Decoding Israel’s Coming War With Hezbollah (6-20-24)

01:00 Caitlin Clark Conundrum,
08:00 Col Douglas Macgregor: Israel Prepares for All Out War in Lebanon,
17:30 Turkey invades Cyprus with Russia’s blessing if Israel attacks Hezbollah
28:00 Is Israel Committing Genocide?
41:00 Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917,
44:00 A Short History of International Humanitarian Law,
1:30:00 Hizballah’s historic drone footage sends warning to Israel,

Speaker 0: I made 40 here, so Steve Sailor has just written a terrific column that I must share with you. For the first time in my adult life, I’ve I’ve paid some attention to female basketball and solely because of 1 person Caitlin Clark. Right? She’s heterosexual. Alright.

She’s some white girl out of Middle America, and she’s likable. She’s attract. D, and she does cool things with the basketball and she’s not at some thug. And why is The W nba, a completely losing organization uni interested in dialing back the thug that currently dominates the league. So Steve Taylor writes, Caitlyn conundrum, when thug us damage the appeal of the national basketball association around the turn century.

So think about all the problems in the National Basketball association with criminal behavior with imp women that the basketball players aren’t married too. Right. Just the The overall bad behavior of so many National Basketball league players. Remember how bad it was in the seventies. So I first started paying attention to the National basketball Association.

In the 19 seventies, and it was the least appealing, and it had the least hold of the American public of the 3 major sports. Alright? You’d even have Nba finals games that would not even be televised live because the league was dominated, By thugs, who did a lot of drugs and behaved like bugs, and America was not into that. So when the thug ness damaged the appeal of National Basketball Association, the executive leadership took steps to rein it in. So why?

Haven’t Nba executives intervened in their women’s Nba Vanity project to protect their most valuable asset. Rocket Rookie Caitlyn Clark. Right? From the racist violence at the hands of their black lesbian dominated players, have managed for 3 decades to keep the W nba unpopular and unprofitable. So how often do you hear about I, you never hear about he.

Right? But it’s just as much proportionally he here about. As there is homophobia. Alright? Just as that there are plenty of jews who don’t particularly care for non jews, about the same proportion as there are non jews who don’t particularly care for jews, But you never hear about anti gentile.

Right? That’s the hate that they’re not speak its name, and you never hear about head, But it’s present. Right? If you got a strong homosexual identity, you’re highly likely. You have some beer and some negative feelings about heterosexual homosexuality and heterosexual just like you have a strong heterosexual identity, It may absolutely turn your stomach to see in a movie or a Tv show, like suddenly 2 guys start kissing and embracing.

I mean for me, It just turns my stomach. I have just a visceral proportion, not because I think the people engaged in this behavior bad people. It’s just dis tasteful for me. Because I have a heterosexual orientation, And I have ever had heterosexual sex, and the idea of sex between men is is completely repulsive. That’s…

Just a function of my heterosexual identity. So too, I would not be surprised if for many homosexual, the the idea of heterosexual, activity is repulsive. Right? The stronger your in group identity, the the more likely you had to have negative feelings about our groups. And just as there plenty of white people who aren’t that thrilled with black people in fact, have some fear of black people, and have some negative feelings about black people, proportionally their just when eat black people have those same negative feelings Right?

About white people. So group identity doesn’t just belong to christians. It doesn’t just belong to white people. Alright. Group identity is something that all groups have and the higher…

Your in group identity. Alright, The more likely you are to have resentment and fear and concern and dis taste and discussed without groups. But it only ever gets described in 1 way. Right? How often have you heard about Rookie Caitlyn Clark.

Right suffering from racist violence at the hands of black Lesbian dom players. Right? We’re supposed to think that that sexual pho only runs in 1 direction. It’s just something that uniquely heterosexual people have, and and the good the good people of the homosexual community just never experienced, but it’s nonsense. Alright.

The executives of W nba and the Nba have considerable power to change their rules and how the referee interpret them who improve their product. Right Normally, boring baseball, slow moving baseball, for example, sped up its play by 15 percent in 20 23 by imposing a pitch clock to cut down on do? The game still has problems, such as excessive velocity on pitches leading to too many injuries and strike outs. Right? So Dodge slug shorts Mu bets on Sunday.

Right cut his hands broken by 98 mile per hour fast paul. The bets is amazingly quick. Right? So you can’t really say that it it’s his own fault. He didn’t get out of the way it’s soon enough.

About the success of Baseball pitch clock reform, he’s going to get people to talk about other possible changes, perhaps reducing pitch velocity. You might wanna it require status to work 5 innings or miss the next start. Or why not call or pitches hitting 100 miles per hour or faster on the radar out and automatic ball. Similarly during the 19 90, 19 91 basketball season to keep the 2 time defending champion Detroit pistons. Right, from continuing to pound on Chicago Ball superstar Michael Jordan, the Nba increased the penalty fl for Flag vowels.

Right? This liberated Michael Jordan, boring to win 6 titles and launch the Nba to immense global popularity with the Nba have been nearly as popular if it was still dominated by thugs, of course, not. And we can do this not just in basketball. Alright? We can do this throughout life.

By panel sluggish behavior, sanction sluggish behavior. Allowing people to have more freedom of association more freedom to do what they want with their own property, so that people who act in a thug manner. Right, receive a sufficient deterrent, that they start changing their ways. Right. Michael Jordan returned it retired in 19 98 and the Nba brutal trend worsened in 19 99.

The Nba overall free through shooting percentage. Right. A figure that you think would go up over time just as they’ll go kicking accuracy tends to go up in the Nfl, dropped to its lowest point in the 19 sixties. So the players who are dominating the Nba, were impression adolescence string the blood versus grips, crack war of a decade earlier, and they tended to dress like gang members off the court. Okay.

What’s going on with?

Speaker 1: A strategic level that Israel could not annihilate and eliminate Hamas. Netanyahu and his supporters began casting about for another way to, quote unquote, win the war, And the way to win this war in their minds strategically is to attack Hezbollah because they know that that’s their best shot at widening didn’t the war in britain…

Speaker 0: Yeah. That’s an interesting perspective. Alright. Israel struggling with Hamas. So it would make sense that, Bib Netanyahu would look for a war that he could win.

Also, also, way of complication gives israel out more room who conduct ethnic cleansing of its unwanted arabs in its midst. And also suck the United States into the conflict more deeply.

Speaker 1: Bringing in the United States on their side, not just against Hezbollah, but also against Iran. And from the very beginning, the obsession with Iran dictated action, that would bring Iran to war against Israel. Well, I think mister Netanyahu Wishes are being fulfilled right now He’s got an aircraft carrier battle group headed to the Eastern Mediterranean to support him. I don’t know where the eisenhower is or what it’s state is, but…

Speaker 0: So. And I think Colonel Douglas Mcgregor is some all seeing pro. He’s interesting. Right? He does have some useful things to say.

He’s not a big fan of Jews and the Jewish state. Does it mean that his analysis is useless.

Speaker 1: It went into port after being damaged in some way by the Hoodies. But I suspect that they could ref the eisenhower bring that back out to see, which gives 2 carrier battle groups with the capability to contribute to mister Netanyahu War. So I think right now, the 1 thing we can bet on very very certainly with great certainty is a war with Hezbollah law. There’s no question about it. And hezbollah philosophy says it’s ready.

Very It not only says it’s ready, but it says it’s going to have additional fighters show up to support them. But I think they know that, ultimately, when Israel goes after them, it’s a war to the finish. There’s no question about it It’s even worse than what we’ve seen, frankly in Gaza. This is a war that the Israelis know they cannot afford to lose, which inevitably means that Iran will come into the war. Now I don’t know if the Israelis will open hostilities against hezbollah law with the use of a quote unquote tactical nuclear weapon, but I would not rule it out.

They know that the the Hezbollah law is heavily dug in very well prepared and has a multitude of weapons that they can hu. It is really. It could… Level large parts of Hai, as well as Tel aviv, where most of the Israelis are now constant.

Speaker 0: Okay. So I think that idea that Israel’s just… Itching to use a nuclear weapon, I I don’t buy that. Would Israel use a nuclear weapon if the the state was being overrun and and defeated against this enemy. Sure, but I don’t think Israel’s looking.

Hoping for an opportunity to use a nuclear weapon. Alright. Let’s get back to see Sailor here. The Nba reached at Na in 2004, and the American dream team lost games at the Athens Olympics to Argentina at Lithuania and Puerto Rico. Daryl Do Chocolate Thunder on the famously black Philadelphia 76 team, Last 19 77 Nba finals so the late Bill Walton White Portland trail lasers remarked that year.

The black game by itself is too chaotic and combustion office. So this is how Noble people talk all the time who love Basketball though. Now talk about white guy Basketball and Black Guy basketball. White culture places more of a premium on winning office less on self indulge pre and chest beating, in basketball and in civilian life, freedom without structure it winds up being chaotic and destructive. And so in the fall of 2004 during the notorious malice at the Palace brawl in suburban Detroit.

At a massive fight between the pistons and the Indian internet pesos spilled into these stands. At the Nba then decided to insist that their players behave like serious professionals rather than like rap stars who seem to glorify in these treating it and getting shot. Right, some people love love to love and be loved, other the people love to shoot and be shoot short, 1 change was it dress code banning gang gear. Right? Dress code has a profound effect on you, the more religious the jew.

Right? That more care he takes. With his dress. Right? The more likely as a man he is to wear a black suit and a white shirt.

Players responded by marking the rule by dressing like Bourgeois Carlton on the fresh Prince of Be air. Then something unexpected happen. Many of the Nba athletes realize that they liked their new un image, After to get as far as they had in life. They had to have a touch of earnest carton about them. Yeah.

You don’t get far in life by only engaging in sluggish behavior and cy and pre… Alright, That’s that’s not a good recipe for going far in life. The idea of asking any particular group in the Us, whether it’s blacks or or gays or jews or Christians to do better eve un unthinkable racist today. So but took the decades ago in the Nba it worked. Other rules were changed to advantage more skilled shooters over defensive goo, Referee were encouraged by the Nba home office to protect the other otherworldly actor of Kevin Durant.

From the beating he no doubt would have endured a decade previously. Right This year, healthy Durant made the all Nba second team at age 35. Had Nba franchise started following Baseball front office trend. By hiring quantitative geniuses out of Mit to Money basketball, the nerds then kept pointing out that since 19 79, the Nba had awarded 50 percent more Points on a shot from beyond 23 feet 9 inches, so Teams started trying more 3 pointers. Then Boy is looking Stefan Ka.

Introduce a conceptual breakthrough, reminiscent of Baseball slug bay Ruth, nearly a century before just as ruth, came the first headed to routinely swing for the fences, 19 eighteenth 19 20, Steph Curry realized that there was all the room in the world on the Basketball court to get off un undisputed 3 pointers, He is willing to back up to 30 feet or father. But just as ruth willingly traded off more strike outs for more home runs, Carrie accepted longer shots to get more open once. 3 point revolution proves a successful Nba developed a nice problem. Lisa’s viewed from the dreary perspective of 19 99. Players got so good as shooting from long distances that scoring reach silly heights during the season just ended such as in the last Nba or star game with the abs absurd final score of 02:11 to hundred and 86.

Commissioner adam of Silver widely remove rum to have then sent a secret directive mid season to his rest, telling them to let defenders play a little rough without calling so files against them. Right? Sports leagues adapt to changing conditions. Now Caitlyn lock became the highest scoring women player in nc history by introducing the curry here at the Women’s games. First time, I I’ve watched lock women’s basketball.

Right. For example, she broke the women’s scoring record last February on a 35 quarter. Alright. At at what point, will Caitlin Clark’s range become normal among women at Basketball players like Home run hitting. Did after Babe showed it was possible or Will Clark’s records remain outliers like Wilt Chamberlain 100 points in Nba game.

Alright. So Caitlyn Clark scoring. Success has made her the most popular female college. Player of All time, as she led the under talented mostly White University of Iowa teams to consecutive Nc final games run remarkably numerous Tv audiences. At women’s sports tend to be small, but upscale because most women athletes tend to be the product of 2 parent homes by strong relationships with their Jo fathers.

The daughters of single moms tend to ob assess over how to catch a man while the daughters wealthy dads who stay married to their moms when it pleased their father’s by excel at what he is interested in sports. So as Chris Ro said, as a father, you only have 1 job to do keep your daughter off the poll. For example, women, poll voters tend to be exceptionally beautiful. They tend to be girls who would normally be cheerleader leaders right the acr demands are similar, except that their dads make so much money that they can afford sizable boarding runway in their backyard. Nba, W nba, however, more time brings in only 2 percent as much revenue as the Nba rookie like clock, a capped salary under 77000 a year.

So W nba has a down scale athletic base that tends to be macho black women who are Lesbian and like export for its own sake not because they wanna please their dad who they usually have not seen much of. Alright, Caitlyn Clark is a typical upper middle class white woman athlete, for the 6 6 boyfriend of the type that pre dominated the Winter. So father is a corporate executive as was her mother, where she became a stay at her mom because her husband was making enough the whole family. Not surprisingly, other W nba players sent to hate Caitlyn Clark and tried it brutal fertilizer. Gossip surprisingly, Nba executives haven’t come to their me york tickets aid.

W Nba players tend to have more diversity pokemon points being women, black and Lesbian. But sports lately have been gained by brilliant Mit grads, so the site of low brow players being allowed to wreck. The W nba big chance to find a cash in is particularly curious.

Speaker 1: Traded because most of the Israelis… Have left the south moved further into the center, and the same thing has happened with Israelis living in the north. They pulled out and moved further into the center. Which means these are even more dangerously lucrative targets if Hezbollah responds in an all out war against the Israelis, And they also know that there’s a very high probability that if hezbollah is in a fight to the finish with the Israelis and Iran comes in, that Iran that Russia is not going to allow Iran to be destroyed by us, it will stand by Iran. And then there’s something else that’s very interesting.

It’s it strikes me that very few Americans are looking at Cyprus right now. Cyprus is the un unthinkable aircraft carrier in the Eastern Mediterranean for Israel. The Greeks made it very clear, the Greeks control half the island, that those bases will be accessible by the Israelis. Well, as soon as that occurs? I think the turks are suddenly going to say that’s unacceptable to them, especially since those bases will be used for strikes against Hezbollah.

Then it seems very probable, that the turks will finally dust off their equipment and decide to enter the war. That’s a that’s a an incredible development that will not necessarily global the war, but it will certainly regional and. A that we have not seen in the past.

Speaker 2: And and as Gary just toss up there here Here’s almost right on queue is a is a headline in the guardian that his Leader has expressly said. Cyprus will be a target if it lets Israel uses its territory in a conflict. And I wonder if you could explain a little bit more for for some of our viewers who may not understand the direct tie to Turkey and what they may or may not do as a result.

Speaker 1: Well, years ago in the 19 sixties, there was a an intervention in Cyprus. The turks actually came in and went to war to protect the Turkish population on Cyprus from the Greeks. And I think this is something that Americans should revisit and look at very carefully. We’ve had some measure of stability on the island, but it’s another 1 of these open source. It’s similar to the arrangements that we’ve made in the Balkans.

We managed to come up with an arrangement that would temporarily cause parties to cease fire, but we haven’t solved anything. And the Cypress

Speaker 0: So Israel looks like it’s in the most desperate straits in the in the last 50 years. Since the Yam kip war 19 73.

Speaker 1: Problem has never really been solved. And so I think this is an opportunity for the turks to come in and solve the problem in ways. That they wanted to do years ago, they were prevented from it by…

Speaker 0: So there are a lot of things that people want to do, but given the current incentives, they don’t do. But if current situation changes, if current incentive changes, then people are ready to act. Nations are ready to act. We are profoundly affected by the situation. Right?

The situation changes and the incentives change Right? Then all sorts of things that people want to do, they will start doing and you might not like many of them. Right? So You may think your neighbor Joe is a mild mannered, , kindly guy. But in certain circumstances, he will turn your life upside down.

Right? Nobody is always kind and good and truthful. And so 2 with nations. Right? There are no permanent alliances or there are a shifting interest.

And so if Israel goes to war with Hezbollah, and then Turkey takes over Cyprus And then Iran comes to the aid of Hezbollah. And then in this mail, the United States intervene on behalf of Israel. And Hezbollah is firing thousands of rockets into Israel, flattening much of Tel aviv, Jerusalem and Hai, plunging the country into darkness. Right, just destroying the electrical grid. Desperate ties in Israel will lead to desperate measures, and many people high up in the Israeli government would love to take advantage of such a cataclysm to stop pushing out the arabs from the West Bank and Gaza.

Speaker 1: Us, and the turks at that point valued their position in nato as so much that they wouldn’t risk it in an all out war to seize control of cyprus. But that goes away if the Israelis move in and start using those bases. At the same time, the European Union promised, Turkey that at some point it would enter European Union, but there was never any real intention to admit the turks to Europe. And with the mass migration of, Muslims out of the Middle East and North Africa.

Speaker 0: Yeah. Shocking. Not everyone means what they say in… Domestic politics or international politics and yet. When you follow the news, it tends to take people on a very literal basis.

Speaker 1: Turkey into Europe, that’s even less likely now. So the bottom line is, I think the next step in this war is an all out war on the part of Israel and Hezbollah against each other. The very high probability that Iran will now move into the conflict to support its friends in Southern Lebanon because I don’t think they’re gonna stand by and allow Israel to destroy them. That brings in Russia, and that also opens the door to Turkey And I think the Russians will tell the turks. If you wanna move on cyprus, will support you because we understand that’s a vitals.

Strategic interest for you, you don’t want Cyprus to become the aircraft carrier for your enemies, and the turks are increasingly view viewing Israel as their enemy.

Speaker 2: And that table And so doug, this brings up some some humongous. I… Yeah, there’s just strategic issues that are just off the charts. And I’m sure that you’re probably gonna touch on them in a second. But there’s some huge prospect.

Speaker 0: Okay. So to understand Doug Mc mcgregor, you have to understand the after rating under. So the more attention grabbing his pronounce, alright, the the higher his profile. So he doesn’t have rating a conventional position as a mainstream pun where he has to defend his credibility, so he is strongly incentivized to take , shots from long range. Right?

To carry on with a Caitlyn clock metaphor. And if he hits some of these shots from long range, then he looks like a genius, And if he misses, nobody will really care. Now, yeah, Europe doesn’t want a dominant muslim nation as as part of the European Union. But they’re not gonna come out and say that.

Speaker 2: Some problems on the tactical and operational level for the United States, we’re already into the red and some of our, stockpile positive of ammunition because we’ve been given so much to Ukraine. Now we signed a 10 year prospect

Speaker 0: Okay. So for all Doug Mac mcgregor problems, at least he’s not pious. Right? There’s an enormous international humanitarian law. World out there where all sorts of people doing all sorts of things that make them feel amazing and excited, but it’s a terribly pious and pom world that doesn’t tend to have much of an effect.

On on the real world. And samuel Moines, he’s a Harvard scholar. He he wrote a great book about the human rights industrial complex. I think this book came out about 20 10. And he notes that people in the human rights complex and and scholars of human rights an international humanitarian law.

Alright? They they approach their subject in spite of its novelty. Alright? Human rights as a universal concern, it’s is basically brand new from the 19 sixties. Right?

And historians and scholars, of human rights in international humanitarian law. They approach their subject, the same way the Church historians once approached this. Right they regard the basic cause just as Church historians treated the Christian religion as a saving Truth. Right? A sal vi process.

Right, discovered rather than made in history. And so the heroes who advanced human rights in the world just like the Christian Churches, apostles and saints are treated with un critical wonder, h geography, for the sake of moral limitation of those who chase the flame of international, humanitarian law and human rights, It becomes the main genre. And the organizations that institutional human rights are treat like the early church. Aa fledgling, but hopefully universal community believers struggling for good in avail of tears if the cause fails, it is because of evil. If it succeeds does not be by accident, but because the cause is just…

Well, human rights virtually never succeed as a cause. Right? So this is a movement that operates dominant on myth, which is kinda weird because when you’re trying to make the case, for a movement that is new. That is highly contingent, meaning it has no power And and whatever influence and whatever possible power it might have is highly contingent on various nation states deciding to use the human rights crusade for their own purposes. anyone who’s big in human rights who comes from a right wing background, Did anyone who’s big and international humanitarian law who comes from right wing background.

They overwhelmingly come from backgrounds in feminism? Marxism, communism, lenin, anti colonialism. Right? Left. Right?

They are people who become disappointed, with left wing, Utopian politics such as marxism and communism, and they’re seeking another Utopian crusade and it doesn’t really matter to them if it makes absolutely no difference in the real world. And the way they talk about human rights, it’s the same way that a rabbi will give a sermon in an orthodox Synagogue. Where. You just take it for granted that people are again to accept that the torah came from god, and so when you say the Taurus says, Right, even if you’re referring to some pronounce of a Rabbi 400 or 800 or 1200 years ago or the 5 books of the the pet. Right?

It’s still attributable to God, and because this is the setting. Right? You get up and you give a sermon in an orthodox synagogue and there’s a particular pious setting where you attribute things to Torah and to God, and you talk about the the great, rabbi of the past and and the brave, Parish of of the past of the ordinary Jews who stood up for torah, and and it’s just a certain certain pie. And there’s a certain inspiration level. And so we all need to do better and and work together and do 1 more minutes for so that we can bring them a shi and Has the ultimate redemption.

Alright. But you see that same pie in the world of of international human humanitarian law and and human rights, which is weird because These fields are so brand new. They have no real world power aside from the possibility of self ag advertisement. And they so profoundly shaped by contingency by culture by whatever the narratives are going on at the time, that you would think that if they wanted to take their cause seriously that they would be very careful in their pronounce. Because a single overstate has the power to ruin for the reader or the list at any possible credibility But the international humanitarian lawyers, and the the human rights lawyers aren’t really interested in making converts among those who think critically.

Right? They are only speaking to the already converted. And so they take absolutely no care with the accuracy and and and and the clarity and describing the contingency and the contest station of their field, and it’s and its highly limited real world applicability, which is which is stunning. Right? Because…

Unless you you buy into this utopia, Right? The the human rights talk, if anything about human rights in international humanitarian Laws, it’s Steve Absurd. So I’ll give you an example from the the the real world. So let’s say you have a client who has intellectual property, and he wants to sell the intellectual property. Right?

And you’re the attorney. Negotiating on behalf of the seller of intellectual property. The buyer may well demand some ind identification clauses. So that if it turns out, your intellectual property is stolen that the the buyer is off the hook for for the consequences, of you stealing intellectual property and then claiming it as your own. So from the sellers perspective And from the sellers legal council’s perspective, they want to make in ind identification clauses as broad as possible.

Right? So in legal world, ind amplification clauses are known as the nuclear bombs of clauses. Right? In ind, 1 single ind, in ind identification clause can ruin your whole day. And and what type of personality succeeds usually as a lawyer, someone who can keep track of where a close on page 17.

Right? Means something different on page 291. Right? Is that that precise analytical ability is what makes for a good lawyer. And so the buyer wants to maximize the range, protection that he will get in an ind identification clause.

Right? And the ind identification clause says, if this intellectual property turns out to be stolen and the buyer then gets sued. Right? The the seller has to cover up to 50 percent of the sales price, 100 percent of the sales price. Right?

So from a a biased perspective, you wanna make those in ind identification clauses big, broad, room and to have the the power of of nuclear bombs. Right? 1 in ind identification clause will destroy you 1 ind identification clause can’t negate an entire life of successful entrepreneurship. Let’s say that you’ve worked on something. Your entire life, and then you’re getting old and in you’re ready to sell, and there’s an intellectual property component to what you’re selling.

And you have steadily, honestly worked hard. You have accumulated a property that that has a sales price of 50000000 dollars. But if you sign off on a careless ind clause. Right? You’ll lose all of that 50000000 dollars.

And even be be liable for more. You can be reduced to absolute poverty and and bankruptcy. If… Your attorney is not careful with the way he negotiate an ind negotiation clause. Right?

From the buyer’s perspective, He wants to make the ind identification clause as narrow as possible as limited as possible as specific as possible as nailed down as possible. Right? You don’t want. Your ind identification clause being all airy fairy, you what no wiggle room in your ind identification clauses, if you are an attorney representing the seller. And so too, if you are trying to establish something brand new, like, human rights as as a global concern, where you have no real power in the world, So the only power you have essentially is your credibility.

If you’re trying to develop international humanitarian law that has virtually no power in the world, but you’re trying to persuade people of its virtue, Right? When you’re trying to make the case for something that has no real world power, and seemingly, no ability to punish? Its opponents, then your credibility is everything. And so you want to make your claims as specific as possible. As literal as possible.

If your claim is contingent, you wanna describe those contingencies just as if you are an attorney negotiating for a seller dealing with the buyer’s insistence on ind identification clauses. Right? If you wanna have any credibility, You wanna be as accurate as possible as specific as possible, give the context as much as possible to allow as little airy fairy. Right go pious, rum elimination, just you don’t wanna allow space. Feel your claims to expand like like a gas in in the air.

Because then anyone who’s a a critical thinker will fail to accord you any credibility, and the only people who will join your cause are those people who don’t care about what is true. And don’t care about what is accurate and don’t care about understanding things in their time and placed. I don’t care about understanding the the contingency that is shaping your claims. Now, let’s say that you are an attorney for a seller And let’s say that you’re you’re just a mediocre attorney who has no background in intellectual property. Should you then be negotiating ind identification clauses with a top international property law firm like Sc knobs.

Right? Scott Ops has got about 800 to a thousand top notch, the very best intellectual property attorneys. Right? But you… You…

You’re you’re a personal injury attorney? And and do you really wanna to go up against sc ups on your own negotiating ind identification clauses? No. You don’t. So if you’re in a brand new field of human rights and international humanitarian law, and you’re coming from a tradition, you’re trying to build upon a tradition.

Of carefully drawn narratives and concepts with regard to laws of war. Right? If you wanna retain any credibility Right? You wanna have a field to a facts, and you don’t wanna overstate your points. Right?

You’re in a whole brand new arena. And you probably don’t know very much. And so when you don’t know very much, you wanna be particularly careful. And when you’re over matched, then you need to recognize that and get help. Otherwise, you’re gonna get sued for legal malpractice.

Or if you’re a partisan promoter of human rights or international humanitarian law, you would just have no credibility. And so Credibility is everything when you don’t have any this worldly power and international humanitarian law and human rights has virtually no this worldly power. It it’s just like the Christians during the first 300 years. Right? When they they were living in cat.

And they were hunted down and they were persecuted. And so in the real world, alright, the the countries that have nuclear weapons of formidable Armies. Alright. They are not exactly shaking in their boots of the prospect of, human rights watch. Releasing some critique of them.

So you have to know your limits mate. And example of someone who doesn’t know his limits is Re Na year writing in the New York review of books, the 06/06/2024 issue. Is israel our committing genocide. I’ve engaged for 6 decades in the human rights movement. So there’s something about men as they get owner.

Quickly as a past age 40. They want more and more honor. Right? They want more and more applause. They expect more and more gratitude.

Right? They expect more more difference. It’s just part of being a man. So just like young men are scrapping to build their kingdom 25 to 40, as men move through their 50 sixties seventies and eighties, They want more and more different. They wanted to be treated like the kings that they are, if indeed, they have built something.

And if you don’t accord someone who has a an impressive track record that that defer, then they’re not gonna be very happy with you, and they’re not gonna cooperate with you. So this guy, right? He’s saying give me difference. Right? He’s been engaged in this utopian human rights movement.

For 6 decades. Alright. But listen to the utopia things that you’re saying here. I have been engaged in 6 decades in the human rights movement. Which is endeavor to restore peace by enforcing international humanitarian law.

So on a scale of 0 to 100, how successful, has the human rights and international humanitarian law Crusade be. It’s been a 0 out of 100. Right they’ve been endeavor for 6 decades to restore peace. And they’ve done nothing. Right?

They’ve done nothing to restore peace when nation states and terrorist organizations, have incentives to commit war. So Can the law bring a measure justice to the victims of Israel’s and Hamas violence Yes, law can bring a measure of justice for the victims of israel and Master’s violence. If that law is backed up by formidable armies. The the equivalent… Right, the military equivalent of an ind identification clause.

Right? You’ve got an army this is powerful as an explosive ind identification clause. Alright? You can you can blow up some people. But you can endeavor with your international humanitarian law and human rights to make a difference in the real world, and it’s just not gonna do anything because if a nation sees that it is better off, going to war and prose a war or terrorist organizations see that they’re better off prose a war.

They’re just gonna keep doing that. But in the final analysis Ari n year, those in the international humanitarian law Racket and in the human rights racket, they’re not in it. To make a difference in the real world, they’re in it to feel amazing to get the field. So remember, Covid, But I don’t know if you have a wife or a sister or or a mother or a girlfriend, women loved Covid. Because health is 1 of the few areas where women consistently no more than men.

And women loved the drama of Covid Right? They love the stu and drag, the emotional turmoil. Alright? Women women was so happy, so enthused. At least initially during Covid.

I mean, this was their time. This was their time to shine. That we’re gonna set the standards. Right? They they’re are a lot like the international humanitarian law and and human rights racket.

Just build with excitement. Build with Utopian schemes. Build with drama. Right? These guys are gonna bring peace to the world and These guys are going to pursue justice for the victims.

Right. Can could you get any more exciting and dramatic? A crusade, then pursuing peace and justice. So let me just tell you a little bit about this guy. Are the ear.

Today, the human rights movement includes thousands of organizations around the world. That’s true. There are thousands of organizations around the world that are interested in astrology. Right? Because it provides drama and purpose and meaning to people’s lives.

Just like human rights. Right, among international citizen movements only the environmental movement might be better developed. Yeah. Better developed, in terms of funding, in terms of numbers, in terms of access to the media, but nearly 0 developed in terms of real world effects. Amnesty international and human rights watch.

Neither of which seeks or accepts government funding. Oh my god, how lofty they are not to seek or accept government funding. Well, note 12 set program usually will take a donation over 2000 dollars and won’t take any money from you if you’re not a member of that 12 set program. Well But Amnesty International human rights watch have offices and hundreds of research staff members in many countries. Yet.

They’ve got a good racket going. Right? So what would happen if human rights watch, now went up against Putin’s army. Right? It it’d be like the Dallas cowboys playing football against Toshiba University.

Amnesty embassy stuff is much louder, largest. So we’re talking thousands upon thousands of… Engaged in a Utopian endeavor. Over the past few decades, these organizations have created a broad awareness, lawyers that there is a body of law known as international humanitarian law. So notice the dishonest way that he wants to frame this, that human rights an international humanitarian law they’d be there all along, but we just need people to bring awareness to to these things.

Internationally humanitarian law represents civilized values and regulates the conduct of combat and that comes from communism comes from marxism. Right? I I don’t know any significant right wing thinkers who have made significant contributions and they’re highly esteem in the world of international humanitarian law. How many human rights activists come from a right wing background and still consider themselves right wing. Right?

I don’t know any. Right? This is overwhelmingly a marxist communist, feminist, lenin, anti colonial, utopian, another left wing utopian cause. International humanitarian law forbid such practices ind at bombing. Wow.

, I too, Forbid such practices as ind disagreement bombing. But somehow, even though were 58 years of age, nobody has listened to me. But as many people have listened to me, am I forbid of ind criminal bombing as people have listened to international humanitarian lawyers, And Amnesty international and human rights watch. Right? These organizations require militaries to protect Civilians from harm.

Well, I too require militaries to protect civilians from harm. I let Vladimir putin note right away when he invaded Ukraine that he had to protects civilians from harm, and I had as much effect on vladimir Putin as thousands of human rights activists, You realize that? The man stands before you right now. I have the equal effect on Hamas. On Vladimir Putin on China’s genocide in tibet on the What, all the the genocide of the past 50 years were rwanda, Right, I have as much effect on these world events curb human cruelty.

As 10000 brilliant lawyers in international group, law and human rights law and thousands of researchers an activist Right, I have the equivalent effect. I have the equivalent real world power of of 20000 well funded, highly esteem. Highly educated. High iq. People part of cohesive organizations, and me just 40 here, just a bloke.

Just a 58 year old bloke, screaming into the void. I have as much effect as the entire, human rights and humanitarian law, industrial complex. Me, just little me just a simple jew, just a bloke from Ko Bong, just sharing my thoughts. I have as much effect on Vladimir Putin, and Those organizations and individuals that carry out genes genocide, I have had equal amount of effect on these people is re n year and 20000 human rights, international humanitarian lawyers. But I don’t want credit.

I mean, I don’t need your your super chats, Right. You don’t need to offer your body to me. But, I’m just a simple jew, or, all I want is lead a simple life. Following god’s commandments. So here’s area 8 a year.

Some principles of international humanitarian law have ancient roots. Right. Such me such dishonest wording. Alright. Yeah.

Literally true, but he’s trying to tie in international humanitarian law. To any laws of war down through history, but international humanitarian law is its own thing. It’s its own development And you gotta read the work of amanda Alexander at Australian Catholic university in in Australia. She she’s just done some amazing scholarship on on these things to to just be accurate to note be feminist, influence on this, the anti colonial influence on this, the lenin influence on this, the communist influence on this, how the narratives keep changing, how the claims are made frequently without much regard for facts, and I’m re reread her terrific essay sa, short history of humanitarian law. So it really took off in the late 19 nineties.

Right, the international legal community became focused on ethnic conflicts in Yugoslavia and Rwanda, in the attempts of the newly functional Un security council to respond to these events. Yay, the United States, along with nato, they crush Serbia. Wasn’t that magnificent, just crushed Serbia, and they went in the fought on behalf of Muslims. And Muslims were so grateful. Right?

They they force swore by taking in any violence against the United States because they are so grateful for all the efforts that the United States and Europe took on behalf of vulnerable muslims in the Balkans in the late 19 nineties, And and we just forever developed muslim goodwill And so you had these ad hoc tri for Rwanda and Yugoslavia conflicts and you had work towards an international criminal court. Now, human rights and international humanitarian law, it can bite but only went nation states that have formidable armies and formidable economies, funding formidable armed forces decide to use. Human rights to use international humanitarian law for their own purposes. So just like women, You we’ll often see a guy and and think, oh, this is the guy who’s gonna protect or provide for me and I’ll see him for his wallet and they’ll they’ll they’ll be excited and and they’ll try to attach to someone who will protection provide for her. And men will sometimes look at women and they’ll just see an opportunity for sex.

And they forget her full humanity. Right? So 2 nations that want to use international humanitarian law, human rights, Right? To further their own purposes Right? They may not follow in the true spirit of human rights.

They may not under the gust, understand the gust of international humanitarian law. Right? We all tend to use. Right? Employees tend to use employers to get as much money as possible by doing as little work as possible.

Employers tend to use employees by extracting as much work from them as possible while paying them as little money as possible. Right? Guess what? People who want a job, often lie during a job interview and guess us what. People who are seeking to hire someone.

During a job interview, Often don’t tell the prospective employee, the full score. Right? So men who are dating women, women dating men are often trying to deceive each other and use each other to just get their needs met. Right? So we finally had an institutional environment to enforce international humanitarian law because We had some nation states with formidable armies willing to go to bat for this new concept of international humanitarian law.

Right? Such as the United States and Nato countries. And various states in Africa who were opposed to what was going on with the genocide in in Rwanda. So for the first time it appeared that international humanitarian law was no longer just a pseudo code. So when is international humanitarian law, a pseudo code.

And when is international humanitarian law, no longer a pseudo code. Right? It’s no longer a pseudo code when there are nations with highly effective armed forces willing to back up and enforce international humanitarian law. Law is only as strong as the armed forces that are prepared to enforce it, Right? A law that is not enforced.

Is not a practical law. Human rights that are not enforced by a formidable armed forces are just a utopian scheme. Right? They’re they’re just a dream. Right?

A an explosive ind identification clause that is not lit that is not enforced that is not referenced. Right? Has no power. Right? Let’s say you make a deal, you’re the buyer you you’ve got these wonderful ind identification clauses in the contract with with the seller.

But then you lose the contract. And your attorneys lose the contract. You have no access to to the contract, and you miss statue limitations. Well, You still got ind identification clause on the books. Right?

You have beautiful writings about human rights on the books. Alright. If you’ve been screwed over in business. If someone tripped you and broke your back and inflicted permanent lifelong damages on you that would be worth in in a normal legal proceeding of of a good solar pest injury attorney in Southern California you’d be you’d be set for for making a million dollar verdict. Right?

Means nothing if you miss the statue of limitations. Means nothing, if your attorney is incompetent. Right? You’re gonna get much less money if your jury is in the San Fernando Valley as opposed to being in downtown Los Angeles. Right?

A, a black jury will give you more money than a wider jury. So Law isn’t just what’s on the books. Right? The meaning of law is who enforces it? And how rigorously do they enforce it?

And who exactly enforces international humanitarian law. Only certain nation states at certain times and places under certain contingent conditions when they see it as being in the the best interests of their state and whatever coalition they they want to create. Don’t just having what on the books doesn’t mean a whole heck of a lot. Right? The bible says all sorts of things that religious people don’t follow.

I converted to orthodox Judaism got a secret to share with you. Most orthodox jews do not perfectly observe orthodox Jewish law. Most religious people do not perfectly observe their religion. Right? People peck and choose overwhelmingly.

And all the laws on the books in a religion, but is not gonna c behavior if there’s no communal sanction. Right? If there is a communal sanction to violating to our law publicly, then to belong to that community, you have to avoid. Deliberately provocative violating law that your community holds sacred if you want understand the good grace is of your community. Otherwise you’re likely to be exile.

Alright. If you go to young Israel Century city, and you, you drive on the sabbath. It’s very likely that a rabbi will pull your side and say you should not do that and if you persist in doing it you’re very likely to be shown the door. But it depending on the context. If your someone is not pretending to be observing, that’s a different category.

If you’re someone who who does pretend to be observing, and then you’re editing porn movies. Right? And and that that knowledge gets out. Or you’re engaged engaged in, you, very shady businesses practices. Right?

Many modern orthodox synagogue will kick you out, So humanitarian law when you have an army to enforce it, it’s no longer a pseudo code. Now, Pseudo code, a real code, international humanitarian law became a real option for study research and work. It was exciting. Right? Covid was exciting particularly for many women, particularly in the beginning, as this was an area where they knew more than men.

They were more interested in men, and it was… It just stirred up all sorts of dramatic emotions in in women that men were largely immune to, just as, Sports tends to evo intense emotions in men that women are typically immune to. Men love to fight. Men love to compete. Men love to go to war.

Right? Men start competing at a very early age. When when men when a men are boys and they’re designing games to compete with other boys. Right? They always design rules.

So men are used to competition with rules which is how the laws of war used to operate than human rights, an international humanitarian law came along as say much more feminist, nurturing endeavor. And women do not like competition by and large. They do not like having whole sets of laws to abide by. Right? They prefer a more democratic, kinda egalitarian Let’s figure things out together sense.

Right? Men respect hierarchy. Right? Women tend not to like hierarchy. Right?

Men Respect law, men respect rules, men respect protocols, men respect. Hierarchy, men respect the laws of war and the laws of competition. These are art, natural masculine impulses because men just naturally much more physically aggressive than women. Men have at least 10 times the murder of women. And if if I told you that I got beat up the other day.

Right, the odds are, , 98 percent of the person who beat me out was was a man. Right? There not many women. Who could beat me up. I…

I’ve never dated a woman who is physically stronger than me. And in all likelihood, you have never dated a woman who is physically stronger than you. So men are more competitive more physically aggressive and what keeps this in check is that they also they respond to hierarchy and to to rules and to laws. At women don’t like competition. When they’re thrust into competition, they react badly, and they don’t tend to observe any rules regarding a competition.

So that’s why women will often fight in a much more dirty way such as after a divorce or after a breakup of relationship. Let me tell you, 2 people were together and after 3 months, right, 1 of them decided to call it quits. So Right? If I told you that 1 party then went out a ji hard to ruin the life of the person who no longer wanted to date. That person.

Right? Would you be shocked if it was a woman. Right? I have had women just try to ruin my life. Simply because I no longer wanted to date them.

I have male friends who’ve had women knew everything they could to ruin their life, simply because the guy did not want to date them. I know it happens, but it’s much rarer that a man who gets stumped by a woman then dedicate himself to ruining her life because almost all man would regard such a man as un man, part of being a man is providing and protecting for a spouse and a family, and a certain stoic. Right? That you would fall apart and engage in such petty dramatic Right? Would would strike most men as un unmanned, no weak woman behavior.

So it’s not that men superior women superior, or right? Different sexes have have different gifts. Right men spot. Respect rules regarding competition, women tend to hate competition and tend to, , fight dirty often in battles with men that the men would never consider. So humanitarian law and human rights becomes overwhelmingly much more feminine, marxist, communist, left wing Utopian scheme.

And name, Name, the major right winger was still right wing who major forces in either human rights or international military. Look, I’m unaware of it. Right? Laws of war. Virtually all this leading scholars and proponents and practitioners of the laws of war were men.

But international human humanitarian law is a much more woman endeavor. It’s exciting dramatic like the beginning of Covid. It it responds more to to the person, male or female who’s interested in nurturing. I grew up said with they adventist except the adventist are incredibly nurturing. Church is also 70 percent women.

So the third of the church that is men, they have still taken up many of these woman nurturing Outlook books and practices in life. Set the ad 1 of those rare western religions that was substantially founded by a woman Lng wide. So human rights international humanitarian laws. This is an exciting, dramatic, emotional feminine. Communist, Marxist lan pursuit.

And so you have a new cohort of academics entering international law start producing a large body of literature, So what are the dynamics when you have a female dominated department, or a female dominated business or or group or club. And it tends to act in an ostensibly democratic egalitarian fashion, but it tends to be highly clicky. Right? The organization cease to be so much about obeying certain rules, and observing a hierarchy, which is much more of a male tendency. Instead, it’s about, fitting in with the cool goals and staying no, on good toes with everyone.

And if you’re a man and you wanna put a negative spin on this, you you’d you’d call these female dominated, department’s covenants. Right? That… That’s a a male put down, but they have a different organizational structure, and they operate differently than male dominated arenas. Think about that difference between departments of education, departments of economics.

Right? Economics is 1 of the laws bastion of masculinity in the social sciences. So you got a large body of literature coming out of increasingly feminist and Marxist dominated arena. And it’s completely different to the skeptical and pessimistic and masculine work of the early 19 nineties, which was dominated by male, military lawyers and a male military perspective Right? Namely me, the greatest female generals in history.

That there have been some. But for every 1 great female general, there there been at least 10 or 20 or 50. Great male generals. If you were to list the 50 greatest male general, the 50 greatest generals in history, not 1 would be a woman. If you were to list the 1000 greatest tau scholars in history, not 1 would be a woman.

If you were to name the top 100 tal scholars right now, not 1 would be a woman. If you were to name the top 50 scholars of the laws of war, I don’t think 1 would be a woman. Right if if 1 was, alright, you’d have 1 or 2 out of 50. Alright. If if you were to name the top 100 military strategist in history, or 100 would be men.

As a military strategy, military lawyers and the laws of war. This was a very masculine perspective that was skeptical. Right? And pessimistic about the ability of the laws of war and international humanitarian law to protect civilians. Against the d degradation of militaries who bent primarily on achieving certain objectives.

Right? It was taken for granted until the 19 nineties is that potentially, militaries would pursue their objectives, and the most that could be hoped for was that in the pursuit of their objectives they did not grow gratuitous. Attack civilians. Right? That that was the very best you could hope for.

Speaker 2: To allegedly let that turn into a basically forever war and Israel’s already yelling at it. I mean, that’s what Netanyahu was doing because we haven’t given enough weapons here on the Hamas. Now if they open up into Hezbollah, you’re talking about a sustained combat, that’s gonna take a lot more rockets, intercept, artillery. All kinds of other ammunition, which we don’t have. And if you now then you spread that out over a 2 front or while we’re doing Ukraine, Doug, we don’t have enough for that.

Speaker 1: Well, we we’ve not even addressed the vulnerabilities of the our forces that are still sitting in the Middle East. And the various bases there, which are easy for the Iranians to target. The Iranians have always exercised restraint when they saw that they were walking up to the edge. And we would we would do the same thing. We always walked up to the edge, but then we said no, because it’s really not in the interest of the United States to be at war with Iran.

Today, the problem for us is it’s not just Iran. It’s virtually the whole region that’s turning against us. We have no interest that would bring us into war with the Muslim arabs on the peninsula, as well as Iran or for that matter of the turks. We have no interest whatsoever in that. We have an interest in finding a way to stop this.

But here’s here’s an important point to keep in mind, and I have to quote John Who said it very, very well. If our interest in Israel’s interests were actually aligned, keep there would be no requirement or need for a an Israel lobby? Why is there an Israel lobby pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into people’s campaigns and pockets in the hill on the hill in the house, in the senate, and even in the White House. Because the interests do not align. So they have to be artificially constructed, and that’s an artificial construct right now.

And I think once the American people discover what’s going on, and they’ll probably discover after we begin to take losses at sea. There’s gonna be held to pay in Washington. No amount of money will ultimately buy off the American electorate. The American electorate is not gonna be pleased if we take heavy casualties. And I think that’s a real possibility And again, I go back to Russia doesn’t have to engage directly heavy They can support iran, and they can also support the turks.

And the turks are gonna be very unhappy about these developments on Cyprus. The turks are already watching carefully to their, eastern border where the Israelis have been hard at work as well as we. In inspiring the kurds to attack turkey. Why would they do that? Because that’s a distraction that divert

Speaker 0: So I’m very sensitive to accusations that I’m using the works of various academics for my own purposes. I I just… I just wanna share this with you. I am a humble servant of the truth. Right.

I only go. Where the truth leads me. Right? I don’t pile any agenda on top of the truth. Right?

I don’t even know the meaning of the word ag dia. But I didn’t even understand terms, like ego, tension seeker, narcissist, self ag. Alright. I am just a humble servant of the truth. Right.

The truth speaks to me, I don’t know why the truth chose me as its vessel. I was just living my life. I was happy. I was banging babe. I was getting Jig.

I was getting social. Alright. I was out there. Alright. I was making things happen.

I was doing the all in out. Right. I was just living life and loving life and just having a good old time. And then the truth call to me. And it said 40.

I need you to investigate the porn industry. And I said truth. No. It’s it’s too dirty. It’s too disgusting.

I… I’ve got something great going and I’m noodle to los Angeles. I’m just just absolutely going into town. Have Have a wonderful, wonderful social interactions exploring , other Jewish women as we get to know each other Jewish and learning tour learning love. I don’t want anything to do with the pornography industry.

But the truth said 40, you must go forth and write a book on the history, the pornography industry, and then you must write a daily column. The Internet about the pornography industry for 10 years. Alright? You must serve me for 10 years, and then I will release you. On and completely against my own inclination.

Right? Completely against anything that was amenable to me, I was willing to take the way. Of that obligation to the truth. Right? I I was willing to just go where the truth sends me to to drop all other ego concerns to drop all concerns for for my own reputation for my own social standing for my own well being, but I just went where truth sent me.

And then 2008, A pick… Pick up a book on the Alexander technique. And I just followed that to become a trained teacher 3 years of training to become a teacher of the Alexander technique. Back in 19 89, I heard the call of the torah. Right heard the Cla call of the To truth was talking to me, It said, 40, We need you to study To.

We need you to Per practice, Tore, We need you to convert to orthodox judaism, and I just followed the truth into orthodox judaism. And then, what? 19 97, the truth said, I need you to start blogging. Books books don’t cut it anymore. A whole new world.

Truth says start stop blogging, and Start blogging and then start of blogging. Right? And and now I’m just following the truth. It’s into international humanitarian law, human rights. I’m not using the truth.

Right? I’m not using these concepts. I’m not using the news. Right? This is me the servant.

Right? I’ve found my calling as the servant. And it’s so much easier. There’s just less the drama, there’s left self loa. I I don’t wake up at at 2AM concerned if I’m doing the right thing.

That’s really rare now. Just happen all the time, but because I’m just a humble, unaffected un servant of the truth. Right? I’m not using any of these concepts and academic studies and ideas and and breaking news that I’m sharing with you. I am I’m allowing I’m allowing them to just flow through me in a pure un diluted fashion.

Right? I’m not someone who comes into a a 12 set program go, okay. I’m gonna use this 12 set program to get what I want. No. I make myself a vessel.

For the almighty for god for truth that to flow through me and and then to serve you the the the pure un diluted truth Right? Without any need for partisan agenda. I I’m just staying in my lane. At my lane is truth. And here here I am.

I can do no other, so help me God. Here I stand. I can do no other. So help me god. I must follow the truth.

Okay. So International humanitarian law and human rights, right, becomes a big institutional thing. Becomes a huge academic racket. Starting in the late 19 nineties, deeply concerned with the victims of warfare and the crimes committed against them, but not so concerned that they need their work in their theo to make any difference in the real world. Right?

So if I was embarked on some do good scheme for me to sleep at night, I would need to see evidence that my scheme and my theo was making a difference. Right? When I go down the street, sometimes I run into people go, 40 it, Know, I was listening to your show. And because I heard your show. I thought, maybe I should get checked out for Adhd.

Oh maybe I should try a 12 set program for marijuana addiction. Maybe I should go to Aa. Maybe I should look for a good therapist. Maybe I should call my parents or I haven’t spoken to for 2 years. Like, when He would tell me that they they’ve checked out my show often, they’ll they’ll describe something morally outstanding and positive and and beneficial to them that has come from the show because I’m just, , allowing myself to to follow the truth wherever it leads.

Now, The people are obsessed with you rise National humanitarian law they don’t need any real world effects. Right? They just need to feel something dramatic. And so the victims of land mines. Right?

Just heartbreaking. Right? So international lawyers would discuss these issues and they would employ this new Marxist humanitarian feminist not nurturing vocabulary, and they became more open to human rights, values in a way that their predecessor in the laws of war were not. So that they believe that international law could reflect these humane feminist nurturing, lenin values. Right?

They worried about creating a kinder, meaning more feminine, more victim focused form of law, a more feminine form a law. Right? Men naturally orient upwards. Right? Women, right, a much more nurturing and willing to look after people below them in social status such as infants and and children.

And so this is this is beautiful, on parts of both sexes, for men, it inspires them towards excellence and for women, it inspires them towards nurturing. And, yes, some men have nurturing dependencies, and they will look after people below them in status. But generally speaking, the mail of obsession is to focus on People who above them in status, men wanna to keep, moving up in status, they really want to look upwards in hierarchy. That is a natural male orientation. Women have a natural female orientation to care.

For the helpless. To care victims. Right? Caring for victims. Right?

That gets women excited Not many men get excited about caring for victims unless they can ag them and get them laid. Right, Taking care of victims. Taking care of those who are helpless, Right, rescuing. Right. How many men are thrilled by the idea of rescuing people who are helpless.

Right? Some men are, but overwhelmingly, it’s far more women who vibrate who feel all good and warm and and fully human and fully feminine when they are taking care of a helpless victim. Right? Women respond to helpless victims in a way that men don’t tend to, and this is a beautiful thing on the part of women. And it comes with dangers just like the male orientation towards those who are above them in the hierarchy also comes with downsides.

We need both men and women, and we need them in in many different parts society, 99 percent of Kindergarten teachers, a female, for good reason. Right? You you’d probably need a female kindergarten teacher. So the new feminine international law, was focused on creating a kinder or victim focused form of law. They wanted to take care of those who are helpless victims.

And the idea that there was some kind of magic key that Trauma, for example, was the magic key for understanding all human mis behavior. This is… Highly appealing in particular to women and also to men with many kinda these female traits. And so those international humanitarian lawyers of a theoretical bank, they did not just resign themselves to the skeptical d instruction that prevailed during the Gulf war. Instead, they would write from a feminist perspective, from a post colonial perspective from a marxist perspective from a warm nurturing, let’s take care of helpless victims perspective.

Right? And use these critical techniques alright, critical as in critical race theory, critical gender theory. Right? Critical theory, which gets attributed to the French and to the well, to… What’s that school that came out of Germany in in the 19 thirties?

It’s supposedly the repository of all that’s wrong in the world today, the the Frankfurt school. Right? So they would they would use these these, , left wing techniques to try to you look after helpless victims and just imagine the intense pleasurable feels that they got from doing this work. Right? The the feels were so amazing that they didn’t need to have any real world effect aside from, they needed a job.

Right? They need his status, and they needed to look cool to their peers. Right? You tell Someone when I’m an international human rights lawyer. Right?

That is high status, many of the circles that I know. So they were going to transform language. We’re gonna transform culture. They were on transform the world. Right?

Just make it make it filled with with loving and caring. They weren’t gonna be like their parents were. Their their innocence Sean like the the sun. That’s a great song. American hot.

Right. Hit his your typical international humanitarian lawyer or human rights activist. That were married in September back in 19 69. They traveled east to India to find some peace of mind, they stood for love and freedom. They were children of their time Whoa whoa.

They lived in a world that was cold and un caring. They swore they would change it with loving and sharing. They’ll never live like their parents have done. Their innocent sean like the sun. American hot, human rights hot, critical race theory hot, international humanitarian lawyers, to filled with emotion.

So easily broken, but even in the broken hearts, when they see the helpless victims before them. The heart breaks, but it breaks in such a exquisite feels way that is just so amazing. Now they’ve got a family and a cottage in the hills. He’s always working late to pay the mortgage in the bills and she is trouble sleeping so the doctor gives her pills. Whoa, whoa.

Who are these strangers who used to be lovers? Now they got nothing to say to each other? Too far apart to discuss their mistakes. They filed for divorce, and it breaks their human rights hearts, breaks their international, humanitarian law hearts, it’s so filled with a motion, but so easily broken. Well, now that their flotation with marxism and and communism and other left wing, utopia is over.

They’ll each go un living, never forgetting, but somehow forgiving, They’ll care for their children, protect them with pride, and that’s how their dream will survive. In human rights hearts so filled with emotion. Oh my god. I, I’m about to… How about to shed a tear.

Samantha Powers dreams. So they they might have joined the Harry Krishna. You might have joined some cult, or they become human rights crusaders. Such a beautiful thing.

Speaker 1: Resources in Turkey away from potentially being used against Israel. But it’s a rather silly notion because Turkey is a great power. First There are 80000000 turks. They have almost in inaccessible reserves of manpower. The willingness to fight in Turkey against Israel and us.

Is enormous. We we… , you and I talked years ago about the the Turkish cinema.

Speaker 0: Maine. I forgot to tell you. There’s murder on the basketball floor. I mean, what they’re doing the Caitlyn Clark, it’s murder. Is murder on the basketball floor, but you better not kill the groove.

Gotta burn this goddamn damn house right down. Is murder on the basketball floor, but you better not steal the moves. Motor motor motor. Mud.

Speaker 1: It was turning out films.

Speaker 0: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Of Americans attacking in Northern Iraq being defeated. By handful of Turkish troops who bravely resisted the Americans. These were sellout out deals. In Turkey, they were immensely popular We don’t have very many friends left in the world. We certainly don’t have strategic partners that see this confluence of interest with us anymore.

They see us as a catholic catalyst for conflict.

Speaker 0: So I don’t sound skeptical, or cynical about… International humanitarian law or these great human rights activists. I mean, I I wanna recognize them for their contributions and their sensitivities. I didn’t know that there was 1 human rights activist, who was so famous and so respected. That he was simply known as Brave bald Sir robin.

And brave bald Sir robin, he wrote forth from camelot, and he was not afraid to die, a brave Sir robin, he not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways. He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp or to have his eyes gaps out or debbie elbows is broken to have his knee cap split his body burned away, all his limbs hacked and mangled, like brave, brave or robin. Like, he was not afraid to of his head smashed in Not afraid to have his heart cut out. Have his liver removed his his bowel unplugged his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off and his penis. Right.

Not afraid at all. And when danger reared, it’s ugly head, he bravely bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes. Brave sir Robin turned out. Gall, he check out swiftly taking to his feet.

He beat a very brave retreat. Brave of the brave. So Robin. What a guy? So we had these hopes for change for a better world, more humanitarian law.

Supported by legal developments in international tri, the success of a campaign against land mines because you did have nation states with powerful militaries such as the United States signing on, some of this Crusade such as in Serbia. And so the protocol 1 of Geneva conventions ratified, brought about in 19 77 to regulate law between states. Alright. It it was basically dormant till the North Atlantic treaty organization nato intervene cost 19 99, on behalf of those poor helpless victim muslims. So Well, you thought it would have been invoked, but lawyers almost without exception.

Right? They would acknowledge that France Turkey and the Us were not parties to this protocol. But then they would add the provisions of the protocol universally accepted as customary international law and binding anyway. So… This is the upside and the downside for living in a utopian world.

So in the real world, contracts aren’t binding. Unless you’re a party to the contract. But in the world of international humanitarian law and human rights, Right? Contracts are binding even if you explicitly, your nation state explicitly rejects them. On what basis because of the fields.

It feel so amazing to say that this contract is a binding. So how did the lawyers come to such a straightforward conclusion, which was So in to the truth, which was so different to the debates that have taken place a decade earlier acc were very different. Lawyers. Right. These were critical race theorists theorist and critical gender theorist and Marxist lenin leftist feminist, lawyers.

Right? But they weren’t going to be limited by the facts. Right? Or they need it was a reference to human rights watch or amnesty International. So as long as they are able to throw in a few references to human rights watch or amnesty international.

Right? That was the basis for their conclusion. Well, these various human rights organizations say this, therefore, it’s binding. Now, did evidence International and human rights watch feel constrained by the truth? Right.

Did they feel constrained to reference the authority for their claims. Right? Did they feel obliged to note a source for their claims. No. They would just issue these bland Utopian statements?

And that became the authority for people who bought into this utopia. Right? This this confirmed the status of additional protocol war… 1, Right, Created 19 77 regulating war between the states explicitly rejected by the United States and France and many other nations. Bon but the human rights activists, they wanted to usher in a beautiful new world.

Right? They they this… They wanted to find some peace of mind. They stood for love and freedom. They were children of their time.

Right? They came from a world that was cold and un caring. They swore they would change it with loving and sharing. Don’t never lived like their predecessor in the laws of war had done. They’re innocent shu like the sun, their hearts, so filled with emotion, so easily broken.

Yeah, They’ve got a family in a cottage in the hills. They’re always working late to pay the mortgage and the bills, but they got a great racket. Right? They’ve got these well funded organizations. Like, they’re making they’re making a buck, bro?

How can you not respect them? They are making a bra a buck. Right? Just churning out these utopian analysis of what’s going on. They’re not gonna be limited by patriarch concepts of facts, then not gonna be held down by capitalist notions of reality Right.

They’re not gonna be high bound like the the patriarch predecessor , all concerned with with… Authority, and source and proper referencing. Right. They’re not gonna be limited like that. There there innocence shines like the sun, they issue the most wonderful plan statements, and they’re there to issue in a a messi age of international humanitarian law.

Right? They they know the humanitarian approach and they expect that law will protect helpless victims. That’s just how it should be. What should be is. Right.

So you had the acceptance of additional protocol 1 is now the applicable law, even though many nation states such as the United States, most Powerful Nation say in the world rejected it. Alright? And so human rights watch and Amnesty International, many start writing about Kosovo and they demonstrated completely different understanding of the laws of war than those who wrote about the first Gulf war in 19 91. Right They interpreted the principal of discrimination much more strictly. Right?

Discrimination, principal of discrimination Laws of War is that Militaries should put an effort to discriminate between combat and civilians. But now they narrow the class of acceptable targets and imp permissible weaponry. Right? Y, you can’t fight like that. Right?

As for proportional personality, it’s no longer a principle. Right? Human rights watch and the International, they report it strictly. Well, strictly than anything that pre preceded them. Alright?

They have no legal basis. Alright? They have no basis in reality, that they have no standing, but there’s a patriarch notions bro. We’re we’re post patriarch now. We’re post colonial.

I mean, don’t bother me with your colonialism and your… Empire thinking, and your capitalist thinking with notions of authority and rules and laws of proper citation, and proper authority and that a contract to be valid requires both parties to ascend to it, bro. That is that is colonial thinking. That’s patriarch thinking. That’s so outdated.

Alright? In this brave new human rights world. Right. So the the new approach is that there’s no military. Benefit that can justify a high amount of civilian casualties.

Right? So military campaigns as we have known them are now illegal. And what’s more powerful than a bunch of human rights lawyers proclaiming that war is illegal. And if you start killing civilians, you have a failed the test or proportional. Right?

Aerial bombardment very wrong. Totally no, that’s illegal is disproportionate. Any weaponry aside from like a an eighteenth century musk. Right? Is disproportionate.

Right? You use anything aside from precision guided munitions. Right? That’s disproportionate. That’s illegal.

You wanna destroy bridges. You wanna use any infrastructure that use by civilians, you wanna interrupt their high speed Internet bro. You wanna interrupt their electricity. Their access to television and into pornography. Right, that’s totally disproportionate.

Right? Right? Any attack, it does not allow the civilians to have their Internet, that they’re tell, their electricity, their access to pornography. Alright? Any attack that does not put the the well be being the flourishing.

Right? The maximum flourishing, of civilians ahead of military objectives is this disproportionate. This is like child abuse. But child abuse category was unknown until the 19 sixties and then a bunch of the the sixties into the seventies and even into the eighties child abuse, was thought of when AAA parent or an adult, severely beats a child or sexually a child, and that was the common understanding of child abuse, but that just shows how patriarch and primitive your ideas are. Now Child abuse is anything short of creating the optimum environment for your child’s flourishing.

Anything that’s not optimal for your child’s flourishing? That’s child abuse. And any conduct of war that is not optimal for the flourishing of the civilians who might be affected by the war. Right, that’s now illegal because you are not conducting yourself in a way at least a maximum human flourishing. I I used to attend a quite liberal, not Synagogue.

And I’d hear about human flourishing and I forgotten a lot of that that liberal left nurturing talk. Or I could I could be much funnier. Just imagine how funny this could be, but I really up on my liberal left talk, So you can’t have military attacks anymore that do not put the human flourishing of possibly affected civilians first. It’s a brave new world, maybe we won’t change it with loving and caring. We’re not gonna live like our parents have done.

Her innocent shu, shines like the sun. American heart.

Speaker 1: In crisis. Everything is dis that we touch. So let’s look

Speaker 2: at the at the at the tactical or or even operational look for a moment. Because there seems to be this assumption that we can pretty much do whatever we wanna do. And if it came to hezbollah Law of course, Israel is gonna win that But Israel fought and an inconclusive war in 2006. And since 2006, Hezbollah has been improving its defensive positions to make it much more difficult for Israel to attack into, which is what it would have to do. And Israel has struggled for 8 months, against an enemy from the Hamas that’s just kinda mixed in with the population, and inconclusive there can Israel in a time effective and cost effective way, defeat hezbollah?

And can they simultaneously substantially fight… What would them almost certainly continue to spur up at its rear. Can they fight

Speaker 1: a 2 front war? Well, I’m I’m tempted to say no. But I think there’s a distinct possibility that the Israelis will use a tactical nuclear weapon, at least 1 or 2 to devastate Southern Lebanon. What they wanna do is drive all of these people north of Lil River, just as they wanna drive the arabs in Gaza into Egypt.

Speaker 0: Okay. So I think he is falling for his own Bs here. I I don’t believe that the Israelis are looking to use a tactical nuclear weapon. In Southern Lebanon, but there’s something interesting the electronic fire, so I’ve been listening to videos put out by the enemies of Israel to get a different perspective.

Speaker 3: The that’s rim corridor. But… On the northern border with the Israeli border with Lebanon, Hezbollah has been stepping up, its operations and they released statistics for their operations from the, 250 day mark that just passed the other day, they showed us here, slide number 20 tamara is the, Hezbollah quan

Speaker 0: So when I listen to this electronic fire perspective, Like, they they often come with with arguments and commentary that… I’ve never heard before because I live in my my zion bubble, and it’s quite challenging. Right? Does it doesn’t come easy to me to hear this contradictory

Speaker 3: here, assessment of their operations, 2125 military operations. And and I’ll read you these operations. We can go to number 21 because Hezbollah also released a mix tape, of their operations. And interestingly, just note here.

Speaker 0: Hezbollah ba is the most powerful the most dangerous non state military actor in the world.

Speaker 3: That that this this video begins with the camera lens. The camera lens then the anti tank missiles, it just gives you a sense of the the way that they have embedded these media ops.

Speaker 0: Right. You look at this video and you think that Hezbollah can essentially wipe out Israel’s electrical grid within an hour.

Speaker 3: And the critical role these media operations play in this war, showing us things that the Israelis would otherwise lie about and the way that the resistance both in Lebanon…

Speaker 0: Oh, my god. Did he say the Israelis lie? Yeah. Israelis lie. Not Israelis lie.

Everyone lies. Right? We’re all self deceived and intentionally trying to deceive others.

Speaker 3: And in Gaza has used

Speaker 0: So what are the best ways to kinda put a limit on your life. Is to confront people who hate you. Alright, You’ll often get a bracing painful clarity from them that you won’t get from your friends. Paying And so what the electronic office here is a bracing painful clarity.

Speaker 3: Used. These media operations, recording their operations and showing them to the world, is a critical part of their war fighting strategy. These videos are made to be seen. They’re made to be shown and talked about in the way that we talk about them on the air here. Some people, sometimes they are we saying too much about the operations is it dangerous for the fighters?


Speaker 0: So I wonder… What what would you guess is the average Iq of Hezbollah member? So I would guess 90 95. Maybe probably 90 And so what would be the average Iq of a member of the Id? I I would expect it would to be 01:05.

Speaker 3: Videos are released by the fighters, themselves. That is the point of these videos is to show them, and to be seen and to see these operations. And here, this is the 250 day mixtape date that has Ebola released to just give you a sense of some of these operations. So they’ve targeted 304 settlement

Speaker 0: I mean, I’ve had barry sheila give me mixed tapes in my time, but wow. If I met Sheila gave me a mix tape like this, it would suddenly grab my attention.

Speaker 3: Vince. 1373 border sites, 89 rear sites. So those are positions beyond the border are 200 different border points, 59 aerial targeting, 110 targeting of bases. And, of course, the Israelis have hundreds of thousands of people out of their northern communities. In the north just like they are in the south, the buffer zones as we know are inside Israel now.

They’re not in Lebanon, like they were, during the occupation of Lebanon, and they’re not inside Gaza. They’re in the envelope and you can see here with this video loops again, you can see the camera. They they intentionally made that shot here. In that fighter, on that. He’s he’s saying to his unit.

He says unit 24. We answer Ga call. So he’s saying that That’s what the fighter is saying on that report on the that video that you just saw there when he’s talking to his troops. He’s talking to his unit, and saying that we’re answering Ga call, which is what Hezbollah said, this has all been about since October the eighth when they joined this battle, in solidarity with the, with the the southern front in Gaza, we have shown you many of these operations. You’ll recognize many of these operations.

I’ve shown you over the last 8 months and broke them down. In detail, but these have been coming fast furious over the last couple weeks, hezbollah is definitely turning up the, turning up the heat on the northern front, for Israel. These are the suicide. The 1 way suicide drones, Ko drones at tac drones that Hezbollah ebola has been using.

Speaker 0: So there there good good reason to doubt the effectiveness of Israel’s air defenses if Hezbollah drones can get the footage that they’re getting in this mixtape tape.

Speaker 3: So just let me give you more of these numbers, 3 military factories, 50 artillery positions, 10 iron dome pla forms, including 5 since day 207, drones down, 5 of their, flagship drones, the Hermes 900. I’ll show you that in coming up here. Another 1 was down, that has says 442 artillery operations that they have carried out, 925 surface, surface to surface rocket attacks, so 925 rocket attacks. Israel says 5000 rockets in those tax, 82 sniper machine gun attacks, 100 drone attacks, 682 anti tank guided missiles attacks. And 23 engineering weapons.

So, that’s been significant all through, Hezbollah well tempo all through this war,

Speaker 0: But Hezbollah has the rocket tree and the missiles essentially to flatten. Anything that they want to flatten in Israel. They can flatten most Tel aviv, most of Jerusalem. Most of. They can…

Knock out Israel’s electrical grid.

Speaker 3: Has been to gradually escalate along with Israel and to to tell Israel that they’re ready for war on the north, and Israel seems to be blu a lot recently about war in the north, but I think the military assessment at this point for their exhausted troop…

Speaker 0: So Israel’s prime minister of Bb Netanyahu is a big talker and a big blu. But he tends to be quite cautious when it comes to actually going to war.

Speaker 3: Oops can’t. , can’t defeat the brigades and the Palestinians in Gaza who have been besieged for 15, 17 years. Just the formal siege, of course, the siege John Gaza goes back to the first in nevada.

Speaker 0: Well, if gaza is under siege, then 50 percent of that’s on Egypt. But because this channel is not primarily devoted to truth, unlike myself. Right? They they don’t wanna mention that if Gaza is an open air prison, then that’s at least 50 percent on Egypt.

Speaker 3: And so Hezbollah doesn’t have those limitations. Hezbollah has land, land crossing land access, hint lands. They have strategic corridors between Iran, to to train fighters to import weapons, all these things that Gaza doesn’t have hezbollah does have. And so Israel taunting, or saying that they’re going to fight a a war against Hezbollah.

Speaker 0: This is the first time in least 50 years that the the buffer zone is inside israel. Normally the buffer zone is in Gaza or in Southern Lebanon, is in the sinai. Over the first time, Israel has had to endure a buffer zone within their own territory and 102 hundred thousand Israelis have had to flee from their homes.

Speaker 3: Seems to be a strategic catastrophe waiting for Israel. Let’s look at number 22 because Hezbollah has also shown us the ability to down Israel’s flagship drones. This is a Hermes 900, the El drone. This is a a 10000000 dollar per unit drone, don’t when they sell them to foreign countries, which they’ve sold hundreds to foreign countries, they end up being more like, 20000000 dollars in the packages because of the… The pilots that come with them, the pilots are from El, the corporate, the corporate, builder of these drones also staffs, the the pilots of the drones and trains, the military, how to use these drones.

So when you have El on a boycott, dives and sanctions list, the which they are, because of their investments, from foreign countries, many countries have, banks, pension funds that are all tied into El and El is is having these, technicians actually embedded within the military units. So you can see here another Hermes 9 900 down. This is the second 900 down in, June alone. They’ve down 5, 3 Hermes 9 hundreds and 2 Hermes 04:50 so 5 of these flagship hunter killer drones These are attack drones that fire munitions. These are the killer

Speaker 0: This is a little bit like A cad qaeda, like, releasing a mix tape of the damage that they’re gonna do the United States prior to 09:11.

Speaker 3: Drones that the Israelis are using through Gaza that you could hear all the time. And so here you hear, you see pretty spectacularly falling from the sky, and we took the audio out as always, we take the audio out. But, the lebanese civilians are saying congrats. Congrats boys. You got another 1, watching from the ground in Lebanon as these drones, these israeli drones that terror the region.

Are falling from the sky, just very symbolic visuals that that have been happening increasingly and we’ve reported on them from Answer a lot to answer a laws has been able to down, something like half a dozen, MQ9 reaper drones

Speaker 0: So in 19 67, Israel won a rapid war against its enemies, but in 19 73 in the Y poor war. Israel was surprised and the Egyptians fought quite effectively, and, Israel was rocked, Was was desperate, right, except for a massive, shipment from the United States. Right? Israel would not have survived as an independent state. So there’s not some d from heaven that Israel always has to have the superior technology in the superior fighting force.

Speaker 3: So it seems like the axis of resistance has this capability now to down these flagship drones, and and we’re seeing it. Consistently. And this is, on top of these… This is a surface to air missile again, hezbollah cuts out the part where the missile hits they’re still hiding what missiles is used, but we’ve reported on that before it’s item 03:58, that is likely what is being used to take down these drones.

Speaker 0: So as well as about 10 times more formidable than Hamas, and it’s not that Israel can’t defeat. Hezbollah, but it will be 10 times more difficult than defeating Hamas in Gaza, and there will be probably 100 times the price paid in Israeli lives and Israeli property damage.

Speaker 3: And if we look at number 23 tomorrow here me. This is a a corn strike. This is a an Iranian version of the Soviet corn anti tank guided missile, and we see it being used here on the border against an Israeli Hu v, that’s traveling along the border in A Men in the upper galilee. You can see the open top Hu v there it’s about to get hit by a hornet. And the Israelis said that these 2 guys, they’re only lightly wounded.

They’re just lightly wounded.

Speaker 0: So Hezbollah is currently restricting itself to not attack more than about 5 miles into Israel. But if they wanted to, they can hit anywhere in Israel with missiles.

Speaker 3: So again, doesn’t seem to match the videos. That we’re watching, certainly doesn’t look like lightly wounded in this anti tank missile strike on an open topped vehicle there, but lightly wounded. You can see that there’s no sides on the on that vehicle. It’s not a fully armored vehicle. It’s it’s a jeep.

So unlikely lightly wounded in that. And then you’re gonna watch this tomorrow, but I’m recording this today, hezbollah Bella released a video of drone footage. This writ is pretty remarkable. They released this This is Tuesday. They release this video.

It’s a 9… It’s almost 10 minutes long. I cut it down a bit shorter, but they’re showing you here, drone footage over Israel. This is the Rafael Defense Systems industrial complex, a military industrial zone affiliate.

Speaker 0: Hey I went intervene, I mean, I think that what that missile did to that jeep, I think the missile was breaking the speed limit. And so I wanna… Call out for for human rights. You’re not allowed to have projectiles that move that rapidly. Right?

That that just violates international humanitarian and more. So I’m throwing a flag excessive speeding in that missile.

Speaker 3: Affiliated r Rafael, a major Israeli weapons, manufacturer and includes factories, warehouses, testing areas. It includes iron dome platforms that we’re looking at here. So we’re getting has…

Speaker 0: So what 1 are the 2 most powerful people with regard to Israel’s electricity grid? Essentially confessed this week that it’s unprotected and highly vulnerable and can be destroyed by Hezbollah whenever Hezbollah wants to do so. Then he was forced to retract that statement. But I suspect that he he simply slipped up and told the truth.

Speaker 3: As well a footage of iron dome platforms, you can see the military industrial complex that they’re showing here. Of the leading Israeli defense, 1 of the leading Israeli defense establishments Here, we see David Sling and iron dome again, this is part of their air defense array that’s designed to take town drones that are…

Speaker 0: Right. So how is… Hezbollah able to fly these drones into Israel clearly. Add defenses is not exactly formidable.

Speaker 3: Recording footage like this, and now they’re gonna show us Hai. They’re gonna show us the neighborhoods and Hai. They identified 260000 people in these neighborhoods that they’re flying over. This is Hezbollah a drone footage flying over. It says high density.

Speaker 0: Right. If hezbollah starts unleashing a thousand missiles right, into any part in Israel that it wants. If it starts unleashing its arsenal. We’re talking 20000 dead Israelis in the first hour.

Speaker 3: The urban block border in the coast of Hai bay located north of occupied. What they’re caught… They call.

Speaker 0: Why have half a million Israelis left the country since October 7? Because of things like this? Right? It’s not because they’re crazy. They’re just in in the grip of completely irrational emotions.

Right? They’re logically cold calculating. That it’s unsafe to live in israel and they’re better off living outside of Israel.

Speaker 3: Occupied Hai. And again, you can see the this footage crystal clear footage of the population of 260000 in Hai. This is this is what this is the target of, a war, an open war with Hezbollah would mean. It would mean targets well within Israeli, well within Hezbollah range, Israeli cities that haven’t previously had to deal with war on the scale that the north has, as well. And so this is the port of Hai showing you the strategic area includes large military industrial and commercial facilities hyphen military base, naval base, high civilian port, the largest port in Israel, and here they’re gonna show us, the main naval stations here, the, over the port, the port of Hai has petrochemical plants,

Speaker 0: So before you have a war, you have to have an argument. Right. 2 countries do not go to war with each other if they’re have an act at understanding of their own strength and the other party’s strength. So wars at ways of resolving arguments. So you’re Parts of Israel’s military establishment thinks that it can soundly defeat Hezbollah at an acceptable cost.

They may get a nasty surprise or Hezbollah may get the nasty surprise. Maybe Israel has all sorts of… Of prowess that Hezbollah is not aware of. But they’ll only be war between Hezbollah and Israel if at least 1 side has dramatically underestimated the capability of itself and of the enemy.

Speaker 3: You can see there’s lots of civilian areas integrated with military areas according to the Israelis. This is called using human shields. I’ll

Speaker 0: that’s funny. Right? That’s exactly funny because it it is a big part of Hu. Right? Pro Israel commentary to continually talk about how Hamas uses human shields.

But now now the the pro crowd is is using that is really rhetoric argument backed against Israel.

Speaker 3: All their military positions here their military positions here are on the. On the shoreline, all integrated with civilian positions in this hai port, They’re showing the submarines there, the submarine command unit. They’re just flat.

Speaker 0: And I think these are nuclear powered submarines with nuclear weapons. Right? Israel has nuclear submarines. Right? Israel let soviet union know that it had nuclear missiles.

In submarines that were aimed at Moscow in major Soviet cities if Soviet Union tried to destroy Israel.

Speaker 3: Texting that they know all of these sites. Here they’re showing their warships. These are corvette vet class warships, the sa worship, the Patrol boats, so they’re picking out their individual military patrol boats, you could see just the boat coming in there because they’re mixing their civilian in military. That’s the Sa 6. That’s their state of the art, corvette that they get from the Germans.

Here we see the Hai, electrical station, the… 1 of the largest, electrical, state power power stations, chemical storage here, Nas has talked about these These are, fuel tanks, storage reservoirs, oil reservoirs, strategic reserves, Israel’s strategic reserves, So what we’re just getting a hint at is here, they can target all their military apparatus, but they can target their civilian. They’re civilian apparatus and their strategic, their power, their their strategic reserves of oil, to run their country, and an open war with Hezbollah, from the north is is something that Israelis are just not ready for. And this footage today, from Hezbollah this 9 minute videos is just a really remarkable video. Especially for people and le.

Speaker 0: So how bad would things have to get in Israel to use nuclear weapons? I would think they would have to fear that the very existence of the state was becoming questionable. And you can see where a furious Hezbollah missile attack that levels hai. Levels the electricity grid levels jerusalem, levels tel aviv levels, it’s pure reserve, right, destroys the major airports, the major ports. Right, You you can understand then way, Israel might respond in in strong ways.

Speaker 3: Lebanon who have for the last, know, decades dealt with Israeli over flights of their territory, constantly warp planes flying over and and and taking, violating Lebanese airspace, constantly before this war, and now we’re seeing hezbollah Flying a drone over and pointing out

Speaker 0: So what’s the Armageddon clock at also the chat? D has decimated dedication.

Speaker 3: About all of the different strategic locations that, that they have to target, and this is something that is this is just this just came out today, and the Israelis had to the Id confirmed today. That this is real. They they told you, if you needed confirmation of what your eyes are looking at, the Id id f confirmed that this is… Of quote, this is this is real, according to the Idea. And located it just remarkable that the, the Hezbollah drones that are supposed to be stopped by this multi billion dollar aerial defense array are just touring around Hai, showing you all the major sites in Hai, all the major positions that would become targeted at in the war.

And, Nas said in his recent speech that there’s 200000 Israelis out of their homes in the north, but he said we can make it 2000000 in minutes. And that’s what that’s what he’s talking about. He’s saying in these petrochemical facilities, oil facilities, the power plant and the, Hai airport as well here that are being shown in the port of in the port of Hai. So this was a 10 minute video that I I cut down for you, but that you can see this this very qualitative upgrade in the way in the threat that Israel faces from the north that Hezbollah was showing us, today. Again, this is the port footage where you can see the civilian and military.

Speaker 0: Okay. Chilling prospects if Israel goes into a full on war with Hezbollah, Hooked to yu blokes later on. Bye bye.