
Happiness is a Serious Problem

By Dennis Prager
Catalog Price: $23.00

After ten years of writing and lecturing throughout the world on the subject, I have finally written Happiness Is a Serious Problem. I have lectured on happiness for the last ten years. I never expected to devote so much intellectual energy and time to a topic seemingly unrelated to moral, religious, or personal relationship issues. But I have come to realize the immense significance of happiness to all of these matters, and not having a rose-colored view of the world, I have a realistic take on happiness.

I have tried to provide ideas on each page that can change the reader's life.

Here are some of the ideas contained in the book:

  • Being happy is usually considered a selfish goal. The fact is, however, that we have a moral obligation to those who live or work with us to be as happy as we can be.
  • The greatest obstacle to happiness is human nature - because it is insatiable. Our brain has to tell our nature, "Enough. Be content."
  • The only people we know who are always happy are people we don't know well.
  • Unhappiness is measurable - it is the difference between our images and our reality. To reduce unhappiness, either drop your images or change your reality.
  • Those who equate happiness with success are doomed to forever seek more and more success - because when they realize that success has not made them happy, they will have to pursue more of it. The same holds true with those who identify money with happiness, fun with happiness, and so on.