
September 16

Gil paraphrasing as quickly as possible...
"if this shooting had occurred in a black church, and a white shooter was making racist expletives...'
"or if it were in a gay church, and the shooter was swearing faggot this and faggot that..."
"Or women at an abortion center..."
"does anyone think the media wouldn't be covering this, wire-to-wire, instead of a hurricane?"

Prior to this, DP predicted that within a week there would be calls to forgive the shooter as further proof of "America's [and, importantly, even the theistic's] broken moral compass." He's right about that.

MSNBC headline: "Floyd soaks eastcoast, but causes little damage." "so, Floyd doesn't even cause property damage worth calling news, but 7 church goers are mowed down, and this doesn't warrant coverage."

I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of hearing DP trying to provoke his audience. So far the only caller has been a reporter from Dallas who I'm
sure DP called. It is 9:56AM.

Bob, Albany NY: Christians aren't PC, so maybe (I don't want to say this) they're expendable. Maybe rightfully so. The underdog will get the attention.
DP: the victim, whatever their wider membership, is the underdog [made all the more so by govt policies].

DP calls for more carrying permits. "Is there anybody listening who doubts that if people were armed there would have been less murders at this church?"

Steve: Well the church shootings did make the front page of today's LA Times. But remember, Floyd caused the biggest peacetime evacuation in our history, over 1 million people. It's pretty hard to argue that 7 people killed in Texas is a bigger story than Floyd.

And then there's Prager's and KABC's general silence on East Timor, thousands of meaningless deaths i suppose.

But Prager has found his niche kissing white Christian ass. Since the fall of Rome, white Christians have been oppressing, murdering, and enslaving by the millions, the rest of the world (including Jews) with overwhelming force. And Prager whines that the overlords aren't getting their due? What a disingenuous propagandizing immoral hack this man has become. And what a dangerous road he

He's actually said that Jewish children are better of in Catholic schools than in the public schools of a secular democracy. Throughout history Jews have often
found themselves in special relationships with the ruling classes where they've lived. And every time there's strife and revolt, the elite throw the Jews to the
angry peasants as an appeasement offering. All the while the Dennis Prager's of the world simplistically dismiss the peasants as solely anti-Semites while trying
to curry favor with the new ruling elites.

It works great when times are good, but when things go bad, like Nazi Germany, look out... Better to be a true democrat, a true egalitarian, and a true humanist, than to cozy up to the nobility, hoping the ax will fall on someone else...

Jason: I heard a few callers today on other shows say that the church shootings aren't getting the same level of coverage as the day care shootings last month. I wonder how much of that is due to Floyd (who picks these names? The next one is "Gert") and how much is just distance. Not sure if the LA shootings were big news in Texas.

September 10

2nd hr. Prager: If you want to lose all your friends, instill guilt. Why didn't you call back? Why didn't you visit me? Etc... If it bothers you that much, then that probably isn't the person you should have as a friend.

Prager admits that he's bad at returning calls and sending cards because he's so overwhelmed.

Prager spoke from a station in Miami, where he's conducting High Holiday services.

Prager went to his 30th High School Reunion a couple of years ago. He's only stayed in touch with one - Joseph Telushkin. Even though Prager has positive feelings towards most of his class members.

Prager says there are foul weather friends as well as fair weather friends. Many people are happier when things are going badly in your life than when things are going well. A real friend celebrates your victories and cries with you in your defeats.

Prager said a friend recently lost a parent and P. was at his house every day for shiva (mourning).

Prager says there are two types of people - those who like to use the phone and those who don't. Prager does not.

Gil writes: So, judging from your posting, you apparently missed the first call.

A woman called in, saying some friends were currently not talking to her, trying to instill guilt in her. She thought it was unreasonable.

DP asked her what transpired.

She told him that the friends had an internet site. That site dealt with an illness she suffered from. They disclosed on the site that she, BY NAME, had suffered, or had a procedure, or some such --either she wasn't precise, understandably from embarrassment (or I missed something, but from what followed, I don't think WHAT it was really mattered). All without her permission. She complained to them that she was embarrassed by it, and they should have known, and in any case they should have asked her permission out of courtesy if for no other reason. They said they assumed she wouldn't mind. That it was a public service, that she of all people should welcome the chance to help others. That it wasn't anything illegal they had done. And now she was feeling guilty for having complained -- but thought DP's subject pointed out exactly how she was feeling not very friendly towards them right now.

DP said of course you should feel that way -- but not for the reason he brought up. "With friends like this, who needs enemies," he laughed. [the following is not verbatim, but I will write them as if DP were talking, because it sounds what I heard -- so beware to not use them as quoted material]. They were friends, and it was only because of that friendship that they knew about your condition. They took personal knowledge and broadcast it to the world without asking you for permission to do so. From what you tell me, their assumption that you wouldn't mind was self-serving, helping them justify to themselves their violation of your trust. A friend is someone who you can confide in without worrying that it will go any further. They owed it to your friendship that they would do nothing as little as tell another person about you without your explicit permission, let alone putting it on a web site. They are trying to shift the guilt onto you -- you have nothing to feel guilty about. Barring their complete turn around and removal from their site all material that offends you, and deep felt apologies extended to you, I wouldn't consider them friends any longer.

Los Angeles Jewish Journal

Dennis Prager writes to the Sept. 3, 1999 edition:

When I see my name or picture in the Jewish Journal, I turn to my wife and say, "I wonder what they will get wrong?"

So, for the record, here is the latest: You write, "Among those sympathizing with the latter (against gun control) was Prager, who thought such laws would do little to curtail the proliferation of readily available weapons. 'I think there's a values problem in America,' said Prager." (Aug. 27)

The second half was accurate, the first inaccurate. I said at the forum at the Simon Wiesenthal Center covered in your article, and I say ever time I discuss the issue on my radio show, that I am for gun control. I deem it horrible, for example, that some particularly lethal weapons have been available to private citizens. I would even advocate gun registration if concealed-weapon permits were made more readily available to law-abiding citizens.

I also believe - as you correctly reported - that more gun control will be largely useless, since the American problem with violence is overwhelmingly a lack of criminal control, not a lack of gun control. We do have total drug control, yet any American teenager or adult can get any drug in a few hours.

Those who focus on guns as the primary problem are reminiscent of those who believed during the Cold War that the threat to the world lay in nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, not in criminal regimes like the Soviet Union. They ignored the fact that we had nothing to fear from nuclear weapons in French or British hands, just as those who now focus on guns ignore the fact that we have nothing to fear from guns in honorable Americans' hands.

The mindste that believes that inanimate objects, not human evil, is the primary enemy of decency, is a dangerously naive one.

Dennis Prager in latest Hustler Erotic Video Guide

Page 20 of the latest Hustler Erotic Video Guide (Nov, 99) features "One Extremely Fu--ed-Up Aussie's Opinion," where the author skips the movies
and reviews the women. By Duke Cord:

Since this is the first time I've been allowed to write in
a medium outside of the Internet, I thought I might
spend a brief moment introducing myself to you. I am
an Australian born to a Seventh Day Adventist
preacher daddy and his cancer-ridden wife - my
mommy - who died when I was five. I have a lot of
anger inside of me because of this...to say nothing of
the fact that I desperately wanted to break into the
world of porn journalism and was shut out by every
editor this side of the San Fernando Valley which
foreced me to go on the attack on my Web Site,
dukecord.com. I hate all of you, by the way.

On the positive side, I am obsessed with second-rate
radio talk-show host Dennis Prager, who no one but
myself recognizes as one of the great Jewish
philosophers of out time. My daddy would disagree. I hate him and want to shame him for allowing my
mommy to die. My lustful yearnings for Mr. Prager
and my hatred for my father inspired me to convert to
Judaism, a religion that allows me to wear funny little
hats and hobnob with pornographers who, if they
aren't Jews, are Italian mafiosi. I hate all of them too...

Unfortunately, my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is starting to act up again and I feel myself getting tired. I need to crawl into bed where I can stare at the poster of Dennis Prager that I have taped to my ceiling and leisurely stroke myself off imagining myself in his tender arms while he whispers passages from the Torah in perfect Hebrew just for me. Dennis, if you are reading this, please know that my love for you knows no limits. Make me your bitch. I need it bad.

Luke: My posting of that excerpt from HEVG had me kicked off the unofficial Dennis Prager discussion list. List master Dana Archer posted: "Luke's latest message to the list "Re: Luke: Prager Parasite" has forced me to remove him from the list.

"This likely won't stop him from subscribing or lurking using another address but I've done what I can."

Shannon responds: "Dana, as much as I treasure free, ribald and even outrageous banter, I can't say I disagree with you. Dennis is so much more easily attacked on his poorly thought through positions and his disingenuousness that adolescent smut to
denigrate him is unnecessary and a very poor substitute for knee-to-the-groin argument and criticism of the man. Dennis as a sex symbol? I'll have a pint of what Luke has been drinking."

Steve Dietrich: "I'll miss Luke. We're all characters on this list, and he is certainly a character. Besides he must have chased away everyone who found him
offensive years ago. Still, it's not like he hadn't been warned, several times."

August 31

Prager says there is an assault on modesty. It is not the task of schools to provide sex ed. Certainly not in elementary school. Maybe for 15 year olds. Prager opposes robbing kids of innocence.

2nd hour: Are American a bored people? Do we need more sex scenes and violence? DP says it is a function of the boredom that pervades American society.

Real boredom means there is nothing you want to do. Natan Scharansky, in solitary confinment for months, was never bored.

Our amusement centered society creates boredom. The biggest solution to boredom - a sense of purpose.

When kids are bored, they don't need a video game. That's a time filler.

Go to a newsstand and the ratio of nonsense to sense, when DP was a kid, was 50-50. Remember The Reporter? Today there are 72 journals about the latest orgasm.

DP: I love sex but how many articles on a new spot found... A new G spot...

You can't conquer boredom through new sensual experiences.

DP: To get debored, travel. I knew that early in my life. I've been to 72 countries, all ten Canadian provinces and all 50 states.

If you travel to a place, you can care about it. When I hear about Turkey, it hits me because I've been to Turkey.

DP: People become bored with people. On dates, don't talk about TV shows. Talk about yourself.

We offer people excitement instead of meaning.

DP says that when his kids say they're bored, he gets angry. Find something to do. Look out into space and think. Imagine things. Play pretend. The worst thing to do is TV or Gameboy as solutions to boredom.

We schedule our kids too much. That doesn't allow them to use their imagination.

People need hobbies and passions.

DP: When I began my newsletter, I licked envelopes. That did not bore me because I was licking envelopes for my start up business. Any of you who've started a business know that this is exciting...

On the other hand, if you are licking envelopes for someone else, you'll go out of your mind with boredom. Ergo, purpose makes the difference.

Prager Power

Dennis Prager appears unafraid to use his power. As director (1977-83) of the Jewish education camp, the Brandeis Bardin Institute in Simi Valley, he was a strict disciplinarian, frequently kicking out people who he thought had either a bad attitude, were overly argumentative or disruptive. One was a philosophy student from Berkeley who was questioning everything (1983). Prager tossed him. Another young man was tossed for playing non-Jewish music. The young man eventually became orthodox and is widely known today - Jewish musician Sam Glaser.
When Prager feels that a writer has slandered him, Prager is unafraid to threaten a lawsuit. He's done so on at least four occassions.

When a member of the audience is disruptive, asking overly hostile questions etc, Prager is unafraid to request that security remove the person. If a baby cries, Prager asks the parent to remove the child from his lecture (though he offers the parents a free tape of his lecture).

When crossed in ways that he views as inappropriate or disruptive to his mission or disrespectful, Prager usually resorts quickly to threats, legal and otherwise, or some form of force, such as calling security.
When asked in 1998 for permission to tape his sermons at the Stephen S. Wise synagogue and transcribe them for the internet, Prager responded by threatening to call security to eject the person if he was seen at the shul on Saturday morning with a tape recorder. Many other persons would've responded to the request with a polite no but that is frequently not Prager's way. Instead, he often resorts to wielding Prager power (though frequently with sensitivity to minimize the shaming of the object of his force).

This hastiness to using power has earned Prager a bad reputation with many people who respect his mission to teach people right and wrong. While few persons would question his right to use power as a last resort, Prager's immediate reflex to use power causes many folks who sympathize with his values to view him as arrogant.

Email: "Your post was remarkable -- more even handed even as you indirectly reported on your own experience.  However, it is still subjective reporting, and a bit judgmental. "

Chrsdnld: I was there on the occassion in question, and this is a GROSS mischaracterization of the event. The indivudual in question took out a tape player after Prager had SPECIFICALLY announced in advance that this was not permitted.

All lecturers have this legal right. They exercise it all the time. Professors do so increasingly. It is an element of civil liberty.

Prager was speaking on his own time, in his own synagogue, with his congregation. On private property. When asked nicely to desist, this
individual began screaming loudly that all congregants were "brainwashed!!" and that they were "a cult!!". So the nut was escorted out. By a security guy
DP had hired to keep an eye out for......guess who? You got it. Luke. The stalking mole.

That Luke feels civil rights should not be exercized is now obvious -except in his own case. But the reason is less clear to the outsider- it is because he has been almost exclusively the target of all legal action Prager has ever felt forced to engage in, due to Luke's inability to distinguish reality from fantasy, and due to his disregard for accuracy in what he publishes
publically on Prager.

Luke ingratiated himself to Prager, then began publishing what he'd learned in the process of that. He was asked several times to stop. He even
agreed here to stop. And yet he continues.

The self procliamed "Matt Drudge of the porno industry". A man who included links to his (and other) porno websites on his "Prager Page".

A man who has been thrown out of -and has boasted of it- more Jewish organizations than Spinoza.
A man who converted orthodox only to turn his back on the community that opened their arms to him, and then used it against them.

Behold. Our Luke.

May he never become a fan of any of YOUR friends or family...

Salon contains an interesting article on power and public figures.

Fred Branfman writes:

James Carville has emerged as a kind of courtier not only to President Clinton, but to the institution of the presidency itself, with his recent Time magazine attack on the press for asking questions about George W. Bush's alleged cocaine use. His advice to Bush -- that he should ask reporters "What is there about no that you don't understand?" -- bespeaks a common attitude among courtiers and other sycophants to the powerful: that a leader's "private life" should remain private, that the press should collude in keeping it that way and that the only legitimate questions have to do with public policy.

The most important reason for reducing the "zone of privacy" around the president is simple: He or she is the only person to whom we give the unilateral power to blow up ourselves and everyone else on earth, and to send our young people into combat, and we ought to know as much as we can about the person to whom we entrust such formidable power.

In return for being granted the power to murder and maim at will, as well as the perks of lifelong wealth and fame, ordinary politicians running for president should expect to share everything about their personal lives that will enable us to judge their character. No one forces anyone to run for president. But if they wish to seek the power to destroy life on earth, they should have no secrets from the rest of us.

August 30, 1999

Dennis Prager opened his show by discussing the resurgence of malaria because of radical animal rights organizations (on behalf of ospreys and falcons).

It's been 27 years since the US stopped the pesticide DDT.

Prager says he values people in the third world more than he values ospreys.

Prager asked for retching background music as he noted that the radical group Physicians For Social Responsibility opposed DDT, whose use would diminish malaria.

DP said that 371 scientists have signed a petition to not ban DDT.

DP: "One of the joys of being radical is that you can live by kneejerking: Pesticide. No good. So what if children die of malaria.

"Many of these groups that have these massive mantels of moral authority often have a heart of stone. There is nothing that can't go too far, and these movements tend to go to far... As far as their purest member."

About 300-500 million people a year get malaria.

Gil writes: 500 Million new cases of malaria each year. World DDT ban puts third world at risk.
Environmentalists pat each other on the back for putting their lives on the line for various forms of wildlife. Critics point out that since the majority of environmentalists do not live in the third world, their posturing results in the sacrifice of millions of poor people, mostly children, at no risk to themselves.

While environmentalists deny the facts, they steadfastly maintain the ends justify the means.
Great show, environmentalists.

Doug Hill: DP is talking monday morning about the scourge of malaria in the world, and is accusing many environmentalists of disregarding human life by working to keep 3rd world countries from using DDT. He cited an article from the NY Times. (I'll try to find this on the web).

He just claimed (9:53) that we could eliminate all malaria by using DDT. OK, I think this was a bit of hyperbole, so here's my big question: how much malaria would be eliminated by widespread use of DDT? What would be the enviromental costs? Clearly this is a tradeoff we must make. DP is
correct that this is a tradeoff we must face.

I wonder how the so-called "3rd world" are discouraged from using DDT when malaria is such a scourge. I'm reminded of Amarta Sen's
observation that no functioning democracy has ever experienced a famine. (Hungry people have always been able to influence the goverment to alleviate the problem.) Perhaps the real problem here is a lack of democracy in the "third world" where these trade-offs ought to be made.

Gil: DP warmed to his subject (after calls from Al who didn't want to address the facts, and another from a racist who thought thinning of the third world
population was a good thing). DP said that the problem with environmentalism is when it evolves into a form of secular religion. Unlike the religious, who acknowledge they take a leap of faith in their religion, the adherents of such things as environmentalISM, feminISM, they will not admit they've made that leap, and they become
dangerous. It's no surprise their arrogance and ignorance would ultimately lead to the immorality of a children dying of malaria every 12 seconds.

Caller: "there can be not too many seals, ospreys, falcons, eagles, but there are just too many people. In this the environmentalist and racist are on the
same page." DP commended this caller for putting the more virulent strain of environmentalists in perspective.

Alan: Wasn't DP the one who is always criticizing the left for mis-using the word "racist"? This morning DP engaged in a bit of name calling himself. He took a complex issue - DDT and malaria and the environment - and reduced it to racism and other name calling. His use of race in this segment was dispicable and ignorant; DP should be ashamed of himself. I would note that this attempt to discredit those who favor conservation by pinning the
racist lable on them is a growing right wing tactic.

Some friends of mine live in northern California. In May you will get bitten by mosquitos; by June you won't because the swallows have returned and eat most of them. Eliminate the birds and you start a real problem.

He accused those who disagreed with him with calling the scientists in the article liers - no - we just disagree with them. Some of them may well
depend on chemical companies for funding, some don't - scientists selling out - never happens in DP's world. Doesn't matter. DP reads one article
in the NY Times and becomes an instant expert - yet he never did get it straight that the birds he was naming as being endangered by DDT use are
resident in the USA and wouldn't be effected by DDT use in the third world.

Gil - why don't you stop jerking your knee and figure out who really benefits from the indiscriminate use of  DDT - your E-dar is failing you. Question: VP Gore recently sided with drug manufacturers and threatened sanctions against South Africa if they
went ahead and manufactured anti-AIDS drugs on their own - they can't afford the prices the companies charge. Without these drugs millions in
the third world will die, many of them children. Where were those on the right when it came to those chirdren's lives? (Note that this is a far simpler issue - with none of the long term problems inherent in the DDT issue. Not even profits were at stake here as the countries can't afford the drugs anyway.)

The long term costs of the indiscriminate use of DDT will exceed the costs of providing better technologies; his callers were cut off before that
possibility could be mentioned. DDT is indiscriminate in its effect and persists in the environment for decades at least. Beneficial insects as well as birds are affected and DDT ultimately will work its way into food sources such as fish. Public health officials can be excused for being short-sighted as long as we don't take their advice and fall into that trap.

To point out that much of the third world is over-populated is not racist unless one believes we need more Europeans and less non- Es. All of the
environmentalists I know believe that the USA and Europe are also over-populated. This appears too subtle a distinction for DP to grasp. As
most of us also favor providing more efficient and less harmful vector control means to these poorer nations - even if it means increased costs
to us (note DP didn't push for that) the racist label seems unfair.

BTW, he claims to favor more funding for National Parks, etc. When has he ever done a segment on that? He won't because he will have to criticize his
conservative Republican friends.

Gil, beware. DP's slippery ways seem to be rubbing off on you. You know from experience he cuts his callers off. I gave him facts and he responded by
appeals to authority and name calling and hitting the switch. The same with the following caller who you failed to note - I guess the temptation to link a racist and me in the same sentence was too great. The racist was off-point and shouldn't have been put on - if DP was honest and knowledgeable on the issues he would have have the decency to note that.
Instead he used the racist to slander those who disagree.

The earth can only support so many of any
animal - human or non-human. It is only the foolish pride of humanists (often pretending to be theists) that excepts homo sapiens from that consideration. The number of humans that the earth should contain is a proper subject for discussion. Attempting to quash the debate by playing the race card only discredits those who do it.

From the August 28 NY Times article:

ASHINGTON -- It has been 27 years since the United States banned the pesticide DDT, and the payoff is undeniable.

The peregrine falcon, once pushed to the brink of extinction, came off the endangered species list this month, and the bald eagle may soon follow. Brown pelicans are flourishing in Florida. On the shores of
Long Island, the ospreys are back.

Now the United Nations is drafting a treaty that may lead to a worldwide ban on DDT. But the negotiations, set to resume in Geneva next month,
are drawing opposition from an unlikely quarter: public health professionals, who say DDT is necessary to stop the spread of malaria, a disease that kills as many as 2.7 million people each year,
mostly children in undeveloped countries.

"A child dies of malaria every 12 seconds," said Dyann F. Wirth, a malaria expert at the Harvard School of Public Health and president of
the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. "That could go up dramatically if we lose this important control tool."

Dr. Wirth is among more than 370 medical researchers in 57 countries who are urging that the treaty allow DDT to be sprayed in small
quantities on the interior walls of homes, where it acts as a repellent to the disease-carrying insects. The scientists argue that if the pesticide, which is cheap and effective, must be eliminated, it should be
phased out gradually, and only if Western countries conduct research on the more expensive alternatives and help pay for them.


Shannon writes: In fairness to most humanists, Alan, I think many of them (I hope I include myself in this number) are cognizant of the absolute necessity of multiple species for the well-being and survival of the human species and of this planet. The survival of humanity depends on other animals and insects. I am
unaware of any Humanist commentator or authority that proposes humanity at any expense.

I am unsurprised that DP exhibited a buffoonish lack of general knowledge in the area of ecological science, though ultimately his "debating" of the DDT
Vs Malaria issue belies an ulterior motive, that of trashing his political and theological opponents. DP sees concern for the environment as a
singularly left-wing secular issue, and simplistically caricatures its proponents as caring more for Peregrine Falcons than third world children. As
per usual in the dichotomous, dishonest, polemic purview of DP, a complex issue is reduced to an us-and-them squabble in which those who wish to
prevent a toxic and highly destructive chemical from entering the environment are essentially labeled inhuman, inhumane monsters. I'm constantly baffled as to why so many in this group regularly tune in and call in to be insulted by this spite ridden man.


In his second hour, DP talked about religion. Because of court rulings forbidding prayer in public schools, there will be a resurgence of religion, but it won't be as tolerant as religion was when invocations were allowed. Extreme provokes extreme.

Because we suppressed moderate religion, we will get immoderate religion.

In his third hour, Prager discussed this story on the front of today's LA TIMES:

Although parents once pushed to get their children into school as early as possible--and definitely by age 5--it is increasingly the vogue in affluent communities to wait until they are 6 or nearly so.
     The trend, which particularly affects boys because of their slower development, is rife in elite private schools where there is stiff competition for seats. Many require that children turn 5 months before the September start of kindergarten--half a year, in some cases, before the cutoff for California public schools.
     As incoming kindergartners get older in some communities, more anxious parents are wondering: Do we wait or push ahead? When is a child ready for school anyway, and has that target shifted now that kindergarten--literally, a garden of children--has moved further from the original concept of a time when children could develop freely through play?

Dennis read this email from a listener on
the air and his office has received many
requests to put this on the website.

Date: 1999/08/18

Subject: Soap

Attached is some correspondence which actually occurred between a London hotel's staff and one of its guests. The London hotel involved submitted this to the Sunday Times.

Dear Maid,
Please do not leave any more of those little bars of soap in my bathroom since I have brought my own bath-sized Dial. Please remove the six unopened little bars from the shelf under the medicine chest and another three in the shower soap dish. They are in my way.

Thank you, S. Berman

Dear Room 635,
I am not your regular maid. She will be back tomorrow, Thursday, from her day off. I took the 3 hotel soaps out of the shower soap dish as you requested. The 6 bars on your shelf I took out of your way and put on top of your Kleenex dispenser in case you should change your mind. This leaves only the 3 bars I left today which my instructions from the management is to leave 3 soaps daily. I hope
this is satisfactory. Kathy, Relief Maid

Dear Maid,
I hope you are my regular maid. Apparently Kathy did not tell you about my note to her concerning the little bars of soap. When I got back to my room this evening I found you had added 3 little Camays to the shelf under my medicine cabinet. I am going to be here in the hotel for two weeks and have brought my own bath-size Dial so I won't need those 6 little Camays which are on the shelf. They are in my way when shaving, brushing teeth, etc. Please remove them. S. Berman

Dear Mr. Berman,
My day off was last Wed. so the relief maid left 3 hotel soaps which we are instructed by the management. I took the 6 soaps which
were in your way on the shelf and put them in the soap dish where your Dial was. I put the Dial in the medicine cabinet for your convenience. I didn't remove the 3 complimentary soaps which are
always placed inside the medicine cabinet for all new check-ins and which you did not object to when you checked in last Monday. Please let me know if I can of further assistance.
Your regular maid, Dotty

Dear Mr. Berman,
The assistant manager, Mr. Kensedder, informed me this A.M. that you called him last evening and said you were unhappy with your maid service. I have assigned a new girl to your room. I hope you will
accept my apologies for any past inconvenience. If you have any future complaints please contact me so I can give it my personal attention. Call extension 1108 between 8AM and 5PM. Thank you.
Elaine Carmen, Housekeeper

Dear Miss Carmen,
It is impossible to contact you by phone since I leave the hotel for business at 745 AM and don't get back before 530 or 6PM. That's the reason I called Mr. Kensedder last night. You were already off
duty. I only asked Mr. Kensedder if he could do anything about those little bars of soap. The new maid you assigned me must have thought I was a new check-in today, since she left another 3 bars of hotel
soap in my medicine cabinet along with her regular delivery of 3 bars on the bathroom shelf. In just 5 days here I have accumulated 24 little bars of soap. Why are you doing this to me?
S. Berman

Dear Mr. Berman,
Your maid, Kathy, has been instructed to stop delivering soap to your room and remove the extra soaps. If I can be of further assistance, please call extension 1108 between 8AM and 5PM.
Thank you,
Elaine Carmen, Housekeeper

Dear Mr. Kensedder,
My bath-size Dial is missing. Every bar of soap was taken from my room including my own bath-size Dial. I came in late last night and had to call the bellhop to bring me 4 little Cashmere Bouquets
S. Berman

Dear Mr. Berman,
I have informed our housekeeper, Elaine Carmen, of your soap problem. I cannot understand why there was no soap in your room since our maids are instructed to leave 3 bars of soap each time
they service a room. The situation will be rectified immediately.
Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
Martin L. Kensedder Assistant Manager

Dear Mrs. Carmen,
Who left 54 little bars of Camay in my room?! I came in last night and found 54 little bars of soap. I don't want 54 little bars of Camay. I want my one bar of bath-size Dial! Do you realize I have 54 bars of soap in here. All I want is my bath size Dial. Please
give me back my bath-size Dial.
S. Berman

Dear Mr. Berman,
You complained of too much soap in your room so I had them removed. Then you complained to Mr. Kensedder that all your soap was missing
so I personally returned them. The 24 Camays which had been taken and the 3 Camays you are supposed to receive daily (sic). I don't know anything about the 4 Cashmere Bouquets. Obviously your maid,
Kathy, did not know I had returned your soaps so she also brought 24 Camays plus the 3 daily Camays. I don't know where you got the idea this hotel issues bath-size Dial. I was able to locate some
bath-size Ivory which I left in your room.
Elaine Carmen, Housekeeper

Dear Mrs. Carmen
Just a short note to bring you up-to-date on my latest soap inventory. As of today I possess:

On shelf under medicine cabinet - 18 Camay in 4 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.

On Kleenex dispenser - 11 Camay in 2 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 3

On bedroom dresser - 1 stack of 3 Cashmere Bouquet, 1 stack of 4 hotel-size Ivory, and 8 Camay in 2 stacks of 4.

Inside medicine cabinet - 14 Camay in 3 stacks of 4 and 1 stack of 2.

In shower soap dish - 6 Camay, very moist.

On northeast corner of tub - 1 Cashmere Bouquet, slightly used.

On northwest corner of tub - 6 Camays in 2 stacks of 3.

Please ask Kathy when she services my room to make sure the stacks are neatly piled and dusted. Also, please advise her that stacks of more than 4 have a tendency to tip. May I suggest that my bedroom window sill is not in use and will make an excellent spot for future soap deliveries. One more item, I have purchased another bar of bath-sized Dial which I am keeping in the hotel vault in order to
avoid further misunderstandings.

S. Berman