of punches. A lot of kicks being thrown from both sides. The wanna arrest, A pro Israeli, protest who had a flag with a spike on the end of it, seen as a weapon here in La, but only 1 arrest.

Speaker 10: Now Alex, I know community leaders are speaking out, but how have California officials reacted to yesterday’s violence?

Speaker 11: Well, we’re hearing from a lot of different leaders today, Ike. And including president Biden, who today spoke out against the the violence. We’ve heard from Governor Gavin News as well, he was speaking today, and then this statement right here, from the Mayor of Karen Bass saying, blocking access to a place of worship is unacceptable. She’s calling on the Lapd now to provide extra patrols in the Pe Robertson neighborhood and saying that Los Angeles will not be a harbor, for anti summit, And violence saying that it just will not be allowed that there is a lot of disgust from what we’ve seen with the the 2 sides going after each other, Clearly, there have been a lot of protests on college campuses, but now, in this neighborhood, something that that the the leaders are saying no way to.

Speaker 10: Analogy, know, this is just the latest of anti semitic attacks that’s occurred across the country. How worried are leaders about this spreading?

Speaker 11: They are worried. That that these images will be seen and that people it is gonna anger people on both sides to say that they wanna get out and they wanna make their voices heard that they wanna be standing up for their side, and that is why you see here from governor Gavin News and Mayor Bass a moment ago and President Biden today of leaders calling for calm, saying enough that they don’t wanna see this kind of violence that they want it to be peaceful that they want first amendment right.

Speaker 0: A lot of people why to get violent. A lot of people got a lot of rage and they why to we express it.

Speaker 11: It’s to be adhered to that that they don’t wanna a police to to shut down, the ability to to protest and the right to protest, but that once it becomes violent and the Lapd to show up in riot Gear as they did yesterday, took a little bit of time for them to to get everybody together, but then to move in. There’s…

Speaker 0: Right. So if you’re gonna have a Jewish state, that comes with many advantages for Jews. Right. It creates a place that you’d hope would be safe. On the other hand, it also comes with this advantages.

Right? So anything that the Jewish state does such as this bloody war in Gaza, it’s going to reflect on Jews all the way around the world. So I noticed when I wear a Yam out and Israel’s at war. I get, , 5 times as many comments about jewish stuff from strangers. Okay.

So that big Suv. Alright. That was always running over people, that was occupied by some pro Palestine protesters.

Speaker 4: Always Have horn violence breaking out over the weekend in Los Angeles after Gru Tight. Israel ag educators block the entrance to a synagogue, sending fist flying in the right police response. Of course Jonathan Hunters Live in Los Angeles with the latest. Hello, Jonathan.

Speaker 5: Good morning, Mike. They were extraordinary scenes pitched battles. Being fought between pro palestinian protesters who targeted a synagogue and members of that synagogue and of the Jewish community that iran’s.

Speaker 0: Okay. They didn’t target the Synagogue. They targeted an event at the Synagogue selling land. In Israel, including 1 place on the West bank.

Speaker 5: This all taking place in the london of Los Angeles. In the middle of 1 of the city’s largest Jewish communities, about 100 pro Palestinian protesters descended on the area, Sunday morning and almost immediately violent.

Speaker 0: Okay. Those where it hits like a woman would hit someone on. If that’s if that’s violence, then violence is a love tap.

Speaker 5: Broke out as those protesters tried to block the entrance to Synagogue. Jewish counter protesters tried to push them back and for some time, violent fights broke

Speaker 0: Yeah. This is a a very common palestinian tactic. They they block access to to Jewish spaces. Right, provoking a physical confrontation. Now on the other hand, the nas things being said, from just what I’ve seen.

Right? If if you hear a comment, like, you deserve to get raped or you’re the c word. Right? It… Just in my experience last few weeks.

That’s been more likely to come from the pro Israel outside. So the pro palestine crowd, much more physically. Aggressive and much more physically confrontational, but the the pro Israel scientists to be much more verbally violent.

Speaker 5: Cow between the 2 sides.

Speaker 0: But when they’re screaming global Nevada, they’re screaming killed jews for being Jews and, , no.

Speaker 4: Not it’ll let that happen.

Speaker 5: Riot police intervened to try to keep the 2 groups apart

Speaker 0: Wait did they have a free speech right to say globalized the nevada? I you gotta admit that these pro palestine protesters had big balls coming to the heart of a Jewish community. To to try to block access to a synagogue.

Speaker 5: And clear the pro palestinian protesters from the Jewish neighborhood, but tensions remained high for several hours. Okay. 1 the point to 8.

Speaker 0: Do it into the show. David it anything that you’ve seen or read or heard about that you are a comment on?

Speaker 12: Yeah. I saw your video where, I guess you did Ir. I saw I started seeing on my Twitter, like, , look like, But , some people were, like, , like, a program and, , a few cases of violence. And I was mentioning as I saw more and more videos, it actually looked like there were more Jewish on Palestinian violence. So I’m not sure the layout if there was, if this spilled into multiple areas.

So you just have, like, the little case of sc going on outside of the Synagogue and then there were marches. And that there were , cases of, like, small cases of violence all over. And, like, I saw I saw multiple videos, like, people getting bearish sprayed and , just from small Twitter counts or small sc pushing?

Speaker 0: Okay. So… Yeah. It it it may very well be that the the pro side was was more initiating of planets. But that’s because the pro palestine crowd wanted to block off entrance to a synagogue.

So this is in the heart of a orthodox Jewish neighborhood that outraged people, so it’s a very common pro palestine tactic is to block off entrance to a jewish space. And then Jews become outraged. And try to fight their way through. But and and then the fire just spilled out all over the neighborhood. Alright.

Back to you.

Speaker 12: Well, it just look, I mean, just to clarify because it looked like on these various small Twitter accounts from the protesters. That the violence was actually, like, spilled over to multiple different areas and there even, like marches or or various things. I’m not sure if you’re saying this, if it wasn’t contained to just outside of the Synagogue but there were marches in cases of violence over, like, a multi block area,

Speaker 0: Yeah. Yeah. It’s spelled out all over the the neighborhood.

Speaker 12: Yes. I I’d give analysis because… I’ve never really seen violence like that. I mean, 1 thing, like, there’s listening to, like, you haven’t been in Israel.

Speaker 0: So Yes. I have my pain in Israel. Twice…

Speaker 12: I me for long period of times, you just visited for a trip. Right?

Speaker 0: Yeah. 2 trips.

Speaker 12: But I’m saying for, like, to see, like, regular prolonged protests in the different forms of protest.

Speaker 0: Oh, correct.

Speaker 12: Correct. I mean, because, like, , like, create, like, black traffic constantly, And if if it’s just, like, well, because, , Jews and America are minority, they don’t protest like that. But in Israel that maybe they do use those tactics and, , certainly in Israel, like, I’m not sure if blocking people, but, like, certainly blocking traffic, is, like, probably, like, the most common form of ko protest tactic.

Speaker 0: Yeah. It’s just not common in the United States for jews to block entrance to it to a church or a mosque.

Speaker 12: And I had a lot of points on this because, like, I filed this and I kinda love this stuff. But you’re just another comment you made, like, an La Juice fight back? Is there a racial component to that and saying it’s not in… African Jews in.

Speaker 0: Yes. Yeah. It’s very much a a racial component. It’s not Ash. Professionals who are doing the the fighting back.

It’s it’s Miss ra. It’s Fad. It’s it’s pungent jews, and it’s the lower iq, Ash Juice.

Speaker 12: And is there a neighborhood breakdown? Is this, like, in the poor section of the Orthodox area where this

Speaker 0: yeah. I mean, there… This is kind of

Speaker 4: the way they all.

Speaker 0: This is the middle. So they’re they’re more affluent. Oh, orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, and they’re are less affluent, and this is kinda like right in the middle.

Speaker 12: And it looked like a lot of times for these events. Like, the thug… The Jewish thugs came out. And if it’s sometimes they might be, like, from organizations, like, I saw the hit mirror. I mean, here we have showroom.

I don’t even know which Mir is? And I

Speaker 0: say Yeah. Jewish security patrol in the neighborhood.

Speaker 12: I’m are they respected or are they kinda, like, low lives?

Speaker 0: There are different opinions on them.

Speaker 12: Yeah. I remember Mean we discussed that, you’re going back when I was first in B Park. And you’re, like, a good Shiva guy, like, the good Toshiba people is, like, you stay the hell away from those, , like, Showroom and the Jewish protective services, and they weren’t, like, people that if they came into Synagogue, , like, what are you doing here and they’d be, like, worry, they’re they’re gonna do something something bad. But with the rising anti antisemitism or occurrences, they become more and more useful and over the last few years, of pricing anti semitism. A lot of these organizations have became legitimate because there is a strong element even within the weakest, , Jews that they do want Jews who could fight back, and, , therefore, And like, if if this event, I don’t know, like, , God forbid I know Jewish events in new York or maybe metro Detroit.

But, like, did all, like, the bombs and I’m not to put a majority, but did all, like, the tough guy thugs in the Jewish community come out and they were all there.

Speaker 0: Yeah. That… That’s nicely true.

Speaker 12: So I’m even, like, the hundred… And these aren’t, like, you guys that typically, like, learn Torah or sit in synagogue guides this.

Speaker 0: Right. People who learned Toro were up throwing punches. And and telling telling the the women of the pro Palestine antifa for crowd that they needed to get raped

Speaker 12: I, I don’t think that there would be such an event here in Metro Detroit, but It’s saying what like, in 10, was there actually, like, a legitimate base? Of some business transaction, like, some people, or or was it, like a completely fake event in order to incite protest in order to incite violence? Or was there actually some legit… For the actual event that was gonna to, like, have real estate deals,

Speaker 0: Oh, so the the the real estate, it was a real event, at at a real synagogue. It’s the no right wing. Religiously right wing Lithuania synagogue in the neighborhood. And I guess you had a hundred 50 pro protesters show up, and people on both sides had known that this was going down for for many days in events.

Speaker 12: Why I’m asking is it possible? It wasn’t a legitimate event in.

Speaker 0: It was a legitimate event.

Speaker 12: I that it was a it it was a provocation from the… From a right wing elements in the Jewish community. To have street fights and that there wasn’t no was it was a regular… It was a real it wasn’t.

Speaker 0: There’s was a real estate event. There’s a regular real estate event. And then because people are both sides knew that this was coming down, then you had people who were spoiling for a fight who who showed up. But the event itself was not some I excuse so that Jews could stop punching pro Palestine people. The the synagogue, is it’s not a a vita synagogue.

Alright? It’s it’s like a lithuania y shi Synagogue.

Speaker 12: I mean, so were there actually, like, wealthy people? What what, like, in the nature of the real estate deal, what was actually supposed to be going on in the legit digitization of, like, who has real estate to sell what type of property, , was it actually, like, business deals or or some sort of, like, Jared Kushner plan for how they can divide up gaza later?

Speaker 0: It was not about dividing up gaza later. It was for for buying land in Israel. And so the people who would be buying the land would obviously have a lot of money. Ada alas Torres is not populated by Sn.

Speaker 12: So it was like a real estate convention where you had real estate brokers

Speaker 0: It wasn’t a convention. It was a real estate meeting. It was 1… It was a program about buying real estate in Israel.

Speaker 12: I’m just trying to, like, understand because, like, I’ve never seen such a thing until the war broke out, and I know a lot of people who have bought property in Israel and and and saying, like, I could imagine you’d have, like, tables and, like, pictures a property and brokers and you go table a table. And, like, people, , who are thinking about buying property could, , meet and see possible deals and advertising communities, like, a Ou convention. I mean, sometimes they have conventions for, you, like, young people and, like, the rabbi from Detroit or the local young Israel will send people to the, like, the Ou convention and say they come to Detroit, and they’ll have, like, , like, a table and they’ll have, like, we have these pre loans and the schools and advertise everything trying to entice people to come to Detroit. And, like, I’ve never seen such a thing, but I could imagine some form of that, like… I mean, did you actually go inside and witness what was happening inside?

Speaker 0: No. I did not. And once again, it was not something me with a bunch. Of tables, and it wasn’t a convention. It was a meeting.

I would expect there would be 1, 2 or 3 presenters of it’s it’s a family… It was an upper class sober event for entrepreneurs. And people wishing to buy property in in Israel. So it wasn’t some, convention where you had 50 different tables out,

Speaker 12: So we’re where the thugs I’m were the police there… At the beginning or…

Speaker 0: Not really? No. Not really. So it was kind of an open season. It was open season for a while.

Speaker 12: Did the Synagogue? I mean, was it advertised how the Palestinians know about it?

Speaker 0: I it was… I I don’t know what the details, but it was it was well known event in the Jewish community. And so there there’d be people in the Jewish community who would sympathize with the Pro Palestine crowd. It wouldn’t be terribly hard to find out about it.

Speaker 12: Okay. I mean, it was, like, web or was it actually advertised. And the…

Speaker 0: I don’t know the details. That doesn’t strike me is particularly interesting. Yeah. They found out about it.

Speaker 12: Oh, well what I’m just trying to look at the build and how this went in terms of, like, the thugs where the thugs there on behalf of the event or did they show up against the business.

Speaker 0: I you don’t seem to hear me. It’s an upper class event. Alright. Only rich people are going to this event. The event, however, was widely known.

Among both sides for many days in advance. So thugs were showing up not to buy land in Israel because Thugs can’t afford to buy land in Israel, Thugs were showing up because there was an opportunity for a fight. But the people who come to this event who attend ada, and up thugs, they’re nut sn. They’re not poor jews, they’re rich juice.

Speaker 12: It’s just the neighborhood, like, there’s, like, I’m just… When I was trying to get where where the, the thugs there against the wishes of the Synagogue or were there’s some. Yeah. Next week the Synagogue or are they just, like, local, they’re hanging out in, like, a, you’ll they live right next there. They’re hanging out in a restaurant next door.

And when the action went down, it was only a few minutes for them to get over there.

Speaker 0: Yeah. The the thugs on the the pro Israel side were very much against the the wishes of Jewish leadership, secular religious. Like, nobody… Once your side represented by thugs. So the rabbi are a port and a guest and that they have not been saying this publicly, but you tell when you read between the lines.

They are airport and the gas that so many jews were eager to partake in in the brawl and in the , in vacations of of rape and other horrible things said to the pro palestine rabbi by that pro Israel cloud. So, Rabbi is in particular, killer and even secular Jewish leaders what a lead, they wanna… They want to present an impressive side to the pro Israel. Partisan. Ship and having bugs, , go go to battle against the other side is not a look that anyone in Jewish leadership wants.

So they they weren’t directed there by, , rich crafty Jews. It was people of high spirits, and people who have a more of visceral, , physical approach to life showed up and wanted to express how they felt.

Speaker 12: I mean, because it became a national media story, all the news, even president Biden tweeted and, like, the possibility of framing it? Like, it was, like, a program and anti semitic attack? And you’re saying is there a more moderate, , you, say… I mean, so we’re getting to, like, a more truth of it in saying, okay. Palestine is designed to protest and they probably were gonna disrupt it.

But the violence is because a bunch of Jewish slug showed up and in saying… Or where’s the palestinian… I mean I go a lot of these Palestinian protests?

Speaker 0: As I said do heavy. When you create a line that prevents Jews from going to a Jewish event or Jewish space. You are provoking a physical confrontation. So the Palestinians place himself in a position where the where Jews would have to beat them down to have access to Jewish space. So the the Palestinians This is a frequent tactic.

Alright? Let’s say you wanna get into your home. Right? And 5 men stand outside your home, and they won’t let you in. Right, You are gonna be highly likely to turn to violence to get into your home.

And so 2 jews who want access to their, community to the to their synagogue to their event or just walked out the street. Alright. They’re not gonna be very happy that they’re a pro Palestine protesters blocking their normal access to Jewish space. And so the pro palestine crowd creates a situation where violence becomes inevitable. So when I saw this at Ucla, the pro palestine crowd formed a line that prevented Jews access to the to the pro Israel rally.

Right? Jews wanted to access their own rally. And the pro palestine crowd formed a line that prevented it. And how was the line broken down? It wasn’t broken down by negotiation or poetry or singing is broken down when some very strong jews busted their way through the line and beat away through the the pro Palestine crowd and then create a space for more gentile, more gen tl jews to get to the protest.

Speaker 12: Well, I mean said that’s a minority of I mean, because usually, you said, well, depending on the perception of the hero system, use that, like, no. You don’t want Jews taking the lauren to their own hand. And say, well, what about the police? Could the police have handed it, handled it. And most of the cases in New York Have least protest all the time very rarely, do you have your violence between the Jews and the protesters, it’s handled by the police.

And so we

Speaker 0: have a stipulation la… In La. If Jews… Left it to the police, it would have been hours before they would have gotten access to Jewish space. So either Jews, were gonna have to fight for access to jewish space or they would be denied access to to Jury space for many hours.

Speaker 12: So when you talk like the hero system in , when last time when you took the little break, I was mentioning, the difference between minor orthodox and orthodox in terms of , generally, modern Orthodox wanna be perceived as respectable by the non Jews, especially the non Jewish elite. The educated. They wanna sing part of the American elite, and , so the perception of thug or violence, depending on the message you wanna portray. So there elements in the Jewish community that might look that as a positive way, but the, , the question is that the event or the message of Jews, , the hero system? Like, like, who are the good guys who are the bad guys at the Jews who pushed the way through the line, are they perceived as heroes in the Jewish Community or those are people that, like, they don’t, like, like, those people are not gonna be welcome in the in the community anymore because, like, it it makes the, , mac out of Jews.

It loses our respect that we’re… , peaceful, civilized people that, I mean, so maybe in this area, I don’t know in Hollywood, or you say, even in Hollywood, you’d have a hero system like, yay, that you push through the line and big down those palestinian protesters.

Speaker 0: Well, Jewish leaders is wanna lead and they don’t like anyone else taking their glory. So whether it’s Rabbi or secular Jewish leaders, they don’t like it when anyone else. Steps up. And so there’s a resentment just purely on an ego basis by by Jewish leaders Second, the more more thoughtful Jewish leaders recognize recognize that that a a thug. Attitude is is not good for Jewish public relations.

Third, though, some of the leaders have enough common sense to recognize that when Jews denied access to Jewish space that busting away through the denial line by Palestinians is is probably a good idea they just wouldn’t be thrilled with the accusations of of rape and calling people the sea word and then just gratuitous, or looking forward to engaging in punch ups. So there’s a difference between just physically pushing your way through a line and deciding to punch people or to insult them. So What.

Speaker 12: Yeah in Brooklyn, there’s been multiple cases of events that were canceled because of protest and there was pushback in the Jewish community that they shouldn’t have canceled the event but mean to say, like, , like, we’re Jews. We’re non nonviolent people, we’re respectable law abiding people. And if the event is likely to draw protest, which could lead to violence like this. They preemptively canceled the event. So so, like, a t neck had a major event, like, that were protests but it’s saying, like, in Brooklyn itself flat bush, there has been multiple events that the Rabbi eyes, preemptively canceled to exactly avoid what happened.

Speaker 0: Yeah. So sword Jewish lead is a very gen deal and anti bug violence, but there is a more substantial portion of the Jewish population in La that doesn’t wait for direction or doesn’t listen to direction from its more Gentile tl and a feat leadership, and they’re quite eager to take matters into their own hands, and Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles more right wing than any other major orthodox jewish wish community. So half At least half of Orthodox Jews in La would have a mech hana attitude to Israel. They would like to expel all the arabs from Israel. At least half of them regard B Goldstein as a hero, B Goldstein was a Jewish doctor who went into a mask and just opened fire on Muslims at prayer and killed about 30 of them.

So there is a, yeah. Very right wing Mech style outlook in the majority of orthodox judaism in Los Angeles.

Speaker 12: I mean, that’s why… I’m kinda pushing back where it’s your assertion that the event wasn’t a location in the first place. I’ll say from my experience, that almost all events that were tiered towards rich people. We’re always private in people’s house in not advertised that, like, if you actually have a gathering of rich people, very rarely is it public very rarely is it advertised it’s usually secluded in a private house, where only the rich people are privately invited. And if you make something public you’re not gonna get just the rich people, You’re can get all sorts of people.

I don’t know if that’s your experience in Hollywood where most of the events that are meant to have just rich people at they’re almost always exclusively private held on private residences.

Speaker 0: Well, it it varies. You wanna have rich people also, bidding because it it creates… It it’s good for group morale. So, yeah. There are a lot of events that are private and the held a private residence.

And it does to, like, every synagogue has a certain ethos, and it does To does not have the ethos of brawl. Does it’s a lithuania style, right wing Y synagogue. So it’s not It does not have a history of seeking provocation, seeking news media attention, right, it has many reasons to want to avoid news media attention. So there’s no way that the leadership of Ada dust tour deliberately set up to create an event that would attract. Media attention and attract, , fighting outside the shore.

Like, if you saw the people who who dove at a Dos toro, Right. 99 percent of them haven’t been in a fist fight since they were, like, 5 years of age.

Speaker 12: Yeah. I mean, so since this did become, like a national story and people are commenting and even most of the media, mainstream attention is making it look at… Like, it was an anti semitic attack and like Jews are under a threat. I mean, so you would say it it was a normal situation of escalation of protest that had escalation in escalation was escalated on both sides to reach what it got to, But even, with all the escalation, was it all that bad? Like, where it was anybody injured put in the hospital or even with all that wasn’t even that bad.

Speaker 0: No. I mean, if you think people pushing and shoving and and , lightly punching each other is just, , the worst thing, then… You gotta think it’s it’s horrible. But to call call these brawl violence just Rob’s violence of of any meaning. It was pushing and shoving, a little bit of kicking, a little bit of, punching, but nobody was seriously injured of which I’m aware.

Now, a The thing is once a punch is thrown. But once you shove someone, you have a significant potential for escalation. So we had a jew who who died poor kessler because he went over to the pro Palestine crowd a few months ago. And I think he tried to take away a a horn, , that that public speaking horn where you try to blast your your words.

Speaker 4: Tried things. I don’t

Speaker 12: know what happened with it. Did they… They… Are they charging that guy?

Speaker 0: Not that I’d know of, but they… He tried to take away an instrument. The P Crowd was using to make his case, and he got pushed back, shoved back, and then he fell back hit his head and and he died. So anytime you get into a shoving match. Alright, You have increased your odds of getting killed, getting seriously hurt.

Compared to not getting into any kind of physical confrontation, like, you’ve increased your eyes 20 times then you throw 1 punch Right. You you’ve again up the ante because 1 punch can very well end your life, and wars tend to escalate. Physical confrontation tends to escalate. So on the face of it, none of this violence looks like real violence. Nobody looks like they were seriously hurt.

But once you have, , any kind of physical confrontation, you are dramatically increasing the chances that you’ll have physical confrontation that leads to serious injury. And death. And so the more of these bras that you have, inevitably, you’re can have more people dying.

Speaker 12: Yeah. Mean certainly, I mean, without pushing into conspiracy theory about, like, Jewish power, there’s a lot of pressure from Jews towards… Police, politicians to try to, you’ll get the government to stop these Palestinian protest and part of the method of doing that is by saying, well they’re anti semitic and they’re a threat of violence to the Jewish community, and, , just like the en at universities by over playing the threat to the Jewish community. I mean you’re just looking at the news. Like, is I mean, we you say president Biden tweet is completely warrant at the Community in La is it no danger at all from these palestinian protests or are saying like, no people are fearful that these palestinian protests could turn into a program.

Speaker 0: Well, it it made sense for for Joe Biden because most of his money, it comes from Jews. Right. Billionaire jews. Dominant fund 75 percent of the democratic party. So it makes sense on a pragmatic basis.

Jews are incredibly influential, they they punch way above their weight in terms of influence in the United States of America. And because all these pushing and shoving matches are are at a time of of great, , tension clashing of of hero systems over the Middle East that… So all these scenes could just explode into huge amounts of violence. We used to have a reuben of the Jewish defense league in Los Angeles and he got arrested and put away because he was planning to bomb a mask. Alright.

So the more pushing and shoving you have, The more you increase the yards that someone will get in a car, and mow down people from the other side, you see video of an Suv that I believe was driven by the pro Palestine crowd just driving rapidly through protesters on a carton and pico and didn’t appear to hit anyone, but it could very well killed people. And so it it makes sense for, on the 1 hand, it’s kinda silly the overstate by by public leaders. On the other hand, it does make sense. Because that you have these events, you’re massively increasing the chances that someone will then become. Inspired to go out and and just mass water the other side.

Speaker 12: Well, it’s a counter signal from how the Jewish community wants to present itself, whether it’s say, like, okay. Like, you, from how you first, but it, like, your, La a Jewish community has itself under control where area. We know how to fight back versus the Jewish community needs special government protection or it would be destroyed. So I mean, from the tweets, the statement from Biden, the government, and, , mayor’s news media making it look like without special protections from the government the Jewish community is in danger as opposed to, , say, maybe the Jewish community wants to portray, Like, we got it under control. Like, we don’t need special protections and provisions by the government, you to protect our neighborhood.

Speaker 0: Yeah. But but Jewish… Leaders in Jewish wannabe be leaders their their status and their income depends upon massively exaggerating the threats to Jews. Whether it’s the Cyber Wei thor Central or the anti defamation league or anyone who proposed to speak publicly on behalf of the Jewish community you then calls for more gu resources a more government legislation. Alright?

You can never go wrong with your in group by talking about how your in group is victim and threaten. I mean, that just tends to resonate with people. And so there is many race hustle in in Jewish life as in black life or, , any other racial hustle They just tend to be higher Iq and tend to be more effective and and smarter in how they go about it. But still, you got the Jewish equivalents of our S who revel rousing saying, oh, we need all this special legislation and all this special protection, when, Jews are pretty smart, savvy people. They they are pretty good at working the system.

Or developing their own internal security, developing relations with law enforcement and there there are just so many incentives for the hustle at the simon Wei center and the Ad and that type of crowd for… For promoting new legislation and, special privileges for Jews because, Jews under threat is is a great fundraising tour and it’s a great tool for yourself with your in group.

Speaker 12: Yeah. I’m not sure the comparison there because, like, okay, L sharp. Folk in black activists focused mainly against the police. So almost all of the major black activism is against the police against blacks. And usually, the perception is, like, like, if it’s down…

Like, violence is the thing that blacks are good at. So if there is some sort of, like, civil on unrest between people, the blacks aren’t gonna need help from the police, the blacks only need help, against the police.

Speaker 0: No. That they were. No. That they use the police to take away guns, for example, from Republicans So they will vote to elect politicians and and ag educate so that politicians don’t take guns away from black criminals. Right They they want to stop stop and f policing policies.

Instead, they want, gun control that effectively takes guns away from Republicans and does not take them away from black criminals. So they want to orient law enforcement and the legal justice system, in their favor by restricting the the rights and freedoms of their enemies and and protecting their own groups. So they don’t have the same attitude towards police Jews do. Right? They have their own particular concerns with police, which are different from the concerns that jews have, but they…

Both groups have an incentive to try to encourage the the police to police in the way, most aligned with those jews intra… Those groups interest. So Jews and Blacks have always nothing to do with each other in real life. Alright? They occupy completely different sides of the Soc spectrum, and people on different sizes of soc economic spectrum we’re also gonna have different attitudes towards, law enforcement.

So… The Jewish concerns for for law enforcement are different from the black concerns for law enforcement, but they both have their own concerns.

Speaker 12: What, I’m just clarifying it is stark difference is that black leadership and, , even the hustle like Sharp in, they almost never protest that their community needs protection from racist from other outside people, and the perception is if it was violence between communities, un the blacks would win. It’s they need protection from the police as opposed to the Jewish community, they need protection from their neighbors from other races from other people, and it’s the police that are doing the protection. So like, in my area where it’s basically just blacks and Jews in a lot of areas. I don’t know the Demographics La, but, , presumably, even in La. There’s close proximity between blacks and Jews, but I would assume the perception was if there were violence between blacks and Jews.

Un that would favor the blacks.

Speaker 0: Well, not necessarily as Steve Sailor remarks if you hear about a shooting, and the number of wounded exceeds number of killed, then there’s a pretty good bet that the shooter was black. On the other hand, if you hear of a shooting where they’re the number of killed vastly outnumber the number of wounded, then the odds are pretty good The shooter is is not black. So there are certain types of violence that different groups excel at. So some groups, Excel at Yeah. But that’s not physical.

Speaker 0: So let me play a little bit from Fox News here.

Speaker 1: Have horn violence breaking out over the weekend in Los Angeles for gru Anti, Israel ag block the entrance to a synagogue, sending fist flying in the riot police response. After Chief of correspondent Jonathan Hunters Live in Los Angeles with the latest. Hello, Jonathan.

Speaker 2: Good morning, Mike. They were extraordinary. Scenes pitched battles being fought between pro palestinian protesters who targeted a synagogue. And members of that synagogue, and of the Jewish community that surrounds it. This all taking place in

Speaker 1: the London

Speaker 2: of Los Angeles, in the middle of 1 of the city’s largest Jewish communities about 100 pro Palestinian protesters descended on the area, Sunday morning and almost immediately violence broke out as those protests has tried to block the entrance to the or synagogue. Jewish counter protesters tried to push them back and for some time violent fights broke out between the 2 sides.

Speaker 3: But when they’re screaming global Nevada, they’re screaming killed you. For being jews and, you

Speaker 4: know, no. Not gonna let that out.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s rejoin the conversation with Du. So back back to you, David.

Speaker 5: Yeah. There’s a lot of interesting angles to take it. And because these protests are all over the place, and I don’t know the city layout of, Los Angeles in the Jewish community or the proximity with the Arabs or, I was listening on Z B or the other date to Call Yea, the Congressman from, I mean, the city council from, New york, and , he was to you’re know, mentioning that, like, there’s a sizable element within City Council that he would say is, like, straight up anti semitic J Haters. I think he said, like, 6. I guess, there’s 51 members and that there’s even been resolutions a a place where you’ve had regular protest is like in Tea neck, New Jersey, and, and, like, I’ve been in Tea I had friends there many times.

In in, like, En or actually relatively pretty wealthy areas. But I think, like, the City council actually passed a cease by a resolution, and we’ll say like, even though it’s an… It’s a modern orthodox area with tens of thousands of Jews, that the demographics is that the majority of City Council is anti semitic, and there’s a growing Muslim population And within the districts also is you, like, a less, a wealthy African American. So you have situations where there’s regular protests. And a lot of these are, , Palestinian activists that are bus in.

But at the same time, it’s, like, actually the their their neighbors who are protesting them regularly. And , so I’m not sure if it’s getting to the point where, you, you have Palestinian activist and protesters, but they live on the other side of town. And maybe for this event, they, went into town, and the Jewish communities relatively safe. Or if you’re reaching the point where it’s actually regular conflict with your neighbors and just, , 1 last the, , mentioned because I, , you, we we both , know a lot about the Holocaust history. And I’m sure you’ve heard countless holocaust survivors tell their stories.

But, like, a lot… 1 of the things a lot of people who lived through Crystal Na mentioned is it was their neighbors. When their Synagogue gag were being late burnt down or stones or when things started getting bad, it was their own neighbors, that we’re, like, turning against them and beating them up and destroying their synagogue gag. And if it’s possible to draw some… Is is that possible that, we’re reaching some point of breakout god forbid where you’d see, like, , your own neighbors are gonna turn against you.

Speaker 0: Yeah. I don’t think as yet because, overwhelmingly, pro Palestine and pro israel people live in completely different neighborhood. So… I I don’t think we’re at civil war yet.

Speaker 5: Something you think that… These protesters, you they traveled to this event and and and it wasn’t in there… You, even the locals that wasn’t. I mean, the possibility that you had Palestinian protesters was like in Detroit and then some locals would join in. But you’re saying almost all of these protesters came from a different location for this protest.

And that it was relatively small in their numbers weren’t growing, like, as as it was going on.

Speaker 0: I don’t think I said all those things. I just said that of overwhelmingly Jews and Muslims live in very different neighborhoods in in the United States and in Los Angeles. So these weren’t… These Muslim protesters would be very unlikely to live in the neighborhood where would you wanna create that’s sort of trouble. So I I think it’s a good bet that they come from outside the neighborhood?

Speaker 5: Yep. I mean, some of these natures the protest, and… I’ve been putting a lot of study like, a mass movements and and you, maybe it’s interest to yours. And how these things grow. I mean, some protests grow in size as they happen.

And so if you’re saying there’s was just a hundred 50 people, they went out to the event. And at the end of the protest, it was the same hundred 50 people. Or you, did the pro Palestinian protesters swell or was? Like, it was it was the Jewish pro… The Jewish counter protesters that’s swelled.

And if at the beginning, there were a hundred 50 prop palestinian protesters and just a handful of Jews that weren’t prepared for it, by the end of it, there was, like, 500 jews and still just the same hundred 50 maybe even less of the original protesters.

Speaker 0: Correct. The the latter. So the… Pro Palestine crowd did not grow. It it diminished over time.

While the the pro Israel crowd just kept growing. Because it’s in the… It’s in the Jewish neighborhood. So the the the the pro power side people had to had to travel. Alright?

It’s so there’s a lot more opportunity cost it. It’s a lot more aggravation for them to have to make the trip to a to a Jewish neighborhood as opposed to people who live in the neighborhood.

Speaker 5: Yeah. So, I mean, there’s are certain examples across New york and the Us where that’s not the case. And now, , I mentioned specifically, like, En, New Jersey where, Mean, have have there been, like, like, I know in my local area, you have, like, cease spire resolutions. And a lot of these places, like, it’s consistent? Like, they’ve been…

Promoting Cease ceasefire resolutions, every single council meeting for, months now. Certain ones have passed it, and , there’s certain Jewish communities where even though there’s a sizable Jewish community in that area, that, the local of municipality still past to cease spire resolution. I’m not sure if you’re following, like, local stuff like that in in your area if there’s a comparable thing.

Speaker 0: I’m sure sure there is, but I I don’t think we’re seeing any sweeping change in public sentiment on the Arab Israeli conflict Most americans. Overwhelmingly care about the United States of America. They don’t care about the Middle East. So it’s not like there’s a a grounds swell. Of, , just pro Palestinian sentiment sweeping across the United States.

Right? You’ve got a small segment of the United States cares intensely about Israel. You got a small segment the United States that cares intensely about Palestine and against Israel, overwhelmingly, Americans have other priorities.

Speaker 5: Yeah. I saw the survey. It said, like, 8 percent of students participated in the compartments or palestinian anti Israel activity, which is sizable, 8 percent, , sizable chunk of the population, but, , it’s still a vast minority and, like, , certain, like, like, even here in Detroit, they’re sustained protests and , every week, but, , mostly they’re based in dear airborne. So every week, there’ll be a protest that at least has a few hundred people, and every once in a while they’ll be able to mobilize a protest that has even thousands or even 10000 people, the and sometimes they’ll be able to mobilize it in Detroit and like, so like, could Biden in or pop politician comes, that, , there… There’s enough people to have sustained protest at basically, every political gathering.

, especially in certain habits, like universities or majority arab neighborhoods And I I assume like I’m following in Los Angeles that’s probably also like that too where you have sustained weekly protests in certain areas. And then they, occasionally, like, once a month, are you able to must or even thousands even tens of thousands of people and that would most likely be in, like a central downtown area.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, David, I’m gonna move on any final words.

Speaker 5: Yeah. Well, you appreciate you going Ir to that, , thing and, I guess… And, God forbid is kind of exciting. So, , even though the danger, the situation, danger is exciting, So , props you and, you, god bless stay safe and, , keep reporting.

Speaker 0: Okay. Thanks, David. Good too. Catch up with you. Alright.

Let’s get back to this Fox news report.

Speaker 2: Riot police Intervened to try to keep the 2 groups… Apart and clear the pro Palestinian protesters from the Jewish neighborhood, but tensions remained high for several hours and

Speaker 0: Okay. So Fox news was actually covering the story live a few minutes ago.

Speaker 4: Not supposed to fight back. Sounds like an Israeli.

Speaker 3: Representative Ana napoleon Luna joins me now. It looks like the party’s fractured Congresswoman, Hillary is endorsing fire marshals opponent. He’s calling in backup, Ao she’s jumping around what is happening?

Speaker 6: Well, it appears Jesse that I might be have some groundbreaking news according to internal tracking pull, actually just heard today that Mall Bone bowman is projected to lose his election. So it looks like you’re seeing a…

Speaker 3: That. He definitely knew

Speaker 0: Okay.

Speaker 6: , this is the constant problem with the Democrats is they always try to accuse us of what they hope for what they’re guilty of. Jesse. I’ve seen over the last… A couple of years, especially as a member of Congress. The rhetoric that this administration has really displayed not just to members of Congress, but also to to independents to Democrats that have left, a the Democrat party because of what they’ve seen happen with this administration.

And the fact is Jesse is that they realize that they’re losing this election They’re are trying to already define a Trump administration before Trump is sworn into office as a 40 seventh president despite their attempts to keep him out of office, But I’m very much so looking for seeing that debate seeing president Trump present all this information to the American people and really to getting out from under this administration.

Speaker 3: I’ve never seen anybody just going back. And I had… I hate to bring this up the Love fest with Bowman and Ao. Did you see the hug? Now I don’t know if you hug

Speaker 0: Okay. I didn’t care about like that partisan talk.

Speaker 2: 1 point of least 8 officers with weapons drawn ordered 2 pro Palestinian protesters from their car clearly concerned the vehicle itself could be used as a weapon. Los Angeles Mayor Carr…

Speaker 0: Well, I think we saw it at the very beginning of this segment, this same vehicle being used as a weapon.

Speaker 2: From Bass contend the protest protesters saying, quote. Today’s violence in the Pico Robertson neighborhood was warrant and blocking access to a place of worship is Onyx. Susceptible. I wanna be clear that Los Angeles will not be a harbor for antisemitism and violence. Those responsible for either will be found and held accountable.

Now Mike, I spoke to Rabbi High men of the nearby Of Be air as the violence was playing out yesterday. He told me, he found it reminiscent of the Nazi youth on the streets of Germany.

Speaker 0: So 2 of the most problem rabbi being quoted in this story are K bud rabbi.

Speaker 2: And in the 19 thirties, and he said, who would ever have thought we would see this. On the streets of American cities, Mike?

Speaker 1: Deeply disturbing visuals Jonathan Hunt. Thanks very much. Sure.

Speaker 7: It’s For more in this Let’s bring in Fox news contributor, Mark Ties, Mark anti semitic violence attacks like this 1 may not make headline news. Every single day, but they are certainly happening across America, across Europe, certainly reaching to all corners of the globe. We may have heard over the weekends Synagogue were murdered, in broad daylight in Russia. I I don’t know. I’m kinda out of questions on this top to be frank because it doesn’t seem ever ab bait.

It seems to be getting worse systemically since October seventh.

Speaker 4: Epic you’re a hundred percent right and look this is being presented by many in the media as a clash between 2 different sides of protesters. It’s not a clash between protesters, a pro hamas mob. Targeted a synagogue. They didn’t protest in front of the Israeli embassy. We keep hearing, , They’re not anti jew, they’re anti Israel.

That didn’t choose the Israeli embassy or the Brazilian consulate in Los Angeles, They chose a Synagogue and they surrounded it. They they they didn’t just protest.

Speaker 0: Yeah. They chose a synagogue that was facilitating the purchase of Landing in Israel. They they didn’t choose a synagogue that was just trying to dove and Min.

Speaker 4: They said they shouted anti semitic chance, they beat Jewish protesters. Imagine if this had been done to a black church in Los Angeles. If a bunch of white supremacists and surrounded a black church started attacking black church goers, beating them, using pepper spray against them. Do you think it wouldn’t be front page news in every newspaper in America? Do you not think the president of the United States?

Would have issued a statement by now, but because it happens to Jews, it’s it’s okay. It’s just we we we just let it go by another bad day for the Jews in America.

Speaker 7: I wanna ask you about this too.

Speaker 0: Question from Du dude Mainstream Orthodox rabbi. Speak to the press. I’m not sure. Modern orthodox rabbi love talking to the press. Right.

They love it. They can’t get enough press by and large.

Speaker 7: Oh, New York congressman Jamal Bowman over the weekends. I don’t know, spoke out. Yelled out against israel real paul… Israel the biden administration’s israel real policy. He rant and raped against Apa pack, take a listen to some of what he said.

Speaker 8: You’re gonna solve. Apa pack.

Speaker 0: Okay. So Y means someone who spends a great deal of time setting taurus. So the more time, you spend setting to, the less likely you are to speak to the press.

Speaker 8: The power of the mother self pro. We are not gonna stand silent while Us tax dollars kills babies and women and children.

Speaker 0: Okay. Let’s go to some of the major tweets on this topic. Alright. Here’s Andy no. Andy knows says Antifa furious.

After Lapd didn’t save their comrades as Jewish man attack them off of the group trade. Stop the Dust To synagogue in a Jewish neighborhood in La, the far left Comrades bailed leaving some behind. That’s just something about the ph of Antifa. I I wish I could just put my finger on it, but there’s something highly distinctive. About the ph of members of Antifa.

There’s just a certain look, and I see it and I think, oh, and antifa. Where… And when is playboy? Going to release the girls of Antifa? My god, would that be smoking heart?

So yeah. Nice of this brawl link is highly performative. Right? Not the best and brightest from either side, Alright. With were the ones who are eager to brawl.

Alright. Not a lot of neuro were out there Eager brawl. Right, people with lies were without out there Eager brawl. Right? People with children.

We’re not out there eager abroad. That’s antifa. Hey. Islamist and Andy semitic left have adopted a false narrative that a Ada does tour was just a as Jews, were gathered for real estate seminar on how to steal Palestinian property, no development being shown was outside undisputed israel. Look, everything’s disputed.

Quite Right? Because different groups have different priorities. So everything’s disputed is not like, oh, is our proper, no dispute. I… My outlook of life is that no people just has some kind of sacred right to a particular spot of land.

Right? You want land. You have to take it and you have to be have to defend it. Why do these Hamas thugs feeling power to come to the pi of Robinson neighborhood to it does, You To Synagogue and Threaten Jews because Los Angeles, Democrats have the back. Well, this is the left.

Right Antifa, The the far left, the communists do support the pro Palestine crowd. Okay. Meet. Evelyn Joan, Evelyn participated in the Ji Hard brutal assaults on Jews at the ad industrial, Torres Synagogue in Los Angeles Evelyn. Owns and operates Mo Cafe now restaurant a place at Fred Seagull.

Okay. Calling for violence against Jews is always terrific, especially able to shout it outside of Synagogue get a jewish neighborhood.

Speaker 1: Jewish

Speaker 0: So the Jews needed to use violence to establish the Jewish state of Israel. So where would we be shocked that many pro Palestine people believe that they need to use violence to establish? Their own state. So left winger who want police dead rushed to Lapd for protection after being chased out of a jewish neighborhood file left riders, By it’s Andy know, with pet pepper spray mobilized stop the dust to a Synagogue but were repelled and confronted by a young jewish men. Chat says Ed Dot would say that Antifa have a high mutation load and a hundred years ago, they would have died in childbirth.

That Jews are about the least violent ethnic group in America. So… In Los Angeles, you’ve seen a very rare thing. Right? That’s the development of Jewish violence willing to fight back.

But normally, Jews don’t fight back with their fist. They fight back with lawsuits and with lobbying and with the public relations campaigns. So there’s great self steve, about Jews there’s a come to Judy if I realize this and and we all think we’re perfectly capable of leading. Right. And and usually, it’s not the the neuro in the elite.

Elite doctors who are getting into the mix air and brawl. Yeah. So the Sc security patrol. Alright? It’s not made up of doctors and lawyers, It…

It’s the more entrepreneurial or working class section of the Jewish community. Okay. Ucla cultural Affairs Instagram page warned people to prepare for a civil war, attempts to flip the script claiming that Jews attack protesters at the Dust Synagogue yesterday. Well, I’m sure there were some Jews attacking some protesters. Here’s what I saw at the terrorist rally at Outside congregation, To, the Lapd allowed terrorist supporters to occupy both sides of the Synagogue while keeping Jewish counter protesters out, and narrow protected lane allowed access.

Young Jewish man hugs another Jewish man after he was assault and left blood by an anti semitic mob outside the industrial tour Synagogue in La. So the guy who’s blood here, a I suspect ordered that he played some role in getting blood. Alright. K Hi b, right wing video activists says I was a soda with best spray of the weekend at the dust.

Speaker 8: You’re not

Speaker 0: Wait. Why why isn’t that guy getting arrested? Right. Why isn’t the guy deploying bear brain in that circumstance getting arrested? Gonna flush it

Speaker 8: Get fucking breathe.

Speaker 0: Hey. Okay.

Speaker 9: I know it’s awful.

Speaker 0: Through it. Alright? Alright water. No I did cam do anything that may have increased his odds of getting Pepper sprayed. I suspect so.

Group strategy went out over an individual strategy. Right? This guy able to to tap into the power of the group to help himself out of the very painful and uncomfortable situation.

Speaker 9: He good. We’ll save it in my house. I’m begging someone to cute. You’re totally safe. Okay?

K. And and and exactly there’s gonna be a big step. Are you? Not yet. Not behind you.

Take a step onto a sidewalk.

Speaker 5: You sure. I’m safe.

Speaker 9: Yeah. I promise you you’re safe. The only way you’re not safe is if you’re gonna attack me. I promise you. Sit down sit

Speaker 0: Okay. Here’s the led back against the violent. Mob it’s surrounded the front of a dust, To unable to attack the Militants the soldier Pro Israel journalists and protesters leading to brawl. Right. The anti semitic per at the dust turret Synagogue in La was organized by the Palestinian youth movement.

Search for orange shirt, can anyone identify Orange shirt 1 are the attackers in the congregation of Dust tour He Robertson. While he mostly wore a mask. I I’ve 1 image of him un masked he is confronting a man and a woman while masked. So would it be… It it wouldn’t.

Be illegal to rip someone’s mask off their face in these circumstances. President Biden and I’m appalled by the scenes outside of dust, toro intimidating Jewish con is dangerous un uncomfortable anti Semitic and On American. Yeah. It’s not gonna win the pro palestine crowd, a lot of new supporters. But any semitic mob blocking jews from entering a dust, to sorting them and spraying them with be spray to deport every single 1 of them.

Yeah. I don’t know why this pro crowd is allowed to Assault people would best spray and not get arrested for it. No, if you have something to live for if you have people who depend upon you. Right? You wouldn’t need be throwing yourself into danger.

So, in the videos, it doesn’t look like it’s predominantly 1 side attack the other but what inside did create an unavoidable situation where there had to be physical escalation when they prevented jews from… Entering their synagogue. Alright. Is this the community self defense at In antifa in the file I’ll talk about Jewish counter protesters confronted Far left in Pro Palestine Mob that tried to storm the dust or a synagogue. Is such a performance.

And that’s sirius blows. Yeah. So Ella is more willing to stand up and and fight back than any other Jewish community of which I’m aware? That how they allowed to get away with just best praying people. Alright.

So Am I wrong the more you’ve got to live for the less need you have to perform some, , brawl. To to participate in the more dangerous parts of this protest. Right? Do you do you think the pro Palestine crowd was over overwhelmingly composed of millionaires, doctors, neuro, accountants. I don’t think so.

So I don’t know if it’s the Twitter algorithm that seems to be obviously favoring the pro your side. Right? So almost all the top results on this protest are in favor of the Pro Israel side. Alright. Let’s get something from the left something from the p Palestine crowd.

Speaker 8: Killers.

Speaker 9: Dead

Speaker 0: So the claims for for massive numbers of Hamas rape on October 7. The… Are not nearly as Clear cut and strong as has been reported say in the New York Times. It may well have happened, but much of the evidence presented has not been compelling. Okay, more from the Ant antifa side.

Ip just wrote in. Alright. Cops move in. So the antifa account here says the the cops are being aggressive. Well, Without the cops being aggressive, you would allow the pro palestine people to be aggressive and prevent jews from entering their synagogue or even walking down the street.

Alright. So the state is supposed to have a monopoly violence in a civilized society. And so you want cops being aggressive in these situations to clean up and clear up public spaces so that everyone has the right to use them. Hey you gotta follow police direction or you’re a menace society and if you refuse to follow police direction, I don’t care what they do to you. I don’t care if they shoot you, I don’t care if they kill you, I don’t care if they para you, Right?

If you refuse to follow, police direction. Then whatever you suffer, that’s on you, and I don’t care. When someone has a gun, and when someone has the authority to use it, it’s a really bad idea to try to argue with them. That is a low Iq move. So the pro Palestine is not a legal protest.

Right? What they’re engaged in is illegal. And so I don’t care how aggressive the cops get with them when they refuse to follow police instruction, On either side, the Pro israel side, pro Africa side, pro Australia side, if you’re engaged in illegal activity and the police order you to desist, Right. Then you need to follow police direction or suffer the consequences, and I don’t care how heinous those consequences are. Yeah.

The cops

Speaker 1: are doing the right thing here.

Speaker 0: So the the pro Palestine crowd is complaining here about huge amounts of aggression from cop security and people here for the land sales as well. You created a situation where those who just wanna go about their day, either have to become aggressive, or to submit. So you created an un unfavorable situation where any normal people is going to get physically aggressive with you And that’s on you. Right? You created a situation that demands the other side either submit or get physically aggressive.

Right, if Jews went to a church or to a mask and try to prevent people from entering the church of the mosque. I would… Be on the side of those who physically aggressively move them on out. Alright. So that’s a a replica of 7 70 that you see here on on the the right.

Alright. A big about Building. So spilling out onto the street. Yeah. Violence tend to escalate wars tend to escalate.

That’s why ways people usually try to avoid these things if possible. Said is saying all the word loves a lover, it does what all the world loves is a fight. Like, I wasn’t there for this part, but I was there for a little bit and it’s exciting. Right? It gets that gets the blood going.

It’s visceral compelling. And that’s a K kebab Above Re king Flag. So it’s… Not likely the person waving that flags a doctor or lawyer or an accountant. Alright.

Most people who weigh the flag and not professionals. Girl in the middle is putting the G flag up in protesters face, cars pulling out with Israeli flags folks jumping out of the cars Yet. Where would they not do that? I’d I suspect that that Jewish woman waving the G flag is not a future doctor. That that’s another noble thing to be wearing.

To fill. Right, as you’re walking the streets, looking for a fight. So the rabbi really, really, really don’t like the Jewish participation in these brawl, and it like… Jews yelling things at the pro Palestinian protests they don’t like jews yelling, you wanna get raped. And there are some Some, Jewish thugs here who are spoiling for a fight, not just pre Palestine thugs who are spoiling for a fight.

And doubt use thug in the majority of sense, like some people like to get physical with their fist and some people like to fight. Right takes o kinds. They got people with a hundred and 10 you talking to each other. Someone threw an egg at a palestinian protest. Alright.

The rabbi don’t want jews throwing eggs at these protesters. They want them throwing anything. So see this girl here. She’s eager for a fight. She’s on the pro jewish wish Defense league side.

Right. She is eager for a fight. Probably because she’s never been punched in the face. Right? Unless every guy is being punched in the face.

But most middle class and upper class women, particularly Jewish weapon have not been punched in the face, and so they will escalate to a level of verbal aggression, because they’ve never been punched in the face. Once they’ve been punched in the face, they won’t be so reckless. I’m not advocating punching women in the face, God forbid, but there is a lot of education that goes on. Once 1 has been punched in the face. For being unnecessarily verbally aggressive.

Right, you don’t want women like ins integrating fights. Alright? This is a woman who could have beautiful children, and a bright beautiful future and it could all be ended with 1 punch. Is just reckless for her to be out there trying to ins confrontations. It doesn’t come from a wise or grounded or a religious or a spiritual place.

Oh, I like it too. She’s attractive. She’s got spirit. I mean, I like her. And I Simultaneously I recognize that what she’s doing is self destructive and could very well end her life as she knows it.

Chances says, has said in Jerusalem throw diapers for the feces at women if they show too much. Oh, yeah. They’re there minority of thugs in every group. Hey, if you have any influence over your group, you don’t want your women out there where they can get physically heard. We’re are much more vulnerable to getting physically heard.

Make the same punch Make the same kick. The same push against the man versus a woman. On average would probably do 2345 times as much damage to a woman as to a man. Oh, cops are putting on their riot gear because they are confronting a riot. No the 5 out.

You get into 1 needless fight like this, you choose to participate and risk everything and life as it could very well end with 1 punch. Right. When when Jury protest protested died because he tried to take a bull horn away from a pro palestine protest got pushed, simply fell back. He he said died. Where would you throw everything away?

The rabbi in the community really wanna get a handle on this. They do not like Jews brawl with pro Palestinians. Because they they have the wisdom that 1 doesn’t make jews look good. 2, it means that those jews who are predisposed dispersed to doing that are risking risking their futures. And it’s a perfectly reasonable thing that the cops are moving.

The pro Palestine crowd away from the Synagogue so that they can’t block entrance to the Synagogue. Like a street party for the pro Israel works. It is. Like a street party for the premise mister folks. It’s a very accurate observation.

That’s how it was experienced by my side. Right? You get tremendous energy because you are joined with people who think sim. Right? There was an energy created and unleashed at an event like this that is not possible when you sit and study book on your own.

Right this type of energy this type of emotional essence is not possible on your own. You have to join with a crowd and have a common purpose and and develop a special bond. And that unleashes feelings that are just not possible on your own. What’s my opinion to David Bowie musically? I I can only judge him on how much I lack his music.

And so I like… Some of his songs a great deal. And other parts his music do absolutely nothing for me. Alright. So the rabbi that want jews, , getting faces of the pro Palestine crowd and taunting

Speaker 1: them. The

Speaker 0: So rabbi don’t run Jewish life like the used to. And so the rabbi really don’t like much of this Jewish behavior. And they would do everything they can to keep it under check. So Antifa says israeli protesters is getting closer to the Palestinian protest It’s loud, hot angry and hideous. Well, might be hideous for you.

I assure you the Israel side are having a fantastic time. Okay. Cops forming a riot line. K Another 5 breaking out? Yeah.

And antifa, and antifa, right. The press largely aligned with Ant antifa. Okay. What are my favorite David Bowie songs, star man, heroes, Let’s dance. Life on mars?

Yeah. I think there’s main ones. So those were the lease going on in their life. Get the biggest kicks out of disrupting life for productive citizens. Okay.

So here, the antifa journalist says another sc. This is pretty terrifying. It’s very hostile. What did you think would happen? When you show up outside a Synagogue and prevent Jews from entering a synagogue.

Right? You go to a Jewish neighborhood and you prevent the free movement of Jews. Right. What what kind of reaction did you expect? Wait.

Is that a heat trans? Right. Is that person trans? I assure you This is the most exciting times for people on on who are out there. Right?

This is probably the most excitement. That such participants have had for weeks or weeks or weeks. I mean, there is a huge adrenaline rush in a sense of collective bonding and just emotional creation and release. So the woman is taking this video. She’s masked.

Right. She gets to protect her identity, while I’m asking the identity of everyone else. So it would be surprising that people would were opposed to her in antifa politics would want to un her. Apparently, I’m going to be raped and be beheaded nice folks out today. What what kind of reaction?

You think you were gonna get? There’s a particular hatred of female press. I’ve been single out and surrounded several times? Yeah. I wonder.

Was there anything that you do? That contributed to this reaction. She’s at Hint antifa activist as journalism was just pose. But the rabbi won’t be thrilled with the jews going up women and saying those words. Okay.

More attacks on Tina Desiree bug. So who is this? Let’s A look at her, international woman of mystery. Suspect that, her, She seems lovely. Yeah.

You go outside and prevent people from entering their synagogue and you get it surprise that people did not respond kindly to you? Like so the emotions run high. Right, there’s tremendous adrenaline. Alright, You could get fired for what you’re doing here. You could get permanently named.

Right, you could destroy your reputation. I just imagine getting… Caught on video, saying those really nasty words to a woman. Like, a lot of downsides, but this kind of brawl. So is she really press?

I mean, she doesn’t feel any obligation to report fairly accurately. She doesn’t feel any. Obligation to report both sides. So what basis does she get the privileges of being pressed? Yeah.

The protest test is like a rock concert for these people. I consider some David Bowie more flamboyant antics degenerate? Yes. Obviously, Do These guys called me a Dirty sea word and then say they want my address so that they can come visit me. And I think the rabbi is approved.

Okay. She’s a woman. She shouldn’t be placing herself in a position where she’s highly vulnerable to physical violence, but she is I suspect that she does not have a husband and children at home that she needs to protect. As suspect she does not have some bright, shiny. Future that she needs to protect.

And so she gratuitous risks her well being. Assaults everywhere. I wonder why. So you see the 01:30 iq jews here try to control the 01:10 iq and and there 100 iq jews and discourage them from brawl. So where you see the jews trying to stop the brawl Right?

These are the 01:30 plus iq crowd. When you see the Jews wanting brawl, This is like the 100 Iq Jewish crowd. Right. So that guy there. I think he’s a rabbi.

Pretty sure he’s got an iq north of 01:30, and he’s trying to temp down the Jewish side that wants to brawl. And the people who want a brawl. Alright? They’re not future neuroscientist. Yeah.

I assure you all the major rabbi. Meeting and and figuring out, how do we get our own side under control so that they don’t sq their futures and make the community look bad? Okay. There’s a comment in the chat, Ama A W here he was a physician so radical doesn’t end with the professional class. A not saying that, engaging again.

Radical is low Iq. I’m saying that brawl for no purpose is low Iq. Right. Strategically, planning and carrying out deadly attacks on your enemies, that can be a very high Iq occupation. But needlessly brawl with people where it’s not gonna do you any good.

That’s the domain of the low iq. And the women her in the the middle of this mix. I mean, their men don’t have any control over them. Like, what man would want his daughter? His sister, his wife, his cousin, his niece his auntie, like getting out there and brawl.

So there’s a problem in the… This Jewish community either that the men don’t have control of their women, and they allow them to go hog hardwired. Any estimation on Bin Laden Iq? Yeah. I think he’s probably north of 01:30.

Yeah. Most, orthodox rabbi take most Hooray orthodox rabbi will strongly discourage you from becoming obsessed with the politics. And something wouldn’t want you to spend your time brawl like this. Okay. So very few jews with Iq over 01:30 would approve of their their fellow jews or anyone just needlessly bro and risking their well being.

Tell you look at the Pro Palestine crowd, don’t see a lot of future accountants. Don’t see a lot of future dentists. Right? Don’t see people with a really bright future. So they’re not really risking anything.

Okay. That kid is all bloody up. Right. I suspect that he’s not on the road to medical score or law school or starting a multi million dollar business. So why would the pro profile crowd you’re whining that the up opposition was mean to them.

Like you come to a Jewish neighborhood, your block access to Jewish Synagogue. Where would you expect to be welcomed? So the average Iq of Palestinians is about 82. Right? The average Iq of Ash Jews is about hundred and 10.

They have almost no, social interaction in the United States. Right? They live in completely different neighborhoods. They’re in different professions. Okay.

So this guy is screaming. Alright, not a future neuro. Right. It’s not gonna have a a wife and kids at high. And, he’s not running some multi million dollar business.

Right this is a tremendous source of excitement. And it’s a way you’re feeling like you’re doing something important. Yeah. It’s very difficult. Verge on the impossible.

What says, a 15 to 30 point iq gap for people to effectively. Communicate, just absolutely unbearable for lower iq and hierarchy iq people to live together that they just drive each other nuts, Okay. That’ll do it for tonight. Take care. Bye bye.