
Compiled by Luke Ford

On a dreary rainy Monday, February 2nd, Dennis Prager announced that it was a "wonderful beautiful day…"

Then he lamented how quickly the years pass.

His opening thought came from today's Wall Street Journal… "What if what the President was accused of, happened to the head of your company or of Texaco or Microsoft, do you know what would happen with litigation… the local sensitivity trainer… sexual harassment lawsuits…? Americans should drop the 1986 Supreme Court ruling equating sexual harassment with "hostile working environment…"

Sexual harassment should only mean what it traditionally meant - quid pro quo - sex for work, pay… The only reason that lawmakers can pass such stupid laws is that they are not subject to them… But in your work place, if you say "breast,' to a sensitive woman… you'll be in big trouble…. It may go in your file for life…equated with sexual harassment…

"Ending that ruling would end the frightened state of male-female relations in the work place… The New York Times reports for the second day running, that for the first time since the Clarence Thomas lynching, that sexual harassment hysteria is diminishing.

"I remember how alone I was in the media saying that the charges against Clarence Thomas were insignificant…

"I am the only person at this radio station who has freedom of speech at this work place… Everyone else is restricted by Disney's speech codes.

"There are a million ways of having a hostile work environment… What about a guy insulted by the boss? Or someone offended by religion working next to a religious fundamentalist or vice versa…next to a guy wearing an Atheists United button?

"The law should not protect us from emotional hurt. To engage in human relations is to risk being emotionally hurt. If you are hurt, then you pick yourself up and march on. You don't go to court."

MARY: "What is considered sexual harassment today, used to be considered a compliment… 'You look nice in that dress… What a nice figure…'"

DP: "Feminist totalitarianism, trying to control everything…

"What if a woman wears a particularly short skirt to work, and the guy is driven crazy all day… Isn't that a hostile work environment?

"Hostile work environment is a good moral idea but a bad moral idea. If a guy is obnoxious at work, you confront him or have someone else confront him, or fire him…"

IRIS: "I'm an ardent feminist, and I never agree with you except this time… I saw Patricia Ireland, [head of NOW] on ABC's This Week, say that her organization did not allow executives to date interns… Which takes the spice out of life…

"I want a man who nurtures my career as much as his…"

Iris has never married. DP says that may be the reason why.

DP: "I wrote ten years ago that the feminist movement is animated by hatred of men, more than love of women…just like the civil rights movement hates whites more than it loves blacks…

"I will be happy that the Clinton scandal creates a rethinking of sexual harassment and the feminist movement…and Monica Lewinsky will go down in history, unwittingly, as a contributor to human freedom…

"Touching is good. Men and women can't talk normally and touch normally now in the work place… I hug men more readily now than I hug women… Are there gross hugs? Yes, such men are twerps. But we should not make twerping illegal.

"What about the Northwestern professor who wants women to be able to sue for emotional distress if a guy breaks up with her… Or [Gloria Allred, Prager's KABC buddy], the suit against Dodi Fayed for breaking off an engagement…

"In my book on happiness, I have a chapter on looking for the positive in every situation… I am not an idiot. I have a tragic view of life… But there are plenty of situations where we can seek the good… And there would be tremendous good if this scandal led to a reduction in sexual harassment hysteria…

"Last night I watched THE STRANGER AMONG US with Melanie Griffith… An undercover policewoman goes undercover in a Hasidic family in Brooklyn, New York… And one of the rules among these very religious Jews is that a man and a woman should never be alone in a room together…"

So the secular extremists behind these sexual harassment laws resemble the Hasidim.

1:08 PM

Prager was eating a vegeburger at Subway the other day… And he could not understand the woman's English.

"If a retail business put up a sign, 'We speak English'… Would that be racist? If a business is consumer oriented, should it hire people who can speak English well?

"It's interesting to be in your own society and find people in service positions who can barely speak English… We often see signs, 'Se Habla Espanol.' Many businesses might consider putting up a sign, 'We speak English here…"

[Luke: I had that problem today and last week at Circuit City… and ended up having to take back an item because the person serving me last week could barely speak English and hence could not help me…]

I bless the Mexicans, Salvadorans, etc… who hustle for work. I wish that Americans born here had their work ethic…"

JEFF: "I've eaten at Subways many times and the only time the place screwed up my order, was in Simi Valley where everyone was American born…

"For many years, I've picked up [largely Mexican] laborers on street corners… They are terrific… I can't speak a word of Spanish, and we were always able to communicate…"

DP: "With all the talk about Americans being racist…. I think Americans have far more admiration for the hispanics coming here than any other sentiment…

"Part of the reason that I learned Hebrew so well, was that I attended a Jewish day school [yeshiva] where all the religious teachers did not speak English as a primary language… And so I had to learn to converse with them in Hebrew… Immersion."

CALLER: "I'm a businessman…and if I put up such a sign, I'd get crucified…"

DP: "It's incredible what you are not allowed to do for fear of litigation…

"We do want people from every background…but we want them to become Americanized… Our own culture is being pushed aside…as Arthur Schlesinger wrote in his little book THE DISUNITING OF AMERICA… We have shifted from multi-ethnic to multi-cultural… America had a unifying culture…


Prager interviewed the pastor of the First Baptist Church of west paduca, Kentucky, who recommended that the murderer (Michael) of that group of Christians in prayer be forgiven.

Dr. Reverend Kevin McCallen's 2000 word essay appeared not in the Wall Street Journal (probably too long) but in The Prager Perspective. The reverend knew most of the folks involved in this tragedy.

Reverend: "I have to help people work though these issues to find health…and let go of anger… The forgiveness that I advocated followed the arrest of Michael, and the stopping of his behavior… I was trying to minister to his family…

"My youth pastor and I were there at the school within twenty minutes of the shooting… I found your article judgemental… My interest is in getting people to handle forgiveness in a healthy way…"

DP: Why should anyone repent if they are forgiven anyway?

Reverend: "To be put right with God…"

DP: "Does one need to repent to get right with God?"

Rev: Yes.

DP: But we do not have to be as just as God?

"What is your scriptural basis for forgiving everyone everything?"

Rev: "Love my neighbor as myself… Most of us forgive ourselves easily…"

CALLER: "Do you subscribe to Stereophile [magazine]?"

DP "Yes."

CALLER: "Why not murder anyone because you can always be forgiven?"

REV: "The laws are straight forward…. I don't hold a personal vendetta against McVey."

DP: "I am angry at McVey. You want me to forgive him?"

REV: "Yes. You need to be at peace…"

DP: "I don't want to be at peace with McVey…. I think he is disgusting…

"There may be a time in life to be angry… and a time to let go… When a go is walking one day, and the next day, knows she will never walk again…that she is entitled to anger…"

REV: "You'd have to talk to the young lady… She is not angry… just grateful to be alive…"

DP: "I have moral anger at McVey…"

REV: "He is an easy target… What has he done? He has violated the law of our country and our God. So by realizing that he will have to answer… you can surrender…"

The Reverend did not support the cancelling of Karla Fay Tucker's of her death penalty.

DP: "No one listening to this show should assume that Christians are of one outlook on this issue. Because all Christians who wrote in to me after my essay [in the Prager Perspective]…agreed with me…"

REV: "After you get your relationship straight with God, that extends then to other people…"

DP: "Which group is most likely to fight evil: Those who automatically forgive everything, or those who only forgive those who have repented?"

REV: "Either group would be ready to fight evil…"