Rabbinical Court Of  Shar Hamishpot  17 Mosier Ct. Monsey,N.Y 10952 (845)425-9708




This is to verify that Mr. Kin has shown us proof that he responded to the first summons from the RCC(Rabbinical Council Of California) requested by his wife Chaya Lonna Kin. Mr. Kin responded to Rabbi Avrohom Union of the RCC that he is prepared to  attend  a Din Torah with his wife at our Bais Din in Monsey, NY,where Mrs Kin resides. Mr. Kin has also signed an arbitration agreement with our Bais Din and expressed his eagerness to adjudicate all the matters expeditiously.


However it appears from the documents provided by Mr Kin, that Rabbi Union from the RCC ignored Mr Kin’s reply and proceeded to send him more Hazmonos (summonses), to make it look like Mr. Kin had not replied to the original summons to give him an excuse to  render him as a “SARVAN” (recalcitrant husband)and coerce a GET upon him. This is the reason  we publicized in our other letter that according to the Torah, the “NITVA”(respondent/defendant)which in this case is Mr. Kin has the right to pick the Bais Din of his choice. Therefore, since Mr. Kin has expressed to attend a Din Torah with Mrs. Kin and wishes to exercise his Halachic rights, he is given full status of being Halachically obedient. The Halachic provisions allowing him to choose his Bais Din are stated in the Poskim as follows:(See Hebrew version for a complete list of quoted sources)…………………………………………………………………………..


The conclusion from the above is that Mr. Israel Meir Kin has been following Halacha protocol and is Halachically obedient in all aspects. Any future Seiruv arising from his actions shall be rendered false and invalid retroactively,and shows no merit whatsoever according to Halacha. Additionally there is no reason to G-D forbid cause to bring about a coerced GET in such a case. Let this serve as a warning to the public of potential misrepresentation and interpretation.


Signed on behalf of the Bais Din Shimru Mishpot, 9 Shvat 5767 (January 28,2007)


S’………………………………Avrohom Shmuel Yehuda Gestetner