NY Post:
Carla Murino, a new bride from Staten Island, has had her new bottom
for a year and is loving every curve of it. "I didn't want to look like
J-Lo," said Murino, a patient of Jacobs. "It's more like I wanted an
athletic butt - nice, little and perky." And that's what she said she
got over a year ago when she fat removed from her stomach to her bottom.
"It's great," she said. "I put on yoga pants and its like, I have a
If you don't have a bazillion dollars to resculpt your rear, here are
some other, cheaper bum optimizers. The squat - The single best exercise
for strengthening, toning and shaping the butt. Just stand with your
feet shoulder-width apart, bend at the knees until you're parallel to
the floor, push through your heels, contracting your bum. Repeat.
Padding - If you lack rear assets, the Better Bottom ($39) is a panty
with padding to resemble a realistic round bottom. If you've got enough
padding of your own, but want a more contoured shape, try the Booty
Booster ($16; both available at Clarins Total Body Lift
- This is the cellulite-reducing cream everyone says actually works.
Aromatic plant and caffeine extracts help decrease fat storage, improve
circulation and firm the skin. Apply twice a day ($57; available anywhere
Clarins is sold).